W życiu Marty Kaczyńskiej sporo zmian. Już za kilka tygodni po raz kolejny zostanie mamą
Ale to nie wszystko. W sobotę, 28 lipca poślubiła swojego narzeczonego Piotra Zielińskiego
Para wzięła ślub cywilny w Pałacu Ślubów na Starym Mieście w Warszawie. Marta Kaczyńska wzięła ślub
Jak się prezentowała? Tego dnia panna młoda miała na sobie zwiewną suknię ślubną, która podkreśliła jej ciążowe krągłości
Tuż po ceremonii, świeżo upieczeni małżonkowie oraz ich goście udali się do jednej z warszawskich restauracji, która znajduje się na Saskiej Kępie
Tam świętowali ten wyjątkowy dzień w ich życiu. Zobaczcie zdjęcia w naszej galerii
Marta Kaczyńska ma za sobą trzy śluby. Wcześniejszymi mężami córki ś.p. Lecha i Marii Kaczyńskich byli Piotr Smuniewski i Marcin Dubieniecki, z którym ma dwie córki, Ewę i Martynę
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Health Network, For Public Health
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In the same kind of vegetables
Fast spinach rice with red spinach, rich in vitamins, minerals and protein, should be called "longevity vegetables."
1. They "longevity vegetables".
Amaranth has 3 different types:spinach, red spinach and spinach.
Red beetroot and spinach spinach are generally grouped into non-spiny amaranths, with no thorns on their bodies, unlike spinach, spinach with thorns growing throughout the tree.
White amber rice is very beautiful, and flowers are gathered on top, like small rice noodles,
Red, red, or purplish red spinach, and they do not have cups of rice such as white amaranth.
Vegetables are widely grown in Vietnam, China, India, Greece and some African countries.
In our country, this vegetable is grown to make vegetables.
The tops are young shoots, young leaves, young stalks and young trees (removed roots).
Medicines used in traditional medicine,
Stems and stalks, because these two parts contain many good substances and activates the body.
Amaranth rice together with red spinach, referred to collectively as "longevity vegetables".
As this vegetable is very nutritious, perhaps this utility topped the table, in the vegetable group,
It is rich in vitamins and minerals, compared to other vegetables, and it is also rich in protein.
The term life is also appropriate, because it also contains within itself, valuable biological active,
It eliminates and prevents chronic diseases, malignancy, and diseases that reduce human lifespan.
According to the study, nutritionally speaking, spinach is a good source of nutrients.
Of course, two important nutrients, water and fiber, always make up a large proportion (88% of water),
Beetroot is rich in calcium, potassium, zinc, copper, iron, phosphorus and magnesium.
Rice porridge also contains many vitamins such as:pre-vitamin A, B1, B3, C.
Protein content in spinach, accounting for 2.11% of total edible portion, was relatively high with vegetable and vegetable species.
Active antioxidants in rice veggies, active nearly 30, (in the IC50 scale, antioxidant activity scale).
Studies have concluded that spinach is a vegetable rich in protein, fiber, carbohydrates, energy and minerals.
In traditional medicine, sweet spinach has sweet taste, coolness.
Eat whole veggies should eat the body, if you eat away the body, it is considered wasted.
Amaranth rice has the effect of heat, low profit, cool blood, stop dysentery, stop bleeding,
treatment of heat in, caused by hot sun, inflammation of urinary incontinence, nosebleed.
According to some new research papers, leaves and saplings before flowering, diuretic effect,
Diarrhea, excretory excretion from the intestine, used in the new formulation, is the inflammation, abscess,
gonorrhea, dysentery, intestinal helminth infections, (especially worms, pinworms), inflammation of the testicles, hemorrhoids.
In Nigeria, spinach is also made into a fluid,
(using high technology), blood transfer, blood purification.
Some modern research centers, also formulated into cream from vegetable spinach, to treat inflammation in the eye.
In some places medicine is also prescribed, to treat epilepsy and seizures,
For a number of different causes in children, including high febrile seizures, epilepsy, calcium deficiency.
Some other centers also showed that the leaves of amaranth rice also have the function of medicine to cool fever, so it is used as a medicine, a vegetable that helps support the treatment of high fever.
As the amaranth rice is more potassium, the ash of this vegetable, also used to produce drinking water, carbonated water.
2. 3 selective uses.
Since spinach has many nutritional uses, and different healing, we shorten the following:3 typical uses of spinach.
Cure urinary incontinence:
As spinach has the effect of diuretic, low chemistry, edema, should be very beneficial in cases, urine, water out of balance.
Drinking water, but not regularly, is uncommon.
In the form of urinary incontinence symptoms, there are many different diseases such as:urinary tract inflammation makes the urine,
urine that urine is not clear, kidney stones make urine not, water does not float, urinating stagnation.
Furthermore, spinach is also proven to be detrimental to E. coli, a bacterium that is commonly found in urinary tract infections, so useful.
Just eat fast vegetable veggies daily, about 100 to 300g of vegetables per day, was able to affect the urinary tract.
Same as this, but purple amaranth is even more effective.
Cure dysentery, intestinal parasitic infection:
As spinach is a vegetable, it is carcinogenic to dysentery, causes intestinal disease,
If the body is sick, eat raw spinach rice, such as medication.
The good thing is, this drug is very natural, non-toxic, does not affect the intestinal tract and nutrition, should be considered as not nutritional insecurity.
If you read any symptoms of constant abdominal pain, stools at a little sad, every moment is sad again,
Structural instability, as well as mucus at the end of the beach, though more or less, vegetable spinach is very worth eating vegetables.
The bactericidal effect, not as strong as special antibiotics, but combined with rice spinach,
Do not increase the toxic dose of the drug, and just get the interesting use, it is worth to eat.
Just take the amaranth rice, one day about 500 to 600g, divided into 2 meals.
Eat for a week, during treatment, will see the effect.
Poor eating, hot in, hot flashes:
This use is interesting, because people who are anorexia, poor eating, if actively eating spinach, can reverse the disease.
That's because, the synthetic effects, obtained from this vegetable.
Include:heat bar, should work to reduce heat in, help balance the body.
Heat dissipation, should be flushed out.
It also stimulates the new epidemic, creating enzyme digestion, gastric juice is full.
In summary, they create a great appetite effect.
To create this effect is not difficult, just hard to eat fast spinach, with 400g, in a day, for 10 days is enough.
Of course, severe cases, which can not be overcome, physical pathological conditions in the mouth, esophagus, stomach, intestinal tract, need to be treated.
In the case of eating disorders, you just let the spinach rice hand.
In this way, be guided specifically in the application corner, which you can find in this newspaper about spinach.
3. Application Corner.
Mild spinach soup cooked shrimp.
Vegetable soup 400g, garlic 10g.
20g dried shrimp, oil 15ml, (3 teaspoons).
Tofu 250g, salt, noodles, just enough.
Preliminary treatment:
Mild amber rice choose white, white, big leaves, but not flowering.
Take the tops, young leaves.
Body stripping off the outer shell, then take the edible parts.
Rinse, drain, cut a knuckle.
Shrimp is dried, washed with water to make dust.
Then soak in hot water, about 5 minutes.
Then pick out, to 5 minutes to drain, minced.
Garlic peeled, crushed, chopped.
If you just slice, the garlic will not release the oil, and will not smell.
Wash the tofu with clean water, cut into small pieces of 1/4 of a matchbox.
Rinse the pot, put it on the stove, heat it up to dry.
Add all the oil, heat and boil.
Put garlic on the aroma, until golden garlic and incense.
Moderate fire.
Shrimp in, a little salt in stir fry.
When the shrimp to cut the tofu into slices, stir evenly, for about 1 to 2 minutes, for bean sprouts and oil.
Add about 1 liter of water for just enough to eat.
Boil, put spinach on, stir evenly, boil for half a minute then north.
Add the main noodles, salt to taste.
Eat when the soup is hot.
Product Requirements:
Clear water, light green, sweet of shrimp and spinach.
Shrimp and tofu soaked in taste.
Beans are not crushed in the soup, whole pieces.
Vegetables are not broken, crushed.
Cook has no taste, get up the smell of garlic.
Health benefits:
The general use of this dish is the heat bar, detoxification, new epidemic, stimulate digestion, strong intestinal enzyme, help people less food, more appetite.
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Hope this article will bring you many useful things.
Wish you always healthy.
'얼굴 천재' 차은우, '냉미남 흑기사'로 여심 강탈 - Duration: 2:56.
JTBC 방송 캡처 차은우가 사이다 같은 통쾌함을 선보이며 흑기사 력을 발산했다
지난 28일 방송된 JTBC 금토드라마 '내 아이디는 강남미인'에서 강미래(임수향)가 위기의 순간에 처할 때마다 나타나 도움을 주는 도경석 차은우)의 모습이 그려졌다
이미 경석은 오리엔테이션 당시 찬우(오희준)로 인해 위기에 처한 미 를 구해준 적이 있다
개강 후에도 미래에게 과도한 관심을 보이며 곤란하게 만들던 찬우는 수아( 우리)가 자신에게 관심을 보이는 듯하자 바로 미래에게 너를 좋아한다고 했 건 실수라고 말해 미래를 황당하게 했다
이를 지켜보던 경석은 일부러 다리를 뻗어 찬우를 넘어트리고는 "실수"라 덧붙이며 통쾌하게 미래의 복수를 해줬다
자존심이 상한 찬우가 경석에게 의자를 던지려 했고 이를 말리던 미래가 넘어질 뻔하자 경석은 재빠르게 미래를 잡아주며 또 한 번 위기에서 미래를 구해냈다
의도치 않게 백허그를 하는 것처럼 미래를 안게 된 경석은 찰나의 순간 너손까지 보여주며 시청자들에게 두근거림을 자아냈다
경석의 사이다 매력은 계속해서 이어졌다. 경석은 수아의 행동들이 미 를 곤란에 빠뜨리기 위한 계획된 행동임을 알아차리고 보이지 않게 미래를 왔다
조별 실험의 조장이 되기도 하고, 개강파티에서도 미래를 대신해 술을 마 기도 한 경석은 수아가 얼굴을 고치지 않은 미래가 너무 예쁘다며 당혹스러 상황을 만들자 "재밌냐?"라고 일침을 날리며 흑기사의 매력을 폭발시켰다
드라마 첫 주연으로서 성공적인 출발을 알린 차은우는 캠퍼스 냉미남 경석을 완벽 소화하며 주목을 받고 있다
도경석은 차갑고 무뚝뚝하지만, 내면에는 순수하고 따뜻함을 가진 인물이다 차은우는 절제된 대사 속에서 꽉 찬 눈빛과 섬세한 표정 연기로 도경석의 감정 변화를 표현해내고 있다
또한 임수향을 옆에서 지켜봐 주고 묵묵히 도와주는 차은우의 흑기사 같은 모습은 여심을 흔들며 주말 밤을 핑크빛으로 물들이고 있다
유수경 기자 uu84@hankookilbo.com
How I Make Money Online
Alexandra Rosenfeld s'affiche topless en réponse à Rachel Legrain-Trapani ? - Duration: 1:43.
A message from the Founder : Quarter 3 Announcements - Duration: 5:29.
Urban Forex has grown tremendously over the years and it's all
thanks to you guys. When we first started, initially my whole plan was
I need to help some of these traders look at trading in a whole different light
because when I started I didn't have anyone to help me and I've wasted a lot of
money that I almost didn't have, going through mentors, courses, indicators,
buying automated systems and of course it was all a learning curve. I did pick
up little gold pieces from each of these learning curves but it wasn't something
that was a one-stop learn all and I was maxing out credit cards I was pretty
much paying half my salary into these things just because I was so desperate
to learn, to know more. And as I acquired the knowledge over the years I built
Urban Forex back in 2009 with that same purpose of "I don't want this to happen
to other people", and and on top of that as you've probably already known,
I like teaching right so it's it's not that I'm doing this just out of the
good will but it's also at the same time I enjoy teaching I enjoy seeing the
students on the other hand be like "Oh my god that's it, that's what I was missing"
you know so I like that feeling for myself as well so then that's why I got
into this. So yeah we didn't expect it to grow as quickly as it did and it
is all again thanks to you guys and all the fans
who made it happened for what it is today. So going forward you know right now we
currently have the Mastering Price Action course, the 4 Course Bundle, we've recently
released What Type of Trader are You, and Motivation and Daily Routines to go into
more of the psychological side of things. The Elite Community has gotten bigger
than ever, we have more students trading with us on a day-to-day basis coming
into our conference rooms everyday for London and New York.
Our team has grown as well, we have more people on-board
now. We have Barry, Sérgio, Lucas, Wilson, of course the team leader Armand
is there as well, Lucille is there as well. So we've grown a lot and we will
continue to grow as the students keep coming in looking for a place to learn
and grow from. But it's not just about training we're also focused on making
sure you get a full experience. Not just in trading because trading the way we
trade financially has the similar aspects of how Finance should be handled
in real life as well. So it just not only gives you an idea of how you should be
trading but it also helps you to understand on how it is to become a
better financial person in the real world as well. And with the Motivation
and Daily Routines that also even helps you to you know use your mind as your
tool to gauge certain situations and improve from that. So I am really happy with that
that entire progress as well. Now going forward into 2018 for the Mastering
Price Action Students, you guys need to look out for an upgrade so soon you're
going to have example sets week after week that's gonna be added to your
course it's just gonna automatically upgrade for you I will send out an
announcement for that. So expect that in the near future. And sometimes this year
we're gonna do the same thing for the 4 Course Bundle as well. We're going
to upgrade it with more example sets in there so you can actually see, learn the
lessons, but also have example after example after example. Of course the team
is always there on standby to assist you whenever you need help there there are
almost 24 hours a day. They work day and night very very hard and more than just
working hard you know because they have to, if you've noticed from me to all of the
people who work with Urban Forex, we don't just do the work because it's
necessary, but we do the work because we're proud to do it. We're actually very
proud to do what we do, and explain things and teach things in the way we do
it. So and you know seeing all that stuff reflect back to us in our Facebook
reviews for example. We are now getting Facebook reviews almost a few
per day coming in on a regular basis, and it's just wonderful to read them and I
really thank you all for that. It's just beautiful to read them day after day.
So we've got a lot of things coming up in Urban Forex, the growth is gonna be
tremendous. For the Elite Community members, the advanced courses are being
released. This is just gonna be added directly into the Elite Community no
charges. Everything I'm talking about there's gonna be no charges, the upgrade
on Mastering Price Action also it is going to be at no charge. So it's going to
be a powerful year and you know we'll continue to build and grow together
because I believe that it's only together we that we can make Urban Forex the best
educational company out there.
Lunag Ri – David Lama & Conrad Anker walk the line - Duration: 35:19.
Yesterday, shortly before Conrad was flown out to Kathmandu,
he said he was probably not going to come back to try this mountain,
so I've been thinking about what I'm actually doing here,
because I'm still here and the mountain is still here,
and I'd still like to climb it
that's why I figured: Why not try it alone?
It's great to see this progression of alpinism,
and the future of climbing is
a lot of it what David is,
and to be here for David's
first trip to Nepal is kind of – it 's special,
because the people of Nepal – they identify with him.
So, there's a lot of ways in which
this trip is unique.
It's rich, it has some meaning for me.
To visit the summit of an unclimbed peak in Nepal,
elevation 6907 meters –
that's once in a lifetime.
How often did you end up climbing Everest?
Three times. Twice from the North side and once from the South side.
Alright. Did you ever go up Cholatse?
Yes... this one here in the sun. That was ten years ago.
There have only been permits to climb Lunag Ri for a few years now, and
although it has been attempted by a few strong teams,
nobody has made it so far. So it's probably not that easy,
and the technical difficulties must not be underestimated.
The ramp looks the best to me, climbing wise,
cause the serac is not really frightening.
What about that lower stuff? It's bare rock.
We have now chosen a really steep wall to get to the ridge
for the simple reason that the flatter parts are too exposed to rocks and ice falling
On the first day we want to get up to the ridge and follow it from there.
This means more mixed climbing and ice climbing,
that will ultimately lead us to the summit, hopefully.
And the most precious thing of all:
Two brand new lighters, never used.
That's good stuff. Bic – those are the best.
Somehow you get the feeling that Conrad has the right gadget for everything
He has extra long spoons so he can reach to the very bottom of his travel lunch.
It's the small things. You get the feeling that he's really well prepared for everything.
But I think he's good at improvising, too which is important in climbing, obviously.
What's the temperature down here?
The night before last was the coldest. It was minus 15.
And 6,5 degrees per 1000 meters,
so 2000 meteres above us we're guaranteed 13 degrees colder than here today
and that's not even with wind... We're looking at 30, 40 degrees below, so...
... it's gonna be cold. – Yeah.
– I'd like to ask you a little bit about feelings, but that's...
What are you talking about feelings here? We're mountain climbing!
When I'm climbing I don't have all that many feelings, really.
Maybe before climbing or after climbing
but while you're at it and while your are exposed
you're quite busy making the best of the situation you're in.
The most intense part of being up here
is balancing the fear, the exposure,
the severity of the location with
the joy and happiness.
When you're up here and you look around to Cho Yu and to Everest just over there,
Lhotse, Nuptse,
you can't help but be in awe of nature
and the forces that create the Himalayas.
The 6000 meter peaks in the Khumbu, there's a certain allure,
because they have a certain symmetry and geometry,
they're primarily granitic,
so they're the good rock, the type of rock that you wanna seek out.
This is the moment "wir verabschieden" from the camera team
to go up on the climb. We're rolling.
Check the time: It's 5:55.
The jewel is in the heart of the lotus.
There was this one passage where I fixed my backpack to a friend,
because it would not have made it.
But without the backpack I somehow managed to squeeze through the chimney.
I need maybe 12 meters!
How many meters do I have? – Ten! – Okay!
When we reached the ridge we realized it was going to be dark soon
but we also knew we had to keep at it if we wanted to make it to the top the next day, so
we kept pushing as far as we could.
I lead another two pitches on the ridge
that were quite demanding, because we couldn't get any protection into the snow,
and it was sketchy for climbing, too.
How ist it going, Conrad?
It was already dark when we found a spot for the bivy.
I found a crevasse where we could fit the tent after digging for maybe two hours.
It still saved us a lot of digging time, that little hole for the tent.
The next day we got up at two in the morning
and climbed the first pitches in the dark. It all went very smoothly.
But up on the ridge, we ran into some really bad snow and no ice for protection,
so we had to climb a few 100 meter pitches,
which means the lead climber climbs until he is out of rope and then the other follows.
So, when both are climbing at the same time, you wanna make sure
that one is on the right side of the ridge and the other one on the left,
so that the ridge is the actual belay, in case someone falls.
Do you mind following a few meters? – Okay!
Careful with the rope! There are rocks there!
When we saw how long and difficult the ridge actually is
especially the last 300, 400 meters,
I think that's when it dawned on us that this might not be working out.
Still, we kept pushing on until late in the afternoon,
but at some point we had to decide if we wanted to keep trying,
At first we played with some ideas like digging in at the summit or on the ridge
to wait through the night and continue the next day,
I feel like even if we dig in today
we might be able to make it up to he summit tomorrow
but it's gonna be a lot colder, more wind, and
the worst part is,
that I have my doubts that we make it back from the summit,
like climb the summit from here and get back to he tent.
I don't wanna say it, but I feel like we should go down.
What's your feeling?
I'm in the same boat.
But in the end going back to the bivy was the only right decision.
It was quite a challenge in itself.
There's no way we could have survived a night out there.
Giving it our best? Yes. Giving it our best. Giving it all?
That's the end of the day.
23 pitches.
That's a tougher, bigger mountain than we are.
Mountains win.
The day that we got down to the base camp, the morning after, I found out
that a friend of mine who was over at Tao Che had died,
so at that point,
at that point the real cost of what we are doing out here were apparent
and I didn't wanna play that hand with my family
I don't think losing our fingers and toes would have been the worst case scenario,
I think that would have been realistic, something to be reckoned with.
This surely would not have ended well.
When I think of Nepal I don't think of the mountains in the first place
I don't think of Everest.
I think of the steep, green terraces around the village my father grew up in.
I was in this classroom 35 years ago. – funny how nothing has changed.
It still looks the same.
Beautiful. I like it. A rebirth. Again.
I was neither proud of having part of my family in Nepal nor did I deny it,
but at some point I suppose you just ask yourself: How did I actually become
who I am today?
After last year's failed attempt and turning around 300 meters underneath the summit
the project has evolved. We put a lot of thought into it and prepared better,
and we also grew closer as a team.
Not climbing at all with Conrad Anker.
Just laying there. – Chilling out
It's nice, cause you know, it requires a certain amount of attention,
a little bit of attention but not, like you know, you have to train.
Yeah, but I think your littel bit of attention and my little bit of attention –
there's a little bit of a difference.
I mean there's nothing I can teach David in terms of climbing.
He is a way better climber than I ever was at my best, so he is the next generation.
But there is pacing and the way that we approach the mountain.
You have to trust your partner and when you have the right partner
you can hopefully do great things.
This ist he edge of cutting, the cutting edge of alpine climbing.
That's the real stuff out there. Hold on for the ride.
When we got going, the conditions were much better than the year before.
There was more ice in the wall and the rock was less covered in snow,
so it was really good and I was leading the first four pitches
an then another one on top of it.
But at the belay I realized that something was wrong.
Conrad took extremely long; he didn't seem well.
Just before the anchor he had to lean against the wall a few times,
and that's when I realized there was something severely wrong.
So I told him to take his time and climb up slowly, which he did.
At the belay he had to lie down immediately. He said his lungs and his heart were hurting.
The situation is this: Conrad doesn't feel well.
He feels weak and has had to push himself hard for the last couple of pitches.
We're now going to rappel down and get back to base camp.
Well, I always wondered when I was gonna get the message
that it's time to let go of this game
and I think I got it.
Hey Conrad...
I really think we should call the heli.
I don't think that's a question really.
I will call Jiban.
Yeah, my lips are numb and my left arm is numb
and those are indications of a heart attack.
Let's call the heli immediately. – OK.
Yes. Can you hear me?
Ok, perfect. Jiban: So we're having a problem up here.
Conrad isn't feeling well
because it seems like he could have a heart attack,
so we need an immediate helicopter rescue from ABC.
If somebody is hanging in a wall at almost 6000 meters, 500 meters above the ground,
and there's something wrong with his heart, then there is no reason to be disappointed.
There is only one thing: Get Down!
Well, now I'm here all by myself,
and I'm constantly thinking
that it's theoretically possible to do this mountain alone.
With different gear, maybe, a little lighter and on a different route,
with the necessary adjustments,
but in principle it's feasible, even if the chances are not getting better, exactly.
All by myself I knew I had no chance trying the same route because it's just too demanding,
so I chose an easier line that is slightly more dangerous.
I started out around midnight to avoid potential ice and rock fall.
I climbed until sunrise and arrived at camp 1,
I took a break in a little crevasse. I set up the tent, cooked water and ate something.
It's not gonna be real cozy tonight, but the good thing is: My cough is getting better.
I only had to drink something warm.
I continued climbing on the second day, about 100, 150 meters
up to the `Toblerone', a distinctive rock formation on the ridge.
That's where I stared belaying,
and during the second day I slowly kept working my way up.
Slowly, because I had to climb up, build an anchor,
and then go back down again to get the backpack,
because it was just too demanding to do it with a pack and without protection.
We're now past the Toblerone pitch.
Up next is the awesome Dry-Tool-pitch,
first on the Nepalese side, then on the Tibetan side.
On top you can see the head wall and the summit.
Now I am approximately
30, 40 meters from the high point Conrad and me reached last year,
and I'm going to set up the tent here because this damned backpack is killing me.
I could do this all very easily if it wasn't for the backpack.
From the last belay to here it was maybe 10 meters.
It took me over an hour with the backpack.
And tomorrow it is not getting any easier.
And when I stand on the summit, I'll be totally exhausted,
and can't go back or forth.
So I'm thinking: This ends here.
Because moving on
would probably be suicide.
The summit was the goal. No doubt about it.
If the summit is not the goal for a mountaineer
you might as well go scuba diving
or do something else. That's just the way it is.
You once told me, the real goal is to push your limits...
Well, that's the result, anyway, no?
I don't think I have ever pushed harder.
So... now it's after the climb. What feelings do you have now?
Feelings are something so ephemeral, you know?
You can't sum up being alone on the mountain with just one feeling.
It's 100.000 feelings.
So please leave me alone with your feelings.
If somebody is hanging in a wall at almost 6000 meters, 500 meters above the ground,
🎙 Commentary de Match Duo 👥 🌀 Pokémon Ultra Soleil & Ultra Lune | Menil-Dylan - Duration: 7:19.
I wish you good viewing ➡ 👍🔁💬 🙏 Look at the cards 📝 the description 🙏 #SubREM27 in the comments, if you read this 😘
AUSTRALIA | Vlog 144 - Is This The Best National Park In WA? | Episode 7 - Duration: 7:37.
Richard Starry, Robstown Shooter: 5 Fast Facts to Know | Heavy.com - Duration: 7:04.
Richard Starry, Robstown Shooter: 5 Fast Facts to Know | Heavy.com
Richard Starry is the suspect accused of murdering four people in Robstown, Texas, some of them at a local nursing home, according to a press conference from police.
One of the victims was his father, Ernest Starry, police said.
The shootings unfolded at two different locations but were believed to be related.
By the end of the evening, five people lay dead in the nation's latest mass shooting incident, which unfolded on the evening of July 28, 2018, a Friday.
One of those was the shooter.
"Never in a million years would I have imagined what would ensue on a typical Friday.
Couldn't have guessed my family would experience a tragedy of this magnitude ," wrote one woman on Facebook.
Here's what you need to know:.
Police Found Bodies at a Nursing Home First.
Around 7 p.
, Robstown police received a call of an active shooter at a nursing home, City Secretary Herman Rodriguez said in a news conference.
"On Friday at 6:48 p.
, officers responded to an active shooter" at the nursing home, the police chief said in a subsequent news conference.
"An 85-year-old resident identified as Ernest Starry was found dead along with another victim, his wife, identified as Thelma Montalvo," police said.
"The incident was isolated to a room in which Mr Starry was sitting in.
Also in the room as officers entered to neutralize the situation, the shooter was confirmed to be a 60-year-old son of the elderly man… identified as Richard Starry." A gun was located inside the room near the suspected shooter, Richard Starry, according to police.
"Our hearts go out to the victims' families and the residents, visitors and employees at Retama Manor who experienced this tragedy," Robstown Police Chief Erasmo Flores said in a news release, adding that the Texas Rangers are assisting.
A Facebook page for Richard Starry says he was "self-employed" and went to Robstown High School.
There is nothing else publicly visible on it.
Police Also Found Bodies at a Starry Robstown Home.
Police then received a phone call from family members to go to the victims' home, where they found two more bodies upon arrival.
Police said the second location was the home of the victims who were killed in the nursing home.
A 13-year-old boy and the 40-year-old son of the female victim were also found dead, police said.
"The two who were killed at that home were the first victims of this shooting," said police.
The names of those two victims were withheld.
"It was chaotic," police said of the situation.
Police Have Not Identified a Motive.
It's still a mystery why the people were shot, at least publicly, as authorities have not yet identified a motive.
"Anything that we would state at this point at such a early time in this tragedy would be speculation and we definitely don't want to speculate," Rodriguez told KIII-TV.
"This is a profound incident that doesn't really transpire here too often in Robstown.
We've got to keep the empathy of the family; this is a small town here in Robstown.".
Retama is a non-profit nursing home with 94 beds, according to KIII.
Richard Starry Is Among the Dead.
The mass shooting appears to be a murder suicide, as the body of the shooter was found among the dead, authorities said.
The exact relationship between all of the victims and Richard Starry was not yet clear.
However, an old wedding announcement for Richard Starry's daughter says that Richard Starry was the son of Ernest Starry, and police confirmed the father-and-son relationship.
They also said the woman killed with Richard Starry's stepmother.
The Nursing Home Was on Lockdown.
The nursing home was locked down, and news that a shooting had occurred in a nursing home, of all places, frightened people in the town.
"You never think it's going to happen to your family, said Doris Salazar, whose mother lives at the nursing home, to USA Today.
"You think they're safe.".
This post is being updated as more information is learned about Richard Starry and the victims.
29th July 2018 | Sunday Second Service | Message by: Rev. Dr. S. Vijayaraj - Duration: 2:49:26.
Clash stephane Edouard vs l'observateur... Et pourtant... - Duration: 7:09.
Jenifer larguée la veille de son mariage ? -[Nouvelles 24h] - Duration: 2:04.
✅ PHOTO – Agustin Galiana endeuillé par la mort de Johanna atteinte d'un cancer : « On sera amis pou - Duration: 2:13.
« Elle a rayonné ma journée avec son sourire… Cette beauté s'appelle Johanna et c'est une des plus belles rencontres que j'ai jamais faites et elle m'a donné une grande leçon de vie avec sa force et sa persévérance », tels étaient les quelques mots écrits par Agustin Galiana le 4 février dernier après sa rencontre avec cette jeune femme à l'occasion de la journée mondiale contre le cancer
Johanna, âgée de 19 ans, était atteinte d'un neuroblastome depuis l'âge de 4 ans
Elle est malheureusement décédée le 27 juillet dernier à Fontaine-l'Évêque en Belgique
Un véritable coup dur pour le comédien de la série télévisée « Clem ». Samedi 28 juillet, l'ex-partenaire de Candice Pascal dans Danse avec les stars a souhaité adresser quelques mots à la jeune femme afin de lui rendre hommage
A travers une photo d'eux postée sur son compte Instagram, Agustin Galiana a partagé sa peine : "On se souviendra de ta force, de ton sourire, de ta lumière, de ta lutte, de ton positivisme, ta douceur et ta persévérance, a-t-il écrit
Tu es un exemple à suivre et on sera amis pour toujours. Au revoir Johanna." Très vite, les internautes n'ont pas tardé à envoyer des messages de soutien mais aussi de condoléances pour cette jeune femme partie trop tôt
Le 4 février dernier, Johanna Jehu confiait avoir vécu une « rencontre inoubliable » sur son compte Facebook où elle partageait des photos de son quotidien avec ses proches : « Je n'arrivais à me dévoiler telle que je suis réellement mais grâce à toi et tes paroles réconfortantes maintenant j'assume
Une femme avec ou sans cheveux reste une femme. » Crédits photos : BestImage
HELSINKI IN A DAY (of SUMMER) / Guide to the capital of Finland - Duration: 5:35.
Hi travellers!
Welcome to this new video!
Today we take you with us to Helsinki!
We had already been in Helsinki last year,
on January so...
it was freezing.
We had less than a day to visit the capital of Finland,
so what did we do?
We promised to come back as soon as possible,
and do it in the hot months,
to see the "other" face of the city.
And that's what we did.
I had a dream that I will explain to you during the video,
that I had not been able to realize during the previous trip,
so we came back for that reason too.
So, ready?LET'S GO!
Attracted by the exhibition dedicated to Street Art,
we are now at the HAM,
Helsinki Art Museum.
And the museum's slogan is that "Art is popcorn for the mind".
And with this it wins big.
But the other fantastic thing is that for children
there is a backpack that contains material for various activities
that they can do during the visit to the museum,
in this case related to street art.
A great thing, typically Scandinavian,
is that in all the museums, wherever you go, there is always space to play with children,
so you can enjoy the exhibitions and the kids do not get bored.
Obviously at the end of the exhibition
there is not the classic big book where you can leave your opinion but ...
a big wall to leave your tag.
We are in the heart of Helsinki Design District,
which is one of the things not to be missed.
First of all you have to visit it by consulting this one,
the map that shows you all the shops that are part of this association.
At my back
there is a hairdresser inside an art gallery,
or the opposite, we do not know well.
Inside the market there is a truly unmissable place,
at least for me and Elisa,
The Soup Kitchen,
I do not try to pronounce the name in Finnish.
It's a kind of diner,
that serves only soups.
Our favorite is the fish soup!
Usually there are people happy to be on the Ferris wheel...
And the mom?
She's afraid!
When we first came to Helsinki
it was wintertime,
and one of the dreams in the drawer that I had left for the next trip,
this trip,
was to visit the islands that are in front of the city,
now we are going to Suomenlinna.
But not only, even in two important islands thanks to the service of Island Hopping.
I highly recommend it.
Now we are on Vallisaari island.
Up until two years ago, 2016,
it was a military island,
with military barracks, soldiers, etc.
but now it has been transformed into a nature park,
in fact, on the pier when we arrived there was a snake ...
We are leaving the island of Suomenlinna.
And so...
when we arrived the weather was not so good,
and it seemed like a ghost town, a ghost island.
But when the sun came out,
we started to appreciate it slowly.
It really is to be discovered,
and now I understand why the people of Helsinki strongly recommend it.
Well, our video ends here!
We hope you enjoyed it.
Now we are waiting for you in the comments to know all your questions about the city of Helsinki
and on the excursion we made in the video.
I recommend, if you have not already done so,
subscribe to the channel and activate the bell.
See you next Sunday with a new video!
전기차 신기술 글로벌 각축장, 국제전기차엑스포 D-4 - Duration: 8:10.
ILLUSIONIST ASTONISHES THE CROWD || how'd he do that? - Duration: 2:05.
subscribe to CASUAL NUTS
✅ PHOTO – Agustin Galiana endeuillé par la mort de Johanna atteinte d'un cancer : « On sera amis pou - Duration: 2:13.
« Elle a rayonné ma journée avec son sourire… Cette beauté s'appelle Johanna et c'est une des plus belles rencontres que j'ai jamais faites et elle m'a donné une grande leçon de vie avec sa force et sa persévérance », tels étaient les quelques mots écrits par Agustin Galiana le 4 février dernier après sa rencontre avec cette jeune femme à l'occasion de la journée mondiale contre le cancer
Johanna, âgée de 19 ans, était atteinte d'un neuroblastome depuis l'âge de 4 ans
Elle est malheureusement décédée le 27 juillet dernier à Fontaine-l'Évêque en Belgique
Un véritable coup dur pour le comédien de la série télévisée « Clem ». Samedi 28 juillet, l'ex-partenaire de Candice Pascal dans Danse avec les stars a souhaité adresser quelques mots à la jeune femme afin de lui rendre hommage
A travers une photo d'eux postée sur son compte Instagram, Agustin Galiana a partagé sa peine : "On se souviendra de ta force, de ton sourire, de ta lumière, de ta lutte, de ton positivisme, ta douceur et ta persévérance, a-t-il écrit
Tu es un exemple à suivre et on sera amis pour toujours. Au revoir Johanna." Très vite, les internautes n'ont pas tardé à envoyer des messages de soutien mais aussi de condoléances pour cette jeune femme partie trop tôt
Le 4 février dernier, Johanna Jehu confiait avoir vécu une « rencontre inoubliable » sur son compte Facebook où elle partageait des photos de son quotidien avec ses proches : « Je n'arrivais à me dévoiler telle que je suis réellement mais grâce à toi et tes paroles réconfortantes maintenant j'assume
Une femme avec ou sans cheveux reste une femme. » Crédits photos : BestImage
10 conseils asiatiques pour avoir une peau belle et éclatante - Duration: 5:13.
Alexandra de Hanovre entourée du clan Grimaldi pour son anniversaire à Saint-Tropez - Duration: 1:25.
AUSTRALIA | Vlog 144 - Is This The Best National Park In WA? | Episode 7 - Duration: 7:37.
LE ROCK DES BLOCS - Les microbes - Duration: 1:56.
PLAYMOBILS: Barbe bleue - Duration: 7:23.
🎙 Commentary de Match Duo 👥 🌀 Pokémon Ultra Soleil & Ultra Lune | Menil-Dylan - Duration: 7:19.
I wish you good viewing ➡ 👍🔁💬 🙏 Look at the cards 📝 the description 🙏 #SubREM27 in the comments, if you read this 😘
Isaiah Wright, Last Chance U: The Latest on His Trial | Heavy.com - Duration: 7:02.
Isaiah Wright, Last Chance U: The Latest on His Trial | Heavy.com
Isaiah Wright was one of the stars of the first two seasons of Last Chance U, but the running back is currently on trial for his alleged involvement in a homicide.
The Daily Times detailed Wright's alleged involvement in the crime.
According to police reports, Green, Hopewell and two other men, Isaiah Wright of Harriman and Camion D.
Patrick, of Knoxville, met Radford [the man who was murdered] at an apartment complex on July 25.
Police believe that Patrick and Wright then remained behind while the others rode on an errand to buy the drugs, and that Radford was stabbed during that car ride.
Police and prosecutors said they believe the stabbing was premeditated.
Radford, an early graduate of William Blount High School who played varsity football, was found bleeding from multiple stab wounds in the area of Topside Road and Buck Drive on the evening of July 25.
He was taken to University of Tennessee Medical Center, where he was pronounced dead, Alcoa police reported.
After playing at EMCC, Wright transferred to West Georgia, where he went through spring practice in 2017.
According to 247 Sports, Wright ended up leaving the team prior to the start of the season, and was living in Bloomington, Indiana.
According to Wright's older brother Eszmone Patrick, who was also featured on the show as the Lions' team manager, Wright is currently living with their other brother, Camion Patrick, in Bloomington, Indiana, possibly in hopes of playing for the Hoosiers.
Camion Patrick is also a veteran of EMCC, having played in Scooba before transferring to Indiana.
In July, the Hoosiers placed Patrick on medical hardship, effectively ending his college career.
Indiana sources have told 247Sports that the Hoosiers' staff is neither aware of Wright's presence in Bloomington nor of any intention on Wright's part to join the football team.
Isaiah Wright Is Still Awaiting a Decision in His Trial.
The homicide occurred on July 25 in Alcoa, Tennessee.
Last Chance U did a special episode featuring some of Wright's trial.
Adam Ridley, a Last Chance U director, spoke with Uproxx about the series decision to feature the trial, and the challenges some of the players on the show face when they return home.
Isaiah's situation was pretty much what prompted us to do the follow-up episode.
We were allowed to film his initial hearing, so we've got a lot of that footage, and we interviewed the victim's family as well.
But he was with two people who allegedly murdered somebody, and now he's in jail awaiting a grand jury hearing to see whether he's guilty of being an accessory — there's no charge yet.
But this all happened in his hometown, and he was only back in his hometown because he dropped out of school.
Here was a guy, had to go the JuCo route, had offers from West Virginia and Florida State before Season 2, then he got a concussion, he tweaked his ankle, he had conflicts with his head coach, and the only offer he ended up getting was Division II West Georgia.
He wasn't satisfied with that, so he dropped out and was just hanging out at home.
And his background, that's the tragedy of his conflict with Buddy.
This is somebody who didn't really have a family, and there's this father figure he ultimately felt betrayed by.
It's horrible.
It's definitely the worst outcome of any of the kids.
As Ridley mentioned, Wright is not being charged with the murder, as the charges relate to him potentially being an accessory to the crime.
Wright's attorney believes his client "misspoke" to police, and this is the main reason Wright is being brought into the case.
USA Today provided an overview on the latest details on Wright's trial.
His lawyer, to the cameras, explains that Wright — who he feels has the maturity of a high school kid — misspoke after prolonged and intense questioning and was essentially telling police what they had been telling him (that defense mirrors one in another famous Netflix documentary, Making a Murderer, in which a young Brandon Dassey is shown giving what many believe to be a coerced confession.
) Nonetheless Wright is sent back to prison to await a grand jury hearing (while the other two defendants had their hearing and have been indicted, Wright appears to still be waiting … on $1 million bond.
Clash stephane Edouard vs l'observateur... Et pourtant... - Duration: 7:09.
Jenifer larguée la veille de son mariage ? -[Nouvelles 24h] - Duration: 2:04.
Vào bếp cùng loại rau trường thọ - Duration: 10:19.
Health Network, For Public Health
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In the same kind of vegetables
Fast spinach rice with red spinach, rich in vitamins, minerals and protein, should be called "longevity vegetables."
1. They "longevity vegetables".
Amaranth has 3 different types:spinach, red spinach and spinach.
Red beetroot and spinach spinach are generally grouped into non-spiny amaranths, with no thorns on their bodies, unlike spinach, spinach with thorns growing throughout the tree.
White amber rice is very beautiful, and flowers are gathered on top, like small rice noodles,
Red, red, or purplish red spinach, and they do not have cups of rice such as white amaranth.
Vegetables are widely grown in Vietnam, China, India, Greece and some African countries.
In our country, this vegetable is grown to make vegetables.
The tops are young shoots, young leaves, young stalks and young trees (removed roots).
Medicines used in traditional medicine,
Stems and stalks, because these two parts contain many good substances and activates the body.
Amaranth rice together with red spinach, referred to collectively as "longevity vegetables".
As this vegetable is very nutritious, perhaps this utility topped the table, in the vegetable group,
It is rich in vitamins and minerals, compared to other vegetables, and it is also rich in protein.
The term life is also appropriate, because it also contains within itself, valuable biological active,
It eliminates and prevents chronic diseases, malignancy, and diseases that reduce human lifespan.
According to the study, nutritionally speaking, spinach is a good source of nutrients.
Of course, two important nutrients, water and fiber, always make up a large proportion (88% of water),
Beetroot is rich in calcium, potassium, zinc, copper, iron, phosphorus and magnesium.
Rice porridge also contains many vitamins such as:pre-vitamin A, B1, B3, C.
Protein content in spinach, accounting for 2.11% of total edible portion, was relatively high with vegetable and vegetable species.
Active antioxidants in rice veggies, active nearly 30, (in the IC50 scale, antioxidant activity scale).
Studies have concluded that spinach is a vegetable rich in protein, fiber, carbohydrates, energy and minerals.
In traditional medicine, sweet spinach has sweet taste, coolness.
Eat whole veggies should eat the body, if you eat away the body, it is considered wasted.
Amaranth rice has the effect of heat, low profit, cool blood, stop dysentery, stop bleeding,
treatment of heat in, caused by hot sun, inflammation of urinary incontinence, nosebleed.
According to some new research papers, leaves and saplings before flowering, diuretic effect,
Diarrhea, excretory excretion from the intestine, used in the new formulation, is the inflammation, abscess,
gonorrhea, dysentery, intestinal helminth infections, (especially worms, pinworms), inflammation of the testicles, hemorrhoids.
In Nigeria, spinach is also made into a fluid,
(using high technology), blood transfer, blood purification.
Some modern research centers, also formulated into cream from vegetable spinach, to treat inflammation in the eye.
In some places medicine is also prescribed, to treat epilepsy and seizures,
For a number of different causes in children, including high febrile seizures, epilepsy, calcium deficiency.
Some other centers also showed that the leaves of amaranth rice also have the function of medicine to cool fever, so it is used as a medicine, a vegetable that helps support the treatment of high fever.
As the amaranth rice is more potassium, the ash of this vegetable, also used to produce drinking water, carbonated water.
2. 3 selective uses.
Since spinach has many nutritional uses, and different healing, we shorten the following:3 typical uses of spinach.
Cure urinary incontinence:
As spinach has the effect of diuretic, low chemistry, edema, should be very beneficial in cases, urine, water out of balance.
Drinking water, but not regularly, is uncommon.
In the form of urinary incontinence symptoms, there are many different diseases such as:urinary tract inflammation makes the urine,
urine that urine is not clear, kidney stones make urine not, water does not float, urinating stagnation.
Furthermore, spinach is also proven to be detrimental to E. coli, a bacterium that is commonly found in urinary tract infections, so useful.
Just eat fast vegetable veggies daily, about 100 to 300g of vegetables per day, was able to affect the urinary tract.
Same as this, but purple amaranth is even more effective.
Cure dysentery, intestinal parasitic infection:
As spinach is a vegetable, it is carcinogenic to dysentery, causes intestinal disease,
If the body is sick, eat raw spinach rice, such as medication.
The good thing is, this drug is very natural, non-toxic, does not affect the intestinal tract and nutrition, should be considered as not nutritional insecurity.
If you read any symptoms of constant abdominal pain, stools at a little sad, every moment is sad again,
Structural instability, as well as mucus at the end of the beach, though more or less, vegetable spinach is very worth eating vegetables.
The bactericidal effect, not as strong as special antibiotics, but combined with rice spinach,
Do not increase the toxic dose of the drug, and just get the interesting use, it is worth to eat.
Just take the amaranth rice, one day about 500 to 600g, divided into 2 meals.
Eat for a week, during treatment, will see the effect.
Poor eating, hot in, hot flashes:
This use is interesting, because people who are anorexia, poor eating, if actively eating spinach, can reverse the disease.
That's because, the synthetic effects, obtained from this vegetable.
Include:heat bar, should work to reduce heat in, help balance the body.
Heat dissipation, should be flushed out.
It also stimulates the new epidemic, creating enzyme digestion, gastric juice is full.
In summary, they create a great appetite effect.
To create this effect is not difficult, just hard to eat fast spinach, with 400g, in a day, for 10 days is enough.
Of course, severe cases, which can not be overcome, physical pathological conditions in the mouth, esophagus, stomach, intestinal tract, need to be treated.
In the case of eating disorders, you just let the spinach rice hand.
In this way, be guided specifically in the application corner, which you can find in this newspaper about spinach.
3. Application Corner.
Mild spinach soup cooked shrimp.
Vegetable soup 400g, garlic 10g.
20g dried shrimp, oil 15ml, (3 teaspoons).
Tofu 250g, salt, noodles, just enough.
Preliminary treatment:
Mild amber rice choose white, white, big leaves, but not flowering.
Take the tops, young leaves.
Body stripping off the outer shell, then take the edible parts.
Rinse, drain, cut a knuckle.
Shrimp is dried, washed with water to make dust.
Then soak in hot water, about 5 minutes.
Then pick out, to 5 minutes to drain, minced.
Garlic peeled, crushed, chopped.
If you just slice, the garlic will not release the oil, and will not smell.
Wash the tofu with clean water, cut into small pieces of 1/4 of a matchbox.
Rinse the pot, put it on the stove, heat it up to dry.
Add all the oil, heat and boil.
Put garlic on the aroma, until golden garlic and incense.
Moderate fire.
Shrimp in, a little salt in stir fry.
When the shrimp to cut the tofu into slices, stir evenly, for about 1 to 2 minutes, for bean sprouts and oil.
Add about 1 liter of water for just enough to eat.
Boil, put spinach on, stir evenly, boil for half a minute then north.
Add the main noodles, salt to taste.
Eat when the soup is hot.
Product Requirements:
Clear water, light green, sweet of shrimp and spinach.
Shrimp and tofu soaked in taste.
Beans are not crushed in the soup, whole pieces.
Vegetables are not broken, crushed.
Cook has no taste, get up the smell of garlic.
Health benefits:
The general use of this dish is the heat bar, detoxification, new epidemic, stimulate digestion, strong intestinal enzyme, help people less food, more appetite.
The content of this article is coming to an end, you have questions, please share your comments below this article.
Please subscribe to the Health Network channel, share this article with your friends and follow up with the next audio.
Hope this article will bring you many useful things.
Wish you always healthy.
Alexandra Rosenfeld s'affiche topless en réponse à Rachel Legrain-Trapani ? - Duration: 1:43.
Dice and Cube पासा और घन ||part-3|| 2-3 Second में SSC-CGL CHSL Railways CPO, - Duration: 20:57.
Best tricks Dice and Cube
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Devils Food Cake Recipe Easy - Chocolate Pudding Delight! - Duration: 6:01.
Easy devil's food cake recipe. Chocolate pudding added!
Devil's food cake recipe ingredients
Preheat oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C).
In a large bowl, mix together the cake and pudding mixes
1 cup sour cream
1 cup vegetable oi
beat in 4 eggs and 1/2 cup water
stir in 2 cups of chocolate chips
Pour batter into a well greased 12 cup bundt pan
Bake for 50 to 55 minutes, or until top is springy to the touch
insert a wooden toothpick. When the cake doesn't stick its done!
Cool cake thoroughly in pan at least an hour and a half before inverting onto a plate. If desired dust the cake with powdered sugar. TIP: Cover with tin foil to keep moist.
Voici comment reconnaître les premiers symptômes et signes associés au cancer - Duration: 7:34.
海贼王:铁汉白胡子感人至深的三次笑容,网友:最后一次太扎心了 - Duration: 4:50.
AUSTRALIA | Vlog 144 - Is This The Best National Park In WA? | Episode 7 - Duration: 7:37.
HELSINKI IN A DAY (of SUMMER) / Guide to the capital of Finland - Duration: 5:35.
Hi travellers!
Welcome to this new video!
Today we take you with us to Helsinki!
We had already been in Helsinki last year,
on January so...
it was freezing.
We had less than a day to visit the capital of Finland,
so what did we do?
We promised to come back as soon as possible,
and do it in the hot months,
to see the "other" face of the city.
And that's what we did.
I had a dream that I will explain to you during the video,
that I had not been able to realize during the previous trip,
so we came back for that reason too.
So, ready?LET'S GO!
Attracted by the exhibition dedicated to Street Art,
we are now at the HAM,
Helsinki Art Museum.
And the museum's slogan is that "Art is popcorn for the mind".
And with this it wins big.
But the other fantastic thing is that for children
there is a backpack that contains material for various activities
that they can do during the visit to the museum,
in this case related to street art.
A great thing, typically Scandinavian,
is that in all the museums, wherever you go, there is always space to play with children,
so you can enjoy the exhibitions and the kids do not get bored.
Obviously at the end of the exhibition
there is not the classic big book where you can leave your opinion but ...
a big wall to leave your tag.
We are in the heart of Helsinki Design District,
which is one of the things not to be missed.
First of all you have to visit it by consulting this one,
the map that shows you all the shops that are part of this association.
At my back
there is a hairdresser inside an art gallery,
or the opposite, we do not know well.
Inside the market there is a truly unmissable place,
at least for me and Elisa,
The Soup Kitchen,
I do not try to pronounce the name in Finnish.
It's a kind of diner,
that serves only soups.
Our favorite is the fish soup!
Usually there are people happy to be on the Ferris wheel...
And the mom?
She's afraid!
When we first came to Helsinki
it was wintertime,
and one of the dreams in the drawer that I had left for the next trip,
this trip,
was to visit the islands that are in front of the city,
now we are going to Suomenlinna.
But not only, even in two important islands thanks to the service of Island Hopping.
I highly recommend it.
Now we are on Vallisaari island.
Up until two years ago, 2016,
it was a military island,
with military barracks, soldiers, etc.
but now it has been transformed into a nature park,
in fact, on the pier when we arrived there was a snake ...
We are leaving the island of Suomenlinna.
And so...
when we arrived the weather was not so good,
and it seemed like a ghost town, a ghost island.
But when the sun came out,
we started to appreciate it slowly.
It really is to be discovered,
and now I understand why the people of Helsinki strongly recommend it.
Well, our video ends here!
We hope you enjoyed it.
Now we are waiting for you in the comments to know all your questions about the city of Helsinki
and on the excursion we made in the video.
I recommend, if you have not already done so,
subscribe to the channel and activate the bell.
See you next Sunday with a new video!
2026년, 한국형전투기(KF-X) 뜬다…대체로 순항중 | 한국의 군사력 - Duration: 5:06.
Devils Food Cake Recipe Easy - Chocolate Pudding Delight! - Duration: 6:01.
Easy devil's food cake recipe. Chocolate pudding added!
Devil's food cake recipe ingredients
Preheat oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C).
In a large bowl, mix together the cake and pudding mixes
1 cup sour cream
1 cup vegetable oi
beat in 4 eggs and 1/2 cup water
stir in 2 cups of chocolate chips
Pour batter into a well greased 12 cup bundt pan
Bake for 50 to 55 minutes, or until top is springy to the touch
insert a wooden toothpick. When the cake doesn't stick its done!
Cool cake thoroughly in pan at least an hour and a half before inverting onto a plate. If desired dust the cake with powdered sugar. TIP: Cover with tin foil to keep moist.
Η Κατερίνα Δαλάκα περιγράφει τον άντρα που θέλει στο πλευρό της | News | fthis.gr - Duration: 1:41.
Στο περιοδικό People και τον Μαρίνο Βυθούλκα παραχώρησε συνέντευξη η Κατερίνα Δαλάκα, η οποία, μεταξύ άλλων, αποκάλυψε τα στοιχεία που πρέπει να έχει ένας άντρας για να κεντρίσει το ενδιαφέρον της
«Θα πρέπει να είναι δραστήριος, να τον θαυμάζω, να έχει χόμπι, ενδιαφέροντα, αλλά επίσης να με καταλαβαίνει, διότι λόγω πρωταθλητισμού ο χρόνος μου είναι πολύ περιορισμένος
Οπότε είναι βασικό να υπάρχει κατανόηση και στήριξη» τόνισε η γνωστή αθλήτρια. Η Κατερίνα Δαλάκα έχει βέβαια πολλές απαιτήσεις από τον εαυτό της όσον αφορά την καριέρα της στο στίβο
Άραγε συμβαίνει το ίδιο με τους φίλους της ή το σύντροφό της. «Δεν είμαι καθόλου απαιτητική ούτε με τη σχέση που μπορεί να έχω, αλλά ούτε και με τους φίλους μου
Ίσα ίσα, συμβαίνει το αντίθετο. Οι άλλοι έχουν απαιτήσεις από μένα. Ως άνθρωπος είμαι πολύ χαλαρή και στον ελεύθερό μου χρόνο προσπαθώ να χαλαρώνω», δηλώνει η ίδια
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