Nightcore - Earth (subtitles in video)
For more infomation >> 「Nightcore」→ Earth (Lyrics) - Duration: 3:23.-------------------------------------------
Gorgeous Beautiful 24' Brand New Tiny Home one Wheels for sale - Duration: 2:20.
Gorgeous Beautiful 24' Brand New Tiny Home one Wheels for sale
Three Tornadoes Touch Down in Northeastern Colorado on Sunday - Duration: 1:14.
Dow futures gain on Caterpillar earnings - Duration: 3:28.
Institutional investors now have $15.57 billion stake in CBS Corporation (CBS) - Duration: 6:16.
Adam Rippon joins 'Dancing with the Stars: Juniors' as judge - Duration: 1:19.
Honda Jazz 1.3i-VTEC 102pk Trend Rijklaarprijs - Duration: 1:13.
Audi A1 1.0 TFSI 95pk S Line | Navi | Cruise Control | Airco - Duration: 1:11.
Study: "Medicare for all" plan touted by Bernie Sanders would cost $32.6 trillion - Duration: 4:44.
Brush fire spreading near State Park northwest of Austin evacuates about 250 visitors - Duration: 1:09.
CBS Board to Discuss Moonves Allegations as Q2 Earnings, Redstone Showdown Loom - Duration: 3:10.
Topgolf in Chesterfield will open Friday | Entertainment - Duration: 2:33.
Traffic Alert: Fatal crash shuts down I-75 in North Port - Duration: 1:21.
Honda Jazz 1.3i-VTEC 102pk Trend Rijklaarprijs - Duration: 1:13.
Müzisyen'in Babası - wtcN Taklit Eden Adamla DC'de - Duration: 14:27.
Mazda 6 2.0 SKYACTIV-G 165 SKYLEASE GT Leder | Navi | PDC - Duration: 1:14.
Adam Rippon, Val Chmerkovskiy and Mandy Moore to judge 'Dancing With the Stars: Juniors' - Duration: 2:05.
Shakespeare in love | Viola's audition | GR/EN subs - Duration: 6:27.
None other than the Admirals Men are out on tour.
I need actors!
Those of you who are unknown will have a chance to be known!
-What about the money, Mr. Henslowe?
-It wont cost you a penny!
Ha ha ha!
Auditions in half an hour!
Ralph Bagswell, I'd have a part for you...
but, alas, I hear you are a drunkards drunkard.
Never when Im working.
Never when Im working!
-Get me to drink mandragora.
-Straight up, Will?
Give my friend a beaker of your best brandy.
-How goes it, Will?
-Wonderful.. Wonderful.
-Burbage says you have a play.
-I have, and the chinks to show for it.
I insist.
A beaker for Mr. Marlowe.
I hear you have a new play for the "Curtain".
Not new-- My "Doctor Faustus".
I love your early work.
"Was this the face that launched a thousand ships"...
and burnt the topless towers of llium?"
I have a new one nearly finished, and better.
"The Massacre at Paris".
-Good title.
"Romeo and Ethel, the Pirates Daughter".
-Ugh.. Yes, I know.
I know.
-What is the story?
Well, theres this pirate...
In truth, I have not written a word.
Romeo is Italian... always in and out of love.
Yes, thats good.
Until he meets...
-Do you think?
-The daughter of his enemy.
-The daughter of his enemy.
His best friend is killed in a duel...
by Ethels brother, or something.
His name is Mercutio.
Good name.
-Will! Theyre waiting for you!
-Yes, Im coming.
Good luck with yours, Kit.
I thought your play was for Burbage.
-This is a different one.
-A different one you havent written?
..."Was this the face... that launched a thousand ships"...
"and burnt the topless towers of llium?"
Thank you!
..."Was this the face that launched a thousand ships"...
"And burnt the top"--
"topless"-- Thank you!
..."towers of Ilium?"
..."Was this the face... that launched a thousand ships"...
"and burnt the topless towers"...
I would like to give you something from Faustus...
-by Christopher Marlowe.
-How refreshing.
..."the topless towers of llium?"
"Sweet Helen, make me immortal with a kiss."
W- W- Was this the fff...
Very good, Mr. Wabash. Excellent!
Report to the property master.
My tailor wants to be an actor.
I have a few debts here and there.
Well, that seems to be everybody.
-Did you see a "Romeo"?
-I did not.
Well, I to my work, you to yours.
Oh, God.
May I begin, sir?
-Your name?
-Thomas Kent.
I would like to do a speech by a writer...
who commands the heart of every player.
What light is light... if Silvia be not seen?
What joy is joy if Silvia be not by?
Unless it be to think that she is by and feed upon the shadow of perfection.
Except I be by Silvia in the night...
there is no music in the nightingale.
Unless I look on Silvia in the day...
there is no day for me to look upon.
She is my essence, and I leave to be if I be not...
-Take off your hat!
-My hat?
Whered you learn how to do that?
-Let me see you. Take off your hat.
-Are you M-Master Shakespeare?
-Wait there.
Wait there!!
-Will, w-where are the pages?
-Where is the boy?
B- B- B-
Break a leg!
(girl) Sir, will you buy my sweet orange?
Everybody ready? All away!
-Follow that boat!
-Right you are, governor.
I know your face.
Are you an actor?
-Yes, I think Ive seen you in something.
-That one about a king.
I had that Christopher Marlowe in my boat once.
-Do you know that house?
-Sir Robert De Lesseps.
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Where is she?
Our guests are upon us!
Temptation Island 2018, Giada Giovanelli potrebbe aver fatto ricorso a ritocchi estetici - Duration: 3:44.
Honda Jazz 1.4 i-VTEC Hybrid Automaat Elegance/NAVI/RIJKLAARPRIJS - Duration: 1:14.
マクラーレン セナ、量産第一号車を納車 800psで最高速340km/h - Duration: 2:54.
Μιχάλης Ζαμπίδης: Η απίστευτη αλλαγή στο σώμα του | News | - Duration: 0:53.
Ο Μιχάλης Ζαμπίδης, μπορεί να έχει αποσυρθεί από τα ρινγκ εδώ και περίπου τρία χρόνια, το σώμα του ωστόσο παραμένει σε εκπληκτική κατάσταση
Ο 38χρονος σήμερα 16 φορές παγκόσμιος πρωταθλητής του kickboxing, μοιάζει κυριολεκτικά να βρίσκεται στην καλύτερη κατάστασης της ζωής του, αν κρίνουμε από τις τελευταίες φωτογραφίες που δημοσιεύει στα social media
Ο Iron Mike όχι μόνο διατηρεί το κορμί του σε απίστευτη κατάσταση, αλλά, όπως βλέπουμε, έχει δώσει πλέον έμφαση στη μυϊκή του μάζα, η οποία έχει αυξηθεί κατακόρυφα σε σχέση με το παρελθόν, με το αποτέλεσμα να… τρομάζει!
Ταυτοποιήθηκε η σορός της Αθηνάς Καραλή | Top News | - Duration: 1:09.
Ούτε η ιστορία της Αθηνάς Καραλή, που αγνοείτο στο Μάτι, είχε αίσιο τέλος. Η σορός της ταυτοποιήθηκε και έτσι μπαίνει και εκείνη στη μακρά λίστα με τους ανθρώπους που χάθηκαν τόσο άδικα, μέσα στις φλόγες της ανατολικής Αττικής
Την άτυχη Αθηνά αναζητούσε η κόρη της, η οποία είχε ενημερώσει τους διαδικτυακούς της φίλους ότι η μητέρα της είχε καταφέρει να πάει στην παραλία και να σωθεί
Μάλιστα, η Ιωάννα είχε τηλεφωνήσει στο κινητό της μαμάς της και όταν το σήκωσε κάποιος, τη διαβεβαίωσε ότι ήταν μαζί του, τραυματισμένη μεν, αλλά ζωντανή
Sunday Recap - Duration: 3:19.
Welcome to Sunday at the fair!
And your name? Hi my name is Deanna. and what did you bring to the fair this year?
um this year I brought a cat his name is Simba he is one years old I also brought
a pig and a lamb. I got Grand Champion on my lamb this
year it was my first year bringing a lamb.
I brought a whole bunch of projects for a home environment wood working and I
also have a project when the State Fair this year and I have another project
that is that got a merit award. Well it sounds like you did really great this
year, nicely done! But since we are in the cat
show right now, and we'll talk a little more about your can. So can you tell me a
little bit more about the cat judging, so how is the cat judged? The cat is judged
by how clear his eyes are not even just the cat, but the cat is judged on the
cage. And there's about 20 some cats here right now and my
won grand champion for the cage he did he did like a hunting theme.
Every year I bring a different cat and I'd like to spice it up change the theme
and everything. But the cat is judged on and not just like what how you bring it
like it's judged on like the whole year. He'll ask questions like how
you got your cat ready. And they need thier nails clip even if they're an
outside cat, they neither ears cleaned, and their eyes washed and they always
need a bath before they come to the fair. Well good job on everything that you
brought to the fair this year. Thank you. thank you.
This year has recommended here at the fair and thank you to all of the
volunteers and members that came out to make it incredible. Next year I look
forward to seeing you at the fair.
当《海贼王》遇上暴走风,网友:这是索隆和娜美黑得最惨的一次 - Duration: 7:42.
CBS Board to Discuss Moonves Allegations as Q2 Earnings, Redstone Showdown Loom - Duration: 3:10.
What are the Benefits of an FHA Loan? || Real Estate Explained #30 - Duration: 3:19.
Hey. This is J. Lucky Henry -- Keller Williams agent in the Greater Boston area.
You won't believe how many questions I get on a daily basis.
Everyday people need answers.
Everyday people need explanations.
That's why everyday people need to get REAL!
R-E-A-L: Real estate Explained Amazingly by Lucky
in 90 seconds -- give or take.
Hey, what's up? It's J. Lucky Henry.
And welcome back! We're still talking about different types of financing.
Today we're talking about FHA loans.
Now, does FHA stand for First-time Homebuyers Association?
No. It stands for the Federal Housing Authority or Association...
I should actually double check that. F-H-A
Federal Housing, no, that's what the FH stands for, not first-time homebuyers.
One of my favorite things is the fact that you can get money as a gift.
Now yesterday we talked about VA loans and they can also qualify for this, right.
But the fact that you can get money as a gift for your down payment is huge.
So let's say you don't have stellar credit -- they help with that.
Let's say you don't have all the money for a down payment --
you can get it as a gift from a family member, or a close relative, close friend.
So you can get it as a gift, get your closing money, and then start to pay your monthly payments.
Another huge benefit -- this is probably my 2nd favorite thing about the FHA --
is that they not only allow you to buy a single family,
they will let you buy a multifamily, right --
a multifamily even with a storefront.
So now you can use some of that rental income from either the commercial property,
or the multifamily, duplex, triplex, quadruplex -- is that the right word?
Google it, right!
You can use some money from all of those to help pay off the mortgage
that you just acquired with this new loan.
So, I'm not gonna got into specific detail.
If you still have questions about pre-approval there's gonna be a video link down here.
Click that. We have two loan officers who explain everything about the pre-approval process --
from how to get started, what if you're self-employed, what if you have bad credit and a lot of student loans...
Every question the first time homebuyer would have about the pre-approval should be in this video.
And if it's not please comment and let me know and I will get the answers for you.
Another huge benefit about the FHA is
that they offer this thing called a 203K loan.
Now it has nothing to do of Connecticut right --
shout out to all my people in Connecticut.
But the 203K loan is basically that you get cash --
kind of as a second mortgage wrapped into one right.
I'm not gonna bunch of specifics of it,
again with a loan officer -- or perhaps one of the loan officers from the video below right.
But you get money to make upgrades to the house that you're buying.
So let's say you found the house that you really liked,
but it needs a lot of work and you're no contractor, right.
You work behind a desk, you work in the field doing something else,
like me -- I don't swing hammers, right?
But let's say you know the house is a good value -- you want to buy that house.
So you can get some money to pay a contractor to do that work --
all wrapped up into one loan.
Again, for more questions about this, check that video below.
This was the FHA loan. Tomorrow we're back with another video explaining a different type of financing.
This is J. Lucky Henry and I'm here to keep it REAL with you.
Whether you're looking to buy, sell, or invest in real estate --
call or text: 978 - 712 - 0244 and make sure you subscribe to my channel for more.
「Nightcore」→ Earth (Lyrics) - Duration: 3:23.
Nightcore - Earth (subtitles in video)
Uncle 50-year-old "Dance" One Time 20 Banh Xeo Mold / Method of Baking - Duration: 13:29.
🥇 Challenge 100 days for 1000 subscribers on You Tube review at 80 days - Duration: 3:46.
Hello everyone. It's Lou. I am not presentable that's why
I'm not facing the camera, in this balance sheet this assessment of the challenge to 100
days per thousand subscribers. And we are at day 80 and well we will
to make a small point about what happened spent in the last ten days.
I had a big surprise, almost having a shock, almost evanouri when a
morning I woke up and Jean Viet was subscribed to my channel. It came
comment on the videos and besides it to advertised me
So it was a big surprise and then a great happiness too.
The other surprise was this video: the Fast leveling for wow players.
This is a video I made for one of my subscribers and who is Deep. Deep wanted
learn how to get up quickly character so I did a little tutorial
quite fast. and then he's tutoring
views but they also reap dislike. So here I have to make a
analyze a little bit of why, why it does not work, why
people do not like. Already because I think they do not really know
the chain and then that there are people on Wow who makes the very very big
quality. so he finds my video, and it does not
does not necessarily correspond to their expectations. In any case it is the analysis that
I do. So not to put the moral at half-mast
and then lower the statistics of the chain, I simply disable the
notice on this video and I'm going think about whether I withdraw it or not
since my goal was not really not to make the hooker click.
What I did during the 10 days: you have probably seen, I have
reworked the branding of the chain. So I did
a new banner. I think she is really good and then a new
trailer, it was a lot of work,
but the result, I think it is rather nice. At the subscriber level, well
five people came to join the community in the last ten
days. Thanks to them and I hope the content they like. So a new
goal now to meet this challenge, I now need 35 subscribers
every day over the next 20 days. And I leave you right away
with the upcoming program of the chain for this August and then
the new generic that you may see on the new video, and here on this new generic ma
voice will come in voiceover.
Good I hope you liked a like if that's the case and then if you're not
no subscriber, subscribe. If you are subscriber, as usual you operate
the bell to receive all the notifications and see you soon
new record of this challenge.
বিবাহিত মহিলার ঘরে ঢুকে জোর করে গণধর্ষণ ও সেই ভিডিও স্বামীর কাছে দিল ধর্ষক পুরোনো প্রেমিক CRIME - Duration: 19:36.
বিবাহিত মহিলার ঘরে ঢুকে জোর করে গণধর্ষণ ও সেই ভিডিও স্বামীর কাছে দিল ধর্ষক পুরোনো প্রেমিক CRIME
Mercedes-Benz CLK-Klasse 200 K Avantgarde Automaat,Leer,Navigatie - Duration: 1:13.
Mercedes-Benz CLK-Klasse 200 K Avantgarde Automaat,Leer,Navi - Duration: 1:05.
「Nightcore」→ Earth (Lyrics) - Duration: 3:23.
Nightcore - Earth (subtitles in video)
隐藏10年,唐嫣的双胞胎终曝光,看来我们被骗的不是一般的惨啊! - Duration: 7:55.
Gfriend, each holding 'Fake Love' Cover Dance||V COOKIE - Duration: 1:09.
Let's look at the cover performance. [New cover song for BTS "Fake Love"]
What should we do? [Very worried]
Please play the song!
[Bangtan FRIEND "Fake Love" #BTS]
[Other look for fresh power!]
[Covering with right posture]
[Completely out of sight]
[What's the gap?]
[Look at their angles!]
[High quality on everything they do]
[Center is "Eunbi"]
[This performance is really FAKE LOVE FAKE LOVE FAKE LOVE]
[How perfect with any concept]
[Ends with genius idol Eunbi!]
"Fake Love..." It was so good. "Fake Love." [MCs so moved couple of times today]
So see SinB smile at the end. Wow!
GFRIEND really dances well.
GFRIEND's dance moves are fascinating.
[IDOL ROOM] [JULY 31st, 630pm]
[FREE] Crush x Zico x Penomeco Type Beat 2018 ''Arcade'' R&B K-Pop 크러쉬 X 지코 X 페노메코 타입 비트 힙합 알앤비 비트 - Duration: 3:37.
Buy 2 Get 1 Free at:
GFRIEND(여자친구) _ Sunny Summer(여름여름해) Cover 中文改編 翻唱 중국어 가사 | MelonBun蜜瓜包 - Duration: 3:33.
CZ- chyba 16 photoshop Chyba konfigurace při spuštění aplikace CC nebo CS - Duration: 3:39.
Hi, I'm Sami, from Fawzi academy. In this video, I will talk about.
Configuration error when starting a CC application.When you launch a Creative Cloud get a configuration error
(Error 15 or Error 16). that asks you to uninstall or reinstall the product.
This error means that permissions to application folders are set incorrectly.
Restore permissions to licensing folders. To resolve the error in Windows Vista/7, perform all three steps below.
1. Set folder and search options.Choose Start > Computer.Choose Organize > Folder and Search Options, and click the View tab.
Deselect Use Sharing Wizard (Recommended) at the bottom of the Advanced settings section.
Select Show hidden files, folders, and drives. Click OK.
2. Modify the SLStore folder.In Windows Explorer, navigate to ProgramData\Adobe\SLStore.
Right-click the SLStore folder, and choose Properties.In the Attributes section, deselect the Read-only option.
Click Apply, and then click OK, to close the Confirm Attribute Changes dialog box. 3. Set permissions.
Perform this procedure two times, once each for the Adobe PCD and the SLStore folders. In Windows Explorer, right-click the Adobe PCD
or the SLStore folder, and choose Properties. Click the Security tab and set permissions.
or the SLStore folder, and choose Properties. Click the Security tab and set permissions.
Adobe PCD. Administrators: Full Control. System: Full Control.
SLStore. Administrators: Full Control. Power Users: Everything but Full Control and Special.System: Full Control.
Users: Read and Special. Click Advanced and, if asked, accept the User Account Control (UAC) elevation prompt.
Click the Owner tab, select Administrators, and click Edit.
Select Replace Owner on Subcontainers and Objects. Click Apply, and then click OK.
Select the Permissions tab and click Change Permissions.
Select Replace all Child Object Permissions with Inheritable Permissions from this Object.
Click OK, and then click Yes. Click OK, and then click OK again in the Windows Security dialog box.
Thank you, for watching Fawzi academy. Please, like. Subscribe, share, this video, and visit, our website,
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