Have you gone to eat at Mozzeria yet?
Mozzeria. It's a pizza place.
Wait. What's that sign?
Ohh! It's pizza!
Oh I see!
How do you sign that?
Oh I see! Pizza! Ok. Got it.
So yeah, that pizza restaurant is AMAZING!
The food is Deliscious!
The pizza is fresh! The workers are awesome and friendly!
I LOVE that place. You should Try it sometime.
Yeah! I want to try it!
Ok! Ley's go!
For more infomation >> G Comm 103 - Duration: 0:46.-------------------------------------------
It was supposed to be just a family Sunday Skating but.. - Duration: 10:18.
at list got it on camera
because I'm a hot girl shit like that yo
hi my name is
Ricardo Lino and and im a wheel addict so it's Sunday morning and Janice chose the
skate park where we're going Janice Durbin valve skate
it's lest we go into a DIY skate park these week we go to another DIY skate
park we just came to the shop to pick some stuff like this camera that I'm
filming right now and Janice is just updating your social media my child
social media thank you could follow the jail in life alright we're now in LA we
should be there at 10:00 there's no traffic at Sunday morning so let's do
this I wanted to vote
save me there's no dock today you're doing good
come I know free free free bossy
mommy's turn take this did you talk
you know what you did wrong ah you know she's wrong Janice you
didn't you didn't spend the full thing are you okay at least you got another
camera shit like that shit like that yo just take that hard Jalen that's what
you should never be doing Jalen look at that nose Jalen good the first time they
do really felt like that huh yeah it's my first ever learn leading for
okay learn the new slide it's not a new slide is the citric acid slide but I
learned it when I turn left I can do it good check
we just got here we're in Redemption the last time we tried to film you didn't do
a proper backside talk now you got to do it come on you're only doing one thing
wrong you need wants to do it you need to land both feet at the same time Yeah
yes that was it that was good
I'm gonna try one thing with this on the back wheel I didn't want to do it in the
front once I did it again on the back
slowly okay john cornyn okay cool
that's cool come on
got it I just want to try this thing I think I can do it you just need to put
the camera it's time for lunch my tea just got here it's still on
shorts is he going Matt you have you been have you did you went out the ramp
already you're going watch out here because the floor is not the best you
can do this one now it's easy I'll try it go with Andrew give it give it give a
hand to Android nope no not on shorts that's it we're done for today time for
lunch and yeah don't forget to subscribe but I
hope you enjoyed this one if you did enjoy this one do not forget to give us
thumbs up thumbs up if you didn't like it thumbs down let me just show you
something I just planned right now I just I just went over the rainbow in
slow-mo anyway if you did like this video again just like Andrew said don't
forget to subscribe and more important than anything else just don't forget why
we all started skating because it's fun Cheers
I just got home to the best news about Rob G so I don't even know what to say
I've been seeing so much support from this community for Rob G and I'm just so
happy to see this all I want to say is that whenever someone says that skating
is that you asked them to show any other community with the same power as we have
I mean we raised more than one hundred thousand dollars in one day I guess that
says it all Rob G if you're watching this I wish you all the best I know
you're gonna go over these and can't wait to see you on skate soon
Así es como Iñaki Urdangarin cultiva tomates y pimientos en la prisión de Brieva - Duration: 6:42.
Así es como Iñaki Urdangarin cultiva tomates y pimientos en la prisión de Brieva #2 - Duration: 9:18.
Stree Official Trailer | Rajkummar Rao | Shraddha Kapoor | Dinesh Vijan | Raj & DK | Amar K | Aug 31 - Duration: 2:21.
Please Don't forget to: LIKE | COMMENT | SHARE | SUBSCRIBE for the latest Movies Trailers.
SUMMER NIGHT ROUTINE 2018 - Duration: 6:53.
{Summer Night Routine 2018}
so I also decided to play soon because that's right my favorite game in the
worst way if you all would like to see us zones for video just comment down
below I used to walk to work every I know you
guys see how great of a multitasker I am I'm plants and watching you two at the
same time myself a little makeover because before I have a makeover
she was looking uh huh
oh you know so precious when you smile
shading from the back in chive you lose my self indoors
and yes I did more than just my arms but I didn't report it so for the rest of
the night pretty much just do the same thing
oh my phone in my computer so my good nice drinks and I go to sleep so I'm
gonna end the video right here so I'll be so repetitive if you don't want I'm
wondering routine let me know cuz I will do that and thanks for watching don't
forget to follow me on Instagram I post all my YouTube updates on there I'll
have a story highlight full of YouTube update so don't forget about me and
don't forget to Like comment and subscribe because when you subscribe you
support me that makes it don't forget it the Bell so you never miss updates on a
new video and that is it for this video
10 MAKEUP HACKS - TESTED - Duration: 14:43.
Hey guys what the fuck is up?
Welcome back to my channel. Thanks so much for coming back to nan N first time whichever the case
today's video is going to be a
Beauty hack video a
10 beauty hacks I have
10 makeup hacks that I'm gonna share with you that I have researched
for that includes almost every kind of area of my face and that
Basically where you apply makeup all over your face a hack for pretty much each section, so I'm gonna try them all out
We're gonna see what the fuck happens
I'm gonna remove the Hat
and the makeup and we're gonna start pretty much from scratch and we're gonna go and see if they work if they're good and
If they're worth using going forward without further ado, I will be back
Alright I am back with my nubbin hi and fuckin proud. I'll tell ya as you can see I've got
Everything basically gone except one, eyebrow
Because that's gonna be part of the whole like testing thing under her. What I'm going to do is
do this half of my face with how I
normally would apply whatever it is that I'm doing and then this half of my face is going to be
with all the hacks to see if there's really much of a difference if it helped if it made it worse or
Whatever the fuck the first hack that I learned and read about was applying an ice cube to your pores
Before applying primer or anything that way so it helps close your pores and you see less of them
I've got my eye scoop here
And unfortunately, I'm gonna apply it to my face fucking hate being cold. This is like like I'm fucking torturing myself
Alright, it's from a real fuckin Center guys. It's already melting in my hand. I'm scared
I don't want to do it one two. Okay, let's just holy fuck. I'm such a baby. Oh
And it's dripping everywhere of course. Oh, this is fucking terrible
I'll wake you up in the morning
Making a mess. So I'm using the cover FX
Blurring primer for this. I guess they kind of look a little bit smaller
My face is cold as shit
You know, actually I think it really did kind of work. No, it's not something you can see like
totally but if you like this side you can see
more pores up close
And not as many on this side, but I don't know
I'm sure I could just be seeing shit and the other side I'm just gonna play normally
So the next thing that I'm gonna do is my foundation so this is the second tip to make it thicker you're supposed to apply
some translucent powder in with the foundation
So first, I'm just going to apply it normally to the one side of my face another tip
the third tip is going slower and
Using a dabbing motion to get it to blend better instead of rushing through it
So on this half of my face, I'm going to use a kabuki brush, and I'm going to just go quick
I'm just going to quickly apply it and then this side of my face
I'm going to use a damp and sponge and I'm just going to go slower and
Take my time and just go in and out and with a thicker coverage foundation
So first is the thinner regular normal foundation
But I'm using is what I normally use as well, which is my makeup for ever HD foundation
That's just the shit that I invested in and then I normally use cuz it was expensive
Okay, that's that side now. I'm going to take some on my hand and I'm going to mix it with some
translucent powder to thicken it
Know how I'm gonna do this, so I'm just taking some elf translucent powder and
I guess a brush. I
Don't know what I'm doing. I didn't think this through
Yeah, I'm gonna put it on a pallet on the back of a pallet and mix it on there
We're gonna try that I did not think that through and then some powder
So it's a little thicker I'll give it that
I'm just gonna
Apply it now. I'm just gonna just go through the motions and
Do it slowly. I
Guess it's a bit thicker sure did not minimize my pour as much
I'm pairing the two sides if you
tell it like
My freckles are more visible on this side and they are more covered on this side
so I think that kind of worked so then you don't have to apply too much of
your stuff you can mix it in with your
Frickin powder so okay. Sure. Sure. So the next tip I have this is tip number
Boa is by putting red on your under eye
For your concealer so it helps diminish
Circles under your eyes. So I'm gonna take a red lipstick and try it. I
Bought a new wine by our friend Jordan introduced it to me. It's called saints and sinners
It's fucking fabulous. So I'm not gonna put the lipstick directly on my face
It kind of looks orange II pinkie, but this is the reddest I have without it being like loss just gonna take a brush
I'm just gonna take some off and apply it to my one side under eye
Trust the process just trust the process now. I'm going to try my concealer over top
this one and this one and
Normally and just see what kind of difference it makes
So that is just with normal concealer and for that I use very messy Mac prolong concealer
I've had it forever now. I'm gonna apply it on the other side
You know when I was younger and um, I
used that concealer as
foundation I
Didn't know what I was doing and I'm like, oh, yes, I need some armor more that foundation
You know the stuff that's in the tiny bottle like what a waste of money
I'm like poke am I paying so much money for some fucking foundation that's in the tiniest little bottle
Well, duh Sheena because it's not fucking foundation. It's fucking concealer Lou get your shit together
Anyway, let's apply over top
So verdict I guess it worked
Yeah, I don't know I can't tell like I always have natural baggage look under my eyes so
Maybe with like a finished look like it'll look better
I'm gonna put some powder on and just bake it a little bit
And just see if it makes a difference after it's kind of all done
I'm using more like an elf packed translucent powder just over top
So that shit's gonna bake for a little bit and we're gonna move on the fifth tip I have is
How to apply your eyebrows so that's why I left this one on and this is how I normally do my eyebrows
so I'm gonna do the trick for the other side that is a very common thing that people do and that is basically
Measuring everything out to put eyebrow shit on properly I use the elf
brows shit what they do is
measuring out
So let's go here
Going up to the middle of your eye
so that is kind of where my
Arches anyways, then right down the center of your nose
Which is right where my brows end
Now what I like to do is where I have a fade in front is apparently too long
For how it's supposed to fit your eyes
So I'm gonna just do these off-camera quick here
Because they take really long to do and then I'll come back and see if there's much of a difference
Okay, so this is the very quickly done
improved brow
It doesn't look too much different. I definitely have to shorten it
What I normally do is bring it down more
my arch is usually different like it's more Archy and
Then I usually bring this more forward to be able to have a more faded
Look, I pretty much have to stop right there and I do have hair still here because I cover it
I don't know. I feel like it's just too short for me here and that like my eyebrows. I don't know
Do you guys like it? Does it look better or does it look worse than the other side like for my face?
It's supposed to be the proper way
But like I don't know I feel about it, you know, so let me know your thoughts down below
So tip number six is doing a powder over top of my eyes
To be able to do a really smooth finish. I shadow look so I'm gonna do something really quick really simple
We're gonna put some concealer on my lid first
I like to use that more than I like to use primer just is a better look that way whew
I'm glad I didn't use this brush because it didn't look like there was anything on it
But there was black a lot of black that would have been just a hot fucking mess on my eye
I'm gonna use this bigger foundation brush apply it to both eyes
just all over nice and even
Now this is something I always do anyways
but I figured it'd be a good hack because I don't know how many people actually use it or utilize it and
That is putting a translucent powder over top of it. So it's just a smoother finish
So I'm just using elfs little translucent powder for your under eye
Just apply that to the top
I'm gonna leave this other I just with nothing on it and then we're just gonna take
Just a pallet here and just kind of go cray-cray and I'm going to apply just like just a regular color
I'll go with this pinky color here on the nine done. I just seeing how it lays
So that's that I there and the other eye
So in my opinion they kind of look the same but in the long term
I think it will last longer throughout the day because it's got a base on there and keep it from creasing
you be the judge the
seventh thing
Yes, seven thing I'm gonna do is apply. Mascara. Now. I'm going to use just a regular
Like cush milk mascara on my eyes on this. I just normally
Just one layer cuz the other eye
We're gonna put some powder on it just to make it
More fuller and see if it works. I'm just gonna apply the powder and the first layer I'll be right back
So I've applied the first layer for both now
I'm going to put another layer of powder onto the one I the other hack that's involved is number eight is
doing a
Business card behind your eyes. So then you don't get any on your finished product of your of your eyeball
I don't have a business card with me just gonna take a piece of paper and then we're gonna put it like this
And see if it works put more powder on my eye
Just to dry it up so I can apply my mascara see if this works
Good oh
My good so that card idea was kind of weird and terrible didn't like it
But I definitely think that powder one works for sure
I'm just not really taking my time as much but you can see
They're definitely more fuller on this side than they are this side, but they kind of look like spider legs, too
So whatever you'll pay me in the last tip that I have is applying Libby
I have a problem that they bleed all the time and I don't use lip liners so I don't have white liner
you're supposed to use white liner and line your lips to help with it not blending and
smudging out and shit
So I'm just gonna apply this to my lips. I'll be right back. This is essentially just a nude color
Pencil so I used that instead
And then we're just gonna apply some
lippy all over we're gonna use a really dark bold color because
Guess that's what today's about just fucking try new shit
So verdict says I'm not very good at putting lipstick on at all
But this might have to be a long-term wear type testing, but I can tell that it definitely
Fuck this is turning out to be disastrous. Look at this, honey. Just fucking gancho over here
Well, I might as well just fucking try out a vampire look today. Well, it seems to work
But I got a test out all day and I don't have all day right now. I just don't have all day
So let's get this shit off of my face right now
Definitely baked it but you can see the red underneath my eye and it might look better if I did it on both sides
But I didn't so
Maybe it'll look good
Like it'll it looks pretty decent if I do this and then it's a lot lighter when I do that
So I think that red trick works you just maybe don't use as much my last tip
Which I'm running out of time for here basically is taking mascara applying it on a fan and then putting it on your bottom lashes
for more accuracy now I
Personally just wouldn't do that. I just like putting it on so they normal fucking spoolie
I'm just applying that shit basically
just be careful not have to fucking go all ham so
That's my tips. So I hope y'all like it and let me know what you think down below
Have a great rest of your night. I love y'all so much. Thanks for watching. Bye
అమావాస్య రోజున ఇలాచేస్తే జనాకర్షణ పెరుగుతుంది | Astrology | Attraction - Duration: 2:52.
Top Reasons Why K1 Fiance Visa is Better than CR1 Spouse Visa - Duration: 11:43.
This is Fred Wahl the VisaCoach
Today's topic is: Why Fiance Visa is better than Spouse Visa
Visa Coach
Fast, Easy and Personal
I am Fred Wahl, the VisaCoach, I am known for the
personal one-on-one relationship that WE share, (that's you, me and your partner), as WE work
together, as a TEAM, to overcome the many challenges
of immigration,
Please don't risk your happiness, Don't go this course alone.
Alone, it's far too easy to make mistakes that cause tears,
delays and expensive denials.
Do Pick up the Phone and speak with me directly, so that,
you and I, can get to know each other.
This is the complimentary case evaluation I talk about
If we are compatible, that's the beginning of our beautiful
relationship to get you the immigration approvals you need.
This is what two of my clients Hamid and Marjan, had to say: Marjan comes from Iran and I helped
her get her Fiance visa.,
She said it took 45 minutes and they went over almost 90% of the
sample questions you had given us.
She was amazed by how spot on you were.
She got a letter saying Congratulations on the conditional approval of your visa........
She said they asked a lot of questions about age difference,
my family and even tried to test her to see if I had told her
about my incarceration.
These people even read the chat messages that we printed as evidence
of relationship and asked why you guys were talking about
this and that.
At the end, one of the two interviewers left and the other
one whispered to Marjan "Be honest with me, why are you marrying him,
is it for the Green Card?"
She handled it well
Thanks again,
Well, you are most welcome: Hamid + Marjan
Now, lets talk about Why a Fiance Visa is better than a Spouse Visa.
I get calls every day.
And the conversation usually starts with no preamble but "I have
a girl or boy friend overseas, please tell me, what is the BEST visa to get him or her
here, Fiance or Spouse"?"
My answer always is "well, it depends upon your situation and what your priorities are.
It depends on what is important to you.
Is it fastest speed?
Lowest Cost?
Relative simplicity?
Are children involved?
How old are they?
Do you have enough income to self sponsor or do you need a co-sponsor?"
And so on.
Only after I understand what the person's situation is, and what his or her priorities
are, can I suggest what visa might fit.
On reviewing annual US immigration statistics comparing how many K1 fiance visas are issued,
compared to CR1 spouse visas, there is no clear cut winner in the "which is better"
Amazingly enough it's a TIE !
In recent experience about 40,000 of EACH are issued annually.
Again the real answer is "it depends".
That is one of the main reasons I invite future clients to first book a free case evaluation
with me.
Besides giving us the chance to get to know each other, and feel if we can work together,
it gives me the opportunity to learn what is going on, and what the person wants.
Then together we discuss the pros and cons and figure out which of the two visas best
But today, I am going to list just the PROS, the TOP positive reasons why most who choose
the Fiance Visa path, actually choose it.
Next month I will take the other side and list the top reasons why a Spouse visa path
is chosen instead.
Reason #1.
Fiance visa is twice as fast
In 2018 this means while a spouse visa takes 14 to 18 months on average, a Fiance visa
will get your fiancee to the US much sooner, in half the time, only 8 to 9 months on average.
The reason the spouse visa takes longer than the fiance visa, is because the time to approve
permanent residency is included in the spouse visas processing time.
A K1 Fiancée visa is considered a non-immigrant visa.
Non-immigrant means it is only for a short and temporary stay, and that is only 90 days.
This compares to a regular immigration visa like a CR1 Spouse Visa which not only gives
the person permission to enter the USA, but also grants permission to remain permanently
as a lawful permanent green card holding resident.
A fiance visa does not need to include the the time it takes to review for permanent
residency and green card approval, only approval for a short 90 day visit instead.
And immigration knows that their fiance visa review can be less vigorous and thus faster
because they understand, that if the fiancee marries and applies to remain in the USA,
there will be a second chance to review the applicant all over again, when the new bride
or groom applies for permanent residency after arrival, after the wedding.
Reason #2.
Wedding in USA
The second reason a fiance visa is better is when the couple wants to celebrate their
wedding in the United States.
Usually this means they want to share their happiness with their American family and friends.
Reason #3.
Fiance's Children ages 18 to 21 are still eligible to immigrate with Parent
The third reason that a fiancée visa is better is when the foreign fiancé wants to bring
his or her children to the USA, who are 18 years of age or older.
When applying for a fiance or spouse visa the American sponsor can also at the same
time apply to bring to the USA the dependent children of his or her fiance or spouse.
If the wedding has taken place, the American sponsor can apply for a spouse visa, and regular
immigration for any child who was under 18 years old on the day of the wedding.
The American Spouse is limited to only apply for the under
18 year old's.
Any children aged 18 to 21 would be left behind.
However, if the couple is not married, and instead applying for a Fiance Visa, then the
American can sponsor the older children too, up to 21 years of age.
Reason #4.
Single trip Engagement appears more bona fide vs single trip Wedding.
Finally a fiance visa may be better than a spouse visa, when a couple plans to only meet
once, only make one trip, and only meet a single time and then apply for the visa.
This is because the timeline of their relationship will seem to make more common sense.
The couple who makes a marriage proposal, after meeting face to face, that then applies
for a visa have followed a more normal courtship progression of getting to know each other
first, before making life changing decisions.
And if their acquaintance has been short, they still have more time to get to know each
other, while the fiance visa is pending before having to make the final commitment at the
This compares to a couple who has never met, and sight unseen, agree to marry, make arrangements
in advance of the trip, and then almost without catching breath to get over jet lag move directly
from arrivals at the airport to the altar.
Remember the consular officer making the approve or deny decision, does not know you.
Does not know how honest and sincere you are.
However, he is aware of some dishonest people who offer money and a free overseas trip,
to an American willing to marry, then sponsor a foreigner for immigration.
If your genuine relationship follows the same apparent course that some common sham applications
follow, the consular officer might not be able to identify yours from the other.
And for a consular officer, "when in doubt, the safest decision, is to deny"
To summarize, Couples who only have ONE TRIP, to meet in person, then propose, then apply
for fiance visa, will appear to a skeptical consular officer more Bona Fide, than a couple
who only have ONE TRIP, where all marriage plans, had been made and committed to in advance
of the first in-person meeting, and who carried out those prearranged plans immediately upon
Next time I will describe the top good reasons why a CR1 Spouse Visa is better.
This was Fred Wahl, The VisaCoach
Please "like" or add your comments to this video.
Then go to VisaCoach.com and sign up for the VisaCoach
monthly newsletter.
Each month it is full of tips and advice on marriage based immigration.
And its free of charge.
And when you sign up you get two free ebooks I have written
"120 K1 Visa Interview Practice Questions, and "5 Things you must know before starting
your visa"
Finally, when you are ready to get started, call for
your complimentary case evaluation and speak with me directly,
Before starting on your immigration adventure, before
entering an arcane maze of rules, regulations and procedures,
before committing yourself to a risky path that could
mean an end to your happiness, speak with the VisaCoach
and ask for his Free Case Evaluation.
He listens to you to learn the red flags and strengths
of your case, your eligibility and goals.
He will suggest which visa is right for you, the best strategy
to get it, and how soon your love could join you.
VisaCoach's friendly advice and support might make
the difference between approval and denial, and
could save you months, or years, of loneliness and separation.
What have you got to lose?
Book your free evaluation today.
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