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For more infomation >> Shoes Polish Haryana V/S UP By Balle Tiwari - Duration: 3:57.-------------------------------------------
How To Increase Staff Productivity At Your Church | Pro Church Daily Ep. #165 - Duration: 10:42.
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Birthday Song for Smita
宋美龄的一个小手势,让罗斯福不寒而栗,杜鲁门视她如乞丐 - Duration: 5:10.
How To Write Blogs Fast | Speed Hack [Includes Template] - Duration: 5:33.
- We recently just found a hack
to half the amount of time
it takes us to write our blogs
and our video scripts, if not more.
- So, if you're thinking, god,
I wish creating content was quicker,
stick around because we're gonna show you our hack,
and it might be a little bit controversial.
- Oh.
- But, we think you're gonna love it.
- Plus, right at the end of this video
we're gonna be giving you a template that we use
so you don't have to start with a blank page.
(slide whistle music) (bell dings)
- In our recent video all about blogging strategy,
we mapped out the nine things
you absolutely must need to do
for a successful blog.
And in that video, we learnt
that the average word count
of a successful ranking blog in Google
is like a minimum of 2,000 words.
- That's a lot of words.
- That's a lot of words.
- But, if you will remember correctly,
in that video, writing in the blog
was actually only step two of nine.
So, what you don't wanna do is spend all your time
on step two when you've got step three,
step four, step five, step six,
step seven, step eight, step nine.
That was it, step nine. - yeah, just stop there.
- To actually do as well.
- Get carried away with the momentum there.
- Got a little bit carried away the numbers, yeah.
- Because it's all those other things
that you have to do that makes a successful blog,
not just writing it.
So, let's dive in and find out
what our time saving hack to write blogs faster is.
- Can you actually dive?
- No.
I sorta think it's my fantasy.
(Andrew chuckling)
- And then I was thinking I kinda dive.
- When jokes don't land.
Like Pete's dives.
(drum roll flourishes)
Now we're going to be a little bit controversial here
and suggest that you don't actually write your blogs.
- What? - At this point
could we have one of those duh duh duh sound effects?
- Duh duh duh.
- Because, Pete, I don't know about you.
I can talk much faster than I can type.
- Sure can.
So what we do is actually use voice dictation
to write our content.
Check it out, if you double tap the FN key
on your Mac or use speech recognition on your PC,
you can just talk into your computer
and it will write it up for you.
- You can also do this on Google Docs,
which is a free cloud based online alternative
to Word and we actually think Google Docs
is a lot more accurate.
Look, comma, this is me using my voice to type.
Pretty clever. - Yeah!
- It might take a little bit of time at first
to get used to and it will require some editing, no doubt,
but editing a few typos and some grammar
is much quicker than writing from scratch.
To keep the flow and the passion of your writing,
however, try not to stop too much
to kind of edit as you go.
Just let it all flow.
Accidental rhyme, I love it when that happens.
♪ Let it flow ♪
♪ Let it flow ♪
- Just for fun, we'd love you to try this out
right now on this YouTube video in the comments.
Let us know what you think about voice dictation
to write your blogs faster
and actually use voice dictation right now in the comments.
- I love Pete's idea of fun.
Can you just imagine Pete at the weekend
having fun, voice dictating.
(Andrew laughing)
- Remember, all you have to do is just
double tap the FN key or turn on speech recognition.
You might wanna leave it just a second
so it loads if this is the first time you've used it
or if it's not working at all,
you might wanna turn it on in the sentence.
- You can tell Pete does this for fun a lot.
He really prefers double tapping that FN key.
At this point, we would even suggest
you could potentially have a writer
or a editor or a designer
as part of your outsource team.
You can just send them the kind of rough copy
and they can make it look pretty.
- 'Cause remember guys, you don't
have to do absolutely everything yourself.
- Think about it, how much is an hour
of your time actually worth.
(bells dinging)
And if you paid an editor to type your blog,
they could probably do that in half the time
and also probably do it much better than you can.
What could you do with that time saved?
Could you even make more money than you have
just outsourced in that time?
- If your business model is set up right,
the more you outsource, the more money
you will actually make.
It's like paying to make yourself richer.
Its great.
Another thing you can do
if this whole voice dictation thing
isn't quite working out for you
is you could record your video scripts
or your blog scripts, and send it off
to a translation service
like or even just a writer.
So, you could let you just record your voice on your phone
and send it off to be transcribed.
Easy peasy.
- But not as fun as voice dictation, aye?
- But not as fun as voice dictation.
(bells dinging)
- Now one of the big things we do as well
to create content quicker
is to have all of our blog and video ideas
in a spread sheet broken down
into the different elements
so when it comes to actually creating,
we can just look at that and crack on.
Because that way, you don't have to start with a blank page.
So, if you want that template,
we're gonna link to it below this video.
- [Both] Go get it!
- Right, now that you've watched this video,
you definitely, definitely gonna wanna check out
our blogging play list here on YouTube.
It's got all of the ways to think of new blog ideas
and your killer blogging strategy.
- That's coming up in a moment
but, as always, please subscribe
for more marketing unboringed.
- He's been Andrew, I've been Pete.
- [Both] See you next time.
- Bye.
(upbeat music)
10 points de pression à connaitre pour soulager plusieurs problèmes de santé - Duration: 10:00.
Five Naughty Fat Hens | Cartoons For Kids | Nursery Rhymes by Farmees - Duration: 1:00:52.
Look at this five naughty fat jumping hens
cluck cluck
Five naughty fat hens jumping on the bed!
One fell off and bumped his head..
Mamma called the doctor and the doctor said
No more fat hens jumping on the bed!
Four naughty fat hens jumping on the bed!
One fell off and bumped his head..
Mamma called the doctor and the doctor said
No more fat hens jumping on the bed!
Three naughty fat hens jumping on the bed!
One fell off and bumped his head..
Mamma called the doctor and the doctor said
No more fat hens jumping on the bed!
Two naughty fat hens jumping on the bed!
One fell off and bumped his head..
Mamma called the doctor and the doctor said
No more fat hens jumping on the bed!
One naughty fat hen jumping on the bed!
It fell off and bumped his head..
Mamma called the doctor and the doctor said
Put those fat hens right to bed!
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