You will understand the two different cases with single replacement reactions
one case where a reaction occurs and the other case where no reaction occurs
Hello everyone, I'm Melissa Maribel your personal tutor and here's case one
first we'll use an activity series table to determine if a reaction occurs we'll
look at the metal starting from left to right in this example so we are going
from magnesium to iron. If the first metal which is magnesium is higher than
the second metal of iron then a reaction will occur. When you go from a higher
metal to a lower metal a reaction occurs now we'll switch the metals to form our
new products. The iron is now on its own and we are combining magnesium and
oxygen since we always want the positively charged metal to be first
followed by the negatively charged nonmetal. Note: The two and three
subscripts were only there to balance out the charges of iron and oxygen so
they will not come down and we are predicting the new product instead we
just look at magnesium and oxygen with their typical charges. Since the charges
are the same we do not have to add any additional subscript so our second
product is this and this is our unbalanced equation. Case two looking at
our activity series table we'll look at the metal starting from left to right
and find silver and potassium on our table since silver is lower than
potassium there is no reaction when you go from a lower metal to a higher metal
there's no reaction. You also have to know how to predict the products of
double replacement reactions you can find those examples right over here and
remember stay determined you can do this!
For more infomation >> Predicting Products of Single Replacement Reactions - Duration: 2:04.-------------------------------------------
#身處所多瑪、蛾摩拉,羅得怎樣教育下一代?(感情聖化要理問答67問) - Duration: 2:58.
今日のセルフトーク 7月31日「自分を許すということ」 - Duration: 1:52.
How I Make Money Online
My Friends Tigger And Pooh Tigger s Day at the You-See-Um Part 4 - Bailey Ford - Duration: 3:01.
PLEASE LIKE, SHARE, SUBCRIBE video! Thanks you very much!
Don't know Tigger, I don't think the wood is a very special place
Even if we didn't find a leg
We don't need a weasel like for taters Museum we saw plenty of special things today we did well my eyes closed
Everything can be interesting and special it just depends on how you look at it
You know what you see him, it's a how you see a
You are imitated to the special so
You see him taker I already told you I
So, so, will you think
What do I think I think it's the same sticks and rocks you showed me before?
At first glance perchance, we take a closer look rabbit. I am looking. Oh
But you're not seein
No dis ya brah is no mere Rock tis a time machine
What yes, yes, they look close see cuz a gazillion years a history written all over it Oh
Is that a fossil quite possibly?
I just hear cocoon. It's dead one amazing. Mummy or what mummy?
Don't be silly Tigger. That's it
Wait, wait, you know you're right. Uh,
Caterpillars wrapped in this cocoon. Oh, it is like a mummy
Right here in our own
Wonderful wood. Well, what do you know about that?
And this may look like an old used of eppley color
But there's actually a whole tree inside of it
Just waiting to happen. Once you plant those seeds of love the tree grow. Oh
My you're right. I never looked at it that way. I think what we're trying to tell ya I
Hate to admit it tater. Oh
But you're right, it's all very special it's all in how you look at it
Sandman Meets Venom | Spider-Man 3 (2007) Movie Clip - Duration: 3:24.
End of the line, Spider-Man.
I want him dead too, Flint.
That's why I've been looking for you.
Oh, yeah. I know all about you.
Like the fact that Spider-Man won't let you help your poor daughter.
It's just... That doesn't seem right to me.
Look, I wanna kill the spider, you wanna kill the spider.
Together, he doesn't stand a chance.
...where to?
All New York is holding its breath...
... as the hostage crisis continues to unfold.
Just 30 minutes ago...
... police came across this startling sight:
A young woman, held hostage in a taxi...
... suspended 80 stories above the ground...
... in what appears to be a giant web.
Every attempt by the police to rescue the hostage...
... has been thwarted by the Sandman.
Compounding the danger...
... is the appearance of a strange black-suited figure.
Early reports had believed him to be the black-suited Spider-Man...
... but he has now been identified as something entirely different.
The hostage has been identified as Mary Jane Watson...
... an actress recently seen in a brief stint on Broadway.
Wonder Woman Is A State Of Mind | Cosplay & Video Essay | Brash & Brilliant - Duration: 2:35.
I've always believed that Wonder Woman is a state of mind.
It's about drawing strength from within.
And that strength comes from vulnerability.
Wonder Woman shows us that experiencing both love and loss
is what unleashes our true inner power.
This is the most human experience.
To draw power from challenging everything you think you know about who you are
and believing in something greater than yourself.
As Diana says,
"It's not about deserve; it's about what you believe. And I believe in love."
Love is about sharing.
It's about collaboration.
It's about compassion and empathy
and opening our hearts and minds to the world around us
no matter how much we get disappointed along the way.
Love is accepting the dark and the light in all of us.
Love is what we fight with and what we fight for.
Love is true equality.
We might not have Amazonian combat training, but we all have the capacity to love.
Gal Gadot says:
"Wonder Woman has the strength and power of a goddess, but she has the heart and mind of a human."
"You treat her as a normal woman who happens to be fantastic and almighty."
"I love everything that she represents and everything that she stands for."
The Wonder Woman mindset motivates me to be a woman who balances strength and justice
with gentleness and compassion.
A woman who values personal growth and evolution.
A woman who believes in the power of kindness and gratitude.
That's why when I take my costume off at the end of the day, I still feel like Wonder Woman.
I feel even more empowered to keep an open heart and mind,
and to help others be the best version of themselves.
That's why Wonder Woman isn't just a superhero or a costume.
Wonder Woman is a state of mind.
This is my mission as a cosplayer:
to share Wonder Woman's message that only love can truly save the world.
Shirdi Sai - Parthi Sai_Vida de Sathya Sai Baba_Cap 51. - Duration: 10:28.
Couple in deadly Kzoo Co. crash with careless driver ID'd - Duration: 2:01.
Analysis of D-Sharp Minor Fugue from The Well-Tempered Clavier, Book I (Augmentation Strettos) - Duration: 9:03.
In this video, I'll analyze another of the most complex fugues from Bach's
Well-tempered Clavier: the D-sharp Minor Fugue from Book I. It's most famous for
its final augmentation stretto, during which the subject is played
simultaneously at three different speeds by the three voices. Contrapuntal
manipulation based on proportional rhythmic values had been a part of
Western polyphonic music for centuries before Bach. A celebrated example from
more than 200 years earlier is the Missa Prolationum by the 15th-century
composer Johannes Ockeghem, that consists almost entirely of prolation or
mensuration canons - meaning a canon in which one voice is the rhythmic
augmentation or diminution of another voice. Listen to the beginning of the
Credo, during which the material sung by the contratenor is simultaneously sung
by the superious, rhythmically augmented by a factor of 1.5 - in other words, one
and a half times more slowly. If this doesn't impress you, realize that the
lower two voices are at the same time singing a second prolation canon.
Another example of this technique, this time from the 21st-century, is an
augmentation canon that I composed myself - the 12th of my "Thirteen Canons at
Each Interval." In this case, the material played by the right hand is imitated
twice as slowly, or augmented by a factor of two. This canon was even more tricky
to compose because the answering voice is the exact chromatic transposition of
the original voice a major 7th downward. Now listen to the first half of this
canon, and if you want to hear the entire piece you can click on the link above.
Now let's return to the Bach fugue that begins with this subject:
After the fugal exposition, the subject immediately appears as a stretto, which
as I've explained in prior videos, is when entries of the subject overlap and
are played simultaneously. Soon after this first simple stretto,
the first augmentation stretto occurs. I'm labeling this version of the subject
"augmented x 1.5" even though that's not technically the case. This red
version is actually a rhythmic variation of the original subject that is
augmented in some portions, making it approximately one and a half times as
long as the original subject when played in its entirety. After another simple
stretto, the inverted version of the subject appears. Remember that an
inversion is played with contrary vertical motion when compared with the
original subject. The inverted subject cycles through the voices, combines with
itself in a simple stretto, and then combines with an inversion of the prior
augmented rhythmic variant, and a fragment of the original subject. Now we
hear a quick three-part stretto of the original subject and a quick three-part
stretto of the inversion, before the real fun begins. The subject is now
combined for the first time with an even slower augmentation played twice as
slowly. In this case, it's a literal augmentation and not a rhythmic variant.
The remainder of the augmented subject is combined with the inverted subject.
Now the augmented subject is combined with multiple entries of the original
subject, before the grand finale: a stunning final stretto that includes
the subject at all three speeds at once. Now listen to the entire fugue.
Shaheen says attempt made to hack office - Duration: 1:30.
[VOSTFR] ZICO - Soulmate (feat. IU) - Duration: 3:42.
[Cinematic] Hells of Beppu : Umi Jigoku - Oita - 海地獄 - Duration: 4:04.
Famous for its many "hells" or in Japanese Jigoku (地獄) Beppu city is by far the best location
in Japan to enjoy these natural wonders in a unique, yet quite touristy fashion
Beppu counts seven different hells, but two of them are,
as far as we are concerned, the most interesting ones and today we will start with the beautiful Umi Jigoku.
Umi in Japanese stands for sea, and you could translate the name of the place as the "sea hell".
Thanks to its beautiful boiling blue water, Umi Jigoku is Beppu's most famous hell of all.
Umi Jigoku was created approximately 1,200 years ago
following the eruption of Mt. Tsurumi. And despite its ocean color looks,
the water in Umi Jigoku is actually around 98°C/209°F!
This video was made in Cooperation with Tourism Oita. Learn more about Oita Prefecture at
Alec Benjamin - If We Have Each Other [Lyrics] - Duration: 3:07.
Alec Benjamin - If We Have Each Other [Lyrics]
Wonder Woman Is A State Of Mind | Cosplay & Video Essay | Brash & Brilliant - Duration: 2:35.
I've always believed that Wonder Woman is a state of mind.
It's about drawing strength from within.
And that strength comes from vulnerability.
Wonder Woman shows us that experiencing both love and loss
is what unleashes our true inner power.
This is the most human experience.
To draw power from challenging everything you think you know about who you are
and believing in something greater than yourself.
As Diana says,
"It's not about deserve; it's about what you believe. And I believe in love."
Love is about sharing.
It's about collaboration.
It's about compassion and empathy
and opening our hearts and minds to the world around us
no matter how much we get disappointed along the way.
Love is accepting the dark and the light in all of us.
Love is what we fight with and what we fight for.
Love is true equality.
We might not have Amazonian combat training, but we all have the capacity to love.
Gal Gadot says:
"Wonder Woman has the strength and power of a goddess, but she has the heart and mind of a human."
"You treat her as a normal woman who happens to be fantastic and almighty."
"I love everything that she represents and everything that she stands for."
The Wonder Woman mindset motivates me to be a woman who balances strength and justice
with gentleness and compassion.
A woman who values personal growth and evolution.
A woman who believes in the power of kindness and gratitude.
That's why when I take my costume off at the end of the day, I still feel like Wonder Woman.
I feel even more empowered to keep an open heart and mind,
and to help others be the best version of themselves.
That's why Wonder Woman isn't just a superhero or a costume.
Wonder Woman is a state of mind.
This is my mission as a cosplayer:
to share Wonder Woman's message that only love can truly save the world.
Temptation, Martina bacia Andrea e fa una gaffe al falò: Gianpaolo va via - Duration: 3:52.
Temptation Island, Martina bacia Andrea e poi fa una gaffe al falò di confronto: Gianpaolo furioso corre via Martina a Temptation Island ha stupito tutti lasciandosi andare con il tentatore Andrea
I due hanno vissuto momenti di forte passione su una barca. Già dalle anticipazioni sapevamo che tra loro sarebbe accaduto appunto qualcosa
Ma quanto i due hanno vissuto è stato davvero forte. Martina non era sicura della sua storia d'amore con Gianpaolo, in quanto quest'ultimo si sarebbe più volte dimostrato immaturo
All'interno del reality, la Sebastiani ha avuto delle conferme negative da parte del suo fidanzato, al punto che non ha voluto più resistere alle proprie emozioni
Durante una giornata in barca insieme al single Andrea, Martina si è lasciata decisamente andare
La Sebastiani ha ammesso che non avrebbe mai immaginato di poter trovare qualcuno all'interno del reality che potesse provare qualcosa di vero per lei
Tante sono state le lacrime versate da Martina, che si è lasciata consolare dal tentatore
Martina e Andrew sembrano davvero presi l'uno dall'altra. Tra i due pare non sia scattata solo una semplice passione, ma qualcosa di più grande
Martina Sebastiani si lascia andare con Andrew e poi chiede il falò di confronto "Non mi voglio sentire sbagliata in questo", ha ammesso Martina mentre si trovava in barca tra le braccia di Andrew
Il tentatore è riuscito a consolare e a far passare tutte le paure alla giovane
"Non smettere mai di essere te stessa con gli altri. Mai". Tra i due è così scattato inevitabilmente il bacio, che ha fatto capire a Martina cosa vuole davvero nella sua vita
Dopo aver compreso ciò, la Sebastiani ha deciso di richiedere il falò di confronto
Gianpaolo ha scelto di accettare la richiesta. Prima di raggiungere il fidanzato, Martina si è lasciata consolare ancora una volta da Andrew, il quale le ha dichiarato di aver fatto anche lui le valigie
Temptation Island, Martina chiama Gianpaolo "Andrea" Martina è apparsa molto sicura della sua scelta
Il corteggiamento di Andrea l'ha portata a prendere una decisione molto importante
La Sebastiani inaspettatamente si è lasciata andare con il tentatore
Durante il falò di confronto, la ragazza ha cercato di far capire al fidanzato di essere pronta a lasciare il reality, ma da sola
Nel corso della discussione, Martina ha chiamato Gianpaolo "Andrea"
Una vera e propria gaffe quelal della Sebastiani, che ha visto il fidanzato abbandonare il falò correndo via
New decals on 'F Trump' truck call out Sugar Land police - Duration: 2:25.
Over 1,000 applicants vying for jobs at Lockheed Martin - Duration: 1:51.
[Cinematic] Hells of Beppu : Umi Jigoku - Oita - 海地獄 - Duration: 4:04.
Famous for its many "hells" or in Japanese Jigoku (地獄) Beppu city is by far the best location
in Japan to enjoy these natural wonders in a unique, yet quite touristy fashion
Beppu counts seven different hells, but two of them are,
as far as we are concerned, the most interesting ones and today we will start with the beautiful Umi Jigoku.
Umi in Japanese stands for sea, and you could translate the name of the place as the "sea hell".
Thanks to its beautiful boiling blue water, Umi Jigoku is Beppu's most famous hell of all.
Umi Jigoku was created approximately 1,200 years ago
following the eruption of Mt. Tsurumi. And despite its ocean color looks,
the water in Umi Jigoku is actually around 98°C/209°F!
This video was made in Cooperation with Tourism Oita. Learn more about Oita Prefecture at
King Midas and the Golden Touch for Kids READ ALOUD - Myths and Legends for Children - Duration: 8:08.
Once upon a time, there lived a very rich king whose name was Midas.
Although King Midas lived long ago, he was very much like some people today: he was fond
of gold.
He loved gold more than anything in the world.
When he gazed at the gold-colored clouds of a beautiful sunset, he would wish that the
clouds were real gold.
If King Midas loved anything as much or more than he loved gold, it was his little daughter,
who was named Marygold.
When Marygold would run to meet him with a bunch of buttercups, King Midas would say,
"Dear child, if these flowers were as golden as they look, then they would be worth picking."
Every day, King Midas spent many hours locked away in a dark room in the basement of the
In this room he stored his treasures.
He would go there and carefully lock the door behind him.
Then he would take out bags of gold coins, and pour the coins in piles, and run his hands
through them.
As he did this, he would whisper to himself, "Oh, rich King Midas, what a happy man you
But even as he said this, he felt that he was not quite as happy as he might be.
For no matter how much he had, he always wanted more.
One day, as King Midas was enjoying himself in his treasure room, he looked up and saw
a strange young man, who shone with a golden glow.
King Midas knew that he had locked the door so that no one could get into the room, yet
here stood this man.
And so, King Midas thought, the stranger must have some magic power.
The stranger had a kind smile, so King Midas felt no fear.
Then the stranger spoke to King Midas: "You are a rich man, King Midas," he said.
"Yes, I have some gold," answered King Midas, "but it is not enough."
"What!" cried the stranger.
"You are not satisfied?"
King Midas shook his head.
"What would satisfy you?" asked the stranger.
King Midas imagined one gold mountain heaped on top of another, and another, yet still
it seemed not enough.
But then a bright idea occurred to him, and he said to the shining stranger, "I wish
that everything that I touch may turn to gold."
The stranger smiled and said, "A golden touch!
Are you quite sure you would be satisfied then?"
"Yes, I would be perfectly happy and ask for nothing more," answered King Midas.
"Then it shall be as you wish," said the stranger.
"Tomorrow, at sunrise, you shall find yourself gifted with the Golden Touch."
Then suddenly a great brightness filled the room, causing King Midas to squeeze his eyes
And when he opened them, the stranger was gone!
The next morning, when the sun had hardly peeped into his room, King Midas jumped out
of bed.
He touched a chair.
It turned to gold.
He touched the bed and a table, and they were changed to solid gold.
He rushed to put on his shoes, and they turned to gold in his hands.
In great excitement, he opened the door and he ran outside to the garden.
He saw many roses in full bloom.
He went from bush to bush and touched each one, until every flower, every leaf, and every
bud was changed to gold.
Now King Midas was hungry, so he returned to the palace for his breakfast.
He lifted his cup of coffee and sipped it, but the instant the liquid touched his lips
it turned to gold.
He tried to take a bite of a boiled egg, but it, too, turned to gold.
"I don't quite see how I am to get any breakfast!" said King Midas.
Just then King Midas heard someone crying.
He turned to see Marygold enter the room, crying as if her heart would break.
In her hand she held one of the roses that her father had changed to gold.
"Why, my little lady!" said King Midas.
"What is there in this beautiful golden rose to make you cry?"
"Dear father," Marygold answered, "it is not beautiful!
It is the ugliest flower that ever grew.
As soon as I was dressed this morning, I ran to the garden to gather roses for you.
But what do you think has happened?
All the beautiful sweet-smelling roses have been spoiled!"
"My dear little girl," said King Midas, who hated to see his daughter sad, "please
don't cry."
Then he bent down and kissed his child.
"My precious Marygold!" he said.
But Marygold did not answer.
Alas, what had he done?
The moment King Midas's lips touched Marygold's head, her sweet, rosy face turned a glittering
yellow color.
Little Marygold was now a golden statue!
King Midas cried out, wrung his hands, and wished that he were the poorest man in the
world if only he could have his daughter back again.
Then he noticed someone standing in the doorway.
It was the young stranger who had appeared the day before in King Midas's treasure
The stranger still shone with a soft glow, and he smiled as he asked the king, "Well,
King Midas, how do you like your Golden Touch?"
"I am very unhappy," said King Midas.
"Unhappy?" asked the stranger.
"But don't you have everything your heart desired?"
"No," said King Midas.
"Gold is not everything.
And I have lost all that my heart really cared for."
Then the stranger asked King Midas, "Which of these two things do you think is worth
the most: the Golden Touch or your own little Marygold?"
"Oh, my child, my dear child!" cried poor King Midas.
"I would not give one hair off her head even if you gave me the power to change this
whole big earth into a solid lump of gold!"
"You are wiser than you were, King Midas," said the stranger.
"Go and plunge into the river that runs by your garden.
The water will take away the Golden Touch.
Then fi ll this pitcher with water, and sprinkle everything you have touched."
King Midas bowed low, and when he lifted his head, the shining stranger was gone.
Then the king ran as fast as he could and jumped into the river.
He filled the pitcher and ran back to the palace.
The first thing he did was to sprinkle handfuls of water over the golden figure of little
The rosy color came back into her cheeks.
She looked in surprise at her father, who was still throwing water on her!
"Father, please stop!" she cried.
"See how you have soaked my dress!"
King Midas took Marygold in his arms and kissed her.
"Now I am truly happy," he said.
"My dear child, you mean more to me than all the gold in the world!"
Wonder Woman Is A State Of Mind | Cosplay & Video Essay | Brash & Brilliant - Duration: 2:35.
I've always believed that Wonder Woman is a state of mind.
It's about drawing strength from within.
And that strength comes from vulnerability.
Wonder Woman shows us that experiencing both love and loss
is what unleashes our true inner power.
This is the most human experience.
To draw power from challenging everything you think you know about who you are
and believing in something greater than yourself.
As Diana says,
"It's not about deserve; it's about what you believe. And I believe in love."
Love is about sharing.
It's about collaboration.
It's about compassion and empathy
and opening our hearts and minds to the world around us
no matter how much we get disappointed along the way.
Love is accepting the dark and the light in all of us.
Love is what we fight with and what we fight for.
Love is true equality.
We might not have Amazonian combat training, but we all have the capacity to love.
Gal Gadot says:
"Wonder Woman has the strength and power of a goddess, but she has the heart and mind of a human."
"You treat her as a normal woman who happens to be fantastic and almighty."
"I love everything that she represents and everything that she stands for."
The Wonder Woman mindset motivates me to be a woman who balances strength and justice
with gentleness and compassion.
A woman who values personal growth and evolution.
A woman who believes in the power of kindness and gratitude.
That's why when I take my costume off at the end of the day, I still feel like Wonder Woman.
I feel even more empowered to keep an open heart and mind,
and to help others be the best version of themselves.
That's why Wonder Woman isn't just a superhero or a costume.
Wonder Woman is a state of mind.
This is my mission as a cosplayer:
to share Wonder Woman's message that only love can truly save the world.
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