If you spend any time studying space, you're bound to find some strange stuff;
that's one of the best parts about astronomy.
But every now and then, even the most experienced scientists
find something that makes them scratch their heads.
Like Przybylski's Star.
We've been studying it since the 1960s,
but we still can't seem to figure out what the thing is made of.
And according to one study, that might be because it contains elements or isotopes
scientists have never seen before.
Move over, Tabby's Star, because this might be the weirdest star in the universe.
Przybylski's Star is about 370 light-years away,
and it's named after the Polish astronomer who first studied it.
Przybylski published his first paper about the object in 1961,
based on spectroscopy observations.
This is a common method that links the type of light a star emits
to the elements it contains, among other things.
And right away, he knew the observations of this star weren't normal.
For one, based on its spectrum, the star seemed to have barely any iron in it, which was weird.
Most stars survive by fusing lighter elements into heavier ones,
and iron is one of the most common results.
On the other hand, this star also seemed to be chock full of lanthanides,
even heavier elements like holmium and europium,
which normally aren't as abundant in stars.
At the time, Przybylski suggested this star must be pretty far along in its lifespan
to have produced so many heavy elements.
But today, we know the story is a little more complicated than that. Isn't it always?
Thanks to lots of scientists and telescope hours,
we now know that Przybylski's Star is actually part of a special class called
Ap stars, or A-type peculiar stars.
Regular A-type stars are usually hot and have no magnetic fields.
But Ap stars have cool surfaces, strong magnetic fields, and really long rotation periods.
For some reason, these stars also tend to have lots of lanthanides, but not much iron.
So in that respect, Przybylski's Star isn't as odd as we first thought.
But that doesn't mean it's normal, either.
According to a few papers, there's evidence that this star
also contains atoms that have no business being there at all.
Specifically, ones like promethium and plutonium.
These elements and their isotopes, or versions with a different number of neutrons,
have relatively short half-lives.
This is the time it takes for half of the atoms in a radioactive substance
to decay into something else.
Promethium, for example, has a half-life of less than 20 years.
And plutonium has a half-life of some 24,000 years at most,
which is still barely any time at all for a star.
That means that, unless they're new additions or are being replenished somehow,
they should have all completely decayed by the time humans and telescopes showed up.
So far, there are a few possible explanations for this.
Some astronomers have suggested that these atoms could have come from a recent supernova,
or from ongoing reactions catalyzed by a nearby neutron star.
But the evidence for these ideas isn't that strong.
You also can't have an astronomy mystery without some alien hypotheses.
But, uh, if you have any peer-reviewed papers about that, you can let us know.
Still, there's one other possible explanation that doesn't involve First Contact.
And if it's true, it would change the textbooks, and not just the astronomy ones.
In 2017, in the journal Physical Review A, three researchers suggested that
Przybylski's Star might actually contain super heavy elements or isotopes
we haven't even discovered yet.
And, over time, these super heavy atoms could decay into the short-lived isotopes we've observed.
Specifically, they proposed that the atoms could be versions of three elements:
flerovium, unbihexium, or unbinilium.
We've made really tiny quantities of flerovium in the lab before,
like, around 100 atoms total, but we've never seen it in nature.
And although we think unbihexium and unbinilium should exist based on what we know about chemistry,
we haven't observed them yet.
So if this hypothesis is true, it would mean that studying Przybylski's Star
would let us see these atoms in the wild, or at all, for the first time!
There's even a chance that the isotopes in the star would be part of the
island of stability, a hypothetical group of heavy, extra stable elements
that scientists have been trying to track down.
That would make this star not only important for astronomy,
but for chemistry and physics on Earth, too.
Now, it is worth mentioning that the team didn't have any new explanation for how
those heavy atoms would've gotten there.
And there's still a chance we misread the data, and that Przybylski's Star
doesn't really contain short-lived isotopes.
After all, the spectrum for this star, like the one Przybylski first used to study it,
is difficult to read.
Normally, spectra have a few fairly clear-cut lines that scientists can link to different elements.
But for this star, those lines are kind of all over the place.
So there's an ongoing debate about what's going on, because something weird is
definitely happening to produce that messy spectrum.
One helpful next step would be to take more measurements and hope they're clearer.
But there's a lot of other stuff to study, too, so most people aren't actively looking into it.
In the meantime, researchers will keep trying to solve this mystery with what they have.
And maybe one day, they'll get to name some new elements because of it.
Thanks for watching this episode of SciShow Space!
If you'd like to learn more about how stars have transformed the universe,
you can watch our episode about the very first stars.
Because without their influence, you wouldn't be here.
For more infomation >> This Star Might Be Hiding Undiscovered Elements | Przybylski's Star - Duration: 5:52.-------------------------------------------
Cara membuat ayam goreng tepung (How to make fried chicken) - Duration: 5:13.
''Gres'' fried chicken
add chicken legs in a bowl
lemon juice
rub it evenly
slash it on the side
garlic powder
pepper powder
coriander powder
curcuma powder
ginger powder
rub it evenly
let it rest in the fridge minimal 1 hour
add in flour
corn starch
garlic powder
coriander powder
pepper powder
chicken powder
whisk until combine
beat the egg
add in milk
add in chicken legs into the flour mixture
coating the surface evenly
add in into the egg batter
roll evenly
back to the flour mixture
second coating
do the same process until finish
heat up oil in a large amount
fry chicken for about 8-10 minutes until cook througly in both side
take the chicken out and drain
fry all chicken until finish
ready to serve
COPENHAGEN JAZZ FESTIVAL 2018: AFONSO CORRÊA Memorial Concert 3/ - Duration: 9:15.
woo seo ri х gong woo jin [30 but 17] ►[here come the regrets] - Duration: 0:53.
Peugeot 3008 - Duration: 0:53.
🏁Como substituir molas no VW GOLF 3 1H1 Hatchback [TUTORIAL AUTODOC]🏁 - Duration: 7:52.
Loosen the wheel mounting bolts. Remove the front wheels.
Use a drive socket No.10. Unscrew the brake hose fastening bracket from the shock strut.
Use a drive socket No.18 and a combination spanner No.18. Unscrew the nut and remove the shock absorber lower mounting bolt.
Use a drive socket No.22. Unscrew the upper fastening of the shock absorber strut.
Remove the suspension strut.
Set the shock absorber strut on the spring compressor tool.
Use a drive socket No.21. Unscrew the top fastening of the shock strut mount.
Remove the top mount, the support bearing and the upper spring cup.
Remove the spring.
Install the spring.
Install the spring top mount and the upper spring seat, the washer and the top strut mount.
Place the shock absorber in the wheel arch and secure it.
Use a drive socket No.21. Tighten the top shock absorber fastening.
Use a drive socket No.18 and a combination spanner No.18. Tighten the nut fastening the shock absorber strut to the steering knuckle.
Use a drive socket No.10. Tighten the brake hose fastening bracket to the shock strut.
Atheism Is Inconsistent (Greg Bahnsen) - Duration: 4:09.
It is not a mark of rationality for a person to assert one thing and then live contrary to that assertion
That might be considered a kind of moral hypocrisy
But equally it can be seen as a kind of irrationality
There's an inconsistency or tension within the reasoning of the unbeliever
Because the unbeliever has one belief that he's using when he linguistically asserts his position
But then he has a conflicting belief
Evident when he behaves in a way contrary to what he asserted previously
so when people live contrary to what they say they are being moral hypocrites, but they're also being irrational they have an
Inconsistency in what they believe or what is evident about their beliefs and the life of the unbeliever. It turns out is riddled with
Just such
Inconsistencies. Let me give you some examples quickly an unbeliever will
human dignity and attend the funeral of a dead friend
honor or relative who has passed away and
Yet at the same time. The unbeliever is known to have argued previously that man is in principle
No different from any other product of evolution like a horse or a dog
Now social events like funerals or solemn events where Christians don't want to make asses of themselves by doing this but
I've often thought when I've gone to a funeral especially when unbelievers are going through all this stuff about human dignity and
So forth and so on how wonderful this person is I say what are we doing here at this funeral?
We don't have funerals for dogs
Well some people in Southern California do but they're considered weirdos. We don't have funerals for horses for aardvarks and cockroaches
Why are we having a funeral for this?
particular part of the evolutionary chain
Say on the one hand
the unbeliever says man is nothing but advanced protoplasm just the slime that's evolved and
Yet he doesn't treat him like slime or her like slime when the death takes place
It's a kind of real ration allottee
The unbeliever will insist that man is nothing more than a complex of biochemical factors
that are controlled by the laws of physics and
then the unbeliever who has argued all day that way in the science lab or in the lecture hall at the university goes home and
Kisses his wife and children and says he loves them
Man is nothing more but biochemical
Reactions controlled by the laws of physics and yet he acts like there's something more something above
biochemical responses when he kisses his wife and says he loves her the
Unbeliever will argued that in sexual relations. Anything goes there are no moral absolutes
I heard that so often when I was a college student during the sexual revolution and
Then the same unbeliever who says anything goes will turn around and condemn the war in Vietnam is an absolute moral atrocity
Excuse me
Isn't there something wrong with this argument when it comes to shacking up with my girlfriend?
Anything goes when it comes to the United States getting its pleasure by beating up South Vietnamese. That's not okay
Once you say anything goes guess what anything goes you can't turn around to be a moral absolutist then
The unbeliever will indignant ly condemned child molesters
Even though he said you can get your sexual pleasure any way you wish?
Well, of course, I think child molestation is horrible, I think it's a capital offense
There's no doubt about my negativity about it
But I can make sense of what I'm saying
when I condemn child molestation the unbeliever cannot what you have in the case of the unbeliever is somebody
Who says one thing with his words but his actions betray it?
Actions speak louder than words. That's another kind of inconsistency. We wish to point out
Peugeot 3008 - Duration: 0:53.
Reasons to Love BTS: Jimin Version - Duration: 12:04.
hello everyone, this voice is back and better than ever lmao, anyways we're here today
to discuss some of the various reasons as to why you should love our cute little mochi
Park Jimin. JC there's an unlimited amount but today we'll focus on quite a
few specific reasons,, alright let's begin.
Reason number one: his laugh//smile this boy has one of the prettiest laughs in
the entire world, like i swear to god,, listening to it regularly ensures clear skin, good grades,
and an unlimited amount of happiness ((these results are not guaranteed))
Reason number two: he is so selfless when it comes to others
If you didn't know, before putting this video together i asked everyone that followed
my instagram ((@squishyminyoongi 🐯💜 )) to comment reasons as to why they love Jimin
so that i wouldn't forget anything, and this girl really just hit home with what i
was trying to say for this category so here it is, his ability to make others feel loved.
He exudes just pure love and kindness at all times, he allows people to confide in him
and in return he gives out genuine love and hope, he makes people feel at home.
Reason number three: His Love for ARMY He is constantly expressing his appreciation
for us and making sure that we all know we're loved. He takes time out of his day to take
his silly little twitter videos and pictures of himself with the other members so that
we know everyone is doing well ;(( Please appreciate this man, like literally he doesn't
have to do that, but he does because he knows we'd like to see and loves and cares about
us. He also literally just said in one of their latest V live broadcasts that he misses
us so much, and just b**ch that makes my heart hurt so bad, i love you ;(
Reason number four: He is so passionate and hardworking
If you watched burn the stage, then you know by now how insecure Jimin can get at times
about his voice and the way he looks, and because of these internal issues he is constantly
working hard to better himself, but I wish there was a way for him to understand that
we all love him so so much just the way he is, and as tae said in the last run episode,
"it's not a big deal" if you have little mess ups Chim, you are human. It's okay 💝
Reason number five: His duality. This man can literally go from being Mr. McCgiggle
Farts to making me want to choke on my godd*mn remote because of how he's performing up
there on that stage. He also can have a bit of a temper when he's angry, and never forget
when the boys once said in an interview that jimin is the scariest when he's upset.
But he also naturally has a sort of cuteness to him, and can come of as this innocent and
childlike kind of man, but then jesus f**king christ he takes one long stride along that
stage and it's over for everyone. He lays h*es to rest.
Reason number six: His gentle and caring nature Jimin is literally such a complex person with
so many layers to his personality, like sometimes he's very loud and interactive with others,
but then other times he can be very observant and appreciative of simpler things, and that's
the side we're going to focus on right now. I'm not good with my words sometimes, so
like i don't really know how to explain it well enough for people to understand my
point, but literally jimin is so like good natured and understanding and just appreciates
the smaller things in life, like these clips made me realize that our boy jimin is just
such a level headed guy, okay this was such a mess of an explanation bye.
Reason number seven: Jimin is literally a visual god
i won't explain much for this one but just jESUS F**KING CHRIST IM TYPING IN ALL CAPS
Reason number eight: He's an amazing dancer His energy and charisma on stage are so amazing
and eye-catching, like literally he puts so much passion and dedication into everything
he does and that aspect of him really shines on stage.
Reason number nine: His voice Jimin's voice is angelic and could literally
save a nation. Like i said about his dancing, he's hardworking as h*ll and strives to
be perfect and his hard work really pays off because i swear to god this boy has the voice
of an angel. I really wish he wasn't so hard on himself sometimes though, because
we all love his voice so much and are pleased with it no matter what condition it's in.
((Deada** he could release a three minute video of just him coughing and i'd be satisfied for months))
Reason number ten: His small hands I know the members tease him sometimes because
his hands are smaller than the rest of theirs, but despite that i hope that doesn't make
him insecure, Like his hands are literally the sweetest things i've ever seen.
love you baby and your cute little fingers ;(
Reason number eleven: Clumsy Giggles The way this boy kind of just falls into whatever's
next to him when he has a little giggle fit is so adorable I'm sorry why am i like this
lmao okay here are some examples,, bye
So there we go, those are all of
the reasons that we'll be discussing today. I think it's safe to say that overall we
have concluded that Jimin is lovable in every single sense and deserves unconditional love,
recognition, and appreciation. Please send him lots of love via twitter and other social
media platforms. For some reason these past few months he's received unnecessary hate
and threats and just jesus f**king christ, it's disgusting. So like i said, tell him
you love him !! Remind him to drink water and to take care of himself !! Continue to
support and encourage this sweet sweet boy, because he's the most caring boy in the
world and deserves it. Alright, well that should do it. Thank you so much for watching this video, okay bye, see you next week!
bonus reason: his drinking habits lmao this boy wild
MPC Roundtable—The Chicago Region's Transit Future - Duration: 1:37:42.
STUCK IN THE AIRPORT 9 - Duration: 1:54.
LOST IN THE MOUNTAINS - GRENOBLE, France (DJI Mavic Pro) - Duration: 1:46.
This week I had the opportunity to go to Grenoble
to do some hiking and discover impressive landscapes
This is what I shot
Mito: realtà e meraviglia - Video 2 di 4 - Il Ratto di Persefone - Duration: 3:36.
BTS ‒ Fake Love (Folded Dragons ft. Jason Chen, Ak Benjamin, Ysabelle Remix) - Duration: 3:48.
Reasons to Love BTS: Jimin Version - Duration: 12:04.
hello everyone, this voice is back and better than ever lmao, anyways we're here today
to discuss some of the various reasons as to why you should love our cute little mochi
Park Jimin. JC there's an unlimited amount but today we'll focus on quite a
few specific reasons,, alright let's begin.
Reason number one: his laugh//smile this boy has one of the prettiest laughs in
the entire world, like i swear to god,, listening to it regularly ensures clear skin, good grades,
and an unlimited amount of happiness ((these results are not guaranteed))
Reason number two: he is so selfless when it comes to others
If you didn't know, before putting this video together i asked everyone that followed
my instagram ((@squishyminyoongi 🐯💜 )) to comment reasons as to why they love Jimin
so that i wouldn't forget anything, and this girl really just hit home with what i
was trying to say for this category so here it is, his ability to make others feel loved.
He exudes just pure love and kindness at all times, he allows people to confide in him
and in return he gives out genuine love and hope, he makes people feel at home.
Reason number three: His Love for ARMY He is constantly expressing his appreciation
for us and making sure that we all know we're loved. He takes time out of his day to take
his silly little twitter videos and pictures of himself with the other members so that
we know everyone is doing well ;(( Please appreciate this man, like literally he doesn't
have to do that, but he does because he knows we'd like to see and loves and cares about
us. He also literally just said in one of their latest V live broadcasts that he misses
us so much, and just b**ch that makes my heart hurt so bad, i love you ;(
Reason number four: He is so passionate and hardworking
If you watched burn the stage, then you know by now how insecure Jimin can get at times
about his voice and the way he looks, and because of these internal issues he is constantly
working hard to better himself, but I wish there was a way for him to understand that
we all love him so so much just the way he is, and as tae said in the last run episode,
"it's not a big deal" if you have little mess ups Chim, you are human. It's okay 💝
Reason number five: His duality. This man can literally go from being Mr. McCgiggle
Farts to making me want to choke on my godd*mn remote because of how he's performing up
there on that stage. He also can have a bit of a temper when he's angry, and never forget
when the boys once said in an interview that jimin is the scariest when he's upset.
But he also naturally has a sort of cuteness to him, and can come of as this innocent and
childlike kind of man, but then jesus f**king christ he takes one long stride along that
stage and it's over for everyone. He lays h*es to rest.
Reason number six: His gentle and caring nature Jimin is literally such a complex person with
so many layers to his personality, like sometimes he's very loud and interactive with others,
but then other times he can be very observant and appreciative of simpler things, and that's
the side we're going to focus on right now. I'm not good with my words sometimes, so
like i don't really know how to explain it well enough for people to understand my
point, but literally jimin is so like good natured and understanding and just appreciates
the smaller things in life, like these clips made me realize that our boy jimin is just
such a level headed guy, okay this was such a mess of an explanation bye.
Reason number seven: Jimin is literally a visual god
i won't explain much for this one but just jESUS F**KING CHRIST IM TYPING IN ALL CAPS
Reason number eight: He's an amazing dancer His energy and charisma on stage are so amazing
and eye-catching, like literally he puts so much passion and dedication into everything
he does and that aspect of him really shines on stage.
Reason number nine: His voice Jimin's voice is angelic and could literally
save a nation. Like i said about his dancing, he's hardworking as h*ll and strives to
be perfect and his hard work really pays off because i swear to god this boy has the voice
of an angel. I really wish he wasn't so hard on himself sometimes though, because
we all love his voice so much and are pleased with it no matter what condition it's in.
((Deada** he could release a three minute video of just him coughing and i'd be satisfied for months))
Reason number ten: His small hands I know the members tease him sometimes because
his hands are smaller than the rest of theirs, but despite that i hope that doesn't make
him insecure, Like his hands are literally the sweetest things i've ever seen.
love you baby and your cute little fingers ;(
Reason number eleven: Clumsy Giggles The way this boy kind of just falls into whatever's
next to him when he has a little giggle fit is so adorable I'm sorry why am i like this
lmao okay here are some examples,, bye
So there we go, those are all of
the reasons that we'll be discussing today. I think it's safe to say that overall we
have concluded that Jimin is lovable in every single sense and deserves unconditional love,
recognition, and appreciation. Please send him lots of love via twitter and other social
media platforms. For some reason these past few months he's received unnecessary hate
and threats and just jesus f**king christ, it's disgusting. So like i said, tell him
you love him !! Remind him to drink water and to take care of himself !! Continue to
support and encourage this sweet sweet boy, because he's the most caring boy in the
world and deserves it. Alright, well that should do it. Thank you so much for watching this video, okay bye, see you next week!
bonus reason: his drinking habits lmao this boy wild
Church's Chicken® | Smoky BBQ Chicken MegaBites Review! 💪🐔♨️ - Duration: 3:48.
welcome to peep this out reviews with Ian K
stay frosty we're headed into Church's Chicken to check out an update to their
tasty chicken megabites that I definitely enjoyed checking out about
6 months ago and this time they're supposed to be smoky feast your eyes on
smoky bbq megabites and already I'm digging that mesquite barbecue seasoning
sprinkled all over what's essentially thick cut pieces of white meat chicken
that are hand battered in their famous coating and then deep-fried to a crispy
golden brown and to keep the flavor train rollin I've got my go-to ranch
sauce for dipping so overall not a bad presentation on this and considering I
scored 8 pieces for 3 bucks it's not a bad deal at all so let's see if
these deliver on taste like they did the first time around it's the all-new smoky
bbq chicken megabites here at Church's Chicken let's peep out this
flavor yeah definitely diggin the size of these just like the first time around
and I love the aroma of that barbecue seasoning in my car right now guys here
we go it's the smoky bbq chicken megabites
here at Church's Chicken mmm well right off the bat if you guys like lays
barbecue potato chips that's exactly the same type of flavor I'm getting from
the seasoning from this it's very strong in the barbecue department with a little
bit of sweetness coming up on the back end and of course the white meat chicken
is always a plus not bad so far the white meat chicken is
fairly juicy and just a little bit thicker than your average chicken nugget
hence the name megabites but the real star of the show aside from all of that
guys is easily gonna be the seasoning the smoky barbecue is really tasty on
this and even though it does remind me of the type of seasoning that you would
find on those Lay's barbecue potato chips it really works well with this and
it goes extremely well with the coating on the outside it really soaks it up and
speaking of smoky that's exactly what it is here in Southern Cali another
record-breaking day of heat so what do you say we go for a little swim in a
ranch to cool off a bit here's another shot on the outside of this one to give
you an idea of how coated some of these chicken pieces are guys it looks really
nice especially going into that ranch let's hit it mmm that one had a little
extra crunch in the coating on top of extra dusting on that bite guys that was
pretty tasty along with the ranch always a go-to always delicious this is really
good so one more quick shot of what's essentially a super chicken nugget with
some fairly juicy white meat and some very familiar barbecue mesquite
seasoning on the outside and if you guys love Church's Chicken and you love the
coating you a lot to look forward to with this one
not bad yeah I'm definitely glad this one's back on the menu and with a new
flavor because it was really really tasty the first time around and if you
haven't seen my initial review of these hit the link in the upper right hand
corner every display that was the full meal version of these and it was pretty
tasty so as for the new flavor I'm gonna have to give the smoky bbq chicken
megabites here at Church's Chicken a solid 8.5 out of 10
familiar flavor notwithstanding these are still very chunky pieces of chicken
that have a very tasty outer coating the addition of that BBQ seasoning is
definitely a highlight the smokiness is there and like I said very familiar to
Lay's barbecue potato chips and that's not necessarily a bad thing because I
like those too so yeah these are still worth it even if you get it without that
seasoning definitely give it a shot but like always this is all just my opinion
what do you guys think are you guys fans of Church's Chicken in general and if
you are how excited are you to give this a shot with a smoky bbq flavoring
drop some comments down below and definitely let me know and with that
this is Ian K closing out another episode of peep this out and like I
always say I've got brand new content every single week here on my channel so
while you stay tuned for the next review coming real soon in the meantime stay frosty
yeah man you know I'm gonna have to switch to some night filming I think in
the near future because this heat is absolutely killing me what do you guys
think is it time for some cheaters cam to come on out and play drop those comments
down below and definitely let me know and as always I'll talk to you soon
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