Nabil Fekir is the major football title before the start of the World Cup 2018.
The French were close to the extent you could go to Liverpool, before everything collapsed
on the 11th hour.
All Liverpool's most trusted journalists — Paul Joyce and James Pearce have confirmed this
agreement in place.
Fekir seems to even have made his first interview with LFCTV and the image has made the ring
on social media of the man Lyon in the famous red shirt.
Then, in addition to nowhere, Lyon issued a statement claiming that the negotiations
ended and no agreements were made this summer.
Jean-Michel Aulas frustrating a top club again.
Since then, there hasn't been so much clear information about what happened on ' Fekir
Friday ' and everything took place pretty smoothly.
Liverpool never released a statement of her own and Jurgen Klopp had never spoken of public
agreement – until now.
A fan on Twitter has recorded a short excerpt from Sky Sports News showing the German boss
discussing the deal.
While he was still quite elusive, Klopp refused to say that the deal was completely dead.
"If nothing happens to our boys, we hit the ," Klopp said.
The reason why Klopp leaves the open door is interesting is by quotes from the recent
Pearce in Liverpool Echo.
When asked about the Fekir story, the "trustworthy" Reds say: "Yes, Lyon is crying because of
a buyer.
It suits them so that Liverpool is constantly associated with Fekir.
"For all talks about the ability to restructure the contract value of 53 million the table
has collapsed last month, I can't see Liverpool back for him.
If the concerns on his knees are really strong, surely Klopp would put out any claims that
Liverpool could sign him in the near future?
Don't be surprised if things change quickly in the Fekir story in the next two weeks.
For more infomation >> Jurgen Klopp breaks his media silence on the Nabil Fekir 's story of Liverpool ● News Now ● #LFC - Duration: 2:24.-------------------------------------------
Meet the KVUE Pet of the Week: Zulma - Duration: 3:57.
(MJQ-P - Hatsune Miku) Ang Ating Kuwento / Our Story (OPM) - Duration: 3:40.
Mr.Alma_sama - Duration: 1:54.
España pide solución europea ante llegada de masiva de migrantes - Duration: 4:37.
El ministro de Interior de España instó a hallar una "solución europea" al "problema de la inmigración", después de que los guardacostas españoles auxiliaran a más de mil 200 migrantes en el mar en dos días
"Venimos aquí para ver sobre el terreno los problemas que existen, el problema de la inmigración, que es un problema de Europa, que necesita una solución europea", declaró ante la prensa el ministro Fernando Grande-Marlaska, del nuevo gobierno del socialista Pedro Sánchez, al visitar la provincia de Cádiz, según una grabación enviada por la delegación del Gobierno
Rescatadas hoy en El Estrecho 238 personas de 13 #pateras con la S/Arcturus, S/Gadir, S/Atria, Guardamar Concepción Arenal, patrulleras Alcotán 14 y Río Guadiana
Continúan las operaciones de rescate coordinadas por el Centro de Salvamento Marítimo de #Tarifa pic— SALVAMENTO MARÍTIMO (@salvamentogob) July 28, 2018 El ministro viajó a Algeciras para constatar cómo atienden a los migrantes las fuerzas de seguridad y la Cruz Roja
El servicio público de Salvamento Marítimo anunció el sábado en su cuenta de Twitter que se había auxiliado a 334 personas ese día, llegadas en 17 embarcaciones improvisadas
El viernes, los guardacostas socorrieron a 888 personas en un solo día.20h, ESTRECHO: 774 auxiliados de 52 pateras por Arcturus, C
Arenal, Vega, Gadir, Denébola, @guardiacivil trasladados a Barbate, Algeciras y Tarifa, Luz de Mar (permanece en mar con 176 personas)
Imagen rescate inmigrante sin conocimiento e hipotermia Helimer 202 desde Denébola pic— SALVAMENTO MARÍTIMO (@salvamentogob) July 27, 2018 España se convirtió este año en la primera puerta de entrada de migrantes irregulares a Europa, por delante de Italia
"Esto se debía de prever", dijo el ministro, acusando al gobierno anterior de Marino Rajoy; "un poquito de imprevisión", después de que las llegadas por mar hubieran empezado a dispararse el año pasado
"Estamos abriendo un centro en [.] el puerto de Algeciras", con una capacidad de más de 600 plazas, declaró, afirmando que se estaba trabajando "contrarreloj"
Imágenes de los rescates de hoy en el Estrecho en una intensa jornada que ha comenzado a las 7:22h
Las distintas unidades no han parado y también se ha tenido que realizar la evacuación con el Helimer 202 de un inmigrante sin conocimiento y con hipotermia severa al hospital pic— SALVAMENTO MARÍTIMO (@salvamentogob) July 27, 2018 Más de 20 mil 992 migrantes irregulares llegaron a España por mar en lo que va del año y 304 murieron durante la travesía, según un registro de la Organización Internacional para las Migraciones (OIM) con fecha de 25 de julio
Hasta entonces, Italia contaba con 18 mil 130 llegadas y más de un millar de muertos, mientras que Grecia contabilizaba 15 mil 528 llegadas y 89 fallecidos
TE RECOMENDAMOS: Comisión Europea pagará a países por recibir migrantes "No puedo aceptar que me discriminen" Rescatan a 60 migrantes rechazados por Italia y Malta ¿Cómo reunirá EU a miles de niños migrantes con sus padres?
Melon, pastèque : duel au soleil (2017, Documentaire) - Duration: 52:03.
Cette vieille chienne sans dents est devenue le parfait anti-stress d'un cabinet dentaire ! - Duration: 3:16.
How the Democrats exploit the "politics of moist eyes" - Duration: 2:14.
Ingraham: A filmmaker whose new movie "Death of a Nation" is in theaters on August 3.
We're all looking forward to that. His accompanying book comes out on the same day.
Alright guys, a lot to unpack here. Dinesh, let's start with you.
This is the kind of story that I think Republicans always have a hard time with,
because nobody likes to see a child crying because he or she misses
his mother or his father. It tugs at everybody's heartstrings, mine, I'm a mom,
you're a dad, it's hard stuff to see. But this problem was brought on
by politicians who refuse to do the work they were supposed to do, and now
the American people, as usual, are supposed to pick up the tab.
Your reaction to all of this?
D'Souza: Well, I think, on the one hand, there's grief, but there's also the
manipulation of grief. The politics of, you could call it, "moist eyes."
And this isn't just the Democratic Party, it's also the media, which frames these images.
And so, it's not that the Republicans are insensitive, the Republicans are scared
of being portrayed as insensitive, and the Democrats are using that charge,
even though at heart they know it's fake. And what I mean by that is...
We live in a Hobbesian world, in which a lot of these problems, gang violence,
domestic violence, these are epidemic, particularly the favelas in Brazil,
the slums of Bombay, all over China. These are global problems.
America has never taken the position that our doors are open world-wide
to anybody who is suffering from these problems. We create very carefully
carved out exceptions for, for example, political persecution, or as you said earlier,
religious persecution, and that's it. But the Democrats are using that fact that they're
able to dramatize these problems on our border to create a kind of emotional stampede,
and then Republicans feel politically defensive, run for the exits in the
kind of familiar invertebrate fashion.
Why Do Prosthetic Limbs Feel Way Heavier Than Biological Ones? - Duration: 3:27.
If you've ever given someone a piggyback ride, you know that even tiny humans can feel
But we don't notice the weight of our own bodies.
And there's a song that explains why:
The knee bone is connected to the thigh bone.
The thigh bone is connected to the hip bone… and so on.
Prosthetic limbs generally feel much heavier than biological ones, because they aren't
connected to your skeleton.
Nowadays, though, engineers are trying to use the body's natural bony support system
to make prosthetics even better.
Your bones are connected to each other with ligaments.
And these ligaments have mechanoreceptors that help you feel how your joints are moving.
But they aren't able to sense how heavy things are.
That job goes to the Golgi tendon organs, which are mechanoreceptors in the tendons
connecting all your muscles to bones.
Because your leg is connected to your skeleton, your muscles don't have to provide that
much force to hold things in place.
So you don't really notice how how heavy your leg is — even though just one of them
makes up about 16% of your total weight.
Most prosthetic devices are attached with a socket held in place with a harness or suction.
Harnesses limit the range of motion, and the suction of the socket activates the Ruffini
corpuscles, which are mechanoreceptors that are sensitive to stretching skin.
That's why prosthetic limbs can feel like they're hanging onto the body, instead of
connected to it.
And if you had a prosthetic leg that was as heavy as a biological leg, it might feel like
walking around with like a toddler hanging on to you.
So scientists have had to design lighter prostheses, sometimes at the cost of function.
But as a different solution, they've been working on a way to connect prosthetic limbs
to the skeleton, using a technique called osseointegration.
Osseointegration is where bones grow into foreign materials.
Humans have actually been doing this for a long time, like in 600 CE when the Mayans
used mother of pearl to make teeth that integrated into the jawbone.
But it wasn't until 1965 that Per-Ingvar Brånemark used osseointegration to put titanium
dental implants in the first human patient.
Titanium is super biocompatible.
When there's oxygen around, it makes an oxide film that prevents lots of other chemical
reactions — so it doesn't, like, break down inside your body.
At the same time, it activates the immune system some, so the cells that are normally
responsible for bone resorption slow down, and new bone grows around the titanium fixture.
These titanium implants are made with lots of nooks and crannies that bone cells can
grow into, so they stay secure for decades.
Since dental implants became a thing, lots of researchers have applied osseointegration
to prosthetic limbs too.
All patients have to do is clamp their prosthesis onto the titanium implant, and they're good
to go.
Because there's no harness, there's more range of motion.
And because there's no suction socket, the prosthesis doesn't feel like it's pulling
on your skin.
There is one drawback: a metal rod sticking out of your skin is an open wound that you
have to take care of, or it can get badly infected.
Even though this technique is still experimental, nearly 1000 patients have undergone this surgery
for their prosthetic legs, arms, and even thumbs.
Researchers are working on ways to address the risks, and the technology can only improve
from here.
And we'll keep learning along with you here on SciShow!
If you're curious about other ways engineers are working with human bodies, check out our
episode about human interface technologies!
And if you want to delve into all kinds of science with us,
you can go to to subscribe. to subscribe.
And ring that bell, I guess?
Suspicion and Intrigue on the Track at Barcelona 1992 | Strangest Moments - Duration: 4:56.
When Khalid Skah stepped on the podium in 1992,
two days after winning the men's 10,000 metres,
the Barcelona crowd made it clear what it thought of the
Moroccan's performance.
The jeers that rained down on Skah greeted one of the most
controversial victories in modern Olympic Games history.
In the minds of those fans,
Skah was one of the all-time Olympic Games sinners,
alongside his team-mate and alleged co-conspirator,
Hammou Boutayeb.
The men stood accused of engineering a cynical triumph
that went beyond the limits of acceptable race strategy.
Richard Chelimo of Kenya
had been denied gold by his archrivals
from North Africa, who had run the race as a team.
The accusations were far from proven.
Boutayeb's behaviour was certainly unusual,
but in the eyes of some observers, he was innocent.
Perhaps it was karma.
The Kenyans themselves had often been accused of
some dubious team racing.
Either way, Skah's triumph felt very hollow indeed.
In 1992, the Kenyans and Moroccans were the kings of
long-distance running.
Morocco had the reigning Olympic champion in its ranks,
but Kenya dominated the 10,000 metres at the
World Championships the previous year.
Eight of the world's 11 fastest men
over the distance were Kenyan.
In Barcelona, the scene was set for the next battle.
The atmosphere was hostile.
And by the time the race was 6,500 metres old,
all other parties slipped away.
It was Chelimo verus Skah, head-to-head.
That, at least, was how it seemed.
But coming towards the end of lap 22,
the race leaders encountered that man, Boutayeb.
He was second last, a back marker,
a man whose only job now was to move aside and be lapped.
But Boutayeb would not be moved.
And what happened over the next few laps
was the source of the controversy.
Boutayeb wouldn't get out of the way.
Chelimo and Skah overtook him,
but then he overtook them right back.
They passed again,
but Boutayeb run alongside them,
then he got back in front.
What was Boutayeb doing back there, anyway?
He was 36, but still an elite athlete.
It looked like a Moroccan conspiracy.
The idea seemed to be too slow down and distract Chelimo
with all the suspicious shenanigans,
and then allow Skah to run clear.
Race officials thought it was odd.
The chairman of the IAAF technical committee
stepped onto the track
to try and hold back Boutayeb.
The crowd grew restless, and booed what they saw.
And even after Skah sprinted clear of Chelimo
to cross the line first,
and blew kisses to the supporters,
he found he had few.
They believed they had witnessed a con.
Almost immediately, the authorities concurred.
The IAAF disqualified Skah, citing a breach of rule 143.2.
But Skah said he had no idea what Boutayeb had been up to.
They weren't even friends.
Skah said Boutayeb was an animal and an imbecile.
TRANSLATION: I think as a former champion it was
an embarrassment for him to be lapped.
The authorities were stung by claims
that they had been hasty.
Skah said they were racist and thieves.
And the IAAF relented again.
They reinstated Skah and gave him the gold medal.
But what was the truth? Will we ever know?
Chelimo said he heard Boutayeb and Skah talking to each other
on the track. What was being said?
TRANSLATION: I was yelling at him to go away.
"You are making big troubles. You are making big troubles."
But inside the big stadium was 50,000 people yelling
and whistling, you cannot hear anything.
The Kenyans threatened to walk out.
The credibility of the sport was in jeopardy.
But Boutayeb remained silent,
even as Skah stepped onto the podium
to receive his medal.
What could I do?
It was my duty and obligation
to go out there and face it as best
as I could. I was smiling, but very sad inside.
My honour was at stake.
And I would not go out and face them if I had felt I had
dishonoured myself.
Mr.Alma_sama - Duration: 1:54.
Somebody Toucha My ASMR | 1 Hour - Duration: 1:00:01.
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أجمل 10 ممثلات فى الهند و سينما بوليوود - Duration: 10:40.
Raai Laxmi
Kareena Kapoor
Zarine Khan
Hansika Motwani
Nikki Galrani
Daisy Shah
Sherlyn Chopra
Sunny Leone
Preity Zinta
Ameesha Patel
Fish LOVE THIS! They Just Can't Resist - Duration: 8:34.
Whoa, did you see that? Did you guys see that?
Greetings everybody, Paul the inventoryking.
Hope you guys are all having an awesome day and enjoying those fish are yours.
If you guys could punch the subscribe button and click the notification bell, I would be
honored to have you guys join me on my fish keeping adventures.
We need to go to the store. Let's get rolling.
So today we are heading on now to the big city, to the big block stores to get some
items for the fish.
So join me on the journey.
Let's go. Let's go get some stuff.
All right, so we made it to Petco.
Let's go.
So it's pretty clean.
Bunch of rows of fish,
some of the African cichlids some yellow labs.
those are cool.
Check out this awesome angel fish.
A bunch of Nemos.
Alright so here's what we came here for.
Some Frozen food.
Some Frozen Food.
Alright, so here's what I came here for.
some of the frozen krill.
gonna pick this up and I didn't realize they had the big bag.
So I'm going to get that too.
And we're going to get some mysis shrimp.
That yellow Tang is sweet.
This is making me want to get a salt water tank.
Alright, so we got what we want, let's go.
Alright, so we got what we needed at petco, the frozen food for the fish.
Now I'm about to show you something that's going to be a great tip.
So here's what I'm talking about about that tip, bring an ice chest and a little bit of ice
and then go ahead and put your frozen food into your ice chest so it doesn't melt on your way home.
Now I didn't realize that they had the big, big one today.
So that's not gonna fit in there, but the small ones will, ready to go.
Now we need to get it home and you can't get frozen krill and brine shrimp and not feed
them to the fish.
So let's go back to the fish room and let's feed some of the big time predators and some of the Common Haps.
All right, so we made it back.
As you could hear, Zoe is barking in the background, but we made it.
We are back to the fish room and it is time to feed those predators and the common haps.
So what do you guys think?
Do you think the Lepturus Green are going to go insane over the Krill?
What do you guys think?
Did you see that?
Did you guys see that?
look and these guys, the Lepturus Green. WOOHOOWOO!!
That dude is huge.
look at this guy.
It's got some food in its mouth.
I'm pretty sure that that's a male right there.
It's a big, big one.
It just showing me signs of male and that one also might be male that's going up in
the corner there.
I don't know.
I might have got a all males.
I don't know.
WOOOO haha dang that boy nice.
Can't not feed the hawks.
Let's see what they do.
This dude got some of that Krill, ate it like crazy.
The Lepturus Green got some as well.
And boy they are messy.
Messy, messy eaters.
um, This tank is just going crazy.
Just going crazy stuff everywhere, hahaha.
Look at these dudes.
And I want to give a shout out to um, to Corey Hecker.
I heard him on one of his videos say the Champsochromis Spilorhynchus.
So instead of saying Spilo, I'm going to say Spilorhynchus now because there's one right
And there's another one right there, two Juvies.
This guy's looking great now, going to get him into the back into the tank.
These guys are looking great as well.
And so are these guys, WOOO.
I do love the common haps, the colors on them are just spectacular.
Look at this guy oh me oh my.
Man Isn't it a lot of fun to feed your fish, especially when you feed them something that
they love.
Like I mean they love all food, but like when you give them this frozen krill it is awesome.
They love it.
I just, it's a lot of fun to watch them just go after it.
Um, got some good footage.
Hope you guys enjoyed that.
Um, let me know in the comment section down below.
What'd you think of the video?
What'd you think of, um, how it got put together.
Would love to know your comments down below.
If you could like the video, that would be amazing.
If you can punch that subscribe button and click on that notification bell, I'd be honored
for you guys to become subscribers and join me on my fish keeping journey.
You guys are amazing.
Thank you so much.
And stay tanked.
海贼王:火拳艾斯开发烧烧果实最强招式炎帝有多强?甚平给出回应 - Duration: 4:51.
Melon, pastèque : duel au soleil (2017, Documentaire) - Duration: 52:03.
✅ Windsor : Quand un garde royal éjecte une touriste sur son passage ! - Duration: 2:48.
La séquence a de quoi faire sourire, mais la principale intéressée a dû connaître une belle frayeur : une touriste qui se trouvait sur le chemin d'un garde royal du château de Windsor a été écartée du passage manu militari
La discipline militaire des gardes de Sa Majesté n'est pas réputée pour rien ! Dans une courte séquence vidéo diffusée par le site Liveleak
com, on peut voir la femme en question, coupable d'avoir franchi le cordon délimitant la zone autorisée aux touristes, se faire éjecter brutalement
et observer avec quelle impassibilité le garde administre la poussette dans le dos, sans dévier de sa trajectoire ni interrompre son parcours cadencé
Heureusement pour elle, elle est parvenue à éviter la chute. Il semblerait que le garde n'ait pas usé d'un avertissement verbal – "Faites place au garde de la reine !" – au préalable comme il y est autorisé pour ce type de situation
"La Household Division – corps de l'armée formé par les sept régiments de gardes de la reine – est fière de protéger Sa Majesté et honorée que des gens du monde entier regardent son spectacle cérémoniel
Les cordes sont là pour protéger aussi bien le public que nos soldats ; merci de rester derrière elles", a signalé le ministre de la Défense
Ce n'est pas la première fois que de petits incidents du genre viennent perturber le service de ces soldats reconnaissables à leur tunique rouge et leur coiffe à poils d'ours, qui perpétuent une tradition longue de plus de 350 ans
Plus tôt cette année, un garde royal a hurlé dans les oreilles d'un touriste qui avait lui aussi pénétré dans une zone interdite pour faire une photo
En 2015 également, un touriste avait connu une belle frayeur : trouvant amusant d'imiter le garde pendant sa ronde et marchant à côté de lui, il avait jugé opportun de lui mettre la main sur l'épaule
et s'était retrouvé avec son fusil mitrailleur sous le nez. Braquer son arme est considéré comme le dernier degré d'avertissement que peut adresser un garde, habilité le cas échéant à placer un éventuel contrevenant en détention
Les invités du mariage de la princesse Eugenie d'York, qui s'y déroulera le 12 octobre prochain, sont prévenus et n'ont qu'à bien se tenir !
Getting impressions for my braces! - Duration: 5:18.
Hi and welcome back to my channel. Welcome if it's the first time you're here.
My name is Stephanie, I'm 21 and the reason why I decided
to make YouTube videos is to document my experience with braces.
So today is the first step of the process. I'm going to get impressions
this morning before getting my braces next week so I'll take you
with me along the journey, at every appointment so that you can see
the process. I'll ask my orthodontist if they allow me to film
everything and if they do, I'll bring you with me through every step of the treatment
so you can see the changes that happen. So here we go!
You'll have the impression that you have sand in your mouth. It's really what it
feels like. We'll rinse thoroughly afterwards.
Here, we are polishing my teeth, then we'll rinse them, floss and my teeth will be ready
to take the impressions.
You have on week left to eat candy, gum, gummies, sticky things. If you want to eat a corncob before we put on
your braces, it's now! Then we can't bite it!
But she can still eat normally, except for hard things?
Everything we eat from our hand like apples, pears, plums etc. They all need to be cut
in pieces. We have to be careful with raw vegetables.
You'll have to get used to cooked vegetables
You must cut raw vegetables, even baby carrots!
Not that bad!
There's one step left.
Here, we're taking impressions of how my two jaws close together.
Great! It really looks like a smile.
Before, after.
As you just saw, I was allowed to film this morning's appointement.
I told them about my plans to document my braces journey,
all the steps. And they were really
open, they don't mind at all. So I will be able to bring you with
me at my appointments and show you what's going on at
an orthodontist appointment. You'll be able to see the process
through every step. So that's good new!
Now, about my appointment from this morning; the impressions. Honestly it really wasn't that bad.
I expected it to be way worse because of all the videos and comments I saw
of people saying that it was disgusting,
that it gives nausea and makes you want to throw up. I was really afraid that it
would happen to me, but it didn't. It went really well. The worst out of the two was
the top impressions because you can feel the paste on the top of your palate.
and it goes towards the throat. But it wasn't that bad, you can still swallow.
If I can give you one tip, it's to breathe through your nose and it takes about
30 seconds so that's not so bad and goes by quite fast. You shouldn't be too stressed
about that! Of course, it's different from one person to another but for me personally,
it went pretty well. It's really not that bad. So, that's about it for today's video.
If you have any questions, you can leave them in the comments below
and I'll be sure to answer them. You can also like this video to show me
you appreciate this content and I'll keep doing this kind of video.
Also, you can subscribe to my channel to follow me through my braces journey.
On that note, I'll see you in my next video which will be me getting
my braces. So, see you next week. Thanks!
Mr.Alma_sama - Duration: 1:54.
Babestation girls send good luck message to boxer ahead of return to ring - Daily News - Duration: 2:47.
</form> Dave Allen returns to the ring on Saturday night when he faces Nick Webb on Saturday - and he has the Babestation girls in his corner
Heavyweight Allen is no stranger to the adult TV actresses after he was invited to visit the girls backstage during a live show
And after getting to know the girls, the 26-year-old has become a hit at Babestation HQ and is know known as 'Papi De La Babestation' by the models
The glamour girls got together to record a video sending their wishes to their favourite boxer along with a tweet
I read: "A HUGE GOODLUCK to our handsome Papi De La Babestation for tonight! We're ALL going to be watching and rooting for you! TeamRhino WhiteRhino
" Allen originally found fame, and the attention of the Babestation stars, when he stuffed socks down his Calvin Klein boxers during the weigh-in to his fight with David Howe last year, on the undercard to David Haye vs Tony Bellew
The stunt saw him earn his infamous nickname, 'The White Rhino'. He let slip his dream since he was a child was to tour the Babestation studios, and was quickly invited down for "a cuddle
" Allen tweeted before his April visit: "I'm going to babestation and I'm f****** buzzing
I have dreamt of this day since I was 12, want to thank my parents for having sky tv and going to bed early and enabling me to have this dream
" He also joked he wanted to set up 'Davestation' to rival Babestation. Allen faced Webb on the undercard of heavyweight title fight Dillian Whyte vs Joseph Parker, with the likes of Dereck Chisora, Katie Taylor and Conor Benn also on show
And the support from the Babestation girls seemed to work wonders as he floored his opponent with a huge overhand right in the fourth round to win by KO
Joan Collins: Δείτε την να ποζάρει με μαγιό στα 85 της | News | - Duration: 1:41.
Η Joan Collins μπορεί να είναι 85 ετών, αλλά παραμένει πάντα όμορφη και εντυπωσιακή
Η ηθοποιός, παρά το προχωρημένο της ηλικίας της είναι πολύ ενεργή στα social media και δεν σταματά να ανεβάζει φωτογραφίες στον προσωπικό της λογαριασμό στο Instagram
Η πρωταγωνίστρια της θρυλικής Δυναστείας απόλαυσε πρόσφατα τις διακοπές της στο Saint Tropez, μαζί με τον σύζυγό της Percy Gibson και δεν δίστασε μάλιστα να δημοσιεύσει φωτογραφία της με μαγιό, συγκεντρώνοντας πάνω της όλα τα βλέμματα
Θυμίζουμε πως η 85χρονη σήμερα Collins έχει αποκτήσει τρία παιδιά, ενώ έχει παντρευτεί πέντε φορές
Με τον πέμπτο σύζυγό της, τον 53χρονο Percy Gibson παντρεύτηκε το 2002 και ο γάμος τους μετρά ήδη 16 χρόνια
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