Black, Gay, Vet Leaves Democratic Party, Becomes Republican – Needs Everyone To Know Why
Now boasting nearly 150,000 members in its Facebook group and widespread media coverage,
the #WalkAway movement is taking the Democratic Party by storm. Former Democrats telling their
stories of why they are choosing to #walkaway on various forms of social media is a message
that resonates with many Americans. Brandon Straka, a gay hairdresser from New York City
is the founder of the "Walk Away" campaign along with the viral hashtag #WalkAway.
According to Fox News, Straka cites the "negative rhetoric spoken by the left and intolerance
it has shown has been a big reason as to why he's walked away." He simply made a video
explaining the evolution of his thought process, and his choice to simply "walk away" from
a political party that he believes left him behind. Posting his thoughts on social media,
it promptly went viral.
Straka begins with… "Once upon a time, I became a liberal. Well, to be honest, less
than a year ago, I was still a liberal."
He continues – "I reject a system which allows an ambitious, misinformed and dogmatic
mob to suppress free speech, create false narratives, and apathetically steamroll over
the truth….I reject hate."
He called liberalism "intolerant, inflexible, illogical, hateful, misguided, ill-informed,
un-American, hypocritical, menacing, callous, ignorant, narrow-minded and at times blatantly
fascistic. He then adds – "If you are a person of color, an LGBT person, a woman
or an American immigrant, the Democratic Party wants you to know you are a victim. This is
perhaps the Democratic Party's greatest, and most insidious, lie."
Straka at one point was denied service at electronics superstore Adorama in Manhattan
after he was recognized after an interview with Fox News host Tucker Carlson talking
about the "Walk Away" campaign.
He tweeted – "I'm shaking right now. I just went into a camera store to buy a camera
and a light and mic, etc. and they recognized me from tv. I was refused service because
they said it was for "alt right" purposes. That literally just happened."
Rob Smith is another man who chose to leave the Dem party. Inspired by Straka's campaign,
Smith also chose to #walkaway. A black, gay, Army veteran, Smith was also sick of being
told he was little more than a victim and forced to participate in identity politics
and false narratives.
Appearing on Fox News' "Watters' World" on Saturday, Smith states – "I think for
me, I got so sick of the lies. What they were telling black people. When you are a black
person you get messages from Democrats saying you are a victim and you need us to succeed
and you need us to achieve, you need this ever-expanding welfare state to make something
of yourself. I got tired of it and sick of that message that it needed them, and I got
sick of that message of victimhood that they continue to push to black Americans for the
last three decades of my life."
Smith stated he simply gave up on the Democratic party because he refuses to be told what to
think or say or be "kept in line." He explained – "I think Democrats use identity
politics to keep people in line. To keep black people in line. To keep Latinos in line. To
keep gay people in line. I'm black and gay, and I have seen them use the same tactics
for black people as they do for gay people."
Smith also spoke with Watters on just how difficult it was to choose to walk away. Smith
made the distinction that it was actually easier to come out as a gay man than it was
a Republican. He explained – "I didn't lose friends when I came out as gay. I've
lost friends since coming out as Republican. People do not understand it and these are
the… left, that's supposed to be so tolerant and inclusive. These are the people who were
the first to shun me when I came out as conservative."
Smith states he has personally faced a lot of criticism for his choices and has been
called everything but a "child of God" for choosing to follow what his conscience
dictates that he must do. He asked simply – But why can't I have different ideas?
Why can't I be free thinking? Why can't I have a victor mentality?"
The #WalkAway stories are compelling and often quite moving, resonating with large swaths
of the population. People from every imaginable background — black, white, Hispanic, rich,
poor, straight, gay, trans, and even celebrities have spoken out and explained their reasons
for choosing to leave the Democratic party. Many of them have voted as a Democrat since
they were first able to vote. The majority of them have lost friends for choosing to
think for themselves and refusing to be "kept in line." Many of them have also found support
and friendship among others also dealing with the same level of displacement in the #WalkAway
Interestingly enough, the "Walk Away" Campaign has gained such traction and so many
have responded choosing to #walkaway, left-leaning mainstream media sources have attempted to
discredit the movement claiming that it is simply a right-wing propaganda effort propped
up by a legion of Russian bots.
PJ Media reports – "In 2016, the Democrat media complex ignored the massive grassroots
movement that came out in support for Trump, dismissing his massive rallies and popularity
online as somehow insignificant. Now they are dismissing the #WalkAway campaign as a
propaganda movement. Once again, something genuine and significant is happening across
the nation, and it's getting ignored or ridiculed by media elites. It doesn't matter.
Like a snowball rolling downhill, the movement is getting bigger and bigger with each day
and there's nothing an elite can do to stop it.
In story after story, former Democrats — including a popular, Grammy-nominated musician — describe
how they finally saw through the lies, smears, duplicity, and hypocrisy that infects today's
Democratic Party. And how they couldn't help but notice the outrageous double standard
in the way liberals and conservatives are treated. For people who remotely pay attention,
the corrupt stench of the party is getting harder and harder to ignore.
"Laws are made for everyone and now it's as if Demacrats [sic] are protecting each
other and seems like they can break the laws and they get away scot free," writes Barbara
Kaminsky, who says she comes from a long line of Democrats. "If an ordinary person like
me did the things they do I would be under the jail. I am disillusioned by the fact that
Hillary got off with nothing for the massive corruption, dishonesty and lies she has done
and just skates back to her mansion and a young naval man takes a picture to send his
family and goes to prison. I could go on and on but I digress."
Christiana S. F. Chamon writes that she comes from "a very leftist Brazilian family"
that essentially told her what to think. She says she voted for Obama twice, and really
thought "Republicans were evil racists, bigots, and Bible thumpers."
Her eyes started to open near the end of her freshman year in college, when she says she
started asking her leftist friends questions. "The more questions I asked, the more insults
I was called," Chamon says. "'Racist,' 'sexist,' 'misogynist,' etc. I soon
realized that these leftists are the very thing they claim to be against: racist, intolerant,
close-minded, etc. Anything that dares be different from their echo chamber, immediately
they lash out.'
During her journey, Chamon found out that everything she was told about the opposing
party was a lie. '[T]hese moderates/Libertarians/Republicans are some of the kindest, most open-minded
people I've ever met,' she writes. 'Through friendly discussions with people on the center/right
whom I disagreed with, I learned to look at things objectively and not base my opinions
on those of a collective group, whether left or right. I became a free thinker, and I encourage
everyone to do the same.'"
For more infomation >> Black, Gay, Vet Leaves Democratic Party, Becomes Republican – Needs Everyone To Know Why - Duration: 7:39.-------------------------------------------
084 Carla - Duration: 15:59.
== Carla, are you ready? == Yes, just about.
== You're still in your bathrobe! == Don't worry, I'm not going to back out.
I didn't mean it like that. It's... It's just that I'm very nervous!
All the guests and... all the hoopla. Hopefully everything will go smoothly.
What would go wrong? Besides us, nobody else knows why we're really getting married.
Nonetheless, don't you wanna go ahead and get yourself ready?
And where is Vanessa?! When can my Mouse start developing the habit of being on time? I'm going to call her.
== Just have some breakfast in peace first! == I wouldn't be able to swallow a thing!
== One hundred euros if you'll let me do this job on my OWN. == Two hundred if you'll keep your trap shut.
Vanessa, give it a rest, at least for today. Your father doesn't get married every day!
== At least you're always good for sparring with. == Yeah, but don't tell anybody.
== Count Lahnstein? == Yes?
Would you have a moment? The new butler wanted to personally introduce himself.
Count Lahnstein, Viktor Cornelsen
Very pleased, and welcome!
Viktor, at the moment is unfortunately not a good time at all
But we've already discussed the most important things over the phone. Uh, couldn't you please bring Viktor up to speed on the details?
== Of course, Count Lahnstein. == Great.
Count, one other very important thing. This was just delivered by a courier for you.
No return address, I hate that! Did the courier say who it was from?
No, but he was insistent that the package be given to you right away
All right, thank you
[Evidence material. View IMMEDIATELY!]
== It can't be that difficult to put on a dress! == We'll be done in just a minute.
May I come in?
== NO! == NO!!! == NO!!!
Dad, maybe you could go on ahead to the church?
Yes, right. And take your daughter with you, she's expendable here.
You know what? I WILL go!
It's unbearable here with you two!
== Yeah, anyway it's looking kinda cool. == Yeah, very 'cool'...
== But somehow something's still missing. == What would be missing?
The garter!
What would she want with a garter?? I swear, you have no clue about royal weddings.
Like you do!
Carla, do you wanna wear a garter, or not?
Excuse me?
You see? She's not interested.
I miss her so terribly
Everything reminds me so much of Hanna. Here is where we spent the most wonderful nights.
How am I supposed to go on living without Hanna?
She was the true love of my life!
How am I supposed to go on living without Hanna?
She was the true love of my life!
Father, will you take a look?
Do you like it?
What's wrong? Is the veil not sitting right?
I double checked the wedding picture again, to see how Mother wore it
Is everything all right?
No, not at all
No, no, no,... no
This time it isn't...
... about Ansgar
But instead?
Is there some kind of problem?
I just finished speaking with Ms. Käppler again, and she said everything is running according to plan
... your engagement to Bernd ...
... came as a big surprise to all of us
I know. It all happened a little fast.
But I have no regrets about this step
You do know....
... what kind of promise you're about to make to each other at the altar?
Yes! What are you getting at?
Well, I... I just want to be sure that you... really want this marriage to Bernd
Of course!
I love him
And I'm looking forward to the fact that in a few hours he's going to be my husband
I always...
I always considered you to be a person of strong moral fiber and honesty
But evidently I was deeply wrong about that
Father, what is the meaning of this?!
I know everything
What do you know? I don't understand what you mean.
I want to hear the truth
From your lips
Look me in the face, Carla!
You're going to have to look the Monsignor in the face later, too
Your groom, your family, your friends!
I thought it would be better this way! For everyone.
Bernd is my friend
== This whole thing is one huge FARCE! == NO!
Your mother wore this veil at our wedding
How can you dare defile it this way, with... with this unbearable lie?!
Oh God!
I wanted to tell you. But I didn't know how.
Tell me WHAT?!
That I...
That I'm a lesbian
Hanna was the only person I've ever really been in love with
Hanna wanted me to tell you
But I just never could
Picturing how badly I'd be disappointing you...
I've deceived and hurt you so horribly
Someone informed on you, Carla
That's not important anymore
Now that you know everything –
... can't we stop this charade and call off the wedding?
I suggest you go upstairs now and put your makeup in order
We can't leave your guests waiting any longer
Not to even mention the press
You really want me to marry?
Your groom is waiting in the church
What if your father hasn't watched the surprise video yet?
== He has. Bank on it. == Well then, now the wedding can start getting downright fun!
Perhaps we should change the topic...?
How is Benedikt doing in London anyway?
== Very well. He's one of the most respected lecturers at the butler academy. == Mm.
Oh my God, fantastic! The dress is a dream!
== Count, excuse me-- == Not now.
Ahem... if I can be of any help, then...
Uh, Carla seemed so... tense
Is that the impression you had, Ansgar?
No, no, we're just... somewhat nervous
Oh God, Hanna!
This is all just madness
I just wanted to ask if you need help with anything?
No, thank you. But it's sweet of you to ask.
Don't mention it
Don't you worry. You look beautiful, and I'm certain it will be an unforgettable day!
Once you're standing with Bernd at the altar...
I'll wait for you in the next room, okay?
Oh, Arno, try to relax
It's broad daylight. Jana is hardly going to be going to a drug party right now.
From your lips to God's ear!
== Right, and uh... when is it that I stand up again? == You'll recognize it when the time comes.
== Ow! == Oh, so sorry! I just can't navigate in these things.
My goodness, doesn't Nico look pretty in her dress?
Hello, Ms. Jones!
Ah, hello!
That's a bit astonishing... didn't the Count just put her on leave of absence?
== It's nice you could make it. == Thank you for the invitation.
== Take a deep breath and plunge. == Hooh! Yeah... oh, you'll excuse me?
The most wonderful day, and also the worst
If there's an unmarried crown prince sitting around here anywhere, let me know
== Mr. von Beyenbach. == Ms. Schneider.
== So, are you nervous? == Ooh, yes.
What is this?!
An accident
That's gonna look great on the front pages! Be sure you give the photographers a wide detour, okay?
Bernd, Bernd! ... 21, 22, and breathe.
Hooh. Yeah, you're right.
== Do you have the rings? == What?!
Oh God, the rings!
You look beautiful. Believe me, once you've gotten past the vows, you'll have made it through the worst.
Hey, it won't do anybody any good for you to have a heart attack. At least it would be better if I were there then.
== I'm going to go now. == Okay. == So then?
In a box? You don't say! I suspected as much.
Listen, Bernd, I really can't understand a word. I'll take care of it, okay? I'll be there soon.
All right, ciao
== What's happened? == The rings! They must be here on the sofa somewhere.
Oh, I'll help you
The guy knows how to make it suspenseful!
The car has just arrived
== All right. == And the bridal bouquet.
Right, thanks
I've rarely seen such an ill-humored father of the bride
It's a special dowry that his daughter is taking into the marriage, hm?
But despite that, he's going to see the wedding through. My respect!
Wait and see!
Oh Carla,...
... you look so beautiful!
Yes, as pure as an angel
The car is waiting
Goodbye, and best wishes
He's really going to lead her to the altar
Well now, I like it when two hearts of a kind find each other
You aren't the first person who's felt like this is an eternity
== And not the first who's forgotten the most important thing. == Thank you for your words of moral support.
I'm very excited to see the dress!
== Yours, by the way, is très chic, hm? == Oh, thank you!
So, I'm going to be a good girl and go find myself a little out-of-the-way spot
Well, wonderful, now we won't see another thing. As if that chapeau had the starring role today.
Good afternoon
Charlie, interesting dress
Makes you look more mature
Well, got the kidnapping of the bride planned already?
I'll get you still...
== Well, I'm gonna go see what's keeping Leonard. == I don't believe that's necessary anymore.
== Here. == Thank you.
Took a little longer than expected, but they were really quite well hidden
== Good luck! == Mhm.
What's keeping Leonard?
월미도 디스코팡팡 #265.(자막있음). "이건 몰랐지?~ 새댁?~"ㅋㅋ 대박 웃긴 동영상~ 재미잇는 디팡~ Disco pang pang #264. - Duration: 15:54.
What is a DISC Profile and How Does It Relate to Real Estate? - Duration: 2:49.
- When building the ideal real estate team,
what DISC profile should you be looking for?
(lighthearted trumpet melody)
Hey guys, it's Kyle Whissel with eXp,
and on this video, I want to talk about
what is a DISC profile, why is it important,
and the ideal profiles to look for
when you build your real estate team.
First and foremost, let's talk about what the DISC is.
This is a personality profile assessment.
Really helps you understand a little bit more
about who somebody is, what makes them tick,
what motivates them, what demotivates them, all that.
Very, very important when you're hiring people
in the real estate industry or really any industry,
you wanna do a DISC profile,
learn more about who people are,
and not only do you wanna have somebody do it,
the DISC assessment, but you also want to sit down with them
and review it, because sometimes,
what the DISC assessment says
and what is the reality are two different things,
so it's always good to sit down.
We call it validating the DISC.
Sit down with them and go through
that DISC profile step by step.
So, what is the DISC?
D-I-S and C.
D stands for decisive, I is for interactive,
S is for stabilizing, C is for cautious,
and one of the best analogies I ever heard,
if you had a group of four people walk up
to a stop light and they need to cross the road.
The D is the person who walks out to the stop light,
is hitting the button over and over and over and over again,
waiting for the little walking guy to show up on the screen,
and they might not even wait for the guy to show up.
They're just gonna look both ways and run,
not even caring about if there's cars coming.
I is interactive.
This person is standing there at the stop light
while the D is hitting the button repeatedly,
the I is talking to everybody.
The little walking guy shows up and the I,
still talking to people, didn't even realize
that it's time to cross the street,
they're very interactive.
S, stabilizing.
These people like to be very safe
in what they do and they like support,
so this is the kind of person
when the little walking man comes on,
they're not gonna walk until he's there.
And when he does show up,
they want to hold hand with everybody
and have a nice safe walk across the street.
The C is the cautious person,
so this is the person who's absolutely not moving
until the walking man comes up, and even when it does,
some of those little things have a countdown,
you know, 20 seconds.
They're counting.
If it says I got 20 seconds and it's sixty feet
to cross the street, and each
of my steps is three feet between steps,
it's gonna take me 20 steps,
and can I get 20 steps in 20 seconds or not?
That's how a C thinks, so they're very cautious,
very calculated with what they do.
So, there's your definitions
for each part of the DISC profile.
If you guys love this content, you want more of it,
join our group on Facebook.
It's called The Whissel Way.
We'd love to share with you on there.
If you ever have questions for us,
make sure to post them there, so not only you can learn,
but everybody else can learn from those as well.
Thanks so much for watching.
Whissel Realty's been ranked the number one
real estate in San Diego County,
three years in a row now, per the Wall Street Journal.
I wanna give you a behind-the-scenes look
at the way we do things around here
to help our agents make more money in less time
and have a good time doing it.
Welcome to The Whissel Way.
3-D printed guns - Duration: 2:46.
One on One with Shawn Springs, Seahawks Cornerback '97 - '03 - Hangin' with the Hawks - KING 5 Eveni - Duration: 2:50.
Avec le mélange d'arbres !! Aide le corps à régénérer le cartilage des hanches et des genoux - Duration: 7:54.
Shopping in Hongdae, Korea - Duration: 6:19.
My friend code (sh*tty quality) - Duration: 1:11.
What is a DISC Profile and How Does It Relate to Real Estate? - Duration: 2:49.
- When building the ideal real estate team,
what DISC profile should you be looking for?
(lighthearted trumpet melody)
Hey guys, it's Kyle Whissel with eXp,
and on this video, I want to talk about
what is a DISC profile, why is it important,
and the ideal profiles to look for
when you build your real estate team.
First and foremost, let's talk about what the DISC is.
This is a personality profile assessment.
Really helps you understand a little bit more
about who somebody is, what makes them tick,
what motivates them, what demotivates them, all that.
Very, very important when you're hiring people
in the real estate industry or really any industry,
you wanna do a DISC profile,
learn more about who people are,
and not only do you wanna have somebody do it,
the DISC assessment, but you also want to sit down with them
and review it, because sometimes,
what the DISC assessment says
and what is the reality are two different things,
so it's always good to sit down.
We call it validating the DISC.
Sit down with them and go through
that DISC profile step by step.
So, what is the DISC?
D-I-S and C.
D stands for decisive, I is for interactive,
S is for stabilizing, C is for cautious,
and one of the best analogies I ever heard,
if you had a group of four people walk up
to a stop light and they need to cross the road.
The D is the person who walks out to the stop light,
is hitting the button over and over and over and over again,
waiting for the little walking guy to show up on the screen,
and they might not even wait for the guy to show up.
They're just gonna look both ways and run,
not even caring about if there's cars coming.
I is interactive.
This person is standing there at the stop light
while the D is hitting the button repeatedly,
the I is talking to everybody.
The little walking guy shows up and the I,
still talking to people, didn't even realize
that it's time to cross the street,
they're very interactive.
S, stabilizing.
These people like to be very safe
in what they do and they like support,
so this is the kind of person
when the little walking man comes on,
they're not gonna walk until he's there.
And when he does show up,
they want to hold hand with everybody
and have a nice safe walk across the street.
The C is the cautious person,
so this is the person who's absolutely not moving
until the walking man comes up, and even when it does,
some of those little things have a countdown,
you know, 20 seconds.
They're counting.
If it says I got 20 seconds and it's sixty feet
to cross the street, and each
of my steps is three feet between steps,
it's gonna take me 20 steps,
and can I get 20 steps in 20 seconds or not?
That's how a C thinks, so they're very cautious,
very calculated with what they do.
So, there's your definitions
for each part of the DISC profile.
If you guys love this content, you want more of it,
join our group on Facebook.
It's called The Whissel Way.
We'd love to share with you on there.
If you ever have questions for us,
make sure to post them there, so not only you can learn,
but everybody else can learn from those as well.
Thanks so much for watching.
Whissel Realty's been ranked the number one
real estate in San Diego County,
three years in a row now, per the Wall Street Journal.
I wanna give you a behind-the-scenes look
at the way we do things around here
to help our agents make more money in less time
and have a good time doing it.
Welcome to The Whissel Way.
22 More Strong Female Companions In The Past from Gender Diversity in the Who-niverse - Duration: 0:52.
...and I also just joking halve to say, from a strength standpoint Jean Marsh, the actress
who played that character (Sara Kingdom) ended up writing the miniseries "Upstairs, Downstairs"
which was the "Downton Abbey" of your parent's generation.
Huge PBS show about the maids and the rich people living in a house.
So literally it was a copy -- or the predecessor I should say -- of "Downton Abbey."
So she moved her career, using this acting career into a writing career where she could
write the kind of representations she felt that the world needed.
So that is pretty cool.
Liz Shaw came up in the John Pertwee era, The third Doctor Who and she was a scientist
so she was the equal to any of the men she worked with and sometimes she was smarter
than they were, because she had a Ph.D. and she could do science and these guys sometimes
weren't -- sometimes just military dudes.
So Liz Shaw is a pretty good example of a strong woman we've met along the way.
'l'europa dovrebbe copiare l'italia sugli immigrati'-trump a colloquio con conte nello studio ovale - Duration: 2:13.
Il primo ministro Giuseppe Conte è arrivato alla Casa Bianca ricevuto con una calorosa stretta di mano dal presidente americano Donald Trump
Conte e Trump dopo la firma del Libro degli ospiti nella Roosevelt Room, si sono spostati nello Studio Ovale per un faccia a faccia al quale seguirà il bilaterale allargato alle rispettive delegazioni e alle 14 (ora locale, le 20 in Italia) è prevista la conferenza stampa congiunta
In attesa delle dichiarazioni ufficiale cominiciano però a trapelare le prime notizie sul colloquio
Trump durante le foto di rito ha detto che " Conte è un uomo che sta facendo un lavoro fantastico"
In particolare sull'immigrazione. "Sono molto d'accordo con quello che state facendo sull'immigrazione legale e illegale
Anche altri paesi europei dovrebbero fare altrettanto", ha aggiunto il presidente degli Stati Uniti"
Trump ha anche spiegato che si sarebbe parlato di "confini e di commercio". E ha messo sul tavolo il problema del deficit commerciale, "Come sempre abbiamo un grosso deficit commerciale con l'Italia, 31 miliardi di dollari, lavoreremo su questo" insieme al governo guidato dal presidente del Consiglio, Guseppe Conte", ha detto Trump
"Per me è un grande onore essere qui", ha replicato il premier italiano prima di rientrare nello Studio Ovale dove lo attendevano anche il Consigliere per la Sicurezza nazionale John Bolton, John Kelly, capo di gabinetto della Casa Bianca, e la portavoce Sarah Sanders
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