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For more infomation >> Dapet TREASURE HUNT EUY!!... Hot Wheels LOT G / BOX G 2018 Unboxing - Unboxing Indonesia - Duration: 21:21.-------------------------------------------
Fine Marvel Safety Razor Shave and Review - Duration: 14:47.
Greetings Gents! I'm Geofatboy for ShaveNation.com
It's Saturday I'm in the shop finished up most of my work for the day I started
thinking about it's been a week since I put out a shaving video so in my head
I'm going through OK what can I do next what's a good topic for a shaving video?
This is where you guys come in. I like when you give me recommendations and I
try to keep up with that sort of thing but anyway I'm straining my brain to see
what I can come up with and-doorbell rings at the shop so I go and check it
out and guess who it is? It's Latrice. Well you don't know who
Latrice is but she's the mail person from the USPS. Usually it's Bob, but Bob's
on vacation so we got Latrice! And Latrice gives me a few packages, some mail
and this box right here. And it says it's From: Mr. Fine and it says To: Shave
Nation: Attention: Geo. So I open it up and what's in here, just like this just a box
and some paper and a little bag, a little styro bag right here and I take it out
and there it is! It's the brand-new-(lets get rid of this stuff) It's the brand-new
prototype of the Fine Marvel Safety Razor. Here's a look at it and the first
thing I notice is that the head is straight and the handle is coming down
not true it's not straight down it's not perfectly perpendicular to the head it's
coming off on an angle a little bit but we'll let that go since it's a prototype.
So this razor is a three piece razor it breaks down into three pieces like so:
top cap, safety bar, handle. Reassemble and it is a low profile
it's a flat head you can see that the head is not rounded it's flat and
immediately that brings me to a little comparison and reminds me of the Merkur
37C the Slant Bar which is the other razor I know of
that has that flat top also the 39C Sledgehammer by Merkur has the same
flat top. But as you can see these have serrated edges on the bar. The fine razor
no serrated edges. That may have something to do with the fact that it
says it's a clog-proof blade gap. So hopefully when I shave with it we'll
find out how clog-proof it really is! If you already have the Fine Slant Bar
Razor here's a look at it. Let's put them side-by-side and you can see the
difference. The Marvel razor is a bit longer and it's definitely heftier
the handle is also thicker and it's a more beefy razor you can feel it right
away in the hand. This razor weighs in at 3.4 ounces or 98 grams and then the
dimension from top to bottom overall is 3.4 inches or 87 millimeters it's an all
metal razor. It's a chrome finish as you can see. And
it just so happens that I have some pretty decent beard growth today I've
got two or three days worth of beard growth here so let's load this razor up
with a blade. I'll use a Feather blade because I'm accustomed to that, familiar
with it so I can get a good feel for how this razor shaves. Here's the blade
I'll just pop it over that top cap the post and the two pins and then insert
the bar like so. The bar can go either way, and then reinstall or reassemble the
handle. Let's check the blade reveal-Oh it's
perfect! Yeah it looks really good.
Here's a look at it the blade reveal is perfect-even on top, even on the bottom.
So you should get an even shave, not more aggressive on one side less aggressive
on the other. Should be pretty even so let's get to the shave. I'll warm up my
beard and I'm going to lather up. I'm going to use I've got a tub here this is
a Fine soap tub it's got some Snake Bite shaving soap. Fine Snake Bite Shaving
Soap. I've been blooming the lather I've been blooming the soap. I've got
some water on top of it that's why you saw the water spill out and I might as
well use the Fine brush as well. I'll use the Fine
Stout brush. I'll just dip the brush in this marble cup with hot water and you
can see that it's holding a bunch of water I'll shake that out this is a
synthetic brush so you need to remove a lot of the water so I give it a couple
good shakes remove that water and get started with the lather and just a few
seconds I've got some decent lather coming out over the sides of this little
soap bowl should be enough for me to get a shave going. Let's set that down I'm
going to warm up my beard real quick and then we'll get right to the shave!
My beard is nice and warm, I'll just splash a little bit of hot water on, dry off
my fingers. And just take the brush, got it loaded quite nicely you can see that
there's a lot of lather up here and we'll start lathering up right here.
Start at the right side and just a circular motion work the way around-neck,
cheeks, over to the other side. Mustache area. This Fine Snake Bite has a nice tingle to it!
What now? Clear The Runways so we can see the sideburns
for an even lineup. Now dry the fingers.
And here's the razor loaded with the Feather Blade. So I will start on the
right side here just I'll start perpendicular and tilt slightly upward
cut that sideburn and start working my way down. Oh pretty sweet! I can feel
that it's very efficient. Look at it it's taking it off really easily just a few
strokes and it's gone. I did have a decent beard growth as well. Really
nice. Let's rinse-both sides are filled up I'll rinse off. Now the left
side same way just perpendicular tilt slightly upward find that angle you
don't really have to pay too much attention to the visible angle just go
by feel that's normally what I do. I don't even look at the angle once it's
on my face I just go by the feel of the cutting of the blade. Very smooth!
Now the chin area
Sweet! No need to go over the same area too many times it takes it away very
efficiently and it's very smooth as well.
Let's really fill this up and see if it will clog. I'll keep going with the same
So I've got a lot of shaving cream built up there let's see how it rinses out.
Very clean no problem whatsoever so it does rinse very clean and as they say
Clog Proof-I believe it is! Now the mustache area.
Okay I see a lot of black stubble coming out when I rinse. Just dig in and get a
little bit more lather here for the second pass. I feel like I'll only need
to do two passes with this razor it seems very very efficient. Same way start at
the right side and work my way to the other side.
And Clear The Runways again. Okay now we'll go across the grain. First pass was
north to south with the grain. I'll go across from ear to nose. Very smooth!
You really really get the impression this razor, very difficult to cut yourself
with it.
Very smooth.
You can whip it around pretty pretty quickly
now the neck area I'll go against the grain
and across the grain on the mustache area it's got a nice compact head it's
easy to get underneath the nose here. I normally tilt it on an angle and just
use the tip to clean out directly under the nose like so and then flatten it out
against the upper lip to clean that area and then same thing on the other side.
Just the tip first to get underneath and then flatten it.
And a little cleanup
And the final rinse with hot and then cold water. And now I'll just take my
Shave Nation Alum Wide Stick just glide that all around. Give me a little
feedback to see if I get any stinging I'll know that maybe I went a little bit
too close somewhere or it was a little aggressive and I'm not getting any
stinging. So a tad right there, I got a little bit, that was it though.
Everywhere else nice and smooth.
Excellent! Put that away and just let that dry for about 30 seconds and then
rinse it off then Pat the face dry. And naturally I'll finish up since I
used the Snake Bite Shave Soap I'll use the Snake Bite Aftershave Lotion which as
you know it's got a good bite to it. Its got a good sting to it. Just sprinkle
some in the palms, activate the ingredients, and BAM! This gives you a
burn like you never had before. And it doesn't last just 30 seconds you feel it
for quite a while after your shave. It's a nice refreshing finish to the shave
definitely a good wake up call in the morning. Let's recap that and put it away.
Let me dry the razor off a little bit for a final viewing. Okay as far as
aggressiveness I'm gonna rate this above DE89 above Merkur 34C, two common
razors that a lot of people have in their arsenal, in your shaving rotation.
I'll say this will be up maybe a 5 possibly a 6 as far as aggressiveness.
Not as high as a Mühle R41 and more aggressive than say a Parker 22R,
something like that. Excellent everyday shaving razor it has a nice heft. There
is knurling on the handle which it's not super pronounced but it is enough
where you get a good grip on the razor. And like I said, the handle is a little
bit skewed as opposed to the head which probably since it's a prototype that's
not a big deal. I'm sure that will be corrected when they go mass
production and again just a very smooth shaving razor as you saw removed my
heavy two three-day beard growth in two passes more than enough. I'm nice and
baby smooth right now. So I feel like this will be one of your favorite razors
and have a high spot in your rotation one, two whatever because you can shave
with this every day, every other day as you saw my heavy beard growth every two
or three days even. This will get the job done and it just feels like it's
efficient and smooth enough where you can use it every day as well. So that's
about it and as far as availability, I don't think these are available maybe
for another month or two. I'm sure they're going to mass production that's
going to take a while, then you got quality control check things out, so
hopefully within the next couple months they'll be available. As soon as they're
available you can pick one up at ShaveNation.com So thanks very much
for watching. I hope you enjoyed the video. I'm Geofatboy visit ShaveNation.com for
all your shaving supplies. Have A Great Shave, Have A Great Day!
「Nightcore」→ Faded ✗ Sing Me To Sleep ✗ Alone (Switching Vocals) - Duration: 3:01.
Nightcore - Faded X Sing Me To Sleep X Alone (subtitles in video)
Amazing Custom Mitchcraft Tiny House Modern And Perfect House - Duration: 2:44.
Amazing Custom Mitchcraft Tiny House Modern And Perfect House
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「Nightcore」→ The Sound Of Silence (Disturbed) (Lyrics) - Duration: 3:44.
「Nightcore」→ The Sound Of Silence (Disturbed) (Lyrics)
Absolutely Stunning RH1461A Park Model RV from Champion - Duration: 5:19.
Absolutely Stunning RH1461A Park Model RV from Champion
9 escándalos de la realeza británica que la Reina Isabel prefiere que olvidemos para siempre - Duration: 3:23.
Beautiful Sea Pines Homeowners Association Park Model for sale - Duration: 3:14.
Beautiful Sea Pines Homeowners Association Park Model for sale
I Could Have Had Tom Brady As a Son-in-law but I Got Jared Kushner - Duration: 3:42.
'Koch brothers' rebrand underway, still a conservative force - Duration: 6:22.
İntizar Aslında Kim ? Hakkında İlginç Bilinmeyenler !! ( İntizar ile sinem gedik ) - Duration: 2:24.
Throngs Pay Tribute to Heroes in Cooperstown | American Today – 10 Amazing - Duration: 5:05.
How to Edit Photos - Quick Edit #59 - Antique Drawer Pull - Duration: 11:38.
How to edit photos. Lightroom Tutorial.
hello welcome to today's click edit today I'm working on this image that
officially were starting with three two combined I took this in a little general
store kind of a historical national historical monument kind of place we
register place called the old Mass General Store it's in a little town
called Val Cruces North Carolina up in the Blue Ridge Mountains so it was a
really challenging lighting situation because it's dark and there's you know
just normal old timey sort of feeling everything was really dark wood and not
a bright location and it was crowded there were a lot of people in there so
there wasn't a lot of room to take photos I took a couple and that didn't
really there are good work but I kind of think that this little knob which is on
part of their original if some original post office boxes and hardware boxes and
things that are still in use I think he still had actual Hardware items for sale
and these boxes are from like the the late 1800s so to combat with the
situation so I took click on this looks like the mid-range one I did a few
things I wanted to take these I didn't want them to be super noisy but there
was no way I had to handhold there was no room anywhere for a tripod or
anything like that but I and I have to help me handhold I use a peak designs
clutch on the hand and then I also use the the slide um strap and all that
together keeps me pretty still so I can shoot pretty well and I'm confident
enough that I can shoot bracketed handheld I don't need so that that's
good sometimes it's hard to shoot bracketed cuz if you wiggle at all then
you're ruined you can't combine them but I without that combination I'm confident
enough issue bracketed handheld and I did that for most of this this day
trip we took up in the Bloor drones so in this image I took it inside and you
see I'm shooting at one 80th of a second and 70 millimeters I'm using the just
the regular 2870 Sony full frame lens just the regular standard the kit lens
on some of them I and I shot this bracketed going up and down to exposure
levels from the center and you can see the middle one here I was shooting at F
5.6 which is the most open that that lens goes I so the lowest one or the
middle one here was at 12,800 ISO the brightest was at 50 1200 hi sup and the
darkest here as at 3200 ISO so we're looking at even at 3200 I'm gonna get
noise and at 2800 you can see or 50 1200 I mean come on that's the same it's the
same that the camera can even do that but in here that's that's pretty noisy
and the 12 the regular mid low exposure still real noisy but because I bracketed
these I'm gonna combine them and that's really good going to take care a lot of
the noise and obviously that's gonna give me a lot more of the detail I mean
it's not I have these bracket at negative 2 we're not going to have an
extreme HDR issue going on here but we're going to be using that then the
concept of HDR to give us a cleaner image with more detail it's kind of like
the same and I'm gonna be doing a video this week on the pixel shift on the a7
r3 this isn't the pixel shift shift and the pixel shift absolutely requires a
tripod to be used when doing it but this is kind of a similar concept in that
where you're taking multiple images and combining them and that's going to help
me get rid of the excess of noise from the ISOs so I'm gonna select all of
these and right click and choose photo merge HDR
having on alo ghosting setting although I know that there's really I can have it
undone and it's gonna come out just as good my mind I was very steady when I
was holding it I could show you the d ghost overlay you can see that there's
very little so we're getting in there to make the preview it's gonna take a
second couple seven more seconds to do remember
these are huge images they're forty two megapixels each still a little noisy but
again a lot much less noisy than any of the other single images and I'm gonna
merge this and it's gonna take a minute to fix this so I might fast forward the
video here we go it's all done and the latest update of Lightroom it added the
ability to stack all of your images that you made your HDR image from and the the
DNG image that it creates all into one stack which is what I have done here but
is the DNG that we are going to work with for more editing so let's go ahead
and do the develop module alright and we're still noisy obviously but not as
bad as it was go ahead and even just deal with some of that noise reduction
as the very first thing we're going to do I don't like to move it too much I
did some people go all the way to the right and then work their way down from
there I guess that's okay I think I don't want it to look too mushy I don't
like that mushy look that it gets it's looking pretty good set a little color
alright so let's go ahead and start work on actual editing of this let's see
that's still pretty noisy in there let's go ahead and do a little bit more
maybe four to do its thing
all right ooh that's way way too worried for me I would rather have the noise
there we go all right so exposure looks good looks actually to
zero and then let's bring it up just a little bit to bring the contrast up from
where they don't see highlights yeah keep those down shadows bring the whites
down a little bit yeah and the blacks down a little bit
I'm bringing a clarity up and the haze up vibrance and want the saturation at
zero used some sort of import settings here that I usually zero out okay so
mainly what I want to do here I don't want to mess around with it too much
because we're all we're gonna do is mess make it noisier and turn these off I am
going to use the adjustment brush leave it set to clarity that's fine for now
and I am going to turn on the show selected mask overlay so I'm not doing
this blind okay I'm gonna come in and brush over the handle here
okay and I'm gonna increase the clarity and the sharpness and the D haze on the
handle I'm also going to increase the exposure on the handle the shadows on ya
not the contrast the highlights so you want this to stand out bit more c-could
I increase the saturation a little bit to give that read and then there's some
yellows in there and that I think I've done cannot make that stand out a bit
more than it did before so let's see do it before and after here whoops I always
click the right one the wrong one I mean there you go so you
see we're working before is on the left in the after is on the right no I always
click OK there we go so terms of saturation I'm pretty happy with the
colors I'm gonna turn the Reds up just a little bit a lot of red in the wood and
the red paint on that handle let's see what the yellows turn them up just a
tiny bit it's good as the luminance turn the or the luminance on the orange and
the yellow up because there's a lot of that in the wood and it'll bring out
some brightness there alright let's move kradic aberration all right definitely
and some darkness to the edges we don't want an obvious vignette like that which
is pretty heavy-handed and but I am gonna set it at that to start so that I
can see what I'm doing is I adjust make my adjustments good there we go now I am
going to make it lighter there we go just like that there we go I am done
with this image and that's how I use bracketing to help reduce my noise in a
really difficult lighting situation where high ISO can't be avoided thank
you for joining me and I'll see you again tomorrow
Dapet TREASURE HUNT EUY!!... Hot Wheels LOT G / BOX G 2018 Unboxing - Unboxing Indonesia - Duration: 21:21.
welcome to channel AToyZ
İntizar Aslında Kim ? Hakkında İlginç Bilinmeyenler !! ( İntizar ile sinem gedik ) - Duration: 2:24.
[VOSTFR] [BANGTAN BOMB] Jin & j hope Massage Time! - BTS (방탄소년단) - Duration: 0:22.
「Nightcore」→ Faded ✗ Sing Me To Sleep ✗ Alone (Switching Vocals) - Duration: 3:01.
Nightcore - Faded X Sing Me To Sleep X Alone (subtitles in video)
Greek Street Food Tour in Athens, Greece - Duration: 12:15.
So today's plan is to sample all the Greek Street Food.
We have come to Athens Flea Market and I know this seems like a bit of a strange place to
be having street food but they have a lot of little stands and shops where you can get
souvlaki, gyros, baklava.
So yeah, we're just planning to walk down the main road of the flea market and just
peruse have a look around and see what we can sniff out and have a fantastic meal on
the street.
And if you're interested in recreating this little food tour that we're about to embark
on the closest metro station is Monastiraki so there you go.
Let's chow down.
Let's go eat.
Alright guys so brought out the big guns right from the start.
Someone's alarm is going off.
Oh, 11:15.I don't know why.
No, 11:10am.
I don't know why.
That is the most random alarm to have set.
Can you turn it off for me?
How do you do that?
Just press no the other one.
Oh, you did it.
Good enough.
There we go.
Now it is time for food.
So we ordered the Gyro and Souvlaki.
Both of them in pitas.
And I should probably explain the difference because I feel like back home gyro, souvlaki,
kebab it is all the same thing to us.
It is like meat and a piece of bread.
But no gyro means to turn.
So that is the one where the meat spinning it is the shaved meat and being cooked at
the same time.
And then they shave it.
The souvlaki is the meat on the skewer.
And then the kebab is the ground meat it can be like pork and beef and lamb.
Like there is different varieties.
That is kind of like shaped into a sausage shape.
Yeah, exactly.
Like ground meat.
Um, so yeah we're having gyro we're having souvlaki and the ingredients in here look
We have tzatziki sauce, tomatoes, red onions, lettuce.
So yeah this looks wonderful.
And that bread.
It does look wonderful.
He put it on the grill and it just is warm.
And the price was also wonderful.
They were 2 Euros each.
2 euros a piece.
So yeah can't wait to dig in.
So here we go.
The souvlaki.
Let's see if I can get a big bite of the meat here.
Oh man that looks so good.
It is so hard to film and not eat.
The meat is so juicy.
Is it?
Juicy and tender and it is like soaking the bread with its meaty juiciness.
And then all of the freshness of the vegetables right?
We haven't even gotten to the vegetables yet.
That is like a completely different section.
So here we have Sam going in for the gyro.
It has been so hard to wait.
It has been so hard to wait.
And watch him eat mine.
I'm so excited for this one.
Oh man.
Look at those colors.
Oh man.
That shaved meat is just something else.
It is just so good.
And I love how they've put lots of sauce on there.
You've got it all over your lips my friend.
I know.
I could tell.
And I love just how spongy the bread is.
It just soaks up all the juices and everything.
Oh my gosh this is such a good start to the day.
So we have moved on to a little something sweet now.
It didn't take us long let me tell you.
Well we got Greek Yogurt.
And this is not just any Greek yogurt.
This is this comes with some amazing toppings.
It has got a super saturated amount of honey.
It has walnuts and we also ordered dates as well.
So there you go.
I'm so excited about this.
This just looks heavenly.
Oh my gosh.
What a contrast between the sourness and creaminess of the Greek yogurt and then the sweetness
of the honey and the dates and crunchiness of the walnuts.
There is so many lovely things going on all at once.
Oh my gosh that is so good.
I've got to go in for more.
And this was the smallest size they had.
And we paid 4.20.
Because we added a few extra toppings in there.
I like can't even eat normal yogurt after this.
This is so good.
Third bite guys.
Third bite.
Alright your turn.
My turn.
I didn't leave you much.
I've been eating a lot.
I had some of this yesterday when we went to the museum by the Acropolis.
It was so good.
We sat down at the cafe on the second floor.
Oh my gosh.
And I saw Greek Yogurt on the menu and I was like yeah that is what I'm having for my dessert.
It is pretty much one of the worlds best breakfasts or even desserts.
Like we could have it either way.
Or street food like we're doing now.
I just love Greek yogurt.
I know.
It is like real natural yogurt.
I know it just tastes so natural and so creamy.
And I love.
The sourness of it.
It is just you can't beat it.
You can't beat it.
And they had so many different toppings.
Where we got this I mean you could get a little more modern and contemporary and put like
sprinkles and chocolate chips.
Alright guys so we found a man who was selling nuts.
And he was very friendly and animated.
He was so friendly and passionate and also very generous allowing us to sample them.
Yeah, he let us try the nuts before we bought them.
What a nice guy.
We ended up getting a sweet one and a salty one.
And then because we bought two packs he gave me a whole bunch extra in my hand.
He was just like open your palm and he put a whole bunch of nuts.
So we got all this.
Um the sweet ones were 1.50 (Euro).
And they look like this.
It is basically peanuts and they are kind of coated in this caramelized brown sugar.
Yeah, exactly.
And then this looks like sesame seeds on the exterior.
And then the salty ones.
You can actually see the big chunks of salt on them.
Yeah, you can.
It is course salt.
And the peanuts still have the skin.
So we'll start with the sweet ones.
And it is a windy day today.
It is windy.
The sweet ones are so good.
I know the sweet ones those are sesame seeds.
Are they?
We've it is funny these are quite common all over the world.
We've had these in Buenos Aires.
We've had these when we lived in Korea.
Especially the sweet ones.
And now salty.
They are so good.
Nothing like a little sugar mixed with uh peanuts.
These are nice to like mix together.
It reminds me of that sweet and salty popcorn that you would have.
You know you just mix it together.
It tastes so much better because you're you know you are not indulging too much in either
Exciting moment over here.
Trying my first Greek coffee.
I somehow didn't manage to try Greek coffee the first time I was in Greece.
I don't think I was drinking a lot of coffee a few years ago.
Yeah that is the only thing I can think of.
And yeah we've found a cute little cafe here in the heart of the flea market so we thought
let's sit down for a quick drink.
Oh, that is potent.
Yeah, strong coffee?
Potent, rich, strong.
It came with a little sweet treat.
Looks like lokum.
Turkish delight maybe.
A little nibble.
That is really sweet.
That is more than enough sugar.
That is all you need.
And yeah we're just having this little snack uh right out on the street as you can see.
Right on the market.
The flea market.
So the antiques market.
It is pretty cool.
And we have baklava on the way.
We do have baklava on the way.
On the way.
Well dessert is here.
Better believe it.
We've been having a lot of this here in Athens.
Oh yeah.
Look at all of that syrup just oozing out.
That honey.
I should say honey yeah.
Oh my.
Syrupy honey.
Oh, how is that?
I think I could just eat Baklava everyday and never get sick of it.
It is just so good.
So good.
So nutty.
So many layers of pastry.
And I should mention to that the uh the Greek Coffee was very similar to the Turkish and
Bosnian coffee we've had recently in the sense that the ground are at the bottom.
So that just shows you how strong and potent it is.
This has just been wonderful.
Like I am in my happy spot right now.
Beautiful weather, great dessert and really good coffee.
Greek food for the win.
What more can you ask for?
Traditional bread.
One of this.
Traditional this.
Uh huh.
Traditional please.
Oh that looks delicious.
Thank you.
Have a nice day.
Thank you.
Alright last but not least.
Last but not least.
We found some bread.
It is reminiscent of a pretzel I would say.
Apparently this is called Koulouri.
Yeah and the lady said this was the most traditional of the ones that she was serving.
It is a ring shaped piece of bread covered in toasted sesame seeds.
I am anticipating.
Okay hold it up again.
I just can't help myself but to go right through.
Of course.
There we got.
There we go.
Okay try it.
What say you?
That is huge.
It is kind of pretzel-y.
It is not salty no.
Sesame seeds on the outside?
No course grains of salt or anything like that.
Just sesame seeds.
Bread and sesame seeds and she had a block of um feta cheese.
So if you want cheese with it they can like slice it open I guess or just give you the
cheese on the side.
That would have been nice but we're getting kind of full.
Oh and before I forget how much was that one?
50 cents.
50 cents.
fifty cents of the Euro.
Now that is a deal.
Not bad.
Alright guys that concludes our Greek Street Food Tour here in Athens, Greece.
We ate so many delicious street food items.
And we'd love to know what are some other Greek street food items that you can try.
We obviously didn't try them all just a very small component of them.
But everything was really good and that was just a lot of fun.
So ciao from Athens, Greece.
See you guys in the next video.
「Nightcore」→ The Sound Of Silence (Disturbed) (Lyrics) - Duration: 3:44.
「Nightcore」→ The Sound Of Silence (Disturbed) (Lyrics)
Estrenos Reggaeton De Agosto 2018 ★ Reggaeton Mix 2018 ★ Estrenos Reggaeton 2018 Lo Mas Nuevo - Duration: 1:54:28.
Absolutely Stunning RH1461A Park Model RV from Champion - Duration: 5:19.
Absolutely Stunning RH1461A Park Model RV from Champion
頂級旗艦DJ耳機!! 名符其實?? Pioneer HDJ-X10 REVIEW - Duration: 4:12.
MV Reaction ' Day6 (데이식스) - Shoot Me' (Español | English Sub) [CGS] - Duration: 6:11.
Just be part of us
Crazy Girls Squad
Hello, we are Crazy Girls Squad
We´re going to see 'Day 6'
'Shoot Me'
What is that?
So tasty
Wait, who was the one with the wig? It is a girl...
Did he sing?
I saw that girl in a drama lately, a web drama
We lack the lightstick
I like that piano solo
That is not a piano, it´s a keyboard
The same
No, is not the same
She is at the front like this and all the other at the back doing the same
Why all are shooting lately?
Let them be
Yes yes, I love it
I like his voice
But he is not singing
But he is the drummer, he doesn´t sing
Not he, the one that was singing when i said it
Did he shoot?
It´s like spiderman when he spear the web but like
I´m waiting for them to come...
The next year
I´m in time to stan them
I follow Jae on his youtube channel
Me too
I should start listening to them and go with you to the concert because I like them
Omg, I love all of their songs
I like 'I wait'
I´m sure I heard it
She is not dying?
She is in the front and they shoot her
'Vicious' what?
'Vicious words'
'Vicious words hurts like a bullet'
Vicious words hurts like a bullet (in spanish)
And what it´s between shoot and me
Part 1
Be aware
She has liked it too
I have to start listening to these handsome boys
You should (x4)
I should (x2) I´ll write it down
She´ll be fan of Won Pil, you´ll see it
The keyboard´s one
I´m (fan) of Jae
I´m (fan) of Do Woon
I usually like the drummers
Ok ok, I know who you like
Please, the english of that man is excellent
Beautiful, I like the guys who can speak english
And he is good at LOL
Hyemi: Important fact | May: To take into account
Priorities in life
Listen, someone who is good at computer games... I´m not going to say more because...
Nothing (x3)
Let´s stop there
Let´s focus on the song
Something to say (about the song)?
Divine, like always, beautiful
The mv is on his... (style)
They shoot without shooting
May: I trust you because i haven´t seen more videos | Somi: The videos are always like this
Same style
Yes, simple, well not that simple, but they are they
You know that they are they
They are not going to be their uncles...
I´ll give it a...
You go against the world
It is my style
They all are my style
I´m a bit more moving
Like the song 'I wait'
I listened to it yesterday in the bathroom and I was like
That´s why she doesn´t sleep at night
Anything more to add?
Well then, if you´ve liked the video
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touret a meuler parkside lidl arbre flexible 120w Bench Grinder With Flexible Drive Shaft - Duration: 5:04.
PARKSIDE grinding drum with flexible shaft
hello, grinder with flexible shaft - PARKSIDE PDFW 120 A1
power: 120w - idle speed: 0 to 9900 rpm - working speed 40 meters seconds
length of the flexible shaft: 1 meter
with all these accessories!
guaranteed 3 years - certified tüv and gs
the instructions for use
a small wooden box with all accessories
mounting hardware
the flexible shaft to mount
the little grinding drum! he is really small! it can be worn easily
I edit the product (on the secondary channel click on the "I")
support for workpieces
abrasive wheel - 120 grit
grinding wheel - 400 grit
diameter 75 mm and width 20 mm (millimeters)
on / off
speed selector
suction cups + holes for screwing on a work surface
power cable: 2 meters
they turn right (nothing to report)
the flexible shaft is very flexible!
only the head is not flexible (18 cm), everything else is flexible
to change the tools, we draw, we get
we have 3 tool holders: 2 mm, 2,4 mm and 3,2 mm (already assembled)
put the mouthpiece of your choice (included accessories are 3.2 mm)
we shoot, we press
all accessories are 3.2 mm
1929 grams
small test
scene reduce - the engine slowed down a bit when you press hard
I do not think that we can shine a chisel: p
for caries;)
if your tooth has too many cavities!
notice on a short use, please leave your opinion
(+) price - accessories box - flexible shaft - small and light - tools change quick (-) suction cups - support of parts little adjustable
the power is correct, if you press too hard the engine idle
the shaft is very flexible and the power is correct
I started cutting 1 mm light steel
do not forget to remove the accessories because they turn as soon as you turn on the product (it can be dangerous)
negative point: the suction cups (normally this support adheres very well to the suction cup)
really adheres very very well where cupping and cupping
positive: the wheels turn right!
negative: the support of the workpieces is very little adjustable
What do you think about this product ? (leave your opinion)
I thank you for watching this video, see you soon
Kim Dong Yoon passes away, Fantagio in even more trouble | KPOP NEWS FLASH - Duration: 7:20.
- This week, we've received some heartbreaking news from the KPOP world. Hi, everybody. It's
Nikki. Annyeonghaseo. Jeoneun Nikki ipnida. Welcome back to another KPOP News Flash. Sadly,
I'm starting out this news with some extremely sad news. Kim Dong Yoon, who took part in
MIXNINE and just debuted with Spectrum this May has passed away at the age of 20. I want
to send my sincerest condolences to his family, his friends, and also his fans. But I want
his fans to understand, to give his family time, and to respect their wishes. Again,
my sincerest condolences go out to his family and his friends. Simon Dominic, CEO of AOMG,
has resigned as the CEO. He also released a song called "I'm No Jay Park", which kind
of says that he can't keep up with Jay Park, because Jay Park's just kind of taking off,
and Jay Park is also the CEO of AOMG. However, Simon Dominic is not going to leave the label.
He is going to stay with the label, and he's going to continue working as an artist and
working more on himself, which he wanted to do. So he's only resigning as the CEO, not
from the whole label. Fantagio is continuing to dig their hole even deeper. Now, KEMA,
which is the Korean Entertainment Management Association is going to boycott Fantagio,
meaning all of their artists, which is not a good thing. It kind of all started out when
Fantagio decided to sue some of their artists who were going through mediation with KEMA
because Fantagio was accused of operating illegally, and the artists were concerned
about their contracts and wanted to terminate them when they first heard that Fantagio was
no longer having the required licenses to run as an entertainment agency. So they went
through mediation with KEMA, and as mediation went on and they finished it, Fantagio decided
to sue these artists for breach of contract before they even heard the results of the
mediation. So there's a whole other mess going on. Please feel free to go on my website,
link below. There's a more in-depth view of what's going on there right now. Sticking
with Fantagio, ASTRO is back with their album, Rise Up, and their title track, "Always You".
"Always You" is an absolutely beautiful song. I love the music video. I love the song. I
think the tune has something to it that as soon as you hear it, you know it's ASTRO.
So I definitely think you should check out the whole video. Seungri has also released
another music video. This one is featuring Mino, and it's called "Where R U From". The
music video to "Where R U From" is insane. It's a parody, but it's so awesomely done,
and I just kept rewatching it, because I just loved it so, so much. He's not only poking
fun of himself, which is a big deal to be able to make fun of yourself, but he's also
kind of making fun of the whole political situation that we're in right now. But yes,
definitely go check out Seungri. IN2IT is also back with their album, Into The Night
Fever ... Yeah, Into The Night Fever and their title track, "Sorry For My English". "Sorry
For My English" is super fun. As you can see, the video goes from them dancing to them studying
really, really hard. And we all know that KPOP idols get a lot of crap for not speaking
English, which I think is ridiculous. But yes, I think the whole video and the whole
song is just awesome, so it's so exciting. iKON's Chanwoo has now his own YouTube channel.
How awesome is that? His first vlog is already up, and of course all his other group members
have to poke fun at him having a YouTube channel, but I'm absolutely looking forward to more
content from him, and I will link it down below for you. Some good news have made it
their way to us as well. The Korean Ministry of Defense has decided to start shortening
the military service requirement lengths, so all of them are being shortened a little
-- by a few months -- which means our idols, or our favorite idols, don't have to serve
as long, meaning shorter hiatuses for groups. More to that also on my website, and if you're
not familiar with the Korean mandatory military service, I will link a video down below that
I did previously on that which explains it a little better for you. Red Velvet is going
to be on Knowing Brothers, or it's also called Ask Us Anything, and they're doing this before
their official comeback, which is a great transition and promotion for themselves. So
you should check that out. Every week, the episodes are being uploaded on Netlfix, so
you can watch it on Netflix. And also don't forget, Red Velvet has gotten their own light
stick now, and it's available for preorder here in the US as well. As you can see, it
was kind of a shorter week this week, or a more quieter week, when it comes to KPOP news,
and sadly we had sad news in it, but I still hope that you guys have an amazing week. I
hope you guys stay safe. Stay hydrated. It's hot everywhere right now. I will see you next
week. I love you. Saranghae. Annyeong. Bye-bye. Want more KPOP news? Check out last week's
KPOP News Flash up top. Want reviews on the latest Kdramas and movies? Check out Dramarama
[FREE] Elle Mai x Bryson Tiller Type Beat 2018 ''Ignite'' Trapsoul Guitar instrumental 타입 비트 - Duration: 3:45.
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montage touret a meuler parkside lidl arbre flexible 120w Bench Grinder With Flexible Drive Shaft - Duration: 1:44.
assembly of the grinding wheel PARKSIDE PDFW 120
hello, mounting the grinding drum
take the red screw, put a washer and the spring ring
put the nut in the hole (hold with your finger)
we live the support
the same on the other side
take the steel support, put the plastic cover
take the big screw, put the ring spring then the washer
we insert and lock with a nut
take a small screw + spring ring + washer
we screw here (with a nut)
screw 2 (same)
the same thing with the other spark arrester (except that we screw the screw by the side left)
Flexible tree
insert the stem (it sinks slightly)
we are quickly blocked
then tighten the screw (firmly)
think to tighten all the screws after adjustment
Thanks see you soon
Miniature 1 to 12 - Sewing A Bathing Suit - Duration: 9:41.
İntizar Aslında Kim ? Hakkında İlginç Bilinmeyenler !! ( İntizar ile sinem gedik ) - Duration: 2:24.
Krásná Burešová skončila v péči lékařů. Prý dostala lekci naživo! - Duration: 1:25.
Herečka a zpěvačka Eva Burešová byla v posledních měsících v jednom kole. Natáčela seriál Modrý kód, v divadle ztvárňovala role hned v několika muzikálech a v posledních dnech jí přibyla příprava na velmi náročnou show Tvoje tvář má známý hlas
A když k tomu přičteme péči o ročního syna, byla jenom otázka času, kdy dá její organismus jasné znamení, že by měla zvolnit
„Tak moc chci být důvěryhodná zdravotní sestřička, že jsem si skočila do nemocnice na jednu reálnou lekci," svěřila se Eva, která zveřejnila snímek z nemocničního lůžka s prosbou o pozitivní energii a sílu
A tu bude opravdu potřebovat. „Ledvinová kolika s ledvinovými kameny je bolest, která se dá přiblížit porodu," postěžovala si Eva
Ta si v nemocnici poleží několik dní. Tak jí přejeme brzké uzdravení.
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