Sowthistle's one of our key weed species in our cropping sytems, it's a weed of fallow,
it's a weed in crop.
Sowthistle resistance spreads right from central Queensland all the way down to the Liverpool
Plains of New South Wales.
In a recent survey that was done in 2015/16 we found 23 populations of sowthistle were
resistant to glyposate and those 23 populations were 19 per cent of all the populations that
we tested.
So you know we're already around that 20 per cent mark, there's still a lot of people relying
on glyphosate for their fallow control of sowthistle so I can only see that number increasing
over the coming years.
Glyphosate resistance in any weed can be picked up when it's at a very low level in terms
of density in a paddock.
There's two key things to look for.
The first thing is glyphosate has previously been working on sowthistle and now it's not
working, the other thing is to look at the other weed species that you've got surrounding
the sowthistle, so if glyphosate is still controlling those other weed species but now
sowthistle is not being controlled, more than likely you may have an issue with glyphosate
If you suspect you've got glyphosate resistance in your sowthistle, the only real way to confirm
it is to have an official test done on it.
So there are two testing facilities within Australia that will accept samples for testing,
one of them is based at Charles Sturt University in Wagga Wagga, and the other one is based
in Adelaide with Plant Science Consulting.
For more infomation >> Managing glyphosate resistance in sowthistle p. 1 - M.Widderick | 2017 Know More series | North - Duration: 1:50.-------------------------------------------
Managing glyphosate resistance in sowthistle p.2 - M.Widderick | 2017 Know More series | North - Duration: 2:24.
Glyphosate resistance is already changing the way that we farm in the north.
Glyphosate's one of those herbicides that's very flexible, it's quite safe to use and
has been very effective on our fallow weed control.
As a result though of our over-reliance on glyphosate we've now got resistance to this
herbicide so the approach that we take in particular in our fallow weed situations has
to change and is changing towards different herbicides, different approaches in how we
apply the herbicide and also non-chemical tactics.
In terms of managing sowthistle resistance, you've kind of got two different aspects,
you've got the prevention aspect and then you've got the managing once you've got resistance.
There's that old adage that prevention is better than cure and I think that definitely
is the case when you're talking about resistance to any chemical mode of action and any weed
If you think about resistance in the long term, let's say you've got glyphosate resistance
in sowthistle, that then infers you no longer can use glyphosate to control your sowthistle.
In talking about preventing resistance, what you need to be doing is looking at using different
herbicide modes of action in combination with your glyphosate, stopping that seed set on
any survivors.
So if you've gone through and you've applied glyphosate and it hasn't been effective, you
really need to come back and do something so that you can stop seed set.
Now if you've applied glyphosate and it hasn't worked, don't go back and apply another glyphosate,
try something different.
I think too because sowthistle is a weed that can occur anytime of the year and it can occur
in crop and in fallow, if you can get good in crop control of sowthistle, so you're not
getting that seed set in crop, it means then that the weed density that you're likely to
get in the subsequent fallow will be lower.
So if you're able to preserve glyphosate as a useful herbicide in your system, it will
mean that you're able to have it as a useful weed management component in your fallows
from now moving forward.
Fashion: Cookie's Action Look | Season 4 | EMPIRE - Duration: 1:26.
National Staffing Agency Helps Branson Fix Workforce Shortage - Duration: 2:20.
林昶佐昔罵柯P「呷賽」今笑著同台 宅神:政治界練武奇才 - 快速消息给你 - Duration: 18:23.
最も高価なトヨタ「スープラ」は約3億円?!但し、購入も公道での走行も不可能 - Duration: 3:37.
VW「ゴルフR」の首取ったる。プジョー「308」を310馬力までチューンしたカスタムモデルが登場 - Duration: 4:41.
How I Make Money Online
NEW Resident Evil 2 Remake Concept Art | New Look Claire & Leon! - Duration: 1:50.
Whats up Zombs!
Last week after Comic Con we showed you a bunch of cool Resident Evil 2 concept art,
and this weekend we finally received some higher quality versions of these images to
share with you.
As you can see, the new look of the RPD is looking pretty cool.
The concept art of the zombies really shows how scary the game might actually be.
Real humans scanned in as zombies makes for some really realistic realism.
Claire Redfield has her new look which is a little more toned down.
And even her Made In Heaven logo got a little bit of an overhaul.
And Leon has also changed with the times to get a little more crisp of a look.
If you buy the Resident Evil 2 Collectors edition you'll even get a 32 page art book
that might have images like this inside.
Be sure to follow WheresBarryB on INstagram and twitter for all the latest concept art
and Resident evil news and photoshops, And don't forget to like and subscribe.
National Staffing Agency Helps Branson Fix Workforce Shortage - Duration: 2:20.
T.I. Whisks Tiny Away To 'Tropical' Paradise For 8-Year Wedding Anniversary - Daily News - Duration: 2:08.
T.I. is treating Tiny to an amazing trip for their eighth wedding anniversary! A source close to T
I. and Tiny told HL EXCLUSIVELY what he has planned! It's Tiny and T.I.'s eighth wedding anniversary! While year number eight has certainly been a rocky one for the two of them relationship-wise, they seem to be on better footing now — especially since T
I. has decided to whisk Tiny away on a romantic vacation for the big occasion. A source close to the couple told us EXCLUSIVELY about the luxurious vacation
"T.I. whisked Tiny off to paradise to celebrate their anniversary," our source told us
"He can be so romantic that way. When he's good, he is very, very good. It's one of the reasons that she stays so hooked on him
And when he T.I. does anything, it's always in big style. They flew by private jet to one of her favorite tropical islands
" When it comes down to it, T.I. has a lot to prove to Tiny — considering that he was seen allegedly slapping the butt of Asia'h Epperson backstage at a concert on Jun
16. "T.I. is determined to show Tiny why he is her ride die," our source went on to say
"This anniversary is extra special because they have been through so much together this last year
T.I. loves Tiny more than ever today and this trip with her is his way of spending quality time alone with her
" T.I.'s goal is to continue to remind Tiny how grateful he is after he lavished her with a brand new car and Louboutins for her birthday on Jul
14. "He wants to lock the door on their suite and spoil her in the bedroom like they did on their wedding night," our source added
"This anniversary is the most important one ever, and T.I. wants Tiny to know he is grateful for her loyalty
[Néant TV] Official trailer 2018 - Duration: 4:07.
Welcome my dudes !
It's my place that you're seeing
But it's also your place.
This place is Néant TV.
Good evening
And welcome to Néant TV !
My name is Dimitri Ménada
ruling leader of Néant TV,
The first channel
100% devoted to nothingness.
This channel, as the name tells,
will focus solely on pure Néant,
physical ethereal nothingness
The Néant is what does not exist
what is left to be realized,
what would perhaps be done,
or what would never be done.
It's what we're ready to offer
during the next twenty years.
This channel,
which is very important for us,
and soon will be for you too
is driven by this motivation :
To entertain you,
To help you improve yourself
Or maybe worsen...
And to ask the right questions
Anyway, we will broadcast
"moumoute" qualitiy content.
Our videos will be simple
and numerous.
We will soon release
a multi episode series
about the monumental figure
of Laurent Koscielny
You could watch us eating
anything you want.
So sit down and enjoy our shows
with a bowl of pop corn
on your laps
Or the funeral urn
of your deceased grandfather.
This video aims to show you
our channel around
but especialy to introduce
our very own treasure :
Our studio !
It's only thanks
to such luxurious facilities
that a titanesque project
like Néant TV could ever exist.
We haven't avoided any endeavor
to provide you, asap,
with precious qualitious fun.
With 4k graphics, or even 5k
if allowed by the ruling
authorities on this matter.
Néant TV has got many more many
surprises for you,
mistakes, whims, folies.
What's in front of you
what's behind, do not matter.
What matters it's the video
it's the like,
it's the content,
it's the love.
This is what Néant TV
is all about.
We'll forcefeed you
weeks after weeks,
months after months,
with nothingness.
In order to let you know who you
are and who you aren't yet.
A mirror for your soul.
That'll swallow you, like
this camera swallowing my soul
As told in Japanese legends
I believe in all of that.
I do believe that videos are
bad for your soul,
your soul ends up torn up,
split up.
What I mean is that
it's my soul that I'm giving you
it's your soul you're giving
When you'll suscribe
To our channel.
The first channel 100% focusing
on "la contraction d'âmes".
This is the madness we want you
all of you to discover.
"La bise", to all of you.
with the same ardeur,
just like a child
And I go away,
looking for my actual voice.
Good bye, salute...
Best Shampoo Hair Loss - Duration: 4:44.
Billie Eilish - hostage piano cover and lyrics by Betty Nguyen - Duration: 3:49.
I wanna be alone
alone with you
does that make sense?
I wanna steal your soul
and hide you in my treasure chest
I don't know what to do
to do with your kiss on my neck
I don't know what feels true
but this feels right so stay a sec
yeah, you feel right so stay a sec
and let me crawl inside your veins
I'll build a wall
give you a ball and chain
it's not like me to be so mean
you're all I wanted
just let me hold you
like a hostage
gold on your fingertips
fingertips against my cheek
gold leaf across your lips
kiss me until I can't speak
gold chain beneath your shirt
the shirt that you let me wear home
gold's fake and real love hurts
and nothing hurts when I'm alone
and let me crawl inside your veins
I'll build a wall
give you a ball and chain
it's not like me to be so mean
you're all I wanted
just let me hold you
hold you
like a hostage
like a hostage
West Allis hotel stay leads to Wauwatosa home invasion - Duration: 1:32.
Let's Spiel Dark Souls Remastered (Blind) Ep.1 - The Blue Haired Naked Undead - Duration: 25:27.
yo hi and welcome my name is Daniel and I welcome you to my news project Dark
Souls remastered yeah um why do I want to play this game I don't know probably
because it's supposed to be a really good RPG and it's supposed to be pretty
hard and yeah I like both of those things so yeah why not mm yeah what do I
know about scam I put blind in the title but actually I do know a little bit
about this game rather than it being really hot and all that stuff and yeah I
know people I think all of my friends have in some way and one of those games
where IP Dark Souls 1 2 or 3 and yeah they all said it's pretty hard and
pretty challenging but really good some of them say it's one of the best games
ever and I don't know why I never got around to play his game but that's a lie
I actually did play a little bit while visiting said friends and spent like
hello a few hours of playing so I'm not completely thrown into a water I playing
this game I actually wanted to play this game for a long time now and yep
completed my other Let's Plays and have room for you let's play so yeah that's
how Dark Souls is bought interests over this channel remastered okay there was
no flesh intro anything there was nothing there was just like bandai namco
havoc and then Dark Souls remastered so yeah oh yeah and when I said that I
played the dark souls before then I mean the original of course I never touched a
remastered version I've I don't know if there's anything added or changed into
this into this version of this game so yeah
such as that because I will probably buy my speech and you're not currently
signed in to PlayStation Network please sign in to start online I don't want to
start online mode start gaming off no more there's also nothing I know about
this game I think you can touch like signs on the ground I mean you can
summon players into your world and all that stuff to help you in battle against
bosses and I don't want that I want this game to be challenging and ya don't know
why maybe the recording looks a little bit dark so hopefully it will be enough
subtitles on show block of Cosmo blood now I don't know if the audio settings
are all that good let's say like that but I haven't had a chance to play this
game it's so yeah I will find out you game
it's brightness I just did that yes I think that's okay yes I just that's what
you get for always going to the options before button settings you can change
that right okay and name I just realized that I have no idea how my character is
supposed to look like all that it's gotta be a male class oh yeah our states
change even my starting level changes in the
tolerate mix but high strength dexterity and I hate it and I not easy cupboard
aimless wanderer I will scimitar high tech theory as
master key but I want to be a person who just what just smashes for everything
this guy has a lot of stats but yes nothing include the enigma only Harvard
club and all plank shields but I must sue I assume that I get better stuff
under way right here as a warrior I kind of want to stop this guy but he's level
6 and our people have like a row
they have much better stats at lower levels
you know what yeah I'm gonna be naked select a gift for this dead why not I
fully restores HP and status black fireball know what that lead in the
sayonara and his pride called humanity sometimes fought on carcasses binoculars
used to pee at faraway sites trinket no effect but fond memories come for
trewely master key opens any basic clock initial equipped with these tiny beings
being special driver a grand small increase to HP gift for which ancient
ring with no obvious effect what yeah how am I
I guess I can get all those things later on in this game - I have no idea but you
people are already screaming at the scream like put a put shoe stabs you
start an all-out spots yeah now I'd make it okay I think this one Masaki
because I like to unlock stuff grants small increase to HP that's anybody
my HP or log now what do I do if I don't have this key can can I simply not open
tiny beings ring special try bring em whenever music
at least it's simple that could be very intellectual how much I think average
case for just all of those RPGs could be this easy to customize common hi
they average common face seen face and five store drinks Cola
oh yeah oh yeah I know the law in this game is just crazy
Madison is a land of our eyes and the nose
I don't know anything about the law so might as well he's some random dude
I think this one
check this color come on eat something fancy can I not customize the way I want
okay what kind of colored woman I have I have a green haired hand tied one Santa
so maybe carry this on and away right how about red hair
silver gold gray blue can I make this even more can I make this a little
brighter yeah color come on and I not make this a little
can be an old man
well let's make a baby face
hair color okay there we go
slurps a little stupid I could make a green haired person again a purple
let's go with that
or dad that looks good I think how about white
that actually looks Paris so no of course not how about this one
we'll take this one how do I accept okay everything else doesn't really matter
maybe eyes
Oh No
I don't think I will see my face a lot right like in Skyrim I probably have
like helmets most of the time so
why why do I become wider ever if I become family what
my character looks so stupid I love it
it's that change nothing yeah as you can probably tell this will
maybe take a while but I think we're done yeah
that's so balanced I can even see what I have right weapon shield I have a ring
that's good right
there's that the game with this freak yes
I'm a naked blue-eyed guy yeah can I get a cut see now I've no idea what even
it's shrouded by fog okay arch trees
they're probably evil right but then there was fire and was fire game
disparity heat fire came cold what of course
then from the dark they came
and found the souls of Lords within the flame
this way lies that grind good job
nito the first of the day
yes the witch of izalith and her daughters of chaos
Lord of sunlight and his faithful
that's all people that were gonna fight they ran the game so easily forgotten
there were at war right with the string or directs the
track when they work together okay
who's like watching our mythology which mythological story our system
right they killed the wagons we'll take great a fire or something was fire
created like life and all that right I was actually missing something already
my wasted on a Dark Soul story now where do I come and play
you might like to chose me one
and amongst the living I'll see
carriers of the accursed dogs
okay maybe we have to reread the story a little because I don't know why did they
kill rings didn't they bring the fire
just like me right yeah that's me I already forgot that I have shiny blue
hair apparently I am a walking corpse
look like a blue hat Dante to be honest
thank you I guess that's supposed to be my food okay now an undead asylum
dungeon sake okay okay first word how do i do things ex does nothing
what square does this shake it shake it circled us rolling and running if I do
it what wanted to how did I jump now
I've no idea why jumped just now okay running and then okay that's a little
awkward triangle I okay
but how do i attack now r2 and r1
whatever that is is that blocking punching okay
Rosi news items vanish returned home Duncan loose MIT and sought and returned
to the bonfire what I only I have a swatch hilt small increase of HP can I
equip that know what weight change equipment Hannah
you know a rings can power Largent's models common defects you can make one's
journey faster how do i decrypt this I want to see how much I get from that huh
okay that's not a lot why whatever how do i okay you keep right okay okay there
are still one of those camera controls
as long as I don't summon things what's up
you're not bad right okay oh yeah and I know you can kill people or you can not
kill people so yeah I just turned up the volume of my TV and then there's this
thing Walker and what was about to say no oh yeah you can I think there are
merchants in this game which you can kill those or attack them a friend of
mine said he attacked one of the merchants and now we can't buy anything
for him because he's either dead or the guy who said stop smile at him
can I jump over there no I don't think so yeah of course I will not attack
merchants or good people or anything like it's Dagon we can attack like
everyone you want target are you bet you have low Ingrid ice and you have a
health bar above you what you're not attacking me so of course I will not
attack him
yes I can see I will take this trip a little slowly but carefully if this game
is really that hard then I probably should be a little cautious and I should
turn up the volume because I can't hear anything now wasn't this what is big
monster was in rest upon fire recover HP this yeah I know about this one and I
think if you rest at a bonfire the enemies respawn or something
one of my friends was using like some kind of lever trick or something they
would always kill a bunch of enemies and then go back to the bonfire recover but
make the make the enemies appear again
so yeah I think we're getting at the end of what my knowledge is about this game
okay get away okay I can't
what's up
yeah either to to - I don't think that is oh wait okay night
it's locked okay okay I know I know
life I was just working with them pong okay
that's my first step because I don't know I had to run away maybe have to get
used to running because I was caringly walking down there and yeah now where
can I save does it autosave but that would be kind of bad because I just
something wrong with the recording or anything and I can't just go back or
anything right safety game when I'm trying to tie or I want to save the game
and turn to title menu yeah I guess that's it
I think it's auto-saves right okay I don't know anyway yeah that's the end
for this part I hope you will kind of enjoy this let's play and that you will
leave a like a comment or subscribe that would be really nice of you if you want
to help this channel grow and I would really appreciate it and yeah I think
that's all hope you enjoyed it and see you in the next part
bye bye
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