Before watching this video I recommend that you see the E-kon´s one If you happend to
understand English, since this is an answer to it and it is really good
In this video we can see the point of view of an elitist.
If you live insde a cave I will explain what this means, in simple words an elitist is
someone who is passionate about something and studies it in depth, to the point of knowing
almost everything about the medium they study.
In this case we have an anime elitist, and it tells us how bad they are seen, since they
are generalized due to a toxic part of this elitist community, which is dedicated to underestimating
the most mainstream animes and their audiences.
But in this video, e-kon goes on to defend his community and explain this relationship
of hatred that there is with the said normies.
One of the points he gives is that in other mediums such as cinematography, elitism is
not only accepted, but also celebrated.
Meanwhile in the anime community it´s not because according to him the way of thinking
of the audience is something like "we are all seeing shitty Chinese cartoons anyways".
But do you really want anime to be more like cinema?
In my case no, something that attracts me to this medium is that it does not take itself
very seriously.
My anime of the season is gokudolls which it´s about yakuzas that became idols,
you will never see something like that in a medium as serious as the cinematic.
Of course this also has its * cof * * cof * bad side, but that side is part of the whole.
Another point that makes the film world and series something bland to me, is that I feel
that everything is done to satisfy this criticism, doing what is said in the manuals, is the
most important thing, of course this does not happen at all the cases, but unlike anime,
where I notice that the people who work there are doing what they love, in the cinematic
medium, I notice that constant pressure of the criticism that makes the creators do not
have total freedom.
and i have to disagree with your statement about the casuals, and their rol in this hate
thing for elitisim.
The reason why the elitism in the anime is not celebrated is not because of the normies
thinking that "we are all seeing shitty Chinese cartoons anyways", but because most of the
people who watch anime did not feel identified with the mainstream media, and to discover
this world and feel part of it, they caught a special affection, there are people who
defend their animes to death, because they feel that they found a place to belong, after
being lost for a very long time.
And if someone comes to tell you that that special place for them is normie trash, clearly
they will be offended, and even feel attacked
Buuuuut, there are also many things in which I agree with you.
I don´t consider myself an elitist, nor close of it, I don´t know the name of all the staff
that was in each chapter of my favorite animes, but I don´t watch anime without thinking either,
I like to search for all the hidden messages, who is the director, his style and
what's behind the story, In this way I enjoy way more the medium, and I understand that
you want to show your knowledge and speak badly of what you consider to be bad.
And I also understand that we need you, that without the elitists many jewels would have
never been discovered, I am sure that without you none one would have read the light novels
of nisioisn or using the example that you gave, I am sure that jojo' wouldn´t be anywhere
near the success that it is now.
And not only that, although critical thinking can limit the creators at the time of doing
the work, I know that this limiter, is something necessary so that not all the animes will
become animes of idols or light novels transported to a world of light novel, where a writer
makes a world of light novels with his Smartphone.
You are the ones who prevent this medium from becoming totally mediocre, so please keep
doing your job, of shitalking and trying to lead this community for a better path
For more infomation >> respuesta a E-kon elitismo/response to E-kon´s video about elitism (activate cc) - Duration: 3:44.-------------------------------------------
[SUB/ESP] #iKON - Heart Racing en Hawaii Ep 7~ - Duration: 16:37.
Adventures fishing in a remote water body /അഡ്വെന്റർസ് ഫിഷിങ് - Duration: 8:14.
hello everybody welcome back to doctor fishing one more time today I decided to
go for an adventurous fishing to one of the remote location this lake is
situated remotely about three hour drive we have to take some off-roading to get
the place where we are fishing like two years ago when we had no fish around in
in the lakes near the town I went all over to this place and caught some good
beautiful fishes but I don't know I can't promise anything this lake is very
far away and there were lots of algae last time when I went there but the
fishing was fun during last year. I hope to see like we have some good time
fishing out there we have to be adventurously going to the fishing holes
because it is really really into the bush so I will see you there
like what we discussed in the previous episodes Fishing is a passion if you
really want to catch some fish if you really love fishing no matter what you
want to do in the way to get the destination where you want to fish you
will do it and although I took all this struggle to get the fishing location I
had some good time fishing even though I was itching for under two days after
this fishing episode nevertheless we caught two fish and they were good size
And the beautiful nature that I have seen there is the key to go there and
fish again it was beautiful area was awesome to see flowers bushes
trees birds like everything what you want to see in a remote location and we
had some fun time and I hope you guys will enjoy this video see you next time
and take care of
Let's go family trip. indoor playground. swimming.Car fun. - Duration: 4:37.
Exciting family trip
Hello everyone
We are here in kids hotel
Shall we go inside ?
Daddy don't jump!!
What is this?
There are three bed
This is for parents
Those are yours
Daddy what is this?
Look at this
Racing costume
Ardennes: Un baptême de l'air tourne au drame, deux morts dans l'accident d'un avion de tourisme - Duration: 1:41.
Le pilote et l'un des trois passagers d'un petit avion ont été tués ce samedi matin dans l'accident de leur aéronef près de l'aérodrome de Belval ( Ardennes) près de Charleville-Mézières, lors d'un baptême de l'air, a-t-on appris auprès de la gendarmerie
Selon les premiers éléments de l'enquête, l'avion aurait eu un problème de moteur au décollage
Le pilote aurait tenté de faire demi-tour et de rejoindre la piste pour se poser, mais a percuté la cime d'un arbre dans l'alignement de la piste
Deux passagers, blessés, âgés de 20 et 32 ans, ont réussi à s'extraire de l'avion et à donner l'alerte vers 9h40
Le pilote, âgé de 68 ans, et le troisième passager sont morts. Une enquête menée par la compagnie de gendarmerie de Revin et la section de recherches de la gendarmerie des transports aériens est en cours pour déterminer les circonstances exactes de l'accident
I'm Autistic, Not "Weird" - Duration: 16:54.
You know what's like so autistic?
My everyday life, my thoughts, my experiences.. Me?
I'm on the autism spectrum
It's currently being tested whether I have Asperger's or if I'm just.. like.. I have autistic features
But they've been prominent, noticeable and well
Causing some trouble in my life for my entire life
Most people around me can't really tell that I'm autistic, because most people tend to be prejudiced and assume that..
That autistic people are "drooling idiots"
Or that.. or that you can just you know, tell
Kind of similarly, if..
people assume that they can tell that someone is trans or that someone's super gay. In some cases you can tell and that's okay.
But when it comes to people assuming that someone is or isn't autistic, It's usually due to this very of-
It's usually due to these very offensive stereotypes, and..
Well in my case, I apparently don't fit all of the stereotypes because I'm
I'm relatively "neuropassing"
But then there are then there are also people who can tell.
People who are experienced with autistic people or who just, you know,
know enough autistic people that they don't assume that everyone's the same.
Or then even people who don't really.. like.. care about or know any autistic people
They also can eventually tell that I'm "weird".
By this, I mean that I have some intensive special interests, astrophysics for one
a little bit nitpicky super-organized and I have also OCD but
It has developed sort of as a coping mechanism because I struggle being or- organized and...
Because things have never been the way that I want them to be so I just tend to hyper organize everything that I can.
I'm also
relatively bad with feelings. I don't see some emotional social the cues that other people drop
I don't get hints..
I can't flirt or give hints for the life of me.
I don't..
I don't understand people like almost at all. I feel like an alien all the time, because it's just
I'm just there
Sometimes not even present but like it seems like that
There's this foreign element to life that I don't see.. The social cues
which tell if people like or don't like me, if I've offended someone and I don't realize that..
I don't see that.
I also have the tendency to not control my volume. I can't hear myself.
I need constant physical stimulation in some way so I stim a lot..
My way of stimming
Especially when I'm.. well..
My way of stimming, like, the happy version of stimming.. is this.
But I also when I'm nervous I- I can never stay still I have to, like, touch myself
in some way all the time as you can tell in most of my videos I do something with my hands like this
or I talk a lot with my hands and
One reason why speaking hurts my throat is because I have to have the feedback that
I'm speaking so I strain my throat more than a "normal" person would when they're talking, and..
Just because, like, it makes me feel my throat vibrating more, for, like, it..
It makes it more obvious that my throat is vibrating, so like, I can feel it and it feels better like that.
I'm obsessed with numbers and I can't.. really.. like, everything has.. has to be divided by three or five
And like usually time. I meet people at half past 15 past 15 to..
Something like that or like 25 to, but if they're late
I don't get mad because they're late and they make me wait. I usually have time
but it's that I
Get mad that they didn't arrive at the correct time.
I don't control my anger.. like..
I can't really.
And I don't recognize it when I've been hurt.
I don't start yelling because I've been taught by my parents and my relatives and my teachers that I'm not allowed to
exclaim and I'm not allowed to
express myself at all, so one of the reasons why people assume that I'm not autistic is because most of my habits or
tendencies have been taught to be so sh- It's so shameful that I hold them back.
And then there's this thing that I don't always control
It's been taught that it's shameful and that I have to hold it back..
But sometimes I can't..
It's that I tend to act like a child.
Uh.. When there's, like, loud noises
I tend to exclaim, I exclaim loudly with like this weird throat noise and I go like
I go into hiding. If there's a bee or a wasp, I might- I have the tendency to crawl into a ball..
I (stammers) like... I can give an- I can give a solid example of this
My former partner.. when we were at a club
Was broke, but they were still going to be playing this slot machine.
And not that it's any of my business..
But for some reason because I was already a little bit feeling iffy and I tend to react strongly
I was trying to stop them from doing it
I don't remember why I didn't want them to do it
but they were going towards the slot machine and
My way to react to that was that I grabbed their leg like a three-year-old
throwing a tantrum and I just stayed there and they shook me off.
They want to play the slots anyway, and that triggered a panic at- a panic attack and other disorders started acting up but..
I can't handle (stammers) jealousy or hurt
And.. or panic. My brains panic really easily. Like in the slot machine part because I felt betrayed
for some reason, because my partner had said that they wouldn't go to the slot machine, but they shook me off and did it anyway
And they stayed there for a long time. I just flew into a direct panic attack.
Larsson! Pois mun cheat sheetin päältä! /Larsson! Get off my cheat sheet!
Larsson! Pylly pois kamerasta! /Larsson! Butt off the camera!
(cat noise)
(in bad finglish): REMOVE! Lars-
(insistent cat noise)
My traits started showing.. showing up as a baby. I had really.. like..
I was in some cases.. in some areas of life.. I was like a prodigy and a really talented kid
I've always had
Obsessive curiosity over menial little things I pay attention to weird little things and I have a really good memory
Like I have an eidetic memory if that's pronounced like that
I've always been really talkative and not really aware of societal bounds
But yes since my symptoms started showing as a kid, I didn't really get that many friends
Uhh.. We moved into a more conservative, backwards little shitty town when I was six..
And eventually, I ended up with me being seen as really weird..
I didn't have really many friends and I was bullied because I became- I became defensive because I could sense that people
people didn't like me, but I never knew what I was doing wrong.
But my mom started cracking down.. down on me just like trying to hold down all of my symptoms and
Telling me that I can't act like this
I can't act like that and eventually I felt like I was wearing a social straightjacket because I couldn't
play with boys. I couldn't play with girls because they hated me.
I was a transgender autistic kid and that was not a great place to be.
Anything that I was I wasn't allowed to be and I have this tendency to take everything
as a fact and overreact to that like if my mom told me that..
I shouldn't be so demanding and mean because I was like always asking people to just respect me
Basically, if someone stole my shovel I would.. pick them with the shovel
But my mom told me that I'm not allowed to let.. like.. do that..
So my reaction to that was to just spend the next 10 years letting people walk over all over me.
So yeah, I didn't get many friends and I've never been so good at relationships because I'm..
While I can develop "crushes" I'm not comfortable with physical contact
And I'm not comfortable letting people close to me who don't understand me
So my relationships have always kind of suffered.
At age twenty 21, which I'm now
I'm surrounded by people who.. while they might be, like.. I've told everyone that I am autistic..
They.. most of them, since they are neurotypical and usually a little bit ableist..
They don't really consider it.
They treat me as a neurotypical person and treat me as weird if I show some symptoms of being autistic
And I feel really isolated and bad..
There are two kinds of friends that I have and then there's one
One friend who isn't like this
But they're either the kind who assume that I am.. I can be treated as a neurotypical because they're treating me equally..
Meaning they treat me just like everyone else so they don't really take into
consideration that I need more than that.. and I get that I need to be treated a little bit different, a little bit softer and taken into consideration
But they don't do that
so I feel like I'm.. I don't belong and I'm a strain.
And then there are those kinds of people who
really cuddle me, like... coddle?
Who really CODDLE me?
whatever (laughs)
They're like..
Treating me like I'm an actual child. Like I'm really stupid and that I
Have like really bad memory. They're like always kind of patting me on the back for doing menial functions, and I'm like
That- that's- that just makes me feel like I sh... I.. No.
but one of the most annoying.. of the most annoying things that I've actually come across is how little
acceptance and awareness there still is to autistic and Asperger folks and other neuro non-typical people..
Especially with the use of slurs and jokes
Non-neurotypical people, people like me are still a punchline to many jokes and
People seem to think that calling people retarded or retards
or well in Finnish the word for that is closer to just handicapped but it's still offensive
People think that it's okay to do that, but..
My mother does it. Like, she calls things handicapped when they're stupid or inconvenient or when someone's you know.. and..
It's just.. it always breaks my heart.
Like.. I have "friends" who used the slur on a daily almost and I have people around me
That I would have loved to be friends with but I've noticed how much they make jokes about "handicapped"people and..
like they they're assuming that everyone's laughing with them.. like.. they're just, like
"Yeah, that's so autistic Oh God, like that's such- so so retarded"
and then there's like laugh track around them like shit..
flying down confetti, and then there's me just being
Well, I can never trust this person
I will never now like this person because this person thinks that I am personally worthless.
Because while they don't really think that It might affect someone that it's just the joke. You know, it's just the slur. It's just the word
It's not. I would personally- I would directly compare it to saying "The T word" about transgender people
like one of the most
things that I've seen is
this other trans guy going
exclaiming that "it's so retarded that some people use the T word"
And then there's one friend who is treating me equitably like actually equitably.
(stammers) this accent is not working
E-QUIP-TABL (blows raspberry)
One friend treats me well.
Now, I don't know what they actually do differently than the ones that are pandering me or the the other ones who aren't considering me
It's somewhere in the middle of
when I display some feature- features of being autistic, or when I have a special interest they just..
They're just like "Cool". Like if I panic they know how to calm me down without being
like super weird about it, and if I
If I hav- if I babble on too long about a special interest
They try to make the conversation interesting for them as well because I have the h-
Because I have the habit of, like, over explaining things because I really like talking about my interests.
I just hope that I had..
More understanding people around me..
So that.. and that people would realize that
This is not exactly a fixable flaw or it's not something that's causing me major distress. It's not my autistic features my
Special interests or anything akin to that
That's causing the distress
It's the world that treats me badly because of it. Like..
I like being here surrounded by my plushies with my
Meticulously organized posters on the walls. I like my lava lamps and I like getting really excited about space.
I like being a little bit childish and I'm not personally embarrassed when I react "like a child".
But it's just that I don't like people cringing around me when it happens.
I didn't really have a huge script to this video..
As you can see it's just "In conclusion, BYE!" (laughs) but..
I figured that it would be helpful to talk about this especially since I've been feeling really alone these days
About this subject because I've realized how little people in my life actually understand or accept this..
So I figured it would be helpful for someone who's 21 and
Graduated and everything to talk about this thing. Maybe there are, you know, people younger older anyone who could relate to this
So if this helped you in any way, I'm glad. If it didn't.. well, I'm glad you still watched it.
But yeah, so don't use the words retarded or autistic as insults..
They're.. no. They're not bad things.
It's not bad to be autistic.
I personally I can't really
Take back.. the bad things that I was bullied about.
I can't take back the fact that I wasn't accepted or respected as an autistic transgender child.
but I can at least re-parent myself.
I'm nowadays unashamedly eating ice-cream by the bucket
I'm.. I'm unashamedly.. I have stim toys.
I'm finally starting to learn and accept the fact that I am like this.
It took me one remarkable person to stop being ashamed of myself
And I hope everyone who's like me has someone like that in their lives
If not, that person is probably about around the corner. You're going to find them and everything is gonna be better.
In conclusion.. I don't know. (laughs)
I hope you enjoyed this video aanndd.. I'll see you..
In a while.
LARSON! Pylly p- Lars! /LARSON! Butt off- Lars!
(cat noise)
Larsson :(
delet :(
#EwangeliarzOP | 29 July 2018 | (Jn 6: 1-15) - Duration: 2:07.
I remember the conversations when I asked someone close to my heart - what should I do?
He suddenly asks me back - yes, quite, so what should you do?
And I have no idea. So think.
So I gather my thoughts and try. I seem to have come up with two magnificent solutions.
And my friend says - how about thinking a bit more?
If you broadened your imagination a bit more, what else could you do?
What other solution could you find in this situation?
This kind of attitude irritates me, but on the other hand, it is something very, very creative.
To meet someone who squeezes the creativity you run away from out of you - and so is Jesus like.
Jesus tests people, it means He just wants to press His disciples not to cut corners
- let Jesus do something; but to start looking for, in the abyssal depths of
their own ingenuity and creativity, the solutions that the Holy Spirit awakes in their hearts, that awakes in us.
Lord Jesus, press us to be more creative.
Ardennes: Un baptême de l'air tourne au drame, deux morts dans l'accident d'un avion de tourisme - Duration: 1:41.
Le pilote et l'un des trois passagers d'un petit avion ont été tués ce samedi matin dans l'accident de leur aéronef près de l'aérodrome de Belval ( Ardennes) près de Charleville-Mézières, lors d'un baptême de l'air, a-t-on appris auprès de la gendarmerie
Selon les premiers éléments de l'enquête, l'avion aurait eu un problème de moteur au décollage
Le pilote aurait tenté de faire demi-tour et de rejoindre la piste pour se poser, mais a percuté la cime d'un arbre dans l'alignement de la piste
Deux passagers, blessés, âgés de 20 et 32 ans, ont réussi à s'extraire de l'avion et à donner l'alerte vers 9h40
Le pilote, âgé de 68 ans, et le troisième passager sont morts. Une enquête menée par la compagnie de gendarmerie de Revin et la section de recherches de la gendarmerie des transports aériens est en cours pour déterminer les circonstances exactes de l'accident
Afastada dos palcos desde abril para tratar uma tuberculose do tipo ganglionar, a cantora Simaria, d - Duration: 2:45.
Afastada dos palcos desde abril para tratar uma tuberculose do tipo ganglionar, a cantora Simaria, da dupla com a irmã Simone, está quase pronta para retomar a rotina
O primeiro show do retorno acontece neste domingo, dia 29, no palco do 'Fantástico'
Além de cantar músicas como "Regime Fechado" e "Mal Acostumado" e o lançamento "Um em um milhão", a dupla conta o que mudou na vida e no trabalho durante o tratamento da cantora
Outras atrações O programa deste domingo também revela que, depois de dengue, zika e chikungunya, outra doença provocada por picada de mosquito volta a assustar os brasileiros: a malária
O doutor Dráuzio Varella visita a região amazônica, que concentra o maior número de casos da doença no país, onde algumas pessoas tiveram malária até 40 vezes
O médico mostra o que acontece no organismo afetado e o que os pesquisadores estão fazendo para combater a disseminação, já que ainda não existe vacina para evitar a doença
Em São Paulo, a repórter Renata Ceribelli acompanha os bastidores do musical 'O Fantasma da Ópera'
O espetáculo, em cartaz há 30 anos na Broadway, já foi visto por mais de 140 milhões de pessoas em 35 países
Na volta ao Brasil, cabe ao tenor Thiago Arancam o papel do protagonista. O 'Fantástico' vai ao ar na neste domingo, dia 29, depois do 'Domingão do Faustão'
Veja também:
男友不甩KISS CAM只顾低头滑手机 女方气炸"使出超猛报复"全场观众瞬间沸腾 - Duration: 1:58.
Da gita a lavoro, noleggio a breve termine aumenta in Italia - Sotto la Lente - Duration: 4:21.
ROMA - Che sia per andare al lavoro, oppure per una gita fuori porta in un weekend assolato, o ancora per programmare le tanto agognate vacanze, il noleggio a breve termine sta diventando, anche in Italia, una usanza diffusa e comune, soprattutto nella fascia d'età compresa tra i 36 ed i 55 anni
A tutto il 2017, il "rent a car" per brevi periodi ha registrato un aumento del giro d'affari a un miliardo e 207 milioni di euro (+3,1%)
Le società di noleggio a breve termine hanno gestito 5,2 milioni di operazioni (+5,7% rispetto al 2016), per un totale di circa 34,7 milioni di giorni di noleggio (+6,9%)
La durata media è aumentata dell'1,1%, salendo a 6,7 giorni mentre i prezzi medi hanno registrato una contrazione
E nei primi tre mesi dell'anno in corso, la tendenza si è confermata attraverso lo sviluppo delle flotte a disposizione degli operatori (+14%)
Dai dati, diffusi dall'Aniasa (associazione nazionale industria dell'autonoleggio e servizi automobilistici), emerge inoltre che è la Panda la regina di questo settore ma, più in generale, è Fca a dominare l'intera classifica
L'identikit medio del noleggiatore a breve termine è uomo, italiano, prevalentemente di età compresa tra i 36 ed i 55 anni, ma in aumento troviamo anche i giovani fino ai 35 anni ed i turisti di nazionalità europea
Al momento della prenotazione - suggeriscono l'Unione Nazionale Consumatori e Aniasa (Associazione Nazionale Industria Autonoleggio e Servizi Automobilistici), che hanno dato vita ad una guida per non aver problemi quando si noleggia un'auto
E' importante partire dalla scelta di un canale adeguato, informarsi sui costi aggiuntivi come navigatore e seggiolino per bimbi, sottoscrivere un'assicurazione tenendo sott'occhio le franchigie
Al momento del pagamento, bisogna chiedere i metodi accettati e quando verrà prelevato l'importo e alla fine occorre farsi inviare una mail con i dettagli della prenotazione, se fatta online
Al ritiro, "occhio" al veicolo: controllare interni ed esterno, per verificare eventuali danni da annotare sul contratto
Verificare sempre le dotazioni di bordo, tenersi informati sul funzionamento del veicolo (se non c'è familiariatà da parte del conducente) e chiedere i recapiti di chi contattare in caso di guasti o incidenti
Precauzioni vanno adottate anche alla riconsegna: controllare che non vi siano nuovi danni e farsi rilasciare un'attestazione scritta
Occorre riconsegnare l'auto con la stessa quantità di carburante (farsi annotare sulla ricevuta che il serbatoio è pieno): se le chiavi vanno lasciate in una cassetta di sicurezza è bene fotografare il veicolo e chiedere lo sblocco delle somme cauzionali
Nel caso di addebiti imprevisti, è importante controllare i giustificativi e contestare per iscritto qualora ci sia qualcosa di strano
Matt Taberner and Harley Bennell in Western Derby frame for Fremantle Dockers - Duration: 4:21.
Fremantle will enter western derby week with a couple of aces up their sleeve as they plot a boilover, after key forward Matt Taberner and controversial midfielder Harley Bennell pushed their claims for recalls yesterday
Watched by coach Ross Lyon, Taberner and Bennell put in encouraging performances as Peel lost to West Perth at Joondalup Arena
Bennell shone with 27 disposals and two goals as he fights to salvage his AFL career, while Taberner kicked three goals in his comeback from a long-term foot injury
Lyon said on Friday the Dockers were desperate for a strong forward target. The match committee will have to decide whether one game in the WAFL is enough to prepare Taberner for the intensity of a derby against high-flying West Coast
"It would be great if we could bring Taberner in, a big strong man that could give us a presence and draw the ball," Lyon said
Fremantle are set to be installed as decisive underdogs for next Sunday's derby, regardless of the results in today's matches
The Dockers will be out to end the Eagles' winning streak of six derbies while tripping up their bid for a top-two finish
They first have to confront Hawthorn at Optus Stadium today, a team they have beaten only once since Lyon became coach in 2012
The Hawks will welcome back Jaeger O'Meara and Shaun Burgoyne from injury.WATCH. Was it a throw? This contentious goal from Richmond young gun Jack Higgins has divided experts and viewersThe West AustralianVideoWATCH
Was it a throw? This contentious goal from Richmond young gun Jack Higgins has divided experts and viewersHawthorn coach Alastair Clarkson said yesterday he was wary of Fremantle's best
"They've been a mixed bag and so have the Hawks. It's going to be a really interesting game and obviously pivotal to our chances going forward in the last part of the year," Clarkson said
"I think Rossy and I, we'd both a little bit perplexed from game to game. Sometimes we've been able to bring our best and sometimes we've been able to bring some of our worst footy
"That is a challenge for both the sides and both the coaches and both the playing groups right at the moment, to try and get that consistency of application and form from week to week
"We think that if we can play some really good footy in the next five weeks, then we'll play finals footy
But if we don't, we could fall out of the eight as well. So we know that it's a real balancing act over the next little while, but that's exciting for us
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