9 Effective Ways To Stop over thinking
by : Eevee G http://iheartintelligence.com
There is a fine line between thinking something through and over thinking.
The problem is that not many people manage to control their thoughts efficiently and
easily fall into the trap of over thinking.
This kind of behavior can do more harm than you might think because it does not only prevent
you from enjoying the present moment, but also deprives you from making an adequate
decision that is not dictated by fear or missjudgement.
In this video, I'm going to show you 9 effective ways to stop over thinking.
But before we start, make sure to like this video and subscribe our channel so you won't
miss any interesting updates in the future guys!
Also, don't forget to check link on the description below to see our interesting offer that might
be useful for you.
So, here are nine effective ways you can try to escape you from mind-trap:
Decision-making deadlines.
Giving yourself a set amount of time for decision making is a great way to avoid over thinking.
Usually, when we are trying to decide what to do, whether or not to do something, we
let our minds wonder and explore all the possible outcomes of the potential choices.
This isn't necessarily a bad thing but often the decision making process can keep on going
for an excessive amount of time.
Not only does this prevent us from taking action, but it also is a sure way to waste
our precious time.
So, next time when you catch yourself struggling with making a decision, give yourself a time-limit.
For example, when it comes to a small decision, give it 1 minute to decide and when it comes
to a big one- till the end of the day.
This strategy is definitely worth trying because it's simple and saves you some time and
Giving yourself a break when you feel like you are not thinking straight helps a lot.
We all have our moments of uncertainty and instability.
In such times forcing yourself to think of a solution to a problem or making a decision
can be really overwhelming.
Taking a break from the negative thoughts by going for a walk or taking a nap can improve
your thinking process significantly.
You will feel refreshed and will be able to resolve the issue you were struggling with
easier and more sufficiently.
Fight procrastination.
Too many people nowadays are struggling with procrastination.
Maybe this is because in the age we live in there are so many potential distractions that
our minds get easily attracted to and fall into the trap of constantly delaying the work
that should be done.
But procrastinating can also serve you as an excuse to overthink different scenarios
and situations and that can drain your energy really fast.
This issue is not an easy one to resolve because it requires a strong mindset and tons of determination.
But if you manage to actually become a person of action and fight the unresourceful habit
of procrastination, you will not only have rarer occasions to overthink but it will also
improve your life in many other aspects.
So, train your mind into resisting the temptations that are distracting you and become a newer,
stronger and more active YOU!
Working out.
What does a great job at fighting over thinking is working out.
Practicing a sport or simply going to the gym can not only boost your health but it
can also help you organize your thoughts.
Working out regularly can help you arrange your time more efficiently and can strengthen
your will and determination.
You will feel more productive and won't waste time thinking insignificant thoughts.
Will this matter a week, month, or year from now?
Asking yourself this question can help you realize the level of importance of the issue
you are struggling with.
If it is not going to matter even a month from now, why do you worry so much about it?
Training yourself to use that method in order to get a wider and more adequate view of your
situation, will make it easier for you to let go of the useless stories that you are
obsessing with.
Be aware in the present moment.
Being content in the now can help you stop over thinking because you will be focused
on what you are doing and feeling right now.
People usually think through things that have either already happened or things that can
happen in the future.
This is why practicing present awareness is so beneficial.
What is more valuable than the present moment after all?
Being a control freak can only hold you back.
Aiming to control everything that you can in your life isn't going to take you far.
On the contrary, it is more possible to hold you back.
Thinking through something 60 times is a form of control obsession.
When you catch yourself doing it, remind yourself that life is meant to be lived, not controlled
or planned to the last detail.
The sooner you realize that, the happier you will feel because even if you make a wrong
choice or fail while trying to achieve a goal, you can always learn something new.
And of course, next time you can try again more confidently and smarter.
All the people that you look up to have failed at some point of their lives before they have
achieved their dreams.
And maybe thanks to these failures, they have succeeded.
Don't think of what can go wrong, but what can go right.
In many cases over thinking is caused by one emotion, fear.
Falling into its mind-trap can cause big headaches and excessive worries.
The sad truth is that fear controls many people's lives.
They are used to overthink the negative things that MIGHT happen to them, the ways that they
can fail at life.
This has unfortunately become an unresourceful thinking pattern that deprives people from
unleashing their true potential and daring to dream big.
If you recognize yourself in these lines, don't worry.
You have the power to overcome your fears and to do great things with your life.
Next time you sense that you are falling into the trap of your fear and start getting obsessed
with negative thoughts, tell yourself "STOP!" and think of what can go right, what you CAN
Visualize your dreams and make them your motivation.
Be careful what you brainwash yourself with.
We don't always realize this but what we read, listen to, watch and who we hang out
with have a great impact on our way of thinking.
Be cautious with how you decide to spend your time.
Choose books and blogs that help you be the version of yourself you have always dreamed
of being.
over thinking can often be caused by things that influence us from the "outside" world.
Hanging out with people who encourage you to grow and support you can really help with
overcoming the habit of over thinking.
Well, that's the 9 effective ways to stop over thinking.
Really cool information isn't it?
Leave us a comment down below and let us know what your thought of this video.
Don't forget to give us account subs and watch other amazing videos on our channel.
Thanks for watching!
For more infomation >> 9 Ways To Stop Overthinking - Duration: 6:57.-------------------------------------------
HOW TO GET YOUR FIRST 50 SUBSCRIBERS IN 2018 (TIPS) - Duration: 12:50.
I have a second channel with 52 subscribers. How do you get your first
50 subscribers in 2018? Well I'm gonna share that with you right now.
Hello Creator what's going on I'm Ra'liyah Blythe and welcome back to the channel.
If you're new here and you need someone to help aid you and assist you with
growing your YouTube channel and your editing skills then subscribe to the
channel also hit that notification bell to not miss a video. Your first main
milestone is your first 50 subscribers. I know I don't have 50 subscribers on this
channel since this is only the second video but since I have made my first 50
subscribers on my other channel then I kind of know how to get to it. Promote
Promote Promote: tell everyone that you have a YouTube channel. Tell your friends,
tell your family, tell the random guy that you see in the street. Well...probably
not that last one but you get the point. Telling people will make them go like oh
you have a channel I'll check that out and then maybe most likely since they're
your friends and family they'll subscribe. Another way to get your first
50 subscribers is to have a niche as I said in the beginning that I don't have
a niche on the other channel. I started the channel when I was in seventh grade and
I'm about to be in high school now so you can kind of see why I didn't really
have a niche back then but it took a year a year to get that channel to the
first 50 subscribers but if you have a niche and everybody that sees your
channel knows what you're doing on it and they know that you're not gonna just
randomly have a gaming video if you're a beauty guru person or you're a gamer and
you just like happen to do a random vlog like vlogs I came here for gaming so I'm
not gonna subscribe since you're just doing something else that I didn't sign
up for so that's how the person that views your channel will feel when
watching your videos if you do something else if
you do something consistent and do it as your niche then that's when you'll see
the subscribers will start coming in more often because they know hey this
person is not gonna just change up on me it's not going to be a comedy channel
and then poof a beauty channel out of the blue
so like that they're not gonna change up I'm gonna subscribe
I like this channel so like I'm gonna stick around. Front loading your call to
action. Now what's a call to action you might say? Call To Actions when you say
hey subscribe hey like the video hey comment down below
hey share the video something like that. That's a call to action. Front loading it
is saying it in the beginning of the video and you said oh subscribe all like
comment all at the end of the video and then no one's gonna like see that since
they already cut off and like stopped watching so saying it in the beginning
can help you because everyone's gonna see the beginning. Brand yourself make
your thumbnails consistent. So far even though it's been two videos my my
thumbnails are pretty consistent they have the navy blue it has the red it has
the yellow and it has the white and it's that specific color I like used like the
color schemes the exact type of color so I'll know exactly what color that is
so I don't like accidentally like saying hey we'll have a blue thumbnail and then
like another blue thumbnail that next day or the next time I upload but like
have that exact shade of blue and not like a random like blue or like an
indigo and then like a dark dark blue it's blue but it's not the same. Make
sure it's consistent is the same every time it can be the same layout just have
everything the same it doesn't have to just be colors it can be the same
fonts. I use two fonts every time same design same everything the reason why
you're doing this is because when people watch your video
see your thumbnails they're like oh this is familiar I know who this is
or like if they are just now like seeing it and they see that you're consistent
with your thumbnails and I see like it's similar they're like oh and they'll take
you more seriously and they'll also recognize your thumbnails more they're
like oh I know exactly who this is like I'm ready even if you don't have a
picture of yourself in the thumbnail they'll still know who you are since
they kind of know what your thumbnails look like instead of changing it every
single time. It doesn't have to be that give me your a logo it could be your
video style the way you edit and stuff like that that has to be kind
of like consistent as well like the way that you edit so it doesn't really have
to be just the thumbnails it can be like your whole entire brand. Now I'm gonna
tell you a few things of what not to do. Do not have no consistency meaning if
you post a video today just say you've posted a video today and then three
months later you post your second video and then three weeks later you post your
third video and then two years later you post your fourth video but you're not
gonna grow. If you like aren't consistent with it like I know it was being
exaggerated by like three weeks four years like but people do that people
just post like one video and say oh I'm gonna post every day boom and then never
do or if they just like say hey this is my new channel subscribe do all this and
then not post a video until like three weeks later and they're like their
subscribers like I came this is a new channel I came to this I or if it's not
even a new channel if it's like this yeah like you're a bigger channel and
you just stopped uploading you're gonna lose subscribers or like you're not
gonna like gain subscribers if you're not consistent. If they see you like oh
you're posting constantly you're posting every Mondays and Fridays or if you tell
them your channel trailer a channel art or
something like that and you say that verbally or if you have that in your
channel or it's something like that then they know that you are being serious. On
this channel I post every Saturday and Sunday and that's gonna be the move so if
you're not consistent no one will subscribe it's just a well
known fact like no one will subscribe. Bad
thumbnails or no thumbnails. If your thumbnails are just trash like not good
like that's a problem. If you don't know how to make thumbnails there are
tutorials online or you could try to like make it decent like making a decent
is okay if it's the best that you can do then that's the best it's good the best
thing you can do is the best for now until you learn how to be better and get
stronger with whatever you need to do. It doesn't even have to be thumbnails it
can be like editing but in this case and thumbnails if it's decent then you'll
have a pretty good chance of people looking at it but if your thumbnails are
so bad no one will click on it or if you use the thumbnail generator that YouTube
provides it's like when you upload a video and then they have like those
three like pictures of like you in the middle of talking or it looks like or
like or something there's something that you do that isn't like you're in the
middle talking and then they have like three that's gonna be like oh your
thumbnail but then they have a custom thumbnail like button where you can add
thumbnails from your files on your computer or something like that those
are the YouTube generator thumbnails that everybody or all new
youtubers not all I'm saying like the most that I see they just like that's
their thumbnail and they just stick with it and I don't know why. I know they
probably won't know that too there but then like they have like 10 to 20 videos
up or if they have a lot of videos up then it's not changed they haven't even
went back and changed it even if they know or even if someone says hey change
your thumbnails are like make a thumbnail
they just don't change it and that's what's causing them from not getting
their 50 subscribers because people don't want to click on bad thumbnails
people do not want to click on like the like mid-sentence YouTube generated
thumbnails because there they are not good like if you try to make it at least
decent or just like say literally have like a color and say how to blah blah
blah boom that's better than nothing at all like that's decent that's pretty
good. You don't have to make it all fancy and everything just make it simple where
people understand hey what is this video about look at the thumbnail and look at
the title or if someone has their preferences on just looking at the
thumbnail are just looking at the title they know oh this video is about this
let me click. Instead of just just having nothing and then they won't know exactly
what their video is they're like okay I don't want to watch this because I don't
know what it is so I'm just gonna pass it or like choose a different video. Sub4
Sub!! That's not gonna help you! Sub4Sub is not gonna help you at all at all!!
If someone says like subscribe to my channel or come check out my channels
Sub4Sub it's not gonna help you and if someone does subscribe to the channel or
if they do check out the channel all they're gonna do is subscribe wait for
you to subscribe and then they're gonna unsubscribe and then you're gonna
unsubscribe because all you want to do is just gain your channel so it's done
literally not gonna help you because if you're like gonna be like oh I'm not to
unsubscribe when they subscribe boom unsubscribe and then they're gonna
unsubscribe like there was no point of it it's like not a point for Sub4Sub.
Get subscribers by making content people want to watch it's not worth it.
They'll just unsubscribe and then you'll be back to square one. Not good content:
If it's way too similar to someone else's channel or it's not a little bit
creative or a little bit different or just like so similar or like your
favorite YouTuber just like posted a video and then you do the exact same
thing on your channel the way that they did it the same exact thing that they
did then people are just gonna like think you're just like this YouTuber
you're just trying to be a YouTuber or you're just like this person then
they're just not gonna subscribe because there's nothing different about you or
there's nothing like different about your channel. You don't have to be
different you don't have to make it like a whole new brand new channel idea or a
whole new like video idea like crazy cool but just be unique be yourself and
not like copy everything that someone else does because if the content would
be better off watched by the like big YouTuber since they know what they're
doing more and they've probably most likely been doing this for years and
then you're just copying the other the other person then it's not just it's not
good. Just be yourself and then you'll be good to go, I promise.
and if you haven't comment down below and tell me how many subscribers do you
have until you get to 50 like the video if you enjoyed if you're interested in
more videos just like this one then subscribe by hitting the button right
there and now also make sure to go and check out my most recent upload which is
the video right there at the top right there and if you haven't yet also make
sure to click the video at the bottom that's just for you I'm Ra'liyah Blythe
and I help assist and aid creators thank you bye!
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IMPROVISATION! iO Intensive summer class, semaines 2/5 + 3/5. Marathon 14h d'impros! [English subbs] - Duration: 9:04.
Hello everybody and welcome to this new video !
it's already the second one in Chicago
once again I am with Damian, hello
Damian : "Good night" Romain : " Good night sorry"
very honored to be here with you tonight
it's becoming our weekly rendez-vous
I agree
before starting the video, just wanted to tell you that I'm putting in the description and in the top right corner
my lasts video about improv
the one from last week,in chicago, where we were already talking about iO
and the video about the history of improvisation
if you haver any questions, you can type them in the comments sections
it will be a pleasure for us to respond, if you wanna know more about the school, the city etc
and it will make me appear higher on youtube haha
the honesty haha
we'll start right now
Damian you have the honor of beginning
I have written everythig on my computer
we're gonna talk about this second week
and a little bit of the third week, because we''ve started it
so we are wednesday 25th of july
so we're doing the third week right now
we haven't finished it yet but we're gonna talk about it
the highlight is that we went on stage
we did a lot of improv jams
in which there are students from all the sections
we're all divided in section, for example we are section 7
those jams are organized either by the school or by other students
and we were lucky last week to play in, I think 4 or 5 jams
we don't play for a long time
but it's still really helpful
with the english on stage
the first times were a bit hard but now it's getting better
so we're trying to do the maximum amount possible
during the jams, maybe 20% of the time we don't understand the scene we're in
so we have to do as if we're understanding
which is good for our improvisers skills
during those jams
we play for like 10 minutes, 15 minutes
in groups
we are divided by groups by different methods
draw for example
and then we improvise
we can talk about the marathon we did
so, from 10am until midnight
we almost only did improvisation non-stop
we only had a few breaks to eat
what did we start with mister RomainVoyJar
we had our first jam at 10 am, I had never improv so early
it was only for the students who are doing the intensive
it was cool, it was our first time on stage in english
after that we had the normal class from 11am to 17pm
and after that we did something called
the 10'000 hours
what we could do is talk about the 10'000 hours and then go back to the marathon
perfect, so
this is something really nice to do, it's for the people who wants to do more improv without paying a lot
literally 10'000 hours
the coaches are volunteers
we only pay 3 dollars
3 dollars for two hours, so it's worth it
it works with self management, the people can sign up to be coach
and usually they are quite good
from our experiences we only had good coaches
we can register whenever we want until the day on the class
then you just have to pay 3 dollars and you can go
there are a lot of people doing it
so we did this after the usual class
because we wanted to do this marathon
and after the 10'000 hours
we just had a one hour break to eat and charge the battery
and then we had another jam, which was a longform jam
this is really interesting to say aswell, the terminology here is different
longform doesn't mean the same here and in switzerland
I will talk about it in an another video, I don't want to spend too much time on it right now
so tell us how did the jam go
we all drew a card
from a card game
with the jack, the queen etc
and we were divided by colors or signs, in 4 or 5 groups
and we all played one after the other
maybe 20 minutes for each group
it looked a bit like a harold or free form
something very free, and it was very nice
and we watched a lof the others too
all those opportunities to play
are opportunities to play with the other from different sections
to play with other classes and people coming from other theaters
people also having courses at iO but without doing the intensives
because iO, of course, also offers courses during the year
regular students do also come to this type of events
so that it permits us to mix us
with people coming from Chicago and attempting class there
which was super cool
then, other jam, slightly different it was the one with the teachers
we were sweaty and we wanted just to sleep
we were doing improv for 12 hours
it works on another system in which you are drawn
and you have after the honour of playing with the teachers
the teachers teaching at iO
and Romain Jacques, or Romain Voyjar as I like to call him,
had the honour to do it
it is important to understand that we were doing improv for 12 hours, we were exhausted
there was you sitting next to me and another person from our section on the other side
the three of us were registered but we were all dead tired on our chairs
"no please, I don't want to play anymore, let me just watch the show
and then, I hear my name and I'm like "okay... come on"
"still 2 hours more of improv, let's go !"
which was still great to see
I had the chance to play with a teacher that we had during the week, so:
thank you Emily if you watch this video
and it's even you who picked my name !
Romain Voyjar got the chance to play while we were just slouched, dying on our chairs
so just to conclude on this marathon of 14 hours
it was cool, long and
what is quite crazy I think is that it pushes your last limits
and that makes you really spontaneous in my opinion
I agree
so: how do the courses exactly work ? every week has a specific topic
which we train. I think that the first week was about the fundamentals
yes, acceptation and so on
quite the basics, and the 2nd week, we began
to do group work.
which I personally enjoyed a lot
yes it was great, mainly group works
create some scenes altogether
try to be the same character at 2 players
that kind of things that were really "bonnard" (swiss expression) to do
I just said "bonnard" in a video.
"bonnard", big up to Switzerland
and the 3rd week is dedicated to two persons scenes
which is more intense, I would say, I think that we had a more realistic way of acting
yes, we were on a more realistic way of playing
which is also very cool, it made us work on other skills
I think that it is extremely exhausting.
as you see me now I'm dead tired
I can't anymore
let's sum it up, 1st week: improv's fundamentals
2nd week: group work
do group images for example
on the 3rd week - I show "3" as an american -
the 3rd week is dedicated to 2 persons scenes, more realistic plays
the 4th week: different improv formats, we get introduced to the different formats
that are the Harold - I guess the Armando - the deconstruction
we'll say more about it when we'll know more
and 5th week that will be, I think, the Harold
no, we'll prepare our OWN format, because at the end of the 5 weeks
we got a show for our section
and we'll propose the format that we want
so the 5th week is there so that we can create on own show
which is nice. which is indeed great
in addition to regular classes, and in addition to the 10'000 hours programme
there are also workshops, we can register to workshops
covering a large variety of topics, often given on the week-end - friday or saturday -
you have then to additionnally pay them, but it is cool
and it allows you to meet people from other sections
because you're not only with your own section
I think that then, the quality is assured. It is still quite expensive
for 3 hours it's - what - perhaps 40 dollars ?
but, for the little we did, quality was really there: it was impeccable
we did one together indeed, we did one on mime
and a next one coming on the Monthy Python's - that one I...
that one yeah, I look forward for it with great great pleasure
same here
so that's it : the workshops, something for me that's also very nice
to be honest, for the moment the school has a lot of positive aspects
the school has a lot to offer, the philosophy is the good one
around group work, on the relation between characters
we have little critique to do on the level of improv's fundamentals that are teached
there is a given structure to the courses but the teachers - they are improv teachers -
so that they allow themselves a lot of freedom
and it is quite different from a teacher to another: we do sometimes the same programme
with very different perspectives
which is also interesting: depending on the teacher you have, you'll learn differently
there are still a lot of things we could speak about, sincerely
I see the list on the computer in front of us
but I think we're going to stop now, so that we keep some topics for the next week
it is like a small cliffhanger we're doing now
crazy stuff, I feel them now they are like this
so, here we are, see you next week
thank you so much for having watched the video
don't hesitate to subscribe and like the video, I'd be honoured
a last word ?
"be careful with citrus, it's trash"
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What is Smurfing? The Weird Story Behind Online Gaming's Secret Accounts - Duration: 7:16.
"What's smurfing on here?"
Not those smurfs, the other kind.
But also kind of both?
Smurfing is a common term in esports and gaming for when high-level players use a secondary
account to play against weaker opponents.
There are a lot of opinions on whether or not you should do this and we'll get into
that, but first: where did this term come from?
To find out, we've got to go back in time to the glorious, hope-filled days of 1996.
What did I tell you last episode?
You can't tell me what the f*ck to do!
"And together, we will build that bridge, to the 21st Century."
"You can go in and basically check out all the features, from DVDs."
"It's probably the best thing about DVDs"
"Your sound card works perfectly."
In 1996, a relatively small but incredibly dedicated group of Warcraft II players were
playing the game online.
The game did not support online multiplayer out of the box, so players had to install
and configure a program called Kali, which basically let you use TCP/IP to emulate a
LAN environment.
There was no match-making, so you had to find a lobby the old fashioned way.
Two of these dedicated fans, Geoff "Shlongor" Fraizer….
Yes Miles, this is where you cut to a
Anyway, Geoff "Shlongor" Fraizer and Greg "Warp" Boyko, were so good at Warcraft
2 that many players avoided them completely.
And, in order to actually find opposition, the two created alternate accounts under the
names of "Papa Smurf" and "Smurfette."
Yes, that's right.
They assumed the identities of two strange, tiny blue forest-dwelling humanoids – who
live in mushroom houses within a predominantly male, egalitarian society functioning without
any apparent form of commerce.
"Your greed is your undoing."
Anyways, back to Warcraft II.
The only record of played games that we have are literal written accounts of them since,
replays didn't exist yet and no one recorded video.
It was in these accounts that Shlongor chronicled the joys of smurfing.
"Warp and I enjoy making up names and playing people at war2.
We make them think we really suck and then beat them up.
We have lots of fun playing as smurfs.
We talk in smurf.
We smurf us some ass at war 2.
I guess that is totally childish, but it sure is fun."
Things were going pretty well for Shlongor and Warp, but people suspected that something was
up, and eventually the two smurfs found themselves in a game against a newcomer named "Spider-man."
Little did Shlongor and Warp know, at the time, but the mysterious web-crawler was actually
another smurf account.
Zima, the leader of a rival clan.
"I'm smurfing undercover!"
And while Spider-man did manage to knock Shlongor out of the game early, Warp was able to finish
the job for the smurfing duo.
In time, smurfing would spread beyond Warcraft 2, especially as automated matchmaking systems
became more common.
And today it's more prevalent than ever...
Regardless of whether the smurfs are doing this for the fun of stomping noobs, or trying
to play with friends who aren't as skilled – the practice is controversial.
And plenty of people from various gaming communities have weighed in on the issue.
Riot Games admitted that while they don't endorse smurfing, it's a complicated issue.
And that people smurfing to play with friends, or to try out unconventional strategies on
a different account, shouldn't be treated the same way as people just intent on griefing
new players.
Blizzard Entertainment's Jeff Kaplan also addressed rising concerns that smurfing was
becoming an epidemic in Overwatch, but downplayed its overall impact on the match-making ladder.
It's a tricky problem though.
Developers want you to play their game, because if you aren't, there's a lot of other
things you aren't doing as well: like spending money, or spreading the word.
But smurfing has the potential to ruin the game for lower-ranked players.
Getting crushed by someone you shouldn't even be playing with isn't fun.
After all, matchmaking is there for a reason.
While pro players often smurf to hide their identities, it's not uncommon for these
accounts to become well-known through appearing on their streams.
The usage of the term smurf is so widespread in esports and gaming that some have even
started using it sarcastically.
The idea is that the highest level of League of Legends competition for each respective
region, is actually far below the skill level of the player who is "smurfing."
It can also be used as a mark of regional pride: a Korean player who is playing for
an NA team could be described as "smurfing" in NA.
So there you have it – smurfing.
A fateful decision over made 20 years ago, by two Warcraft 2 players – one of
whom had the word "schlong" in his name — has forever changed the way we view
suspiciously good accounts in competitive gaming.
And as long as matchmaking remains, you can bet there are going to be players who take
on the persona of tiny blue people to smash noobs.
No, why?
Uhh that's definitely not me.
How can a cough be cringe?
It was like I was clearing my throat...
[HaHAA cough]
Like a Gollum kind of situation?
Smurfs. Smurfs.
Jesus. Anyways...
It was good, but it was cringe?
DOLCE FOLLIA Ep.12 Maman FR/IT à la plage en Italie - Duration: 3:34.
It's been 4 summers in a row that I come to Forte dei Marmi,
Italian seaside resort ... very chic
so I had time to observe the differences
between the habits of Italian mamas at the beach and French moms
For once, I wont use wigs ! I asked a friend
to play the French mom, to be herself, a hottie. Let's go !
First observation, the French mother arrives very early
around 9am
to enjoy the calm and freshness of the morning
he Italian mother is more familiar with the late morning hours
A beautiful arrival around 11:45 am,
When the sun is already hot,
children are excited.
Paolino come here, are you kidding ?
What are you doing
Regarding sunscreen,
it seems that the guidelines for skin cancer stop at the French border
While our Frenchie is tanning under the tent
The italian mom is taking all the sun she can get
And the same for children
the french kids are the only ones who seem to be totally dressed up by the sea
One of the great joys is having lunch at the beach
The French mother is having lunch early because she anticipates the children's nap
You have to respect the schedules even on vacation
11:32 you get out of the water
11:47 shower
12:02 lunch
Once ready at the table,
I noticed that the French mom order was quite simple
Hello can I have a melon
And then tomato pasta
I think she just does not understand anything to the menu
The Italian mom is different, asking 1000 questions
she clearly has suspicions with the cook
Are the clams Spicy ?
So no, Paolino does not like it.
Stop that !
The pasta portion is big ?
So no
What do you have ?
Stop laughing !
Lets cancel the antipasto
We take the anchovies
We share the rigatoni
Then fish of the day
For desert, italian kids wont touch a fruit during summer
Average of 3 ice-creams per day
What do you want ?
Italians are ultra sociable,
and having children is another opportunity to exchange with other people
Italian mothers are quickly making friends
talking with each others and walking in the sea
I think it's better if you mix it in flour
of course, In Pietrasanta we go 3 nights per week !
ah this? I got it at the market in Forte !
Everything is a pretext for conversation
French mother is more reserved
Hey how are you ?
I already saw you here, it's your baby there ?
No thank you
Close to the water
An italian mom stays perfect
with no sand in the bikini
Where the french mom always looks like hell
We finish the swimming pool
And we build a highway
The shower moment at the beach with kids can be a little painful
With a french mom, the drama can be quite silent
But with the italian one, it's the total drama
Paolino what are you doing
Ah no !
Just turn
You still have sand everywhere
Dont do that
Take it out
You have some on your neck
Shall I do it myself
Can you let this child breath just one second ??
Thank you guys for watching
If you liked it, put a thumb up !
And suscribe to my channel !
BookTube Recommends Summer Reads | BookTube Collab - Duration: 15:41.
What's up guys, my name is Olivia and my channel is 'hey olivia reads' and my
recommendation for the perfect summer read is 'Royce Rolls' by Margaret Stohl.
This is a story about a girl, who is part of a family very much like the Kardashians.
They have their own reality show, all the kids are named after cars.
The youngest daughter, Bentley, decides she doesn't want to be on her family's
reality show anymore and so she goes to extreme lengths to get out of it so she can go to college.
It is so funny, so meta, so light-hearted but loving and cute at the same time.
It's also not a very big book so you could take this to the beach
and get it done in a single beach trip. So if you love Hollywood,
if you love fun celebrity goofiness. This book is for you.
Hello I'm Julia and I'm from the channel 'readers world' and your next best summer read is
'Summer of Salt' by Katrina Leno. Now I know I'm supposed to like
explain the plot to you all but you don't need a pot or summary to get into this book.
You just need to know that it's fantastic, which it is, proven by all these beautiful tabs.
It's a beautiful story of friendship love and sisterhood
and there's a little bit of spool of magic so I really hope you guys pick it up.
My name is Yasmin and I'm from 'yasmins bookshelf' and the book
that I'm recommending today as my summer read is 'Radio Silence' by Alice Oseman.
I just recently read this and it's already become my favourite book of all time.
I absolutely adored it. It's got beautiful representation, beautiful diversity
and I think the characters are so well developed and just so wonderful to read about.
In this book we followed Frances and Frances is a straight-A student at
high school but she listens to a YouTube podcast called 'Universe City'.
One day she finds out that this podcast is in fact run by a boy that she actually knows
called Aled and they form this really wonderful friendship. Frances becomes the
artist for the podcast and they start to get really popular on YouTube.
But one day Aled's identity gets out into the real world
and people find out who he actually is and Frances and Aled have to work
through not only their friendship but they have to also deal with the new
thing that they're receiving on YouTube and it is so wonderful.
I love the boy-girl friendship in this book and how real it felt and I absolutely adore
these characters as well. So I definitely recommend this as a really good summer read.
Hi everyone, I'm Sandy from the channel 'sandy reads a lot' and I would
like to actually recommend an author and two of her books that I really enjoyed.
This author is Maureen Goo and the first book that I wanted to mention is
'I Believe in a Thing Called Love. This book came out in 2017. It follows a girl named
Desi Lee who has never had a boyfriend and is pretty much a disaster when it comes to romance.
One day this new student transfers to her school and she is determined to make him fall in love with her.
She does so by watching a bunch of Korean dramas and creating a guy based on how two people
within those dramas fall in love. I adored this book so much. Seeing all of
the things that Desi would do to try to win this guy over was just so fun to read.
Desi is a pretty quirky and nerdy character who can be awkward at times
and I really related to her. This was the perfect rom-com book that's very easy
to get into and has a great balance of heartwarming and hilarious moments.
And the last book that I wanted to mention from this author, is 'The Way You Make Me Feel'.
This book came out a couple months ago and it follows our main character Clara and she is kind of a prankster.
One day she does this prank at her school's prom and the prank goes a little bit too far.
Because of the negative consequences that came with it, her dad makes her work at his Korean
Brazilian food truck in order to pay for the damages but she has to do so with
another girl that she does not like. This book is just the perfect summer read
because A. it takes place during the summer and it's just such a fun, cute
light-hearted read. Both of the books that I'm recommending have a really
great friendship in it and also a really great father/daughter relationship and
also the romance in both books are just super adorable as well.
Both books are amazing reads for the summer and I hope you check them out.
Hi, I'm Dustin from 'book babble' and my summer time reading recommendation is
Agatha Christie's 'A Caribbean Mystery'. This one is set in a exotic location and it is just an absolutely fun read.
I if you hope pick it up that you enjoy it as much as I did.
Hey guys, my name is Britt from 'basically britt'
and as for a perfect summer book, I'm gonna go with one of my favourite books
namely 'The Night Circus' by Erin Morgenstern. I think that 'The Night Circus'
is such a perfect summer read because when you're on the beach and you
don't have to think about anything else, you can just focus on this book and just
take everything in because there's so much going on in this book and the story
is about the Night Circus, which is a circus that just appears in the night.
It's a very whimsical circus and then you follow all these amazing special
characters and at the same time there's also this magical competition going on
between a couple of characters. So if you don't feel like reading a fluffy romance
book this summer, definitely pick up the Night Circus because I am positive that you're going to love it.
Hi friends, I'm Theresa from 'just bookish things'.
When I think about the perfect summer read, I think of a short standalone contemporary novel.
If I had to recommend one of the many contemporaries that I like to read over the summer,
I would say 'P.S I Like You' by Kasie West. It is a really cute story
about a girl named Lily. Who is sitting in chemistry class one day and she's
kind of bored, so she just kind of scribbles some obscure song lyrics on the desk.
When she comes back to class the next day, someone else has finished the lyric.
So she starts writing back. Initially they are just communicating
through song lyrics but then they start exchanging actual notes that they leave
on this desk and she finds out that it's a boy from her school.
Through these notes she kind of starts to fall for him. It's super cute, I loved this book a lot.
10 out of 10 would recommend.
Hello everyone, my name is Jen from the channel 'book syrup'
and the book that I would like to recommend for summer reading is
'The Glass Castle' by Jeannette Walls. This is a memoir by Jeannette Walls that
is so heartbreaking and so moving. It's so beautifully written and it's
basically about when Jeannette Walls was younger her parents were not the
greatest parents and although her story is tragic and harrowing, it's very
inspirational in that she is where she is today, despite the way she was raised
and it's just a great summer read. It may seem a little bit depressing but at the
same time it's just so beautifully and wonderfully written I highly recommend it.
Hi everyone my name is Michelle
and a book that I think would be a perfect summer read is 'Big Little Lies' by Liane Moriarty.
This is a thriller about three mothers whose children all go to the
same school and they befriend each other but they all have
their own secrets and then an incident only playground with their children,
sort of creates a fight between the other parents. Basically it's a thriller full of mysteries,
full of secrets and a lot of stuff is happening. I personally think
thrillers and crime novels are the perfect sort of books to read during the summer.
And 'Big Little Lies' is definitely a very good read to like read when you're on the beach.
It's so exciting, so interesting and you're really curious to see how all the mysteries are going to turn out.
Yeah, I can definitely recommend 'Big Little Lies'. I think it's a really good to read during the summer.
Hi, I'm Gabbie and my perfect summer read recommendation is
'When Dimple Met Rishi' by Sandhya Menon. This is basically a cutesy YA
contemporary because I feel like nothing else screams summer more but here's the thing.
The one thing that defines summer for me, is a very nice cup of iced coffee.
So, all ready perfect isn't it. But also while I do enjoy a very cutesy read
that is easy to fly through and perfect for the beach might a say.
I do like a little more substance on top of that and 'When Dimple Met Rishi' really offers you that.
It's very thought-provoking but very fun at the same time, which is something I appreciate.
So I think you might too and also I am one to really
enjoy graphic novels, so my recommendation of that is
the 'Lumberjanes' series. It's basically a series of novels in graphic format,
believe it or not, that follows the adventures of this group of girls at summer camp.
Except it's not your usual summer camp because there's paranormally
and magic and unexplainable things happening and it's just a lot of fun.
My name is Julia and I'm from a channel 'Julia Sapphire' here on BookTube.
For my summer read I'm going to be going with 'Listen to Your Heart' by Kasie West.
This is a young adult contemporary novel. It's very light. It's about a girl named Kate actually,
who is convinced by her friend Alana to join this podcast class at the school.
She doesn't expect to be a host. As these books go, she ends up being a host
and she kind of finds this new passion for herself.
There's a lot of banter and like stuff with her friends. There's a little bit of going on.
There's some romance of course but it's like described as
like a podcast romance, which I think is super cute. It's like an advice podcast.
I thought that was really interesting. It's just so adorable and I'd definitely recommend it.
I read this one recently and I gave it like a decent rating and I
just thought it if you're looking for a little like light summer read, definitely check this out.
Like I read this in a day and I was super happy about it.
I'm Olivia from 'that fiction life' and my perfect summer read is the 'Blood for Blood' series by Catherine Doyle.
This is a totally binge worthy series and the summer is perfect for that. There's so many cliffhangers.
There's very dangerous romance, criminal underworlds, very positive female friendships.
The writing is impeccable, it reads like a movie.
The stakes are so high in this book. It's very hardcore and I'll recommend it till the end of days.
Hey guys, I'm Becca from the channel 'Becca Iris Ruiz' and my perfect summer read recommendation
is gonna be 'Wanderlust' by Jen Malone. This is a really fun travel,
finding yourself story about a girl named Aubrey who takes over her older
sister's job for the summer as a tour guide. She's leading a group of senior citizens on a bus tour in Europe.
It has it's more serious moments but it is also really cute and fluffy.
If you're looking for something nice to read on the beach
or just like, you just want to read something really cute, I would definitely pick this up.
Hi guys, today me and two cute doggies are gonna recommend you a summer read.
And I realise to hold the book I need to let the dogs go.
The book is 'Carry On' by Rainbow Rowell. This is one of my favourite books of all time.
It's full of magic, LGBTQ romance and like one of the best character you will
ever read about, which is Baz. It is like a fun, whimsical version of Hogwarts.
So it's amazing. If you still haven't picked it up, please do. It is the best.
These two goofballs are like the most precious things.
My name is Jay and I'm from the BookTube channel 'the awkward bookworm'.
My favourite summery read is 'Since You've Been Gone' by Morgan Matson.
It follows best friends Emily and Sloane, who have their whole summer planned
and then one day Sloane goes missing
and leaves behind a list of 13 items that Emily has to try to complete in order to lead her to Sloane.
It is just super fluffy and cute and I just love it so much
and I think you guys should all check it out because it is a great summer read.
The book I'm gonna be recommending for a perfect summer read is 'Eleanor Oliphant is Completely Fine'.
This book follows Eleanor who is a bit of a social recluse.
She goes to work, she comes home and she doesn't really speak to anyone.
She follows the same routine every day and she always drinks a lot of vodka on the weekend.
I recommend this book because it covers really important themes of loneliness, mental illness and family.
It will make you laugh, it will make you cry. It is such such a beautiful book.
If you're going on holiday, if you're just gonna read it by the pool,
if you're gonna just be sitting in your back garden, I honestly can't recommend this book enough.
My name is Kerryn from the channel 'rather be reading' and my perfect summer read is 'Dangerous Girls' by Abigail Haas.
This is maybe a strange choice, in that this is a YA thriller novel but when I think of
summery reads, I think of the type of book that you can just completely
immerse yourself in and lose yourself. Maybe while getting sunburned on the beach, who knows.
This does have some very like sunny vibes.
This is set around a group of friends who go to Aruba for spring break.
Our main character's best friend is brutally murdered while they're on this spring break trip.
And she is in a foreign country on trial for her best friend's murder.
We get different timelines in this. We get before the crime, leading up to the crime,
we get the period during the trial. We also get the time period around when
these two characters first became friends. So you've got that kind of dual
timeline thing if that's something that you're into. This is very immersive.
You can fly through this so, so quickly and it is so enjoyable and I definitely
recommend picking this up for a great fun summer thrillery read.
My name is Anthony and the book I would like to recommend to you is 'Buried Alive' by Jacqueline Wilson.
This follows Tim and Biscuits who go away to a seaside town
and to the seaside and go playing on a beach and it's a real summer read
and I really think you would enjoy it if you decided to pick it up.
I'm Lauryn from 'Lauryn's Library' and I'm here to recommend you a summer read.
For this recommendation I'm gonna recommend Jenn Bennett, which is an author.
I read two of her books this year and I really enjoyed them. They're definitely summer reads.
The first one that I'm gonna recommend is 'Starry Eyes' by Jenn Bennett.
This takes place with a girl named Zorie and Lennon. They go on a camping trip and a lot of goes down.
This one takes place during the summer, so it is definitely a really fun summer read.
Another book that I'm going to recommend was my favourite of the two books,
'Alex Approximately' by Jenn Bennett. This one follows our main character Bailey,
who moves to California with her dad and meets a boy at her summer job.
He's a surfer and it takes place during the summer and this book just really, really captured me.
If you love anything to do with film, she meets a boy over a chatroom talking about film.
But I highly recommend 'Alex Approximately' and 'Starry Eyes' by Jenn Bennett.
Hey it's J from 'J.L Todd' or 'J.L Todd Writes' and I'm here today with a summer book recommendation
and that is 'Fablehaven' by Brandon Mull. There are five books in this series.
And basically what it is it's these two kids they go to visit their grandparents over one summer.
Kendra and Seth discover that their grandparents are caretakers of a magical creature preserve called Fablehaven.
It's a summer read because it's full of adventure and it's lighthearted but serious.
Whether or not you read a lot of middle grade, this is a book for everyone. Like, Mom loved it so.
I'm Simone from 'Me, Simone and I' and the book that I would like to recommend is
'The Disappearance of Emily Marr' by Louise Candlish.
This follows a woman named Tabby, who spots a woman standing outside of her
flat reciting the entrance code and so when the woman leaves she decides
because she has nowhere else to go, she decides to go into the flat but comes
across a woman named Emmy and it's about the things that Tabby finds out about Emmy.
This is a mystery but it doesn't have any gore or anything like that in it.
It's set on the coast of France and on a little island, so definitely a great summer read.
Hello everyone, my name is May and my channel name is 'may reads' and I have
the perfect summer book today for you guys and it is 'Lucky in Love' by Kasie West.
This book is about Maddie. She wins the lottery like every one of us wishes we would one day.
Everyone knows. Her family knows, her friends know
and the only person that doesn't know is her very cute co-worker.
So it is really light-hearted and really summery and I would advise you guys to read it.
And I wish you guys a really awesome, hot summer that you can enjoy with all of your friends and family.
My Summer Foundation Routine | Dark Skin - Duration: 10:21.
Hello guys, I hope you're all doing well and this is my first video
Yeah, I was trying to do my summer foundation routine
But it actually turned into a whole look so I mean not a whole look but, I think it's cute
Do you think it's cute?
Anyway if you guys like it please like comment and subscribe and also share, please
It's free. So you might as well, you know
Keep on watching
So I'm starting with my primer and the Becca ever matte poreless primer
I'm using that to prime my face because I am I'm a very oily person
Especially in the middle of my face in the center of my face on my t-zone
I just put that on my forehead on my nose, and I also put that on my
Eyebrows because I get really oily on my eyebrows, but I don't know like that's really weird, but I do get oily on there
So I just use that and prime my face and then I'm gonna be using my spoolie brush. I like that brush
I don't know why even when I don't wear makeup I use that brush to brush my brows because
they like to do their things but I just use that and
And I brush my brows upward and now I'm going to be using my Anastasia Beverly Hills brow
Pomade and an angled brush and I'm gonna use that to just fill in my brows
Brows take a long time actually spent 10 minutes doing my brows. No joke
10 whole minutes
But yeah, so I just I was just filling in my brows making little strokes because I didn't want it to be too perfect
I want it to be a little bushy and also when I used my Anastasia
Beverly Hills brow pomade . My brows were looking a little gray. So I'm using my revlon one and trying to make it work
And now this actually my friend gave me this
Hand cream and it smells so good. So I was using that because my hands felt a little dry and it's also
I actually can't sing but yeah, I think you already got that now I'm using my Nars
radiant creamy concealer in the color is hazelnut
I'm using that on my angle on my angled brush and I use that to carve out my brows because
I want I wanted them to be cleaner and
you know after you just fill them in you need to
Clean them up
That was kind of cool fill the in clean them up
Okay. Anyway, so now I'm using my
how is this called ? I'm using another brush and I'm kind of blending out the edges of the the areas where I
Carved out my brows. This is art, okay
Then yeah, I'm just doing the same thing
Just trying to make my end look a little better and I'm doing the same thing for my just carve out my other brow
Yeah, and blend it out. That's it
So next I'm using my fenty beauty
Pro filter I can't remember the name of the foundation. I don't know and I'm in the color
440 and I'm using a flat top brush
to blend out my
my foundation
And yeah, that's what I do. And now I'm using my same NARS radiant creamy concealer
in the color hazelnut and I highlight my I highlight my under eyes
Under my eyes. I highlight under my eyes my nose
my chin, and I also used my
Beauty sponge and I use that to blend out my concealer
Ha ha ha
I'm such a weirdo you guys
I'm pretty sure you guys already found out. But yeah now I'm using my Laura Mercier translucent
setting powder and I am dipping my beauty sponge into it and
Just dabbing it under my eyes because I don't like baking
It makes me look
ghostly for some reason so I just do this
Because it works better for me
And also now I'm gonna be using my Sasha
Buttercup powder because I wanted it to be a little more yellow it was looking to red for me and
I'm gonna just do the same thing
Just dab it onto my eyes and the area where I highlighted now, I'm using my Mac prep and prime
Setting spray and I'm gonna set my face because it was feeling like a Sahara Desert that I didn't like that
and next I'm gonna be using my Beauty sponge and try to blend it in into my hairline because I
Was looking I was feeling like there was a demarcation line and you don't really want that
So just blend it into your hairline it actually helps
I was actually listening to music while filming this so you're gonna be seeing me dancing a lot
Now I just used my black radiance
contour palette in the color dark and
Next I'm using my covergirl
Queen collection in the color ebony the bronzer and I'm using that to
contour my nose
I'll say bronze because I that wasn't contour
I don't like to contour my nose because I don't know how to do it and
Next I'm using a black opal powder and my Real Techniques brush
And I knew that to buff buff that onto my face to try to make everything a little
seamless I
Love that Real Techniques brush. It's just so soft
Next I'm using my NYX
double-dare blush
and I use that to
Apply it. I use another Real Techniques brush I needed to you
You know emphasize that and I you know, put that on my cheek cheek cheek. I was so excited because I just love that brush
the Real Techniques brush actually
Now I'm using my morphe 25-A palette and I'm using that brown
shadow, and I'm blending it on to my crease just
Blending casually blending like nothing else matters
blend blend blend blend and then next I'm going to be using another brown shade and
blend again blend blend blend
Yeah, I'm just blending that onto my creases that's it
Next I'm gonna be using a fluffier brush and I will try to bring the edges of my shadow
and I'm going to use my morphe 25 O palette and I'm gonna use that orange color on top and
Try to also bring a little warmth to my shadow and blend it out
Now I'm using my NYX
liquid liner in the color black and I'm just
doing my
Winged liner I love wing liner. I don't know why I just love them
So I usually put them on because I just think they look cute not cute. They look snatched
Yeah, it makes me look a little exotic. I
Like that word now, but yeah, I'm just drawing on my winged liner and yeah
I'm using umm the highlight in my
Contour palette and my black radiant contour palette
I Actually like this highlight because it's not too much. It's actually
Just enough. I don't like too much highlighter so I just put that on and
Blend it in
So now I'm using my lash box lashes I loved his lashes they look so pretty
And I also used my duo
lip glue no lash glue and actually you just put it on the
lash band and just apply the lash I waited until the lash got tacky and then applied it and then now I'm just using my
My mascara, it's the Maybelline colossal
mascara and I apply it onto my lower lash and
Upper lash to blend my fake lash with the true
with the real one and
Next I'm using my Johana, I think that's the name if that's not the name. I'll put the right name
Eyeliner and I just line my waterline and my upper waterline
Next I'm using the NYX
slip tease
lipstick and I just dab it onto my lips because I didn't want it to be too much so I just dab it on
and I use my
Revlon Super Lustrous
Lip gloss and I in the color coral and I applied it on my lipstick and just blend it in then
Yeah, that's it. Thank you for watching
Kisses Bubba Bye
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Bonjour bonjour bonsoir
Juice WRLD Type Beat "Coroner" | Prod. by Georgie - Duration: 3:11.
(Prod. by Georgie)
TAMDA 1. OLUCAM DERKEN!!! / AGARZ.İO - Duration: 2:01.
Carl's Jr.® | Hand Scooped Mocha Coffee Milkshake Review! ⭐🍨🍫🥤 - Duration: 3:28.
welcome to peep this out reviews with Ian K stay frosty hey everyone I'm back
again with another one for ya this time here at Carl's jr. to take a look at a
brand new sweet treat they have on the menu to help me beat the heat this
summer in the form of their hand scooped mocha coffee milkshake and judging by
how inviting this already looks with its coffee infused hand scooped vanilla ice
cream this is already winning guys topped off with whipped cream and a
mocha drizzle I am already ready to get into this so let's not waste any more
time because I am straight up melting right now it's the hand scooped mocha
coffee milkshake here at Carl's jr. hmm that is really thick mmm
oh my god guys a couple of years back I reviewed their iced coffee here and this
is essentially that on steroids a very thick ice cream you can really tell this
is hand scooped seriousness right now it's almost like a diner type of vanilla
ice cream that is really good mmm rich creamy and the whipped cream of
course and a little bit of that mocha action lemme grab a little bit of that
real fast mmm that mocha drizzle is insane on this
Wow let me give you a look on top I mean it's mostly whipped cream but as you can
see the body of this is straight-up coffee it is really really nice it's a
nice even mix of that vanilla ice cream and the coffee flavor is so rich on it
mmm I wouldn't say it's like a cold brew but I got to tell you it's cold it's got
brew in it it fits mmm that is delicious this is delicious a little pricey for
$3.99 for the size but what you're getting is very rich quality it's not
over-the-top sweet but I am absolutely digging this this is super refreshing
right now hmm absolutely I haven't had a milkshake in a very long time but I got
to say the coffee is what got me on this one when I saw this I'm like I got to
give this one a shot overall I'm gonna have to give the hand
scooped mocha coffee milkshake here at Carl's jr. a rock-solid 10 out of 10
because it really strikes that perfect balance between coffee and ice cream and
you get a little bit of that mocha drizzle on top and then the whipped
cream to really finish it off but guys just make sure if you're having it in
super hot weather like I am right now get
to it because this thing is already melting like crazy I mean it's a crisp
104 degrees right now as I'm filming this absolutely delicious hmm that is
amazing guys do me a quick favor drop some comments down below let me know if
you've ever had like a coffee milkshake before this is actually the first time
I'm having something like this and I got to say I really dig it so let me know in
the comments down below if this is gonna be something you're gonna be checking
out for sure because like I said it's worth it even at $3.99 being a little bit
on the pricey side it is definitely a tasty drink so there you have it and
with that said this is Ian K closing out another episode of peep this out and
like I always say I've got brand new content every single week here on my
channel so while you stay tuned for the next review coming real soon
in the meantime stay frosty I'm all about delivering that high-quality
goodness on the daily guys so if there's anything that you'd like to see me check
out make sure to let me know in the comment section down below and I'll see
you about making that a reality for ya alright everyone until next time I'll
talk to you soon
방탄Gayo Ep.11 [ENG/ESP Subbed] (BTS) - Duration: 23:44.
[BTS Gayo]
[Long time no see you] We're back after a while!
[Time to learn about K-pop with BTS!] Time to introduce K-pop songs.
BTS Gayo!
You did it alone.
- Out of the blue. - BTS Gayo! - All of a sudden.
Did you miss us?
- Yes! - Thank you.
[The 11th topic for BTS Gayo today] - What's the topic for today? - Let's go!
[Relay to draw pictures of K-pop songs]
[1. With one Answer Man, 6 members will make 2 teams]
[2. Individual player reads the song title and draws a picture about it for 15 sec]
[3. When 15 seconds pass, the next member continues to draw the pic]
[4. If the Answer Man says the answer, the team will score 1]
[How to decide the Answer Man?] - Let's pick the Answer Man. - Rock paper scissors.
- Answer Man. - Rock paper scissors? Oh, to decide the Answer Man.
- It's going to be an unearned win. - Rock paper scissors!
[Why do they play it all together, without having small groups?]
I hope to have the result today.
- I won. - You're not the Answer Man. - Rock paper scissors!
[You? Me?] Rock paper scissors!
[The oldest versus the youngest] Rock paper scissors!
[Jungkook won!]
[Jungkook became the Answer Man] - I'm the one! - Are you the Answer Man?
[I don't know much songs] But I know very few songs.
[Teams were divided automatically] Winners versus losers.
If it's 2010...
[Dividing teams like that?] Teams are already divided like this?
[Yes. Let's decide the punishment] - Divided already. - Already.
What about blowing bad breaths as it's in the morning?
[9 AM... Great time to smell bad breaths]
[Are you on our team?] [Cautious] You suddenly came to this team.
[The beauty of BTS Gayo!] As I'm the Answer Man.
[Members come up with the punishment] I can visit both teams.
[So serious]
I think this is amazing.
[Standing outside without an outwear] [Being spanked by Jungkook]
The Answer Man is Jeon Jungkook. Does he know hit songs after 2010?
He may know.
As we have to draw a picture, I guess the questions will be easy.
[No... Jungkook was 14 in 2010] In 2010, Jungkook was 16 years old.
[The youngest... Do you remember?] 16 years old. Do you remember?
[Not much] - In the 8th grade. - 15 years old.
[At the age of 14? 15? 16?] - Wasn't he 15 years old? - It was 2009.
[Stammering] - 15 years old... - It doesn't matter.
[Nobody realized he was 14 in 2010...] Right! It doesn't matter.
Anyways, we divided teams.
We decided the Answer Man.
[11th episode of BTS Gayo] Let's get started with BTS Gayo!
[Relay to draw K-pop songs] Let's go! BTS Gayo!
We divided teams. What's the team name?
- Team name? - Yes.
[Emotionless voice] - Sure. - What's the name?
- Team name. - The team name is Team Name?
- Yes. Team Name. - Sounds nice.
[Then, our team is...] Unprecedented Combination.
During the break, Hope kept saying he would start.
[So proud, the best painter of BTS] But we have Jimin, the best painter.
Rap Mon, but the speed matters. Trust me. Try me.
[Their team work is bad] Why do they have a fight?
Right, their team work is bad.
[What's this?] [Team work dance?]
[Let's smile as our eyes met] We admit the fact
[Worst painters of BTS] that all of us are not good at drawing.
[Answer Man Jungkook is ready] - I'm ready. - Jungkook, are you confident?
- Which team goes first? - You have to draw it well.
[What?] Jungkook!
- You can go first. Team "Lack of Will". - OK.
[Out of the blue] - Team Lack of will? - Yes.
Our team name is "Lack of Will?" Why do you change our team name?
[Practice round - nation names] It's just a practice.
[Team Lack of Will starts!] Start!
[A dugout hut?] - I guess it's a dugout hut. - Really?
- Isn't it a piece of pizza? - No, it's a cone.
Isn't it Suga? Why is he drawing his portrait?
[Serious V] Why are they drawing their portraits?
- Taehyung used to draw it to describe me. - I'm your partner!
They didn't spend 15 seconds.
[What a weird drawing] What's this?
[Jungkook's answer is...] - Egypt. - There you go!
- Is this the pyramid? - Did you see that?
[How can you say Egypt?] Is it a pyramid? No way!
[Laughing while he's explaining] Look. This is the Sphinx.
- This is the Sphinx. - Hey! This is the Sphinx.
[Arguing which one is the Sphinx] This is the one!
[No, no] These are Suga, Taehyung and Jungkook.
[Amazing! How did I say the answer?] Everyone thinks differently.
- What's the dog-like thing on the right? - It's a dog.
[Team Unprecedented Combination starts] You don't have to change seats.
- J-Hope's face? - Wrong.
[Stop teasing me]
[The loudest one when others drawing] - Isn't it an alligator? - Amazon?
[Rap Mon starts quietly drawing] Isn't it a dinosaur?
- What are you doing? - What are you doing?
[Strange... Jimin is the best painter of BTS] Jimin is drawing now.
Jimin, are you wearing a sleep shade?
[Self-praises] I did a great job.
[Even though I know the answer] Didn't you notice from my clue?
[This drawing gives no clue] - It's so obvious! - That is Pikachu!
It can't be Pikachu. It's not generating electricity.
Look at that! You know...
[Jungkook, don't you remember?] Sit down! Please.
[Having no clue] Australia?
That's the answer.
[Answer: Australia] Look! This is a koala.
[Probably a tree?] Why is a koala bear holding a golf club?
- Did you draw a kangaroo? - No way!
This is Pikachu. How can you see it a kangaroo?
- You have to draw abs for a kangaroo! - Look. You don't know this?
[What's this?]
- I drew the continent. - Not a dumpling?
- The map of the world. - Africa. - Europe.
[Jimin was not the best painter] Only Yoon-gi knows what I intended.
[Let's start the relay to draw paintings] Let's start. I'm so confident!
- Good. - So excited. - Let's start.
Will you start off?
Rap Mon, you need to do that when you go to the front.
[Sighing] - All of us will... - Way to go!
[Reluctantly...] Go for it!
The roses of Sharon have blossoms.
[Dance, dance] - I'm sure you know this. - Something... triangle.
- I know the answer! - Me, too.
- Jimin, draw another stuff. - Another stuff?
[I guess everyone would know it] What's that?
[What will Jungkook answer?] Jungkook, please guess.
New Year's bow?
[New Year's Bow? Smart one!] That's correct.
- Correct. - No. - TT by TWICE.
- Great! - Jungkook!
[The first answer is TWICE - TT] Great job, Jungkook.
[Answer: TWICE - TT] - How did you know that? - This.
[Everyone knows it's TT] Right, I did a great job.
[The youngest got excited] - It's this one, the dance. - Right, the details! Moving hips.
[J-Hope drew every detail] - Right, the dance. - Moving hips. - Right, that one.
A lot of details.
I think it's too easy.
[Confident - After solving one question] Let's go!
- What's that? Road. - I have no idea.
[Curious] Why did you draw this?
63 building?
- Everyone. I bet you know this. - What did Rap Mon draw?
- I have no clue. - I can't tell.
[I'll exclude his part] What's the part that Rap Mon drew?
- On the left. - He's so confident. - So easy.
- Please take off the sleep shade. - No idea. - So easy.
- Isn't it so obvious? - Idol Star Athletics Championships?
[Jungkook confidently said] Zion.T! Yanghwa Bridge!
[The 2nd answer is Psy - Gangnam Style]
- You know this dance! - Why did you think it's a bridge?
[This man?] Isn't he Zion.T?
[It looks like the bridge] No way! It's Psy.
[Gangnam?] Doesn't it look like Gangnam?
- Gangnam? - So obvious. - What's this?
[This is the one] This dance!
[Same dance, different groove] - The dance. - What are you doing? - I had no idea.
The dance. This one.
[Jimin starts laughing as soon as he checked the question]
- I guess the question is too weird. - A pig's nose?
[Too hard to understand Jimin's drawing] - What's that? - What?
[I have no idea...I have no thoughts] - I think I know. - Right?
- What? - I think I know the answer. - This is my best.
[Tower of stones?] - What's that? - V?
- What's that? - What is it? - No idea.
- I can't tell what he's drawing. - Selling candies in the market?
- I guess Jimin's part was the best. - Right? - Mine is the best.
[Taking off] This is so easy.
[Deep sigh]
[Jungkook's answer:] The Wind is Blowing by Lee Sora.
[The questions were released after 2010] That was released before 2010.
[Jungkook said the song released in 2014] Before 2010!
[The 3rd answer is...] [Hyukoh -Wi Ing Wi Ing]
- How can it be Wi Ing Wi Ing? - It's so obvious! A band!
Band? I thought it was a motorcycle!
[Hyukoh's signature] That's his signature.
- Wasn't it "Wheeing Wheeing?" - I thought it was the wind and mountains!
- You should have written it better. - How can we see "Wi Ing Wi Ing" from it?
Sorry. I thought it was "Wheeing Wheeing," the wind sound.
- What? It's "Wi Ing Wi Ing". - Right! - Sorry.
- Not "Wheeing Wheeing?" - "Wi Ing Wi Ing".
- Sorry. - You didn't know the title? - Sorry.
[Sorry to Hyukoh Band and their fans]
- Sorry, Hyukoh Band. - He's terrible at drawing.
[Draw a fly... Brothers...] I would've said the answer if you drew a fly.
[Jungkook, we can't draw a fly] We can't draw it.
What's that? A worm?
[Happy, Rap Mon knows how to draw a fly] He's drawing a fly.
[Jimin checked the mission card] - It's easy. - You're a terrible painter!
- What's this? - Time's up.
[He drew only this] - What is that? - He drew it too small!
[Now it looks like something] - I should've done it. - Right.
[Team Unprecedented Combination] There you go, Hope!
Hope, that's it!
[Don't look at the Rap Mon's drawing] Don't look at the big one.
- You don't need to look at it. - Isn't it a cockroach?
- Is it a pumpkin? - Hope, you should've done better!
[No, it's not a cockroach] - What's that? - It looks like a bell.
I have no clue.
[It will be amazing if he knows...] Think about it.
Please combine the top one and the bottom one.
[Don't make him get confused!] Don't look the one down there! No need.
3, 2, 1!
[Having no clue] I don't know.
- There's no song titled "I don't know". - I did a poor job.
- Please allow us to give a hint. - Nope.
- Please. - No.
[So annoying] - Big one. - No!
- Please let me say what this is. - That's going to be everything.
[Even though, he may not know] - Tell the title, instead. - You said, it's a leech!
I think I know the dance. "Am I Wrong?"
- What's that? - I have no idea.
- He doesn't know. Giving up. - Time's up!
- If only Hope had written the number. - What? - Can you tell the title?
- Isn't it "24 hours?" - Yes.
[The 4th answer for this team is...] I knew from the clock.
[Sunmi - 24 hours] I did a terrible job.
[Strong criticism after the answer was given] What's that?
Rap Mon drew the dance. This dance.
[Right, the one] Now I see.
- You had to bend legs. - It looks like an animal!
That shape is not a human.
[It's a lady, though] - Look at this. The dance. - What's this?
- This is "Am I Wrong!" - What's this? - Dance?
[Confident after evaluation is over] What's this? The watch?
- Can you guess how much my watch is? - There's the dance. - Right.
[Let's stop having controversy] Let's move on!
I can't imagine at all from their paintings!
I think it's "Hot!"
I think I know that.
- That's... - Too easy.
- Done! - That's too easy. - Jimin did a great job.
You said it's a hit song!
[Saying all together] - It's a hit song! - Are you ignoring it?
[I think it's offensive] - Apologize to them. - It's a hit song.
[Giving a high-five to Jungkook] - I think he noticed. - Apologize.
It hurt my feelings.
[Embarrassed] I did this to Jungkook, who can't see.
[Taking off] This is the perfect piece of art.
- The drawing is not organized. - BTS, Blood, Sweat & Tears.
[What's the 5th answer for this team?] [Jungkook confidently said the answer]
[BTS - Blood, Sweat & Tears] This is so...
[Moment of honor] - Look. MAMA award trophy. - The dance.
This. Blood, Sweat and Tears.
- Isn't it the real relay art? - Let's continue!
[The last question for this team] The last one.
[Confident] - Last one? - Yes. - Oh, my.
[Did you notice this?] I can tell, without seeing it.
[Absent-minded] [Upset as theirs are easy] [Can't tell what the answer is] - So easy. - What?
- If I draw this, anyone can tell. - It makes it more complicated.
- He ruined it! - If he drew like this...
[Not frozen... Thinking hard] What's that? I have no clue.
- What's that on the left? - Sorry?
- I thought it was a fridge. - What's that on the left?
[Ignore it... I failed] I failed while trying to draw.
Never mind.
[Weirdest thing ever] I have no idea.
[I can't understand you] It's too hard to understand.
- I can't tell. - What I can understand is the word. Is it a window?
[Never mind. It's nothing]
Is it hard to guess? I could tell it right away.
[Exploded] - You read the answer! - Since you know the answer!
[The team failed to guess the last one] Give up!
Jungkook, can you see what it is?
- Remote control. - What?
[Wasn't it the White Page?] It's too thick!
[How can a remote control be that square?]
- You should have written "Power". - This is a TV. - I should've done it.
[Frustrating] - How can you draw a TV like that? - Isn't it "I Turned Off TV?]
[Not confident] Please turn the TV off.
[Answer Man did not know the title...] Whose song is this?
[Answer: Leessang - Turned Off the TV] He didn't know the song.
As a result... What's the team name?
[BTS Gayo - Relay drawing of K-pop song] We got 2.
[Team Unprecedented Combination got 2] You forgot your team name?
[Try. You laughed?] It's hard. You'll see how hard it is.
- You'll see it. - You saw how Suga and V draw.
[Bad painters of BTS are in this team] Really challenging.
- I guess it will be challenging. - Let's start. V's turn.
[Serious Picasso] - They're like Picasso. - Let's see how well you do.
- Team Lack of Will, way to go! - Lack of Will!
[The truth] It's like a competition of worst painters.
You were all similar.
- I think it's better to pass him. - Daddy Long Legs.
- What's that? - What is it?
[Without hesitation] - Doppelgangers. - Answer! Naruto!
- I described the title. - I'm drawing the singer.
They are not in a harmony.
- How can we draw this? - What?
"BTS Way to go?" Is it the quiz show?
[First answer that Jungkook said] Teen Top's Miss Right?
[Wrong] Really?
- No. - Answer!
[Surprised] - Really? - Correct answer.
[Rap Mon stammers] - Really? - Yes, it is.
[Trying hard to hold laughs] That's the answer.
[Fooled by their great acting] Surprised?
[The first answer was - SISTAR, Alone] Jungkook, amazing!
[Wrong!] - In the beginning... - Success for the 1st one!
- Jungkook is amazing! - He's so amazing.
[Oh, my]
What a nonsense! This...
[He did his best] - I did my best. - Is it a spoon?
National Anthem!
[Seriously drawing] - Is it really the answer? - Yes.
[He's still doubting] Suga said
[about the 1st question] he drew the singer.
- Isn't it dumping trashes? - Don't throw out trashes on the earth.
[Blinking his eyes] It's about the environmental pollution.
[Good job, Tae Tae] There you go! It shows the answer.
- I have no clue. - Isn't it me? - Done?
Lift it up.
- Taehyung, great job. - I don't know.
[He's having no clue] - That's soup. - No, it's the earth.
- I guess it's soup. - Not a potato? - No idea?
- So easy. - I don't know what it is. - I can't tell as we don't know the answer.
- 2, 1. - Bolbbalgan... Cough!
[Oh!] Now I see!
[Hope alone realized the answer] It's easy.
- Time is up! - It's so easy!
- May I say the answer? - Go ahead.
[The 2nd answer is] - Bolbbalgan's "Galaxy". - Correct.
[Answer: Bolbbalgan - Galaxy]
You should've drawn the galaxy, instead of the earth!
[Confident] Earth is in the galaxy.
[Why not drawing everything in the galaxy?] Why did you skip people on earth?
[A hand to give?] Is it a girl giving the earth?
[Instead of giving the galaxy] - That's giving the earth. - I did a great job.
[Unlike their intentions] They did a great job.
[Good at describing] They did a great job.
- Stars, the earth. Giving hand. And the girl with red cheeks. - Are they stars?
I think V did a great job.
[Although everyone said it was a potato] This is the girl with red cheeks.
[So serious, focused] [After the controversial 2nd question.]
[they're moving to the 3rd question] Rap Monster?
[Meaningful smile][Don't ruin mine!] Stop adding details to my drawing!
Answer! Rap Monster's "What Am I To You".
[A drawing with a lot of question marks]
[Stop ruining my drawing!] - Don't add things to mine! - Way to go!
[Full of question marks] - What's that? - I don't know. Just like question marks.
This one is a bit... than this one...
[V was stopped while explaining] You can't explain.
Just be comfortable.
- 3, 2, 1. - I don't know.
[The 3rd answer is... Park Jinyoung - Who's Your Mama?]
[Surprised] - How can we... - Is it a mother?
- The mother? - It's shocking as I know the answer.
[Terrible drawing that shocked everyone] After knowing the answer, I see why you drew like that.
[Suga can't start drawing even after reading the question] Time is ticking, Suga.
What? Did you give up?
[Returning to his seat confidently] - This is... - Why did you not draw anything?
[Starts without hesitation] He always draws a person.
[I can't tell V's drawing] It's too hard to tell what it is.
He draws hair in a unique way.
[Serious, focused] He's good at drawing persons.
I know what it is.
[I know, I know] - Easy. - You need to complete it well.
[Unknown genius in painting] V did a great job.
- Why didn't you draw it? - Why is it there?
[Oh, my... I don't know] I'll go home.
- Why did you draw X? - It may be correct.
[Taking off] It's so confusing.
That thing. Jung Gigo and Soyu. Some.
[The 4th answer is Jung Gigo and Soyu - Some] I told you!
[Not the X] - Collaboration! - How did they guess?
[The 5th question starts] Taehyung starts first.
[Trust and confidence] Suga ruins a bit and Jin screws it up.
- Again, a person. - Again?
[Getting used to his painting] - But V's persons are cute. - He's good at drawing.
[Suga spends up time] Suga seems surprised.
He's not drawing any. Time is ticking.
- What's that? Fried egg? - Who's Your Mama again?
[That mother is upset now] - That mother is upset. - Oh, good.
- That lady came up again? - Yes. - Good.
- Please take it off. - Look at it.
[Sigh... What's that?] Hang on.
- 3, 2, 1. - Time is up! - What's that?
[Answer: IU - Nagging] - Isn't it "Nagging?" - Right.
[The 5th answer is IU and Seulong - Nagging]
- Nagging? - I knew when I saw it.
[The last question for this team] [Answer: BTS - Fire]
[Starts without hesitation] Taehyung...
[Happy and sad] - Really! - What's that?
[My best favorite song] That's the best hit song.
[We can tell without saying] I will not add anything.
- This is the best hit song! - Shall we carry out the punishment?
[Take some rest there] You can spend time there.
Suga, I want to suggest.
[I can't hear you] It's too easy. Let's not show the painting.
[Too easy] - This is so... - He needs to say the answer.
[Time] This is the best hit song.
Hang on.
[Like angels and devils] - If you fail to guess... - Fans would be disappointed.
[Trying to make him confused] - Jungkook. - It's too hard to guess.
[ARMY will be disappointed vs ARMY will understand]
You can say a close answer, so that they won't be disappointed.
- Like "Wi Ing Wi Ing" and "Wheeing Wheeing". - Right.
- Or you can say "I turned on the TV" instead of "I Turned Off the TV". - Right.
[Confused] - This is... - Think about what will be fun.
It's like, "Who do you like more, your dad or your mom?"
- Everyone, our choice is... - 5, 4, 3, 2, 1.
[Answer!] BTS.
[Cute, our youngest member] Is it "Blood, Sweat & Tears?"
[Oh! No!] Oh, my.
He didn't say the Korean title!
- Right. - He said.
[Stop arguing the nonsense] That's the same.
[Chaotic set of BTS Gayo] - He didn't say the full title. - Hang on.
[Jimin got the answer card] Everyone! Sit down.
[Return to your seat] The question was in Korean.
- What about international fans? - Sit down. This card says the Korean title.
[Answer card says the Korean title (2016)] It never says "Fire".
- There's no "Fire" inside brackets. - I would admit, only if there were brackets.
If you said 2016, it would be correct. Sorry.
- Let's not judge ourselves. Ask the producer. - Please decide who was right.
[Producer] We will take "Fire" as the answer".
[Happy and sad]
[Current score: Lack of Will 3 vs Unprecedented Combination 2]
[But there was a trick...]
[The first answer for Lack of Will was "Sistar - Alone" instead of "Miss Right]
[It was a tie- 2:2!]
- "Miss Right" was not the correct answer. - No.
[Surprised!] - Really? - What was it?
[Confession] - It was "Alone" by Sistar. - What?
[Surprised] What?
[We fooled you] - What happened? - What?
[Smiling] Let me tell you how it happened.
Suga suddenly said, "Correct!" We said yes.
[That's what happened] So, it's a tie, 2:2.
[They knew what happened and the score is 2:2]
[The team that says the answer from Jungkook's drawing will win!]
[Finally appears]
Finally, Picasso of BTS. A.k.a Van Gogh.
[What?] How can I draw this?
- We did it, too. - How can I do this?
[Panicked] Oh, my.
[Oh, he's great] [Whispering too loud] I think it's the sequence of choreography.
Everyone knows, except for you.
- Why did you say so loud? - Right.
[Concentrating so much]
[Jin raised his hand] Crayon Pop! Papapa!
[Everyone saying it] [Wrong!] Crayon Pop! Papapa!
[Best painter ever] This is my best.
[Rap Monster, the brain of BTS] He expresses it with gestures.
- Answer! Patjuk-song. - No.
- No? - How can I express this?
[Everyone starts standing up] Isn't it Papapa?
[Everyone starts mimicking it] Right.
[Still concentrating]
Jungkook. I think we should blame him.
[Is it Fire?] - Why can't you draw? - Not this one?
[Gave up!] - I can't describe it better. - Are you done?
[Jungkook...] Please draw the singer.
[Now he understands how they felt] Now I know how you felt.
[What's this? I have no idea] I think I saw it somewhere.
[Bounce, Bounce You don't know this?]
- I know what it is. - We did it.
[Whispering] Doesn't it remind you of anyone?
[Insight] [Answer to this question is] Oh!
- "Bounce" of Cho Yongpil? - Yes!
[The answer for Jungkook's question is] [Cho Yongpil - "Bounce]
- "Bounce!" - We're a team.
[Sharing information, that's what a team does] You need to share information.
Did you draw this? Prayer?
- "Bounce". - It's too hard.
[Winner of BTS Gayo is Team Unprecedented Combination] We won.
- Congratulations. - Let's give him a big hand!
[Suga's excuse] I'm wondering what if he could do better.
[Try yourself] What would you draw, if it were you?
- Me? - You can't do that.
[Suga says he would have done a better job] If everyone thinks so, Suga won't be punished.
[If he does better, he will be exempted for the punishment] OK!
Let's decide objectively.
[Collecting insights] - I need more insights. - On the same team.
[Taking the opportunity] - Let me do that. - V, come here.
- Excluded for the punishment? - Make it double, if it is not better. - No way.
[Looks like a cartoon character] - Return to your seat. - Come back.
I bet you will have double punishment.
[Confident] - I think I can do this. - Double? - Hey, get out. - OK.
- V failed. - You failed.
[Double punishment for you] - Come back to your seat. - Sorry. - Double!
[Time to choose the punishment] Let's see the punishment.
1, 2, 3!
[Punishment for Team Lack of Will] Stand outside without wearing outwears.
[Too harsh]
- Who is the MVP for today? - It's Jungkook.
[Me?] Not him. Among us.
[The MVP of BTS Gayo? V, unknown art genius of BTS]
- It's V. Of course. - V.
- Without the last challenge... - Wasn't it me?
[Today's MVP, V!] Congratulations.
[Give me a reward for MVP] As I'm the MVP,
[Carry out your punishment] Go out for 5 minutes.
[Getting out]
[BTS Gayo relay drawing is over] Let's wrap this up!
- See you later! - Bye! - Bye!
- Next week... - No close-up shot for me?
- Nope. - Bye! - Please say bye to fans.
[Out] Everyone, let's go out.
[Team Lack of Will gathering for punishment] Let's get out.
[Soulless] Wow, excited.
It's cool. So refreshing.
[Standing out for 5 minutes without outwears] As if I expected this, I'm wearing ripped jeans.
[5 minutes...]
I want to talk about this. Members are so cruel.
- I will have a video call. - Please show your personal talent to reduce the punishment time.
[Jin will have double punishment for 10 minutes] We will get inside soon.
[Suga who didn't draw Bounce and] We will get inside soon.
[today's MVP V will get inside after 5 minutes]
- It's OK for us. - Jin.
Do you know the cooking dance? I'm preparing for it with J-Hope.
[Dancing without saying] [Flapping, flapping]
- I know that. - It's not funny at all.
[The oldest did this...] I know the cooking dance.
- Wasn't it this? - What did you mean by knowing the dance?
- I was preparing for it with J-Hope. - Right? - Isn't this the cooking dance?
- My brain is freezing. - We can get inside. - Shall we go inside?
Hang on!
We will get inside but you will stay for another 5 minutes.
[Hang on] I'm thinking. Can't you see that?
- You may not be accepted. - 2, 1. - Producer acknowledge that.
[Suga and V finished the punishment] - Producer acknowledged it. - We're going inside.
Oh, cold!
[Timer is reset without mercy] They don't know how to respect the old.
[Regrets] Why did I draw "Bounce Bounce?"
[Fire is the best song for a cold day!] I will dance to "Fire!"
[One, two, one, two]
It's freezing cold. Too cold to dance!
[BTS Gayo will continue in the future!]
[BTS Gayo]
北京夜晚偶遇69萬奔馳,看到女車主那一刻,沒想到顏值那麼高! - Duration: 2:37.
Juice WRLD Type Beat "Coroner" | Prod. by Georgie - Duration: 3:11.
(Prod. by Georgie)
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