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[ MMD || Me & My Bestie♥ ] Koi Dance [ For: Aries Ram ] - Duration: 1:39.
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Vincent Cassel et Tina Kunakey, petite p*te pré-pubère, clashent les haineux - Duration: 3:28.
Comment vendre PLUS CHER aux plus riches (Études De Cas RÉELLE) - Duration: 13:11.
Печеночный салат с морковью и луком - Duration: 1:45.
她外貌媲美林青霞,曾遭老公兩度劈腿卻「不敢離婚」,「理由」曝光後讓粉絲心疼! - Duration: 4:34.
Cette adolescente meurt d'une crise cardiaque après avoir bu cette boisson célèbre - Duration: 6:00.
Princess Charlotte and Prince George will soon have to follow strict protocols - Duration: 4:37.
Royal historian and author Marlene Eilers Koening toldHello! this week the children must bow and curtsy to their great-grandmother, Queen Elizabeth II, at public engagements
"Certainly by age five," she said. "The only person they will curtsy or bow to is the sovereign
A royal highness does not curtsy to another royal highness. Yes, there are articles that state this, but it is not true
" George, who turned five on July 22, will soon be expected to begin publicly bowing to the Queen
The magazine noted it's likely that the future king has done so in private when greeting the 92-year-old monarch
Charlotte, who turned three in May, has a couple more years before she begins following her brother, who is third in line to the British throne
However, she was spotted last summer giving a mini curtsy to diplomats while on a royal tour with her parents
"Curtsying and bowing is etiquette, nothing to do with precedence," Koening said
"You bow or curtsy the first time you see the sovereign and then again when you leave
"At Christmas at church, we saw the Cambridges and Prince Harry and Meghan curtsy and bow when the Queen arrived and left
Other royals including Charles did not because they had come from Sandringham and had already seen the Queen
" Women's World added the royal children, who all have "His Royal Highness" or "Her Royal Highness" before their names, do not have to genuflect in front of their parents
They also don't have to bow for their older relatives. But the children aren't the only ones learning proper royal etiquette
Sir William Heseltine, former private secretary to the Queen, revealed that members of the royal family should wait until the monarch retires to bed, before they also hit the hay
In an interview for the book, The Royals In Australia, Heseltine shared that "nobody felt it right to go to bed before the Queen did"
While this tradition is something Meghan Markle may need to adopt now that she's officially the Duchess of Sussex, it was something Princess Diana struggled with
"For Diana the long royal evenings were agony," he said. "There'd be an hour or so in the sitting room of everyone sitting around making conversation, and nobody felt it right to go to bed before the Queen did
"And Diana was driven to such extremes that she'd excuse herself and go to bed, which was thought to be rather bad form going to bed before the Queen
" The bedtime tradition isn't the only rule the former Suits star will need to learn
Last month, it was claimed the 36-year-old had breached royal protocol after an Irish politician suggested she was pleased with Ireland's abortion referendum result
According to the UK Parliament website: "Although not prohibited by law, it is considered unconstitutional for the Monarch to vote in an election
" Reports also surfaced that should Meghan become pregnant, she is unlikely to be allowed to have a baby shower
Royal expert Victoria Arbiter said throwing an elaborate baby shower is unheard of for members of the British monarchy
"While the royals are very wealthy … a lavish baby shower would be seen as highly inappropriate … there's nothing they can't go and but themselves," she told the Daily Mail
This story originally appeared on Fox News and is republished here with permission
[ MMD || Me & My Bestie♥ ] Koi Dance [ For: Aries Ram ] - Duration: 1:39.
Comment vendre PLUS CHER aux plus riches (Études De Cas RÉELLE) - Duration: 13:11.
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Heaven, please sing for me a song of life
Heaven, take me into your skies
There's no place here for me to hide my cries
Night and day, I'm missing you (ooh)
I know I'm here for the magic
All your stars guiding me through and through
(Oh) why, this loneliness feel like... forever and ever
I gotta be, I gotta be, in your arms, baby
You're so close, so close
And it's you that I believe in, I believe in
So close, but faraway, so far I can't touch
I'll hold on
'Cuz it's you I love so dearly
When the rain, the storm, and all is done
Caress me with your sweet lullaby...
Heaven, please sing for me a song of life
Heaven, save me in my dreams tonight
Someday these wings will perish in your sight
Night and day, I call for you (ooh)
Flashes of moments of tragic
Wondering souls, they fall along the way
Tell me you will never leave me... forever and ever
I gotta be, I gotta be, in your arms, hear me
You're so close, so close
And it's you that I believe in, I believe in
So close, but faraway, I seek for your light
I'll hold on
'Cuz for you my heart keeps beating
When the wind, the fire, and all is gone
Caress me with your sweet lullaby...
Will you be my light
Will you be my strength
Promise you won't let me go...
I'll never betray
And in the end of time
Still my love's gonna be there...
You're so close, so close
And it's you that I believe in, I believe in
So close, but faraway, so far I can't touch
I'll hold on
'Cuz it's you I love so dearly
When the rain, the storm, and all is done
Caress me with your sweet lullaby...
You're so close, so close
And it's you that I believe in, I believe in
So close, but faraway, I seek for your light
I'll hold on
'Cuz for you my heart keeps beating
When the wind, the fire, and all is gone
Caress me with your sweet lullaby...
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Mission Impossible 6 : Le plus gros tournage jamais réalisé à Paris 2018 - Duration: 7:04.
Alex & Phoebe - 納美花園 - Duration: 4:10.
KARAOKE | Xa Em | Noo Phước Thịnh - Duration: 5:48.
공군이 기다려온 신무기 3종 세트! ➤ korean army - Duration: 17:28.
Juneau's Housing First expansion - Duration: 7:06.
After my four tours in Iraq, I came back and then I was shipped off to Afghanistan, where
I spent three years
And it was a living nightmare.
But it really wasn't nothing like living out on the streets here in Juneau
[Narrator] The Juneau Housing First Collaborative wants to add 45 more residential units
Rent is based on income, and sobriety is not required to live there
When I first moved in here I did not think about sobriety happening for me.
But since I've been here and I'm able to...
I have access to these things
the clinic here, and I'm able to go home and be in a safe place,
a safe environment - yes, definitely a place like this helps
[Narrator] The facility currently has 32 units for highly vulnerable individuals
For a woman on the streets it's pretty dangerous... very dangerous
If you don't have another half with you,
if you don't have a boyfriend with you and you're on the streets, it's pretty dangerous
I was sleeping at our spot and I was alone,
and a guy had tried to push himself into my sleeping bag
He said he was just trying to get warm, but that was terrifying.
And I warned him, I told him to get out of my sleeping bag, you know.
And luckily he listened to that.
[Narrator] A new study shows a big drop in usage of emergency services for people who
moved into the facility
Housing First is asking the City and Borough of Juneau for a $4.2 million commitment
They hope to find additional funding that would bring the city's share down to $1.5 million
It took some getting used to and everything
I mean, it was nice to be able to take a shower whenever I want, and go to the bathroom
Being out on the streets, at 2 o'clock in the morning, there's no place to go to the
bathroom, so I got to find someplace out in the woods...
You're trying to get some rest, you only got certain hours.
You start sleeping around midnight hopefully,
get woken up by whoever's coming out of the bars
and whatever may be going on, any kind of hassle
And then cops come around, around 5, 6 o'clock, wake you up
and then you gotta keep moving for the rest of the day
You're walking around all day, trying to place to find rest, trying to sit down,
you know, relax for a second
But that can't happen - you don't have your own space
People come up to you and "You want a drink?"
And you're like, "What else am I going to do?"
You know, here I can go into my room - I might be frustrated,
might have an anger management problem that day,
but I can go into my room, close the door, and deal with it in a healthier manner
I'm an alcoholic.
I will not denounce that
Sometimes my appetite's just not there,
you know, when I'm hung over or whatever I just cannot eat nothing
But when my appetite is there I need to answer it, and it's nice to be able to do that
Because I got a, you know I got a kitchen up there and everything
Well, I'm sober longer.
My addiction is alcohol,
that's the way I deal with the depression and frustration and stress.
It's something I've used for a long time
Now, I see myself possibly even making this as a stepping stone
and getting back out on my own hopefully, I don't know
I see a lot of help here
I was sober for a couple weeks, I drank a couple days ago, and it was just a few drinks
that night and I sobered up the next day
If I were out on the street I would have woke up that next day,
someone would have came over and it's like "Hey, what are you doing Mary?"
You know, that's right there in your face.
You know, here I can lock the door.
[Interviewer] How is your drinking habits, how have they changed from when you were living on the street?
I've found it's actually... cut off a lot.
Because I sleep a lot more
I get out there and I work, you know.
You know, like, my sister needs me a lot
I go and I babysit my nieces and my nephew and everything.
It's being with my family, and this is the only family I have left
because when I was brought back from Afghanistan,
I was brought back because my twin brother was killed.
Oh please don't think of us as just people just pushed aside, you know, I mean, pushed
aside to die of alcoholism or whatever
Give us a chance.
I mean, I could...
I know I could benefit from this place, and if I can somebody else can
I'm going to keep going back to the fact that I have these, this help at the tips of my fingers
I'm here, I'm able to call down to the office and say I need to see, talk to the nurse,
I need to talk to JAMHI or, you know...
I can't describe the need for something like this, especially if you've been on the streets
for years and years and years
And people, they only see the surface - they don't see what's underneath, they don't know
They don't know where you came from, they don't know what you dealt with,
they just see what's lying on top, they don't see the rest of it.
I still have a lot of friends out there on the street and everything.
I think about them all the time.
Unfortunately, I'm only allowed to have a friend over one night a week.
I mean, they're out there six other nights a week,
going through what I was going through when out there.
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