Our era is focused on social work;. The Church, in some way shortly after Vatican Second
has become a sort of super NGO, focused on social work, social work, social work;
Accordingly priests, apostles and consecrated people spend the best of their time dealing with medicines,
food, lodging – everything in terms of social development.
It is essential, it is important; I have spent the last 50 years doing so as part of huge programs,
with Caritas. God knows that I invested in such programs the best of me.
But man does not live from bread alone. Today the problem is no longer one of natural resources, of money,
Scientific and technological progress have somewhat resolved
the basic problems dealing with food and essential needs.
We are entering a new phase in which people's thirst and hunger are elsewhere.
Man does not live from bread alone. He lives from sense and meaning
He lives from ideals, love and human warmth.
He lives from that source in us that wishes to gush out and spread. But we leave it dormant and suffocated.
Today, for example, the first reading speaks of Elisha, a man of God,
who asked somebody to feed a whole crowd with twenty loaves of barley bread and some fresh grains in a bag.
Elisha told the person to feed the crowd with it. But he objected that it will not suffice;
Elisha repeated:his request and got the same response. He then told him: trust me.
He trusted him and everyone ate. There was even a surplus that remained.
And in the Gospel, the same happened with the multiplication of bread.
There wasn't enough bread. Then what to do?
Jesus told them not to worry. Then, with five loaves of bread and two fishes carried by a child in a bag
he fed thousands of people, and with the remnants filled many baskets.
My dear friends, the world will not die of hunger;
it will die from spiritual deficiency, from a loss of sense and of taste for living.
An anemia of love. It is now high time for the Church to move on from social programs.
Others do so and much better than us, with more competencies.
Your role, as pastor and man of God, is to share God and to encourage others to look after bread,
medicines and all the rest, Yes.
However, often the consecrated persons lose their footing, forgetting what is essential in their mission.
They don't do it and sink into all sorts of things.
They become businessmen, managers, while people die of spiritual hunger.
In the past, the Church was substituting social workers, so to speak.
At the time, there were no large associations and big NGOs.
Now, the world has changed, and the role of substitution the Church used to play
should be abandoned and passed on to others.
The Church's new role is to blow a breath, to create a spirit, a dynamism, to dig deep, to set a foundation for all this.
Jesus did not come to feed the crowds– though He did it – or to cure people– though he did it...
However, at the same time He tells us that what is essential is elsewhere.
So our world is dying of exhaustion, of starvation and thirst.
Today we are called upon on a mission for today's society,
so let's concentrate our efforts on that mission and leave to others earthly and economic matters
Give people a sense for living, liven up the souls before feeding the bodies.
Translated by : Joseph Kerba
For more infomation >> Le peuple à faim d'un autre pain ... - Duration: 7:29.
Nie Poznacie Jej! „Monika Olejnik Polsatu" Wygląda Teraz Ostro Jak Małgosia Kożuchowska. - Duration: 4:38.
Debunking Burger King's Pink Tax Commercial - Duration: 4:09.
IMPROVISATION! iO Intensive summer class, semaines 2/5 + 3/5. Marathon 14h d'impros! [English subbs] - Duration: 9:04.
Hello everybody and welcome to this new video !
it's already the second one in Chicago
once again I am with Damian, hello
Damian : "Good night" Romain : " Good night sorry"
very honored to be here with you tonight
it's becoming our weekly rendez-vous
I agree
before starting the video, just wanted to tell you that I'm putting in the description and in the top right corner
my lasts video about improv
the one from last week,in chicago, where we were already talking about iO
and the video about the history of improvisation
if you haver any questions, you can type them in the comments sections
it will be a pleasure for us to respond, if you wanna know more about the school, the city etc
and it will make me appear higher on youtube haha
the honesty haha
we'll start right now
Damian you have the honor of beginning
I have written everythig on my computer
we're gonna talk about this second week
and a little bit of the third week, because we''ve started it
so we are wednesday 25th of july
so we're doing the third week right now
we haven't finished it yet but we're gonna talk about it
the highlight is that we went on stage
we did a lot of improv jams
in which there are students from all the sections
we're all divided in section, for example we are section 7
those jams are organized either by the school or by other students
and we were lucky last week to play in, I think 4 or 5 jams
we don't play for a long time
but it's still really helpful
with the english on stage
the first times were a bit hard but now it's getting better
so we're trying to do the maximum amount possible
during the jams, maybe 20% of the time we don't understand the scene we're in
so we have to do as if we're understanding
which is good for our improvisers skills
during those jams
we play for like 10 minutes, 15 minutes
in groups
we are divided by groups by different methods
draw for example
and then we improvise
we can talk about the marathon we did
so, from 10am until midnight
we almost only did improvisation non-stop
we only had a few breaks to eat
what did we start with mister RomainVoyJar
we had our first jam at 10 am, I had never improv so early
it was only for the students who are doing the intensive
it was cool, it was our first time on stage in english
after that we had the normal class from 11am to 17pm
and after that we did something called
the 10'000 hours
what we could do is talk about the 10'000 hours and then go back to the marathon
perfect, so
this is something really nice to do, it's for the people who wants to do more improv without paying a lot
literally 10'000 hours
the coaches are volunteers
we only pay 3 dollars
3 dollars for two hours, so it's worth it
it works with self management, the people can sign up to be coach
and usually they are quite good
from our experiences we only had good coaches
we can register whenever we want until the day on the class
then you just have to pay 3 dollars and you can go
there are a lot of people doing it
so we did this after the usual class
because we wanted to do this marathon
and after the 10'000 hours
we just had a one hour break to eat and charge the battery
and then we had another jam, which was a longform jam
this is really interesting to say aswell, the terminology here is different
longform doesn't mean the same here and in switzerland
I will talk about it in an another video, I don't want to spend too much time on it right now
so tell us how did the jam go
we all drew a card
from a card game
with the jack, the queen etc
and we were divided by colors or signs, in 4 or 5 groups
and we all played one after the other
maybe 20 minutes for each group
it looked a bit like a harold or free form
something very free, and it was very nice
and we watched a lof the others too
all those opportunities to play
are opportunities to play with the other from different sections
to play with other classes and people coming from other theaters
people also having courses at iO but without doing the intensives
because iO, of course, also offers courses during the year
regular students do also come to this type of events
so that it permits us to mix us
with people coming from Chicago and attempting class there
which was super cool
then, other jam, slightly different it was the one with the teachers
we were sweaty and we wanted just to sleep
we were doing improv for 12 hours
it works on another system in which you are drawn
and you have after the honour of playing with the teachers
the teachers teaching at iO
and Romain Jacques, or Romain Voyjar as I like to call him,
had the honour to do it
it is important to understand that we were doing improv for 12 hours, we were exhausted
there was you sitting next to me and another person from our section on the other side
the three of us were registered but we were all dead tired on our chairs
"no please, I don't want to play anymore, let me just watch the show
and then, I hear my name and I'm like "okay... come on"
"still 2 hours more of improv, let's go !"
which was still great to see
I had the chance to play with a teacher that we had during the week, so:
thank you Emily if you watch this video
and it's even you who picked my name !
Romain Voyjar got the chance to play while we were just slouched, dying on our chairs
so just to conclude on this marathon of 14 hours
it was cool, long and
what is quite crazy I think is that it pushes your last limits
and that makes you really spontaneous in my opinion
I agree
so: how do the courses exactly work ? every week has a specific topic
which we train. I think that the first week was about the fundamentals
yes, acceptation and so on
quite the basics, and the 2nd week, we began
to do group work.
which I personally enjoyed a lot
yes it was great, mainly group works
create some scenes altogether
try to be the same character at 2 players
that kind of things that were really "bonnard" (swiss expression) to do
I just said "bonnard" in a video.
"bonnard", big up to Switzerland
and the 3rd week is dedicated to two persons scenes
which is more intense, I would say, I think that we had a more realistic way of acting
yes, we were on a more realistic way of playing
which is also very cool, it made us work on other skills
I think that it is extremely exhausting.
as you see me now I'm dead tired
I can't anymore
let's sum it up, 1st week: improv's fundamentals
2nd week: group work
do group images for example
on the 3rd week - I show "3" as an american -
the 3rd week is dedicated to 2 persons scenes, more realistic plays
the 4th week: different improv formats, we get introduced to the different formats
that are the Harold - I guess the Armando - the deconstruction
we'll say more about it when we'll know more
and 5th week that will be, I think, the Harold
no, we'll prepare our OWN format, because at the end of the 5 weeks
we got a show for our section
and we'll propose the format that we want
so the 5th week is there so that we can create on own show
which is nice. which is indeed great
in addition to regular classes, and in addition to the 10'000 hours programme
there are also workshops, we can register to workshops
covering a large variety of topics, often given on the week-end - friday or saturday -
you have then to additionnally pay them, but it is cool
and it allows you to meet people from other sections
because you're not only with your own section
I think that then, the quality is assured. It is still quite expensive
for 3 hours it's - what - perhaps 40 dollars ?
but, for the little we did, quality was really there: it was impeccable
we did one together indeed, we did one on mime
and a next one coming on the Monthy Python's - that one I...
that one yeah, I look forward for it with great great pleasure
same here
so that's it : the workshops, something for me that's also very nice
to be honest, for the moment the school has a lot of positive aspects
the school has a lot to offer, the philosophy is the good one
around group work, on the relation between characters
we have little critique to do on the level of improv's fundamentals that are teached
there is a given structure to the courses but the teachers - they are improv teachers -
so that they allow themselves a lot of freedom
and it is quite different from a teacher to another: we do sometimes the same programme
with very different perspectives
which is also interesting: depending on the teacher you have, you'll learn differently
there are still a lot of things we could speak about, sincerely
I see the list on the computer in front of us
but I think we're going to stop now, so that we keep some topics for the next week
it is like a small cliffhanger we're doing now
crazy stuff, I feel them now they are like this
so, here we are, see you next week
thank you so much for having watched the video
don't hesitate to subscribe and like the video, I'd be honoured
a last word ?
"be careful with citrus, it's trash"
Capítulo 24 - De Bulgaria hacia Alemania - Duration: 10:00.
We are on the border between Bulgaria and Serbia,
and at least one kind gentleman has told us that we can avoid
all this cue that I have behind me.
In the end it took us 20 minutes but we are in Serbia again.
It's eight in the afternoon, and we're crossing the mountains in Serbia.
To go towards Montenegro.
There is a lot of wind right now and it starts to get cold.
We are in Montenegro now.
The truth is that we rode, because of an error in my calculations,
across the mountains between Serbia and Montenegro at night.
We did, in fact, two hours driving at night between Serbia and Montenegro.
And well, we have had everything. From cars with the highlights on
up to two meters before crossing meeting you, cars doing the rallies,
dogs crossing the street ...
Even in a curve I found a truck overtaking another truck.
And, well, it almost run me over.
So that's it, we are here.
If everything goes well, tomorrow we will continue through Montenegro and cross to Bosnia.
Today we woke up in Montenegro.
It's a little cold, it looks like it's going to rain.
So let's hope we will have a pleasent ride.
We will go first through Cetinje, the Royal city, and then we will go to the north of Bosnia.
The Chinese, or the Japanese, are building the Montenegro highway.
But, my god! They are destroying the entire road next to them.
We were lucky and did not lose the Rollei.
Well, we've worked out a solution for the rest of the day.
It's twelve o'clock and I almost got scared to death.
The battery didn't connect and we are in the middle of Montenegro.
In Slovakia nobody was comming for us. Who will come for us here?
You can see that the highway is huge.
Over there they are building it, they are building it there.
And here we have even more barracks, for the workers.
Well, we stopped a bit here because a car hit a poor Italian girl,
and took away her saddlebag.
Luckily nothing has happened to her and it was just a fright.
Here we are with the authentic "cowasakis".
We are already on the border between Bosnia and Serbia.
And we always have the same thing.
We are in Bosnia.
And today we woke up in Bosnia. Specifically in the region of Prozor.
We have stopped at "Jajce", not "scheisse", which in German means something else.
And we are recovering a little bit our body temperature because it is cold today.
It is already starting to squeeze the heat. But hey, we are about 70 km from the border.
An hour and a half left to get to Croatia.
Easy border between Bosnia and Croatia, we spent less than 10 minutes.
Soon after crossing the border we found this biker bar
in which we entered and, well,
they have given us some sweatshirts.
Sweatshirts and t-shirts.
Hello friends!
We are in Graz.
We are going to clean the bike because I was told it would be a better to
take the motorcycle clean to the mechanic.
We are trying to make a fix because the battery is being disconnected.
We are going to put this piece
to see if with this we can hold it there.
And we have our solution done. Hopefully, I'll hold on.
Well, I came to change the tire and it turns out that they do not remove the wheel from the motorcycle.
I am without profile on a part of the wheel.
I do not know what happens in these countries that no one takes out the wheels,
they only put the tire on the rim.
Well, that is how the tire was. We do not have profile around here.
And right now it is raining.
Back on the road, thanks to Markus.
Yeah, great! Great job
I have told them the same thing I told them one our before.
But ok, now it's done. We will continue.
We moved to Rainding, to attend Vulcan Riders United MC meeting.
And I said: "yeah, you can sleep in our flat". But you said: "no, thank you."
In Wien.
That's not true.
Welcome Julio, from Spain.
Triple S - Two Little Boys [prod Solrakmi] - video @triplesrapmc - Duration: 4:02.
Minecraft all unlocked and no license verification download - Duration: 1:05.
Hi everyone, I hope you are well.
Omg pls someone stop me :'))
Today I wanted to talk about a subject that is STILL pretty touchy.
How can we use weightlifting to create the body we are looking for WITHOUT looking like a rabid bodybuilder ??
First, I wanted to say that I UNDERSTAND.
Me too, for a long time, I thought that if some women were looking like this, it meant that if you started weightlifting, it had a 50% to go wrong.
So how can you look like this - and not like this ? Let's answer this question right now !
First, why is weightlifting useful to know and why is it more and more practiced by women and not only by men ?
Well, first because it is pretty damn good for you.
More and more studies that not only does it help your posture, strengthen your back, speed up your metabolism ; but also decrease risks of diabete, anxiety and depression.
So all of this is pretty cool but to be honest, if health reasons were the only reasons why people were lifting weights, we would be more to hit the tomatoes and not the crips during parties :')
There are also aesthetics reasons, we have to admit it, and it is totally understandable.
Lifting weights allows to shape your body, tone it, strengthen it, and really pretty much build the body you want.
And now you wonder : "How is it possible, and why weightlifting especially ?"
Well because weightlifting, opposed to cardio and pretty much all sports, really allows you to TARGET one body part.
Because people can say whatever they want, but with cardio, it is not by doing this :
Or this :
That you will lose "thigh fat".
For the simple and good reason that you cannot spot reduce fat in a specific area; because when you loose fat, unfortunately, you do not choose where it comes from !
Which explains why some people will hold fat in their boobs and in their bum; and others in their thighs and stomach !
Yes, it is unfair.
And no, I do not talk about my twin sister and I.
Camille, I hate you.
But THE GOOD NEWS IS, it is not the case with weightlifting !
Because with weightlifting, you are going to target a specific body part and stretch your muscle fibers.
For example, if you want to only transform your chest and bum, you are going to do exercises that only target these areas.
BUT let me warn you : if you want to have an harmonious body; you will need to work all body parts !
So now, you now how to shape your body thanks to weightlifting.
But I think some still wonder : "Ok, but can you tell me how exercises that develop my muscles can help me lose fat ?"
Well for a simple reason : the opposite of muscle mass is fat mass !
So the more you have muscle mass, the less you'll have fat.
And it is quite fortunate, because it is fat than can make you look "bulky".
Trust me, if we would all only have muscle mass, we would be SUPER SKINNY.
And also, because muscles speed up your metabolism, which mean you burn more calories at rest, therefore burning more fat.
And allows you to eat more :))
OK, you will tell me, but you did not tell us why some women still look like Shwarzenegger !
Well, for another simple reason : they are on steroids !
Yes, I was shocked by how frequent it is in his field to take supplements that allow you to grow muscles.
But lets be clear on one point : no, protein powder IS NOT a drug.
Protein powder is just protein that can be found in eggs, chicken or chickpeas that has been reduced in the form of powder.
But a lot of products aim to develop testosterone and this is the kind of products that will give women a "masculine" body.
Because naturally, women only produce 30 nmg of testosterone, which is 7x less than a man, which explains why it is way easier for men to build muscles.
And that most of them have abs without having to work for it.
You now know everything, the truth and ONLY the truth, I hope this video (and the subtitles !) were helpful, if so, thank you so much for anyone who subscribe, so you can hear about my next videos ! Lots of love xxx
Tour de France 2018: Le premier sacre pour le Britannique Geraint Thomas, Alexander Kristoff s'impos - Duration: 0:53.
Le Gallois Geraint Thomas (Sky) a remporté ce dimanche le Tour de France 2018 après la 21e étape gagnée sur les Champs-Elysées à Paris par le Norvégien Alexander Kristoff (Emirats)
Geraint Thomas, qui est âgé de 32 ans, a devancé au classement final le Néerlandais Tom Dumoulin et le vainqueur sortant, le Britannique Chris Froome, au bout des 3351 kilomètres
Le peuple à faim d'un autre pain ... - Duration: 7:29.
Our era is focused on social work;. The Church, in some way shortly after Vatican Second
has become a sort of super NGO, focused on social work, social work, social work;
Accordingly priests, apostles and consecrated people spend the best of their time dealing with medicines,
food, lodging – everything in terms of social development.
It is essential, it is important; I have spent the last 50 years doing so as part of huge programs,
with Caritas. God knows that I invested in such programs the best of me.
But man does not live from bread alone. Today the problem is no longer one of natural resources, of money,
Scientific and technological progress have somewhat resolved
the basic problems dealing with food and essential needs.
We are entering a new phase in which people's thirst and hunger are elsewhere.
Man does not live from bread alone. He lives from sense and meaning
He lives from ideals, love and human warmth.
He lives from that source in us that wishes to gush out and spread. But we leave it dormant and suffocated.
Today, for example, the first reading speaks of Elisha, a man of God,
who asked somebody to feed a whole crowd with twenty loaves of barley bread and some fresh grains in a bag.
Elisha told the person to feed the crowd with it. But he objected that it will not suffice;
Elisha repeated:his request and got the same response. He then told him: trust me.
He trusted him and everyone ate. There was even a surplus that remained.
And in the Gospel, the same happened with the multiplication of bread.
There wasn't enough bread. Then what to do?
Jesus told them not to worry. Then, with five loaves of bread and two fishes carried by a child in a bag
he fed thousands of people, and with the remnants filled many baskets.
My dear friends, the world will not die of hunger;
it will die from spiritual deficiency, from a loss of sense and of taste for living.
An anemia of love. It is now high time for the Church to move on from social programs.
Others do so and much better than us, with more competencies.
Your role, as pastor and man of God, is to share God and to encourage others to look after bread,
medicines and all the rest, Yes.
However, often the consecrated persons lose their footing, forgetting what is essential in their mission.
They don't do it and sink into all sorts of things.
They become businessmen, managers, while people die of spiritual hunger.
In the past, the Church was substituting social workers, so to speak.
At the time, there were no large associations and big NGOs.
Now, the world has changed, and the role of substitution the Church used to play
should be abandoned and passed on to others.
The Church's new role is to blow a breath, to create a spirit, a dynamism, to dig deep, to set a foundation for all this.
Jesus did not come to feed the crowds– though He did it – or to cure people– though he did it...
However, at the same time He tells us that what is essential is elsewhere.
So our world is dying of exhaustion, of starvation and thirst.
Today we are called upon on a mission for today's society,
so let's concentrate our efforts on that mission and leave to others earthly and economic matters
Give people a sense for living, liven up the souls before feeding the bodies.
Translated by : Joseph Kerba
Coquille d'ananas!!! Les avantages cachés dedans - Duration: 8:21.
IMPROVISATION! iO Intensive summer class, semaines 2/5 + 3/5. Marathon 14h d'impros! [English subbs] - Duration: 9:04.
Hello everybody and welcome to this new video !
it's already the second one in Chicago
once again I am with Damian, hello
Damian : "Good night" Romain : " Good night sorry"
very honored to be here with you tonight
it's becoming our weekly rendez-vous
I agree
before starting the video, just wanted to tell you that I'm putting in the description and in the top right corner
my lasts video about improv
the one from last week,in chicago, where we were already talking about iO
and the video about the history of improvisation
if you haver any questions, you can type them in the comments sections
it will be a pleasure for us to respond, if you wanna know more about the school, the city etc
and it will make me appear higher on youtube haha
the honesty haha
we'll start right now
Damian you have the honor of beginning
I have written everythig on my computer
we're gonna talk about this second week
and a little bit of the third week, because we''ve started it
so we are wednesday 25th of july
so we're doing the third week right now
we haven't finished it yet but we're gonna talk about it
the highlight is that we went on stage
we did a lot of improv jams
in which there are students from all the sections
we're all divided in section, for example we are section 7
those jams are organized either by the school or by other students
and we were lucky last week to play in, I think 4 or 5 jams
we don't play for a long time
but it's still really helpful
with the english on stage
the first times were a bit hard but now it's getting better
so we're trying to do the maximum amount possible
during the jams, maybe 20% of the time we don't understand the scene we're in
so we have to do as if we're understanding
which is good for our improvisers skills
during those jams
we play for like 10 minutes, 15 minutes
in groups
we are divided by groups by different methods
draw for example
and then we improvise
we can talk about the marathon we did
so, from 10am until midnight
we almost only did improvisation non-stop
we only had a few breaks to eat
what did we start with mister RomainVoyJar
we had our first jam at 10 am, I had never improv so early
it was only for the students who are doing the intensive
it was cool, it was our first time on stage in english
after that we had the normal class from 11am to 17pm
and after that we did something called
the 10'000 hours
what we could do is talk about the 10'000 hours and then go back to the marathon
perfect, so
this is something really nice to do, it's for the people who wants to do more improv without paying a lot
literally 10'000 hours
the coaches are volunteers
we only pay 3 dollars
3 dollars for two hours, so it's worth it
it works with self management, the people can sign up to be coach
and usually they are quite good
from our experiences we only had good coaches
we can register whenever we want until the day on the class
then you just have to pay 3 dollars and you can go
there are a lot of people doing it
so we did this after the usual class
because we wanted to do this marathon
and after the 10'000 hours
we just had a one hour break to eat and charge the battery
and then we had another jam, which was a longform jam
this is really interesting to say aswell, the terminology here is different
longform doesn't mean the same here and in switzerland
I will talk about it in an another video, I don't want to spend too much time on it right now
so tell us how did the jam go
we all drew a card
from a card game
with the jack, the queen etc
and we were divided by colors or signs, in 4 or 5 groups
and we all played one after the other
maybe 20 minutes for each group
it looked a bit like a harold or free form
something very free, and it was very nice
and we watched a lof the others too
all those opportunities to play
are opportunities to play with the other from different sections
to play with other classes and people coming from other theaters
people also having courses at iO but without doing the intensives
because iO, of course, also offers courses during the year
regular students do also come to this type of events
so that it permits us to mix us
with people coming from Chicago and attempting class there
which was super cool
then, other jam, slightly different it was the one with the teachers
we were sweaty and we wanted just to sleep
we were doing improv for 12 hours
it works on another system in which you are drawn
and you have after the honour of playing with the teachers
the teachers teaching at iO
and Romain Jacques, or Romain Voyjar as I like to call him,
had the honour to do it
it is important to understand that we were doing improv for 12 hours, we were exhausted
there was you sitting next to me and another person from our section on the other side
the three of us were registered but we were all dead tired on our chairs
"no please, I don't want to play anymore, let me just watch the show
and then, I hear my name and I'm like "okay... come on"
"still 2 hours more of improv, let's go !"
which was still great to see
I had the chance to play with a teacher that we had during the week, so:
thank you Emily if you watch this video
and it's even you who picked my name !
Romain Voyjar got the chance to play while we were just slouched, dying on our chairs
so just to conclude on this marathon of 14 hours
it was cool, long and
what is quite crazy I think is that it pushes your last limits
and that makes you really spontaneous in my opinion
I agree
so: how do the courses exactly work ? every week has a specific topic
which we train. I think that the first week was about the fundamentals
yes, acceptation and so on
quite the basics, and the 2nd week, we began
to do group work.
which I personally enjoyed a lot
yes it was great, mainly group works
create some scenes altogether
try to be the same character at 2 players
that kind of things that were really "bonnard" (swiss expression) to do
I just said "bonnard" in a video.
"bonnard", big up to Switzerland
and the 3rd week is dedicated to two persons scenes
which is more intense, I would say, I think that we had a more realistic way of acting
yes, we were on a more realistic way of playing
which is also very cool, it made us work on other skills
I think that it is extremely exhausting.
as you see me now I'm dead tired
I can't anymore
let's sum it up, 1st week: improv's fundamentals
2nd week: group work
do group images for example
on the 3rd week - I show "3" as an american -
the 3rd week is dedicated to 2 persons scenes, more realistic plays
the 4th week: different improv formats, we get introduced to the different formats
that are the Harold - I guess the Armando - the deconstruction
we'll say more about it when we'll know more
and 5th week that will be, I think, the Harold
no, we'll prepare our OWN format, because at the end of the 5 weeks
we got a show for our section
and we'll propose the format that we want
so the 5th week is there so that we can create on own show
which is nice. which is indeed great
in addition to regular classes, and in addition to the 10'000 hours programme
there are also workshops, we can register to workshops
covering a large variety of topics, often given on the week-end - friday or saturday -
you have then to additionnally pay them, but it is cool
and it allows you to meet people from other sections
because you're not only with your own section
I think that then, the quality is assured. It is still quite expensive
for 3 hours it's - what - perhaps 40 dollars ?
but, for the little we did, quality was really there: it was impeccable
we did one together indeed, we did one on mime
and a next one coming on the Monthy Python's - that one I...
that one yeah, I look forward for it with great great pleasure
same here
so that's it : the workshops, something for me that's also very nice
to be honest, for the moment the school has a lot of positive aspects
the school has a lot to offer, the philosophy is the good one
around group work, on the relation between characters
we have little critique to do on the level of improv's fundamentals that are teached
there is a given structure to the courses but the teachers - they are improv teachers -
so that they allow themselves a lot of freedom
and it is quite different from a teacher to another: we do sometimes the same programme
with very different perspectives
which is also interesting: depending on the teacher you have, you'll learn differently
there are still a lot of things we could speak about, sincerely
I see the list on the computer in front of us
but I think we're going to stop now, so that we keep some topics for the next week
it is like a small cliffhanger we're doing now
crazy stuff, I feel them now they are like this
so, here we are, see you next week
thank you so much for having watched the video
don't hesitate to subscribe and like the video, I'd be honoured
a last word ?
"be careful with citrus, it's trash"
BTS (방탄소년단) - LOVE MAZE | Little Lemoney - English Cover - BTSunday🍋 - Duration: 5:47.
hi guys this video is brought to you by my patrons on patreon I hope you enjoy it
Cuz I'll be in Love Maze
cuz I'll be in Love Maze. Trapped in amazing many choices this chaos has got me exhausted
we wander around to find what it means, lost in the maze
in the darkness even if we run endlessly down this road I can hear the screams of
the many lies this is the only thing I could seperate us now baby we only have
to believe in us. please don't let go of my hand we have to
stay together forever everybody's telling me I'm looking like
the fool but I don't want to use my head I don't want to calculate love ain't a
business rather like a fitness I've never loved by using my head it could be
cold yeah just like the winter even so I'm gonna run it through it when you push me
down will you pick me back up yeah if I pull you don't even have to come
back let them be them let us be us love is amaze damn but you is amaze yeah
take my hand don't you let it go. lie here with me in the maze.
my ay ay you can't leave
me alone in love maze. Take my hands don't you let it go. My ay ay
please will you come close my ay ay we will never miss each other in love maze
it doesn't really matter what they say just let him talk no matter what the more they
do the more sure become yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah Can't you hear me
you gotta believe baby just don't give a damn promise you will promise me me
take my hand don't you. lie here with me in the maze My ay ay we will
never miss each other in love maze. Well tell me what you're gonna do bout our formula
that's right together we have got our own method we may be trapped inside a
maze the road has many lanes but we'll still always be there for each other
Take my hand don't you let it go. lie
here with me in the maze my ay ay you can't leave me alone
Take my hands don't you let it go my ay ay please will you come close my ay ay we'll
never miss each other in love maze
hi guys I hope you guys enjoyed that ehm as you could see I have cut out bits of
the song I could not wrap my head around Suga's part I don't know why like I
think when it comes to translating I tried to keep the lyrics as close to
BTS's lyrics as possible and it probably would have been easier if I
didn't do that for the song I probably could have done Suga's bit but just the
way that the Korean like rhymed off didn't translate properly into
English like English we have like way more syllables for stuff and I just
could not make it sound nice so I just cut it out because I didn't want it to be like
a pure poopy part of the song you know so I hope you guys don't mind but Suga's
part was just too difficult for me sorry it's not my fault that he is an actual
rapper and I am not a rapper okay even though you just keep telling
me I'm a rapper I'm not a rapper okay thank you I just want to thank an
Anoosha for being a cutie she's my newest patron on patreon ehm honestly it
means the absolute world to me like she already knows I love her so much so I
just really appreciate all your support and please go and watch her dance crew
please a link is on the screen and in the bio again but ehm for all yous who
don't know patreon as a website where you guys can support me ehm to do this
more full-time that means I can get better camera equipment it means I can
spend more times translating the songs and making the videos better because at
the moment I can't put everything into this purely because I have to make
a living and patreon helps me to make a living through this so if you guys want
to support me the link for that is in the bio but I just want to also thank
Mike again so hi Mike and Anoosha oh you're cute thank you but yeah so
if anyone wants to support me through that the link for that is in the bio
please do not feel like you have to but also yeah thank you so much and thank
you for all your constant support and if you follow me on Instagram and stuff I
put up a post on that like a little written thank you to you guys so if you
want to go check that out it's little lemoney spelt the same way that I
spell it in the titles of my videos but yeah thank you so so much and I'll see
you on Wednesday for another video as always please request songs in the
comments below and I will get to doing it but until then I hope you
guys are well I hope you're healthy and I hope you guys are happy and I'll see
you on Wednesday I love you guys so much BYE~
Meghan Markle's father says 'I won't be SILENCED' in furious Royal Family rant - Duration: 3:26.
In an explosive interview, Thomas Markle Sr sensationally accused the Duchess of Sussex of freezing him out of her life
The outspoken 74-year-old then ranted at the Royal Family by claiming the Windsors have tried to "silence" him
Mr Markle has not spoken to his youngest daughter for 10 weeks after he admitted being paid for staged paparazzi pictures in May
He failed to attend the Royal Wedding following the row, saying he was receiving treatment for a heart attack
And speaking from his home in Rosarito, Mexico, he told the Mail on Sunday: "I tell you, I've just about reached my limit with Meghan and the Royal Family
"They want me to be silent, they want me to just go away. But I won't be silenced
I refuse to stay quiet. "What riles me is Meghan's sense of superiority. She'd be nothing without me
"I made her the Duchess she is today. Everything that Meghan is, I made her." His stunning outburst is likely to strain tensions between Mr Markle and the Royal Family further
Mr Markle, a retired Hollywood lighting director, also dragged Prince Harry's late mother Princess Diana into the dispute
He ranted: "They have Meghan treating her father in a way that Harry's mother Princess Diana would have loathed
"That's not what Diana stood for. Princess Diana is credited with changing the Royal Family but she wasn't perfect
"She was still very much one of them. I think Meghan's the one who'll bring them into the 21st century, if they'll let her
" Taking a dig at his son-in-law Prince Harry, Mr Markle added: "I don't care if Harry never speaks to me again, I'll survive
" Mr Markle said he was proud of his daughter, saying: "Meghan is everything to me
I love her and I always will." He added: "I blame the Royal Family. I can see the strain Meghan's under, it's in her face
"The Royal Family has taken her back to the 1930s, and it's ridiculous. "Oh, she shows a little shoulder here, a touch of ankle there, but she's not the Meghan I knew for years
"You can even see her wondering whether she's doing it right every time she crosses her ankles rather than her legs
" Buckingham Palace declined to comment on his remarks when contacted by Express.co
Pick a Flower / Bumblebees Are Out (Animarion) - Duration: 0:28.
*Glass shatters*
Oh, dammit child!
Leave this h̩͐̔͊̈̚o̬̙͉̫͉͇̝͗̌͊̓́̾̇ṵ̅̉̈́̋͛̓s̳̹̦̬̓e̞͍ͫ̇e͇̙͍̙̒͐ͫͮͨ̃ͧe͈̟̻͈ͥe̘̪͈̮̣ͫ͛e̙̍̀͐e̠̱͂̀͂̅ͮ
Pick a flower!
Pick a flower!
Bumblebees are out!!
Pick a flower! Pick a flower!
Bumblebees are outtttt...
; - ;
Miaj Pensoj pri Necesejoj - Duration: 9:25.
Well, people need them.
It's even in the name in Esperanto.
(The Esperanto word for bathroom means "necessary place.")
I think we all understand why.
Hopefully you've never been in a situation where you had to take a p-
no no no
had to use the bathroom,
but couldn't because there wasn't anywhere to go.
What a shitty situation!
I found myself in that kind of a shitty situation two years ago when I visited France.
Me and a few other
students who were studying (not "are studying") French in school ("Bone-jewur")
traveled to Toulouse together to study.
Luckily, my school had a very suspicious
definition of "study" and the week we spent there
was basically a vacation.
Every American student was paired up with a French student and their family.
I got paired up with Benoit, and we still talk!
Together, we did everything one could do in Toulouse:
we went to art museums
(Les Augustains et Les Arbatoires),
and to another really cool space museum
(Cité d'espace),
we played soccer with his friends (like this, but a lot worse),
and I even saw his school. (It looked nothing like this.)
One day, when he was in school,
neither the American nor the French school planned anything for us,
so they MADE us go shopping for the entire day.
I was kind of mad!
There we were, in a foreign country, full of
interesting things to see and do, but in the eyes of both schools,
the attraction that deserved the majority of our time was...
For some reason, it seemed like most of the American students
(and teachers)
actually wanted to go shopping. ("LET'S GO SHOPPINGGGGGG!!!!!!!!")
Luckily, there was another student who wasn't very interested in it either,
so we quickly bought some souvenirs for our families and
then walked the streets of Toulouse together.
First, we found a wine shop,
because her parents requested that she buy and bring back French wine.
Neither of us were more than 16 years old,
so if we were still in the US, the whole thing wouldn't have been legal at all.
We (mostly me, but also her) (French for "a bottle of wine please" written with Esperanto spelling rules)
were afraid that the shopkeeper would somehow figure out that we were Americans
*in an American accent* maybe because of our accents
or because of our ways of thinking
or because of our smells (???)
And then he would reveal that he was a member of an international police force
and would send us to jail.
But, luckily, that didn't happen
and she bought the wine without any problems.
I noticed that I had to use the bathroom,
but the store was too tiny and didn't have a bathroom. ("We need more space for our wine! Screw the bathroom.")
(Thanks for nothing!)
We tried to do what I would do
if I was in the US:
I would look for the fast food restaurant McDonald's,
buy the smallest and cheapest thing on the menu,
and go to the bathroom.
Certainly not the majority of people in McDonald's are there only to use the bathroom,
but I think going to McDonald's mainly because you need to use the bathroom isn't an uncommon thing in the US.
Apparently, in France, it's as taboo as saying that French
food is disgusting. (Actually it's delicious. :D)
We found the McDonald's, but I realized
that there would be problems as soon as I saw it.
In the US, the whole thing doesn't matter
because McDonald's restaurants are already seedy and
filthy, so nothing can really
make the building more dirty.
This French McDonald's looked
like an expensive and formal restaurant for rich people. (This one is in a city next to Paris.)
But our bodies don't care where we are
when we have to take a shit, (I decided not to draw anything for this sentence.)
so I went in anyway.
First, I looked towards the bathrooms.
There was a GUARD in front of the bathroom,
blocking the entrance, as if bathrooms were treasuries
that people guard.
Apparently some EVIL people had tried to GO TO THE BATHROOM before
in the bathroom-treasury!
What a messed up idea!
Thank god that that NOBLE and KINDHEARTED
guard was standing there to protect us!
I took my wallet
and got out enough money to buy
something cheap.
The next problem was that
I no longer had money.
Maybe someone stole my money, maybe I somehow dropped it, or, most likely,
maybe I wasted it
when I bought the useless souvenirs,
but the fact was that I no longer had money. (I had more money back at Benoit's house, so it wasn't a total disaster.)
Even worse, my friend spent her last Euros
in the wineshop, so I was gonna have to
request the right to use the treasury.
*fake cough*
"I need to use the ba-"
"First you have to buy something!"
We left and tried to find a public bathroom.
If we could find a bathroom that wasn't in
any kind of store, I shouldn't have to buy anything useless (way too expensive with no new functionality!)
and theoretically I should be able to use the bathroom
freely and peacefully.
I was hopeful that downtown Toulouse was big enough
to have a public bathroom.
There weren't any signs that led
to any bathroom, but there are never
signs that lead to public bathrooms.
Do public bathrooms serve some other purpose besides letting people use the bathroom? ("portal to Mars")
Why do they have to be secrets? ("secret portal to Mars")
Finally, I found a public bathroom and –
The first thing I thought of when I
saw that that public bathroom wasn't free
(besides that I hoped
that one day its creators would find themselves in the same situation)
was the video game Roller Coaster Tycoon.
By the way, that is a great video game!
Unfortunately, there is no Esperanto version, but
it might be possible to understand everything by looking at the pictures?
Creating a theme park is so much fun!
You can build roller coasters...
You can sell umbrellas...
make ducks quack...
drown the guests...
I'm talking about this game because you choose
the prices of everything, including the bathrooms.
I thought that it was a cruel joke that you can
make the bathrooms not free, but apparently
there are actually places in the world where public bathrooms
aren't free.
Again, why???
Does no one see the obvious problems when you take away
people's right to shit in a bathroom instead of
on the street?!
I'm joking.
The bathroom was free.
Actually I think all public bathrooms
in Toulouse are free.
I was really afraid that I would have to pay
because I saw lots of
non-free public bathrooms during a previous trip to Paris.
Luckily, Toulousians understand that access to
bathrooms is a human right.
Except the people in charge of McDonald's.
Screw them.
I finished my first video in Esperanto!
Thank you very much for watching it, of course!
When I was writing the script
for this, I did a bit of research
on the history of non-free public bathrooms,
and found that there was
a big movement in the US to get rid of them.
I was very proud to learn, that
my hometown, Chicago, was the first city
in the entire world (wrong, just the first in the US), who completely banned them.
More reasons to visit Chicago, I guess.
Every good story has a moral, so here's the moral:
if you ever have to use the bathroom,
but want to visit France,
visit Toulouse.
Or Chicago, if which country you're visiting doesn't matter.
Both cities are cool.
郑中原:王沪宁下台与否十天就见光? - Duration: 11:16.
Rai, Festival di Castrocaro 2018: ecco quando - Duration: 4:44.
VW Polo - Duration: 1:07.
✅ Cristiano Ronaldo : Photo torride avec Georgina, avant sa rentrée en Italie - Duration: 1:14.
Le Portugal éliminé de la Coupe du monde en huitièmes de finale, Cristiano Ronaldo a rapidement quitté la Russie pour profiter de ses vacances ! Direction la Grèce, où il a retrouvé sa chérie Georgina Rodriguez
Le couple a été surpris en bateau, complice et tactile. Dimanche 8 juillet, Cristiano Ronaldo, son fils Cristiano Jr. et Georgina Rodriguez ont profité d'un après-midi ensoleillé pour effectuer une excursion en mer ! Le footballeur de 33 ans et sa compagne étaient en combinaison de plongée et sont partis à la découverte des fonds sous-marins, sous la surveillance bienveillante d'un moniteur
Sur le bateau, Cristiano et Georgina ont tenu à immortaliser cet instant de manière coquine. Un fruit en bouche, les amoureux ont posé pour une photo mise en ligne sur Instagram
Tour de France 2018: Le premier sacre pour le Britannique Geraint Thomas, Alexander Kristoff s'impos - Duration: 0:53.
Le Gallois Geraint Thomas (Sky) a remporté ce dimanche le Tour de France 2018 après la 21e étape gagnée sur les Champs-Elysées à Paris par le Norvégien Alexander Kristoff (Emirats)
Geraint Thomas, qui est âgé de 32 ans, a devancé au classement final le Néerlandais Tom Dumoulin et le vainqueur sortant, le Britannique Chris Froome, au bout des 3351 kilomètres
Do I look like the Weeknd? - Duration: 2:10.
hey you guys welcome back to eb and j and today I think it's time to trim this something and make it look a little bit
better never cut my own hair so we'll see how this goes or my own be here as
you guys know we get something wouldn't give you got something as well but we'll
have a link in description on what you have to do in order to win one of these
guys and let's go into the boxing and see what the top comes with a charger
you put this on your adjustable blade clips into the enemy's oil for your
clippers so first things first let's put this kind of charge
these babies are charged
as you know I don't know what I'm doing so let's see
all right now let's get gnarly
i look like the weeknd okay please stop playing with them Eli okay so obviously Andy's cordless MBL I
did all the work didn't use any other Clippers and like I said before we want
to get you guys something so follow the link below and this will be yours if you
like videos like this of seeing how I stay groom for my MBA workouts and how I
stay looking this good it's I need a shave but like and comment down below
subscribe and let us know what you want to see we'll see you guys next time
5 Jaw-dropping Facts about The Sopranos - Duration: 3:40.
The Sopranos was one of the best-written series to ever air on small screen.
After the show's controversial ending in 2007, it's been 11 long years without Tony
Soprano in our lives.
We don't know whether Tony was killed or he returned back to his home in one piece
after finishing his dinner.
But, the amazing thing is that we are still talking about the show even after a decade
of its ending.There are some facts that even the regular visitors might not have known
about the HBO series.
But, before getting any further, please subscribe to our channel and click the bell icon to
be a part of our family.
#5 Initially meant to be a movie When the show's creator, David Chase had
originally approached HBO with his idea for The Sopranos, he proposed a movie about a
mob member with mother issues who sought help from a therapist.
Later, his manager, Lloyd Braun convinced him that the idea would be good enough for
a TV series and Chase began writing the script after signing a deal in 1995.
However, his interest to continue it as a big-screen project once again emerged after
the pilot episode was completed and he asked for extra funds.
But, HBO declined and ordered another 12 episodes to make it a 13-episode hour-long full series.
The Sopranos became the second hour-long series on HBO after OZ in 1997.
#4 Appreciated by real life mobsters During the time of the show's production,
David Chase often got calls from the FBI just because real life New Jersey mobsters were
really talking about the show.
In 1999, one of the members of the DeCavalcante family gushed to an alleged mob goon that
the story of The Sopranos matched theirs and their conversation was all recorded by the
This topic became more interesting when one of the members of DeCavalcante family was
heard saying, "Is this supposed to be us?" and his friend replied, "You're in there,
they mentioned your name in there".
#3 Dropping of F-Bombs You can't expect a mob to be polite and
the same goes for Tony as well.
The F-word has been used 437 times in season one and most of its credit goes to Tony himself
who uses it exactly 134 times.
The F-bomb mania was taken to a whole different level in season two when it was used 714 times.
#2 Tony Sirico was a real-life mobster There's a reason Tony's acting feels so
Tony Sirico, who portrays Paul "Paulie Walnuts" Gualtieri in the show had a bad history in
real life as well.
Before getting into acting, he had seen walls of different penitentiaries and was an associate
of the Jimmy "Green Eyes" Clemenza crime family during the late 60s and 70s.
Prior to his career in Hollywood, he was arrested 28 times.
The actor also had an agreement with Chase that he would only play Paulie if he wouldn't
be portrayed as an informant.
#1 The first cable series to win an Emmy The Sopranos was the first cable series to
ever win an Emmy for Outstanding Drama Series.
The series won a total of 21 Primetime Emmys, 5 Golden Globes and Peabody Award for season
one and season two.
In addition to that, the Writer's Guild of America named it as the Best Written Series
of all time.
What is your favorite moment on The Sopranos?
Share your views on comments.
And before leaving, don't forget to like the video and subscribe to our channel.
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