If you've ever given someone a piggyback ride, you know that even tiny humans can feel
But we don't notice the weight of our own bodies.
And there's a song that explains why:
The knee bone is connected to the thigh bone.
The thigh bone is connected to the hip bone… and so on.
Prosthetic limbs generally feel much heavier than biological ones, because they aren't
connected to your skeleton.
Nowadays, though, engineers are trying to use the body's natural bony support system
to make prosthetics even better.
Your bones are connected to each other with ligaments.
And these ligaments have mechanoreceptors that help you feel how your joints are moving.
But they aren't able to sense how heavy things are.
That job goes to the Golgi tendon organs, which are mechanoreceptors in the tendons
connecting all your muscles to bones.
Because your leg is connected to your skeleton, your muscles don't have to provide that
much force to hold things in place.
So you don't really notice how how heavy your leg is — even though just one of them
makes up about 16% of your total weight.
Most prosthetic devices are attached with a socket held in place with a harness or suction.
Harnesses limit the range of motion, and the suction of the socket activates the Ruffini
corpuscles, which are mechanoreceptors that are sensitive to stretching skin.
That's why prosthetic limbs can feel like they're hanging onto the body, instead of
connected to it.
And if you had a prosthetic leg that was as heavy as a biological leg, it might feel like
walking around with like a toddler hanging on to you.
So scientists have had to design lighter prostheses, sometimes at the cost of function.
But as a different solution, they've been working on a way to connect prosthetic limbs
to the skeleton, using a technique called osseointegration.
Osseointegration is where bones grow into foreign materials.
Humans have actually been doing this for a long time, like in 600 CE when the Mayans
used mother of pearl to make teeth that integrated into the jawbone.
But it wasn't until 1965 that Per-Ingvar Brånemark used osseointegration to put titanium
dental implants in the first human patient.
Titanium is super biocompatible.
When there's oxygen around, it makes an oxide film that prevents lots of other chemical
reactions — so it doesn't, like, break down inside your body.
At the same time, it activates the immune system some, so the cells that are normally
responsible for bone resorption slow down, and new bone grows around the titanium fixture.
These titanium implants are made with lots of nooks and crannies that bone cells can
grow into, so they stay secure for decades.
Since dental implants became a thing, lots of researchers have applied osseointegration
to prosthetic limbs too.
All patients have to do is clamp their prosthesis onto the titanium implant, and they're good
to go.
Because there's no harness, there's more range of motion.
And because there's no suction socket, the prosthesis doesn't feel like it's pulling
on your skin.
There is one drawback: a metal rod sticking out of your skin is an open wound that you
have to take care of, or it can get badly infected.
Even though this technique is still experimental, nearly 1000 patients have undergone this surgery
for their prosthetic legs, arms, and even thumbs.
Researchers are working on ways to address the risks, and the technology can only improve
from here.
And we'll keep learning along with you here on SciShow!
If you're curious about other ways engineers are working with human bodies, check out our
episode about human interface technologies!
And if you want to delve into all kinds of science with us,
you can go to youtube.com/scishow to subscribe. to subscribe.
And ring that bell, I guess?
For more infomation >> Why Do Prosthetic Limbs Feel Way Heavier Than Biological Ones? - Duration: 3:27.-------------------------------------------
(MJQ-P - Hatsune Miku) Ang Ating Kuwento / Our Story (OPM) - Duration: 3:40.
Kate Middleton ha burlado constantemente las reglas de las realeza La Reina no debe estar contenta - Duration: 2:50.
Volkswagen Polo 1.0 TSI Bluemotion | navi | clima | cruise | pdc | 17'' lmv | - Duration: 1:05.
How I Make Money Online
The Pronunciation of "を"/「を」の発音知ってる? - Duration: 5:25.
The Most Uncomfortable Things Celebs Said On Live TV - Duration: 6:35.
Live television has proven itself time and time again to be the perfect storm of cameras
and spontaneity - capable of producing truly embarrassing, uncomfortable moments that will
live on forever in our hearts and on the internet.
From Taylor Swift's awkward awards show call-out to Tara Reid's unforgettable Shark
Week appearance, these live TV moments are like bad accidents from which you simply can't
look away.
So, kick back, relax, and prepare for some serious second-hand embarrassment.
J-Law shuts down a hater
Oh, Jennifer Lawrence - she always keeps it real, and has a bit of a tendency to fall
during awards ceremonies.
But J-Law's tumble at the 2014 Oscars wasn't anywhere near as uncomfortable as her off-script
call-out later that night.
While presenting the award for Best Actor to Matthew McConaughey Lawrence noticed Jared
Leto seemingly laughing at her as she took to the stage - something the starlet couldn't
seem to let slide.
"Why are you laughing?
What, is this funny?
Oh, okay."
As it turned out, Leto and his family were laughing, but only because Oscars host Ellen
DeGeneres was pantomiming and mouthing, "Don't fall!" as Lawrence walked onstage.
Leto told Billy Bush what he really thinks of Lawrence's red carpet mishaps in a 2014
interview, saying, "You know, I'm starting to wonder if this is a bit of an act."
This tan is all natural
Things got really uncomfortable for Rashida Jones on the 2015 SAG Awards red carpet, but
she handled the situation with her signature brand of sarcastic comedy.
Jones, the daughter of record producer Quincy Jones, was attending the ceremony as a presenter
when she was called over for an interview by TNT's Danielle Demski.
The questions started pretty typically, but things quickly took a rather unfortunate turn.
"You look like you've just come off like an island or something.
You're very tan, very tropical."
"I mean, you know.
I'm ethnic."
Demski laughed off her ill-advised remark, but Jones' uncomfortable smile said it all.
It was a cringe-worthy moment for all parties involved, including the fans who had to sit
through it.
A Taylor Swift scorned
For Taylor Swift's ex-boyfriends, having a pop radio hit written about their biggest
faults is the cost of doing business - just ask Harry Styles, the inspiration for quite
a few of Swift's biggest hits from both Red and 1989.
Or take it from Taylor herself.
In 2013, Swift was accepting an MTV Video Music Award for "I Knew You Were Trouble"
when she went completely off the rails to call out her famous ex and muse.
"I wanna thank the person who inspired this song, who knows exactly who he is.
Because, now I got one of these.
Thank you so much!"
Styles was later asked about the incident on Extra, saying:
"It's alright, she likes a joke."
"That was about you?"
"I like a joke as much as the next guy, so it's all good."
Uncomfortable, much?
You're tearing him apart, James!
Tommy Wiseau is famous for mysteriously self-funding the multi-million dollar budget for his cult
masterpiece The Room, which simultaneously fulfilled his dreams of becoming a famed actor
and director.
His inspiring story proves that you can achieve anything as long as you throw enough money
at it, even though he didn't truly rise to mainstream success until more than a decade
later when James Franco took Wiseau's unconventional success story to the big screen - then totally
cut him off at the Golden Globes.
After winning a Golden Globe for his depiction of Wiseau in The Disaster Artist, Franco invited
him onstage during his acceptance speech.
But what was supposed to be a moment of vindication for Wiseau turned out to be painfully awkward
instead when Franco blocked Wiseau from getting the microphone.
"Whoa, whoa, whoa."
Looks like someone didn't want to share the spotlight.
Tara Reid: Shark Expert
Tara Reid's appearance on Discovery Channel's Shark After Dark was more than just a lesson
in biology - it was a lesson on why you should never show up to a live taping under the influence.
During Shark Week's hit show, the Sharknado star let viewers know she did a whole lot
of research to appear smart on the subject - no American Pie-worthy blonde moment here.
Unfortunately, her rant about whale sharks was almost entirely unintelligible and got
pretty awkward.
"I think, 'Well how does a whale and a shark have sex?'
And then I looked up-"
"Was there a video of it?"
Because there's a thing called whale sharks."
Reid might not be a biologist, but that didn't stop her from delivering an - interesting
take on whale sharks.
"They must, you know.
And then I realized that whales are mammals and sharks are animals.
They have nothing to do with each other."
While no one can say for sure that Reid had sipped on a little too much of the sauce,
her appearance did remind us of a certain drunken SNL character.
"So maybe next time you're on your new iPad, look up how to be a decent human being."
Steve Harvey's Miss Universe mistake
Who can forget Steve Harvey's baffling Miss Universe mix-up?
Not only was the moment monumentally uncomfortable for viewers watching the pageant live on Fox,
but Harvey received so much backlash that he had to hire armed security guards, which
he still has in his home today.
Harvey announced Miss Colombia as the winner of the 2015 Miss Universe pageant after producers
urged him to immediately read the next name from the teleprompter, though the card showed
Miss Philippines had actually won the competition.
Producers hoped to straighten things out with the press the following morning, but Harvey
marched back out and announced the real winner on live TV.
"The first runner-up is Colombia."
The resulting footage was one of the most uncomfortable things ever captured on television.
No one wants to watch a beauty queen lose her crown.
David Blaine's scary stare
It's the famously uncomfortable interview in which David Blaine gave us all the heebie
jeebies before breakfast.
Eamonn Holmes may have been voted best UK breakfast TV presenter, but his talents were
no match for this 2001 interview with the infinitely puzzling Blaine, who's apparently
equally as baffling even when he's not performing tricks.
In this interview, we're not quite highlighting uncomfortable things Blaine said, but rather
all the moments where he actually didn't say anything at all.
Blaine, who was promoting his special Frozen In Time, was essentially mute during the entirety
of the segment, though his creepy stare said volumes.
The TV host eventually got so fed up that he asked Blaine,
"Is this part of the show, this sort of moody persona and the stare and the eyes and
all that sort of thing?
That's just you?"
Things only got stranger from there.
"The eye on the hand.
What is that, what is the eye on the hand?
Let's see that again."
We're not quite sure Holmes was ready for Blaine's, uh, answer:
"Takes him from death."
"Ooooh, mmm."
「Brave Shine」(Fate/stay night UBW FULL Cover ITA-ESP-日本語) - Shoujy & Iris - Duration: 4:10.
J Balvin Ya Estrena Nueva NOVIA Moldelo?? | Flash Top - Duration: 1:46.
Frappée en plein Paris après avoir répondu à l'homme qui la harcelait, cette femme partage les image - Duration: 4:21.
HARCÈLEMENT - Une jeune femme a porté plainte ce mercredi 25 juillet après avoir été violemment giflée en plein Paris par un homme qui la harcelait et qui n'a pas supporté que cette dernière réponde à ses insultes
Marie Laguerre, étudiante de 22 ans, a partagé dans la foulée sur son compte Facebook les images de vidéosurveillance captées par un bistrot qui montrent la violence de la scène
Cette séquence, qui s'est déroulée en fin de journée sur le boulevard de la Villette dans le 19e arrondissement de la capitale, a depuis été visionnée plus de 300
000 fois depuis. "Hier soir, alors que je rentrais chez moi, [.] j'ai croisé un homme
Il s'est permis de m'adresser des bruits/commentaires/sifflements/coup de langue sales, de manière humiliante et provocante à mon passage", raconte la jeune femme qui apparaît en robe rouge sur la vidéo
"Pas de chance, c'était pas le premier de la journée et j'étais fatiguée. J'ai donc lâché un 'ta gueule' en traçant ma route
Car je ne tolère pas ce genre de comportement. Je ne peux pas me taire et nous ne devons plus nous taire
Ça n'a pas plu à cet homme", continue-t-elle expliquant qu'il a ensuite attrapé un cendrier puis lui a lancé
Ratant sa cible, il est ensuite revenu sur ses pas et a rattrapé l'étudiante qui lui a tenu tête avant de se faire violemment gifler
"Il m'a frappé au visage, en pleine rue, en pleine journée, devant des dizaines de témoins
J'ai porté plainte." Interrogée par Le Parisien et Kombini, Marie Laguerre explique ne pas avoir mesuré la violence de la scène sur le moment et être ensuite rentrée chez elle puis se dire qu'elle devait porter plainte
De retour au bistrot, de nombreux clients lui ont proposé leur témoignage et le patron lui a spontanément donné la vidéo de surveillance avant de l'emmener voir les autorités
"Ce n'est pas le seul. Le harcèlement c'est au quotidien. Ces hommes qui se croient tout permis dans la rue, qui se permettent de nous humilier et qui ne supportent pas qu'on s'en offusque, c'est inadmissible
Il est temps que ce genre de comportement CESSE", conclut-elle sur Facebook avant de préciser aux internautes qui s'offusquent des réactions des témoins en terrasse que "tout s'est passé très vite et ils n'ont pas eu le temps de comprendre la situation
L'agresseur était dangereux. Après l'agression, je suis revenue et les témoins ont été d'un grand soutien"
À voir également sur Le HuffPost:
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