This folding knife is coming from US manufacturer Schrade
and it is made in China.
It's name is "SCH104LS".
It comes in grey/green carton box
the well known Schrade colors.
This is the folding knife.
It's a folder
that looks robust, powerful,
pretty good looking
and very cheap.
This folder was
no more than 20 bucks.
The blade is made of a good stainless steel,
The hardness of this steel
is up to 57 - 58 on HRC scale.
As you can see,
the blade is partially serrated.
This half is normal
and this half is serrated.
The blade coating
is black....
so, it's painted in black...
a kind of titanium, nickel, whatever...
The opening mechanism is "stud"
on both sides.
It makes it easy to open it with one single hand,
with right hand
and left one as well.
The locking mechanism
is frame lock as you can see.
A part of the frame
this one
locks the blade in open position.
The handle is an interesting one.
One side is made of stainless steel,
and the other side
is a frame made of stainless steel
covered with G-10.
It has a lanyard hole
and a pocket clip as well.
The pocket clip goes in one single position.
It's a very robust folding knife,
a very strong one.
It weighs 180 grams.
The overall length is 21 centimeters,
The blade is pretty long, it measures 9.2 centimeters.
It is 12.4 centimeters long when it's folded.
The blade is 3.4 millimeters thick.
It feels very well in the hand.
It is cheap,
it is made of a good steel,
and it's very robust.
Because of its serrated blade,
it's harder to check
how sharp it is
by cutting a piece of paper.
The serrated half of the blade
is very good to cut
to cut a seat belt,
to cut a wire,
to cut rubber....
it's not appropriate to cut paper.'s hard to cut paper
It's folder from Schrade
which looks very robust.
It's made, of course, in China.
A knife is a tool, not a weapon!
For more infomation >> Schrade SCH104LS; Briceag Schrade Titanium Drop Point Framelock, zimtat; 9CR18MoV stainless steel - Duration: 5:53.-------------------------------------------
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Hello everyone and welcome to this new video !
We wanted to tell you that we're super happy
because we are now 60 K on this youtube channel !
Thank you for all your kind messages,
for your support,
thank you for every kind words you say to us !
it affects us !
we are going to continue making videos for you !
for those who are joining us today
we are two young people
who create videos about fitness, nutrition,
travels, and a lot of others things that we are interested in
we are showing you a lot of things
we recently created a fitness bodyweight program to do at home
that allows you to reach your goals
and allows you to get back in shape easily from home
we let you the link right here
we just moved in !
we are almost settled down
it was a big moving, we sorted a lot !
but we will get there
this room was full of boxes !
until here !!
and we have a garden !!
it's so cool !
our flat is way smaller than the other one
but we have a garden !
and we are in one of the cities we love the most in the whole world !!
try to guess !
but now we are going to go workout !
new gym, let's get started !
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100 subscribers ! ... THANK YOU <3 (well, I guess I can't chicken out now)
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C'est en marge d'un match de football de Manchester United que Paul Pogba et Julia Roberts se sont rencontrés fin 2016. Ils se sont tout de suite très bien entendus et le joueur a célébré cette amitié naissante par une photo postée sur Instagram et sur la quelle on voit la célèbre Pretty Woman lui poser un baiser sur la joue
Il se félicitait : « Très chanceux d'avoir reçu ce bisou. Aujourd'hui, je n'ai pas seulement rencontré une actrice formidable mais aussi une incroyable femme
Qui a de la chance ? ». Les deux amis se sont ensuite revus lors d'une tournée de Manchester United aux Etats-Unis. Julia Roberts a demandé à Paul Pogba des conseils pour son fils qui souhaitait devenir footballeur professionnel
Le joueur lui a donné quelques indications précieuses et l'actrice s'est ensuite réjouie lors d'une interview de cet échange
« Il a réchauffé mon coeur. C'est un être humain extraordinaire. J'étais ravie de le voir et mes enfants aussi. Il s'est montré chaleureux et adorable, comme nous l'espérions
Il lui a donné des conseils pour devenir footballeur, c'était très touchant, si mignon. Une source d'inspiration, pas un discours formaté
Il leur a dit de croire en eux, c'était adorable » a-t-elle ainsi déclaré. Aussi, lorsque l'Equipe de France a battu la Croatie dimanche, Julia Roberts était au rendez-vous devant sa télévision
Elle a alors partagé sur les réseaux sociaux sa joie de voir son ami devenir champion du monde. « Ravie pour notre ami Paul Pogba et l'incroyable équipe de France
4–2 ! Félicitations ». Sur la photo, on voit Paul Pobga au moment où il célèbre le but qu'il vient d'inscrire pendant la finale
Un but qui a provoqué une immense joie jusque chez Julia Roberts. Crédits photos : sipa
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