- Tea... Tea pan? - Oh no, not a tea pan.
I don't know, I feel like it's is some sort of utensil.
You're the first person who got this straight away!
Hey guys, it's Cathy cat.
Today we're going to ask foreigners in Japan about Wasei Eigo words
Which means, they are words that Japanese people think are English
but they're actually not English.
So, wait...
Put the dog head out of the screen I'm trying to do the opening.
So, on that note.
We're gonna go and ask foreigners in Japan if they can decipher that word.
Same thing goes for you, though!
Please take part in the quiz and write down what you think that word actually means.
Let's enjoy the video. Don't forget to subscribe if you're new to your channel
would be lovely to have you on the team.
And now! Let's start the quiz and ask foreigners in Japan.
Where are you from?
I'm from Hong Kong, nice to meet you guys.
You watch Ask Japanese, thank you! :3
What do you think is G-pan?
G-pan... G-pan..?
G-pan. You think maybe, you mean it's pants? You mean underwear?
- Yeah. - Oh, very close!
- Tea... Tea pan? - Oh no, not a tea pan.
No Tea pan? It's kind of coding or...
A code name, is it like a brand name?
It's a brand name. I'm sorry, I couldn't figure it out.
G from jeans and the pan from pants.
Oh, jeans!
- Oooh! - Ta-da!
Okay, where're you from?
I am from the United States of America. I'm from Indiana.
But yeah, Columbus, Indiana. Very small town in Columbus
and that's where we met originally in their visiting.
Yeah, they're first time than Japan so.
That sounds like an English word, but is actually no than English word
Sounds like someone's saying Japan wrong.
I don't know. I feel like it's is some sort of utensil or something.
I don't know, I don't think I've heard that one.
You say, someone who might just say Japan wrong. You said it's a utensil.
What do you think is a G-pan is used for?
- G- G pan ... - G-Pan.
I'm gonna say it's a serving utensil.
You serve something on it.
Like a platter.
Actually, an item that you wear.
- You wear?? - Interesting.
Oh man, is it a scarf?
- Ah!.. No. - No?
I have no idea...
Oh, you know. Don't forget to wear your G-Pan before you go out.
- Like pants or tights? - Oh yes!
Is that it?
So you take the "G" from jeans.
Which comes up to jeans. Like a pair of jeans!
Okay! So, where are you from?
Oxford in England.
-Right, both of you? -Yeah.
So one of these words is G-Pan.
What do you think does G-Pan mean?
A type of car?
Oh a G-Pan! That actually could be a car!
Okay, G-Pan.
It's an item that you wear.
Maybe a hat?
A G-Pan... Maybe a type of hat... Shoes?
Are you looking at my feet? No?
What item of clothing starts with "G"?
Jeans... Jeggings...
- Would you have guessed that? - No, I would not have guessed that.
Hey! Where are you from?
I'm French and his Australian than we live in Madrid.
That is so international!
First time in Japan?
Yes, it is.
- Bread? - Okay.
Sport, maybe?
What kind of sport do you imagine G-Pan to be?
Maybe football? Something similar.
What kind of bread is it? G-Pan?
I just thought about that because in Spanish you say pan for bread, but I have no idea.
What do you think it would taste like?
Sesame bread?
Love the idea! It's actually an item that you wear, as an item of clothing.
What do you think it could be? G-Pan?
A pants, like a jeans?
You're the first person who got this straight away!
Oh, sweet!
Why what did you think that?
Because "pan" for pants, and "G" for jeans.
So, you said you were from...?
- And you? - Russia.
- She too. - So both, right!
And it's the word G-Pan.
What's a G-Pan?
G-Pan? G- Japan?
G- Japan!
Sounds like a rapper. G. Japan is in the house!
Okay, I didn't do that!
So that's your guess, what's your guess?
- What could G-Pan mean? - G-Pan...
Maybe it's bread?
- Bread, yeah... - In the form of ...
... a "G", I don't know.
Maybe it's G- G bread
I don't know...!
JoJo bread, old person bread...?
GG bread...
Well, sounds nice.
But! G-Pan is not edible.
It's an item of clothing.
Since you're both so fashionable
you might be wearing a G-Pan another day so what's...
- Pants? -Yeah!
But, what type of pants?
- G... JEANS? - Yeah!
You got that!
There's the "G" from jeans and then the "pan" from pants.
Jeans pants, G-Pan.
Who knew!
Thank you so much! Thank you.
Now, did you get it? Did you get the word?
I'm curious to find out if you could decipher the meaning of the word before we actually told you.
So let us know what you actually thought it meant
and also let us know what you would actually say in your language for that word.
So thank you very much for watching, and I catch you soon for another video on Ask...
... Japanese ...
And guys, don't forget to subscribe
so you don't miss any future videos of Ask Japanese and our crazy Director
who's wearing this massive doll right there.
We are a fun team. We have lots of fun on this channel
so it would be nice to have you here
so you can join future adventures!
Anyways, I catch you soon guys! Bye!
For more infomation >> What the heck is a "G-PAN" in Japan? Asking Foreigners in Japan about Japanese words - Duration: 6:31.-------------------------------------------
Meeting My Sister In Slither.io For The First Time!!! - Duration: 20:29.
Hey guys, welcome back to another video
It's me RoseTyler100 here and we're gonna play slither.io, _wait your forgetting about somebody
Oh, yeah, Don'tBlink100 is joining me
in Slither.io you die... I die easily
But sometimes and I don't mean to kill big people
I kill them and then I get to gready and that's how I die. And then yeah
By the way, big people are like 2000 to her
-thats like so not true
I'm gonna...
I'm gonna be in magenta and grey. Grey and magenta like the like...
like with the affect on it. My names going to be Rose... Tyler...
100 okay, and you don'tblink100?
Are you ready? -ready, set, press play!
Play, um
It's still showing up... Golden Corral
Where should we meet?
The same spot as last
Which is
The top middle or bottom middle
top middle
You better not have died you did not just die
Hey guess who just died, yep, I was looking at your screen. I was pressing like go fast
I'm still on the same server, that's good
Um ???
Getting up there and that, you know...
I'm like there almost
I should have like killed people before I might just need to go back down
I have nothing, I have 10
Okay, I'm I'm their
Number ones, I'm the greatest
Now nobody well somebody with no name I mean
_My skin is like um magenta _ I saw
That's for my channel
Beat me up there soon before I get big enough and kill you
Yeah, your not even heading in the right direction
I must died. I was I was looking at your screen. I like this one there and there right off the map
hey go in a straight line
-That's how I died - then don't do it
I can't see your map, but I can see you
Okay, getting that ready eating some food, I'm only at 176 though
Because I've been here waiting and eating
I don't know mine is great. I'm grey and magenta
Have like a it has like the effect of the colors do
I'm on 277
Are you in an exact middle
I Am arsh(?) you need your not here
Yes, we actually did it oh this is gonna be good
Was going to I'm kidding I wasn't actually I wasn't going to
I'm not killing you. I'm not killing you you calm down. So where should we go? Oh
Let's kill this little guy he just died on you I'm taking it, huh, I
I Wont kill you if you talk louder
Yes -I'm scared your going to kill me
Okay, let's go try and kill them you were there okay I want let's go try to kill somebody together
Yes, yes, that's okay that's what she consider big I consider leader board big. Alright, let's try to kill it
So we get so we're big we get big and maybe even get leader board
Omg went the wrong way when I was trying to get out. Oh no. Oh dang it
Yeah, I got carried away in you I died
Okay, I'm the greatest. Oh, you're not you're in glitchy area. You're in the middle
I'm gonna go in the middle to get big and then come and go in the spot
That's what you're doing, huh?
You're in the middle trying to get big and coming to me
So then you could kill me and get me back, but I wasn't the one who killed you. was I?
-Yes, you were
oh no somebody is trying to circle me -crys
What what
But what's the biggest you ever been today?
-like a 1009
I got to like only three thousand today is my biggest it was it's not good
I was including I was in doing that good because I was trying to find you
Oh, no, I'm circled and people are infer me
I'll actually cut out but then I'm going back in and then I should have got it I should have stayed out
Yeah, I didn't this guy saved me by coming out. So I'm out
And the guy who's trying to circle about nobody when he originally had three people
Moving time -I was talking fast for ones
I was trying... somebody accidentally killed the guy I was going for I hate people who just go crazy and...
Theirs this guy named PopularMMOS
Their probably not popularMMOs they probably don't have
15,000 no 15 million. Sorry I getting confused right now
How did they get that many we watched them before they had that many
But like not we stopped watching, them now
we don't really like their newest content
sorry guys who do like them but
we we still like them, it's just that we don't really watch their
new content
Who's gonna be watching ???
I Just killed a ginormous guy but not ginormous you you're kind of big but a little bigger than your kind of big
I'm in 2000
I just died. Sorry headphone users
I died. I'm the greatest. I just like I
oh well
I'm just going crazy and I'm coming ...
This is what I use but it's in my other video
-Oh, I died
I just killed somebody
This video isn't going to need that much editing!
Wait, so you went and got water and you wouldn't get me water
-No this is from my room 2 days ago
Buy the top by the way, guys, we're making this on Thursday and that was from Sunday
Yeah that I'm the greatest he's in first place I will meet you up on the top See if we can find each other again
Okay, then get revenge on me, let's go up there and you could kill me okay
Sorry I was getting carried away
Oh, wow, there's the ???
Look I'm there, but there's a big blue guy in the way of the exact middle. So I'm by I'm kind of there
I'm going to be right here
Yeah, but not like on the top
I'm small. I'm 27 only because it took me a lot of my stuff
you won't you won't really gain much from me if you kill me
-Just keep eating
There's nothing around to eat
-okay I'm like Half way
I thought the way you're heading there was half way
That's not that big I'm looking over your screen and it's not that big it is big but its not that big
Are you almost there? Your not, your too much to the right
Oh, you just killed a big guy were are you. I see you I'm here! Can I eat some?!
Then come back before we end it
Yes, you're supposed to get revenge on me
But then I came to eat some of her stuff that she's killed her big person and she died on me
Sorry Looking at you
That's my person but where are you seeing it
I made myself look like an bent
Whats it called Again, oh, no, I I had my brain and I
Bobby-pin, yeah, but bobby pin
Are you exactly um, yeah, if you're not coming then, I'll just leave and you're not going to be able to find me
Were you that big ones right now there's your I don't want you to kill me in front that orange guy
Like let's team up and kill a person
That's trying to turn around
You like zoomed on to me
oh Wow
I Think that's going to rap up this video
It seems like my sister's not gonna get revenge on me
Yes off camera, so hope you have a wonderful day don't forget to Like subscribe to hit the notification bell
Bye I'm getting circled to I got circles Bye
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Fire reported along southbound Hwy 101 in Goleta - KSBY.com - Duration: 0:51.
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รวมเพลงร้านกาแฟ เพลงเพราะๆ มาแรง บรรยากาศชิวๆ ฟังต่อเนื่อง - Duration: 1:04:14.
iPhone X vs. Huawei P20 Pro: In-Depth Camera Test Comparison - Duration: 10:02.
Hi guys, it's MTG here, and I have another very interesting camera comparison for you
In this video, I'll be comparing the cameras found on the Huawei P20 Pro and the iPhone
X. I'll be comparing the cameras in various lighting conditions, and I'll also be taking
a look at the video and audio qualities of both phones.
Make sure to stick around to the end of the video to see how the two phones perform in
more challenging lighting conditions, and to see what the P20 Pro's night mode is capable
Let's get right into it.
The Huawei P20 Pro has a triple camera setup with Leica optics.
The main camera is 40 Megapixels, the monochrome camera is 20 Megapixels, and the telephoto
camera that allows for 3x optical zoom and portrait mode pictures is 8 Megapixels.
They have apertures of F/1.8, F/1.6, and F/2.4 respectively.
The camera can record 4K video at 30 fps, 1080p at up to 60 fps, and 720p at up to 960
The main camera has optical image stabilization, but can only utilize it at 1080p at 30 fps.
The P20 Pro's front camera is 24 Megapixels with an f/2.0 aperture, and can record video
at 1080p at 30 fps.
The iPhone X has a dual-12 Megapixel camera system, with a wide-angle and telephoto lens
at f/1.8 and f/2.4 apertures respectively.
The telephoto lens means the X also has 2x optical zoom and can also take depth-effect
portrait pictures.
The cameras can record up to 4K at 60 fps and 1080p at up to 240 fps.
They have dual optical image stabilization.
The X's front True Depth camera is 7 Megapixels with an aperture of f/2.2.
It can take portrait mode pictures, and can record video at up to 1080p at 30 fps.
First, I'll take a look at pictures shot in great lighting by the two phones.
Know that I turned off intelligent AI on the P20 Pro because the pictures just looked like
an automatic filter was applied.
In this first side-by-side, we can start to notice several things.
The iPhone X's shot seems to be the overall brighter one, whereas the P20 Pro was able
to maintain much more of the colors of the sky and the traffic light.
If we zoom in, we can see that despite the P20 Pro having the much larger Megapixel count,
the iPhone X is able to pick up just as much detail.
Here we can see just how good both of the main cameras are.
The P20 Pro's shot may be slightly overexposed in some areas, but other than that, the main
differences come from the fact that the iPhone X produces the slightly warmer image.
Here, you can see how colors are processed by both phones.
Again, the iPhone X has the warmer image, whereas the P20 Pro really ups the saturation
and tries to pull out all of the colors throughout the image.
As the side-by-sides continue, begin to think about the things you value in photographs,
and see which phone is better for those specific things.
Here, I think the iPhone X was able to do the better job with the colors on the building,
whereas again, the P20 Pro was able to pull out more of the gradient of blues in the sky.
People, I included, have been really intrigued by portrait modes of phones because of how
nice that background blur can look.
With the P20 Pro, you can take much wider-angled portrait shots from the same vantage point.
And to match the framing of the iPhone X, I had to take a full step forward with the
P20 Pro.
Both did a pretty great job with blurring the background.
Again, the iPhone X will have the warmer image of the two, and the two phones simply process
the images differently.
Both phones produce nice portrait mode pictures, but the one you prefer will really come down
to personal preference.
Both phones also take impressive selfies, but both produce very different looks.
The iPhone X again has the warmer tones, whereas the P20 Pro has the cooler tones and a raw
Megapixel count advantage.
Even with beauty mode all the way down on the P20 Pro, it seemed to soften details on
my face a bit.
Both phones are also able to use portrait mode on their front cameras.
They both can't really get my hair right, but the overall images look pretty good.
Different people will prefer each phone.
It just comes down to preference.
As I shift into video, know that the iPhone X is capable of shooting 4K at 60 fps, but
both phones were set to 4K at 30 fps because that is what this video was uploaded at.
The P20 Pro's main camera has optical image stabilization, but for some reason, Huawei
does not let you turn it on for 4K.
On the other hand, the iPhone X utilizes its stabilization, resulting in some really impressive
4K video.
The P20 Pro is able to pick up more of the blues of the sky, but the stabilization just
makes the P20 Pro's 4K footage basically unusable unless you intend to use a tripod or gimbal
of some sort.
It is a shame, because when I switched both phones to 1080p at 30 fps, the P20 Pro produced
some of the most stabilized video I've seen come from a smartphone.
I still prefer the overall package of the iPhone X's video capabilities, but the stabilization
makes the P20 Pro's 1008p video much more comparable to the iPhone X.
In terms of the front cameras, the video quality of both phones is impressive.
They both did great despite the sun being directly behind me as I walked.
This time, the iPhone X's video appears to be more saturated than the P20 Pro's video.
Both phones didn't have stabilization for their front cameras so, as a result, the videos
of both were kind of shaky.
While I turn, the sun is now on my left side, and this is where the iPhone X tries to make
the colors pop, which results in a blue sky, but also a very orange-tinted face.
The P20 Pro's front video didn't seem as severe.
In terms of audio, I think the P20 Pro did the better job with noise reduction and isolating
my voice, whereas the iPhone X made my voice sound fuller, but also had more background
With smartphones, especially ones at this price range, it should be a given that they
perform excellent in great lighting.
So the rest of this video will focus on pictures taken in more challenging lighting conditions.
This is a challenging shot because of all of the light coming in through the window.
Both phones did a pretty good job of not letting the outside light overpower the image and
also maintaining details in the foreground.
Here, the sun is setting, and both phones did a pretty good job considering the lighting.
The P20 Pro was able to maintain the blues in the sky still, but the iPhone X was able
to let in much more light overall, creating the brighter image.
This image had very challenging shooting conditions, but both phones did a great job.
The P20 Pro slightly overexposed the sky in this shot, whereas the iPhone X wasn't able
to keep the objects in the foreground as bright as on the P20 Pro's.
Nonetheless, both pictures turned out great.
Here, the sun is right behind the tree.
Both do a good job of not letting the sun overpower the image, but again the iPhone
X is able to produce the brighter image.
This portrait mode shot was also taken while the sun was setting.
Both phones seemed to soften up details, but overall, both did a solid job with edge detection
and the colors in general.
Now I'm going to shift to even more challenging lighting conditions and will show pictures
shot at night.
Here, we can see that both phones did a fairly good job of keeping image noise to a minimum,
but the iPhone X was able to produce the much brighter image.
But then I turned on night mode, took the picture again, and this is what it looked
There is still minimal noise, but now the building is bright, lights aren't overexposed,
and overall, the P20 Pro was able to take a really great image with no light.
I'd say without night mode, the iPhone X is able to let in more light and take the better
But when I turn on night mode, the P20 Pros images just look way more impressive.
In Night Mode, the P20 Pro is able to keep its shutter open for 4-6 seconds, and utilizing
image stabilization and AI, it is able to eliminate any sort of motion blur caused by
hand movements.
This also means that it could take up to 6 seconds to take a picture.
Here a car had driven through as I was taking the picture.
The P20 Pro almost completely eliminated the car, but some of the remanences remained,
creating this ghosting effect in the picture.
The iPhone X on the other hand, took a pretty good picture, instantly, and doesn't have
a weird ghost car because the car didn't start off in frame.
If you have 4-6 seconds to take a shot, I think Night Mode can produce the best lowlight
shots I've seen from any smartphone.
But if you don't have that time, the iPhone X's lowlight images aren't bad at all.
This camera was an interesting one.
I went in not really knowing which camera was better, and I feel as if I came out with
a similar feeling.
Both phones have their advantages in different aspects of images, and both phones simply
process colors differently.
It can't be denied that these are two of the best smartphone camera systems out right now.
Hopefully this video helped you figure out which phones' camera system you prefer.
Let me know in the comment section what you thought about this camera comparison, and
make sure you're subscribed and have the notification bell clicked to see my final P20 Pro camera
comparison coming soon with the Pixel 2 XL.
That's all I had to talk about today, thanks for watching, and I will see you in the next
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dinosaur finger family
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