Yakiu Udon
Yakiu Udon
Udon Noodles 150 g
Bacon 20
Cabbage 40 g
Carrot 20 g
Spring onion 20 g
Oyster sauce 1 tbsp
Soy sauce 1 tbsp
Seasoning sauce 1 tbsp
Sesame oil 1 tsp
Sugar 1 tsp
Pepper 1/2 tsp
Seaweed 10 g
Udon Noodles
Oyster sauce
Soy sauce
Seasoning sauce
Sesame oil
Spring onion
For more infomation >> ยากิอุด้ง อาหารญี่ปุ่นทำง่าย Yakiu Udon | FoodTravel พารวย - Duration: 5:55.-------------------------------------------
ยากิอุด้ง Yakiu Udon | 1 Minute Cooking - Duration: 1:37.
Yakiu Udon
Bacon 20
Carrot 20 g
Cabbage 40 g
Udon Noodles 150 g
Oyster sauce 1 tbsp
Soy sauce 1 tbsp
Seasoning sauce 1 tbsp
Sugar 1 tsp
Pepper 1/2 tsp
Sesame oil 1 tsp
Spring onion 20 g
Seaweed 10 g
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Indonesia earthquake results in multiple deaths, injuries - Duration: 2:33.
Elderly couple stabbed by house guest in Bellevue - Duration: 1:39.
Florida Forest Service plans to send aid to fight California wildfires - Duration: 1:13.
Trump tariffs assailed at Koch network gathering - Duration: 4:25.
Indonesia earthquake: Magnitude-6.4 quake strikes Lombok island today - live updates - Duration: 3:10.
Phim Cung đường tội lỗi tập 4,Tuyết cũng chạm mặt Tâm và biết mối quan hệ ngoài luồng của chồng mình - Duration: 5:51.
New Hampshire Summer Paradise Camping - Duration: 10:35.
are we camping like like not pavement urban camping but camping in the trees
in the forest we are
a little different than any other place I have ever camped in the entire country
I ended up coming as far at the last time I talked to you I was in
Connecticut right now I came out to up to New Hampshire yeah and camping here
in the ginormous White Mountain National Forest how big is it well I counted 14
approved campsites you can only camp in the approved campsite through the fire
rings you can't see any neighbors down this way and behind me you can't see any
camping neighbors as well I would estimate there is probably closer to a
mile between campsites that's pretty unique I think the reason why they do
that is because if it were a campground that had facilities like a bathroom and
a trash facility they put that in one general spot and they put all the
campsites packed in as tight as they can so that they can control it a little
better well out here there's no services there's no trash no water electricity
there's no cell service there's no TV stations there's nothing
it's just a National Forest it is quiet and peaceful and nobody was nobody's
gonna bother you so that's why they could space them out a little more
because we're all taking our trash with us but I mean the sites there's two cool
things one you can put up to 25 people per site if you wanted to there's lots
of room for tents and right down here I don't know if every site has access but
we can walk to the water guys the creek yeah it's really just a short little
jump through the woods I really like New Hampshire it has been
a long time since I have camped in nature
after the Lincoln Highway like
it's so amazing that places like this even they even exist guys and
can we just go back to last week when I was in New York City the most congested
nobody's out here
it's amazing granted there is not much water it's not like a Roaring River it's
just a creek that runs all the way through but it's just beautiful there's
so much cooler down here and take a look at all the green moss it could be back
home Washington it could be except for the heat and humidity factor
unfortunately I am NOT to speak to the 90-plus degree weather
I still kind of want to shoot over to Maine and go up there I guess I don't I
don't think it I don't there's no heat relief that's for sure what we got is
like wide-open spaces that nobody's occupying
so how long am I gonna stay out here I haven't really decided yet
there are lots of other places like this in New Hampshire over in Vermont and in
Maine actually but man whether it's BLM land in Arizona in the wintertime you
know where you can have a 75 degree Christmas or this in the summertime I
love our natural lands and I don't need hookups I love that it's free isn't it
not like always better when it's free not because it doesn't cause anything
but because we don't have neighbors this is better this is natural this is not
some man-made RV park that you pay for this is so much better in my opinion but
yeah I can just come down to the creek and get my feet in whenever I need to if
it gets too warm but I will have to run the generator at least two hours every
single day to maintain the batteries cuz I'm in a really shaded spot no solar
it's worth it though
yeah Jax already knows he's a bad mofo I actually got the generator running right
now so we'll do my little two-hour charge on the batteries nothing much
else to do though because I can't upload any videos I can't chat with anybody on
YouTube can't watch Netflix I can't do a whole lot out here except relax that's
the plan enjoy nature man I could tell you it's
pretty different because all of a sudden I'm not worried about where I gotta go
and what I got a film and traffic and low clearances and all this weird stuff
that I used to be worried about for Lincoln Highway and now it's just hey
it's summertime so let's just camp and have fun little different yeah hmm I
walked pretty far into the woods and then all of a sudden there was this
strange opening here in the field where someone has made camp before big old
fire pit they're funny if I could get my RV back here I'll bet you in the high
noon times I would get some solar in this open field yeah lots openings over
here strange but I don't think my RV will
make it this far I don't think I've ever marinated myself and in as much bug
sprays I have here in New Hampshire I'm gonna head on back to the RV and
probably light a fire tonight try to keep some of those bugs away from Jax
and I my little speaker outdoor light speaker thing let me show you something
real quick so I've shown you the app that goes to the speaker allows me to
select different colors or scan through the colors and whatnot but I found the
insect light which is basically essentially the same thing as the amber
light that bugs will not be attracted to and because it's right next to the door
I don't
I don't know why that was on my iPod
because the light is so close to the door the bugs
laughs it's friday night yeah we danced them to able to UPS yet we took too many
shots oh I got this one on there too on
my real-time subscriber count I just lost three and I'm fifty subscribers
totally worth it get this fire going fire fire fire
nothing more masculine than fire fire fire oh this song if it's meant to be
baby just let it be stop singing in here we're gonna unsubscribe
can't fire here
我为什么再三劝告莫虎律师撤诉周立波 - Duration: 6:51.
chivas vs Cruz Azul 0 1 goles y resumen hd liga mx jornada 2 apertura 2018 - Duration: 2:22.
Nightcore ~ Irony「ClariS」[Lyrics] - Duration: 3:45.
Constitutional isomers of C5H12 | Alkanes - Dr K - Duration: 3:00.
The question is asking to draw out all constitutional isomers for C5H12.
Since this chemical formula fits in the general formula of CnH2n+2,
that means C5H12 is an alkane. We're going to use a systematic way of drawing the isomers.
That way we won't accidentally leave out any structures.
Let's start by drawing a five carbon chain, meaning five carbons connected straight in a row.
Now, if we were to draw four carbons and then we stick a carbon at the end like this,
is it an isomer? Let's see. We can count the carbon chain and looks like
it's five carbon connected straight in a chain, same goes to if we were to draw
four carbons straight in a row and we stick a carbon at the front, it will be
five carbon chain because we can count five carbons continuously.
So the lesson here is to not stick a substituent, the stuff hanging there at the end of the chain.
Now, let's move on to a four carbon chain. To avoid accidentally drawing out
a five carbon chain, the remaining carbon should be stuck to the second carbon not
at the front or at the end. Now let's see if I move the substituent to the third carbon,
will we get a different isomer? The structure on the top has four carbons
and it has a substituent on the second carbon. The one at the bottom when
we count starting from the end that is closest to the substituent we can see
that it's actually the same structure, four carbon chain with substituent on the second carbon.
So looks like we only have one structure for four carbon chain
moving on to three carbon chain, the only way to place the two remaining carbon is
to stick them on the second carbon so we get a three carbon chain with two substituent like this.
Let's place in the hydrogens. With the five carbons,
the first carbon is connected to only one carbon since carbon can make four bonds
that means the first carbon will be attached to three hydrogens.
The second carbon is connected to two carbons, that means it has two remaining bonds.
Same goes to the next two carbons. The last carbon has three bonds.
Putting in all the hydrogens, here's the condensed structure of the first isomer.
Moving on to the second isomer, the four carbon chain. Here are the remaining bonds
that each of the carbon has and here's the condensed structure for the second isomer.
Last but not least the third isomer, the three carbon chain.
After putting in the remaining bonds and filling up with hydrogens, here's the condensed structure.
There we go the three isomers for C5H12.
I hope you find the video helpful. Do subscribe. Thanks for watching and I'll see you in the next video.
New Hampshire Summer Paradise Camping - Duration: 10:35.
are we camping like like not pavement urban camping but camping in the trees
in the forest we are
a little different than any other place I have ever camped in the entire country
I ended up coming as far at the last time I talked to you I was in
Connecticut right now I came out to up to New Hampshire yeah and camping here
in the ginormous White Mountain National Forest how big is it well I counted 14
approved campsites you can only camp in the approved campsite through the fire
rings you can't see any neighbors down this way and behind me you can't see any
camping neighbors as well I would estimate there is probably closer to a
mile between campsites that's pretty unique I think the reason why they do
that is because if it were a campground that had facilities like a bathroom and
a trash facility they put that in one general spot and they put all the
campsites packed in as tight as they can so that they can control it a little
better well out here there's no services there's no trash no water electricity
there's no cell service there's no TV stations there's nothing
it's just a National Forest it is quiet and peaceful and nobody was nobody's
gonna bother you so that's why they could space them out a little more
because we're all taking our trash with us but I mean the sites there's two cool
things one you can put up to 25 people per site if you wanted to there's lots
of room for tents and right down here I don't know if every site has access but
we can walk to the water guys the creek yeah it's really just a short little
jump through the woods I really like New Hampshire it has been
a long time since I have camped in nature
after the Lincoln Highway like
it's so amazing that places like this even they even exist guys and
can we just go back to last week when I was in New York City the most congested
nobody's out here
it's amazing granted there is not much water it's not like a Roaring River it's
just a creek that runs all the way through but it's just beautiful there's
so much cooler down here and take a look at all the green moss it could be back
home Washington it could be except for the heat and humidity factor
unfortunately I am NOT to speak to the 90-plus degree weather
I still kind of want to shoot over to Maine and go up there I guess I don't I
don't think it I don't there's no heat relief that's for sure what we got is
like wide-open spaces that nobody's occupying
so how long am I gonna stay out here I haven't really decided yet
there are lots of other places like this in New Hampshire over in Vermont and in
Maine actually but man whether it's BLM land in Arizona in the wintertime you
know where you can have a 75 degree Christmas or this in the summertime I
love our natural lands and I don't need hookups I love that it's free isn't it
not like always better when it's free not because it doesn't cause anything
but because we don't have neighbors this is better this is natural this is not
some man-made RV park that you pay for this is so much better in my opinion but
yeah I can just come down to the creek and get my feet in whenever I need to if
it gets too warm but I will have to run the generator at least two hours every
single day to maintain the batteries cuz I'm in a really shaded spot no solar
it's worth it though
yeah Jax already knows he's a bad mofo I actually got the generator running right
now so we'll do my little two-hour charge on the batteries nothing much
else to do though because I can't upload any videos I can't chat with anybody on
YouTube can't watch Netflix I can't do a whole lot out here except relax that's
the plan enjoy nature man I could tell you it's
pretty different because all of a sudden I'm not worried about where I gotta go
and what I got a film and traffic and low clearances and all this weird stuff
that I used to be worried about for Lincoln Highway and now it's just hey
it's summertime so let's just camp and have fun little different yeah hmm I
walked pretty far into the woods and then all of a sudden there was this
strange opening here in the field where someone has made camp before big old
fire pit they're funny if I could get my RV back here I'll bet you in the high
noon times I would get some solar in this open field yeah lots openings over
here strange but I don't think my RV will
make it this far I don't think I've ever marinated myself and in as much bug
sprays I have here in New Hampshire I'm gonna head on back to the RV and
probably light a fire tonight try to keep some of those bugs away from Jax
and I my little speaker outdoor light speaker thing let me show you something
real quick so I've shown you the app that goes to the speaker allows me to
select different colors or scan through the colors and whatnot but I found the
insect light which is basically essentially the same thing as the amber
light that bugs will not be attracted to and because it's right next to the door
I don't
I don't know why that was on my iPod
because the light is so close to the door the bugs
laughs it's friday night yeah we danced them to able to UPS yet we took too many
shots oh I got this one on there too on
my real-time subscriber count I just lost three and I'm fifty subscribers
totally worth it get this fire going fire fire fire
nothing more masculine than fire fire fire oh this song if it's meant to be
baby just let it be stop singing in here we're gonna unsubscribe
can't fire here
Bihar Intermediate Admission 2018 | How to Change College Name & Subject Name | - Duration: 5:55.
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Mr. And Mrs. 420 Returns Official Trailer | Jassie Gill | Ranjit Bawa | Karamjit Anmol | Trailers - Duration: 2:42.
Please Don't forget to: LIKE | COMMENT | SHARE | SUBSCRIBE for the Upcoming Movies Trailers 2018
Zindagi na milegi Dobara 2 trailer | Hrithik Roshan | Abhay deol | Katrina Kaif | Pinnacle Media - Duration: 0:46.
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