When Homer's Iliad was first written down in the 8th century BCE,
the story of the Trojan war was already an old one.
From existing oral tradition,
audiences knew the tales of the long siege,
the epic duels outside the city walls,
and the cunning trick that finally won the war.
In the end, the magnificent city was burned to the ground,
never to rise again.
But had it ever existed?
By the time the field of archaeology began to take shape in the 19th century,
many were skeptical, considering the epic to be pure fiction,
a founding myth imagining a bygone heroic era.
But some scholars believed
that behind the superhuman feats and divine miracles
there must have been a grain of historical truth -
a war that was really fought,
and a place where it happened.
Frank Calvert was one such believer.
He had spent his youth traveling and learning about ancient civilizations
before accompanying his brother Frederick
on a diplomatic mission to the northwest Anatolian region of Çanakkale.
It was here that Homer described the Greek encampment
at the mouth of the Scamander river.
And it was here that fate brought Frank into contact
with a journalist and geologist named Charles Maclaren.
Locals and travelers had long speculated
that Troy might've stood on one of the surrounding hilltops.
But Maclaren had been one of the first
to publish a detailed topographical study of the area.
He believed he had found the site –
a 32-meter mound known by the name Hisarlık,
derived from the Turkish word for "fortress."
Soon after meeting with him in 1847,
the Calverts bought 2,000 acres of farmland
that included part of the hill.
Before they could explore any further,
the Crimean War broke out
and forestalled their archaeological ambitions for several years.
After the war's end,
Frank Calvert began to survey the site,
but lacked the funds for a full excavation.
This was where the wealthy German businessman
and amateur archaeologist Heinrich Schliemann came in.
At Calvert's invitation,
Schliemann visited the grounds in 1868, and decided to excavate.
Eager to find the ancient city,
Schliemann tore massive trenches all the way to the base of the hill.
There, he uncovered a hoard of precious artifacts,
and metalwork,
including two diadems and a copper shield.
Schliemann took full credit for the discovery,
announcing that he had found Troy
and the treasure of its king Priam.
But the real treasure was elsewhere.
When later archaeologists studied the site,
they realized that the mound consisted of no less than nine cities,
each built atop the ruins of the last.
The layer Schliemann had uncovered dated back to the Mycenaean Age,
more than 1,000 years too early for Homer.
But inside the mound was indeed evidence
for a city that had thrived during the Bronze Age,
with charred stone,
broken arrowheads,
and damaged human skeletons suggesting a violent end.
It was Troy VII, contained in the middle layers
and now ravaged for a second time by Schliemann's careless excavation.
The settlement, spanning some 200,000 square meters
and home to as many as 10,000 people,
thrived until around 1180 BCE.
Its position at the southern entrance of the Dardanelles strait
would've made a formidable strategic location for both defense and trade.
Most importantly, there are the remains of a massive fortification wall –
perhaps the very same one
from which Priam and Hector once watched the Greeks approach.
Of course, it's difficult to be certain
that these ruins are the true remains of ancient Troy,
and scholars still dispute
whether the Trojan War as described by Homer ever happened.
Yet the evidence is strong enough
that UNESCO has labelled Hisarlık the archeological site of Troy.
Regardless of its identity,
thanks to persistence,
a bit of faith,
and a lot of research,
archaeologists are bringing the long-buried secrets
of an ancient, lost city to light.
For more infomation >> Did Ancient Troy really exist? - Einav Zamir Dembin - Duration: 4:38.-------------------------------------------
Sparta MEME Original! - Duration: 1:41.
Ok STOP!!!
the end LYRICKS :D
Alan Alda reveals he has Parkinson's disease, was diagnosed more than 3 years ago | Americ... - Duration: 3:24.
🔵 Lipoaspiração: Camadas de acúmulo de gordura - Drops#38 - Duration: 0:48.
車世界 ✭ トヨタ 新型 プリウスα フルモデルチェンジ 2代目 次世代 Toyota Safety Sense 小型化ハイブリッドシステムTHSⅡ TNGA... - Duration: 2:06.
How I Make Money Online
Land Rover Freelander 2.2 SD4 S / NAVI / TREKHAAK / STOELVERW - Duration: 1:12.
Audi A3 1.6 TDI Adrenalin Automaat (XENON!!!/NAV./Climate/S-line) - Duration: 1:10.
My Friends Tigger And Pooh Tigger s Day at the You-See-Um Part 8 - Bailey Ford - Duration: 3:01.
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It doesn't spray
It just drips. I
Guess you're an actor too. Goopy to spray. Hmm
Thanks for trying super sleuth
But I was born without a smelly stench
Yeah, I guess I'll never have one
Lord, oh poor guy
He's like a stuffed up nodes
It just can't smell or maybe we've been asking the wrong question
How to help skunk have a smelly stench
Maybe we should be asking why skunks have a smelly sense in the first place known a lot of skunks in my Dave
Once made the mistake to make it one mad at me
Sprayed me. Good see skunks make a stench when they get mad or scared
Oh, I want to protect themselves all their friends
Skunk, do you ever give an not really scared of what?
Nobody ever bothers a skunk
Everyone keeps away cuz they're scared of getting sprayed and I don't have any friends to protect cuz well
It's hard for us going to make friends. We shall be your friends skunk
Thanks, that makes me feel really
Squirrels coming to attack
What Oh but stand back
Did it I made a smelly stench cuz I thought I needed to protect my new friends
Guess I was acting on instinct. That's a cow, right?
Wonderful. Oh, yeah, beautiful
Just hope you will use that smelly sketch to butts just kind of
Special occasions like what about a town a stench of my own?
stench of my own
Have you ever been to a museum you can try making your own you can put all kinds of things in your Museum
things you find
Things that are interesting or one-of-a-kind or even a museum of your favorite themes
Put them all in one place where people can
Beginning to draw ! - Duration: 4:32.
31 Jul 2018 - Homily by Archbishop William Goh - Duration: 2:30.
In every life ,there are always problems, we always have challenges, we always have
difficulties, and we also have the presence of evil and the presence of
sin. In the face of evil, in the face of issues and problems, we do not allow
all these to overcome us. Rather we should triumph and transcend all these
so-called challenges in our life. And so sometimes God allows the presence of evil
and sufferings in us in order to, first and foremost, purify us. And that is the
fact of life. In life, we grow best only when we start interacting with one
another. In life we grow best only when we meet challenges, when we meet
difficulties. This is where we learn to know ourselves better. We know where we
stand and it helps us to clarify our own thoughts. So all these things are part
and parcel of life and of growth. It is important for us to realise that the
sufferings in life, they are meant to purify us, to be more forgiving, to be
more loving. It is through suffering that we grow in our interior life. It is
only when you have been tested, when you have been challenged, and then we learn
to let go. The more you learn to let go, the more you learn to accommodate, the
happier we become. The holiest person is one who loves everybody, who is
non-judgmental, who can live with everybody, who can accept everybody. God
wants to fine tune us. God wants to strengthen our virtues. That is why he
allows all these irritations to take place. The sufferings that we go through,
they help us to recognise the mercy and the love of God. It helps us to draw us
to God. So sometimes, sufferings are important so that we don't feel that we
are so independent, that we can solve every issue. And that keeps us
humble, to always cling to God, to turn to him for help and to recognise that
God is the one who makes all things possible.
Let us pray that we will be more receptive and not to take all these struggles in
life negatively, but to use them for our good and for the growth of holiness.
Z Eltonem Johnem jest źle! Nie może sam chodzić - Duration: 3:10.
Indiana family to discuss boat sinking that killed relatives - Duration: 2:03.
(ENG SUB) KOREAN ASMR Candied Edible Chalk Poping Tanghulu Real sounds Mukbang Eating Show - Duration: 10:01.
Before viewing the video, please click the like button and click the Subscribe button
this is jaeyeollllllllllll
Today's dessert Chalk Popping Tanghuru
I ate chalk a few days ago. The sound was good but the taste was not very good. So I added sweetness to the chalk.
Since eating chalk Many people in the comments worried me a lot.
I did a search. This is a harmless chalk to the human body.
When ingested in small quantities. Good for skin and good for stomach cramps. It has a lot of calcium and a lot of vitamin c.
This article was on the site.
I will write the site link in the comment. Please tell me if i have any wrong information.
It is harmless to human body. You do not have to worry about me.
ok! I'm Satisfied
let's eat it
The taste is not good last time. It's okay this time.
sounds good
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Best Gym Hip Hop Workout Songs And Music 2018 - Svet Fit Music - Duration: 34:22.
Svet Fit Music
How to Use a Glass Dip Pen & How to Draw a Hibiscus - Duration: 3:52.
Hello my friends and welcome to another Tuesday of tutorial!
I am Leonardo Pereznieto and today we will draw Hibiscus flowers
with this strange and beautiful glass dip pen.
Each is hand-made and therefore unique, however, I got it very inexpensive
from Amazon, under 10 dollars, and we will use this Indian or Chinese
red ink.
You simply need to dip the part with the grooves in the ink, and then you
can write or draw with it.
Like so.
We begin with the petals.
Hibiscus have five petals.
Wow, this draws smoother than what I thought.
Since it is glass I thought it would be a little scratchy but it isn't…
pretty smooth.
Very good!
The pistils,
and let's draw another one back here.
We can give some texture, some color, and shade at the same time by making lines.
Wow, this is really enjoyable!
I never thought it would feel this good!
These pens can be pretty expensive like even up to 150 dollars, but as I said
some go pretty inexpensive.
I leave you the link for this one, and all the materials I used, in the description
bellow the video.
In some cases these petals are darker toward the center
and very light at the edges.
Additionally by the center they may catch more shadow,
so we go over those areas again and more tightly.
However just having this color makes it in monotone, and I would
like it to be even darker at the center, so I mixed some of this ink
with a tiny bit of blue to make it darker and use it
for the center of the petals
and toward the center of the flowers.
That's looking better, don't you think?
It gives it a little bit more volume.
Now since I don't have a green Indian ink to hand, I will try out this fountain pen ink.
And with this we do the leaves and the stem.
It actually works perfectly!
It feels very smooth too.
I was a little bit concerned because I read that since it is of a different viscosity
maybe it wouldn't work as well.
Ok good!
But I want the center of the flowers much darker, so I use the blue to go
over them.
Since this ink is transparent, the blue over the red looks like a very dark purple. And we
add some more red
for intensity!
To clean the pen between colors it is super easy, you just rinse it
for a second and then wipe it dry
and dip it on the new color.
Very good!
Let´s just do this final last petal, and shade it, the last touches,
and its ready!
If you enjoyed this video please give it a LIKE! share it to your friends
and subscribe to Fine Art-Tips.
And I will see you, on Tuesday ;)
Subtitled by Grethel Trejo
Taiwan's East Coast Treasure | Taroko National Park Road Trip - Duration: 12:40.
Hey guys!
We're in Hualien City on the east coast of Taiwan
and in Taiwan, you'll find that most of the large cities with big populations of people are on the west coast
and the east coast is more beautiful nature
and a national park called Taroko National Park where we are headed right now.
It's named after Taroko Gorge, which looks incredible.
There's amazing views and hikes that you can do
so we have rented a scooter - I've got two helmets here
and Marc, I'm sorry, I'm calling dibs on this one.
One has a sparkly star and racing stripes and one doesn't so…this is mine.
I want that one!
Let's go.
Oh I forgot to unlock it!
We forgot that the lock is still on the wheel of the scooter.
There we go.
Got it?
Okay…we've got snacks, we've got helmets, we've got fuel, we have sort of a map.
Let's go!
Other way!
This way!
An excellent start!
Started to rain.
These are no longer sunglasses, these are rain glasses now.
Yeah, pretty much.
There's no sun to speak of.
The visor's kind of hard to see out of so I'm just keeping my sunnies on.
You can't see very well right now but I promise there are mountains right up there.
Really big, beautiful mountains.
Marc and I drove a scooter in Toronto for what like 9 years?
And they…we had two of them and they were both Taiwanese brand.
So it's pretty cool - it feels kind of at home to be in Taiwan on a scooter, don't you think?
Yeah, yeah.
It's like a homecoming.
It's nice.
This would've been a good day to wear waterproof mascara.
I can't even see 'cause it's in my eyes.
I'm trying to like cry to get the mascara out.
Oh that burns though.
Oh yeah…I just saw a little teardrop roll down.
Looks black.
You can see here how soaked my feet are.
Seems like a good day to go hiking!
Mainly I just want to make sure you get it out of your eyes.
So you can enjoy the….lack of a view!
Oh yeah that helps.
It's like a carwash on my eyes.
Now that I've stopped at a gas station, I can see.
Let's go…again.
♬ I can see clearly now, the rain…hasn't gone. ♬
Yeah I was going to say... you can't quite finish that lyric.
Here we go.
We're inside the gorge now in Taroko Gorge and wow!
It is stunning in here.
Oh my god!
We're passing all these signs that say that you should wear a helmet while you're in Taroko National Park
and then there's all these places that say there's a helmet borrow just up the road so...
I guess we're already wearing helmets.
I think it's because of all of the um, the rock falls that happen here
so they're suggesting that you wear a helmet.
How's your extremely wet scooter ride been through the gorge here?
I mean it's gorgeous but it's just a shame that it's so wet and cloudy.
I think you mean to say it's "gorge-ous."
This was a setup wasn't it?
To see if I'd say that?
It was.
I'm fine with it.
Let's go.
We just passed the sign for the Swallow Grotto Trail
and that's what we've been heading towards so I think we are getting close.
The rain has stopped and we've made it to the beginning of the Swallow Grotto Trail.
That's where we've been headed this whole time.
It's absolutely stunning here and I cannot wait to walk more inside this gorge.
So Swallow Grotto Trail actually seems to be a road that goes along the gorge
and it…it almost appears as though you could drive through the entire thing
so we're going to actually go back and get the scooter
and then we can pull over whenever we want to.
Might be able to see a bit more.
But I'm just thinking as we're walking along here about what it took to build this road,
like through all of these tunnels and there's these sheer drops off the side.
Like I can't imagine.
I've been getting queasy just walking along here looking down at the water.
I can't imagine building it.
It's incredible.
So you can see there's a…a road over there and then the river flows through.
This part of the…the gorge, Swallow Grotto Trail, is I think about a half a kilometre long
and you can see how narrow it gets in parts there.
It's absolutely stunning.
You have to be really careful in here because, obviously it's a gorge
so there's a lot of things you can hit
and even taking off there's a huge rock jutting out there so…
So we just tried to fly the drone and I didn't know what Marc was doing.
I was flying it really controlled and then just all of a sudden it went rogue
and it started flying literally into… towards one of the walls in the gorge here
and so then I tried to fly it back and it was just not responding
and then I was able to fly it close enough that we could grab it
but I honestly feel sick right now.
I'm shaking.
That was really scary.
I thought it was a ghost piloting the drone or something.
The way it was moving was really eerie and I…
It was really eerie.
I said to Marc like, 'what are you doing?'
He's like, 'I'm not doing that'.
So we just brought it back and then… it was floating like…
or, you know, floating like right over here and
I just reached out and grabbed it, which is not how we normally catch the drone but…
At one point I was trying to just raise it up so you could grab it and it was not responding
and it was just kind of sitting out there by itself.
That's why it felt like a ghost.
It was almost like 'na na na na na na'.
It was really weird.
Maybe there's ghosts here in the Swallow Grotto.
Anyway, I'm glad we have drone back.
Baby's back!
Baby is back!
Never do that again!
Bad drone!
Bad drone!
Are you still shaking?
I'm still so shaky.
Do you feel like you can drive?
I'm going to go very slow.
I'm good with that.
I feel kind of queasy.
Don't back up too much.
Okay, yeah.
There's a huge…this is what's behind me.
Sheer drop.
Where I'm standing right now, according to a sign over there,
is the best view of the Taroko Gorge, period.
And what I love about the Taroko Gorge especially is that these rocks behind me…
these are made of marble.
But they weren't always marble.
Over 200 million years ago they started out as coral and little marine organisms
and over millions of years, they piled up and up and up and they became limestone
and then as tectonic plates shifted and lots of other magic happened,
they turned into marble and so that's what you see now.
And this is the Liwu River behind me and it is just cutting down through the rock even as we speak
and the gorge just gets deeper and deeper as that happens and it's incredible to just
know all of the background and see how incredibly gorgeous it looks and
I'm just glad that we made it this far in the rain to see this incredible view.
I can't stop looking at this view.
Maybe we should just live here.
That sounds like a good plan except for the rain.
We should've brought a tent.
But you know what?
We could go stay set up shelter in there.
That's a good spot.
Marc and I just pulled off the road to have a bite to eat and uh,
you've already got our chips open.
I couldn't wait.
We haven't had this kind before.
Kyushu Seaweed Lay's.
Are they good?
Have you had one yet?
I have.
They're really good.
We also brought…this is uh just a bun with like corn, cheese, ham.
Oh! Lemon Pocky.
One of my absolute favourites.
This is scallion cheese bun.
And from 7-11, Marc picked up one of these rice wraps.
And then just a couple of water bottles.
I love having roadside picnics.
Me too.
This…look at this.
I know.
It's incredible.
Oh just having lunch with my friends.
This is just weird.
These roads are so beautiful but they're not the roads I want to be on after dark so…
Not so much.
And in the rain so we're just making our way out of the national park now back to the main road.
We're making our way out of the park
but we didn't want to leave without seeing this shrine behind me.
It's one of the most famous landmarks in the whole national park.
It's called the Eternal Spring Shrine
and unfortunately the reason it's here is a very sad one.
It's built to commemorate in 1958, 212 workers who died
while constructing a really important highway in Taiwan, the Central Cross-Island Highway.
It was the first one linking the east and west that went through the central mountain range here.
So it's really important and this has been destroyed by landslides a couple of times and rebuilt.
This latest one was built in 1989 and the reason for the name Eternal Spring
is because you have these natural waters that seem to flow right through the temple
and go into the Liwu River here.
And that is called the Eternal Spring Waterfall and it just feels very calm and very tranquil here.
We are headed back towards Hualien City now.
We've got about an hour's drive.
It has been a rainier day than we expected but still really fun
and I hope that you guys enjoyed coming along to see Taroko National Park
and just driving this incredible road through the gorge.
Don't forget to subscribe to the channel for lots more travel adventures if you haven't already
and if you like this video, give it a thumbs up and we'll see you in the next video.
Alan Alda reveals he has Parkinson's disease, was diagnosed more than 3 years ago | Americ... - Duration: 3:24.
The BOAT is SOLAR powered. Without battery - Duration: 6:42.
Julie Gayet révèle ce qui l'a séduite chez François Hollande -[Nouvelles 24h] - Duration: 2:58.
[Témoignage n°9] Opérateur pour DANDY (producteur de VOLAILLES) - Duration: 3:12.
Пляжная культура в Израиле - Duration: 2:22.
Pair Your Nucleus® 7 Sound Processor With A Compatible Android Device - Duration: 3:14.
To start using the Nucleus® Smart App's
control and monitoring features,
you'll need to pair your Nucleus 7 Sound Processor
with your compatible Androidᵀᴹ device.
If you have not done so already,
download the Nucleus Smart App from the Google Play Store.
Open the Nucleus Smart App,
and swipe through the welcome screens.
When prompted, create your Cochlearᵀᴹ account,
or log in if you already have an account.
When you have your sound processor and are ready to pair,
on the 'Pair your processor' screen,
tap 'Continue', and follow the prompts
to allow location access.
This enables your Android device
to detect your sound processor.
Next, turn your sound processor off and back on again.
Your Android device will then search for your processor
and display it on your screen.
When your sound processor displays,
tap once to begin pairing.
The pairing process may take up to 30 seconds.
The next step is to verify your sound processor.
Tap 'Continue',
then remove your processor from your head.
Briefly press the button on your processor,
then return the processor to your head
when prompted.
Tap 'Continue' to begin preparing your processor.
This may take up to 30 seconds.
When setup is complete, select 'Continue'
to begin using the Nucleus Smart App.
If you have two sound processors,
both need to be paired during the same pairing window.
To do this, turn each of your sound processors
off and back on again.
Your compatible Android device will search
for your sound processors
and display them as a pair here
in the 'Processors detected' screen.
Select your processors and tap once
to begin pairing them
with your compatible Android device.
You will need to verify each processor individually.
Follow the screen prompts
to complete verification and pairing
for both processors as previously described.
Après le vélo, la fille de Vanessa Paradis a son permis de conduire - Duration: 1:43.
Nouvelle Ford Focus – Système d'alerte à la conduite à contresens | Ford Belgium - Duration: 0:36.
🏁Jak vyměnit odpruzeni na VW GOLF 3 1H1 Hatchback [NÁVOD AUTODOC]🏁 - Duration: 7:52.
Loosen the wheel mounting bolts. Remove the front wheels.
Use a drive socket No.10. Unscrew the brake hose fastening bracket from the shock strut.
Use a drive socket No.18 and a combination spanner No.18. Unscrew the nut and remove the shock absorber lower mounting bolt.
Use a drive socket No.22. Unscrew the upper fastening of the shock absorber strut.
Remove the suspension strut.
Set the shock absorber strut on the spring compressor tool.
Use a drive socket No.21. Unscrew the top fastening of the shock strut mount.
Remove the top mount, the support bearing and the upper spring cup.
Remove the spring.
Install the spring.
Install the spring top mount and the upper spring seat, the washer and the top strut mount.
Place the shock absorber in the wheel arch and secure it.
Use a drive socket No.21. Tighten the top shock absorber fastening.
Use a drive socket No.18 and a combination spanner No.18. Tighten the nut fastening the shock absorber strut to the steering knuckle.
Use a drive socket No.10. Tighten the brake hose fastening bracket to the shock strut.
[영화 Re'MINE'd] Ep 2 인크레더블2 GokGang2 - Duration: 6:14.
Honda CR-V 2.2D ELEGANCE - Duration: 1:11.
10 Must-Have Mac Automation Apps - Duration: 11:44.
Hello everyone, welcome back to another video it is
Francesco here today. I'm actually gonna be passing over to Bakari from Mac automation tips now
I've been following the Bakari for a while now. He does so many great videos about how you can optimize your Mac
He makes my Mac look like my first Mac
It's his experience is so
Automated is so sort of viewed up. That looks fantastic
Today's video he's going to dive into ten sort of
automation tips as well as sort of Mac applications that he would recommend downloading and also setting up
I'm gonna leave it in his capable hands because I think he has so much great knowledge about Mac
So without further ado guys, I hope you enjoyed today's future with bukhari from Mac automation tips
I will see you guys very very soon. Please leave comments below subscribe to both bukhari and I here on YouTube
But let's leave it to bukhari. Thank you very much
And thank you, hugely to be tiring for coming on for today's video see in a bit guys
Well, hello there this is the khari Shivani with Mac automation tips.com
Hey, I want to thank Francisco for inviting me to come with to his channel and talk about one of my favorite topics
Which is of course some hack automation
My kind of mission is so important to productivity because when you can automate tasks redundant tests on your Mac
You can get a lot more done in this world. You can have a lot of fun
So what I'm going to do in this app, you know in this video is share with you eight applications
that some of them you might be familiar with and some of them you might not be but I definitely want to you know to
Share these applications because you'll find out more about them on my website
Mac automation tips calm as well as my youtube channel of the same name
So definitely stay tuned and let's check it out
so the first
application that I want you to be sure that you're using
I'm pretty sure if you're a Mac power user you already are but you definitely want to be using a text expander all kind of
application and basically what that does
Is it allows you to?
You know type out
You know words and phrases and all kinds of text just using abbreviations that you assign
So basically when I type out my you know my email address I don't type it out, you know letter for letter
Basically I have to do is just type, you know
BM and it definitely know this type set out for me so you can save a ton of typing time
You know, we're using a Texas matching program. Now, I happen to use the kind of classic
Texas banner application which is subscription based application, but there are a lot of other ones that are you know
Just a single price application like type it for me even the Mac has a built in Texas management program as well
It's not as robust as the other ones
But definitely if you just want to get started you definitely want to be using a text expansion program on
your Mac
Alright so now the next application I want to share is one called better touch tool
It is the Mac automation program that I always tell people to get started with
There is no
survey in application you can use but better touch to is a lot of fun and a
Lot of people still don't know a lot about it
So basically what you can do with better touch tool it is enabled you to trigger
You know keyboard shortcuts menu items and other actions on your Mac
Just using your you know finger gesture the application comes with over a hundred different
Gestures and
Also a hundred DIF 100 different predefined actions. I'm telling you when your hand is already on your trackpad or in your mouse
there are so many things that you can do so many actions that you can trigger without having to take your hand back to
Your keyboard in order to do so and and also it reduces the need to remove, you know
Kind of remember keyboard shortcuts and things of that sort
So you definitely want to you know, download a trial version of better touch tool and check it out
I have a free not a free but I have a course
For better touch tool that in the mouth two to three hours it will help you to learn all that you need to know about
better touch tool
Highly recommend this program, even though mag does have some ving finger gesture features inside
You know that the Mac OS it doesn't come anywhere near
As good as better touch tool. All right
So my third, you know application is what I call hazel now mini Mac power users
Probably I already know about hazel hazel is kind of a folder action application
And basically what that means is is that hazel can you know filter?
And and organize and manage any folders you throw into it
So if you want to keep your downloads folder organized say for instance, you want to have all the PDFs that you download?
Transfer it into a PDF folder
Hazel would do that automatically for you
If you want to have you want to keep your desktop clean at the end of the day?
Hazel can move all the files on your desktop to a designated folder at a particular given time
So it's a really great
Application there you can do a lot with it and it's been around for a long time and the developers keep it up
So you definitely want to have a hazel on your Mac. If you're not already using it now and speaking speaking of
Folders, you also should be using I'm guessing that you are but you also should be using smart folders smart
smart playlists and iTunes
smart albums and photos
This is this is built-in technology to the Mac OS and so I strongly recommend that you're using the smart technology
on your Mac and my website has
Articles about how to use that and this cleaner articles on the net as well as well as on YouTube
To find out about them if you're not using them already
so then now the next application I want to talk about really quickly is one called pop clip basically pop clip allows you to
You know trigger actions based upon the selection of text
So if you select a word or phrase or what-have-you
You can have pop clip quickly do a Google search of that word
You can have pop clip copy that word and then paste it you can have
Pop clip, you know kind of format that that that takes into a bowl or a towel things of that sort
So it has all words like, you know hundreds of different
You know kind of actions that you can download and add to your pop clip
library pop clip is a lot of fun and it's one that you definitely want to use if you want to be a
Mac power user and a Mac Automator
Alright, so going to my six
You know application is one. I use every day several times a day, and it's called ScreenFlow
ScreenFlow is a
screen shot application
But what makes it different is is that when you take a screenshot?
the screenshot automatically opens in a quick view
So it stays open on your desktop so that you can you know
Kind of look at it as you're doing some work or you know
you might want to just say you want to take a screenshot to remind you of something and you can save the screenshots in your
ScreenFlow library, right. It's also you can also share those shots to of
applications or some real place on the on the internet
So it's a really really fun application to have and I recommend it all the time
Yeah, I think you could do a trial download of it, but it's really great. Very very affordable
So it's called ScreenFlow the next application
I want to share is one called Alfred now Alfred has some automation in it
But alpha does require you to do some typing in order to run run flows
But Alfred is a really good application for keeping your hands on the keyboard. I use it a lot myself
for doing your clip, you know, do kind of like a history of my
clippings or the history of the things that I've copied
Throughout the day to go back and be able to find those really quickly easy. I also use it for
You know navigating iTunes I use it for doing quick Google searches or lucky searches
so I use it for all kinds of things and it has some some also some workflows that you can download and add to your
Alfred library right there that gives you also even more functionality
so Alfred again is one of the applications been around a long time is constantly updated and
It's a little bit a little bit, you know difficult to use at first Alice
I have a little learning curve to it
But once you get used to it's one of the applications that you can keep going to help you
Keep your hands on your keyboard
The last application that I want to share is one call keyboard maestro
it is kind of the granddaddy of all Mac automation programs and basically
Keep what maestro is similar to?
Automator Mac automating which comes built in with the Mac OS
But keep what maestro is a hundred times better than Automator matter of fact
I really don't even suggest people you use automated because Apple is not really kind of keeping it developed
Keep up maestro. You can do a lot more things with it
Some of the most simple things you can do with keyboard maestro is you can set day and time triggers to open up
You know webpages
Files and applications to do all those kind of things it has folder action
You know capabilities it allows you to you know
Paste copy text it allows you to do a clipboard history
It allows you to to just do a lot of different things that I can I can
Spend the whole videos on and so you can go on my channel and Mac on a mission tips
Too and do a search for keyboard maestro and to find out some videos that I've already produced all about keyboard maestro
Definitely you want to take a trial and learn how to use it. It does
You know, I have a High Line a high learning curve
But it's worth your time to learn it. And once you do you'll be creating
You know macros and actions for almost everything that you do and it doesn't require any coding skills at all
It's just basically what you're doing is you're building a set of you know actions that duplicate what you do
Manually on your Mac. So if you know how to do that you can all you can use, you know
Keep up maestro to trigger keyboard actions menu items
All kinds of things that you can do with keyboard maestro
So you definitely want to download a 30-day trial and check it out
So it's really been great to be on
Francisco's channel here and I want to invite you to subscribe to my channel well to get a lot of tips and how to's
About how to use these programs and others. So thanks again for watching and I hope to see you around
Give me a you know, give me some comments below if you have any questions comments. I really look forward to hearing from you
Thanks a lot
Mitsubishi Outlander 2.2 DI-D INSTYLE 4WD automaat 7 persoons 7 personen - Duration: 1:11.
How to Use a Glass Dip Pen & How to Draw a Hibiscus - Duration: 3:52.
Hello my friends and welcome to another Tuesday of tutorial!
I am Leonardo Pereznieto and today we will draw Hibiscus flowers
with this strange and beautiful glass dip pen.
Each is hand-made and therefore unique, however, I got it very inexpensive
from Amazon, under 10 dollars, and we will use this Indian or Chinese
red ink.
You simply need to dip the part with the grooves in the ink, and then you
can write or draw with it.
Like so.
We begin with the petals.
Hibiscus have five petals.
Wow, this draws smoother than what I thought.
Since it is glass I thought it would be a little scratchy but it isn't…
pretty smooth.
Very good!
The pistils,
and let's draw another one back here.
We can give some texture, some color, and shade at the same time by making lines.
Wow, this is really enjoyable!
I never thought it would feel this good!
These pens can be pretty expensive like even up to 150 dollars, but as I said
some go pretty inexpensive.
I leave you the link for this one, and all the materials I used, in the description
bellow the video.
In some cases these petals are darker toward the center
and very light at the edges.
Additionally by the center they may catch more shadow,
so we go over those areas again and more tightly.
However just having this color makes it in monotone, and I would
like it to be even darker at the center, so I mixed some of this ink
with a tiny bit of blue to make it darker and use it
for the center of the petals
and toward the center of the flowers.
That's looking better, don't you think?
It gives it a little bit more volume.
Now since I don't have a green Indian ink to hand, I will try out this fountain pen ink.
And with this we do the leaves and the stem.
It actually works perfectly!
It feels very smooth too.
I was a little bit concerned because I read that since it is of a different viscosity
maybe it wouldn't work as well.
Ok good!
But I want the center of the flowers much darker, so I use the blue to go
over them.
Since this ink is transparent, the blue over the red looks like a very dark purple. And we
add some more red
for intensity!
To clean the pen between colors it is super easy, you just rinse it
for a second and then wipe it dry
and dip it on the new color.
Very good!
Let´s just do this final last petal, and shade it, the last touches,
and its ready!
If you enjoyed this video please give it a LIKE! share it to your friends
and subscribe to Fine Art-Tips.
And I will see you, on Tuesday ;)
Subtitled by Grethel Trejo
How to Build Your Library of 5-Star Reviews - Duration: 2:03.
There are a lot of ways that we can work to elicit good reviews.
We want to build our library of those 5-star reviews for several reasons.
No. 1: We want to share our story and share the good experiences that our clients have
had and give us that social proof that so many clients are looking for when they're
choosing a veterinarian.
But the biggest way we need to work to gain these is to make it as easy as possible for
our clients to leave those reviews.
So, the fewer clicks the better.
One thing you can do is try to get the direct link to your Google reviews, to your Facebook
reviews, to your Yelp reviews, get that URL—it's going to be a weird URL, but you just copy
and paste that, and then you can embed that in any digital communication you have with
your clients.
So, if you're sending out a post-visit follow-up email, you're sending out a monthly newsletter,
you can even embed it in the bottom of your email signature.
But bottom-line, make it as easy as possible, 1 click and they're directed to your review
site so they can make it an easy trip for them to leave you that feedback.
It gets a little tricky when you're asking for reviews.
So, technically, asking for a review directly violates some of the platforms terms of service.
In particular, Yelp is going to be, that's a no-no.
But Google, on the other hand, has embraced it and there's a new tool out from Google—called
Small Thanks from Google—they actually help you share your reviews, they'll let you download
social media graphics that are pulling from your reviews that are making beautiful little
quotes, you can also print them out as posters, you can get them in the mail.
So, they're really encouraging us to, as small businesses, share that with our clients and
let them then give us that feedback, as well.
It makes it really easy to get a review when you're sharing that out there.
But, yeah, you want to be a little more subtle and say, "We'd love your feedback.
If you happen to be a Yelp user, we'd love you to share your story."
But I would never go to a client and say, "Hey, we need another 5-star review.
Will you leave us one?"
That's definitely not the way to go.
David Hasselhoff (Alerte à Malibu) : La poitrine de sa fille affole la Toile - Duration: 2:18.
5 Underutilized Social Media Hacks to Drive Traffic - Duration: 4:57.
Sales Tips: 3 Ways Automation Will Boost Your Sales Game - Duration: 3:15.
Andrew Davidson, Account Executive at SalesLoft.
Today I'm going to talk to you about when and how to use automation to boost your sales
As sales reps, we know that establishing a human connection is the critical for success.
But in today's world that's packed full of technology, that can be difficult.
The truth is, personalization and automation should be balanced, and there's a time and
place for each.
Great automation will actually save time without sacrificing value.
I'm going to share three of the best uses of automation that will keep mundane and monotonous
administrative tasks off your plate, so you can spend more time selling.
First up involves email.
I usually kick off my cadences with a hyper-personalized email to the prospect.
It's carefully aligned to the persona, needs, and initiatives of the prospect, account and
So, this one's going to be a little bit more of a time-consuming step.
But what's great, is I can create a cadence step that will send an in-thread email a
few days later to bring that personalized email back to the top of the prospects inbox.
This is a creative way to resurface value without having to re-personalize a new email,
looking for identical information, or hoping for another compelling event.
It's a step I would execute regardless, but it saves time on copying, pasting, or
creating a whole new email.
A second way to use automation, is a triggered standard of success within the SalesLoft
So internally, if an SDR schedules a meeting, we consider that a success.
Once a demo is scheduled, your team doesn't want to pester the prospect or their colleagues
with emails or phone calls.
Manually, this requires removing all prospects from that account within SalesLoft, and also
updating the information within Salesforce.
Rather than doing all this manual work, we set up these automation rules to execute everything
for us.
Simply marking someone as a success will automatically remove them from a cadence, remove everyone
else within that account from a cadence, update the records in Salesforce, and also notify
any other reps who have been working on that account.
This drastically cuts down on duplicate work, and makes sure that nothing slips through
the cracks.
My last tip involves transferring prospects in between cadences.
We found success in both account-based and persona-based cadences.
Throughout your cadences, you'll connect with certain prospects and learn that timing
might be off for those accounts.
This means you don't need to communicate as frequently.
But rather than pushing an account in Salesforce, we can simply switch a prospect from a account-based
cadence, into a persona-based cadence.
This allows us to automate based on a prospects level of interest.
For example, if a prospect clicks or views an email up to five times, the remaining steps
for that day become calls to strike while the iron's hot.
There's a huge number of uses for automation, but these three help our sales team manage
a prospect faster, and spend more time on engage selling.
Thanks for watching; I hope you learned when and where automation will help your sales
teams productivity, and how to implement it effectively.
Feel free to drop any question or comments below.
Thanks again, and have a great day.
Ce candidat d'Audition secrète reprend Beyoncé et subjugue le jury - Duration: 2:43.
Beginning to draw ! - Duration: 4:32.
海贼王中的那些令人震撼的小角色,汉尼拔上榜,网友:都已遗忘! - Duration: 8:46.
Les hommes qui épousent des infirmières sont les plus heureux au monde - Duration: 6:58.
Une astuce d'un médecin pour dormir en 60 secondes ! - Duration: 7:43.
Mercedes-Benz A-Klasse A 180 d Automaat Business Solution AMG - Duration: 1:11.
Volvo V70 2.0D Limited Edition Navigatie Cruise control Leder - Duration: 0:54.
Nouvelle Ford Focus – Système d'alerte à la conduite à contresens | Ford Belgium - Duration: 0:36.
Taiwan's East Coast Treasure | Taroko National Park Road Trip - Duration: 12:40.
Hey guys!
We're in Hualien City on the east coast of Taiwan
and in Taiwan, you'll find that most of the large cities with big populations of people are on the west coast
and the east coast is more beautiful nature
and a national park called Taroko National Park where we are headed right now.
It's named after Taroko Gorge, which looks incredible.
There's amazing views and hikes that you can do
so we have rented a scooter - I've got two helmets here
and Marc, I'm sorry, I'm calling dibs on this one.
One has a sparkly star and racing stripes and one doesn't so…this is mine.
I want that one!
Let's go.
Oh I forgot to unlock it!
We forgot that the lock is still on the wheel of the scooter.
There we go.
Got it?
Okay…we've got snacks, we've got helmets, we've got fuel, we have sort of a map.
Let's go!
Other way!
This way!
An excellent start!
Started to rain.
These are no longer sunglasses, these are rain glasses now.
Yeah, pretty much.
There's no sun to speak of.
The visor's kind of hard to see out of so I'm just keeping my sunnies on.
You can't see very well right now but I promise there are mountains right up there.
Really big, beautiful mountains.
Marc and I drove a scooter in Toronto for what like 9 years?
And they…we had two of them and they were both Taiwanese brand.
So it's pretty cool - it feels kind of at home to be in Taiwan on a scooter, don't you think?
Yeah, yeah.
It's like a homecoming.
It's nice.
This would've been a good day to wear waterproof mascara.
I can't even see 'cause it's in my eyes.
I'm trying to like cry to get the mascara out.
Oh that burns though.
Oh yeah…I just saw a little teardrop roll down.
Looks black.
You can see here how soaked my feet are.
Seems like a good day to go hiking!
Mainly I just want to make sure you get it out of your eyes.
So you can enjoy the….lack of a view!
Oh yeah that helps.
It's like a carwash on my eyes.
Now that I've stopped at a gas station, I can see.
Let's go…again.
♬ I can see clearly now, the rain…hasn't gone. ♬
Yeah I was going to say... you can't quite finish that lyric.
Here we go.
We're inside the gorge now in Taroko Gorge and wow!
It is stunning in here.
Oh my god!
We're passing all these signs that say that you should wear a helmet while you're in Taroko National Park
and then there's all these places that say there's a helmet borrow just up the road so...
I guess we're already wearing helmets.
I think it's because of all of the um, the rock falls that happen here
so they're suggesting that you wear a helmet.
How's your extremely wet scooter ride been through the gorge here?
I mean it's gorgeous but it's just a shame that it's so wet and cloudy.
I think you mean to say it's "gorge-ous."
This was a setup wasn't it?
To see if I'd say that?
It was.
I'm fine with it.
Let's go.
We just passed the sign for the Swallow Grotto Trail
and that's what we've been heading towards so I think we are getting close.
The rain has stopped and we've made it to the beginning of the Swallow Grotto Trail.
That's where we've been headed this whole time.
It's absolutely stunning here and I cannot wait to walk more inside this gorge.
So Swallow Grotto Trail actually seems to be a road that goes along the gorge
and it…it almost appears as though you could drive through the entire thing
so we're going to actually go back and get the scooter
and then we can pull over whenever we want to.
Might be able to see a bit more.
But I'm just thinking as we're walking along here about what it took to build this road,
like through all of these tunnels and there's these sheer drops off the side.
Like I can't imagine.
I've been getting queasy just walking along here looking down at the water.
I can't imagine building it.
It's incredible.
So you can see there's a…a road over there and then the river flows through.
This part of the…the gorge, Swallow Grotto Trail, is I think about a half a kilometre long
and you can see how narrow it gets in parts there.
It's absolutely stunning.
You have to be really careful in here because, obviously it's a gorge
so there's a lot of things you can hit
and even taking off there's a huge rock jutting out there so…
So we just tried to fly the drone and I didn't know what Marc was doing.
I was flying it really controlled and then just all of a sudden it went rogue
and it started flying literally into… towards one of the walls in the gorge here
and so then I tried to fly it back and it was just not responding
and then I was able to fly it close enough that we could grab it
but I honestly feel sick right now.
I'm shaking.
That was really scary.
I thought it was a ghost piloting the drone or something.
The way it was moving was really eerie and I…
It was really eerie.
I said to Marc like, 'what are you doing?'
He's like, 'I'm not doing that'.
So we just brought it back and then… it was floating like…
or, you know, floating like right over here and
I just reached out and grabbed it, which is not how we normally catch the drone but…
At one point I was trying to just raise it up so you could grab it and it was not responding
and it was just kind of sitting out there by itself.
That's why it felt like a ghost.
It was almost like 'na na na na na na'.
It was really weird.
Maybe there's ghosts here in the Swallow Grotto.
Anyway, I'm glad we have drone back.
Baby's back!
Baby is back!
Never do that again!
Bad drone!
Bad drone!
Are you still shaking?
I'm still so shaky.
Do you feel like you can drive?
I'm going to go very slow.
I'm good with that.
I feel kind of queasy.
Don't back up too much.
Okay, yeah.
There's a huge…this is what's behind me.
Sheer drop.
Where I'm standing right now, according to a sign over there,
is the best view of the Taroko Gorge, period.
And what I love about the Taroko Gorge especially is that these rocks behind me…
these are made of marble.
But they weren't always marble.
Over 200 million years ago they started out as coral and little marine organisms
and over millions of years, they piled up and up and up and they became limestone
and then as tectonic plates shifted and lots of other magic happened,
they turned into marble and so that's what you see now.
And this is the Liwu River behind me and it is just cutting down through the rock even as we speak
and the gorge just gets deeper and deeper as that happens and it's incredible to just
know all of the background and see how incredibly gorgeous it looks and
I'm just glad that we made it this far in the rain to see this incredible view.
I can't stop looking at this view.
Maybe we should just live here.
That sounds like a good plan except for the rain.
We should've brought a tent.
But you know what?
We could go stay set up shelter in there.
That's a good spot.
Marc and I just pulled off the road to have a bite to eat and uh,
you've already got our chips open.
I couldn't wait.
We haven't had this kind before.
Kyushu Seaweed Lay's.
Are they good?
Have you had one yet?
I have.
They're really good.
We also brought…this is uh just a bun with like corn, cheese, ham.
Oh! Lemon Pocky.
One of my absolute favourites.
This is scallion cheese bun.
And from 7-11, Marc picked up one of these rice wraps.
And then just a couple of water bottles.
I love having roadside picnics.
Me too.
This…look at this.
I know.
It's incredible.
Oh just having lunch with my friends.
This is just weird.
These roads are so beautiful but they're not the roads I want to be on after dark so…
Not so much.
And in the rain so we're just making our way out of the national park now back to the main road.
We're making our way out of the park
but we didn't want to leave without seeing this shrine behind me.
It's one of the most famous landmarks in the whole national park.
It's called the Eternal Spring Shrine
and unfortunately the reason it's here is a very sad one.
It's built to commemorate in 1958, 212 workers who died
while constructing a really important highway in Taiwan, the Central Cross-Island Highway.
It was the first one linking the east and west that went through the central mountain range here.
So it's really important and this has been destroyed by landslides a couple of times and rebuilt.
This latest one was built in 1989 and the reason for the name Eternal Spring
is because you have these natural waters that seem to flow right through the temple
and go into the Liwu River here.
And that is called the Eternal Spring Waterfall and it just feels very calm and very tranquil here.
We are headed back towards Hualien City now.
We've got about an hour's drive.
It has been a rainier day than we expected but still really fun
and I hope that you guys enjoyed coming along to see Taroko National Park
and just driving this incredible road through the gorge.
Don't forget to subscribe to the channel for lots more travel adventures if you haven't already
and if you like this video, give it a thumbs up and we'll see you in the next video.
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