The professional experience context includes three primary schools in Darwin region.
This presentation is a summary of the professional experiences demonstrating the graduate standards
as per the Australian standards.
This document map provides a summary of the evidence that will be presented in this digital
These evidence include, term/unit/lesson plans, my professional learning journal entries,
mentor's comments, photographs, video clips and students' work samples.
Standard 1 Know the students and how they learn
The differences of children's learning styles, abilities or skills were identified and recorded,
and this data was used for planning lessons.
I am using evidence from the Maths Skip Counting lesson for year 1 class.
This lesson is the first of four lessons to cover this unit.
For Mathematics, the class was grouped into three groups based on the previously identified
ability levels.
The journal shows the observations and recording of student needs.
It also shows some of extractions from daily notes to show how needs were addressed through
in-class instructions and remedial work.
For instance, when errors in number formation identified, attempts were made to correct.
Also, challenging behaviours were identified, attempts made to eliminate, as a pre-implementation strategy.
The unit plan showed how the content was differentiated for each group.
During implementation, the scaffolding support was provided for the needed children.
STANDARD 2: Know the Content and How To Teach It.
With a thorough knowledge of the concepts, substance and structure, appropriate teaching
strategies, resources and activities were selected to deliver the curriculum content.
I am using evidence from the Science Look and Listen lesson for year 1 class.
This lesson is the first of five lessons to cover this unit.
The unit is a fairly complex physical science unit, so a range of resources were carefully
selected in order to provide a strong base of knowledge.
These resources include an Indigenous dreamtime story to enhance inter-cultural understanding.
The activities were designed to encourage participation of students of all skill levels,
cultures and interests.
This question relates the story to the scientific process of producing sound.
In this whole group activity students interactively participates to find out which instruments
belong to which category.
The worksheet was designed as a formative assessment,
and making the Kazoo is a practical activity
that provides hands-on experience.
The journal entry shows mentor's comments and student work samples.
Overall, the strategies, resources and activities were effective for building
the basic concepts of light and sound.
As an extra evidence, I have used the Art lesson for year 2, the lesson plan with mentor's
comments, and work samples.
Mentor has commented, "Dulani showed her skills and knowledge when teaching this lesson,
she knew exactly what she was talking about and how to teach to students' needs."
STANDARD 3: Plan for and implement effective teaching and learning
Planned and implemented well structured and sequenced lesson sequences to achieve short
and long term goals using a range of appropriate strategies, to ensure concept building step by step.
The Maths unit for "Mass" in year 2, is used as evidence in this standard.
It constitutes three teaching lessons and one revision lesson.
The sequence of lessons was organized logically to support smooth transformation from known
to unknown, through a range of activities differentiated for student ability groups.
The video includes, three lesson plans with mentor's comments, children's work samples
and a video clip.
The Maths Place Value unit for year 1 also is used as an evidence.
It is a sequence of five lessons.
This shows how the long-term goal for the term was expanded into the short term goals
in the unit plan and further expanded in five lesson plans.
The plan also includes the worksheets and the journal shows mentor's comments and work samples.
STANDARD 4: Create and Maintain Supportive and Safe Learning Environment
Created supportive teaching-learning environment and utilised effective strategies to ensure inclusive student participation.
I used the lesson of Phonics sound lesson for Transition class, as an evidence here..
This lesson show how I use supportive learning environment to encourage student participation in full
To address different skill levels, I have selected a range of visual and audio visual
resources, used appropriate teaching strategies such as using ICT, and I have designed and implemented
engaging activities.
To create an emotionally safe learning environment so that the children tend to attempt challenging tasks,
I used different grouping for activities and provided scaffolding as required.
STANDARD 5: Assess, Provide Feedback
and Report On Student Learning
I designed formative and summative assessment task sheets, assessed students, provided feedback
and practiced formal reporting using set marking criteria.
I use the Year 1 assessment details for this standard. these journal entries I have shown
how I implemented formative and summative assessment process, and used
assessment data for further planning and teaching.
Through the staff meetings at Sacred Heart and the assessment workshop at Bakewell,
STANDARD 6: Engage In Professional Learning
I recognised relevant and appropriate sources of professional learning
and utilised them effectively to improve professionally.
I have recognized mentors and other staff, professional training programs, staff meetings,
team meetings and various online and text readings as resources for professional learning.
Standard 7: Engage Professionally With Colleagues, Parents / Carers And The Community
I actively participated with school staff and parents to organize and implement school wide activities.
At Bakewell, the annual events such as Sports Day and the annual fund raising fair was organized in class levels
and I actively participated with my mentor, in all these events
I worked with the team to collect resources, organize activities and implement.
For more infomation >> Dulani Walawe Durage s 288961 EPE 310 Assignment 2 - Duration: 11:45.-------------------------------------------
[MMD x Aphmau] Piece of Art - Duration: 1:09.
I've never seen a human so extraordinary
You're a perfect design, baby you're one of a kind
I've never wanted anything so badly
Been waiting all of my life, I want to call you mine
You look amazing
You're so captivating
Like a million dollar painting
And you know that
Everybody wants a piece of you
Every single inch of you's a ten, baby
Something so phenomenal nobody would believe
I ain't overreacting you really are a masterpiece
(Piece of art, you're a piece of art, ahh)
How to Live for Christ in These Last Days | Part 1 | Bayless Conley - Duration: 28:31.
Today on Answers with Bayless Conley:
This world, all of the joys, all of the splendors, all of the good things in this world, they're
just a shadow of the world to come.
And when a believer dies in the Lord, my friend, they are in a place that is beyond description.
Words cannot truly describe what that place is like.
There are many questions you are faced with every day.
We are all searching for answers that will make a real difference in our lives.
It's hard to imagine that these answers might be right in front of us.
Get ready to discover answers in the Bible with Bayless Conley.
Hello friend, welcome to the broadcast today.
We're going to be talking about some end time events.
Some things that are very clearly taught in the Scripture.
As well as we're going to reach in and pull out some things that were actually kept secret
for generations that God eventually revealed to His church.
You're going to find this interesting and impactful.
Get a Bible.
Stay tuned at the end of the program today for a special inspirational thought from Bayless.
I want to speak to today about two major prophetic events.
One has already occurred.
The other one is yet to occur.
And in between these two major events, God has inserted two secrets, two mysteries.
So we've got two major prophetic events, and in between them, God, He's placed in two secrets,
two mysteries.
Two events, two secrets.
Can you handle that today?
All right.
The first major prophetic event was the first coming of Christ to the earth.
His coming was prophesied throughout the Old Testament Scriptures, that He would be the
seed of Abraham, the One through whom the nations of the earth would be blessed, the
Jewish Messiah, the offspring of David.
But there's something interesting in connection with many, many of these Old Testament prophecies.
They speak of His coming and the setting up of His earthly kingdom together.
They speak of Christ's coming, of the Messiah coming, but they also speak of an earthly
kingdom being set up.
We could look at many places throughout the Old Testament and see that.
But I just want to pull a few of the prophecies from the Book of Isaiah that most of us are
familiar with, to demonstrate what I'm talking about.
And Isaiah spoke these things.
They were prophesied 700 years before Christ was born.
Isaiah 7:14,
Therefore the Lord Himself will give you a sign: Behold, the virgin shall conceive and
bear a Son, and shall call His name Immanuel.
That is God with us.
We all know that one.
We know this one as well.
Isaiah 9 verses 6 and 7
For unto us a Child is born, unto us a Son is given; and the government will be upon
His shoulder.
And His name will be called Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of
Of the increase of His government and peace there will be no end, upon the throne of David
and over His kingdom, to order it and establish it with judgment and justice from that time
forward, even forever.
The zeal of the Lord of hosts will perform this.
Unto us a child is born.
A Son is given and the government will be upon His shoulders.
It places the two things together.
Of the increase of His government there will be no end.
He will administer judgment and justice.
It paints the picture of the Messiah coming, of the Savior coming, but also of setting
up this earthly government and administering justice and judgment.
In Isaiah 11, you're probably familiar with these prophecies as well, verses 1 through
There shall come forth a Rod from the stem of Jesse, and a Branch shall grow out of his
The Spirit of the Lord shall rest upon Him, the Spirit of wisdom and understanding, the
Spirit of counsel and might, the Spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the Lord.
His delight is in the fear of the Lord, and He shall not judge by the sight of His eyes,
nor decide by the hearing of His ears; but with righteousness, He shall judge the poor,
and decide with equity for the meek of the earth; He shall strike the earth with the
rod of His mouth, and with the breath of His lips He shall slay the wicked.
Listen, every Jew in every generation, every prophet, every scholar, every Jewish boy,
every Jewish girl, knew the prophecies about the coming Messiah, but they always associated
with a government being set up, with Him administering judgment, justice, slaying the wicked, defeating
and overturning the rule of His enemies and God's people having a season and a life of
blessed prosperity.
They always put those things together.
Even Jesus, if you think about this, when He was in the synagogue in Luke chapter 4
and He was handed the scroll of Isaiah, and He began to look through the scroll until
He found the place where it was written about Himself.
He began to quote these prophecies from what we know as Isaiah chapter 61.
He said, "The Spirit of the Lord is upon Me, because He has anointed Me to preach the gospel
to the poor.
He sent Me to heal the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives and recovery of sight
to the blind, to set at liberty those who are oppressed, to proclaim the acceptable
year of the Lord."
Then the Bible said He stopped, He closed the book and He sat down.
The eyes of everyone in the synagogue were on Him.
Everyone knew the prophecy and they were all thinking, "Wait, you didn't finish.
You didn't say the next thing.
We all know what comes next."
Because the next part of that it says to proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord and the day
of vengeance of our God.
They always associated those things.
They always put them together.
But when Jesus began to quote the prophecy, He stopped, because He knew the day of vengeance
was for a later time.
But it was hidden from everyone else.
In every generation, no one knew.
Even in Acts chapter 1, after the resurrection, Jesus has spent many days with the disciples,
and they're gathered with Him.
In Acts 1, in verse 6, they turn to Him and they say, "Lord, will You, at this time, restore
the kingdom to Israel?"
They fully expected, His own disciples, fully expected Jesus to set up an earthly kingdom,
to put down the Roman rule, to destroy the oppressors and to set up an earthly kingdom
and administer justice and judgment upon the wicked.
And He said, "Hey, it's not for you to know the times and seasons the Father's put in
His own power.
Right now, you need to go into all the world and preach.
Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, the uttermost parts of the earth.
God has given you His Spirit for this purpose, to be My witnesses."
But it was even hidden from them.
They didn't understand it.
You see, this great major prophetic event, the coming of Christ, they associated with
something that was going to come later.
But in between these two events, God inserts two mysteries, two secrets.
And the first secret that God inserted after this major event of the coming of Christ,
you ready?
The first secret was us, the church, the age of grace that we are living in.
A period of time where God's grace and reconciliation is available to all people.
It was a mystery hidden from the foundation of the world.
Christ's own disciples didn't know what was coming.
The angels didn't know what was coming.
It was a secret that God alone knew.
Paul talks about it in Romans 16.
Listen to this.
Verses 25 and 26.
Now to Him who is able to establish you according to my gospel and the preaching of Jesus Christ,
according to the revelation of the mystery kept secret since the world began but now
made manifest, and by the prophetic Scriptures made known to all nations, according to the
commandment of the everlasting God, for obedience to the faith—
It's spoken of extensively throughout the book of Colossians as well, it uses this term
It means a secret that God has hidden from every generation until the time that He wanted
that secret revealed.
Listen to this from Ephesians 3.
In fact, follow along if you've got your Bible.
I'm going to begin in verse 2 of Ephesians 3.
If indeed you have heard of the dispensation of the grace of God which was given to me
for you, how that by revelation He made known to me the mystery (the secret) (as I have
briefly written already, by which, when you read, you may understand my knowledge in the
mystery of Christ), which in other ages was not made known to the sons of men, as it has
now been revealed by the Spirit to His holy apostles and prophets: that the Gentiles should
be fellow heirs, of the same body, and partakers of His promise in Christ through the gospel,
We come down to verse 9,
And to make all see what is the fellowship (or their part) of the mystery (or in this
secret), which from the beginning of the ages has been hidden in God who created all things
through Jesus Christ; to the intent that now the manifold wisdom of God might be made known
by (or through) the church to the principalities and powers in the heavenly places (speaking
of angelic beings), according to the eternal purpose which He accomplished in Christ Jesus
our Lord.
This church age that we're living in, this dispensation of grace where men and women
can be born again by the Spirit of God, it is not just for the Jews, it's for the gentile
It's for the whole world as well.
This season where men and women can be empowered by the Spirit to lay hands on the sick, to
drive out demons and have been authorized to share the good news of God's grace and
God's mercy to a sighing, dying world.
It was a mystery.
Peter said angels desire to look into these things.
They didn't even know it was coming.
It was a secret that was hidden in God.
So now in this season in which we're privileged to live, God is extending grace and mercy
to all of humanity.
And God is working through His church.
Jesus called us the salt of the earth.
And among other things, salt is a preservative.
I'm convinced that the only thing that's preserving this world from complete decay and corruption
is the church of Jesus Christ that is in the world.
God working through His church is holding back evil from having full sway, God working
through His praying church, through His preaching church and through His church doing good works.
But it was a mystery hidden in God.
And there's a second secret that God has hidden between this first event of Christ's coming
and this second event we're going to speak about.
The first secret was the establishment of His church, the body of Christ in the earth.
The second secret is the removal of His church from the earth, or what some people refer
to as the rapture.
Probably a better Biblical term would be the catching away of the church.
Look with me at 1 Thessalonians if you would, the 4th chapter, 1 Thessalonians chapter 4.
We'll start in verse 13.
It says,
But I do not want you to be ignorant, brethren, concerning those who have fallen asleep, lest
you sorrow as others who have no hope.
Now when he talks about those who have fallen asleep, it's a term the Bible uses for death.
When Lazarus died, Jesus referred to him as being asleep.
He said, "Listen, don't sorrow like people in the world that don't have the Savior would
sorrow when a loved one dies."
When a loved one dies in the Lord friend, they graduate.
The apostle Paul said, "To live is Christ, to die is gain."
To depart and be with Christ is far better.
So you shouldn't feel sorry for someone that's died in the Lord.
My friend, they're in paradise.
They're in the presence of the Lord.
They wouldn't come back if they could.
Now, on our part, there's an emptiness.
We miss them.
There's a natural grieving process that we go through.
But that's for us.
That's not for them.
But on the other side of that coin, those that die without hope, it's a different story.
But those that die in the Lord, friend, they gain.
Right now, there's more to me than meets the eye.
In fact, you can't even really see me.
I'm a spirit being created in the image of God.
I happen to live in this body.
This is my house.
This body is animated because I'm in it.
But one day if Jesus tarries, I'll lay this body down in death.
It's just my house.
That's all it is.
I mean, right now, this coat, it's animated, but it's only animated because I'm in it.
So you take the coat off and it's like, "Oh, no.
Bayless' coat.
The poor thing.
Oh no."
Wait, wait, wait, it's just not animated anymore because I'm no longer in it.
And friend, the day will come that I will step out of my body and step into eternity.
I just leave the house behind.
I will be very much alive.
So don't grieve for me if you're around when I go to heaven.
That's going to be a glorious day.
Well you know, this world, all of the joys, all of the splendors, all of the good things
in this world, they're just a shadow of the world to come.
When a believer dies in the Lord, my friend, they are in a place that is beyond description.
Words cannot truly describe what that place is like.
He said, "Don't be ignorant.
Don't sorrow as others that have no hope."
Then he goes on, in verse 14, look at it with me if you would.
He says,
"For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so God will bring with Him those
who sleep in Jesus.
For this we say to you by the Word of the Lord, that we who are alive and remain until
the coming of the Lord will by no means precede or go before those who are asleep.
For the Lord Himself will descend from the heaven with a shout and with a voice of an
archangel and with the trumpet of God and the dead in Christ will rise first, then we
who are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the
Lord in the air, and thus we shall always be with the Lord, therefore comfort one another
with these words."
Friend the day is coming when there will be a shout and the sound of a trumpet.
And those that have already died, that have laid their bodies down in the earth, they'll
be reunited with their bodies, but it won't be the same body, friend, it will be a resurrected
body, a glorified body like unto His glorious body.
The moment after that we will be caught up together with them, to meet them and the Lord
in the air so we will ever be with the Lord.
Woman VO: Thank you for watching Answers with Bayless Conley.
Bayless will continue with part two of his message next week.
Oh my, I wish we would have had time to finish the whole message in today's program so
you're just going to have to tune in again next time to get the rest of it.
But right now I'd like to actually sort of segway into a little video that I made
about knowing God.
I think you're going to find this very interesting and important.
Let's watch it.
Hi there, you know there's something that I think all of us share in common.
In fact, I don't think we do, I know we do.
There's this empty place inside that we're always trying to fill.
You know as far back as I can remember, I was looking for God.
In fact my mother tells me she was certain I was going to become a priest when I grew
up because I was asking questions about God.
I didn't know that God was who or what I was looking for, but I do recall back to my earliest
memories that it's like something was missing and I was always trying to fill this empty
place inside.
I tried with drugs and alcohol.
I tried with sex.
I tried with so many things and you know I think intuitively people realize something
is missing.
There's this crazy piece to the puzzle that they can't seem to find so they will try to
fill that empty place with drugs with alcohol or with sex or with, you know accumulating
more things or even doing good works to help people which is a noble thing but it doesn't
fill the empty place.
I believe that that empty place inside is a God shaped hole, if you would.
I believe we were meant to walk and talk with our Creator.
You know God's not just a concept or an idea.
He is a person.
The Bible says that we've been made in God's likeness and in His image.
The problem though is a thing called sin.
Because of sin people have been separated from God.
God is a holy and a just God and there's no way that God can come into intimate relationship
with sinful men and sinful women because His righteous nature demands that that sin be
But God is also love and because of His love nature He would not overlook us.
He couldn't overlook our sin, but He wouldn't overlook us.
And when we could not in our lost state, our state of separation, reach up to Him, He reached
down to us.
He sent His Son, Jesus Christ.
Jesus was born of a virgin, lived a sinless life.
And wasn't born in a wealthy families home, He wasn't born to a powerful politician, He
was born to a poor carpenter and his teen aged wife.
He sort of lived in obscurity until about 30 years of age and then He entered into ministry
and He began to tell people what God was like.
When Jesus spoke about God it wasn't as if God was distant, aloof and uncaring but He
was near.
He referred to Him as a loving Father that wanted to be involved in the affairs of our
It was something that people had never heard, and people hung on every word.
And He worked miracles.
He raised the dead, He healed the sick, He showed that God was loving and He was interested
in helping people.
In their hurts and in their problems and in their distresses.
And you know the crowds grew so large as so many followed Jesus some of the religious
leaders became insanely jealous and they took Jesus and put Him through a mock trial.
He was beaten without mercy and eventually crucified.
But all of that was part of the plan of God.
For as Jesus Christ, the Son of God was suspended upon that cross between heaven and earth,
literally God laid the penalty for your sin and for my sin upon Jesus Christ and He died
under the weight of our sins.
He became the perfect substitute, the innocent for the guilty.
The righteous for the unrighteous.
The holy for the unholy.
And He willingly went to that cross and He willingly paid the price for our sin.
And do you know, I think it's really more than the heart can take in.
In the book of Isaiah, it says that His very soul was made an offering for sin.
I think we will never understand even through all eternity the depths to which Christ went
to redeem mankind.
The claims of God's eternal justice were forever satisfied and on the third day Jesus
was raised from the dead.
And here's what the Bible says, if you believe that, and you confess Him as Lord, now that
word Lord is not some magic Christian word or some buzzword.
It means boss.
It means I am willing to die to my rights of independent living and come under Your
authority and when I put my trust in a risen Jesus and I call Him Lord, and I say, "Jesus,
I am willing to submit my life, my heart to You, my future to You, give You my past, my
present and my future."
That He brings us into a relationship with God that the Bible calls salvation.
Yes, I'm telling you, you can know God.
You are meant to walk and talk with God.
And listen, no amount of money will fill that empty place you feel in your heart.
No amount of extreme sports or life adventures will fill that empty place in your heart.
You can run from man to man, get yourself a new wife, get yourself a new husband, get
a new girlfriend, it will never fill the empty place.
You were meant to walk with God and I believe He's reaching out to you even right now.
Now, you know my own life, I was hopelessly messed up on drugs.
I had major league drug addictions and problems with alcoholism.
In fact for many years I was not sober at all and I ended up in a little street mission.
And in that street mission they talked about Jesus Christ and I gave my life to the Lord.
The night that I did people laid their hands on me and prayed for me and I was set free
from my addictions and God changed my life.
I invited Jesus Christ into my life.
Not just sort of an appendage, okay, now I'm going to start going to church on Sunday because
I made this like Jesus commitment.
No, it was all in and that's what God's looking for.
He's looking for an all in commitment.
Not just something that you add on to your busy week or your busy schedule.
Literally it's, "God I submit my schedule, my life to You, You've paid everything for
me, You've done it all and now I give my all to You."
And do you know that's when the adventure starts.
It's an amazing thing walking and talking with God.
And you may be watching me right now, and thinking that's what I need to do, but I don't
have a story like yours, I wasn't on drugs.
You know.
I didn't do this or that, you know, that's alright we all have the same need.
I married a farm girl from the central part of the United States.
She was always the teacher's favorite student.
She never smoked a cigarette in her life.
She was the exact opposite from somebody like me.
But one day she realized she needed salvation.
She needed a Savior just like I needed a Savior.
She embraced Jesus Christ as her Lord and her life changed.
And you may be on the spectrum, more toward where my wife was, you're sort of that upstanding
citizen you're trying to do things right, you don't try and cheat people, you don't
want to cheat on your taxes but that ... our good works don't save us.
Salvation is by grace, through faith, not of works lest any man should boast.
No amount of good works can make us right with God.
If they could Jesus died in vain.
And so whether you're at my end of the spectrum, you've done a lot of bad things and lived
a pretty wild life or more toward the spectrum of where my wife was, you tried to live right
and do it right, we all need a Savior.
I'd like to invite you to pray with me right now.
Wherever you are, whatever you're doing you should take moment and to give me your undivided
attention, this is important.
I don't think you would have listened to me this long or you'd be watching me right now
if God wasn't somehow dealing with your heart and friend He is just a prayer away.
I'm going to give you some words to say to God, now the words themselves without a sincere
heart behind them they mean zero.
But if you'll put a sincere heart behind these words and if you'll speak them from your heart
to God I believe that He will meet you.
Maybe you've never done a thing like this before, let's go to God, let's talk to God.
If you're a backslider that's had an encounter with Jesus at some point in your life, I want
to invite you to pray with me, to come back to Him.
Might even help you to put your hand on your heart right now.
Let's talk to God.
I want you to say this out loud after me if you would.
You say, "Oh God," go ahead and say it out loud, let your ears hear the words.
Say, "Oh God, I come to You right now with all of my heart I believe.
I believe Jesus Christ is Your Son, I believe He died on the cross to take away my sin.
Jesus thank You for going to the cross for me.
Thank You for paying my debt in full.
I believe You were raised from the dead and I ask You now to come into my life Lord Jesus.
Wherever You lead me I will go.
All I am and all I have I place in Your hands Jesus and from this day forward, You are my
You know, we always go through different things in life.
We always have besetting circumstances.
The storms of life come to everyone.
But in the midst of those storms there is hope.
God always has an answer for us.
He always has a pathway for us to walk and I have a special bundle of messages that will
be a blessing to you.
In whatever circumstance you are going through, they will bring you hope.
I hope that you get it.
God wants to get your hopes up . . . way up!
Or maybe the hopes of a loved one.
Along with 2 hope-inspiring CD messages, this bundle includes a booklet with Bayless'
amazing story of how God completely turned his life around, setting him free from years
of addiction and confusion.
Call or order online now.
Just use the information on your screen.
And be encouraged: There is always hope!
Thank you for watching Answers with Bayless Conley.
For more information and inspiration visit
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paid analysts and portfolio managers for large bulge bracket firms. The company
reported to Bloomberg that they'll be adding topics on cryptocurrencies and
blockchain to its levels 1 and 2 curriculums for the first time next year.
It'll apparently be part of a new reading called FinTech in Investment Management,
and appear alongside subjects such as AI, machine learning, big data, and automated
trading. That's not all they also said that more crypto topics such as the
intersection of virtual currencies and economics may eventually be added. Maybe
they can consult my boy Vitalik Buterin who recently was interviewed about
his take on crypto economics. This past June a record two hundred and twenty
seven thousand and thirty one people in 91 countries and territories registered
to take see the exam. For a little perspective on that number and the rigor
of the exam process there are currently only about one hundred and fifty four
thousand CFA's in the world. Not to mention that the level of difficulty has
increased as measured by exam pass rates. which have been trending downward
since its inception. Now the majority of the recent batch of test takers reside
in Asia which also happens to be where much of the world's cryptocurrency trading
takes place. The Institute said that the decision was driven by industry
participants showing "surging interest" in surveys and focus groups. To quote A CF A
managing director for general education and curriculum, "we saw the field
advancing more quickly than other fields and we also saw it as more durable, it's
not a passing fad." And what is all too welcome news the crypto related topics
will also make appearances on the readings over professional ethics.
Perhaps to help target the scrupulous ICO market. [Billy Madison clip plays.]
[Billy Madison clip plays.]
I've got to say this news was actually pretty sweet vindication for me at least,
I've been telling people since last year that it's just a matter of time until the
CFA adds crypto to their exams. This should really come as no surprise though
as Bitcoin has been growing rapidly or at least growing its influence rapidly
over a greed driven Wall Street since the approval of Bitcoin futures late last
year. What was actually pretty interesting is that the AICPA actually beat the CFA
to the punch by already having added cryptocurrencies and blockchain
terminology to their CPA exams for accountants. The CPA exams are actually a
big reason why I've been absent on this channel for the past months and by the
time the level 2 CFA exam comes around in say June will also be a large
detracter of my time from this channel so I apologize for that in advance. To close
Bloomberg had the perfect quote by writing, "It might be the definitive sign
that cryptocurrencies have arrived on Wall Street." That's all for now, let me
know your thoughts down below and if you haven't already subscribed to the G4B
TV channel, definitely do so, so you can stay up-to-date with the latest in crypto
currency. And with that, I'll see you next
Hi everyone welcome back to my second back to school giveaway this
back to school season, if you haven't entered my first back to school giveaway
don't forget to look in the description box or the cards at the end of this
video so you can enter that one and have more chances to win
so this back to school giveaway as my second back-to-school giveaway of the
season I polled you and I asked what would you rather have more of more
school supplies or more back to school makeup and overwhelmingly the popular
vote was actually makeup I was a little bit concerned until I realized you know
when I was going back to school I remember feeling if I looked my best I
would feel more confident so I want you all to feel that way and if you want
makeup you've got it. If you want more school supplies you might want to just
focus on my other giveaway because that giveaway focuses on a lot of back to
school supplies and less back to school makeup. I'm Kimbyrleigha by the way if
you've never been to my channel before, thank you for being here! So not only is
this a back to school giveaway but it's a makeup giveaway and it is also a tech
accessories giveaway but wait just like I said in my first video do not go and
enter just yet please take a minute to hear the rules there are rules to every
giveaway as I'm sure you know and you have to know these and like I said in my
other video don't you want to know what you're winning I mean this time I could
be giving away I used shoe yeah which would go great with the dirty sock that
I was saying I might give away in my last video like always all the rules
will be listed in my description box and make sure to open that make sure to
check the rules there are age requirements location requirements I do
not make the law like I said before I just have to follow it I've been seeing
a lot of youtubers like Madison Miller and Danielle Rae doing back to school
giveaways and I love it. I love when youtubers support their subscribers and
especially with back to school season. I think it's so important that all of you
feel ready and comfortable and confident going back to school so if you haven't
checked out the Madison Miller back to school giveaway or the Danielle
Rae back to school giveaway I suggest you do because they have some really
amazing prizes. Speaking of youtubers that I really love
and respect I am collaborating with two of my friends in this video so have two
more chances to win amazing prizes I am collaborating with my friend Shelly
who you probably already know and of course my friend Paris who I know you
guys will absolutely love and adore Paris is really awesome her channel is
so adorable and so informative she does videos about college lifestyle
specifically UCLA, Japanese language and culture which is totally unique and
she's actually going to Japan in a few days so I'm super jealous of that and of
course she also does Beauty videos so I know you will absolutely love her I've
known her for awhile when we've been wanting to collaborate for so long so
I'm excited so please don't forget to look below for Shelley's giveaway and
Paris's giveaway I'm pretty much reiterating the rules from my last
giveaway but I personally do not pick the winner just so you know so there's
no need to beg me and especially don't email me or my business please a lot of
people have been doing that in the last giveaway I do not manage my inbox so
you're not gonna get me anyway and even if you do I'm gonna be upset because
that is designated for business inquiries only so if you made it purchase on
my website feel free to email us if you have any questions. I'm just gonna insert
the clip from the first video showing you how the winner is actually chosen so
I use a system because that's fair and it automatically and randomly picks a
winner of its choice so this is really governed by a robot like many things are
going to be so get used to it but before it picks the winner it asked me if I
would like to delete the invalid entries and what that means is it just weeds out
anyone who tried to skip an action or pretend they were entering yeah it's a
smart system because it's fair speaking of fair I want to tell you guys what
you've been doing the past few years and we are onto you me and the robot we're
friends we are like this and some of you have tried to get really sneaky in past
years it hasn't worked but you've tried by creating fake profiles yeah you just
log out of this one that you're active on log into the fake one and then enter
giveaways and you're not active on these social media accounts that's not fair I
take this very seriously I do this for my subscribers I do it for people that I
want to interact with and you can't interact with me if your profile is fake
so please don't fake it there is no point doing all this work for nothing
after the invalid entries are deleted the system will pick a winner at random
but after it picks a winner I go ahead and look at the actions that that person
did for the giveaway if they have a fake profile and I can tell if they have
accounts of no activity except entering giveaways if they've never been active
on YouTube before I disqualify and revoke the win and then it re-picks a
winner and the win is revoked from a person who tried to cheat this system so
there is really not much to entering this back to school giveaway like I said
in my last video you literally only need to push a button and you are
automatically entered however of course I want you to subscribe to my channel
especially if you like my content I'm always doing giveaways on my channel
they're usually random and they're not announced but if you watch through my videos
there are chances to win things and I don't do it in every video but I try to
do it as much as I can. When you do subscribe don't forget to turn the
notifications on because I will be announcing the winner of this giveaway
in my community tab if you don't know where to find it it is right here on my
main YouTube page you just click community there will be a feed there
with lots of stuff that I'm announcing so don't forget notification bell turned
on so you do not miss out on that post don't worry though I always email my
winner so don't forget to give a valid email address please so many people put
in the wrong email address and then I won't have a way to contact you so now
let's get into a what you will be winning if you win this back to school
giveaway. Because I'm a tech accessories channel which means I do phone fashion
PopSockets and the like it wouldn't be my giveaway if i didn't give away some
tech accessories so first and foremost you will be getting a one hundred dollar
gift card to my store I'm the founder and CEO of it is a cell
phone case company so you will be gifted with a hundred dollar gift card that you
can use on anything you want and I always have new Styles new models and
new cases every month you will also be getting five PopSockets of your choice
that's right and you can look at the wide variety I have here so you will
definitely find something you like you're also going to get a couple other
phone grips just you can those out you may prefer them over pop
sockets it's all personal preference you're also gonna get these two tech
accessories this is a little charging poof from BuQu it is so cool it lights
up and color changes and it's it's the most awesome thing I have is and I wear
it so much it works with iPhone and Android. Just as a little peek there it is
I'm not sure if the winner of this giveaway is going to have a car but if
they don't they could always give this to their parent it is a really cute car
charger it has sort of the shape of a little flower and super cute and again
works with Android and iPhone. Couple grips that I talked about a for your
phone and now let's get into my favorite well makeup could be my favorite too but let's start with
the school supplies first and foremost everybody wants to
know if they were getting a backpack a book bag whatever you want to call it
you can hold all of your nice back-to-school supplies in this because
it is a very large and it's super cute I went with more of I don't want to say
mature theme for these back to school supplies but I did go with more of a
floral I don't know marble type theme so I hope you enjoy. This
backpack is awesome first of all it's sort of a denim material which I think
is really in style right now I love love the flowers they're so pretty and I
never actually heard of Laura Ashley but I looked it up and it's a really really
nice brand it has pockets for your drinks on the side I really like that it
has a huge pocket in the front I haven't even ever seen a book about large I
think there's a place for your cell phone change and things like that so I
really like it we even have a pocket up here in the front which I think it's
pretty cool you could put your cell phone in there anything that you want to
get out really quickly and of course let's talk about how much space you have
inside this backpack so spacious and I notice there are some pockets back here
it looks like you might be able to put your laptop in here I like how its
cushioned in the back you can't tell it's cushioned but it definitely is and
I like that there's also cushioning this drops which always comes in handy so
here we go into all of the other supplies. I'm gonna go as quickly as
possible and then I'm also gonna pan over a lot of things especially the
makeup because I am NOT going every single thing I assure you there is a ton
of really cool stuff in this giveaway. I got this really cute notebook it has a
marble on it and is actually a student planner for the 2018-2019
school season and then this little calendar goes with it and matches
perfectly and it's sort of a weekly list of things you can do and then you can
just sort of peel it off just like a post-it
sticking with the marble theme I did get you a little pencil bag pen bag and it's
black marble and shiny I really like that. Okay I saw these folders and I
couldn't resist because I just love love love this idea they're clear that's kind
of cool I've never seen anything like that and they have flowers on them and
they also have pockets inside. You need paper who doesn't assorted box of
colored pencils cute little flowered clipboard I love it
two little cork boards. Some more really cute folders you can write the subject
on I love this marble one right here and a really really cute flower binder it's
three ring binder with pockets on both sides now one of my favorite things and
I said this in my last video I don't think I've ever even been gifted or
bought sharpies for myself but you have an assortment of sharpies amazing so
many colors! Pencils, post-it notes, two packs of my favorite gourmet gum we have
a rainbow ice and champagne dreams. A really cute little notebook that says
girl boss more gum for that fresh breath Kleenex and I have two of these to give
you, I dunno where the other pack is which again two of these a pencil
sharpener a little portable stapler and staples
post it page markers for studying, little doughnut erasers for your pencils
speaking of pencils these are not pencils these are pens and they're so
adorable I cannot resist going with a flower theme and getting these cute pens
okay this is something really important but is to be taken seriously I said this
in my last video I feel like I'm repeating myself but I am going to gift
you this item if you are old enough so if you're not please disregard this if
you are this is for your safety I think every woman especially should have one
of these in their possession or anyone who is traveling alone or going to and
from in their car their vehicle whatever the case may be this is a purse charm
but it's also a pepper spray so it is for self-defense it's very very pretty
this is a bling stain and I think it's great but it is to be taken seriously
like ice so it is definitely not a toy okay now
we're getting into this this is all the makeup that I'm giving away it's pretty
crazy and ridiculous we have these amazing luxie mini detail
brushes I use these everyday an entire set of really nice brushes little
impressions vanity mirror that says slay the Jouer skinny dip highlight, this is
brand new it just came out there's the other packet issues a few other makeup
brushes a covergirl eyeshadow palette the nude tude palette by the balm with a
lots of nice colors in it this really cute travel palette by the balm as well
and this is called smoke bomb you'll be getting the popbeauty setting 101
palette an entire highlight and contour palette the derma e sun protection and
mineral powder so many face masks I'll go through them very quickly just to
show you what you're gonna get purifying peeling gel, purifying charcoal
donkey milk, coconut jelly mask, honey avocado hair mask, collagen impact
Lancome Paris plump glow and smooth brightening mask two masks from seventh
heaven a green tea mask which looks pretty cool a really nice mask by Purlisse.
You will be getting a variety of derma e products that I use and love
Moisturizing eye bomb by belif and a few tiny samples of things I use all the
time. You're gonna be getting a ton of lipsticks and I might even add more to
this so all kinds of liquid lipsticks by name brand companies obviously we've got
PIXI, we got Milani we've got Bella Pierre we've got Revlon there's just a
ton of them and my phone is now ringing trust me there's a lot! The NYX soft and
rosy palette absolutely love those colors some more gum I think I went
crazy on the gum. Revlon Colorstay palette - Revlon brow kits I wasn't sure
if you were a little lighter or darker a no lather cleaner for your hair very
interesting you're getting the Trestique little lip pencils there's four in there
really cute eyeshadow palettes you're getting the peak performance brow pencil
by pop beauty as well as iby Beauty liquid lipstick a few eyeshadow pots
some sharpie highlighters I don't know how this got in the makeup section these
are some of my favorites the Pacifica sparkling star passionfruit perfume
roll-on and this awesome product that I wear a
lot it is the fairy lights from PIXI a powder from note and literally
more lipsticks you're gonna have so many lipsticks you're not going to know what
to do with them okay everyone that concludes all of the
giveaway prizes I am super excited as usual thank you so very much for
entering thank you so much for watching I will see you in my next video bye
iPhone X vs. Huawei P20 Pro: In-Depth Camera Test Comparison - Duration: 10:02.
Hi guys, it's MTG here, and I have another very interesting camera comparison for you
In this video, I'll be comparing the cameras found on the Huawei P20 Pro and the iPhone
X. I'll be comparing the cameras in various lighting conditions, and I'll also be taking
a look at the video and audio qualities of both phones.
Make sure to stick around to the end of the video to see how the two phones perform in
more challenging lighting conditions, and to see what the P20 Pro's night mode is capable
Let's get right into it.
The Huawei P20 Pro has a triple camera setup with Leica optics.
The main camera is 40 Megapixels, the monochrome camera is 20 Megapixels, and the telephoto
camera that allows for 3x optical zoom and portrait mode pictures is 8 Megapixels.
They have apertures of F/1.8, F/1.6, and F/2.4 respectively.
The camera can record 4K video at 30 fps, 1080p at up to 60 fps, and 720p at up to 960
The main camera has optical image stabilization, but can only utilize it at 1080p at 30 fps.
The P20 Pro's front camera is 24 Megapixels with an f/2.0 aperture, and can record video
at 1080p at 30 fps.
The iPhone X has a dual-12 Megapixel camera system, with a wide-angle and telephoto lens
at f/1.8 and f/2.4 apertures respectively.
The telephoto lens means the X also has 2x optical zoom and can also take depth-effect
portrait pictures.
The cameras can record up to 4K at 60 fps and 1080p at up to 240 fps.
They have dual optical image stabilization.
The X's front True Depth camera is 7 Megapixels with an aperture of f/2.2.
It can take portrait mode pictures, and can record video at up to 1080p at 30 fps.
First, I'll take a look at pictures shot in great lighting by the two phones.
Know that I turned off intelligent AI on the P20 Pro because the pictures just looked like
an automatic filter was applied.
In this first side-by-side, we can start to notice several things.
The iPhone X's shot seems to be the overall brighter one, whereas the P20 Pro was able
to maintain much more of the colors of the sky and the traffic light.
If we zoom in, we can see that despite the P20 Pro having the much larger Megapixel count,
the iPhone X is able to pick up just as much detail.
Here we can see just how good both of the main cameras are.
The P20 Pro's shot may be slightly overexposed in some areas, but other than that, the main
differences come from the fact that the iPhone X produces the slightly warmer image.
Here, you can see how colors are processed by both phones.
Again, the iPhone X has the warmer image, whereas the P20 Pro really ups the saturation
and tries to pull out all of the colors throughout the image.
As the side-by-sides continue, begin to think about the things you value in photographs,
and see which phone is better for those specific things.
Here, I think the iPhone X was able to do the better job with the colors on the building,
whereas again, the P20 Pro was able to pull out more of the gradient of blues in the sky.
People, I included, have been really intrigued by portrait modes of phones because of how
nice that background blur can look.
With the P20 Pro, you can take much wider-angled portrait shots from the same vantage point.
And to match the framing of the iPhone X, I had to take a full step forward with the
P20 Pro.
Both did a pretty great job with blurring the background.
Again, the iPhone X will have the warmer image of the two, and the two phones simply process
the images differently.
Both phones produce nice portrait mode pictures, but the one you prefer will really come down
to personal preference.
Both phones also take impressive selfies, but both produce very different looks.
The iPhone X again has the warmer tones, whereas the P20 Pro has the cooler tones and a raw
Megapixel count advantage.
Even with beauty mode all the way down on the P20 Pro, it seemed to soften details on
my face a bit.
Both phones are also able to use portrait mode on their front cameras.
They both can't really get my hair right, but the overall images look pretty good.
Different people will prefer each phone.
It just comes down to preference.
As I shift into video, know that the iPhone X is capable of shooting 4K at 60 fps, but
both phones were set to 4K at 30 fps because that is what this video was uploaded at.
The P20 Pro's main camera has optical image stabilization, but for some reason, Huawei
does not let you turn it on for 4K.
On the other hand, the iPhone X utilizes its stabilization, resulting in some really impressive
4K video.
The P20 Pro is able to pick up more of the blues of the sky, but the stabilization just
makes the P20 Pro's 4K footage basically unusable unless you intend to use a tripod or gimbal
of some sort.
It is a shame, because when I switched both phones to 1080p at 30 fps, the P20 Pro produced
some of the most stabilized video I've seen come from a smartphone.
I still prefer the overall package of the iPhone X's video capabilities, but the stabilization
makes the P20 Pro's 1008p video much more comparable to the iPhone X.
In terms of the front cameras, the video quality of both phones is impressive.
They both did great despite the sun being directly behind me as I walked.
This time, the iPhone X's video appears to be more saturated than the P20 Pro's video.
Both phones didn't have stabilization for their front cameras so, as a result, the videos
of both were kind of shaky.
While I turn, the sun is now on my left side, and this is where the iPhone X tries to make
the colors pop, which results in a blue sky, but also a very orange-tinted face.
The P20 Pro's front video didn't seem as severe.
In terms of audio, I think the P20 Pro did the better job with noise reduction and isolating
my voice, whereas the iPhone X made my voice sound fuller, but also had more background
With smartphones, especially ones at this price range, it should be a given that they
perform excellent in great lighting.
So the rest of this video will focus on pictures taken in more challenging lighting conditions.
This is a challenging shot because of all of the light coming in through the window.
Both phones did a pretty good job of not letting the outside light overpower the image and
also maintaining details in the foreground.
Here, the sun is setting, and both phones did a pretty good job considering the lighting.
The P20 Pro was able to maintain the blues in the sky still, but the iPhone X was able
to let in much more light overall, creating the brighter image.
This image had very challenging shooting conditions, but both phones did a great job.
The P20 Pro slightly overexposed the sky in this shot, whereas the iPhone X wasn't able
to keep the objects in the foreground as bright as on the P20 Pro's.
Nonetheless, both pictures turned out great.
Here, the sun is right behind the tree.
Both do a good job of not letting the sun overpower the image, but again the iPhone
X is able to produce the brighter image.
This portrait mode shot was also taken while the sun was setting.
Both phones seemed to soften up details, but overall, both did a solid job with edge detection
and the colors in general.
Now I'm going to shift to even more challenging lighting conditions and will show pictures
shot at night.
Here, we can see that both phones did a fairly good job of keeping image noise to a minimum,
but the iPhone X was able to produce the much brighter image.
But then I turned on night mode, took the picture again, and this is what it looked
There is still minimal noise, but now the building is bright, lights aren't overexposed,
and overall, the P20 Pro was able to take a really great image with no light.
I'd say without night mode, the iPhone X is able to let in more light and take the better
But when I turn on night mode, the P20 Pros images just look way more impressive.
In Night Mode, the P20 Pro is able to keep its shutter open for 4-6 seconds, and utilizing
image stabilization and AI, it is able to eliminate any sort of motion blur caused by
hand movements.
This also means that it could take up to 6 seconds to take a picture.
Here a car had driven through as I was taking the picture.
The P20 Pro almost completely eliminated the car, but some of the remanences remained,
creating this ghosting effect in the picture.
The iPhone X on the other hand, took a pretty good picture, instantly, and doesn't have
a weird ghost car because the car didn't start off in frame.
If you have 4-6 seconds to take a shot, I think Night Mode can produce the best lowlight
shots I've seen from any smartphone.
But if you don't have that time, the iPhone X's lowlight images aren't bad at all.
This camera was an interesting one.
I went in not really knowing which camera was better, and I feel as if I came out with
a similar feeling.
Both phones have their advantages in different aspects of images, and both phones simply
process colors differently.
It can't be denied that these are two of the best smartphone camera systems out right now.
Hopefully this video helped you figure out which phones' camera system you prefer.
Let me know in the comment section what you thought about this camera comparison, and
make sure you're subscribed and have the notification bell clicked to see my final P20 Pro camera
comparison coming soon with the Pixel 2 XL.
That's all I had to talk about today, thanks for watching, and I will see you in the next
Isaac D. King: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know | - Duration: 10:27.
Isaac D. King: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know |
Isaac D.
King is the 20 year old man suspected in the death of an Arizona state trooper, a 24 year old rookie named Tyler Edenhofer.
King is suspected of grabbing another trooper's gun and shooting two men late Wednesday night.
One of the men were wounded but survived.
Another was hurt struggling with the suspect but also survived.
Tyler Edenhofer, a U.S.
Navy veteran who had just graduated from the Advanced Trooper Academy, died from his bullet wound.
Late on Wednesday night, troopers got a call saying that a male suspect was throwing rocks at cars along Interstate 10.
Three troopers.
— Tyler Edenhofer, Dalin Dorris, and Sean Rodecap — arrived on the scene.
Six police officers also responded to a call for backup.
The suspect struggled with the troopers and apparently managed to grab Rodecap's gun.
King allegedly fired off two rounds from the gun.
Edenhofer was shot in the shoulder but the bullet ricocheted downward and killed him.
Dorris also took a bullet to the shoulder.
He was treated at a local hospital but has since been released and is reportedly in good spirits.
Rodecap was not shot.
He was hurt in the struggle and was also taken to a local hospital for treatment.
He has been released.
Police have taken King, the suspect, into custody.
Here's what you need to know.
Drivers Called in the State Troopers Because King Was Allegedly Throwing Rocks at Cars.
He Allegedly Grabbed a Trooper's Gun And Shot Two of Them.
A little after 10PM on Wednesday night, state troopers got a call telling them that a male suspect was throwing rocks at cars driving along Interstate 10.
This was all taking place about 15 miles west of downtown Phoenix.
Interstate drivers had pulled over to try to get the suspect off the road, according to Arizona Department of Public Safety officials.
Dalin was the first trooper to arrive on the scene.
He called for backup, which is when Edenhofer and Rodecap arrived.
Edenhofer was a rookie.
He was in his last week of one-the-job training, and had just graduated from the academy two months earlier.
Rodecap arrived in civilian clothes, but he was armed.
The troopers tried to get King off of the highway.
King was unarmed, but he apparently resisted, and there was a scuffle.
In the struggle, King allegedly grabbed Rodecap's gun and discharged two rounds.
One bullet hit Edenhofer, and the other struck Dorris.
Dorris survived but Edenhofer was killed.
King Was Unarmed, and Has No Criminal History.
But He Was On Medication for Anxiety and Depression.
Frank Milstead, Director of the Arizona Department of Public Safety, told reporters on Thursday that Isaac King has no criminal history.
But he said the 20 year old has a history of mental health issues, and is on medication for anxiety and depression.
King was allegedly throwing rocks at cars driving along Insterstate 10 when troopers were called to the scene.
A struggle ensued when they tried to get him off the road.
King Lives With His Mother in Avondale.
She Thought He Was In the Backyard When the Shooting Occured.
Milstead told reporters that King's mother is being helpful in their investigation.
Apparently she had no idea where King was on Wednesday night, when the shooting occured on the interstate.
She thought that Isaac was in the backyard, jumping on the trampoline.
King's mother told investigators that she had last seen her son at 9:30.
At that time, he was jumping on the trampoline in the backyard.
At 10:15, state troopers got a call that a male suspect was throwing things at cars along Interstate 10, near Avondale.
When troopers arrived on the scene, they reportedly confronted the suspect, Isaac King.
That's when the scuffle started.
Dalin Dorris was the first to arrive on the scene.
He called for reinforcement, which is why Edenhofer and Rodecap arrived.
Edenhofer was a rookie who had just started work as a trooper.
During the scuffle, King allegedly grabbed Rodecap's gun and fired off two rounds, hitting Edenhofer and Dorris.
Dorris survived but Edenhofer was killed.
King Has Been Hospitalized.
Police Won't Say Why.
State troopers transported King to a local hospital on Thursday, and he remains there until further notice.
Law enforcement officials did not say why King had been taken to the hospital.
It was not clear whether he was there for physical injuries, or whether it was a mental health issue.
King has a history of anxiety and depression and is on medication for both issues.
Edenhofer Was a Rookie Who Had Just Graduated from the Academy.
He Was Engaged To Be Married.
Edenhofer was a rookie trooper who had just graduated two months ago from the Department of Public Safety academy.
He was engaged to be married and was 24 years old.
Edenhofer's mother told Col.
Milstead, "You just got him" — meaning, that Edenhofer had just started in the job when he was shot and killed.
The 24 year old had just graduated from the Advanced Trooper Academy on May 4 and was about to complete his on-the-job training when the shooting occurred.
He was hired by the department in September of 2017.
He was also a US Navy veteran.
How do you describe this?(46) (Vocabulary Building) [ ForB English Lesson ] - Duration: 1:38.
Hi everyone. Welcome to ForB's English lesson video.
I'm Rianna and today we are going to show you another video.
I'd like you to describe what he is doing.
Let's take a look.
What is he doing?
He is sneezing.
He's sneezing.
Sneezing is a sudden pushing out of air from the mouth and nose.
We usually make a sneezing sound like, achoo.
We sneeze to clear the nose from dust, dirt, pollen, or smoke.
Let's practice this sentence together.
Please repeat after me.
He is sneezing.
He is sneezing.
Great job.
I have a challenge for you.
When you sneeze, try not to close your eyes.
Good luck.
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Edit Concurso #FantaByUs De AuronPlay | By SAULXD 4 - Duration: 14:55.
you get your human now
jump jump jump jump moving all around
spit all around
when all around
don't say that impasse balls good I know it's possible
you will
read the news I'm gonna take the fight for the spotlight
I can take it to the number one it'd be someone
I will
ready for the
I suppose
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