Certes, il y a régulièrement des éclipses de Lune qui permettent d'admirer un astre de sang dans le ciel
Mais vendredi soir, c'était le phénomène le plus long du XXIe siècle, avec près d'1h45 de totalité – lorsque la Lune plonge dans l'ombre de la Terre et flamboie
Le spectacle a été grandiose en Afrique, Europe, Asie et Australie, sauf quand il a été gâché par les nuages, comme à Paris
« Historique » au Kenya « C'est si intéressant de voir à quel point la lune est rouge, comme si elle était recouverte de sang », s'exclamait Marion Rotich, mère de famille, alors qu'elle était en train d'observer le phénomène avec ses deux filles à Naivasha, dans le sud du Kenya
« Mars, Pluton, Saturne, Jupiter, Venus, Mercure : c'est ce que je voudrais vraiment voir », dit Daniel Chu Owen, 39 ans, essayant de repérer la position des planètes grâce à une application sur son téléphone portable
Au même moment à Tunis, plus de 2000 personnes s'étaient rassemblées à la Cité des Sciences de la capitale pour admirer l'éclipse
Émerveillés par le changement de couleur du satellite, hommes, femmes et surtout enfants munis de jumelles attendaient leur tour pour regarder la lune à travers les télescopes
D'autres filmaient, portables à la main. Déception et nuages Les habitants du Comté de Dorset, dans le sud-ouest de l'Angleterre, ont eux été déçus par les épais nuages qui ont perturbé le spectacle, comme dans une bonne partie de l'Europe
Dans une petite station balnéaire du comté, West Bay, des observateurs s'étaient retrouvés sur les plages et falaises, espérant un dégagement du ciel, sans succès
Idem à Paris, où les orages n'ont pas eu de pitié. Il reste toujours les photos pour se consoler
For more infomation >> L'éclipse de Lune émerveille le monde (mais pas Paris) - Duration: 3:01.
떴다! 더보이즈(Come On! THE BOYZ): 여름방학 RPG편 상연's Diary (Summer Vacation RPG Edition - SANGYEON's Diary) - Duration: 1:46.
(Come On! THE BOYZ Summer Vacation RPG)
(Sangyeon's Diary-Leader Sangyeon's Cooking Show for Kimchi Fried Rice)
(Self-sufficient THE BOYZ in the Kitchen)
Sangyeon cooks a great Kimchi fried rice
- Please - Huh?
I'll count on Sangyeon today
(Grand release of Kimchi fried rice recipe)
(1. Oil the pan) (Professional flick of the wrist)
(2. Put eggs)
(With one hand GaenZi)
(3. Cutting the eggs) (Into a bite size)
(4. Stir fry Kimchi)
What can I do for you?
Cleanly chop ham, please
That's my specialty
(5. Chop ham - expert invited)
(6. Stir fry all ingredients)
(Pour all at once)
(Sangyeon's Kimchi fried rice is almost complete)
(7. Pour sesame oil)
(Already excited)
(Sangyeon's major crisis)
(8. Put a lot of ketchup)
(9. Evenly stir fry)
(10. A little bit of sugar) (Taster Sangyeon)
(A little bit of sugar)
(Taste is proportional to the amount of ingredients)
(11. Decorate with dried laver)
Sangyeon, thanks for cooking
Thanks for cooking
(13. Have a bite with relish)
(Sangyeon's coming) (hmm... it's good)
Did I put too much sugar?
Is it a little sweet?
But it's good
(Sangyeon's cooking show for Kimchi fried rice ended)
G7 black coffee from Vietnam (Vietnamese Coffee) - Duration: 2:23.
This is G7 coffee that my parents bought in Vietnam last year.
There are other kinds of G7 coffee
But I like this black coffee best.
Because I like bitter taste without sweet taste.
Also, the unique scent of a hazelnut is more attractive.
There are fifteen 2g bags in this small box.
Ice coffee is the best in hot weather like this.
As soon as I open the bag, I can smell the coffee of G7.
I sprinkle coffee powder directly on the ice.
Because G7 coffee is very soluble in water.
If you pour water on this, you can instantly make iced coffee.
I'm gonna fill it up with water and drink it lightly.
The last time you stir with a stick, it's more perfect.
Cool, savory taste.
It tastes like a Hazel nut and bitter.
It's really yummy.
Alexandre Benalla: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know | Heavy.com - Duration: 9:12.
Alexandre Benalla: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know | Heavy.com
Alexandre Benalla is the ex-security guard for French President Emmanuel Macron, whose handling of allegations against Benalla have plunged his presidency into its most serious crisis.
The scandal – which exploded when Benalla was accused of punching and tackling protesters and Macron's administration was accused of going soft on Benalla and covering it up – led Macron to make the rather extraordinary public statement, denying he'd had an affair with Benalla: "Alexandre Benalla has never had the nuclear codes! Benalla has never been my lover!" Macron is married to wife Brigitte, his former teacher, who is 25 years his senior.
Benalla was working as the president's top bodyguard, but he lost his job when news coverage broke into his actions with the protesters.
The scandal has led to police raids at Elysee Palace and parliamentary inquiries.
Here's what you need to know:.
Alexandre Benalla Was Accused of Becoming Violent With Protesters & Macron's Administration of Covering it Up.
The scandal revolves, in part, around Benalla's alleged behavior on May Day 2018 when he was allegedly captured in a video "acting violently toward a protester," ABC News reports.
According to CNBC, the video showed Benalla "hitting a male protester and violently manhandling another woman.
While employed as a security guard to Macron, Benalla "was wearing a police visor and helmet but was only supposed to be observing the police in action," CNBC reported.
Benalla "has been charged with assault and impersonating a police officer," reported France 24, and a parliamentary committee is investigating the government's handling of the matter.
Video of the incident had circulated on social media immediately, where it was posted by left-wing party France Insoumise.
It wasn't until the media identified Benalla as one of the men in the video that the scandal blew up.
Once the media got wind of the tape and allegations, the scandal exploded because Benalla had only been quietly suspended.
He was terminated after the newspaper Le Monde broke the story of the allegations, and, since then, accusations have swirled about his relationship with the president.
Critics claim that Macron's office knew about the allegations and didn't report them.
According to Jacobin, the law requires that public employees report colleagues if they witness them committing a crime.
Benalla Has Admitted His Actions Were 'Extremely Stupid' & Some People Are Calling the Scandal the 'French Watergate'.
Benalla has expressed contrition, telling Le Monde that he was "extremely stupid" but was "only helping police neutralize two violent protesters," the Guardian reported.
He alleged that "jealous rivals" were trying to get at him and Macron, according to the British newspaper.
"I was the weak link … my case has been used to settle scores, it's taken on proportions… I won't say I was the fall-guy, I'm just saying it served various interests, an interest to get at the president of the republic," Benalla said.
As the scandal exploded, some people have called it the "French Watergate.
For his part, Macron defiantly told his ministers in a closed-door hearing that his rivals "could come and get me if they dare," CNBC reported.
Macron also criticized the media for "talking nonsense" and labeled the entire affair a " "storm in a teacup," according to France 24.
Those kinds of comments have angered critics all the more.
Alexandre Benalla Is the Son of Moroccan Immigrants.
Alexandre Benalla is 26-years-old.
According to The Financial Times, he was born to Moroccan immigrants and "grew up in a suburb of Evreux in Normandy." He was not a public figure in France until the recent questions about his connections with Macron burst into the news.
He has worked in political circles for some time, however.
According to Financial Times, he previously worked for the French socialist party and as an adviser to Macron's campaign.
UK Daily Mail reports that Benalla "used to ski and cycle" with Macron.
Opposition parties have contended that the parliamentary investigation into the matter has devolved into a charade.
However, Macron has said of Benalla's initial 15-day suspension: "It is me who trusted Alexandre Benalla, it is me who confirmed the punishment.".
Benalla Had Use of a 'Swanky' Apartment.
French President Emmanuel Macron (R), next to Elysee Chief Security Officer Alexandre Benalla.
Questions have also swirled around perks that came with Benalla's security guard job.
Benalla confirmed that he had use of an apartment, although he claimed he needed it for his job.
Benalla told LeMonde what it was like working for the president, saying, "Everything at the Elysee is based on how close people think you are to the president.
Did he smile at you, call you by your name, etcetera.
It's a court phenomenon.".
According to Jacobin, some are outraged by Benalla's use of what the site termed a "swanky apartment," and reported that Benalla was at Macron's side for multiple events after the suspension, including Bastille Day.
He also participated in the World Cup victory parade.
Macron Is Married to His Former Teacher, Brigitte.
Macron, in denying that Benalla is his gay lover, has pointed to the age gap between himself and his wife, Brigitte, as unfairly driving some of the rumors.
"If I had been 20 years older than my wife, nobody would have thought for a single second that I couldn't be [an intimate partner]," he once told Le Parisien.
"It's because she is 20 years older than me that lots of people say, 'This relationship can't be tenable, it can't be possible.'".
Emmanuel Macron is 40-years-old, and his wife, Brigitte Macron, is age 65.
Macron's daughter has described in interviews how her mother, then a teacher, fell for Macron when he was her teenage student.
"They were quite smitten and it was quite obvious between them and very difficult," said the daughter, who was 9 when her mother fell for Macron, then 15, according to Telegraph.
Macron has denied rumors that he is gay in the past.
L'éclipse de Lune émerveille le monde (mais pas Paris) - Duration: 3:01.
Certes, il y a régulièrement des éclipses de Lune qui permettent d'admirer un astre de sang dans le ciel
Mais vendredi soir, c'était le phénomène le plus long du XXIe siècle, avec près d'1h45 de totalité – lorsque la Lune plonge dans l'ombre de la Terre et flamboie
Le spectacle a été grandiose en Afrique, Europe, Asie et Australie, sauf quand il a été gâché par les nuages, comme à Paris
« Historique » au Kenya « C'est si intéressant de voir à quel point la lune est rouge, comme si elle était recouverte de sang », s'exclamait Marion Rotich, mère de famille, alors qu'elle était en train d'observer le phénomène avec ses deux filles à Naivasha, dans le sud du Kenya
« Mars, Pluton, Saturne, Jupiter, Venus, Mercure : c'est ce que je voudrais vraiment voir », dit Daniel Chu Owen, 39 ans, essayant de repérer la position des planètes grâce à une application sur son téléphone portable
Au même moment à Tunis, plus de 2000 personnes s'étaient rassemblées à la Cité des Sciences de la capitale pour admirer l'éclipse
Émerveillés par le changement de couleur du satellite, hommes, femmes et surtout enfants munis de jumelles attendaient leur tour pour regarder la lune à travers les télescopes
D'autres filmaient, portables à la main. Déception et nuages Les habitants du Comté de Dorset, dans le sud-ouest de l'Angleterre, ont eux été déçus par les épais nuages qui ont perturbé le spectacle, comme dans une bonne partie de l'Europe
Dans une petite station balnéaire du comté, West Bay, des observateurs s'étaient retrouvés sur les plages et falaises, espérant un dégagement du ciel, sans succès
Idem à Paris, où les orages n'ont pas eu de pitié. Il reste toujours les photos pour se consoler
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