Oh crap, no, you guys probably wanted a facecam today
Honestly, I can open up the software and start recording the webcam, but I'm gonna keep it simple in my last video
I think I said I would have different hair by the time you saw me next and my hair is still like still red
So nothing has changed. I'm still the same old kid with big eyes
But today we're gonna mix it up a little bit. I made a deck that has a lot of spammy cards
So when the lava hound explodes it has the lava pulps three goblins come out of the Goblin barrel two
Barbarians from the battle RAM and then I have the skeleton barrel which drops like a mini skeleton army
So essentially a lot of the cards in the stack are just gonna piss off my enemy
I've never used this deck before so it may be good. It'll probably be
Let's figure out. Hey, we're against raise up from the black army
Oh also also also also I have the clone spell this. I don't know when I'm gonna use it
I'm gonna try to play it super smart that way like I don't waste it on anything. Obnoxious
But we put a lava hound down for the first play of the game
We're actually gonna kite over this bandit with a battle RAM. And as far as this balloon goes honestly screw the balloon
There's no real point for us to like try and stop it instead. We're just gonna go for an all-out
Absolute banger push on this side. We are gonna get ourselves the poisons bow down sending in the Goblin barrel now
We're gonna get our clothes fall ready. Maybe. Oh we did have arrows which which really kind of sucks for us
But at this point we're gonna send in our skeleton barrel
it's gonna keep on
Spamming this guy with stuff and I would really like to put this clone spell down. You really would have liked to oh, no
Oh, let's get it all baby. I don't even care. There's a wizard there. Holy crap it worked. Wow
That was actually super badass. I
I just was not
Anticipating that at all. So as far as all discos, I'm gonna let him take that right tower with the bandit
Um the Bandit may get my princess. Oh man. Okay, it's cool. Just kind of had a little bit of a reset
I'm gonna try to get another tower
But I'm kind of scared. Okay, let's go for it. We have another lava hound down this time
Let's put ourselves in a ways
It kind of sucks that there are some bats though, but moping we should be able to stop this balloon crap crap
Okay. We took one hit which I'm pretty upset about. It's right here
We're gonna put a goblin barrel down on top of this electra wizard
I've never put a goblin barrel like that before but it actually kind of worked out decent for us. Oh
Wait, okay. The dudes dead next up. Let's just put a poison spell rate there fold it up with a clone spell
Oh, no, no. No, they all died
That was such a waste of a clone spell like it's not even funny as far as all that goes really not too concerned battle
Ran no. Oh man. No. Are we gonna lose this battle all we can't I do not want to let it happen
We just got to go all out for to push up here. Oh, wait, why star one Goblin? What the hell?
Did anyone just see that what is going on in this battle? I gotta play it a bit slower
I'm kind of just putting cards down without really thinking about things and it's kind of biting me in the ass a little bit
Let's just keep this up. We should be set right here
We're just gonna take it slow nice and slow and we'll be good. Come on. Stop everything. Yes. Yes
There goes his balloon awesome so far
So good. Ah, let's just put a lava hound down in the very middle
I kind of just want to distract everything at the same time
So this guy just needs one more hit on our Tower kinda sucks. He had a wizard there
We would have totally destroyed that other tower if we had some more time, but we lost honestly, I'm not too upset
I just thought this deck was like super funny and super troll ish
So we're gonna hop into another one played a bit slower and hopefully we can get a win on
Oh, this man is starting off with the furnace. I'm gonna make him regret this one boys. Let's try to get a pretty
Decent poisons fell down trying to get a lot of stuff with that and really want to take care of that winch
Holy crap, let's get ourselves a princess down in the bag
I am gonna put a battle RAM in front of that just so oh that was such a fail
They add the poisons found man. Okay. Okay, it's cool. Instead. I'm gonna take just one a bit slow
It's just get a massive II was a bright. They're not really taking any damage and the II was making a few hits off
Oh, never mind. He oh god. How do I stop this? How do I stop this? How do I stop this?
Why did I use that? I just should have took the damage man, Sacheen 88 Oh guys
I do not got anything to play here. I do not have anything to play here boys. What the am I supposed to do
Okay, just calm down bro. It's cool. We're gonna send all this stuff and screw his troops down there. We are just gonna absolutely
Bamboozle this guy screw the witch man. Why did I put the EU is down you ever just like, honestly
I'm not even thinking right now. I'm just kind of putting random stuff down
Let's see if we can come back from this battle time to get our trihard pants on boys
Oh no, no, no I missed the clones thought, okay
We still kind of got it totally wanted to get the clones fall down a second sooner
That was just that was such a massive fail
I'm not sure if anyone was expecting me to like come back from this battle. But wow, this was this was rough
Maybe we should go just beat a clan mate because this this deck isn't working on ladder
For a variety of reasons the main one being that I just I completely suck at this game. So you know what?
We're just gonna go to the clan chat. Let's submit some zaps. Imma just send this friendly battle out whoever accepts
I'm gonna kick their in this video. Let's give it a shot. Ah guys
So no one has accepted but two more people just got on gonna wait like 10 more seconds
Hopefully someone lets me win. You know what there's a live attack
Let's go see how killer Klowns is doing this person is actually on my friends with all due minutes left
Yeah, I didn't watch net. So here we have. Oh, yeah, this is actually a professional clash Royale player
He lives in my house with me
Not a lot of people know this but I live in a team house for an eSports company called immortals
The reason I haven't made it like super public yet
or I haven't made a lot of videos with my
Housemates and stuff is just because people are still moving over and getting settled in but soon trust me
There will be behind your videos. Oh, yeah, baby. Look who accepted the Matt
I'm just gonna say this right away. This person is literally just gonna stop me
Daniel go easy. Okay, we're gonna start off with a lava hound, uh could be a good decision could be bad
Let's see, but see what he's gonna send in right here
I'm just gonna put a princess down pretty crappy princess placement
Honestly, as far as all of this goes, I am gonna be using the ewha's there just to kind of reset everything
I don't know what he has for this lava hound. I'ma just take these a bit slow Daniel
I don't want to lose do you yeah, we're gonna go with that poison spell right there
Um, let's hope he doesn't have arrows. He probably has this app. Let's be real. Um, he has something for this lava hound
I'm very certain. Oh
Okay, I thought he was about to freeze all the puffs with that ice spirit. That was almost perfect. Ah, shoot
Okay weirdest. We're going all in on this side right now because I had nothing to stop that hog rider. Oh god
Oh god, that was at whoo. That was brutal. I just got shut down
incredibly hard
Yeah, why did I put that princess down? What was I thinking man? Oh, not again
All I got is divas man. Go easy on me. Bret go easy on me, dude. Oh Jesus
My ice wizard is just being absolutely fried. So yeah, it looks like this battle is going extremely
Downhill he's probably going easy on me, but we're still losing pretty bad
Maybe this can be the push though that we some how many hogs does this man have?
We're just gonna keep this up gonna get my skeleton barrel in the very bag screw all of his troops
We're gonna go all out with a bat push right here. This is just gonna be hit boys. Oh my god
He's not gonna handle it. He is not gonna handle it boys. He doesn't know what's coming
Hey guys, we know what's coming baby. Oh my god. There goes his log. We got everything on the tower
Holy crap, we're gonna keep up the aggression baby gonna get the poison spell down
We need another clone spell like ASAP. This is just so funny. We got one tower. Holy crap. Can I please get another?
Okay, so 30 seconds left. Oh, you know what? I think we just got to go for this one
We have to go for this other tower. We will not get three crown. I cannot stand by that
I'm just gonna wait a second. Let's get ourselves our he was down right there
Unfortunately, though there are 18 seconds left in this battle. And I just I don't think we're gonna be winning
I'm going all out for this three crown. Oh the damn log, man. Yeah, we didn't stand a chance there
Thought it would be some fun this deck just it didn't it didn't quite work out. So good game
We're gonna return back and I think we're actually gonna be ending today's video here. So guys, this has any clips
I appreciate you all watching and peace out
For more infomation >> *NEW* GOBLIN BARREL GLITCH in Clash Royale!! - Duration: 10:01.-------------------------------------------
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Není cvičení jako cvičení. Některé bolavým zádům prospívá, jiné jim vysloveně škodí
Víte, kam které zařadit? Hluboké předklony nejsou pro citlivá záda vhodné. Přetěžují meziobratlové ploténky bederní páteře a může při nich docházet k přílišnému natažení svalstva zad a zadní strany stehen
Malé „sedy–lehy" se zvedáním horní části trupu mohou být naopak velmi prospěšné
Posílíte při nich svaly břicha a zad, aniž byste je příliš namáhali. Je však zapotřebí dodržovat správnou techniku
Zvedejte ze země jen lopatky, vždy se zpevněným břichem, a hlavně netahejte za hlavu nebo krk rukama
Velké „sedy–lehy" naproti tomu zádům nesvědčí. Jakmile začnete zvedat z podložky celý trup, výhody se ztrácejí
Tlak na meziobratlové ploténky je až příliš velký a záda stejně dobře neposílíte, protože víc používáte svaly v okolí kyčelních kloubů
Dobrým cvičením je šetrné protahování zadní strany stehen. Lehněte si na záda, pokrčte nohy a opřete je o podložku
Pak jednu z nich natáhněte nahoru. Ručníkem nebo gumou přitáhněte špičku chodidla směrem k sobě a držte 15–30 vteřin
Nohy střídejte a každé dopřejte několik opakování. Leckde se dočtete, že nejlepším cvičením na posílení svalů břicha a středu („core") těla je lehnout si na záda a snožmo zvedat nohy
Tento cvik je však velmi náročný. Jestliže máte svalstvo zatím slabé, může se bolest zad ještě zhoršit
Zkuste to jinak – jednu nohu pokrčte a opřete o podložku, druhou nataženou zvedejte
Je to jemnější a vhodnější cvičení. Nohy nezapomeňte po 10–15 opakováních střídat
Další z vhodných cviků vám možná připomene školní léta. Klekněte si a opřete se rukama do polohy „na psa"
Poté zanožujte vždy jednu nohu co nejdál a nejvýš, držte 5 vteřin nahoře a položte zpět
Stačí 8–12 opakování na každou nohu a záda budou posílená. Existuje řada dalších vhodných cvičení, a tak se nebojte a zkoušejte nové věci
Záda vám „řeknou", jestli se jim daný cvik líbí, nebo ne. Ale musíte jim naslouchat
Jakákoli bolest by měla být důvodem k zamyšlení. Pokud neodezní do patnácti minut od začátku cvičení, měli byste je přerušit a zkusit jiné nebo raději odpočívat
(pez) Zdroj: www.webmd.com
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