Banh Mi
Banh Mi
Bread flour 270 g
Water 205 g
Yeast 2 tsp
Sugar 1 tsp
Salt ¾ tsp
Bread flour
Leave the dough for about 1 hour
Leave the dough for about 15-20 min
Leave the dough for about 45-50 min
Bake at 230 c Top and Bottom around 20-25 minutes
For more infomation >> บาเกตเวียดนาม ขนมปังบาแก็ต Banh Mi | FoodTravel ทำขนมปัง - Duration: 5:21.-------------------------------------------
Gruel and Unusual Punishment - Duration: 22:12.
当男星梳起刘海,张艺兴冷酷,陈立农判若两人,一个比一个帅! - Duration: 8:07.
সিটি নির্বাচন জনগণদ্বারা নির্বাচিত মেয়র কাউন্সিলর বহিষ্কার নির্বাচনে রাজনৈতিক হস্তক্ষেপের প্রভাব - Duration: 13:08.
Head Over Wheels - Duration: 24:34.
บาเกตเวียดนาม Banh Mi | 1 Minute Cooking - Duration: 1:54.
Banh Mi
Bread flour 270 g
Sugar 1 tsp
Yeast 2 tsp
Salt ¾ tsp
Water 205 g
Leave the dough for about 1 hour
Leave the dough for about 15-20 min
Leave the dough for about 45-50 min
Bake at 230 c Top and Bottom around 20-25 minutes
4-5 serve
Ida Platano e Riccardo Guarnieri, retroscena al falò di Temptation e convivenza in vista - Duration: 3:33.
🔴 PUBG MOBILE: Tryhard Ngày 28/07/2018 Top 1 So Easy - Duration: 1:46:59.
Temptation Island: Filippo Bisciglia si apre sulla malattia che ha segnato la sua infanzia - Duration: 3:29.
Jahrein Yayında Toqtir in Annesi ile Konuşuyor - Duration: 4:21.
Audi Q5 2.0 TFSI quattro 252pk S tronic Sport - Duration: 1:14.
Ford B-MAX 1.6 105PK Automaat Powershift Titanium - Duration: 1:12.
Opel Cascada 1.6 Turbo 200PK Innovation FULL OPTIONS in nieuwstaat! - Duration: 1:13.
Opel KARL 1.0 75pk ROCKS Demo-voordeel - Duration: 1:09.
Opel Corsa 1.4 Twinport 100pk 5d Anniversary Edition in nieuwstaat!! - Duration: 1:08.
Who Will Rock You is Coming to Nashville on August 3rd
Η μαρτυρία του Γιώργου Λιάγκα: "Τώρα γύρισα σπίτι μετά από 5 ώρες που περιπλανιόμουν μόνος στα καμέν - Duration: 2:13.
Ο Γιώργος Λιάγκας, επισκέφτηκε τις πληγείσες από τις φονικές πυρκαγιές, περιοχές της ανατολικής Αττικής, και μέσω ανάρτησής του στο Twitter, δήλωσε συγκλονισμένος από την πρωτοφανή τραγωδία
Αναλυτικά το κείμενο που δημοσίευσε ο Γιώργος Λιάγκας: Λοιπόν, τώρα γύρισα σπίτι μετά από 5 ώρες που περιπλανιόμουν μόνος στα καμένα σπίτια, στα καμένα όνειρα και στην καμένη ευτυχία των ανθρώπων στις πληγείσες περιοχές
Μίλησα με δεκάδες ανθρώπους. Όχι, δεν ήταν εμπρησμός. Αλλά ευθύνες υπάρχουν και μάλιστα πολλές
Και οι άνθρωποι ξέρουν. Ξέρουν ποιοι έδιναν λάθος εντολές. Ποιοι παρέλειψαν να δώσουν, ποιοι ολιγώρησαν, ποιοι έλειπαν, ποιοι έκαναν τα στραβά μάτια όλα αυτά τα χρόνια
Γιατί όλοι γνώριζαν ότι αν κάποια στιγμή συνέβαινε, αυτές θα 'ταν οι συνέπειες. Το θέμα είναι πως μαθαίνω
πως ξέρουν και αυτοί που χουν αναλάβει να διαλευκάνουν. Θα πουν την αλήθεια ή και πάλι οι πραγματικοί υπεύθυνοι θα γλιτώσουν στη χώρα της ανομίας, της προχειρότητας, της αρπαχτής και του άρπα κόλλα… Το οφείλουν
Και σε αυτούς που έφυγαν. αλλά και σε αυτούς που έμειναν και αναρωτιούνται το πως και το γιατί, έχασαν τους δικούς τους ανθρώπους
Καληνύχτα λοιπόν και καλό ξημέρωμα, αν ποτέ ξημερώσει σ' αυτή τη χώρα».
Lexus Lc 500h Touring Pack - Duration: 1:10.
【MV】君色々移り/自分で歌ってみた【まふまふ】 - Duration: 4:10.
Changing to Your Colors
Changing to Your Colors
Guitar: Gibson Mitsuya Vocals, Songwriting: Mafumafu
Video: MONO-Devoid
Illustrations: Chachagoma
Our path home has been soaked through with blue
The colors washing away
In the twilight sky, the side of your face was illuminated with crimson light
With a scarlet hairpin in your hair, you beckon to me
While wearing wooden sandals you haven't quite gotten used to walking in
Stretching yourself just a bit this summer's night
A crowded wave of people draws near
The distance between us, so slight I could reach out and close it
I act indifferent, while the clouds above threaten rain
Can I make sure you won't get swept away?
The color of you bleeds into mine, together in the summer wind
Red, blue, yellow, all blend together to become love
In an instant, swept away; petals dot the night sky
I miss my chance to say it again this year
and it stays an unbloomed bud
That day, the path was soaked through with black
The colors washing away
An ark rocked by the waves of time for every moment of silence
Gathering words fall from lips; but gathering leaves fall from trees
How much of the season has passed us by, I wonder
This summer night, I wish time and time again
Love and sorrow flutter in the wind *The words for 'love' and 'sorrow' are homonyms.
To draw close then part is our fate
If I'll definitely regret the end
Then I want to regret now
Wavering in your eyes
My heart is a lantern
Swaying, as if able to disappear with a single breath
With a whispery sound, it burns
This tranquility is only a hollow act
I only yearn for you
I miss my chance to say it again this year
Unable to find the words
All I wanted was to hold your hand.
Covering it up with an excuse like "I just don't want you to get lost".
Did we hold hands?
My heart pounds for a spell
And sunrays shine down in my heart My heart pounds for a spell
And sunrays shine down in my heart
I love you so dearly
My chest aches and grows tight
I can't stop your colors from bleeding into mine anymore
The simplest things make my heart leap
I miss my chance to say it again this year
the words are love itself
I miss my chance to say it again this year
I love you
Les joueurs d'Osu! 2 - Duration: 3:55.
Play A Love Song 宇多田ヒカル フル 歌詞付き (画面下欄の右から4番目の字幕ボタンを押すと歌詞が表示されます) - Duration: 4:21.
Portable Handheld Shower Sprayer - Duration: 2:41.
portable handheld shower sprayer faucet to shower attachment danco veraspray product review plastic hose faucet tub to shower attachment
hi it's AlaskaGranny do you have a new baby in the house did you recently have
surgery or you just would like the convenience of a shower sprayer in your bath tub shower sink faucet attachment
I ordered a universal utility sprayer bathtub to shower attachment hose from Amazon it's designed to fit right
over your tub spout it's perfect sprayer attachment portable for cleaning the tub bathing a child or even
your pet it's portable and it's designed to fit most standard tub spouts sink hose outlet without
a diverter there is a disclaimer that due to the difficulty in fitting all
styles of tub spouts they cannot guarantee that the spouts connection
will fit snugly open the package you can see there's a hose that has the spout
connector to hook over the bathtub spout there's a small washer there's the shower handle that screws on to the hose attachment
and easy directions the shower spray handle is nice it has an easy grip it's lightweight portable
with a pair of scissors remove the zip ties and then look at your bathtub faucet mine
is a standard sized bathtub shower faucet combination now you take the
spout end of the shower sprayer hose and you push it over this tub spout I've been pushing and twisting
pushing and twisting you can see that it shows a bathtub spout that looks like mine but I
can't get it to go and then I looked at it more carefully inside the shower sprayer hose it's
round while the bathtub faucet is square even though it shows it going on it's
just far too small it looks like it would fit over a sink spout and you can
see it easily slides over my sink faucet spout it fits snugly the water comes out
without leaking but the problem is I don't want it for my sink I wanted it
for my tub to have a hand held shower hose attachment luckily Amazon has a great return policy
so I dried it out put it back in the package and returned it to Amazon with
no questions asked this little baby's not going to be getting a bath with this
Universal utility sprayer it's a great idea I wish it would have fit but it
just didn't work with mine bathtub spout I thought I'd share with you my
experience with the universal utility sprayer in case it's something that
you're looking for if you found a utility sprayer that fits over your tub
spout please share with me what it is because I'd still like to find one
learn more at please subscribe to the AlaskaGranny channel
勇士隊三分球最準的是誰?不是柯瑞也不是K湯,他才是最準的人! - Duration: 14:12.
【MUKBANG】 [7-Eleven] Summer Sweets And More!! 22 Items [Ramune Warabi] [5200kcal][CC Available] - Duration: 11:36.
hello it's kinoshita yuka
i bought all the new dessert of 7-eleven
and i bought with it some food that i found it interesting
there is plenty of desserts that represent summer
hay, this product i find it so interesting
jaan, Ramune Warabi
i found it while i was looking on the net, and it was so interesting
it's so rare to find ramune as a Warabimochi, the Japanese style of mochi with the foreign carbonic juice
the aroma of the ramune is so stronge
it's not the smell of warabimochi at all
hay, this is how it looks like
like candy
the taste is strong, but it's not like warabimochi at all
it's like a mochi of ramune
warabimochi is more jiggly than this, this is more watery
but still looks like the mochi for me
but the taste of ramune is amazing and tasty
next, this...
next is, melty salty Cookie Cream
made by using the snow salt, and i think it's from Okinawa
this is how it looks like
so soft
this is not like anything i tried it
the cream is melty
i like this serie a lot
it's like the ice cream version of the daifuku, and this is so tasty
with the cream there is some cookies and White chocolate chips as well
and this is amazingly tasty
and the smell of the milk is so strong
we progress steadily
and this is milk with plenty of Mandarin, and it's heavy
it's like the summer of the old days, so nostalgic
hay, cold
the amount of the mandarin is so big and tasty
the taste of the mixed milk with mandarin is really good
it's a nice dish for diet
next is, Salted Soy Sauce Rare Cheese
made by using snow salt
the is plenty of sweets that looks like it in okinawa
hay, this is how it looks like
and in the bottom you can see the sponge and cheese cookies
looks so tasty
aaaah, cheese cream
yes, yes, yes
the snow slat goes so well with the rare cheese
it's really good to have a salty and sweet taste together
and in the bottom there is cheese sponge that gives a different good texture
crepe with cream custard
it's the texture of the crepe that is filled with plenty of custard cream
soft and with a strong taste
and because the cream is a custard cream, it's so refreshing
we still with the sweets
Water Cream
this is a real summer sweet
convenience stores are really amazing, they have evey kinds of sweets
hay, it looks so elegant
it's like the jelly and puddings
that's why it's easy to eat it
you can notice the difference between the japanese sweets and western ones
the anko here is thick, but it's easy to eat it
let's go to the Bread now
we have here, strawberry jam & condensed cream bread
isn't cute ?
strawberry jam and milk cream is a great mix
hay, it looks so tasty, looks at the jam
there isn't plenty of cream...
but the bread is fluffy and with a good texture
next is Karintō manju
i really like Karintō manju
the outside is like Karintō, and it's hard
it's with a hard texture
and the filled Bean paste is so tasty
hay, and now, with custard cream Eclair
hay, this is so huge
filled with plenty of cream
and because they used plenty of eggs with the cream, it's so thick
and now let's go to the dishes
spicy cold meatbowl noodle
aah, this meat miso looks so tasty
this seasoning as well
let's add to the noodles this soup
the amount of the soup is so big
looks tasty and thick
is it going to be spicy ?
sesame sauce looks so tasty
let's add the seasoning now
hay, looks so tasty
the soup is with a really uniqye taste
rich with flavors and the taste of the meat is so good
this noodles are so good for the summer, especially that's cold
and you can mix this soup with it so easily
and the aroma of the seasoning is so good
next, Fromage Sweet
ah, what fluffy texture
it's so soft and filled with cheese cream
next, melty tiramisu
this is how it looks like
aah, this is so soft
the taste is thick, and the amount of the cream is huge
the bottom rich with coffee taste, and this part is so tasty
and "Cheesecake for cheese lover"
what a nice name
looks tasty
filled with the kiri cheese cream
it's so fluffy
and with blueberry sauce as well
and this goes so well with cheese cream
this cheese is really thick
jiggly Annin tofu
jiggly and looks so good
jiggly ?
so jiggly
so refreshing
and so sweet
and without texture
because it's so jiggly
supper jiggly
it's melty and ultra jiggly
Jaan , Yomogidango
looks so tasty
the smell of yomogi plant is strong
it's soft and it goes so well with the red beans
and, mango pudding
the smell of the mango is strong
and with plenty of mango cubes
doesn't look like a convenience store sweet at all
this mango pudding is so soft
and the amount of the mango is so huge
and this is warabimochi
it's the traditional japanese sweets, warabimochi
mmm, this warabimochi is so jiggly
the sweetness is good
and, THE 7 Choux
it's heavy, and it looks like it's with plenty of cream
the humanity is really genius
but i'm not that genius
this cream looks so tasty
and with plent of vanilla beans
rich with eggs, what made it with a strong taste
let's try now this...
it's coco ichiban cheese curry chips
it's not just the taste of the curry
it's cheese curry, and this is amazing
this aroma is really unique
strong taste and delicous
the texture is so crispy, and because of that the taste is strong as well
hay, next, is the daifuku
hay, looks so tasty
a bright white
the same color as the plate
in this soft texture, filled plenty of anko
and with all this sweet taste there is some light salty taste as well
next, Kuromitsu kuzu kiri
hay, there is everything in 7-ELeven
there is plenty of Black honey
looks so tasty
it's my first time to try it
hay, this is how it looks like
looks tasty
the texture is good, it's like jelly
and the sauce goes so well with it
this is really good
there is 128 Kcal and this not too much
it's really good for diet
and in last....
blue hawaiian jelly
this is also i sow it on the net, and found it so interesting
and it's so rare
the blue sweets are rare, isn't that ?
and it's so elegant
topped with some cherry
it looks like a jewel
the jelly taste is so refreshing
and the mousse cream on the top is so good
the refreshing jelly goes so well with it
it's only 156 Kcal
the last bite, itadakimasu
7-eleven sweets was so tasty
it's the new summer items
and this huge variety is really amazing
there is always a new items
like Warabim mochi cider or blue hawaiian jelly
both the japanese sweets and the western sweets
and the noodles was so tasty as well
in 7-eleven you can buy anything really
and this is amazing
this was so tasty
and because it was so tasty why you don't try it as well ?
And as always thank you for watching
if there's anything You want me to do
please tell me in a comment Section below
if you like this video please hit the like And subscribe buttons
bye bye
all rights reserved. copyright © 2018 Kinoshita Yuka
Pikarin's Pentagon Minpha Makeup【Eng Sub】|Hikari Shiina - Duration: 16:47.
For a casual person like me,
if I fill it with black
well, it'll do by filling in
Sweet Little Devil look
Dreamy Cute look
It looks so fake
Hello everyone watching Kawaii Pateen, I'm Pikarin
Nice to meet you
Today is Minpha-like dreamy cute makeup
is what I am doing today!
So, why Minpha? Why why?
The reason is,
In the magazine called CURE
I did a project on it
and did Minpha makeup
Since many people said the Minpha makeup was really cute
and I thought I'd really want to do this on Kawaii Pateen
and wanted to become Minpha
and with a thought of wanting to become Minpha, I did the Minpha makeup
If there was a guy who was really cute like this
girls will lose the will to live if guys can be so cute
but it's ok in the end
Pikarin will show you the cute Minpha makeup
so let's start the Minpha-like makeup
The circle lens are Candy Magic
If you say Minpha, the image is pink circle lens
but the reality is more light brown or gray color circle lens
so I chose Candy Magic King Gray
Since I only had Candy Magic King Gray in hand so I chose this
I chose the closest one which was King Gray
but a lighter gray will give that Minpha look
The foundation is Cle de Peau
This Cle de Peau can last for many hours
It gives the shine, covers well and it has everything you need for cosmetics
but it's quite pricy so it's better if you buy it after you turn 20
Next is the powder. The powder simply goes around the nose
you just apply it to parts where you sweat
For the nose shadow, even though I will be wearing eye patch
but it will give a 3D effect so it's better to do it
Next is this blush
It's a Candy Doll Blush produced by Tsubasa in strawberry pink
Bluish pink...oh, the scent
Minpha makeup matches this blush
Just holding it is cute
so I will add this to the wide area
Minpha is like a doll makeup
and not aiming toward childish type look
so the position of the blush is not down but upper part
Adding to the wide area above
Next is eyelid makeup Dodo
This looks exactly like Minpha hair color
Adding a little bit of this to the eyebrows
Adding even more and
Adding above the eyebrows and parts there are no eyebrows
It will be good if you add it like an eyebrows mascara
You can use it on eyeshadow
You can even use it on your lips
Next is Love Liner Pencil
Since this is a really soft pencil
So if you want to draw it really black, it's a great one
If it is a makeup you want to draw a wide area in black,
Since if you draw it with a hard black, it will hurt
and it will be difficult to blend it in
In those case if you use a soft pencil, it will be very easy to draw
It's so soft that adding just a little bit will give it quite a lot
You will tend to make mistake so a cotton swab is a must
You circle around but still draw it droopy
It's ok to do it with an eyeshadow
but if you want to make it vivid, all of it in pencil is ok
I'm actually not using eye shadow
Not using shadow
Without using eye shadow, this 3D look is possible
Since eye shadow is light ,
Shadow is like a pollen?
Since shadow seems like sand sometimes,
It's hard to tell whether I added or not so I don't add much
so for a loose person like me,
filling will black will still do the job
Next is eye liner. This is liquid type
This is to trace the part I had added with the pencil,
doing the details
Doing the inner corner of the eyes as well
The short part of the inner corner or the thin part on the outer corner
Yes, like this.
To open up the eyes, this is needed
Widening the double eyelid
This is eyelash glue
You don't have to use this, but using this
Substitute for base
On the spot where you want to widen the double eyelid
Adding eyelid glue or
any kind of adhesive type of goods to be added lightly
will work well with IB TAPE or Mezaic Tape
It will make it easy for those things to stick
It will also be easy to take off after you have applied them
So for those of you who has a problem,
if you put a glue kind of thing on top
it will come off easily
and I am attaching this one
When I open my eyes, the line on the inner corner of the double eyelid
to the point where the double eyelid does not stick together should be widened
is the key point
Since Minpha's eyes are opened up to there
It's like opening up the eyes on the inner corner
It's not like the eyes are cut open on the bottom
Parallel double eyelid. Where the inner corner and the width of the double eyelid is not stuck together
The top eyelashes are these ones
The Eye-Mazing 001, which Jun Komori is doing the model
It's quite bushy eyelashes
Since I had an image of Minpha to have quite bushy eyelashes,
so I tried this on.
When I look at pictures, there are ones where the eyelashes aren't so bushy
Well, even with the bushes it is still cute
, gives a good look
and can utilize this makeup well
Adding the volume lashes will make it look gorgeous or glamorous.
Little devil look
Next is K-Palette liquid liner
This could be the most important key point of Minpha
Adding to the double eyelid line of the eyes
Adding a lot to the double eyelid line
For those of you who made the eyes with eye tape or Mezaic
just tracing over it is ok as well
I also had drawn right over the tape as well
By doing this, it will make a great difference whether you will look like Minpha or not
Next are the eyebrows
CANMAKE secret color eyes no.2
I had used only the pink part
Usually you would match the eyebrows color to the hair color
If that is so, you may think this color is too bright when you see at the store
but since this color is pink beige,
so it blends in well, or should I say close to my skin color.
so for the pink color, buying a pink that is actually a bit dark
and draw on the eyebrows matches much better
If you would buy a color in this hair color,
it will look like you drew nothing
and I believe many of you will erase your eyebrows to draw a new one
The real players will probably shave everything and draw new eyebrows
For those of you who cannot shave everything off, buying some color like this
matches much better
If you look close, Minpha was using quite a dark color
The concealer
This is the eyes concealer from L'Oreal Paris
With this, covering up parts you don't need around the eyebrows
to make the pink eyebrows as much as possible to the ideal Minpha eyebrows
I'm sure you have an image of the Visual-K to have narrow gap between the eyebrows and the eyes
so many of you may think it's better to erase the eyebrows and draw a new one under
but in case of Minpha, it's not like that
Double eyelid line and widening the width
so even with your original position, the double eyelid will come up automatically
so it will come closer
If you erase your eyebrows, the forehead and the eyebrows may come together
Unless your eyebrows are really high above in the forehead
It will be a bit sad if your eyebrows are way high in the forehead
Unless your eyebrows are high in the forehead,
drawing in your original eyebrows position is good enough
With the widening of the double eyelid and the false lashes,
The position of your eyes will become higher
The distance here will be closer
The eye shadow
It's better to add some
I could live without them though
but just to have them as adjustment
adding them lightly
It has a good shine so it's like magic
Like day dream
An eyeshadow like that
Unicorn...and image of riding an unicorn
The bottom lashes. This is Tsubasa model from Dolly Wink
This one is a real classic, and so many people are using it
A great bottom lashes
This time I used it without cutting
Applying without cutting
Maybe making it a little droopy. Yes, a bit droopy
If it is heavy makeup like Minpha I don't need to cut it to use it
I got this as an offering
This is as if I got it just to do Minpha
A real cute eye patch which says "Kill"
It's pink as well
I wonder when I got it...maybe 2 years ago
It had been tucked away
Finally I was able to use it
Thank you very much
I'm not sure if the they are still fan or not
Since I'm doing the eye patch, I took off the false lashes
Yes, take off and do the patch
You may even want to take the circle lens off as well
Just deciding on being Minpha all day
For those who have decided deep in heart that you will totally be Minpha today
I'm sure it's ok as it is
It will be less stress for the eyes so you can take off circle lens and false lashes
Using these two colors again
and drawing the eyebrows again
Only one color will be bland so using two to make it like a gradation
It's self satisfaction. Adding a bit under the eyes
Adding the Etude House glitter to the inner corner
Whether adding white to the inner corner makes a great difference
This may depend on your taste,
Adding white will make it really flashy
make you look like a little sweet devil gyaru
The lipstick is the red one from MAC
For red lipstick, there are quite matte ones,
but for a MAC one, I think this is quite shiny
This is Visee treatment lip glossy
This has a minty fresh feel
I really liked it and used it long but it's gone now
When I looked at Minpha pictures,there were many colors,
but since this time the whole look is fairy like
so I had added the red lipstick for strong point
Another big point of Minpha is this hair color
Pink, this light pink. This pink color
Finding this wig is the key
or even choosing to dye your hair into this color will be quite a key
With this wig,
Cutting a bit of the bangs,
Split it sideways looking like Minpha as possible
By adding head dress, if you are doing wig to look like Minpha like me,
Adding the head dress will make it look natural
The wig look will lessen
Using head dress or hair ornaments will be nice
This is raising the hair up
Showing fluffiness as if having a pigtail
I'm sure there is an image of fluffy, wavy, loose and wavy look
so having that in mind
so with this wig, having Minpha in mind as possible
and made this hair
How was the Minpha style dreamy cute makeup?
Well, when you change the width of the double eyelid, for girls...well boys as well
people change their look drastically
It's quite difficult
When you do makeup, this width is good,
but without makeup this width looks sleepy
Girls have different situations
That was revived again in this Minpha makeup this time
I feel like Minpha can become god among gyaru as well
or maybe he already is...maybe
This pink hair also has that dreamy cute look
It seems unreal
It has a happy look
The hair looks like cotton candy and cute
The dress this time had Minpha in mind
and used pastel colors
I'm sure brands like Listen Flavor will match with this as well
I'm sure with pastel style, it will all match
or maybe a Lolita type dress
For Minpha, not only that but there are elements like 2D or Anime character element that I want to copy
So for me, I would also want to be an icon which has a lot of elements that people want to copy
is what I had realized again this time
Since there are many other videos
so please check them out
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想いを込めて贈る~クラシックメドレー [鑑賞・作業用BGM] - Duration: 1:03:46.
Another Day in World of Tanks #49 - Duration: 14:35.
no need!
it's pretty good
background son
target lost
so yeah I wanted to order some good old-fashioned Cola Oh are we recording
hallo scrubs charlie sure is hard to find right let me show you where he is
well done fellow viewers now spam the comments telling us where he is in this
oh shit
one at all super EXTREME Justin what are you what what are you doing wait don't
touch him it's a look at him switched oh my god
hello balanced fine yes oh yes oh hello you just hide behind him let's do it
people kv2 with the dirt gun this time you're gonna be facing me as watch into
your chance that's a lot of kV juice
okay oh that's my gun and my engine
hello people you have armor but we don't care because we have high explosives
hello quick wash hello t-49 oh gosh reload reload reload
reload reload OH
hello goodbye son's weight isn't ice it's just like very high out for damage
all the crap I'm actually not sure how the armor holds up this just pull a
piece or and just let's just go for it okay
I blocked one point six how is this tank balanced well it's what the sure Aaron
there's an IQ be in the process here oh it's just straight in front of us Oh
video my ego ever wanna stop hello time Emerson real yeah yet I could okay so I
did 1300 Amman and I blocked mm I've looked 3k damage early
completely balanced I will get Paris Thank You matchmaker Oh God how did that
shall even go nope these seams are so bad 0 6 seriously Oh
fuckin swatch let's just go come on these are our counts anyways yes we
still alive scrub please
hello she ha oh no no come on one more yes no no damage that sound though right
is you 130 if you premium rounds my alpha oh they do my God's worship for
premiums watch this thing is 570 damage with premium or repeating hello
let's go to tier 7 poor guy 618
thank you all our patreon supporters at home up until today
just a dollar month get access to also purse shit link eat the truth
join the dark side we have hash browns look mom I'm on TV I got a fever and the
only prescription is more shamans join the awesome and epic minecraft server
farthest all collecting balanced premium tanks since 2012 drop the base all that
tasty damage time for the doom 95 just to the heck do you think I am well thank
you for watching this amazing video and if you want to watch more of this kind
of content why don't you go ahead and click this playlist in the middle of the
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