[♪ INTRO ]
If I asked you to picture a forest, you might envision a sunny grove with some deer gently
nibbling on leaves as they mosey on through.
But those deer could actually be searching for a baby bird or two to munch on.
Yes, deer can be carnivorous.
In fact, many supposed plant-eaters sneak the occasional fleshy snack, usually because
some nutrients are just easier to get from animal parts.
So here are six so-called vegetarians that regularly eat meat and bones—including ours.
Everyone knows that Bambi and his friends are vegetarians.
I mean, deer are quite literally built to eat plants.
As ruminants, they have the ability to ferment plant material in their specialized stomachs,
which allows them to live off a diet that would be way too fibrous for most creatures.
But lots of deer apparently missed that memo, as they've been caught eating everything
from baby birds to human bones.
Yes, I said human bones.
A 2017 paper suggested that deer might frequently gnaw on bodies left exposed in their habitats.
We don't have any evidence that deer kill people, outside of accidental encounters with
But they do most definitely kill birds.
Like, a lot.
Nest cameras in North Dakota have filmed white-tailed deer snacking on chicks more often than traditional
And on an island in Scotland, red deer have been seen biting off the heads of seabird
chicks and chewing on birds' legs.
Scientists think these deer are specifically targeting bones, since they're rich in phosphorus,
calcium, and other minerals that are less common in plants.
They need those nutrients to build strong bones for themselves, as well as those impressive
antlers that deer are so known for.
Sure, a rich mineral lick would suffice, but those aren't always around … whereas baby
birds are everywhere.
You'd expect that other ruminants would have similar dietary needs, and therefore
might also snack on the occasional bone.
And … yeah.
They do.
Sheep, cows, and even giraffes have been seen sucking on bones or actively killing small
animals—usually baby birds.
Apparently they're just a super convenient source of minerals, if you don't happen
to have a salt lick at hoof.
Rodents are another group of animals that are well known for their vegetarian diets—especially
ones like squirrels and chipmunks.
They just scamper along branches and stuff their furry little cheeks full of yummy acorns,
Well, it turns out when they're not busy stashing nuts and eating the cherries off
my cherry tree, squirrels and chipmunks take full advantage of their climbing ability to
go after bird eggs and nestlings.
They also seem to have no qualms eating frogs, lizards, snakes, and even turtles.
And they'll kill and eat all sorts of small mammals, including other species of squirrel
… or each other.
Maybe that shouldn't be so surprising, since rodents are notorious for eating their own
But when they do, it's usually considered a sign something is going wrong.
Squirrels will act as predators when completely healthy, so there must be some other reason.
Like with deer, one important clue is that they seem to target bones.
Forensic scientists note that squirrels frequently gnaw on skeletons, for example—and their
tiny teeth can cause enough damage to obscure important clues about the cause of death.
So, they might be looking for those extra minerals like deer are.
Or they could just be looking to grind down their teeth.
All rodents have continuously-growing incisors—you know, those rodent-y things in front—so
chomping on hard bones might keep them in check.
But in many cases, like with the baby birds, squirrels definitely seem target flesh, which
might mean they hunt for the most obvious reason: Food.
Just extra calories.
Lab experiments have shown that hungrier rodents are more likely to attack live prey.
And other rodents like mice, beavers, and bunnies will also make a habit of dining on
meat if the option is available.
Meat consumption is so widespread in rodents that some scientists argue that they really
should be thought of as omnivores, not herbivores.
And given that about 40% of all mammals on the planet are rodents, that go-with-the-flow
approach to their diet might have helped them conquer the world.
Anyone who has tried to grow their own veggies is all too familiar with the leaf-destroying
abilities of most caterpillars.
But some moth and butterfly larvae have decided plants are overrated, opting instead to snack
on tasty flesh.
Like inchworms in Hawaii with claw-tipped arms, which will eagerly feast on flies.
Or silk-weaving caterpillars that tie down snails so they can slurp them from their shells.
And all the caterpillars in the subfamily Miletinae eat aphids.
But eating snails and insects pales in comparison to the moths and butterflies that dine on
That's right.
There are scavenging butterflies.
A lot of them, actually — especially when they're caterpillars.
Most of these caterpillars normally eat plants, but when the tastiest leaves are taken, they'll
go for decaying flesh.
As the saying goes, this is life, and no one gets out alive, so being able to eat dead
things is a pretty good way to make a living.
I'm not sure that was a saying, but it is now.
Caterpillars' tough jaws—strong enough to tear through starchy leaves—have no trouble
with decaying meat.
Some species are so common on corpses that they're used in forensics.
Even adult butterflies get in on the scavenging action at times, to get nutrients not found
in nectar.
They may flock to dead fish for the salts—the same reason they hang out on mineral licks
or sip turtle tears, which yes, is a thing.
But some scientists think they suck down rotting flesh for the amino acids—the molecular
building blocks of proteins.
The species caught using bait made of decaying meat are known to be super mobile butterflies,
and all that extra protein probably helps them build and keep their flying muscles.
Duikers are teeny little antelopes native to Africa.
They are really cute.
There are almost two dozen different species, each more adorable than the last.
But don't let their size or their cute features fool you—duikers can be ruthless.
Though they're generally considered frugivores, or fruit eaters, animal matter is frequently
found in their stomachs… by people who cut open their stomachs, apparently.
Things like insects and carrion usually make up about a tenth of a percent of their diet,
which doesn't seem like very much.
But studies have found some stomachs with 10% or more of their contents animal-sourced.
And … they don't necessarily wait for their meals to die.
In Angola, the yellow-backed duiker's taste for flesh is infamous.
According to locals, they've actually learned how to eat tortoises, leaving behind empty
shells wherever they go.
And there are tons of scientific reports of duikers and their relatives eating all sorts
of small birds, mammals, reptiles, and amphibians.
More surprisingly, they seem to enjoy killing.
Captive duikers appear to play with living food, like a cat toying with a mouse.
One bay duiker in the Zurich zoo earned a reputation for stalking, killing, and eating
pigeons that landed in its enclosure.
But those behaviors might not be natural in the wild.
In fact, why duikers eat meat isn't entirely clear.
It may be that, like their distant ruminant relatives, they use meaty snacks as nutritional
Studies of their wild diets suggest that the plants and fruits they eat are relatively
low in minerals and protein, even though the animals fare better on a high protein diet.
But some zookeepers have found they actually do better when raw meat is excluded from their
We just don't know enough about these shy, adorable, savage little antelopes to say for
Hippos might look like gentle giants.
But even though they're considered herbivores, they're one of the most dangerous beasts
in Africa.
Their aggressive nature is legendary — it's said they kill more people every year than
lions and leopards combined.
And that's probably not just because they're territorial.
Recently, biologists have come to the conclusion that they actually have a taste for meat.
Hippos will scavenge carcasses they come across, and they've been known to walk right up
to a feeding crocodile and take a bite of its kill.
But much more direct and savage stories have emerged over the years, including instances
where hippos have definitely killed and eaten antelopes.
And that's weird, because it's been thought for a long time that hippos simply don't
have the stomachs—or, more accurately, the stomach bacteria—to digest meat.
But a 2015 review argues that the only thing limiting meat-eating in hippos — or most
herbivores, really — is their ability to catch and eat it.
And that makes sense, considering all the other supposed herbivores that eat meat when
they have the opportunity.
But hippos have a few meat-eating advantages over other herbivores, like their big giant
mouths and teeth that can more easily tear apart hunks of flesh.
And with their bulk—and surprising speed and agility—they are more than capable of
taking down large prey.
Just how often hippos eat meat is uncertain, though—most diet studies get their info
from plant material found in feces, which does not tell you whether or not the animal
has consumed meat.
And it's hard to observe everything that goes into the hippos' mouths because they
tend to eat at night.
Also ... it's kind of tough to stay close enough to a giant aggressive hippo to see
what it's nibbling on.
You can't really do a diet study if you become a part of the diet study.
If you know what I mean...
Obviously, we humans aren't always vegetarians.
And it's no secret that chimpanzees wage wars against one another, and will hunt, kill,
and consume other animals, especially monkeys.
But most primates have a more peaceful reputation.
Take bonobos, for example.
These chimp cousins were supposed to basically embody the 1960s hippie movement—you know,
making love, not war.
Even though they're basically the same size and strength as chimpanzees, people thought
they opted for a much more vegetarian diet.
That is, until about a decade ago, when anthropologists watched them hunt down monkeys and other,
smaller mammals.
And those observations are backed by DNA—fecal DNA, to be precise.
A 2010 study of 128 bonobo poop samples found evidence for recent meat consumption in 16%
of them.
One reason that these and other primates might eat the occasional steak is that it's hard
to get enough Vitamin B12 with a purely vegetarian diet.
B12 is essential for healthy blood and nerve cells, and we mammals can't make it ourselves.
Some animals, like ruminants and other animals with multiple stomachs, like hippos, have
bacteria in their guts that produce this key nutrient.
So they get what they need because their weird anatomy.
We have some of these bacteria, too, but there's a catch—they live so far along in our digestive
tract that we just poop out all the B12 that they make.
That's probably why bunnies and some rodents eat their own feces, and if they don't,
they get B12 by having a non-vegan diet — usually, by supplementing with insects.
So it makes sense that even the most vegetarian-leaning primates might actually be somewhat omnivorous
to ensure they get enough B12.
Many primates probably eat insects for this exact reason, but some—like bonobos and
chimpanzees—clearly have no problem subbing in a little red meat instead.
And I do feel like mentioning you can get B12 without meat, it's just us humans have
a lot more dietary opportunities than wild chimpanzees.
But in the end, even animals we thought were super strict vegans might cheat a little more
often—or a lot more often—than we ever imagined.
But if they do eat a little flesh now and then, they probably have a good reason for
Learning what animals eat and why can help us take better care of them in captivity and
understand our own dietary needs.
If we want to go full vegan, we can just get a B12 from pills or shots, or fordfied food,
not from eating our own poop.
Thanks for watching this episode of SciShow, which could not exist without the support
of our Patreon patrons like Matthew Brant, our President of Space.
Thank you Matthew for your continued support of SciShow.
[ ♪OUTRO ]
For more infomation >> 6 "Vegetarian" Animals that Will Give You Nightmares - Duration: 11:18.-------------------------------------------
Jurgen Klopp answers whether Liverpool need to buy a centre-back this summer ● News Now ● #LFC - Duration: 2:25.
Perhaps the biggest weakness of Liverpool is currently in a central defender.
Virgil van Dijk is one of the best defenders in the world, but the uncertainty is still
more than his opponent in the defensive row.
Dejan Lovren has improved in recent times, but some are still not convinced of his credibility.
And the point that Liverpool needed a booster guard last week when Joel Matip maintained
a leg injury before Borussia Dortmund.
Buying Another centre-back to partner Van Dijk may be the final piece in creating a
title winning side.
But can Jurgen Klopp feel that way?
He is asked whether he intends to buy a central defender this summer or not, and his answer
is very interesting.
The German believes that there is no point buying one as of yet, as there is no defender
available on the market with better quality than Joe Gomez.
When asked about whether he has enhanced the position or not, Klopp says: "Do you think
we have to do?
This summer?
No, I am pleased with his players, honestly that said, so I don't see the need.
"When you see Joe Gomez playing in that role tonight as a central defender, he combines
a lot of stuff you don't find in the transfer market, honestly that said.
Gomez is naturally a central defender, but he has been deployed primarily as a right-wing
defender over the past few years.
He had an impressive chance at the defensive center before Manchester United, and he impressed
Liverpool's coach.
It seems that the words of Klopp showed him confidence in the ability of the young player
and he is ready for more time Gomez playing in his natural position.
However, Klopp admitted that his mind could change on the last days of the assignment
"I cannot see in necessity, but there are 12 days to go and a lot of things can happen
," he added.
"You ask me now and I say no, but maybe if you ask me tomorrow I'll say something else.
Ratatouille: The Doom Perfume | Part 2 - An Intriguing Intruder | Fanfiction - Duration: 6:50.
The restaurant kitchen was silent in the wee hours of the night,
save the *plink*, *plink*, *plink* of a dripping faucet at the sink.
Not a creature was stirring, not even a rat,
until such a rodent emerged from a sink drain
in a rather unhygienic state at that.
The moment she exited the drain, the sumptuous scents of the restaurant
hit her like a tsunami.
Her sensitive nose feasted on the faint aromas of wondrous recipes prepared the day prior.
She could also smell traces of another rat.
Not a concern – probably an intruder like herself,
who had recently departed.
Too bad the delightful meals had long been served to the eager diners.
However, there were other options.
Her nose had already picked up a produce storage area packed with goodies.
It was enough to draw a growl from her empty stomach.
"Okay, okay, focus," she told herself as she secured the rodent-sized
crossbody bag on her shoulder.
"Just do what you came "here to do and- EEEEEEK!"
And what had triggered her squeal?
The sight of her own reflection in the sink's silver side surface,
lit by streetlights streaming through the window.
Looking like the living embodiment of all that was icky,
she had no idea that she was that … that …
How in the world had she not realized-?
Oh, right.
Her perfume.
Even with her sensitive nose, the perfume had almost masked the grimy scent.
In fact, this perfume could override The most unpleasant odours.
It was one of her secret recipes, and she was very proud of it.
The only ways to get it off were a chemical cancelling agent
and lots and lots of time.
To think, this perfume was just a "primer" to prepare her for a much greater creation.
Yes, with her impeccable aroma, she had actually tricked herself
into forgetting how filthy she really was.
In the past few days, she had done little to take care of herself:
always so busy, always so hurried, but so, sooo close to her goals.
However, her goals would have to wait a few minutes.
If she remained in this state much longer, she would be morally obligated
to throw herself into the trash.
She needed soap, and already she could identify
several different cleaning agents at the sink's side.
Such variety!
Clearly, this was no ordinary kitchen.
Some of the soaps were almost lavish!
Forget the dishes.
They would disinfect a dirty rat like her and double as excellent shampoos and conditioners
for fur, if combined to the right proportions.
She leaped onto the edge of the sink and pulled herself to the top
before grabbing the stopper and heading back down to plug the drain.
After returning to the table top, she turned on the water,
climbed a few soap bottles, popped them open,
and poured them into the filling sink with labourious effort but perfect precision.
Upon attaining the right combination of soaps and water,
she dove into the basin, marinated a little and rinsed to her heart's content.
After her bubble bath, she sprang out of the basin,
gave a shake and got to work.
Once she somehow got a pot onto a burner (easier said than done),
she began the long process of filling it with water cup by cup.
However, she found creative ways to make the job much quicker and easier
than it could have been.
After about ten minutes, the pot was full and she switched on the stove until it simmered.
Standing above it on an overlooking shelf, she reached into her crossbody bag
and pulled out a transparent orb filled with multi-coloured liquid.
Once she dropped it into the pot, she waited …
but absolutely nothing happened.
"Huh," she commented, "I guess I had the wrong-" Suddenly, a blast of colourful fumes
erupted from the pot, causing her to jump back
and laugh with delight.
"Ha ha! Yeah!
"Now we're talking!" she cheered.
Her ears twitched in response to a sound.
What was that?
A gasp?
Her eyes darted about to ascertain the source of the sound,
but … there was nothing there.
She began to second guess her hearing, but at the back of her mind,
there was still that scent of another rat.
It was much less musty than that of any other rat she'd smelled.
That rat couldn't still be in the room, right?
His scent was just simply too … mild!
Shaking the concerns from her head, she scurried across the shelf,
stopping when she caught sight of her reflection in a piece of silverware.
"Oh, hello!" she said to her reflection.
"I haven't seen you under that filthy fluff for days!
"Still rockin' that weird red fur, I see!
"That's … well, I can't say it's 'great', so I'm just gonna say 'weird',
"because it is what it is.
"Anyhoo, after tonight, I'll actually have a life
"and I won't need to keep talking to you
"as if I'm suffering from multiple personality disorder!
"Super, right?"
Much to her shock, her reflection answered back.
"You've been giving me that optimistic nonsense for MONTHS!"
"You'd better get the formula right this time, "otherwise you're gonna keep crawling
"back to me for company!
"Get a grip!
"To make matters worse, "YOUR REFLECTION'S TALKING BACK!
"Your desperation is DESTROYING YOUR SANITY!
"Get the formula right and get a life!
"I don't want to have to say this again!"
With that, her reflection stomped out of sight, leaving her dazed and confused.
"Okaaaay," the red rat told herself.
"Best case scenario: I'm not as immune to my hallucinogenic
"chemical concoctions as I thought.
"Too much got into my system and it's making me see things.
"Worst case scenario-" "YOU'RE LOSING YOUR MIND!"
her reflection interrupted as it darted back onto the silverware, finishing her sentence.
Get those night howlers "before this becomes a regular thing!
"GO! GO! GO!
She scampered across the shelf on route to the night howlers
conveniently located at the far side.
"Hey," came an unfamiliar, masculine voice.
She froze.
"Oh, no.
"Now my reflection's starting to sound like a dude!"
"Yeah, I'm pretty sure that's not your reflection," the voice responded.
Slowly, tentatively, she turned to see a lean, blue rat about a yard behind her.
ASTUCE CHEATÉ ! BLEUVAGE INFINI (C'EST OP) ! (Fortnite Battle Royale) - Duration: 4:23.
How to check the balance 💲 of a Gift Card on your Xbox One - Duration: 4:32.
mon conjoint veut se séparer. Crise de la quarantaine? pas si sûr - Duration: 11:16.
Les clichés sur les étudiants d'échange | ABOUT EXCHANGE - Duration: 5:31.
Hello! In this video I'll talk about the clichés about
exchange students. If you're watching this video
randomly and you have no idea what I am talking about..
which would be too bad as I mainly talk about this on
my channel.. Here's a definition for you!
Just pause now.
(It's too long to translate so google it, sorry)
Let's start !
1) "You're just on vacation for a whole year"
Going abroad, living with a host family
and going to school isn't really like going
on vacation with CLUB MED.
In some countries they study less than in others
because the school system isn't as demanding as
the French one for example.
And if you don't speak the language fluently
it may be hard to keep up in some classes.
It all depends on you, your host family's expectations
and your teachers' expectations.
As an example, you can suddenly have to take on more
responsibility than in your usual life. It's not a vacation!
2) Going on exchange = Partying like Project X all year
There are also people thinking that going on exchange
means letting all go, partying each week,
getting super drunk and smoking f*cking big joints!
So it's not that true either..
Some people let go 'cause there isn't the pressure from
people they know and their parents anymore.
But you should know that usually
it is forbidden to drink and smoke on exchange.
If people find out you could be sent back home!
Though, most people don't get caught.
It's quite rare.That's ok we're here for the experience
but we shouldn't forget that there is a life after exchange
and that it would be too bad to die from an overdose.
By the way, Project X is an American movie.
I didn't go there on exchange myself but we can see
quite a lot of testimonies on YouTube
from Exchange students in the USA. They say that
drinking before 21 yo is quite hard so
big parties like project X in High school are just
a stereotype among others.
3) We are totally crazy
Some people don't understand at all the willingness
to go on exchange in high school.
They think that we're probably insane and not very close
to our family to leave them like that. Or even that our
parents are completely unaware to let us go.
Umm..Thanks for worrying about me but everything's
fine with me, in my mind and in my parent's minds.
Well.. I guess so
Even if I leave for a long period of time, I know that my
relationship with my family won't change or at least not
qualitatively because it is strong!
I am in fact real close to my parents and If they support
my projects it's just 'cause they trust me and they know
that I am ready to leave !
A lot of people also tell me that I'm brave for doing it.
I honestly don't think it's about being brave.
It's rather about willingness and being ready.
When you really want something you just go for it!
4) We're rich
I'll be quick on this one. I think that this stereotype
comes from people associating 'going on exchange' with
'going to the USA or Australia'.
So basically the most expensive destinations.
In reality we're not all rich at all !
I invite you to go watch my video about how going on
exchange on a budget in order to understand better.
After all, going on exchange is like any other investment
it also means making sacrifices.
The money you use to go was spent on other things
before or could have been spent to buy other things.
So it is still about willingness
5) We lose a year
Indeed I use a lot "to repeat the year"
to explain things quickly but we don't really repeat it.
We just do the year we've missed while on exchange.
Do not think about the loss but
rather think about all the good things it brings!
Just think about the advantage we got for uni
and even for finals 'cause usually we speak another
language fluently and everything seems easier
'cause we're more mature to understand things.
Honestly, it's okay to go to class with students who are
one year younger than us. I spent my last year of HS
with students born in 2000 (I'm 99) and everything
went well ! With this fear to repeat the year there is also
the fear to lose friends. I can tell you that it does you a
favor. You just realise who are your real friends and the
others and you even make international friends soooo
there are only positive aspects !
6) The best year of our life
It may sound confusing because I promote
the fact to go abroad in high school
but what I want you to understand is just...
do not expect something extraordinary !
I mean just live the experience and do not expect
crazy things to happen to you. After all,
we're here to experience the life of typical teenagers
from another country. And do you think their life is
way crazier than yours? Not necessarily!
Obviously this year abroad is full of positive stuff such
as meeting new people and new perspectives.
At the end of the day, it can be all right or
the opposite. Most of the time the experience is made
great moments and bad ones.
I feel like it's sad to be 18 and to believe that you have
already lived the best year of your life and that nothing
could ever make you feel like this again.
Personally my exchange experiences were great
but I hope that in the future I will be able
to live great moments like this again or even better ones!
At least I will do my best for that!
This video is over, I hope you liked it.
As usual, if you have any question you can ask them
below this video or directly on Instagram (PM).
Thanks for watching, see you !
Nesty swims to an epic Gold Win in Seoul 1988 | The Olympics On The Record - Duration: 5:00.
American swimmer Matt Biondi
was in his prime at the Seoul 1988 Olympic Games.
He had won Olympic gold in the relay four years earlier
in Los Angeles, while he was still a teenager.
Now 22, he was the best swimmer in the world,
ready to take centre stage.
From the USA, Matt Biondi.
Such was Biondi's dominance at the time
that the ten fastest 100m freestyle times
were all set by...Matt Biondi.
Seoul was his opportunity, and he did not disappoint.
Biondi won gold in the 100m freestyle,
three golds in the relay, and set a new world record
winning the 50m freestyle.
He was the king of the pool,
the Californian Condor.
Yet, for one small corner of South America, Biondi was
more of a bit-part player - a supporting actor, if you will -
in what became a nation's greatest sporting moment.
With a population of half a million, Suriname,
a former Dutch colony,
is the smallest nation in South America.
There it is, just above Brazil.
Suriname's Olympic record was modest.
Very modest. To be completely straight with you,
they had no record at the Olympic Games.
Gold - none. Medals - none.
Let's face it - the odds were not in their favour.
At the 1988 Games,
the United States sent 527 athletes.
Suriname sent six.
But you need to be in it to win it,
and there was some hope that,
at the very least, their swim team -
a team of precisely one athlete -
would do the country proud.
Anthony Conrad Nesty,
born in Trinidad and brought up in Suriname,
was competing in his second Olympic Games.
He swam at Los Angeles 1984,
finishing 20th in the 100-metre butterfly,
a result that earned him
a college scholarship to the United States.
Four years later, Nesty, 21,
made it all the way to the Olympic final.
Reaching the last eight was a big deal for Nesty,
and a huge news story back home in Suriname.
But this was going to be tough.
In lane three, the 1987 Pan American Games champion,
from Suriname, Anthony Nesty.
Nesty was not a great height for an Olympic swimmer,
looking up at his rivals in his preferred event.
The line up was awesome.
Andy Jameson of Great Britain, fastest in qualifying,
hadn't lost a 100m butterfly race for two years.
Michael Gross of West Germany -
the Albatross - was the reigning
the Olympic champion, out to defend his title.
And then there was the all-conquering Biondi.
As they completed the first lap,
Biondi was well in the lead.
Just two lengths, and one turn.
And by now, Biondi was crushing it.
A big finish was required, and that's what it got.
Now, watch Biondi.
Watch his reaction.
"What the heck just happened?"
Jameson bronze, Biondi silver
and Anthony Nesty of Suriname gold?
By one hundredth of a second?
It was such a surprise
that even Nesty wasn't sure what to do.
On first sight, it looked like the American had won.
But coming to the end, Biondi had mistimed his stroke.
He had decided to glide in. It was a huge mistake.
Nesty timed his finish perfectly,
the golden touch by one hundredth of a second.
Biondi won every race he took part in
for the rest of the Games,
winning five gold medals.
But that day belonged to Nesty,
and to Suriname.
The gold medallist and Olympic champion,
representing Suriname, Anthony Nesty.
The first black male to win a gold medal in the pool,
he became a massive hero in his home country.
Suriname went Nesty crazy.
Nesty stamps.
Nesty coins.
There was even a Nesty aeroplane.
That's, like, so over the top.
Yeah, tell me about it.
The Suriname legend
had more than a fleeting moment in the limelight.
It was a well-deserved golden era of Nesty.
U e D Ludovica prostrata dalle critiche sul fisico, duro sfogo: "Schifo… basta, basta, basta" - Duration: 3:32.
6 "Vegetarian" Animals that Will Give You Nightmares - Duration: 11:18.
[♪ INTRO ]
If I asked you to picture a forest, you might envision a sunny grove with some deer gently
nibbling on leaves as they mosey on through.
But those deer could actually be searching for a baby bird or two to munch on.
Yes, deer can be carnivorous.
In fact, many supposed plant-eaters sneak the occasional fleshy snack, usually because
some nutrients are just easier to get from animal parts.
So here are six so-called vegetarians that regularly eat meat and bones—including ours.
Everyone knows that Bambi and his friends are vegetarians.
I mean, deer are quite literally built to eat plants.
As ruminants, they have the ability to ferment plant material in their specialized stomachs,
which allows them to live off a diet that would be way too fibrous for most creatures.
But lots of deer apparently missed that memo, as they've been caught eating everything
from baby birds to human bones.
Yes, I said human bones.
A 2017 paper suggested that deer might frequently gnaw on bodies left exposed in their habitats.
We don't have any evidence that deer kill people, outside of accidental encounters with
But they do most definitely kill birds.
Like, a lot.
Nest cameras in North Dakota have filmed white-tailed deer snacking on chicks more often than traditional
And on an island in Scotland, red deer have been seen biting off the heads of seabird
chicks and chewing on birds' legs.
Scientists think these deer are specifically targeting bones, since they're rich in phosphorus,
calcium, and other minerals that are less common in plants.
They need those nutrients to build strong bones for themselves, as well as those impressive
antlers that deer are so known for.
Sure, a rich mineral lick would suffice, but those aren't always around … whereas baby
birds are everywhere.
You'd expect that other ruminants would have similar dietary needs, and therefore
might also snack on the occasional bone.
And … yeah.
They do.
Sheep, cows, and even giraffes have been seen sucking on bones or actively killing small
animals—usually baby birds.
Apparently they're just a super convenient source of minerals, if you don't happen
to have a salt lick at hoof.
Rodents are another group of animals that are well known for their vegetarian diets—especially
ones like squirrels and chipmunks.
They just scamper along branches and stuff their furry little cheeks full of yummy acorns,
Well, it turns out when they're not busy stashing nuts and eating the cherries off
my cherry tree, squirrels and chipmunks take full advantage of their climbing ability to
go after bird eggs and nestlings.
They also seem to have no qualms eating frogs, lizards, snakes, and even turtles.
And they'll kill and eat all sorts of small mammals, including other species of squirrel
… or each other.
Maybe that shouldn't be so surprising, since rodents are notorious for eating their own
But when they do, it's usually considered a sign something is going wrong.
Squirrels will act as predators when completely healthy, so there must be some other reason.
Like with deer, one important clue is that they seem to target bones.
Forensic scientists note that squirrels frequently gnaw on skeletons, for example—and their
tiny teeth can cause enough damage to obscure important clues about the cause of death.
So, they might be looking for those extra minerals like deer are.
Or they could just be looking to grind down their teeth.
All rodents have continuously-growing incisors—you know, those rodent-y things in front—so
chomping on hard bones might keep them in check.
But in many cases, like with the baby birds, squirrels definitely seem target flesh, which
might mean they hunt for the most obvious reason: Food.
Just extra calories.
Lab experiments have shown that hungrier rodents are more likely to attack live prey.
And other rodents like mice, beavers, and bunnies will also make a habit of dining on
meat if the option is available.
Meat consumption is so widespread in rodents that some scientists argue that they really
should be thought of as omnivores, not herbivores.
And given that about 40% of all mammals on the planet are rodents, that go-with-the-flow
approach to their diet might have helped them conquer the world.
Anyone who has tried to grow their own veggies is all too familiar with the leaf-destroying
abilities of most caterpillars.
But some moth and butterfly larvae have decided plants are overrated, opting instead to snack
on tasty flesh.
Like inchworms in Hawaii with claw-tipped arms, which will eagerly feast on flies.
Or silk-weaving caterpillars that tie down snails so they can slurp them from their shells.
And all the caterpillars in the subfamily Miletinae eat aphids.
But eating snails and insects pales in comparison to the moths and butterflies that dine on
That's right.
There are scavenging butterflies.
A lot of them, actually — especially when they're caterpillars.
Most of these caterpillars normally eat plants, but when the tastiest leaves are taken, they'll
go for decaying flesh.
As the saying goes, this is life, and no one gets out alive, so being able to eat dead
things is a pretty good way to make a living.
I'm not sure that was a saying, but it is now.
Caterpillars' tough jaws—strong enough to tear through starchy leaves—have no trouble
with decaying meat.
Some species are so common on corpses that they're used in forensics.
Even adult butterflies get in on the scavenging action at times, to get nutrients not found
in nectar.
They may flock to dead fish for the salts—the same reason they hang out on mineral licks
or sip turtle tears, which yes, is a thing.
But some scientists think they suck down rotting flesh for the amino acids—the molecular
building blocks of proteins.
The species caught using bait made of decaying meat are known to be super mobile butterflies,
and all that extra protein probably helps them build and keep their flying muscles.
Duikers are teeny little antelopes native to Africa.
They are really cute.
There are almost two dozen different species, each more adorable than the last.
But don't let their size or their cute features fool you—duikers can be ruthless.
Though they're generally considered frugivores, or fruit eaters, animal matter is frequently
found in their stomachs… by people who cut open their stomachs, apparently.
Things like insects and carrion usually make up about a tenth of a percent of their diet,
which doesn't seem like very much.
But studies have found some stomachs with 10% or more of their contents animal-sourced.
And … they don't necessarily wait for their meals to die.
In Angola, the yellow-backed duiker's taste for flesh is infamous.
According to locals, they've actually learned how to eat tortoises, leaving behind empty
shells wherever they go.
And there are tons of scientific reports of duikers and their relatives eating all sorts
of small birds, mammals, reptiles, and amphibians.
More surprisingly, they seem to enjoy killing.
Captive duikers appear to play with living food, like a cat toying with a mouse.
One bay duiker in the Zurich zoo earned a reputation for stalking, killing, and eating
pigeons that landed in its enclosure.
But those behaviors might not be natural in the wild.
In fact, why duikers eat meat isn't entirely clear.
It may be that, like their distant ruminant relatives, they use meaty snacks as nutritional
Studies of their wild diets suggest that the plants and fruits they eat are relatively
low in minerals and protein, even though the animals fare better on a high protein diet.
But some zookeepers have found they actually do better when raw meat is excluded from their
We just don't know enough about these shy, adorable, savage little antelopes to say for
Hippos might look like gentle giants.
But even though they're considered herbivores, they're one of the most dangerous beasts
in Africa.
Their aggressive nature is legendary — it's said they kill more people every year than
lions and leopards combined.
And that's probably not just because they're territorial.
Recently, biologists have come to the conclusion that they actually have a taste for meat.
Hippos will scavenge carcasses they come across, and they've been known to walk right up
to a feeding crocodile and take a bite of its kill.
But much more direct and savage stories have emerged over the years, including instances
where hippos have definitely killed and eaten antelopes.
And that's weird, because it's been thought for a long time that hippos simply don't
have the stomachs—or, more accurately, the stomach bacteria—to digest meat.
But a 2015 review argues that the only thing limiting meat-eating in hippos — or most
herbivores, really — is their ability to catch and eat it.
And that makes sense, considering all the other supposed herbivores that eat meat when
they have the opportunity.
But hippos have a few meat-eating advantages over other herbivores, like their big giant
mouths and teeth that can more easily tear apart hunks of flesh.
And with their bulk—and surprising speed and agility—they are more than capable of
taking down large prey.
Just how often hippos eat meat is uncertain, though—most diet studies get their info
from plant material found in feces, which does not tell you whether or not the animal
has consumed meat.
And it's hard to observe everything that goes into the hippos' mouths because they
tend to eat at night.
Also ... it's kind of tough to stay close enough to a giant aggressive hippo to see
what it's nibbling on.
You can't really do a diet study if you become a part of the diet study.
If you know what I mean...
Obviously, we humans aren't always vegetarians.
And it's no secret that chimpanzees wage wars against one another, and will hunt, kill,
and consume other animals, especially monkeys.
But most primates have a more peaceful reputation.
Take bonobos, for example.
These chimp cousins were supposed to basically embody the 1960s hippie movement—you know,
making love, not war.
Even though they're basically the same size and strength as chimpanzees, people thought
they opted for a much more vegetarian diet.
That is, until about a decade ago, when anthropologists watched them hunt down monkeys and other,
smaller mammals.
And those observations are backed by DNA—fecal DNA, to be precise.
A 2010 study of 128 bonobo poop samples found evidence for recent meat consumption in 16%
of them.
One reason that these and other primates might eat the occasional steak is that it's hard
to get enough Vitamin B12 with a purely vegetarian diet.
B12 is essential for healthy blood and nerve cells, and we mammals can't make it ourselves.
Some animals, like ruminants and other animals with multiple stomachs, like hippos, have
bacteria in their guts that produce this key nutrient.
So they get what they need because their weird anatomy.
We have some of these bacteria, too, but there's a catch—they live so far along in our digestive
tract that we just poop out all the B12 that they make.
That's probably why bunnies and some rodents eat their own feces, and if they don't,
they get B12 by having a non-vegan diet — usually, by supplementing with insects.
So it makes sense that even the most vegetarian-leaning primates might actually be somewhat omnivorous
to ensure they get enough B12.
Many primates probably eat insects for this exact reason, but some—like bonobos and
chimpanzees—clearly have no problem subbing in a little red meat instead.
And I do feel like mentioning you can get B12 without meat, it's just us humans have
a lot more dietary opportunities than wild chimpanzees.
But in the end, even animals we thought were super strict vegans might cheat a little more
often—or a lot more often—than we ever imagined.
But if they do eat a little flesh now and then, they probably have a good reason for
Learning what animals eat and why can help us take better care of them in captivity and
understand our own dietary needs.
If we want to go full vegan, we can just get a B12 from pills or shots, or fordfied food,
not from eating our own poop.
Thanks for watching this episode of SciShow, which could not exist without the support
of our Patreon patrons like Matthew Brant, our President of Space.
Thank you Matthew for your continued support of SciShow.
[ ♪OUTRO ]
En plein vol, le pilote entend une alarme d'urgence et quand il voit le chien il n'en revient pas - Duration: 2:53.
Here's What I Think About Buying a Mitsubishi Car and More - Duration: 3:21.
Rev up your engines!
Mr Grape says, Scotty what do you think about Mitsubishi are the new ones reliable and how
about the old ones, do you think the brand will ever make a comeback,
ok here's the thing, Mitsubishi always made somewhat cheaper cars, that was their thing,
they sold cars that cost less, now if you don't mind a standard transmission
they can last a long time, I've had customers get 200-300 thousand miles with the ones with
the standard transmissions, but they make terrible automatic transmissions
and they break all the time and they still do,
but if you want a cheaper car, and say you're going to buy a brand new car and you're the
type of guy that buy a new car every 5 or 6 years,
you go out and buy a Mitsubishi you probably won't have too many problems the first 5 or
6 years, go ahead and if you're going to buy another one, there's nothing wrong with doing
that, but if you're cheap like me, and you want
to buy a used car like I do and buy a 10-12 year old Toyota and then drive it for another
200-300 thousand miles you won't be happy with Mitsubishi,
Steve Bait says, I have a 2000 Toyota Sienna with over 200 thousand miles, the timing belt
has never been replaced should I replace the water pump and tensioner and seals,
well if you're planning on keeping it a really long time, yes that would be a good idea to
do, but at the same time, realize that is a non-interference engine, and if the timing
belt ever breaks, nothing is damaged, so if you want you can just wait and if it
breaks, tow it to a mechanic and have him fix it, it doesn't hurt anything, but if you
want to have trouble free driving, yes I would change the water pump and the seal and the
tensioner and the timing belt with that kind of mileage on it,
but if you don't care and you just drive it around town when it breaks you can just tow
it to your mechanic and have them do the job then,
it will not hurt anything, Eddy says, I'm working on a 1997 Dodge Ram
Van 2500 it has a belt tensioner that rattles when it's on, but it's solid when it's off,
do I need to replace it or tighten something up, replace the belt first, it could just
be a bad belt, when the belt is worn the tensioner will go to as far as it can go until it can't
tighten anymore and then it's going to rattle around,
it might just need a belt, now if the belt doesn't fix it and it still
rattles, get a new tensioner and get an OEM tensioner, don't go to a discount auto parts
store and buy the cheapest one you can buy because those things, a lot of time they rattle
even worse than the one you had so, don't go too cheap buying a tensioner if you need
one, Abraham says, Scotty my car has recently been
displaying the check engine light and the car would hesitate, based on this what do
you think it is, ok I' not the great car mechanic that can
forecast the future, check engine lights come on in your car if
means there's a trouble code set, there are over 2,000 different trouble codes
it could be, so the first thing you want to do is, go to
like Auto Zone if you don't have a scan tool, you can buy a scan tool for like $20 now a
days, but if you don't go to Auto Zone, they'll scan it, they'll give you a code, then you
go to my website, scottykilmer.com and to go the ask scotty section and give the code
and I can analyze the code for you, but I can't guess without having that code because
there's over 2,000 different ones and there's no saying what it is without that actual code,
so if you never want to miss another one of my new car repair videos, remember to ring
that bell!
The Perfect Man Bun Length - Man Bun Monthly Ep4 - Duration: 7:30.
Sermon : La Repentance et le Salut - Prêche sur le Repentir Expliqué, Véritable, Sincère et Chrétien - Duration: 49:51.
mon conjoint veut se séparer. Crise de la quarantaine? pas si sûr - Duration: 11:16.
Late Summer Blockbuster - Duration: 2:27.
today's bread... today
*TV presenter speaking in dutch*
*Man with strange voice*
*TV presenter laughs at disability*
*Freddy Mercury being gay*
*Crowd Sings* AAA
*Crowd Sings* AAAAA
*Crowd Sings* AAAAAAA
*Crowd Sings* Oh
[Kermit] ...was a wonderful move
[Fozzie] Thank you
[Kermit] No now you didn't do it
[Fozzie] Oh I didn't do it?
[Kermit] nonono
[Fozzie] How bou- is that a good move?
[Kermit] *distressed* what?
[Fozzie] I just did a move
[Kermit] What a move?
[Fozzie] Was this a good move?
[Kermit] *underwhelmed* No that's ok
[Fozzie] *visibly dissapointed*
[Kermit] That wasn't like a great camera move
[Kermit] Jim did a wonderful camera move
[Jim] Thank you!
[Jim] Thank you very much
[Kermit] You're welcome
*inception inspired music begins*
*fortune lectures callum*
*gaurav says "wakanda forever"*
*then giggles uncontrollably*
*callum struggles to hide the pain*
*Ezra steals some action*
*callum braces himself*
is it obvious which trailer I used to help make this?
why do you even have captions on?
*drama ensues*
*cameraman moves to advantageous position*
*the fight has made a turn for the worse*
*callum thinks tactically*
*a buffalo enters the frame*
*malcolm in the middle of a fight*
that was a little pun
I used to watch that show a fair amount
I never really watched "the middle" tho
and that's where my nickname heralds from
"Brick" never made any sense to me
I liked "Bob Marley"... cheers Luke
You should watch that
ASTUCE CHEATÉ ! BLEUVAGE INFINI (C'EST OP) ! (Fortnite Battle Royale) - Duration: 4:23.
[OPV] Last one ost. #ไฮเดรนเยียหลินโฮ #หลินโฮ - Duration: 3:59.
ESA Foundation Scholarship Acceptance - Duration: 2:00.
Hi! My name is Kayleigh East and I am a recipient of the ESA Foundation Computer
and Video Game Arts Scholarship! Ever since I was a kid, I was enamored by art
and technology and this passion has led me to chase a career in game design and
development and thanks to the ESA it makes the journey easier by helping with my
college tuition I've always loved video games and they have always been a big
part of my life and I thinking game design is one of the best forms of artistic
expression because it uses everything, animation, narration, music, coding,
literally everything and their continuous inspiration to everyone. My
parents were avid gamers who'd eventually get my brother and I hooked on the many
stories that were introduced to us and games would end up inspiring us and
leading us to new experiences. LittleBigPlanet would allow me to create
my own stories and worlds. Don't Starve and allow me to double deep into my love
for art. Contrast and Scribblenauts would encourage me to think outside of the box
Heavy Rain and Until Dawn would allow me to reanalyze a player's choices. I'm always
stunned by how powerful and artistic games are. The Walking Dead Season Two
showed me how impactful a single button could be while Journey would perfectly
portray a unique feeling of loneliness and struggle that would bring tears to
my eyes. I want to create these experiences and inspirations for players
which is why I plan on doing so with game design and development in the next
5 years and I want to bring them through an
adventure that they'll never forget and they'll gladly look back upon, I want to
tug on the heartstrings of players and I want them to be inspired to think
creatively and video games... they helped me realize what my calling was
and I'm eager to take what I'll learn from RIT and apply it to the new
adventures and stories that I have to tell in the future. I'd like to thank the
ESA for awarding me with a scholarship and I can't wait to bring everybody some
news stories in the future, thank you so much!
Love Island's Ellie claims producers 'tried to SPLIT up' Jack and Dani - Duration: 3:33.
Love Island viewers were left shocked as Jack Fincham's ex Ellie Jones entered the villa, leaving Dani Dyer devastated
After being voted off the ITV2 show, Ellie has sensationally claimed producers purposely tried to split up Dani and Jack by bringing her in to stir things up and create tension between the loved-up couple
Jack and Dani are currently favourites to win, but Ellie claims show bosses twisted a scene in which she tells the daughter of Danny Dyer that Jack has a poster of her father on his wall at home
"I brought up his poster before going in and producers wanted to get it in during my chat with Dani," Ellie told The Sun
"I'd told them about it as they were asking me if Jack already knew about Dani
"Everyone thinks he's in there just because she's Danny Dyer's daughter. So I mentioned it
" Ellie continued: "He's not clever enough to keep up an act and would have slipped up, I do genuinely think he likes Dani
It's just a touch that she's Danny's daughter." She also claims producers asked her to discuss the fact that Jack had previously liked several of Dani's Instagram posts before the pair were set to appear on this year's series of the show
"They didn't show it but I told Dani I do think Jack genuinely likes her. Whether he knew of her or not, they'd have got together
"Jack was annoyed I'd mentioned the poster but I didn't want to embarrass him. It's only a little poster and Danny's film The Business is his favourite
He likes him and is a fan." Related Kerry Katona poses TOPLESS by the pool Love Island teaser: Family members surprise the Islanders Una Healy and Ben Foden sing Ed Sheeran's 'Perfect' Love Island first look: Ellie Jones warns Dani Dyer about her romance with Jack Fincham Dani Jack Love Island: Dani Dyer worried about future with Jack Fincham over past secrets Love Island: Jack Fincham APOLOGISED to ex Ellie Jones for treating her badly Love Island's Ellie Jones gives verdict on whether Jack Fincham will cheat on Dani Dyer Ellie Love Island TOWIE: Was Ellie Jones on The Only Way Is Essex? A spokesperson for Love Island said: "The opinions they have, decisions they make and the relationships formed are completely within the control of the Islanders themselves
"It is always our intention to producer a show that is a fair and accurate representative of the life in the villa
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