Yay! Oh, excuse me. Hello! My name is Amy Sturkey. I am a pediatric
physical therapist. I am here with Myla. We are going to work on side
sitting on a ball. The ball could be bigger or bouncier. I an adding a little
bounce with my legs. We are just going to work on side sitting. She wants to sit
with their legs pretty symmetrical and turned out , so I'm just going to put her
in side sit. I am going to let her work on side sitting. I can
do the same things I was doing before, rocking her side to side and forward and
back. Well, on a bigger ball that would be easier. When you work on one side, just make
sure that you work on the other side. Yes. I see you. Usually kids have a side that
they prefer over the other. I think the other side was the preferred side.
Thanks! Yes! Come on up, sweet pea. It is fun to do side sitting on the ball. It is just
another way to work on trunk strength and that usually kids like. There you go. And
it is something you can try at home. Thanks a lot. Bye-bye!
Okay! Okay! Okay! Okay! Come on down!
For more infomation >> Exercises for a Baby with Low Tone #41: Side Sitting on a Ball - Duration: 1:39.
Brush Fire breaks out in De Luz area North of Fallbrook - CBS News 8 - San Diego, CA News Station - Duration: 4:11.
✅ 娛樂中心/綜合報導綜藝天王吳宗憲早期以歌手身分出道,1990年開始進軍主持圈,憑著詼諧逗趣的風格迅速爆紅,與張菲、胡瓜、張小燕並稱主持界的「三王一后」,不過要攀升竄紅並不容易,吳宗憲自曝為了常被鏡 - Duration: 2:46.
娛樂中心/綜合報導 綜藝天王吳宗憲早期以歌手身分出道,1990 開始進軍主持圈,憑著詼諧逗趣的風格迅速爆紅,與張菲、胡瓜、張小燕 稱主持界的「三王一后」,不過要攀升竄紅並不容易,吳宗憲自曝為了常 鏡頭帶到,因此自創「嘿嘿」口頭禪
▲吳宗憲昨在小巨蛋開唱,綜藝咖大合唱。(圖/邱榮吉攝影) 據 壹週刊》報導,吳宗憲1994年擔任節目《超級星期天》固定班底與助 主持人,腦袋靈敏接話快,頗受好評,但因錄影時間有限,攝影師無法將 頭畫面平分給全部來賓,加上吳宗憲經常突然插話,導致攝影師鏡頭跟不 ,事後吳宗憲則向製作人柴智屏抱怨常有漏網鏡頭,柴智屏便建議他說話 可以先發出聲音,以方便提醒導播帶鏡頭,因而自創出經典口頭禪「嘿嘿
▲吳宗憲口頭禪「嘿嘿」藏心酸。(圖/翻攝自臉書) 除了「嘿嘿 口頭禪外,吳宗憲還創造出「厲害啦!」、「嫂子包餃子」、「見鬼啦! 」等語助詞的口頭禪來拉長時間,好讓導播將鏡頭畫面轉向他,網友聽完 哥經典口頭禪由來後,都一致認為「嘿嘿」是史上最心酸的口頭禪
上一則 2女兒組「長腿少女團」 遺傳名模基因腿比小S還 下一則 獨/高盟傑幫你刷油漆 沒人找慘兮兮
大學選美正妹竟...?他打開D槽竟越看越眼熟...柯南網友神對比圖分析:果然素人最棒 - Duration: 2:38.
Stream | SUM SUM SH*T! - Duration: 5:42:19.
Exercises for a Baby with Low Tone #41: Side Sitting on a Ball - Duration: 1:39.
Yay! Oh, excuse me. Hello! My name is Amy Sturkey. I am a pediatric
physical therapist. I am here with Myla. We are going to work on side
sitting on a ball. The ball could be bigger or bouncier. I an adding a little
bounce with my legs. We are just going to work on side sitting. She wants to sit
with their legs pretty symmetrical and turned out , so I'm just going to put her
in side sit. I am going to let her work on side sitting. I can
do the same things I was doing before, rocking her side to side and forward and
back. Well, on a bigger ball that would be easier. When you work on one side, just make
sure that you work on the other side. Yes. I see you. Usually kids have a side that
they prefer over the other. I think the other side was the preferred side.
Thanks! Yes! Come on up, sweet pea. It is fun to do side sitting on the ball. It is just
another way to work on trunk strength and that usually kids like. There you go. And
it is something you can try at home. Thanks a lot. Bye-bye!
Okay! Okay! Okay! Okay! Come on down!
Maddie Shares About Summer Isolation - Duration: 2:05.
Hi, guys.
My name is Maddie and today I'm going to be talking about summer, more specifically issues
that teenagers face during the summer.
I've had a lot of things go on this summer.
It's been eventful.
It's been not so eventful.
So, I'm going to be talking about different things involving that.
Isolation is a big thing, especially when you're a teenager who's growing and trying
to figure out who your friends are, what you're doing, where you're going, because you can
feel lost.
The worst summer I ever had was the summer after my sixth-grade year.
My asthma was at an all-time high and my depression was at an all-time high.
I was very, very sick.
Sick physically, sick mentally.
I didn't feel good at all.
I realized, because of how depressed I was, that I needed to start therapy, which is a
good way to start coping with things.
Obviously, it didn't fix the fact that I was having a cruddy summer but it did help a lot
of other things.
I'm very much an introvert and I love having time by myself.
I do miss the school environment and I am very eager to get back to school and finish
my final year of high school.
Do you get bored over the summer?
Oh, most definitely.
I get bored during the school year.
Everybody gets bored.
It's healthy to be bored sometimes.
You don't want to overwhelm yourself.
How do you stay busy during the summer?
I picked up this internship, for example, as something more to keep me structured and
also to learn a lot during the summer because I want to continue to learn, even when I'm
not in school.
If you could choose, what would you do with your summer break?
Exactly what I'm doing right now.
Maybe a little more traveling, but that's not what I can actually do.
It's not within my realm.
If I could, I would probably travel.
I would probably stay within the US because I feel like I need to travel more of what's
around me.
But I'd like to take a few of my friends and then we just hit the road.
Thank you for watching.
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Stay cool.
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