hi this is emerald and welcome to the diamond net and today I'm going to be
talking to you about the persona in the Jungian psychological model so the
persona is part of the Jungian psychological model and it's the aspect
of that model that's concerned with how we present ourselves to the world so
it's basically the social mask that we put on in order to fulfill particular
roles within a society and we may have different facets of our persona that we
use at different times so for example our persona may be different around our
family as compared to how it is around our friends or it might be different
from how it is at work and this is quite natural because essentially what the
persona is is a tool it's a tool for being able to function within a social
matrix and it's the face that we show to the world it's the selective lens for
what we allow other people to see about us and in fact this is how other people
come to know us is through our persona now despite the fact that the persona is
so elementary to our functioning in the social matrix and how other people come
to know us it's really a drop in the gallon bucket when it comes to the
entire psyche in fact it is the most superficial layer of the Jungian
psychological model now a lot of people don't realize that the persona is
surface level and they think that they are their persona I'll get into that a
little bit later but I think in order to show the surface level nature of the
persona we as modern people have a really useful metaphor that we can look
at so if we look at let's say a social media profile clearly we have a lot of
different things that we can choose on that profile as a way to present
ourselves to others on the Internet you know so we can fill out our about Me
section and we can say oh I'm this person here and we can show our pictures
and we can show what's going on in our lives by showing people pictures we can
choose what we post up on Facebook
and that's essentially what you're doing when you're creating your
persona you're putting on this mask for the world to see so that you know people
can come to know you as this particular person in this particular identity but
most people would not make the mistake of actually conflating themselves with
their Facebook profile you know that would be a little bit silly to do but a
lot of times people do conflate themselves with their persona that
they've chosen here so in order to really understand what the persona is
and how not to over identify with it we have like three main things that we have
to know number one the persona is not the self it is just one small aspect of
the self the second thing is that the persona is not fixed it's not something
that you were just given at birth and there it is that's your persona you had
to actively construct your persona and so you can always change your persona to
anything you want really the sky is the limit with it and the third thing is
that the persona is not the ego now it's quite common for these two things to get
mixed up because they do have sort of a similar feel to them and they're used in
similar ways but really what the persona is is your social mask it's how you
present yourself externally for functioning in the world whereas the ego
is more internal it's a layer deeper so the ego is everything that you believe
yourself to be and even though it is a rather small area of the psyche compared
to the entire rest of the psyche you know it's usually more expansive than
the persona usually there's more things that you identify with than what you
actually present to the world now having said that for most people the persona is
heavily informed by the ego so we tend to create our social masks in congruence
with the ego structure now if someone has a weak or underdeveloped ego they
may make the mistake of only identifying with their persona so the persona and
the ego would essentially be the same thing but this is very unhealthy because
the persona is by its very nature very superficial and narrow so if you narrow
your ego down to the level of persona it creates a lot of problems now this
pattern of identifying only with the persona tends to happen what I've
noticed anyway is in young teenagers so they may come to be identified with a
particular style of music or a particular clique of some kind and they
may try to present themselves in a way that's congruent to
that and they don't want anything else that contradicts what that is so for
example if there's a kid who gets really really into rap music and they might
think oh well I don't listen to any other kind of music and I'm only going
to dress this way and I'm only gonna talk this way and you know I live the
hard life and that's the only way that I am and anything that basically falls out
of that range of being a rapper you know is not going to be acceptable for them
to show in their persona and perhaps not even acceptable for them to accept as
part of their ego so that can be a problem now as I said this is an
outgrowth of underdeveloped ego you know so it's makes sense that a
lot of teenagers do that because teenagers are just constructing their
identity so they essentially like take these templates in the form of these
different styles of music or a different type of clique and they sort of use it
as their clay you know that they can mold now the problem is when they don't
actually mold it and they just want to take it like straight as it is and only
be that you know but it can actually be a decent template for building up the
personality it's quite natural for teenagers to do that and usually by the
age of about fifteen or sixteen the person is starting to get a bit more of
a refined personality around that basic idea so even if let's say somebody
really identified with rock music and you know that was all they were about
when they were 13 14 usually when they're 15 they start to read some
nuance into that personality because they're building up in more complex ways
now having said that the majority of adults still somewhat believe that they
are their persona but they're more likely to see it as just one aspect of
themselves so they're more likely to realize that they aren't just the way
they come off to people know as I said before the ego and the persona are
usually pretty congruent with one another but there can be some
incongruences let's say if a person has a trait that they know or they believe
that society won't accept in them or they know their friends and family won't
accept in them so for example if a person
was gay let's say 50 years ago you know there can be some very real social
consequences and so a person even if they knew that they were gay and it was
part of their ego they might choose to omit that from their persona so it would
be kind of like a minor repression now if that person who had omitted that
trait from their persona also had a lot of shame relative to being gay or
perhaps a lot of judgments about other people being gay you know they may not
even realize it themselves in which case you know the knowledge that they're gay
maybe just repressed down to the shadow so they would genuinely not know it this
is where repression happens like a full-blown repression so that's the
difference between lack of expression so lack of allowing a trait into the
persona and an actual full-blown repression now of course not expressing
a particular trait in the persona is not ideal but it's not quite the same thing
as going unconscious to that trait now in this next part of the video I'm going
to go over 7 different problems that can be experienced with regard to the
persona so the first one is not creating a persona at all you know so essentially
what the persona is is it's a tool for functioning in society so if a person
neglects to create a persona or has an underdeveloped persona what they're
gonna find is that they're not able to adapt very well socially
because this is how people come to know them if they don't really have an idea
of how they're coming off to people or what their personality is that other
people see they're not going to be able to function as effectively in a
social way all right the second persona problem is constructing your persona in
such a way that it doesn't allow for the expression of the full depth and breadth
of your personality so in another one of my videos I spoke about how people have
a preconditioned personality a lot of times people will think that a person's
personality is just a conglomeration of different social constructs but this
actually isn't true there's something that's there even before society
enacts itself upon you and you're not just a blank slate and so if you construct a
persona doesn't allow that natural personality
to come out then you're going to run into some issues all right the third
persona issue is if someone has a persona that's too narrow and is only
identified with one or a few different social roles so for example if somebody
is a doctor and that's all they are they don't have any interest outside of being
a doctor and that's what they identify as and I think a really good example of
this would be in the movie Black Swan where the main character that's played
by Natalie Portman you know she's so obsessed with being a dancer like that's
her whole entire life like she never really does anything else other than
that her whole entire life is basically this huge sacrifice for dance and she
becomes very neurotic as a result and there's this one scene when she's
meeting this guy at this bar and you know she can't really loosen up and he
and he asked her hey you know who are you and she goes I'm a dancer you know
and that was the first thing that she said you know she didn't go straight to
oh my name is this or oh I you know my name is this and I like to do that it
was immediately I'm a dancer and her identity her persona essentially
eclipsed her whole entire personality another movie example of this would be
in the movie Requiem for a Dream where the character that's played by Ellen
Bernstein she's basically this old mother kind of figure where you know see
essentially she lives alone you know her son hardly ever comes visit her
her husband passed away years ago and you could tell that the only things
that she ever identified herself with were being a wife and being a mother and
I think beauty is also part of her past identification but because
she's in a sense like past her prime in that way in the movie she has a lot of
like fantasies about going back and you know like having her husband Seymour
there and being the mom and you know maybe the son's gonna have some kids and
you know she's gonna wear a red dress and be beautiful again and she gets into
like this fantasy of trying to be the way that things were in
the past and have that persona that
she's already outgrown and so because these are very narrow and were actually
very time sensitive the way that she was identifying now she's stuck
with not really having a persona which goes back to that very first problem
that I mentioned of not having a persona so she lost her ability to really
function in society and she ends up in a lot of really negative situations in the
movie as a result and this example brings me to problem number four of the
persona is making something that you'll lose a core aspect of your persona so
for example youth is something that everyone will lose and so if you
identify strongly with your youth you know you're going to have a really
really hard time as you get older because essentially if your main core
identification is with youth and all of your other identifications stem off of
that identification what will happen is that you'll slowly start losing your
ability to have a persona as you get older and life will sort of feel like
it's passing you by because you won't be able to function as well in society now
this is a huge risk in our society because most of the people they depict
in the media like in movies that type of thing most of the protagonists of
stories and most of the characters that you're meant to identify with are young
people and so because of this because of the lack of representation of older
people in movies it becomes difficult for someone to create a
persona from that and so a lot of older people tend to get more and more
disconnected from society because they just don't know how it is they can fit
in in a way that they want to be
alright problem number four is conflating the
persona with the ego I spoke about this before so somebody with an
underdeveloped ego may come to identify only with their persona
so anything that falls outside of the persona they don't consider it to be an aspect of themselves
alright problem number six with the persona is it was someone's persona is too rigid because this basically blocks
off a lot of their natural drives and a lot of their natural personality
doesn't come through now this rigid persona happens when somebody tries way
too hard to come off a particular way or be seen in a particular light so for
example teenagers are also like notorious for this mostly because they
tend to conflate the persona and the ego and I was no exception to this
so for example when I was a teenager I was heavily identified with like goth type of stuff
so I didn't want to ever be seen in anything that was other than that like the way that I like to dress
so if I were to be seen in let's say I don't know the color blue or pink or something like that
well that would be you know an issue for mebecause I wanted my persona to be just a particular way
I wanted to be perceived by others in just the right way
and anything that fell outside of that I didn't want
now another example that I see really really common is that
there are a lot of guys who are trying to be like alpha males
and the problem with this is that they get really stuck in that persona
or they can get really stuck in that persona
so they may be afraid to show signs of vulnerability
you know might be afraid to display their emotions
so this can be a problem because that can lead to a persona that's too rigid
all right the very last persona issue that I want to bring up is something called negative restoration
so this is where somebody basically ends up trying to in a sense resurrect a persona that they used to use
but it's no longer relevant to them
now this usually happens after some form of trauma or upheaval
where they get really afraid to behave in the way that they're behaving and coming off the way they're coming off
so they may revert to an old ego structure all right
so that's it for the issues that I'm going to go over in the video
and these seven issues that I brought up are by no means an exhaustive list
but this gives you an idea of what can be some common things to watch out for when you're creating your persona
but when you're consciously creating your persona it helps to know what
having a healthy persona entails
so there are three main qualities that constitute a healthy persona
the first is that it's flexible so it can adapt to many different types of situations
allowing you to fit in in many different social environments
the second is that it's transparent
that means that mask is see-through and allows whatever happens to be inside to come out within reason
so it allows you to express more of the full depth and breadth of your personality
the third is that it'sheld at a distance and recognized as a tool
as opposed to like some inextricable part of yourself
so you can see it as something that you're using to interface with the world
but it doesn't really mean all that much about yourself
all right so here are some steps and some things to keep in mind for creating a healthy persona
so the first step is to realize that your persona is 100% created by you
so they can either be consciously created or unconsciously created
and in knowing this you should be able to feel at ease with being able to create whatever persona
you feel is going to best allow you to express yourself
oftentimes people will feel held back by the idea that whatever persona they have
is just the one they're stuck with and that any change to that would be dishonest
but really when it comes to persona creation the sky is the limit
and as long as you're making it fairly congruent with your internal experience
and it's not a dishonest thing
all right once you realize this about the persona then you can go on to the second step
where you decide to consciously create your persona
and to decide to create it in whichever way you think is going to best serve you
so I think the best way to think about this is in relation to like
think of yourself as an artist and your persona as your work of art
so that way you can feel like you can create it any which way that you want
and it'll be authentic to you
and I would recommend approaching this in the same way
that children approach the game of make-believe
so children in order to prepare themselves for adult life
they might pretend to be pirates in play or they might pretend to be a princess up in a castle
or some adventurer of some kind
and basically this gets them used to playing some kind of social role
it'sthem trying on four different personas albeit very fantastical personas
butthis is what gears them up for being able to create an actual persona
once they become a teenager or maybe even a older child
so I recommend approaching your persona creation in the same way
so a child when they're pretending to be a pirate or they're pretending to be a princess
they don't literally believe themselves to be those things they're just enjoying wearing that social mask for a while
and then they can put it down and they can go back and they can eat dinner with their family as their usual self
but theproblem with adults is that we get so into the social mask that we are putting on
that we actually believe ourselves to be that social mask
so if we grow up and we decide that we're gonna be a doctor
we think oh I am the doctor as opposed to realizing that's the social mask that we're wearing
so treat it a lot like a child would play their game of make-believe
do it with a certain degree of detachment but always with a lot of joy
and a lot of effort put into it just like a child would put in
so give yourself permission to play make-believea little bit to find out what it is that
you want out of your persona
all right once you've started to create your persona a little bit
the next thing that you want to do is start to let go of things within your current persona thatare no longer serving you
if something is keeping you from being your full self
or expressing in some way that you'd like to be able to express yourself
you can actually decide not to do that anymore and switch that aspect of your persona out with
some other aspect that's going to allow you to express yourself better
so you're not married to your persona
and if your persona is making it difficult also for you to adapt in particular situations
that means it's not really doing its job properly
and so you could benefit from switching some things out
and just letting go of things that are just no longer really doing anything positive for you
alright so step number four is that once you've started creating your persona
and once you've started to let go of things that no longer serve you
it should become quite clear that your persona is just something that you've created
and in doing so this will allow you to go a bit deeper
and to realizethings about yourself that you may not have known
so you can really use this as a springboard into inner work
and I highly recommend you do so because it will help you even more so go toward the things that you want
and it will help you create the persona that you want
so you might try to do things like shadow work and meditation
and basically anything that's going to allow your consciousness to travel beyond the confines of your ego
all right so while you're creating your persona the fifth and final step is
to maintain a certain level of distance and detachment from your persona
so remember your persona is not the full extent of yourself
the persona is only a tool that can either be picked up or set down whenever it's not useful
and the persona is always 100% created so it is an invention of the mind
so my recommendation for keeping distance is to create the persona
inmuch the same way that Buddhist monks create a Mandala out of sand
so basically they spend a ton of time just working on creating beautiful mandalas out of sand
and at the very end they wipe it away
and essentially that's the way the persona is
you spend a long time creating the persona and having it through life
and at the end of life you'll have to wipe it away anyway
but just know that it was never real in the first place
it was always just dust in the wind
and so always keep a level of detachment
otherwise you can get very attached to something that isn't real or permanent
but just because something isn't real or substantial doesn't mean that it doesn't have practical function out here in the world
it is absolutely core to your ability to function in the social matrix to have a persona
so what I recommend is just enjoy the process ofcreating your persona
and always make it in such a way that it makes life easier for you
anyway that's all I have for now
I hope that you enjoyed this video if you did go ahead click the like button below and subscribe
also write me a comment
I love hearing from you guys
I also want to say they to my patrons for supporting my channel
and if you guys are interested in supporting my channel in exchange for rewards
I have a link down below in the description box
also if you would like to get notifications for my videos in the future
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and that's all I have for now and until next time
keep becoming more you
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The Shapes Song
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Japanese Convenience Store for 1000yen - Duration: 9:00.
I'm Eri
I'm Mana
Hello, It's EriMana
Today we're here at 7-11
Today we will be doing the 1000yen challenge at a Japanese 7-11
Let's go in
They have "Tokyo Banana"
Look at all the side dishes...
I recommend this
I like everything in this case
There's a lot (there really is)
It look's good
I love this
what's this?
Cube Jelly
Here's everything we bought
Sacre Ice cream
This is lemon flavor. Lots of Japanese people know and love this.
I've eaten it since I was little
It's really good isn't it?
There's a lemon slice inside
It's really good
it's great when it's hot outside
a lemon slice
I wonder if they can see it?
It's sour
It's sherbert, right?
It's like a lemonade sherbert
our rating is a...
of course
the lemon on top is really good
it is
I get in the mood to eat this on hot summer days
lots of egg
if you didn't know you would think it's a hotdog
but there's actually lots of egg salad in it
looks good right?
there's a lot in there
wait a minute, this is really good
try it, it's great
it's delicious
the proportion of eggs to mayonnaise is good
it taste familiar
our rating for the egg salad sandwich is...
it was really really good
you should definitely buy it
fried chicken skewer
it's really crispy
the breading looks really really crispy
the flavor is solid
Japanese style
It uses dashi, right? (japanese fish stock)
our rating is
it's crunchy and delicious
it's a bit greasy and high calorie though
plus it's a little too hot to be eating something like this
for 170yen
you can get edamame like this
good for when you're drinking at home
just the right amount of salt
The hardness is just right
It's hard to boil these at home. The beans can get too soft or not soft enough.
the shell probably doesn't taste too good
the whole bag only has 99 calories
good for when you're on a diet
edamame get's a...
so it's edamame for when you're in a hotel and want something to snack on
next is kabayaki -san(grilled eel)
try it
it's so good
good right?
I ate this a lot when I was little
It's so nostalgic
It reminds me of when I was little
it's eel favored?
what is kabayaki?
It's a regional thing
I'm not sure of the flavor but
but this brand has it's own unique flavor
the way it's crunchy and the sauce melds. It has a really refined taste
yeah, you're right
The texture and feel is unique
you should really try it
It's only 13yen
please try the nostalgic flavor we grew up with
7-11 crunchy cheese corn chips
I love these
It's cheese and corn flavored but the cheese is much stronger
It's completely covered in powder
without missing any spots
good as expected
they're addicting
the cheese is really rich
this is good as a souvenir
It's 108yen
it get's a....
it's an addicting flavor
pease try it
umaibou (corn snack) takoyaki flavor
there's lots of different flavors
what's your favorite?
takoyaki and corn potage
that's good too
you first
it's good
the outside is really crunchy
it's got a good texture
I think takoyaki might have the best
which is your favorite, Eri?
I really like them all
I haven't tried one I haven't liked
there's the natto (fermented soybeans) one...
that one maybe
I never see it, I wonder where you can get it?
the takoyaki umaibou gets a...
we're giving everything fives
I know why!
we eat these at home
we only picked stuff we know
of course we'd give them a five
Uji Green Tea Chocolate Mochi
Sounds good from the name
looks good
it's kinda slimy
it's really soft
looks like it's going to fall out
It's really good
soft and chewy
It's really rich
a 4?
if it didn't get slimy I might have rated it higher
it tasted bad?
it was good
the texture was a little off
I love things with this texture
you do, don't you?
I really like green tea mochi
So we added something fun
It's about 30yen
There's several pieces of gum in here but one is super sour
we don't know which one
the center one first
sweet and sour
that's the one!
I'm sweating
this is fun
this is the best one to buy as a souvenir
the sour one is really sour
it get's a
taste good and it's fun
Kimchi Natto
I've never had this
I've had the regular one
There's lots of people who don't like Natto (fermented soybeans) even in Japan
I love it
how is it?
it's good
isn't it good when you first take a bite?
I can tell by looking at your face
good isn't it?
so good
lots of rice
Natto goes well with Kimchi
I like this more than the original
the Kimchi Natto roll gets a...
for people who haven't tried Natto or don't like it
this might get them into it
we recommend it
that's all for our Japanese 7-11 1000 yen series
make sure to bring some of these back as souvenirs when you come to visit Japan
this is Tokyo Sky Tree by the way...
✅ Beveiliging NSA jaren na klokkenluider Snowden nog steeds onvoldoende - Duration: 2:36.
Dat constateert de inspecteur-generaal van de NSA in het eerste openbare onderzoek () naar de beveiliging van de inlichtingendienst, meldt
Tot nu toe waren de halfjaarlijkse onderzoeken van de inspecteur-generaal geheim
De NSA heeft volgens het onderzoek nog steeds de zogenoemde tweepersoonstoegangsregeling niet goed toegepast
Die regeling werd in 2013 ingevoerd nadat klokkenluider Edward Snowden duizenden geheime documenten van de NSA lekte aan journalisten
Snowden had onbelemmerd toegang tot die documenten en kon ze ongemerkt van het netwerk van de NSA kopiëren
Om dat in het vervolg te voorkomen, moest toegang tot geheime data voortaan door een tweede NSA-medewerker goedgekeurd worden
Die extra controle is na vijf jaar echter nog steeds niet toegepast in de datacentra en technische ruimtes van de NSA, stelt het onderzoek
Ook op andere vlakken schiet de beveiliging van de NSA nog tekort. Opsporing moeilijk Zo wordt niet goed bijgehouden of medewerkers wel toegang mogen hebben tot de geheime data die zij kunnen bekijken
De beveiligingsplannen van interne systemen zijn onjuist of onvolledig, waardoor lekken moeilijker kunnen worden opgespoord
Ook worden gegevensdragers zoals usb-sticks niet altijd gecontroleerd op malware of virussen
De NSA zou daarnaast regelmatig verzuimen om alle goedkeuringen te verzamelen voordat een nieuw computersysteem in gebruik wordt genomen
Omdat de processen niet goed worden doorlopen, is de kans op programmeerfouten en daarmee kwetsbaarheden groter
De inspecteur-generaal spreekt van 'substantiële cyberkwetsbaarheden' die snel moeten worden aangepakt
[Eng Es PT Sub] Jin & J-hope Massage Time?! - BTS (방탄소년단) - Duration: 0:48.
<Translation & Subtitles Made by JL_Kdiamond>
(JIN doesn't know who is giving him a massage) JIN: Hold on... This touch is...
JIN: This touch is... This is Jungkook.
JIN: You can't get his massage wrong.
JIN: Ah~ so good.
JH: I'm so disappointed.
JIN: Oh, it's J-HOPE.
(JIN's typical awkward windshield laugh)
JIN: I am so disappointed. How can you say Jungkook?
JIN: Ah, I could get it wrong.
【女性ver】Mr.Children『HANABI』(フル歌詞付き)【映画「コードブルー」主題歌】 - Duration: 6:03.
MINI 1.4 One Pepper AIRCO - Duration: 0:52.
[ MAX ] - khi bực mình DIZZ HACKER chuyên đi rình mò facebook sẽ như thế này đây =)))) - Duration: 1:22.
Volkswagen Polo 1.2 TSI 90pk 5drs Comfortline Executive - Duration: 1:12.
夏のおいしいところだけ 大原櫻子 フル 歌詞付き (画面下欄の右から4番目の字幕ボタンを押すと歌詞が表示されます) - Duration: 4:46.
one 大原櫻子 フル 歌詞付き (画面下欄の右から4番目の字幕ボタンを押すと歌詞が表示されます) - Duration: 3:45.
夏のおいしいところだけ 大原櫻子 フル 歌詞付き (画面下欄の右から4番目の字幕ボタンを押すと歌詞が表示されます) - Duration: 4:46.
Amma - Malayalam Shortfilm | 4mins | Public Service Announcement | 2018 | ESubs | Maala Parvathi - Duration: 4:02.
Come over to that side, please.
I need a jackfruit plucked.
Pluck that one, Vinod.
Yeah, that one.
He will be leaving today.
His college reopens day after tomorrow.
So, I should prepare his favourite savouries.
Are you making only this?
Some ghee cakes...
...and beef as well.
No matter whatever he takes with him...
...if he forgets beef, his friends will beat him up.
Where is he now?
There he is!
Seven Heavens! He had gone for a movie.
Where is he? His vehicle is not seen too.
Like father, like son.
Everything works last minute for you two.
He will come soon.
Drink your tea.
By then, let me pack his clothes.
Look, the phone is ringing!
You attend!
You answer. It might be him.
You are sitting right next to the phone.
Nicely done.
This is Abhay Mathew's residence, right?
We are calling from the Police Station.
There has been an accident in the town.
Your son is in quite a serious condition!
Could you please come to the General Hospital immediately?
Best Of Depeche Mode Playlist - Depeche Mode's Greatest Hits Album - Duration: 1:27:10.
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