Noy Vanneth Best Collection Sad Songs
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Yep, poop explosion day 2.
I don't know.
I want my cloth diapers back!
So the party is over.
This morning we had a bunch of people come over,
friends of Jenna's mom and friends of Jenna as well.
So anyways, everybody is worn out.
Got you!
Anyways, filming more today...
Ohh, cursing!
I'm including that.
So I thought I had fed him and waited long enough not to puke.
But guess not (yawns).
Anyways, it's Tuesday. It's Tuesday and did not film Sunday or Monday.
Just decided to go back to weekly vlogs
because trying to do daily is impossible
and I just wasn't able to keep up with the other format.
So I'm gonna try weekly again.
And.... just today,
I mean, you'll see this after a while,
but today Tuesday I posted the most recent vlog
from our Michigan vacation which was with my family.
I have a little bit of filming from Connecticut, the NAD conference,
but I'm not sure if I'm gonna include that in the vlog or not.
But I do have from Virginia, from that vacation.
So that one should be done soon-ish.
We will see. Hopefully by the end of the week.
Then I'll post that and then try and catch up.
Then post maybe Tuesdays and Fridays?
I want to include another video,
maybe something vegan related,
or baby ideas, reviews, products.
I don't know. Something like that.
(sighs) Oh!
Today I got the diaper bag ready because
because I'm working 4:45 to around 8:00ish.
So that means I have to drop him off
umm, with Jenna.
So she'll bring him home.
So probably drop him off around 4:00ish.
So I have to make sure I have everything ready before we go.
I have so many things to do because we've been gone for
pretty much a total of 3 or 3 1/2 weeks or so.
Plus we're home two days, but still.
We're back and I have to do cleaning and get everything ready,
but today definitely needed to sleep.
Slept for a good two hours this afternoon
He didn't sleep well but I can explain more later.
I don't have the time right now.
Well it is Wednesday,
and I have freelance work today.
Really, (yawns) I just picked up work often
but typically Mondays and sometimes Wednesdays
are my all day type of workdays.
Just finished a job this morning and now I'm just kind of chilling in the car.
Waiting for a phone interview for another type of interpreting job.
Not going to be replacing freelance but it would just be in addition.
So we will see about that.
I think it's phone only or it could be Skype,
I'm not exactly sure because I got an email and it said both.
But, I have Skype on my phone and on the computer
So right now I'm waiting at my old university
that I worked out and mooching off their Internet.
Just because I don't want to drive all the way back home
and set up for the interview and drive all the way back here.
It's not super far but I just don't want to waste gas.
So anyways that's what I'm doing.
I'm just trying to save the battery on my laptop for the interview.
Right now I'm using my phone but I'm having Internet problems,
and finally I got it worked out.
So that's pretty much what I'm doing.
Just trying to figure out what to do. I have 30 minutes until the interview.
I wish it was earlier cause then I could get it over with but I can't.
So cross your fingers.
Yup. Sorry I haven't so much today.
I had the interview and it was horrible
and then I came home and had lots to do with Mikko
and now I have to head off to work like right now.
So I'll see you later and I'm going to leave the camera with them
and hopefully they'll vlog something. I don't know.
I know, my hair looks awful.
Anyways, it's Thursday,
and I kind of slept in a little bit which was nice.
Typically I wake up with Jenna and help her get ready for the day,
but this week I'm trying to "sleep in" with the baby.
I'm not super tired, but during the week I get really exhausted.
He slept better.
Only woke up twice, which is not too bad.
Each time I gave him his pacifier, rubbed his back, and he went back to sleep.
But, the reason I'm explaining this to you
is because this morning I changed his diaper,
and I'm sorry, this is to talk, but
I changed his diaper and I looked and there these like black threads
black looking like threads,
like little tiny threads all throughout the diaper
And I was like what is that?
Then I thought, and I was like,
I wonder if it's because of the banana?
Recently we've been feeding him a little bit more solid throughout the day,
so yesterday I fed him some in the babysitter gave him some too, banana.
That's what he eats. He eats himself.
Not matched up purees or anything like that.
Anyways, he came home and we gave him a banana again at home.
So that was twice in one day,
and that's the first time he's eaten quite a bit of solids in one day.
So, I googled it obviously, meaning
"weird banana baby poop ".
Yeah, it's normal.
It's just funny the type of things parents have to Google.
They Google really weird things like
like "black thread in my babies poop".
Do you guys do that?
Hello! Say hello.
Oh, hello again.
Hopefully I look better, who knows.
Right now he just had a really good nap.
Woohoo, good sleep!
I just fed him and hopefully I'll have a little bit of lunch soon.
I got a lot of bills, cleaning, dishes and all of that done.
I did some cloth diapers. I'm trying to clean up and get everything back to normal.
Like catch up on housework because
because I've had to work a lot recently which means I haven't had a lot of time.
Yup, that's what he's been doing. (sighs)
Ugh, my boy.
Oh, I have to call the doctor I forgot what time his appointment was.
I know it's Wednesday but I have to check.
His six month checkup. We have to get you caught up.
Yay, alright, bye.
Oh, somebody's excited.
We're just out taking a walk, that's all.
Obviously, I have to stop when I want to vlog,
but I do have a question for you guys. After we're done with our walk I'll ask you.
Oh, sorry I was cutting off my head there.
Nothings wrong,
and I thought something was wrong because the squeaker stopped.
But no, everything's fine.
Anyone like opening a fresh new peanut butter that's never been touched?
Oh, it's just weird.
I don't know, I like it.
I'm making oatmeal with bananas.
We have two bananas and I really wanted to make a meal.
Mikko just recently slapped and I'm hoping for a little bit more.
We will see and get as much as we can done today. Happy Friday!
Oh, um...
let me see, next week I'm going to...
well, you'll see it later but
today on Instagram I might ask you the question I was talking about.
and I want to see what you think.
Recently, Amazon prime day happened,
and so we bought a new car seat.
We do have an infant car seat but...
uhh, sorry.
Anyways, we have one I think it's convertible...
I think that's how you spell it, but convertible car seat.
We got that quite a long time ago from the baby shower
because we knew we would need it, but now we need a second one for my car.
So that means we got one during Amazon prime day because we got a good discount.
So I'm going to open it and show you guys.
So that is the new car seat.
It's the Graco... something... 65.
I don't remember, but I'll put down below, a link, if you want to buy this one.
It's got a good rating.
It's got a cup holder here as you can see.
I guess later I'll install it in the car.
Maybe test it tomorrow, we shall see.
Tomorrow is Pride, in Rochester, in our area.
So yeah. It should be fun. We're going to walk in the parade,
with one of Jennas coworkers, her wife and her kids.
Should be fun. I'll definitely film that for you.
Out side again for a walk, because it's beautiful. So, why not.
So just waiting for freelance work. I arrived a little early, so I'm chilling out here.
But I wanted to show you what happen today.
You're probably like "hey what happened"? I mea...
it's probably like a three second difference for you
but for me it's not couple hours since I last talked to you so hold on.
So, what do you think? Do you like it?
I do have make up time today.
I know, it's not typical, but sometimes
you have to look nice for work right.
Anyways, I had to flip my hair back over for work. Gotta be professional!
I thought it was filming. I filmed this whole thing, and I wasn't.
Darn it! Anyways, again, hair
and I'm eating pizza.
It's like homemade pretty much, but not frozen.
but we used a bunch of already made things and put it on the pizza in mine's fully vegan!
Jenna's watching TV.
Mikko is sleeping for now.
He's been waking up quite a bit crying and kicking,
but it's been weird. So I'll see you tomorrow for the parade!
So we are at Target. Just getting a few things before we head over to the Pride parade.
Hopefully we'll have time to eat something before, if not, snacks.
Jill: Probably that. Jenna: Or we could go to Wegmans.
Jill: We can see. If they have something I can eat.
Jenna: Wegmans should.
We might just get something here. See you at the parade!
Can you hear that? If not, its the baby crying... if you can't hear.
So we are in the car and I wanted to show you something new I found in Target.
Then baby is not happy.
Once we get there, he will be much happier.
We are just switching to a new pacifier so he's not exactly being a happy baby. He's angry.
Alright, we are at the parade now for Pride.
Alright, we're back home. Got home a little while ago and ate dinner.
Jill had to head off to work just for an hour, no biggie.
So I'm just chilling out with Mikko.
Alright, so that's everything. Just relaxing and I'm really tired
from what we did all day. We did a lot.
But we had a good day.
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#EwangeliarzOP | 29 July 2018 | (Jn 6: 1-15) - Duration: 2:07.
I remember the conversations when I asked someone close to my heart - what should I do?
He suddenly asks me back - yes, quite, so what should you do?
And I have no idea. So think.
So I gather my thoughts and try. I seem to have come up with two magnificent solutions.
And my friend says - how about thinking a bit more?
If you broadened your imagination a bit more, what else could you do?
What other solution could you find in this situation?
This kind of attitude irritates me, but on the other hand, it is something very, very creative.
To meet someone who squeezes the creativity you run away from out of you - and so is Jesus like.
Jesus tests people, it means He just wants to press His disciples not to cut corners
- let Jesus do something; but to start looking for, in the abyssal depths of
their own ingenuity and creativity, the solutions that the Holy Spirit awakes in their hearts, that awakes in us.
Lord Jesus, press us to be more creative.
ណូយ វ៉ាន់ណេត ទំនួញសោកសៅសែនកំសត់ | Noy Vanneth Best Collection Sad Songs | Noy Vanneth Old Songs - Duration: 1:05:38.
Noy Vanneth Best Collection Sad Songs
Mariusz Szczygieł wspomina Korę. Podzielił się wyjątkową historią - Duration: 3:49.
Kora Jackowska jest dziś wspominana przez wiele znanych osób. Większość dziękuje jej za twórczość, Mariusz Szczygieł pokusił się o więcej
Na Instagramie opowiedział o spotkaniu z gwiazdą, które zmieniły jego życie. Mariusz Szczygieł wzruszająco o Korze (East News) "Najważniejsza postać j największy autorytet mojej młodości
(Drugi był Grzegorz Ciechowski)" – pisze Mariusz Szczygieł. Dowiadujemy się, że mógł poznać Korę, gdy miał 17 lat, ale akurat się minęli
W krakowskim mieszkaniu artystki przyjął go jej ówczesny mąż, Marek Jackowski. "Musiałem potem kłamać w Złotoryi, że Korę widziałem
Kolega podrobił mi jej autograf na plakacie." – opowiada. Pierwsze spotkanie w cztery oczy dziennikarza i Kory odbyło się nieco później
Szczygieł rozpoczynał wtedy pracę jako dziennikarz i chciał jak najlepiej wypaść przed gwiazdą
A że walczył wtedy jeszcze z trądzikiem, uznał, że najlepiej będzie pozbyć się go u kosmetyczki
"Do głowy mi nie przyszło, że od kosmetyczki wychodzi się w stanie gorszym, niż przychodzi
Dopiero kilka dni później wszystko się goi. Przyjechałem więc do Krakowa z czerwoną twarzą, niepewnością, kompleksami i podziwem dla swojej idolki" – wspomina
O rozmowie Szczygieł pisze "cudo", Korę nazywa zaś "najlepszą rozmówczynią, jaką poznałem w życiu"
" Niektórzy jej unikali, zwłaszcza mężczyźni,, bo jest oczytana i pewna siebie. To całkowita wolnomyślicielka" – dodaje dziennikarz, który przypomina sobie, że Korze nie spodobało się jego imię
Myślała, że jest Marianem, nie Mariuszem. Szczygieł dowiedział się o tym kilka lat później
"Dziś dziękuję Jej, że z nami była" – stwierdza dziennikarz. Masz newsa, zdjęcie lub filmik? Prześlij nam przez dziejesie
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