Luxurious And Warm Architecture For Your Life The Is Z290
For more infomation >> Luxurious And Warm Architecture For Your Life The Is Z290 - Duration: 2:33.-------------------------------------------
unknown - Duration: 3:13.
유통기한의 오해와 진실. 식품별 가장 맛있게 먹을 수 있는 유통기한은? - Duration: 5:41.
五款上個世紀末代戰機只有殲10脫穎而出,專家:魔改還在繼續中 - Duration: 5:58.
Under 30 Startups Pitch Onboard Hong Kong's Iconic Tram - Duration: 1:09.
Get out of my way, get out of my way.
It's like a one-stop shop all the way from inspiration, design, manufacturing, retail,
stocking to the actual interior design of the space that it's housed in.
What we do is we build apps for mobile carriers like PCCW here in Hong Kong that put ads onto
your lock screen, and if you accept it, you get up to 1GB per month free from your operator.
We're looking, ideally to get some people to help get us into China, so if you know
anybody we are very keen to speak.
I think curation is the way forward, especially in the design industry.
【絶望】ワイ母子家庭高校生の現在…ヤバイ状態… - Duration: 0:21.
毎日マッマが仕事やめたい辛い言うてるんやがどうすればええんや… いくつ? : >>2高317 仕事なんて誰でも辛いんやからしゃーない 1 1人の相 とうまくいかない人が不特定多数の職場でうまいくわけないわな 1 >>11火の ストレート草 中間おすすめ記事 養育費は父親が再婚したから打ち切られたわ 4: >>16養育費ってそんなんで打ち切れるものとちゃうぞ イッチバイトは? 2 >>18禁止の高校や 26: >>25アホかそんなのどこも建前や 8: >>26バレて推薦取り消された奴おるぞ 頑張らなくてもいいよって言って れ 2 宝くじに1000万当たりますようにって子供みたいに喋りかけてるんやも 見てられんわなんやねん 3 母子家庭で親が鬱になりかけだって言ったら公立なら 外処置してもらえるはずやで 宝くじ当たれーはネタでやるならともかくガチ勢を見た 普通とは言えなくなる 進学なら専門やろな 4 職業訓練校いくで先生は奨学金 大学行け言うてるけどなw 4 >>41大学行っといた方がええんちゃうか?お前 県の国立行ったらええ 養育費って再婚を理由に止めたりできたっけ 50: > 43マッマがいいよって言ったんやって正直あほかと 58: >>50いや養育費 子どもの権利やから親の気分でそんな事されたら困るわな制度上親が決めていいことにな ちゃってるのかもしれんが 5 家庭の事情で申請すればバイト通る場合もあるぞワ は禁止で申請しないけどバイトしてたが 5 >>51これやねちな家庭の事情は嘘 も通るもよう マ?家庭の事情でいけるんか?食べていけないレベルじゃないとアカン 思ってたが 63: >>60学校ごときにそんなこと調べる権限も能力もないで 先生方かてアホの冷血漢やないんや母子家庭で経済的に~って理由で申請すれば許可下り やろ下ろさんが理由がないわ マッマは話せばわかるタイプ? 76: >>70 もそも話を聞いてくれんわ 7 大学行かない言ったら泣く人やで 74: > 71マッマ的には行ってほしいんか? 79: >>74そうなんやろ小さい頃から 学行かんと底辺になるよ言われてきたし 87: >>79じゃあ行ったらええやん ッチが進学しないってことがマッマの心労の種なんやろ? 8 職業訓練校で資格取 んが一番コスパええんや 父親は会いたくないし祖父母(母方)はもう死んでるし叔母 ん夫婦ぐらいしか頼る人おらん 93: >>90会いたくないんじゃねえんだよ会 ないとダメなんだよ 97: >>93会ってどうすんねん自分も子供捨てて再婚す ようなクズやぞ 行けるなら大学行くべきやそりゃバイト地獄にはなるが 素直に学 に話すのが一番やが、イッチの感じやとスクールカウンセラーに相談する気もないんかな 猶予もないし 113: >>104相談して何か変わるか?ネット掲示板で自分語 が一番やわプライドも傷つかんしそこそこ相手してくれるし 母子家庭やったらナマポ らえるんちゃう?役所に相談すればええ 120: >>107生活保護は絶対嫌ら い職場に生活保護貰ってる人いるらしいけどその人の悪口ばっか言うてる 13 > 120無駄なプライド捨てろよマジでプライドが金になるんかそんなん言っとる余裕ある か? 養育費は子供のために支払われるお金であって管理を任されているからといって 親が勝手に受け取るかどうか決めていいものではないそれを受け取らない事で父親に良い しようとしているのであればイッチのお金を勝手に貢いで善人ぶってるのと同じまして勝 に一人で決めた事ならばイッチに愚痴ばかり言わずに一人でやり抜くべきワイの口からだ きつい言い方になるがイッチ流のやさしい言い方で母親にこれをちゃんと理解してもらえ しくはジジババやパッパに理解してもらって母親を説得しちゃんと金もらって大学行け 137: >>124四年間も見てられないです早く就職して仕事やめてほしいです 139: >>137優しいんやな…? 1 >>137お前マッマを愛してるん な ほんとに愛してたら高卒で就職してるで 「マッマが辛そう見てられなーい」「 けど高卒で働くのもいやー」「4年間も見てられなーい」「人に相談しても解決できなー 」デモデモダッテデモデモダッテでもでもでもでも 15 >>148草 156 >>151ええんや17歳ごときには難しすぎる問題やわせめて学校楽しく行くんや 18 親が仕事つらいやめたい言ってるのに四年間も大学行けるか?毎日やぞ毎日 毎朝仕事いきたくない言うてるんやぞ分からんと思うけどどうしようもできんしやるせな んや 187: >>182それとこれとは別やぞ 19 >>182自分のせ で進学やら将来を諦めた息子と一緒に居続けるのも絶対苦痛だけどな クズでもバカで 家族は一人なんや 20 >>193冷静に考えてお前が高校出て働く事で母親の負 はなくならんのやで母親を言い訳にするような人生は送るなよ 204: >>20 ほんこれ ヘルニアの親四年も働かせられるんかお前ら 210: >>199お が高校出てすぐ働いて得られる程度の給料で今の生活維持しながら母親に楽させたりいい いさせてやれる程金稼げるのか?悪い事言わねえから大学行け マジでおんj害悪やな ッチのメンタルにダメージ与えただけやんこのスレ他人に相談できてスッキリしたかも分 らんけど 213: >>200自分の考えが甘かったって分かって良かったやんこ なんでメンタルがどうのとか草生えるわ ごめんなさいもう寝ます 学費は浪費でな 投資だぞ投資ができなきゃちゃんと金稼げるわけねえだろボケ 同情されたり励まされ よりは有意義やろワイは良スレやと思う ほんまやでただただ同情いただいて優しい言 かけてほしいだけならおんJ以外にしとけや、悪いこと言わんから ま、全部嘘やけど w山口にノーノー食らってイライラしてただけやっwほなw 24 >>237イッ それでええんやな こんな大変な高校生が実在しなくて良かったな~空でも見上げるか 現実逃避イッチ 本当に釣りかどうか分からなくて鬱になるわ 28 ほんまに りなんか? どっちでもええやん 28 このぶっ壊れ感は本物やわ 引用元: すすめ記事1001: 厳選記事 2020/01/01 00:00:00 ID:n wsmatomemory【衝撃的】に納豆3パック食ってた結果wwwマジかよwww
LOONA Yves NEW Theory and Analysis 🍎🍎 with English subtitles - Duration: 5:59.
this is the music video analysis of Yves "New" finally arrived in November
of 2017 it had been more than a year since
HeeJin will invite you to go through the mirror and eight members had already been
presented and then overcome several trips
LOONA was recognized as one of the most important groups of the next
generation of K-Pop
BBC had shown that it could create one of the
best groups of cute girls and at the same one of the best Girl Crush groups
and if for a long time LOONA was seen as a weirdo from the
industry after more than a year of work had fans all over the world
is to say LOONA was for the world of the music a success assured however
that style of success had a flavor bitter its success appeared that of youtuber
the one who gets views just to do the Trend topic is to say what is
success if it's just to follow the manual that created someone who is already successful
what is the success
if it does not allow you to reach your full potential
that's not what everybody criticizes K-Pop
how many times did they tell you that the
K-Pop is a bad copy of the music of the 80s
LOONA to truly do
great not only had to be the best cute group and the best girl crush group
they had to be able to achieve something better
they have to create something new but the
critics always said that ODD would be impossible to overcome
then BBC introduced Yves
and showed that something new had come to the world of K-Pop
K-Pop instead of kpop, it was like so professional
From the image of the launch Yves stands out in a clear message from
LOONA to her fans Yves unlike of the other eleven members appears
smiling away from the traditional pose moe of K-Pop member Yves smiles
with mischief looking directly at the camera COW: She smiles at me because she knows I love her!
which represents that because Yes
looks at you directly at the camera?
each moon member clearly represents
a part of the K-Pop universe
as we saw in all the analyzes since
We started four months ago
we found the cute and its opposite
girl crush we saw the relationship of the members with themselves with their group and
with the fans up to the same theories philosophical about how everything
wants to change also wants to stay motionless and in the song "New" by Yves
we see how an agency tries to break all the schemes is BBC that you
speak to the eden of the agencies and it shows like the rebel super agency
before continuing to watch this video you I recommend that you go to see the video
of Alvinsch when he talks about the world of K-Pop
be clear that it is a business world
Yves is the rebellion is Eva revealing himself against a god who only creates rules
rules like you can not eat from fruit of that tree
rules like you can not hear Asian music because the trap is fashionable
or rules like you can not
launch a musical group of twelve Members taking into account talent
of each member
We already talked about the trauma that crazy otaku has with
Lovelys, right?
let's see the lyrics
surprise but the Yves'song does not talk so much about the adam and
eva actually focuses more on the myth of Icarus, but who is Icarus? Yes, still
you did not see the myth of Dedalo you can see it here COW: I edited it separately so this video was not too long
Click on I to hear the myth of Daedalus and Icarus
the release song of yves is the first electronic soul theme of K-Pop and
in the music video we can see how yves is escorted outwards by some
men like Jin Soul Yves I was in a basement but Yves did not know
escapes is released and helped to get out outside by his friends Yves is shown
rebel and that rebellion makes her question even the god of
K-Pop system she is something new no is another teddy to choose a new one
product to label
Yves is free to choose his own stuffed animals and release them
giving them the knowledge that she has
Yves's freedom of choice allows you to choose your style
the possibility of choosing makes it a goddess like Haruhi Suzumiya
Yves is a goddess who can be a girl crush but chooses to be cute
they remember "i'll be there" when 2Jin practiced walking on the
edge of the path to be able to be idol Yves knows that there is a different path for
travel and choose to abandon that path in look for your own way of being
idol Yves is the most rebellious face of LOONA and his agency BBC
LOONA with Yves offers you something really new something that goes beyond the fan idol relationship
It offers you to face all those who they tell you how you have to do or what
music you have to listen because no There is a ceiling that limits your
potential but neither a path of success if your happiness is not assured
to travel that road you just have to encourage you to expand the wings that you
imagination invented to be able to fly well to the same as LOONA faces a
destination where you can possibly wrong many times
do not be scared learn more about mistakes than about The successes
LOONA and BBC know that it is
very possible that trying to reach the sun they end up narrowing that's why they ask you
that you stay there with them so that with you they can reopen their
wings and face fate again until they can be free
Do you throw apples because you are the goddess of discord?
Why do you skate on a bowling lane?
I am Lola and this is the
Señora Vaca, do not forget to subscribe to the red button below and activate the little bell
do not forget to give little hand up to video and share it with all your friends
see you next chau
Comment with your Yves theory
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