「Nightcore」→ The Sound Of Silence (Disturbed) (Lyrics)
For more infomation >> 「Nightcore」→ The Sound Of Silence (Disturbed) (Lyrics) - Duration: 3:44.-------------------------------------------
「Nightcore」→ Faded ✗ Sing Me To Sleep ✗ Alone (Switching Vocals) - Duration: 3:01.
Nightcore - Faded X Sing Me To Sleep X Alone (subtitles in video)
Throngs Pay Tribute to Heroes in Cooperstown | American Today – 10 Amazing - Duration: 5:05.
網票選「誰有能力改變高雄」 韓國瑜得票率完爆陳其邁 - Duration: 14:30.
Dapet TREASURE HUNT EUY!!... Hot Wheels LOT G / BOX G 2018 Unboxing - Unboxing Indonesia - Duration: 21:21.
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How I Make Money Online
[시승기] 마성의 이탈리아 신사, 마세라티 르반떼 S - Duration: 10:47.
osu! at Anime Expo 2017 - Duration: 24:01.
Are you streaming this? Yeah.
Hello! Live from Anime Expo.
Wanna say "hi" to your mum?
Hi mum.
Um, I'll be scared if my mum actually is on Twitch.
Look at our booth space right now. So they're gonna like, clear up stuff so we can put some
walls there. There's a walkway around here.
Finally got the booth running. Everyone seems
to be having a good time -- it's day 0, so uh, not too many people cuz you have to pay
extra to get in right now, but things are looking good.
Day 1. People are still sleeping.
Has it moved yet?
Yeah, it has. It's moved quite a bit, but...
Try like, try jittering it up and down.
I take back what I said
And it's the same with my max zoom as well. Like, with the other lens on.
Do you wanna just meet there?
Gentlemen, how are you this morning?
Um, should you be filming this?
We're not eating at the booth, not at all.
Everyone here, bags behind the wall.
Shadowverse, cars...
...osu! Today we're at day 1. It's 10:00 in the morning,
we just opened up. People are starting to flock in so uh, let's see how today goes.
When I looked at this game I was like, "oh, a cool game to work on my reactions," and
I -- at first I was, I was like, under the spell of like, "oh, it'll help you in League
of Legends, oh I'll join it," and now here I am like years later like
Do you still play league?
It's kinda crazy thinking like, how different
my life would be without this game.
All of you have played in the tournament,
right? Yeah pretty much. So, this tournament -- it
was originally supposed to be a casual blitz, a 1v1, but next thing you know it ended up
being a fairly serious thing.
Originally the plan was to be only using the
default skin, but it was kind of funny how everyone got out of their way to try to get
their skin into the client.
Well, it was definitely kind of intimidating,
getting used to a new setup on the, on the go. But it was a -- it was a fun experience.
I liked uh, being able to face people at a LAN which is something I've never actually
Exhilarating honestly. It was a lot of fun, yeah.
So, what has happened today that's caught your attention the most? Like, right now,
we've seen lots of things just happened. There was a tournament, there was a showcase, uh
what do you think is most memorable for you today so far?
Uh, well I actually got the opportunity to meet a lot of people that um, you know
I haven't had the chance to meet yet in person, and that's been uh, a lot of fun. That's been
uh, very memorable for me.
He'll memorize anything if he can use it as leverage to roast you.
Right. That seems about right.
So um, the only thing I had in mind when I was like organizing this is that I wanted
a space for the community to gather. That's why we left a lot of open area like, the initial
plans were to have a lot more PCs and like, you know, just let people play the game,
and I'm like "no, I really wanna cut back on that and just have open space" because I knew we
were gonna get a lot of people who just wanted to talk, you know share their experiences in
how they play the game... Yeah.
I know that you do like, a ton of work for like,
this tournament -- or not this tournament, this whole event, but even if you hadn't done
any work and you were just here, your presence like, at a, like, an event like this means
that it's taken a lot more seriously and it feels a lot more official for everyone who's
here. So not just for us, but for everyone who's coming to the booth, it's like a very
very special thing to be able to, to meet the creator of a game that they've... a lot
of people at least like, have a very strong passion for, so thank you for all the hard work that
you've put in and thank you for just like, showing up, cuz that's a really cool experience.
So I, I had a lot of people saying "thanks" to me and I appreciate that, but I also wanna
say "thanks" back because I mean, the only reason I continue to do this like and spend,
95% of my waking hours working on osu! is because of the community members. Like,
the fact that people are enjoying themselves and turning up at these events just gives me joy.
On top of that, you've -- a couple of you said um, it's a once in a lifetime thing.
I hope that we can hit like a 20 year anniversary and do this again.
I would like to visit more countries in the future, so
I do hope like, you know I a lot of people -- we have a lot
of people in Europe that play and Russia is really huge these days and I've had several
people walk up to me at this event and be like "please come to our convention as well,
we're running our own fan booths and we want you there" and I'm sad that I can't visit
all those, but you know, I'm also developing a game and keeping the community running so,
limited time, um, we'll try and do our best to continue ha-having events like this because
as these guys say, LAN tournaments are the way things should be. Like, meeting face to
face with your opponent and seeing their emotions as you beat them or they beat you. I think
it makes for a much better experience.
I think what stood out most to me was, I had
a couple like, kinda younger kids who were just walking around the booth and they were
like looking around and like they would see one person, and their -- their eyes would
light up and like, this like, new person that they know or like -- I remember one kid
like, squeaked when he yelled "peppy."
...and I thought it was the cutest thing ever cuz he like, ran over to him. Like, a lot
of the people that are here are also part of the community like, I know that the people
in this like interview are,
like well known within the community, but everyone here is
a part of it and it's really cool to see everyone interacting and that's what I like about it.
I need to do some washing.
I ran out of clothes.
Upp- there he is.
Oh gee, yeah you're right, okay.
It's leaking like fu-
...I wanna get people's attention.
Guys, guys!
I'd just like say thanks to everyone for coming and everyone for playing
osu! like, this game would be nothing without this community. I wouldn't be developing it
if it wasn't for everyone that plays it so, thanks for everyone here.
Have a good... day? Have a good rest of Anime Expo.
See you next time.
Okay day 3. Uh, we need coffee. So we're gonna get coffee. Coffee is very important.
Hello, we're at -- now at Anime Expo 2017. Today is day 3 and since things are kinda
like, died down a bit so let's check out the booth. Come.
Alright so, uh, if you're an osu! player and you key in your detail and drop a message
about what osu! means to you, you'll get a free goodie. Goodie which I don't have on
the table right now but as you can see...
...this is one of the goodie. Uh, I'll just
rip one for you. Alright inside, we have 3 awesome postcards, all designed -- all illustrated
by hyouta. Uh, we have...
...we have a 10th anniversary sticker, we
have uh Pippi and Mocha, and we have a pin badge. It's all free, all you have to do is
just log into your osu! account, drop a message, and then you'll get one. Let's move on.
Over here we have the standee, um. Artwork um, by anny. anny_tf.
They're pretty huge.
Totally intentional.
Over here is where all the players get to
test out the game if they haven't, or they just simply wanna like show off their skills,
their leet skills. Uh, these computers are
extremely overpowered. They are like, have
i7 specs, SSD, with a 144hz panel. It's overkill, and also like, we provide tablets, mouse,
and also we have a special one with a touchscreen.
Pretty cool.
Over here right now, um.
Over here we have a [muffled violence]
One of our uh, volunteers are excited. Uh, this is uh, this is Jim. He's uh, one
of the volunteers. He helps -- he recruited wasn't it, didn't you?
Yeah, I helped -- recruited all the volunteers over. I actually was the first one to ask
peppy if he wanted to come to AX for the con. So I had no idea it was gonna turn out like
this, I didn't think it was gonna work out, but here we are.
Thank you for inviting us.
I haven't eaten in 20 hours.
Wait are you real?
Yeah I haven't eaten.
Over here we have a 4k panel
with this 4k we've been playing some random videos, all the memes-tastic videos that we collected
from the community. We asked on the internet "hey can you like, send me some meme-tastic videos"
and boom. We put them on the screen. Right, over here, as you can see...
We have a lot of these cube chairs, we just spread them around. We just spread them around
and so people can just chill with um, stuff, with the player -- top players and stuff like that.
Um, what else do we have? I'm not sure.
I think that's all, um.
Let's bug peppy.
Hey peppy, you have any -- you have anything
you wanna say, since uh, it's AX day 3 and now it's 5:00.
It's 5:00 already? Yeah, today's gone quite fast.
Had some good tournaments going...
peppy's busy dealing with new people right now. I mean, they were signing up and stuff.
I guess uh, that's all from AX day 3. Uh. See you guys again. Uh. We'll be here until,
uh, day 4, tomorrow, until uh 3:00PM. That's all. See ya around.
Oh, at the front? I told Chippy to come down to the front.
Oh okay, so his name is? His name is Chippy.
Probably purple jacket. Okay, let me go check.
Purple jacket.
Purple Twitch jacket.
Check, check, 1, 2.
So are you guys ready for the audience to
come in yet? Yeah, yeah. Okay.
Are we good to start?
Hey guys.
I'm Dean, more commonly known as peppy, and welcome to the osu! panel. Thanks a lot for
coming along.
So I'm -- I'm sure most people are aware but um,
the idea of osu! is not actually my original idea.
There's a couple of Nintendo games uh,
they made Osu! Tatakae Ouendan, which is a Japanese version. Very similar um, to the
osu! gameplay. It was only available on the Nintendo DS. Yeah, and that's -- that's I
guess where the whole idea of osu! started. I used to play in my um, lunch hours at, I
was working at a supermarket at the time. I used to hear songs on the radio and I could
just see the beatmaps in my head. And I wanted to make them so, I went home one day -- I
think it was on my birthday in 2007 -- and just said "okay I'm gonna give this a try."
I spent like, 12, 16 hours on it and came up with the first iteration of osu!. And...
[audience cheers]
This is how it looked after like,
12 or 24 hours. It was -- it had an editor from the start. There was no real complicated
main menu or online systems or anything, but you could place beats. There was no beat snapping
so you had to be uh, very, very um, accurate with, with how you were placing them. There
was no timing mechanisms or anything. Um, soon after that I gave it to some friends
and those friends were really interested in the game so I worked on it more. Um, and eventually
it got to the point where...
(I'm not judging.)
I should really introduce these guys as well. This is HappyStick and that's Toy. They're
two um -- I'm sure you're all aware of them. They stream on Twitch and they're pretty prominent
community members.
And yeah, this is flyte, the designer.
Um this is how it looked.
I think it's a video but I'm not sure.
[Disco Prince]
Katamari. Represent.
And yeah, at first it was uh... Um, I mean, from the start, people were able to
make maps for the game. It was always about letting the users create the content.
it was really funny like, some of the old forum posts like, "Thank you for spending 5 minutes making a map.
Here ya go, here's your ranked status." Yeah. Ranked.
I tried your map. It looked all good. Yeah, untimed beats all over the place,
overlaps, um, no concept of um beat spacing. For thos -- how, how many of you have mapped
for osu! out there? Given it a try. Yeah?
We're trying to make it more friendly going forward so, I hope a lot more people
get into mapping because it's really fun to do.
So I started, I was hosting it on my um, own PC at home originally. Eventually
that just fell over. It couldn't handle the load. More people kept coming.
And this is kind of um, how things have looked over the years as far as population of the game.
Uh, I don't have the more recent years on there but, um, up to 2015 it was
pretty linear growth. At the moment it's kind of stagnant but it's not dropping so... It's
been organic growth completely. I've never advertised the game. It's um, word of mouth
is what spreads it, so, you know. Um, I never really saw it being a source
of revenue for myself, it was always a hobby project, so the only reason I started um, accepting
donations and supporter tags and that stuff was because people kept asking me they
were adamant that they wanted to give me money, so that's... that's how it started to become
more of a commercial venture.
Yeah so jumping forward,
the community kept
getting bigger and bigger. Uh, we had to get a lot of volunteers on board
to manage the beatmap submissions, the uh, moderation of forums, the ingame chat.
You know.
We have tournaments running.
So over the years we've started doing official tournaments.
osu! World Cup, I'm sure everyone's seen that on Twitch.
And at the final jump, that is gonna be it.
USA is gonna be your 2015 osu! World Cup victors.
Um, these are just some stats on the current community. Uh, 1,000,000 unique players, that's
per month. We see a million accounts logged into and that's at least one play on
the game. 260,000 each day. That's a huge number.
20,000 concurrent players connected to the servers at once, usually on weekends.
140,000,000 plays per month. And, yeah, every country.
So just touching on our revenue stream, yeah. The-
The only source of revenue we have is really
supporter tags, and I have to thank you guys for continuing -- continuing to support the game.
We're hoping to add more benefits for having a supporter tag, but it's never
going to be anything that cuts people off from things which you can do in the game.
[audience claps]
I like to call osu! "free-to-win" because
you can completely, you know, obliterate the game without having supporter. It doesn't
mean anything.
I like to keep things community driven, as
you probably know. We're always listening, um, we actually had a discussion earlier this
week saying that there's a bit of disconnect with the team and uh, we'll probably touch
on that a bit later, but yeah. Um, we're always trying to improve things so we're,
like I've had a lot of feedback at the booth from people that have come to visit and we
always take that on board and try and work things out.
Um, quickly touching on song licensing because I know if I don't touch on it here, I'm going
to get it asked in the questions and answers so it's best to get it out of the way.
osu!, from the start, obviously I made it because I wanted to play the songs which
I wanted to play in the game, and it kind of took off bigger than I expected, so there's
a lot of user uploads which don't necessarily have correct licensing, as you probably know.
We handle this via the DMCA takedown process. When I have someone contact me about
their music uh, being used in the game, I explain the game to them and quite often
they're just okay with it being used. So, we're basically -- I'm trying to spend all
the extra money we have to put it back into the artists. You know, just-just so we can
keep the game running. As I mentioned we have a featured artist program. These are our
current featured artists. We've got a lot more coming so look forward to seeing-seeing
some really cool music coming on board in the coming months and years.
Yeah, nekodex is over there. He-he's the guy who made uh, "circles."
[audience cheers]
And yeah the team, I mean. We have a, um,
a few people working full time on -- mostly on development. Uh, a couple of support pe-
support staff.
I try and keep the team as small as possible because I don't like to
have like, you know, middle management. I like to make sure I know everything that's
going on in the game community. Most of the stuff we're doing to be as transparent
as possible, open source, trying to get a lot more of the stuff we need done back into
the community just so you guys can help out rather than me trying to create this big team
and not being able to manage it. I'd really, you know I'm a developer at heart, so managing
a team is not really what I ever wanted to do and I don't think I'm good at it.
Okay, I'm gonna move -- I'm gonna move onto uh, lazer. Who's familiar with the lazer project.
It's like, yeah woah. That's, that's uh, that's a good number of people. Anyone who hasn't
heard of lazer, we've basically been working on it for the last um, year, year and a half.
It's the future of osu!, it's gonna replace the current version, and it's the reason we
haven't really been doing much on the stable release. We haven't released new -- uh, had
new feature releases or anything. Um, all the developers agreed that we need to start
from scratch. You know, when you're writing -- when you're working on a project over 10
years, the code builds up into a very bad state unless you take very good care of it
and I did not take good care of it. Uh, there was a lot of the code which I wrote in 2007
still in the project and it was, um, such a... mess that it was impossible to get it
out so, we just decided to go from scratch. So that's lazer, I'm going to quickly go through
it and then we'll...
Uh, I think I went through these points anyway, but yeah it's basically a rewrite from
scratch. Uh, it's completely open source. We have quite a few people in the community
that have contri-contributed to the code base, and, I hav -- a few of them actually came
along to the booth, it was really nice to meet them. If anyone's interested in the development
side, I write on my blog as I mentioned before. Come visit there, we also have a Discord channel
where we go through all the development stuff. Everything is transparent so everything we
are discussing in the development team is in that Discord.
[welcome to osu!]
Okay, so this is lazer. Um. It's a completely
fresh interface.
We tried to uh...
Lemme just turn that down a bit. We tried to make everything, every
transition in the game kind of flow into each other so you can, you know, you exit
transitions halfway through and it just, it works. I just exited the game.
[audience cheers]
Do you wanna say anything before we go into
the questions and answers? Just uh, explain what you've, what the community is to you.
Yeah uh me and Toy will shortly go over our life stories. Uh, I myself have been playing
for the embarrassing amount of 9 years. Uh, I started out in 2008, which is a year, well
this is the 10th anniversary, so that's a year um, after the actual game release.
Um, and actually over time,
I've just gotten more and more serious about my involvement, um,
both as a player and as a community member. Um, to the point where basically everything
surrounding osu! has determined where my life is at this point, so a personal thank you
to peppy and the team.
Um, I mean I joined in the Summer of 2013.
I was playing a flash game called "Realm of the Mad God" at the time. I played osu! on
the side, uh, once I started playing that a lot more, I became obsessed with like,
it-it became less about myself trying to become a part of the community and more me trying to,
like help everyone else feel like they were also a part of it. So I, I always keep
my PMs open and try to talk to everyone and, I've tried my hand at streaming but it's very
exhausting. I don't know how you do it. Oh.
Yeah I'm not... You get used to it.
I feel like it's, it's frequently understated how important,
you know,
peppy's approach has been over the years to building the community that
we have today. In no matter what way
you look at it, it is absolutely amazing.
Yeah I, it just really is.
Thanks for everyone, thanks for coming along.
I think we have to stop there because we hit the time limit, but...
Come visit our booth if you haven't already. We're gonna be there if you wanna ask any
more questions we'll, we'll have a conv-conversation.
So wait, so just about the booth? Yeah about the booth, about osu!, whatever you wanna
say dude.
I love playing osu! and being a part of the
osu! is the greatest game.
It's been a very great experience.
Without um, the friends I've made and the
people in the community, I probably wouldn't be really doing anything right now.
I was burning out on osu! but coming here has given me a newfound motivation.
Happy 10th anniversary of osu!
Thank you guys for coming and uh, peace out.
Thank you everyone and I hope everyone here had a great time.
Alright it's the end of day 4. It's like 4:00 in the afternoon. We're all uh, pretty much
dead tired. Cleaning up, but all in all,
good times.
How to tourist in CASABLANCA (eng subtitles) - Duration: 5:45.
Well, hello. Welcome to Marocco!
We landed in Casablanca airport at 1p.m. yesterday
We got straight to the hotel from there
Luckily the hotel's in the city centre
I don't think there are many tourist spots in Casablanca
But there's a very well known Mosque
It is said it's the biggest one in Marocco
It's history is very interesting
People say that all Maroccans paid 5 MAD each to build it
There's a scarp next to the Mosque
It's separated by a stone wall
There were a lot of local boys sitting there
They were jumping into the water from there
I was saying 'hell no'
Hey, you gonna die
Seriously? Do I have to be the last person to see you alive?
Your mum is gonna miss you
Why do you do this?
Why would you risk your life like this?
But you could see it is very popular there
A lot of people is doing this
The funny thing is that there was a lifeguard sitting there
He was using his whistle not for the jumping boys but for the ones blocking their way
There's a market right next to the hotel
You can buy souvenirs, arabic bread and stuff there
And a lot of fake disigners' bags
A lot of people told me to not go out just by myself before I left
I'm very thankful for that
The europian kind of beauty is very interesting for the locals
Everybody's staring and they cannot stop
We went for a dinner with the crew to the restaurant in the evening
They ordered seafood
I don't eat stuff like this
I ordered a very unhealthy deep fried chicken with a mayonnaise sauce
The flight was very interesting
You can see a lot of THINGS
I'm going back to Dubai in a moment
Marocco is worth seeing if you're interested
Just be careful
Hide all electronic stuff
But well, my friend was walking with a huge camera that everybody could see...
I was fully covered for my safety
And just in case I took my debit card
No idea why
I didn't see any cash machines or terminals...
I put it into my bra :D
No idea what I meant by that :D
That's it for today
Thank you very much for watching
I hope it makes sence what I say
I'm careful with the words but it doesn't work all the time
If you liked it give me thumbs up and subscribe and see you! <3
Greek Street Food Tour in Athens, Greece - Duration: 12:15.
So today's plan is to sample all the Greek Street Food.
We have come to Athens Flea Market and I know this seems like a bit of a strange place to
be having street food but they have a lot of little stands and shops where you can get
souvlaki, gyros, baklava.
So yeah, we're just planning to walk down the main road of the flea market and just
peruse have a look around and see what we can sniff out and have a fantastic meal on
the street.
And if you're interested in recreating this little food tour that we're about to embark
on the closest metro station is Monastiraki so there you go.
Let's chow down.
Let's go eat.
Alright guys so brought out the big guns right from the start.
Someone's alarm is going off.
Oh, 11:15.I don't know why.
No, 11:10am.
I don't know why.
That is the most random alarm to have set.
Can you turn it off for me?
How do you do that?
Just press no the other one.
Oh, you did it.
Good enough.
There we go.
Now it is time for food.
So we ordered the Gyro and Souvlaki.
Both of them in pitas.
And I should probably explain the difference because I feel like back home gyro, souvlaki,
kebab it is all the same thing to us.
It is like meat and a piece of bread.
But no gyro means to turn.
So that is the one where the meat spinning it is the shaved meat and being cooked at
the same time.
And then they shave it.
The souvlaki is the meat on the skewer.
And then the kebab is the ground meat it can be like pork and beef and lamb.
Like there is different varieties.
That is kind of like shaped into a sausage shape.
Yeah, exactly.
Like ground meat.
Um, so yeah we're having gyro we're having souvlaki and the ingredients in here look
We have tzatziki sauce, tomatoes, red onions, lettuce.
So yeah this looks wonderful.
And that bread.
It does look wonderful.
He put it on the grill and it just is warm.
And the price was also wonderful.
They were 2 Euros each.
2 euros a piece.
So yeah can't wait to dig in.
So here we go.
The souvlaki.
Let's see if I can get a big bite of the meat here.
Oh man that looks so good.
It is so hard to film and not eat.
The meat is so juicy.
Is it?
Juicy and tender and it is like soaking the bread with its meaty juiciness.
And then all of the freshness of the vegetables right?
We haven't even gotten to the vegetables yet.
That is like a completely different section.
So here we have Sam going in for the gyro.
It has been so hard to wait.
It has been so hard to wait.
And watch him eat mine.
I'm so excited for this one.
Oh man.
Look at those colors.
Oh man.
That shaved meat is just something else.
It is just so good.
And I love how they've put lots of sauce on there.
You've got it all over your lips my friend.
I know.
I could tell.
And I love just how spongy the bread is.
It just soaks up all the juices and everything.
Oh my gosh this is such a good start to the day.
So we have moved on to a little something sweet now.
It didn't take us long let me tell you.
Well we got Greek Yogurt.
And this is not just any Greek yogurt.
This is this comes with some amazing toppings.
It has got a super saturated amount of honey.
It has walnuts and we also ordered dates as well.
So there you go.
I'm so excited about this.
This just looks heavenly.
Oh my gosh.
What a contrast between the sourness and creaminess of the Greek yogurt and then the sweetness
of the honey and the dates and crunchiness of the walnuts.
There is so many lovely things going on all at once.
Oh my gosh that is so good.
I've got to go in for more.
And this was the smallest size they had.
And we paid 4.20.
Because we added a few extra toppings in there.
I like can't even eat normal yogurt after this.
This is so good.
Third bite guys.
Third bite.
Alright your turn.
My turn.
I didn't leave you much.
I've been eating a lot.
I had some of this yesterday when we went to the museum by the Acropolis.
It was so good.
We sat down at the cafe on the second floor.
Oh my gosh.
And I saw Greek Yogurt on the menu and I was like yeah that is what I'm having for my dessert.
It is pretty much one of the worlds best breakfasts or even desserts.
Like we could have it either way.
Or street food like we're doing now.
I just love Greek yogurt.
I know.
It is like real natural yogurt.
I know it just tastes so natural and so creamy.
And I love.
The sourness of it.
It is just you can't beat it.
You can't beat it.
And they had so many different toppings.
Where we got this I mean you could get a little more modern and contemporary and put like
sprinkles and chocolate chips.
Alright guys so we found a man who was selling nuts.
And he was very friendly and animated.
He was so friendly and passionate and also very generous allowing us to sample them.
Yeah, he let us try the nuts before we bought them.
What a nice guy.
We ended up getting a sweet one and a salty one.
And then because we bought two packs he gave me a whole bunch extra in my hand.
He was just like open your palm and he put a whole bunch of nuts.
So we got all this.
Um the sweet ones were 1.50 (Euro).
And they look like this.
It is basically peanuts and they are kind of coated in this caramelized brown sugar.
Yeah, exactly.
And then this looks like sesame seeds on the exterior.
And then the salty ones.
You can actually see the big chunks of salt on them.
Yeah, you can.
It is course salt.
And the peanuts still have the skin.
So we'll start with the sweet ones.
And it is a windy day today.
It is windy.
The sweet ones are so good.
I know the sweet ones those are sesame seeds.
Are they?
We've it is funny these are quite common all over the world.
We've had these in Buenos Aires.
We've had these when we lived in Korea.
Especially the sweet ones.
And now salty.
They are so good.
Nothing like a little sugar mixed with uh peanuts.
These are nice to like mix together.
It reminds me of that sweet and salty popcorn that you would have.
You know you just mix it together.
It tastes so much better because you're you know you are not indulging too much in either
Exciting moment over here.
Trying my first Greek coffee.
I somehow didn't manage to try Greek coffee the first time I was in Greece.
I don't think I was drinking a lot of coffee a few years ago.
Yeah that is the only thing I can think of.
And yeah we've found a cute little cafe here in the heart of the flea market so we thought
let's sit down for a quick drink.
Oh, that is potent.
Yeah, strong coffee?
Potent, rich, strong.
It came with a little sweet treat.
Looks like lokum.
Turkish delight maybe.
A little nibble.
That is really sweet.
That is more than enough sugar.
That is all you need.
And yeah we're just having this little snack uh right out on the street as you can see.
Right on the market.
The flea market.
So the antiques market.
It is pretty cool.
And we have baklava on the way.
We do have baklava on the way.
On the way.
Well dessert is here.
Better believe it.
We've been having a lot of this here in Athens.
Oh yeah.
Look at all of that syrup just oozing out.
That honey.
I should say honey yeah.
Oh my.
Syrupy honey.
Oh, how is that?
I think I could just eat Baklava everyday and never get sick of it.
It is just so good.
So good.
So nutty.
So many layers of pastry.
And I should mention to that the uh the Greek Coffee was very similar to the Turkish and
Bosnian coffee we've had recently in the sense that the ground are at the bottom.
So that just shows you how strong and potent it is.
This has just been wonderful.
Like I am in my happy spot right now.
Beautiful weather, great dessert and really good coffee.
Greek food for the win.
What more can you ask for?
Traditional bread.
One of this.
Traditional this.
Uh huh.
Traditional please.
Oh that looks delicious.
Thank you.
Have a nice day.
Thank you.
Alright last but not least.
Last but not least.
We found some bread.
It is reminiscent of a pretzel I would say.
Apparently this is called Koulouri.
Yeah and the lady said this was the most traditional of the ones that she was serving.
It is a ring shaped piece of bread covered in toasted sesame seeds.
I am anticipating.
Okay hold it up again.
I just can't help myself but to go right through.
Of course.
There we got.
There we go.
Okay try it.
What say you?
That is huge.
It is kind of pretzel-y.
It is not salty no.
Sesame seeds on the outside?
No course grains of salt or anything like that.
Just sesame seeds.
Bread and sesame seeds and she had a block of um feta cheese.
So if you want cheese with it they can like slice it open I guess or just give you the
cheese on the side.
That would have been nice but we're getting kind of full.
Oh and before I forget how much was that one?
50 cents.
50 cents.
fifty cents of the Euro.
Now that is a deal.
Not bad.
Alright guys that concludes our Greek Street Food Tour here in Athens, Greece.
We ate so many delicious street food items.
And we'd love to know what are some other Greek street food items that you can try.
We obviously didn't try them all just a very small component of them.
But everything was really good and that was just a lot of fun.
So ciao from Athens, Greece.
See you guys in the next video.
Omikron 267 The Nomad Soul česky CZ - Duration: 10:11.
le " TITANIC " dernière musique jouée ... - Duration: 4:14.
變胖的不只有「張惠妹」!這幾位女星最近都身材大走樣! - Duration: 4:54.
Halo : Nightfall – Teaser (BTS VOST) - Duration: 2:31.
Randall Aiken: "You give your life away so others will live
and take life where only god can give it."
Halo : Nightfall is an action drama, it's a story about heroes and the good and bad side of heroism.
This film represents an origin story of sorts, not only introducing the character
but it goes through some profound transitions over the course of our story.
Jameson Locke : "We will not go out like this."
Locke, first and foremost is a leader, he's a guy who can take on his feet, who's always one step ahead of the adversary.
When we first encounter Locke, he's a leader of ONI which is a CIA KGB type of organization.
We're pretty much as an elite forces you can find.
They kind of think that better than everyone else.
Locke: "Only we're better alone."
I am expected to lead this group and point them in the right direction and to get the task done.
It starts on one planet which is quite bucolic and friendly and ends up on another location that's infinitely more hostile.
Locke: "Ready to go to hell colonel ?"
They are undertaking what seems to be a fairly routine investigative operation
and they quickly come to discover that there's something far more alarming and far more dangerous.
They've all got to make these massive life-changing decisions and put their lives on the line, so it's quite emotionally intense.
Alistair Estrin: "Fall back!"
Mike Colter who plays Lock has an especially entrenched role in the Halo universe,
because he's going to be a character that appears in Halo 5 : Guardians but his journey and his transformation really start here.
That digs into the kind of soldier he is when we first encountered him
and the kind of soldier that he ultimately evolved into being…
It also allows us to explore the Halo environment
in a much more sort of primal way in the sense that these characters are literally coming to live.
That's been a thrill for us because we've been carefully working on this character art
as a bridge between the game and the motion picture world effectively.
Randall Aiken: "My question to you commander Locke : how will you lead and for what ?"
NOVEMBER 11 INCLUDED IN Halo: The Master Chief Collection
Krásná Burešová skončila v péči lékařů. Prý dostala lekci naživo! - Duration: 1:25.
Herečka a zpěvačka Eva Burešová byla v posledních měsících v jednom kole. Natáčela seriál Modrý kód, v divadle ztvárňovala role hned v několika muzikálech a v posledních dnech jí přibyla příprava na velmi náročnou show Tvoje tvář má známý hlas
A když k tomu přičteme péči o ročního syna, byla jenom otázka času, kdy dá její organismus jasné znamení, že by měla zvolnit
„Tak moc chci být důvěryhodná zdravotní sestřička, že jsem si skočila do nemocnice na jednu reálnou lekci," svěřila se Eva, která zveřejnila snímek z nemocničního lůžka s prosbou o pozitivní energii a sílu
A tu bude opravdu potřebovat. „Ledvinová kolika s ledvinovými kameny je bolest, která se dá přiblížit porodu," postěžovala si Eva
Ta si v nemocnici poleží několik dní. Tak jí přejeme brzké uzdravení.
Pakistan : Découverte d'une défense de stégodon vieille de plus d'1 million d'années - Duration: 2:57.
Transformers 3-D opens at Universal Orlando - Duration: 1:41.
7일간의 순수 국제 전기차 축제, D-1 - Duration: 5:27.
Greek Street Food Tour in Athens, Greece - Duration: 12:15.
So today's plan is to sample all the Greek Street Food.
We have come to Athens Flea Market and I know this seems like a bit of a strange place to
be having street food but they have a lot of little stands and shops where you can get
souvlaki, gyros, baklava.
So yeah, we're just planning to walk down the main road of the flea market and just
peruse have a look around and see what we can sniff out and have a fantastic meal on
the street.
And if you're interested in recreating this little food tour that we're about to embark
on the closest metro station is Monastiraki so there you go.
Let's chow down.
Let's go eat.
Alright guys so brought out the big guns right from the start.
Someone's alarm is going off.
Oh, 11:15.I don't know why.
No, 11:10am.
I don't know why.
That is the most random alarm to have set.
Can you turn it off for me?
How do you do that?
Just press no the other one.
Oh, you did it.
Good enough.
There we go.
Now it is time for food.
So we ordered the Gyro and Souvlaki.
Both of them in pitas.
And I should probably explain the difference because I feel like back home gyro, souvlaki,
kebab it is all the same thing to us.
It is like meat and a piece of bread.
But no gyro means to turn.
So that is the one where the meat spinning it is the shaved meat and being cooked at
the same time.
And then they shave it.
The souvlaki is the meat on the skewer.
And then the kebab is the ground meat it can be like pork and beef and lamb.
Like there is different varieties.
That is kind of like shaped into a sausage shape.
Yeah, exactly.
Like ground meat.
Um, so yeah we're having gyro we're having souvlaki and the ingredients in here look
We have tzatziki sauce, tomatoes, red onions, lettuce.
So yeah this looks wonderful.
And that bread.
It does look wonderful.
He put it on the grill and it just is warm.
And the price was also wonderful.
They were 2 Euros each.
2 euros a piece.
So yeah can't wait to dig in.
So here we go.
The souvlaki.
Let's see if I can get a big bite of the meat here.
Oh man that looks so good.
It is so hard to film and not eat.
The meat is so juicy.
Is it?
Juicy and tender and it is like soaking the bread with its meaty juiciness.
And then all of the freshness of the vegetables right?
We haven't even gotten to the vegetables yet.
That is like a completely different section.
So here we have Sam going in for the gyro.
It has been so hard to wait.
It has been so hard to wait.
And watch him eat mine.
I'm so excited for this one.
Oh man.
Look at those colors.
Oh man.
That shaved meat is just something else.
It is just so good.
And I love how they've put lots of sauce on there.
You've got it all over your lips my friend.
I know.
I could tell.
And I love just how spongy the bread is.
It just soaks up all the juices and everything.
Oh my gosh this is such a good start to the day.
So we have moved on to a little something sweet now.
It didn't take us long let me tell you.
Well we got Greek Yogurt.
And this is not just any Greek yogurt.
This is this comes with some amazing toppings.
It has got a super saturated amount of honey.
It has walnuts and we also ordered dates as well.
So there you go.
I'm so excited about this.
This just looks heavenly.
Oh my gosh.
What a contrast between the sourness and creaminess of the Greek yogurt and then the sweetness
of the honey and the dates and crunchiness of the walnuts.
There is so many lovely things going on all at once.
Oh my gosh that is so good.
I've got to go in for more.
And this was the smallest size they had.
And we paid 4.20.
Because we added a few extra toppings in there.
I like can't even eat normal yogurt after this.
This is so good.
Third bite guys.
Third bite.
Alright your turn.
My turn.
I didn't leave you much.
I've been eating a lot.
I had some of this yesterday when we went to the museum by the Acropolis.
It was so good.
We sat down at the cafe on the second floor.
Oh my gosh.
And I saw Greek Yogurt on the menu and I was like yeah that is what I'm having for my dessert.
It is pretty much one of the worlds best breakfasts or even desserts.
Like we could have it either way.
Or street food like we're doing now.
I just love Greek yogurt.
I know.
It is like real natural yogurt.
I know it just tastes so natural and so creamy.
And I love.
The sourness of it.
It is just you can't beat it.
You can't beat it.
And they had so many different toppings.
Where we got this I mean you could get a little more modern and contemporary and put like
sprinkles and chocolate chips.
Alright guys so we found a man who was selling nuts.
And he was very friendly and animated.
He was so friendly and passionate and also very generous allowing us to sample them.
Yeah, he let us try the nuts before we bought them.
What a nice guy.
We ended up getting a sweet one and a salty one.
And then because we bought two packs he gave me a whole bunch extra in my hand.
He was just like open your palm and he put a whole bunch of nuts.
So we got all this.
Um the sweet ones were 1.50 (Euro).
And they look like this.
It is basically peanuts and they are kind of coated in this caramelized brown sugar.
Yeah, exactly.
And then this looks like sesame seeds on the exterior.
And then the salty ones.
You can actually see the big chunks of salt on them.
Yeah, you can.
It is course salt.
And the peanuts still have the skin.
So we'll start with the sweet ones.
And it is a windy day today.
It is windy.
The sweet ones are so good.
I know the sweet ones those are sesame seeds.
Are they?
We've it is funny these are quite common all over the world.
We've had these in Buenos Aires.
We've had these when we lived in Korea.
Especially the sweet ones.
And now salty.
They are so good.
Nothing like a little sugar mixed with uh peanuts.
These are nice to like mix together.
It reminds me of that sweet and salty popcorn that you would have.
You know you just mix it together.
It tastes so much better because you're you know you are not indulging too much in either
Exciting moment over here.
Trying my first Greek coffee.
I somehow didn't manage to try Greek coffee the first time I was in Greece.
I don't think I was drinking a lot of coffee a few years ago.
Yeah that is the only thing I can think of.
And yeah we've found a cute little cafe here in the heart of the flea market so we thought
let's sit down for a quick drink.
Oh, that is potent.
Yeah, strong coffee?
Potent, rich, strong.
It came with a little sweet treat.
Looks like lokum.
Turkish delight maybe.
A little nibble.
That is really sweet.
That is more than enough sugar.
That is all you need.
And yeah we're just having this little snack uh right out on the street as you can see.
Right on the market.
The flea market.
So the antiques market.
It is pretty cool.
And we have baklava on the way.
We do have baklava on the way.
On the way.
Well dessert is here.
Better believe it.
We've been having a lot of this here in Athens.
Oh yeah.
Look at all of that syrup just oozing out.
That honey.
I should say honey yeah.
Oh my.
Syrupy honey.
Oh, how is that?
I think I could just eat Baklava everyday and never get sick of it.
It is just so good.
So good.
So nutty.
So many layers of pastry.
And I should mention to that the uh the Greek Coffee was very similar to the Turkish and
Bosnian coffee we've had recently in the sense that the ground are at the bottom.
So that just shows you how strong and potent it is.
This has just been wonderful.
Like I am in my happy spot right now.
Beautiful weather, great dessert and really good coffee.
Greek food for the win.
What more can you ask for?
Traditional bread.
One of this.
Traditional this.
Uh huh.
Traditional please.
Oh that looks delicious.
Thank you.
Have a nice day.
Thank you.
Alright last but not least.
Last but not least.
We found some bread.
It is reminiscent of a pretzel I would say.
Apparently this is called Koulouri.
Yeah and the lady said this was the most traditional of the ones that she was serving.
It is a ring shaped piece of bread covered in toasted sesame seeds.
I am anticipating.
Okay hold it up again.
I just can't help myself but to go right through.
Of course.
There we got.
There we go.
Okay try it.
What say you?
That is huge.
It is kind of pretzel-y.
It is not salty no.
Sesame seeds on the outside?
No course grains of salt or anything like that.
Just sesame seeds.
Bread and sesame seeds and she had a block of um feta cheese.
So if you want cheese with it they can like slice it open I guess or just give you the
cheese on the side.
That would have been nice but we're getting kind of full.
Oh and before I forget how much was that one?
50 cents.
50 cents.
fifty cents of the Euro.
Now that is a deal.
Not bad.
Alright guys that concludes our Greek Street Food Tour here in Athens, Greece.
We ate so many delicious street food items.
And we'd love to know what are some other Greek street food items that you can try.
We obviously didn't try them all just a very small component of them.
But everything was really good and that was just a lot of fun.
So ciao from Athens, Greece.
See you guys in the next video.
The Open Mind: Sweet Little (and Big) Lies - Daniel Dale - Duration: 27:42.
HEFFNER: I'm Alexander Hefner, your host on The Open Mind.
When Donald Trump lies, lies,
lies, there's no more alert fact checker then
my guest today.
He tracks the 1800 and counting false statements
by the President of the United States.
Now that's sad.
My guest confronts his unusual propensity for
bald-faced malicious deception,
fabrication, and outright ignorance.
Daniel Dale is the Toronto Star's Washington bureau
chief covering the Trump Administration and other
stories in the United States.
He previously spent four years as a Toronto City Hall
reporter and Bureau Chief covering Mayor Rob Ford's
administration from start to finish,
and let's get right to business.
How do you deal with the art of the lie?
DALE: Well, it's a bombardment of lies,
sometimes seems like there isn't much art to it.
This is just what happens is it's an avalanche.
What I try to do is, is confronted every single
time, even if that makes me seem pedantic
or obsessed as I sometimes am called by the President's supporters.
I think that the role of the media is to provide
facts to people and to challenge the dishonesty
of people in power.
And so when the President says 103 false things
in a week as he did last week, I think,
you know, as many times of those 103 as you can point
that out, whether it's on twitter,
whether it's in your articles, I think you should do it.
So I just try to be vigilant,
be alert and be the guy that people can go to,
to find out the truth behind what he's saying.
HEFFNER: Daniel is that 1800 figure still accurate
or is it up now?
DALE: It's ...That's as of Sunday,
I believe it's 1829.
HEFFNER: Ballpark...
DALE: That's an average of.
HEFFNER: So as of June, almost July 2018,
the President via twitter, via press secretary
statements or this discounts administration officials.
DALE: It's just him.
HEFFNER: This is unusual. There've been nativist politicians.
There've been racist, bigoted politicians,
and there are elements of that in the Trump
phenomenon, but this lie that almost refuses to disguise itself.
I think of the Fleetwood Mac song,
"Sweet Little Lies." Little lies become big
lies, how big are they becoming?
DALE: Well, there's this curious mix of big
and little so he's lying about needless things,
like he said recently, you know,
he insulted representative Mark Sanford and a private
meeting of Republican members of Congress and
Republican members of Congress didn't take
kindly to this.
They reacted by all accounts with groans
and with silence.
Trump tweeted, they responded with laughter and applause.
That's a little lie. What's the point of that?
We don't know, but he's also telling quite
consequential lies, you know,
about his trade policy, recently about immigration
policy, blaming his own family separation decision
on nonexistent democratic laws.
And so we're talking about policy matters.
We're talking about his descriptions of himself
and we're talking about basically everything under
the sun, you know, everything he talks about,
you know, he's, frequently dishonest about.
HEFFNER: The origin of Donald Trump's entrance
into conservative Tea Party groupthink was
that most vicious inaugural lie within this decade,
which was to delegitimize the citizenship of
President Obama.
Why did not the press corps as a whole,
you were alert to it, but why did the press corps
as a whole not identify how troubling those lies
were from their inception.
Both that lie and then his campaign announcement
lies, which called Mexican immigrants rapists.
DALE: When he started with the so-called birther lies,
you know, he was still a seemingly a
marginal political figure.
He was a loud-mouthed businessman looking for attention.
So I think in the minds of the White House,
press corps, people covering Capitol Hill,
you know, it was like, well,
why am I going to pay attention to Donald Trump?
I have serious issues to cover.
So I think that was part of it then.
I think when he started, you know,
to launch his candidacy and started lying,
I think it took the press corps awhile to adjust.
I think they're still adjusting,
but I think, you know, especially at first,
you know, they weren't prepared to deal
with a liar of this magnitude and frequency,
because I think in part it was because,
you know, calling a liar, a liar or a lie,
a lie or even a false claim of false claim in
news copy was seen as a departure from
journalistic standards.
I think it's fundamental journalism.
You know, the, the core part of our job is to
point out what's true and not.
And that means, you know, not leaving the fact
checking to the fact checker who writes his
once a week, column, you know, on Saturday.
It means that, you know, in the story when you're
reporting on something, a politician says,
if it's not true, it's your obligation
as a reporter to point that out.
But I think, you know, for,
for reporters, you know, weaned on this standard
of objectivity and, and seeing objectivity as you know,
reporting what the politician said,
reporting what their critic said,
and leaving at that, this Donald Trump thing took a
while to get used to.
HEFFNER: And newspapers now,
amid the second year, nearing the third year
of the Trump Administration, the headline writers have
gotten with the program.
They've observed that this President doesn't follow
democratic norms. He dishonors his office by lying.
We're going to say in our lead,
this is a lie we're going to say in our headline,
the president falsely claims,
is that enough at this point? Should we be doing more?
DALE: Well, first of all, I think that that more
of that can be done. I think still too often, you know,
his, his claim is simply made the headline
and the falseness of it isn't pointed out and that's,
I think particularly the case on twitter.
You know, I just coming over here on the,
on the subway, I saw, you know,
ABC News, not to pick on them,
but they tweeted out a quote of the President's
from his, his rally in North Dakota last night
and he said, you know, the European Union,
as we all know, was formed to take advantage of the United States.
That's not true, but the falseness that,
that was not noted in the tweet.
So I think it's still unfortunately not
happening enough that he's called out on these things immediately.
As for whether that's enough,
you know, I don't think it's enough,
but I don't know what more we can do,
you know, our job is to provide facts and try to
provide some sort of democratic accountability.
You know, we can't arrest him from office.
You know, we can't shout it,
shout at him, you know, what we can do is report
on what he's saying.
So I think, you know, our, our realm of possibility here is limited.
I know it seems insufficient to many of
the President's critics, but we are,
we are limited in what we can do.
HEFFNER: Not just the President's critics,
though I think lay people, citizens who were
frustrated with the President's dishonesty
with this administration's proclivity for dishonesty.
It's absolute lack of candor.
We were discussing George Lakoff,
the linguist talking about needing truth sandwiches,
much like we described where you reassert the
truth as opposed to repeating the redundant
lie and that's one approach.
But another approach in the broadcast world in
which you intersect, you're a print journalist
but you appear on television as well,
is not to carry the open megaphone of lies that are
the Trump rallies and finally at last,
at long last networks and some cable operators have
recognized that they're doing a disservice to
their viewers if they air them because they're just
ad nauseam lies, ad hominem attacks.
And so is that one approach too,
because of the way that social media often relies
on video and whereas video generated right here on
the tube, is that an important approach too?
DALE: I think so.
I think that, you know, given the frequency and
magnitude of the President's lying,
I, you know, I think television networks can
often be doing a disservice to their
viewers by simply broadcasting him live.
I think it's a hard call in the case of supposed
policy speeches and those are often interchangeable,
as we know from his campaign rallies.
But you know, if the President says,
you know, I'm making a major announcement on such
and such, I think it's understandable if networks
want to cover that.
HEFFNER: But he'll often say that and lie about
that and say I'm making an important announcement on
tariffs, and then it's an attack on voting rights
or something entirely different or just him
riffing in attacking your native country,
President Justin Trudeau, prime minister.
DALE: Yeah. He does that. Yeah.
Or he'll take advantage of the coverage he knows
he's getting and do 10 minutes of boasting,
lying and riffing before he gets to the policy stuff.
HEFFNER: Because he doesn't do traditional
press conferences, he'll entertain reporters and
that's really what he did during the campaign.
He'll bring them in with the pool of photographers
and now the print journalists,
the reporters and the photographers are going
to these cabinet meetings.
DALE: I think it's largely good that the President
often takes questions at, at these kinds of things.
You know, there are known as pool sprays and in
political journalistic language,
you know, and often, you know,
under President Obama and others,
you know, they frequently would simply pose for a
photo and not respond to the questions on whatever
pressing issues that were of the day.
Of course they were also doing press conferences
and that Trump isn't, but you know,
I think Trump's engagement with the media in those
forums is, is something to be admired.
I think the content of what he's saying to them
is often not something to be admired.
You know, he is again, being highly dishonest,
but the active answering questions I think is good.
HEFFNER: He'll speak off the cuff,
but so much of that is proven to be lies later.
DALE: Yes. It's such a challenge.
I think, you know, I think what journalists should do
they're all at a tough spot. We're all at a tough spot.
I think something to remember is that he's very
frequently saying the same false things over and over
and I keep track in my database on the Toronto
Star website of how many times he's saying these things.
Some of them he said 40 plus times,
many of them, you know, dozens of them he's said 15 plus times.
And so I think it's the obligation of journalists
to come armed with those facts.
You know, know why what he is saying over and over is
false, and be prepared and willing in that moment
to challenge him.
You know, he's standing in front of Marine One
helicopter or he's on that plane,
you know, go back and forth at him in the moment
rather than leaving it to your story or leaving
until the next day.
HEFFNER: Have those deceptions,
deceits, the falsehoods, the lies,
have they enabled him to destroy democratic norms.
To what end is he lying?
DALE: It's hard to know how much he is succeeding
because he's lying and how much is despite his lying.
You know, the polling on his tax reform bill,
for example, was very bad until after it was passed.
This bill is, was underwater.
The polling on the healthcare Obamacare
repeal in place plans about which he was
frequently lying was also very bad and they failed.
They're on the other hand, you know,
the polling on the Mueller investigation on which
he's lying in has gotten steadily worse for Mueller
and better for Trump.
It seems like his lies are having some impact there.
And so, you know I talked to some Trump supporters
and they told me that they know he's lying but they don't care.
And sometimes it's for kind of curious reasons.
Sometimes they say, you know,
I've had a bunch of people say I,
like when he lies because he's messing up the elites.
He's messing with their brains.
And I like when he, when he gets them running
around scrambling and punishes those people
I don't like, that's kind of a nihilistic view
of a political honesty that I think is hard
for the media to deal with.
But I think there's another view of his lying
that's kind of rational.
You know, I've talked to Trump supporters who say,
look, you know, I know he makes stuff up.
I know you know, he exaggerates but look,
he put Neil Gorsuch on the bench. Look, he cut my taxes.
And so there are things in this world that are more
important to me than the President being honest.
I think as journalists, as you know,
purveyors of fact that can be troubling too.
But, but I understand it.
HEFFNER: How can he discharge his duties,
including appointing a new Supreme Court justice
when he is constantly not being faithful to the truth?
DALE: Yeah, I mean it's such a,
it's such a challenge for everyone,
including Republicans, but Democrats,
the media, voters, you know,
you cannot trust anything that comes out of this
President's mouth.
And I know that people felt that way about
previous presidents, but you know,
talk to any historian who's been around for a
while and we've never seen an avalanche like this.
And so we broadly, you know,
this country is in a position where,
you know, the man who's making huge decisions
about the future of the country is making things
up all the time about, about those decisions. It's tough.
HEFFNER: One of the most, I think,
troubling lies over the course of his presidency
was about voting and delegitimizing or
attempting to delegitimize the majority vote by
insisting that millions of undocumented people voted,
in that meaning he might've won the majority
vote, which is false.
DALE: Yes,
HEFFNER: That's tamped down somewhat.
But to your mind, is that the lie that could
potentially jeopardize our democracy in the long-term
more than any other lie?
DALE: It's, that's a serious one.
It's, it's hard for me to rank them.
I mean, there have been serious lies about
minority groups that I think,
you know, do damaging things to wider
perceptions of those groups.
And I think that's, that's quite troubling.
HEFFNER: And those work in, in hand in hand.
The lies about immigrants in the lies about illegal voting.
DALE: Yeah.
I think, um, you know, I, it is damaging to faith in
the electoral system when the President is saying
that there is wide scale voter fraud and millions
of undocumented people are voting.
And I think yeah, in the long run,
you know, especially if he says similar things
in the lead up to the next election as he might well,
I think, yeah, I think it could,
it could do, do harmful things.
HEFFNER: And ultimately it will be Republican
conscientious objectors who decide they,
in addition to the press in the Democratic
opposition, want to criticize the President
for lacking honesty.
Have you seen evidence based on your coverage
that there will be any attempt on the part of the
Republicans or even the Republicans who were
leaving office like Jeff Flake or Bob Corker to
hold him accountable for his words in a way that
they haven't thus far?
DALE: There are very few indications of that.
We've seen, you know, occasional remarks by
departing Republican members of Congress
about the President's lack of honesty.
We saw an op-ed by Mark Sanford who the president
lied about and also you know whose defeat the
President contributed to, you know,
immediately after his defeat he wrote a piece
I believe in the Washington Post about how he was
troubled by the President's attack on truth.
But these examples are few and far between.
For the most part, Republicans have contented
themselves, resigned themselves at very least
to this situation, because this President is helping
them accomplish their policy goals and because
they know that whatever they may think of the
President's character, their own voters overlap
with the President voters. I think interestingly also,
you know, Democrats themselves are not doing
as much of their own fact checking as you might expect.
Certainly they do much more than the Republicans do.
Certainly they're calling him out on a variety of
things, but I think for a lot of Democratic members
of Congress as well, you know,
their attitude is we, we, you know,
we need to promote our own message.
We can't get engaged in a daily tit for tat.
You know, our role isn't to be fact checkers.
It's to persuade people of our positions.
So I think for, to a large extent it's been relegated
to people like me in the media and the media itself
is, is not as aggressive as I think it should be.
So there's, I think there's a sort of a truth
void throughout the American political system.
HEFFNER: A truth void.
I was thinking about Flake in the context of tariffs
and their impact on the price of milk or the price
of goods in the fact that's something you can't
deny, ultimately go to the supermarket and you can
hold up that fact.
Another example for Democrats that I've cited
on this show is you can go to bridges and tunnels and
school buildings in this country and say, here they are.
They're still broken. There's still obsolete.
There's still the third world because you're lying
that there's infrastructure.
You're lying that you were committed to redeveloping
our transportation system, and so that's one example
of where the Democrats I think can,
follow your example of speaking the truth in
acknowledging that Donald Trump was a fraud in terms
of being a builder, but when you say there's a
truth void, do you think the press now are more in...
Do you think the majority of the press are cognizant
of that truth void and therefore are not going to
conveniently slip in tweets into every lede,
into every teleprompter and that there will be an
unrelenting focus on the truth?
DALE: I think the media has,
has gotten better at this and certainly,
you know, the, what the media,
you know, aside from occasional areas,
you know, what the media is writing or airing is
truth, but in terms of holding the President
accountable for his mistruths versus
falsehoods, lies, whatever you want to call them,
I think there's still a reluctance to do it with
the frequency that I think this President's frequency requires.
I think it's being done for the biggest or most
ridiculous or most obvious lies,
but you know, he's saying this stuff daily ...
HEFFNER: What about the recognition that twitter
is a lie machine. It's a lie production machine.
DALE: Well, I think for, for this President,
you know, every medium is, is a lie production machine...
HEFFNER: But that has the fastest velocity. Right?
And it may be the hardest to track and get to the people.
And I encourage all of our viewers to follow you on
twitter where you are tracking these lies in real time.
DALE: I, yeah, I think, you know,
I think my colleagues in the press corps doing a
largely a very good job, but I think,
you know, given the velocity with which the
President's lies travel on twitter,
I think the media needs to match that with its own
fact checking velocity, you know,
again, because he's repeating these things
over and over, you know, reporters have to be armed
with corrections right away.
The problem though, as you know,
is that, you know, the people who receive the
president's tweets, it's not a,
it's not a complete overlap with the people
who are following myself or the New York Times or
Washington Post fact checker.
So even if we do issue an immediate correction,
sometimes that correction is only traveling to our
own kind of follower bubbles and so that kind
of mismatch between the President's base and our
quote unquote base is difficult and I don't know
how to, how to solve that problem.
HEFFNER: In solving that problem is there a
difference that you find, one characterization of
ally versus a falsehood versus a mistruth to be
more effective in resonating with your readers?
DALE: Well, I think for the President's critics,
what it resonates more when I do use the word lie
and I see that in, you know,
my re-tweet numbers for example.
I think there's a kind of satisfaction for people
who are watching this and feeling like,
you know, am I going crazy or,
you know, feeling the sense of frustration.
They feel like he's not being challenged or called out,
you know, to have a reporter use the word lie
I think, you know, can provide them a, a positive feeling.
But I think, you know, even just pointing out
that he said something untrue,
I think you know, is often successful by the numbers as well.
HEFFNER: We still are in that climate where a
minority of Americans, but still 30 percent
of the country thinks that that is acceptable for someone,
a President of the United States,
to make a statement that when it's flipped,
or adjusted can then be interpreted as true.
I wonder how you grapple with something like that
where the underlying condition of the lie may be accurate.
DALE: I think that, you know,
if we start letting those things go as reporters
because there might be some underlying truth,
then I think we've, we're going down a slippery
slope to, you know, to a bad, to a bad place.
I think it's our job to take the President's words
both seriously and literally and,
and point out when the words as expressed are false.
If a certain percentage of the electorate chooses to
see an underlying truth even though the claim is
not literally accurate, that's their choice.
But I don't think that we ourselves should relax our
standards because those voters,
even if they're going to call us,
you know, pedantic or, or small minded or
insufficiently generous to the President.
It's our role is to interpret words as written.
HEFFNER: And what about contextualizing it at all?
Just say, look, Donald Trump said this during
the campaign and the reality is if we were to judge
employment by how many people make over a certain
amount of money, we really are under or unemployed at
a much higher level.
DALE: I don't think. I mean I try to provide context where
it's helpful, but, but often I think is not helpful.
Example from recently was, you know,
the President was claiming homicide in Chicago is way up.
While homicide in Chicago is quite high,
it's actually down over the last couple of years,
and so I pointed that out and then I had a barrage
of his supporters saying, well you're fine with this
level of homicide, what he's saying is that it's a
bad level of homicide and so it's not my job in
pointing out that it's wrong when he said
homicide is up to also say, well,
you know, this is still an unacceptable level.
HEFFNER: Understood.
DALE: Yeah. So I think, you know, if people want to excuse
away claims that are at, that are not literally true,
that's their job, it's not mine.
HEFFNER: Final question, Daniel.
The fact that these lies or deceptions are in plain
sight is that not what makes them so difficult
to correct, because they are overwhelming us.
There is a malignant tumor of lie in the discourse.
DALE: Yeah. I think you identified a couple problems there.
One is the frequency problem.
You know, if, if the President is saying one
false thing a day, you know,
fact checkers and, and media outlets more broadly
can thoroughly explain those and they might have
a good chance in registering in people's minds,
you know, when he's saying three point 5 false
things a day or 15 false things a day as he did
last week, you know, the chances of any one of
those being remembered are smaller.
And I think it's a similar problem to what we saw
with the Hillary Clinton email issue during the election.
You know, she had one scandal.
Trump had a whole bunch of scandals,
but people remember that one because,
you know, it was the one that's being talked about daily.
And I think, you know, the other issue identified is
the President's ease with lying,
you know, it doesn't seem like he's,
you know, he's being sneaky that he,
he's in a, in a lawyerly political politician like
manner trying to sneak past us,
you know, it seems like he is being authentic because
he's just talking even when he's being hugely dishonest.
So I think the issue of content versus manner is,
is a difficult one for the media to grapple with as well.
HEFFNER: And how do you not jump out the window
after every rally?
DALE: You know, I choose, maybe it's my instinct or
maybe it's my choice, but I find them interesting
rather than maddening, you know,
like I was saying to someone on twitter
yesterday who was saying, you know,
why do you cover these things?
You know, it just nonsense. It's just propaganda.
I think these rallies are the best window
into the President's brain.
And I think by fact checking,
I think I can provide a kind of public service in,
in response to this barrage of dishonesty.
So I think I stay sane by feeling like I'm being
useful in a way.
HEFFNER: I was about to say stay unmaddened and stay sane.
Daniel thanks for joining me today.
DALE: Thank you very much.
HEFFNER: And thanks to you in the audience.
I hope you join us again next time for thoughtful
excursion into the world of ideas.
Until then, keep an open mind.
Please visit The Open Mind website at
Thirteen.org/OpenMind to view this program online
or to access over 1,500 other interviews
and do check us out on Twitter and Facebook
@OpenMindTV for updates on future programming.
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W/ ENGLISH SUBTITLES מפתח לגן עדן הרב אפרים כחלון - Duration: 5:10.
One of the most fundamental and essential things for a person
and every single person in the world
is to be happy and content with the situation
you are in many people
are definitely not happy with their situation and why?
Because they always think what would happen if I were somewhere else
things should have been better if i were there
the situation there would be better and a person never
lives his current life as it is now.
If G-d put you in a certain situation
it's a sign that He wants you to be right here, right now ,and not somewhere else
one time more than a hundred years ago
people came up to the Chafetz Chaim and asked him
how can one get a ticket to heaven?
What is the most certain way to get to heaven? (Gan Eden)
Is it about the amount of times a man finished the whole Talmud?
How much Torah one learns? Or maybe good traits? The Chafetz Chaim answered them
that the best and most certain way to get to Heaven (Gan Eden)
the best way is
if you were happy with the situation that G-d has put you in during your entire life
This means....
if God put you in a situation and a place
in a distant and isolated place you will be in
Uzbekistan, Afghanistan, Israel,
you will be in New York or Florida, it doesn't matter where
The question is "are you content with the circumstances that G-d put you in..."
despite of all the problems?" says the Chafetz Chaim, if you are happy with your life
if you
actually live your life fulfilled with all that God has
made for you, then great
YOU have an entry ticket to Heaven (Gan Eden)
of course this means that you live your life according to Torah and Mitzvot,
when a person is happy with what God gave him
it means that God put you in a certain level
in a certain situation in a certain test
in certain obstacles and successes
all these things all these little stones
join together to build one big wall
it is actually
the life that God wants you to live
What does one say? Oh, it doesn't work for me
why do all these things happen to me? How come? And he has different aspirations
thinking if i'll think differently
or take different actions then I will be more successful....
But God doesn't want it
God wants you to be fulfilled exactly under this cirucumstance.
He doesn't want it to be different for you now.
Rav Yaakov Israel Lugassi, one of the biggest Kiruv Rabbi's, said once
a fellow Jew came up to him, a 38 year old guy, and said to him
that he's not able to get married. he sits and learns a lot of Torah and does everything he needs to.
But he said that of course if I would sit and learn Torah
and also have a wife, then...
I would be more holy, and more pure
I would have less tests, I would be more successful and God would be happier with me.
so why doesn't God give me a wife?
Rav Lugassi said to him
according to what we stated above
see, God wants you right now in this situation, where you are single
And whats your reaction? It doesn't work for me,
I don't want to be single anymore. So when you say you dont want to be single
you are actually saying to God
God, despite of all of Your glory and greatness running the entire world....
I think that there is something You didn't do correctly
I think You maybe have missed something here.
It would be much better circumstances if I was married
But if God syas I don't want you to be married now, although God gave an obligation for a man to get married and to bring children?
after you tried to get married but failed then you're exempt from your obligation.
but God says I want you exactly in this situation, and to see how you can serve Me this way
What are you saying... if I were married I would serve HaShem better?
but God doesn't that. He put you in this situation, which means He wants you to serve Him under these circumstances
to serve Him despite all of the trials and tribulations
where even if you try to study (Torah) for 4 hours, yet
you can only concentrate for 4 minutes because you have distractions that
are beyond your control
I'm not refering to when suddenly the phone rings and you get a the call
but to things that are not under your control that force you to stop studying like health problems and other things
that force you to stop studying (Torah)
and God wants exactly these things
Don't be too smart and think that if you do things differently, or if the circumstances were different
then God would be happier.
If God put you in this situation
it means that this is how He wants it to be
Sometimes one can think: when I get there...in a different place... when I become a millionaire,
I could serve HaShem in a better way
That person never lives the present, he tries to live the future
why are you living the future. Live in the present
God put you in this present situation,
what does it mean when God puts you in this situation?
That He wants you here, (serving Him) in this situation
and to say that God did not put you in this situation is total heresy,
He is the one who runs and controls everything in the world
He is the strong and almighty
so when He puts you in this present situation
in a certain place, certain family, in certain difficulties and tribulations
in every possible situation
it simply means that God wants you (to serve Him) like this
it means He wants you with your whole package
why? because that is the package He designated for you
don't say if I were in a different place it would be better
or diffrent situation I would serve Him better
no... you should serve Him exactly in the given situation you are in
and if you do you are a real servant of God
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Randall Aiken: "You give your life away so others will live
and take life where only god can give it."
Halo : Nightfall is an action drama, it's a story about heroes and the good and bad side of heroism.
This film represents an origin story of sorts, not only introducing the character
but it goes through some profound transitions over the course of our story.
Jameson Locke : "We will not go out like this."
Locke, first and foremost is a leader, he's a guy who can take on his feet, who's always one step ahead of the adversary.
When we first encounter Locke, he's a leader of ONI which is a CIA KGB type of organization.
We're pretty much as an elite forces you can find.
They kind of think that better than everyone else.
Locke: "Only we're better alone."
I am expected to lead this group and point them in the right direction and to get the task done.
It starts on one planet which is quite bucolic and friendly and ends up on another location that's infinitely more hostile.
Locke: "Ready to go to hell colonel ?"
They are undertaking what seems to be a fairly routine investigative operation
and they quickly come to discover that there's something far more alarming and far more dangerous.
They've all got to make these massive life-changing decisions and put their lives on the line, so it's quite emotionally intense.
Alistair Estrin: "Fall back!"
Mike Colter who plays Lock has an especially entrenched role in the Halo universe,
because he's going to be a character that appears in Halo 5 : Guardians but his journey and his transformation really start here.
That digs into the kind of soldier he is when we first encountered him
and the kind of soldier that he ultimately evolved into being…
It also allows us to explore the Halo environment
in a much more sort of primal way in the sense that these characters are literally coming to live.
That's been a thrill for us because we've been carefully working on this character art
as a bridge between the game and the motion picture world effectively.
Randall Aiken: "My question to you commander Locke : how will you lead and for what ?"
NOVEMBER 11 INCLUDED IN Halo: The Master Chief Collection
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F-CON tuning appeared
How is that effect?
Impression by Hattori
It sounds amazing
It is a state where ignition adjustment and fuel adjustment are put in considerable detail.
Considerably feeling changes
By ROM tuning, driving is easy if this high revolution changes.
Feels good!
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