Hi everyone, I'm John.
Today I have assembled for you some of the best printers
for printing labels on demand or in house.
I've got thermal transfer, I have color thermal transfer,
I have inkjet, and I even have an RFID printer.
So stay tuned, and I'll break these down for you
so you know what to choose.
Depending upon your needs, I've got you covered.
The Zebra GX430T
is the world's most popular desktop printer.
If you need two color printing for a GHS solution,
I would recommend the Cab XC6.
How about full color?
The TM-C7500 by Epson
delivers high-speed, high-quality color labels.
How about 24/7 industrial printing?
That's a job for the Zebra ZT610.
Talk about state of the art printing,
the Squix printer comes with a color LCD display
where you can access movies
on how to load the labels, the ribbon,
and clean the printhead.
So I cleared some of those big boys out of the way
so I could show you
some of these desktop printers that I have.
The GX430T from Zebra is used all over the world.
It's used in labs, it's used in manufacturing,
it's used at shipping and receiving,
and the clamshell design makes it great for tight spaces.
The EOS1 has an LCD screen
that makes the menu easy to navigate.
And if you need a larger roll of labels like eight inches,
I recommend the Cab Mach 4.
If you're looking for print and apply,
this Cab Hermes printer paired with
the Cab stroke applicator is the solution for you.
You can put it on your assembly line
you can put it above your conveyor belt,
or it can act as a stand alone unit.
This helps greatly reduce
the amount of time needed to label customer product.
So here are your options for color label printers:
the Cab XC6 is a six inch wide, two color label printer.
Typically used for GHS labeling solutions.
Epson has two color printers: the 3500 and the 7500.
The 7500 is a full color, high speed,
high-resolution label printer.
You could use it for GHS, you could use it for tread labels,
or just about any other color application that you have.
For high-capacity print jobs,
the Cab XC6 or the Epson 7500 is what I would use.
They have similar price points.
Or, don't have that much to print?
You can use the Epson 3500 for your color labels.
I have before you the industrial line of printers.
All of them come 200, 300, and 600 dpi
but if you're going to print 24/7 around the clock,
I recommend the ZT610.
How about you're just going to print daily,
a few rolls a day?
I recommend the ZT 410.
Both of these printers come with rewind, peel and present,
and cutter options.
If you're looking for an RFID solution,
the Sato CL4NX is the printer I would recommend.
It's a thermal transfer printer,
but also has the ability to encode RFID chips.
What I like about this printer is that it verifies
that it can write to the chip before it even prints.
This is a very solid industrial RFID printer.
Having problems deciding?
How about the Squix by Cab?
It's half the price of ZT610,
but gives you all the features of an industrial printer.
The LCD display makes it easy to navigate through the menu.
It's also available in RFID.
So today we've seen desktop, industrial, inkjet and color.
Even an RFID printer.
Hopefully you've seen something that will work for you.
If not, get in contact with us.
We've been in the printer business for over 40 years,
and we're here to help.
Hey everyone, thanks for watching.
If you'd like more information on any of these printers,
check out our channel where we have demos and reviews.
Don't forget to give us a thumbs up,
and subscribe so you don't miss out.
For more infomation >> Top 10 Barcode Label Printers of 2018 - Duration: 5:18.-------------------------------------------
Weekly Entertainment Wrap Up #82 [CC] - Duration: 5:52.
Hi, YouTube, it's Kathy, and this is my Weekly Entertainment Wrap Up for July 22nd to 28th.
This week I read 4 books, I watched 1 show, and I listened to 3 books.
First this week, I finished Long Way Down by Jason Reynolds.
This is a young adult contemporary told in poems about a boy whose brother was recently
killed in a shooting, and the cycle of violence that led to it.
As the protagonist leaves his apartment to seek revenge, his elevator stops on every
floor, admitting a ghost.
The premise and format of this book were refreshing, fast-paced, and heartbreaking.
With very few words, Reynolds put us right in the middle of this violent world, giving
us all the backstory to understand the choice the protagonist is making, and how it
feels like a given due to toxic masculine tradition.
It is a quick but very powerful read.
Next I read Brightly Burning by Alexa Donne.
I picked this one up because I'm going to BookNet Fest in just over a month and this
author will be there, and it turns out that even though I've never read Jane Eyre, I really
like Jane Eyre retellings, and this is Jane Eyre in space.
The protagonist, Stella, works as an engineer on one of the lower class ships before she
is sent to be a governess on a luxury ship orbiting the moon.
I really enjoyed this.
The world building was rich, the characters seemed fleshed out, and it was fun to see a
mix people of living in space and regency era clothing.
Stella's ambitions and friendships really moved the plot along, and I am very excited
for the next book by this author, The Stars We Steal, which is loosely based Jane Austen's
Persuasion, mixed with the Batchelor, set in space but about 40 years before this book.
Considering I can rarely bring myself to care about the classics, I find it very amusing
how much I like retellings.
Next I read A Head Full of Ghosts by Paul Tremblay.
This is a book about a woman whose family was at the centre of a reality tv show when
she was a child.
The show was called The Possession, because it was believed that her older sister was,
in fact, possessed.
She constantly cried about the ghosts in her head, and did some downright creepy things
to and around her little sister.
This books jumps back and forth from the present, where 23 year old Merry is working with a
woman who is writing a book about her, and when she was 8 years old and her family was
struggling with financial security and her sister's illness.
To give context, sections of the book are introduced by blog post of a fan reviewing
the show, 15 years on.
To be clear, the show only had one season, 15 years ago.
There were a ton of horror genre head nods in this book, with specific scenes from films
being recreated on the tv show.
If you want a horror novel that draws on classics of the genre, this is a book to pick up.
The last physical book I read this week was Alanna the First Adventure by Tamora Pierce.
I picked this one up because on National Tattoo Day, I found out that a friend of mine has
this character tattooed on them, and I forwarded it to my best friend, because I knew she used
to read this author, and when she found out I had never read it, she asked that I do so
This book is about a girl, Alanna, who is being set anyway from her home to become a
lady, and her twin, Thom, who being sent away from home to become a knight.
Neither of them is thrilled about this and they switch places, and Alanna is disguised
as a boy to go become a knight, and Thom goes off to learn about the magic that they both share.
This is the first of a quartet, and covers about 3 or 4 years of Alanna, or Alan, as
her friends know her, training to be a knight.
This world was intriguing and I want to read the rest of the quartet, and I'm told
there are other series and they all interconnect so now I have a whole new universe to burrow into.
I've talked my best friend into do a Buddy Read Book Review of this book, so look for
that in the next month or so, meaning you will finally get to meet her.
This week on Survivor, we watch most of the latter half of season 6.
I think it goes without saying, but this season, like most seasons, is way better than season 5.
Rob is growing on me, and my roommate listens to his Survivor podcast quite often, so I
guess he grows up from the awkward, horny dude to someone you'd actually want to listen
to for an hour at a time.
This week I listened to We Have Always Lived in the Castle by Shirley Jackson.
This is another horror novel, and I picked it up because of a recent recommendation video,
which I will try link in places, because that's also how I found A Head Full of Ghosts.
This one is must older, having been originally published in 1962, and centres around two
sisters living in a big house on the edge town where everyone hates them.
Strangely, this book shared a major plot twist with A Head Full of Ghosts, which I'm obviously
not going to discuss here because spoilers.
I think that listening to this one made it that much creepier, because the narrator was
really good at giving creepy, unsettling, yet realistic voices to the townspeople.
Next I listened to Dear Martin by Nic Stone.
Justyce McAllister is a scholarship student at a mostly white school, and then is the
victim of police brutality and profiling.
His white peers seem to think that there is equality between races, but he's seen first
hand that no matter how much he achieves academically, he is still judged on the colour of his skin.
He starts a project where he writes letters to Martin Luther King, Jr., and tries to be
more like Martin.
This book is short and powerful, and about halfway through I had to hold in tears while
I was listening to it at the bus stop.
If audiobooks are an option for you, I highly suggest listening to this book, because Dion
Graham's voice acting is outstanding.
It is incredibly nuanced and emotional.
This book discusses race, privilege, and the justice system in a way that needs to be recognized,
especially in an era where privileged people think there is equality.
The last book I listened to this week was The Truth is a Cave in the Black Mountains
by Neil Gaiman.
This is a short adventure tale and what makes the production interesting is it's read by
the author and has original music backing the mood of the tale.
If you're a fan of Gaiman's Norse Mythology, you will enjoy this short story, which originally
appeared in an anthology called Stories: All New Tales.
That's it for this week.
If you've read, watched, or listened to any of these, let me know about it down in the comments below.
On the way down to the comments, if you could hit that Subscribe button, that would be very nice of you.
You can also like and share this as you see fit, and I will see you very soon.
[outro music]
[voice distorted] The protagonist, Stella, works as an engineer on one of the lower class
ships before she's sent to be a governess on a luxury ship orbiting the moon.
What is going on with my voice?
[extra distorted] What is this?
Fastest keyboard for gaming - Duration: 3:48.
hello welcome to 4RaysTech last week we reviewed the a91 mouse that can be
on the above link. this week I got myself a B481 keyboard by bloody
now they believe that it has the world's fastest key response time which makes
this an interesting choice for those particular about their keyboards so
let's find out how good it really is
Design is unusual it seems inspired by transformers not the typical rounded
plastic instead an unusual metal frame that adds a reasonable weight to the
keyboard with soft comfortable keys for typing they are light however they do make
a noticeable noise which could be annoying at times the overall look and
feel is nice it's good to see this gold color setting it apart from the range of
other brands offering either black or white
the built is sturdy and the key spacing is decent I don't really use the palm
rest but this is a rather comfortable palm rest with this keyboard it's a
must-have since its design is mostly metal with loads of cutouts on the right
top you have what seems like a wasted cutout with no base it's meant for a
phone and it would it be more meaningful if it had maybe a mobile charging port
built at the bottom I like the idea of it though but it just feels incomplete
if you've seen my review of the A91 Mouse you may already know their light
strike technology which gives an extremely fast 0.2 millisecond response
in this keyboard we have the infrared switches which according to them
actuates 1.5 mm of the depth which is 30% faster than the traditional metal
switches that is something which is very minute to notice and there might be
some gamers who can probably share the experience with me
for me it's fast enough I've not felt any lag or a need for a double press
during the titles I've played on it
electronic switches are sealed and there are drain holes making it
water-resistant as well
so the eight keys have the silicon caps at the top making these rather distinct
and you can controlled media playback and volume with function keys as well
backlit brightness is adjustable and is soft to eyes and loaded situations can
be turned on and off or the levels of brightness can be set as low but I have
not seen a way to change the color patterns in the software however with a
little luck I spotted that using FM key with f12 will change the pattern from
slow to still and fast breathing its software can be downloaded from where
you can set different keyboard macros and actions in the profile manager now
these different gaming profiles can be changed with FM right or FM left keys
and they have different colors assigned to them overall it's a nice keyboard if
you're looking for something different coming at 35 pounds and the link is in
the description today we have the B418 keyboard hope you guys enjoyed the
video thumbs if you like and subscribe for future updates till again 4RaysTech
signing out
Iveco Daily 29 L 10V 300 H2 L ele pakket nap nw apk - Duration: 1:11.
Banner K30 & K50 Pro Indicator Lights - Duration: 8:13.
Hi Welcome to Ramco TV.
My name is Brad Vorrie one of the automation specialists at Ramco.
Flexible options and reduction of part numbers are key advantages for end users
and OEM's when selecting products.
Would a single indicator light with a wide variety of color options, flashing, dimming,
and advanced automation options make your life a bit easier?
Did I mention
that you can control all of these options by a simple configuration in your PC?
Let's take a look at the new K50 and K30 Pro lights from Banner Engineering.
The new Banner Engineering K50 or K30 Programmable Multicolor Indicators
allows end users and OEM's to install one light in multiple application,
without the need to stock multiple part numbers.
The K50 and K30 Pros features 7 available programmable colors
with several animation options.
Some other features include a translucent polycarbonate dome
for daylight visible indication,
IP69 UL Type 4 design, and an integrated audible alarm option available.
What makes this device special is the Banner Pro Editor software
that allows you to create custom configurations based on
the 5 pin M12 QD input connection.
Let's see how this is accomplished.
First be sure you have purchased the programming cable p/n: MQDC-506-USB.
This is required to interface your PC with your light.
Next, go to Banners Website and download the Pro Editor Software.
Once the software is installed,
be sure to install the driver for the programming cable.
Most Windows 10 PC's can install the driver automatically without issue.
However, if you have a Windows 7 PC or issues with windows 10
then you will need to install the driver manually.
To do this, download the driver, which is included in the software download.
Next go to your control Panel and open device manager.
The cable will be listed under other devices
and should be listed as Communications Translator.
Right click and select update driver software.
Click browse my computer for driver software.
Then, "let me pick from a list of device drivers on my computer"
and select show all devices.
Click have disc.
Click Browse and select the driver file.
Click Ok.
Click on EZ-Tool and press next.
A warning may display saying that the driver is unsigned, click yes.
Finally note the com port that windows assigned
to the driver under ports in device manager.
Do note that if you simply wish to download settings with limited preview,
you can plug the programming cable directly to the light
and USB into your computer.
However, if you want to preview your colors and animations with full capabilities,
be sure you are using a splitter cable.
One end of splitter will plug into programming cable
and other end will plug into a DC power supply.
The main branch plugs into light.
Now open the banner pro editor software.
Press the connect button.
For device type make sure you have the correct K series light selected.
Then select the correct com port based on the com port your PC is assigned to.
Once connected the light selection screen should open.
In basic mode you can select the Pin or wire color
which will turn on which color light or animation.
To change settings, simply select from the drop down
what color and type of animation you want.
Depending on the type of animation you select,
you will have the ability to change speed or patterns of the animation.
To preview, press the Start button.
When you're satisfied with your selection, press the Write Device Settings button.
If you wish to utilize more than 3 colors, you will want to use advanced mode.
This allows you to utilize the 4 pins as a binary selection
and get up to 15 different combinations of colors and animations.
Finally, the IO Block mode allows you to utilize this light
using only the standard input wires black and white.
This type of configuration is useful if you are replacing an existing light
light that uses only black and white wires,
but do not want to change or do not have the ability to change internal wiring.
As you can see from this demonstration
these lights have an extreme amount of flexibility
giving you a virtually endless amount of possibilities.
If are interested in learning more about the K50 or K30 lights by Banner Engineering
give us a call, we would be happy to stop by and demonstrate it for you.
This and thousands of other products are now available on Ramcoi.com.
If you liked this video, or found it helpful,
hit the like button and be sure to subscribe to our channel.
Thanks for watching and be safe out there.
Hi Welcome Back to Ramco TV!
You may have noticed throughout this video
video the blue bracket holding the Banner K50 light.
I know you are all experts on the K50 pro by now,
but you may be wondering what this contraption is.
So Lindsey, what in the world is this?
Well Brad, this is a product by Swivel Link!
Swivel what now?
Swivel Link is a product that allows our customers to easily
build custom mounting solutions for cameras,
lights, sensors, robot end effectors and so much more.
Their standard series of products include bases,
knuckles, links and tees.
They have other mounting brackets that include 18 and 30mm threaded brackets
like you see here.
for simple mounting of sensors or lights.
I have been known to dabble in vision applications,
how can these guys help?
Well, Swivel link has pre drilled mounting brackets
for a variety of cameras from the most popular manufactures
including Banner, Omron, Cognex, Keyence, DVT and more.
So Brad, do you want to know something else that's cool about this?
What's that Lindsey?
Well Brad, the brackets
and knuckles are designed to have cords and wires thread through them.
So no mess, and less risk for damage to your cordsets.
That is pretty cool.
You also mentioned robots.
it's always a struggle developing end of arm tooling for a variety of reasons.
So you're telling me
this product allows you to make your own brackets and configurations
literally at your desk.
Yeah literally.
And since this is so flexible
you don't necessarily have to change out the end of arm tooling
for different products,
and you just tweak it a little?
Yes exactly!
They even have a kit that will let you thread in vacuum generators
or suction cups to their standard product.
It's a completely clean and versatile solution!
So this is basically an erector set for adults?
Basically yeah
You can check out more about this on our website at www.ramcoi.com
Or you can give this guy a call and he'd be happy to bring a demo kit out and discuss solutions for you.
Thanks Lindsey!
and once again,
Thanks for watching and be safe out there!
Celebrities who look like other celebrities; Top Comparison # 3 - Duration: 3:55.
Following the top videos series comparisons, in this video you will see
famous people who look like others famous
See also the previous videos football players who seem to
celebrity music drawings that they look like Barbie dolls.
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S&P 500 Utilities Sector SPDR (XLU) Charge 0.65% Higher For the Week | American Today – 10... - Duration: 4:09.
AutoCad Tutorial Part 2 || AutoCad tutorial for beginners || by Subhankar Pal - Duration: 14:24.
사생결단 로맨스 5회 6회 - Duration: 56:24.
Subtitles Updaing... Thanks for watching-Please Like-Share-Comment video-Subscribe to My channel.Thanks
How I Make Money Online
Alice Cooper - German TV Report (ZDF Aspekte, 21.11.1972) - Duration: 11:04.
Our last report ladies and gentlemen, has a very different theme.
an American rock star, who calls himself Alice Cooper, is currently travelling
through West Germany and promises not only full venues, but also
increased sales of his records. Wolfgang Ebert observed
and interviewed him.
At the make-up table a transformation takes place. The 24-year-old, peaceful and
friendly American from Arizona slips into a Dracula mask.
The superstar of horror rock, Alice Cooper came to Germany, to shock new fans
"You have to look as disgusting
as possible. The more you look like a cheap whore,
the better. That's what people understand. You just have to tell them the truth."
Ugliness is Alice Cooper's trump card. His name is a mix of Alice from the
Wonderland America and the Hollywood star Cooper.
He transforms himself into a provocative rock-whore who, like a hurricane,
blows away the classic pre-conception of staged music performances
A monster with a transvestite look,
a thrilling mix of sex, violence and decadence. He sees himself
as the end product of an affluent society. The esoteric
becomes cabaret. Asexuality, the confusion of traditional gender roles,
is just one of the themes of this show chameleon.
Alice with the boa constrictor, Yvonne. The personification of evil.
The new superstar Satan topples Jesus Christ Superstar from the pop throne.
The prayers and hymns of Jesus's followers are expelled through the exorcism
of occultism and devil worship.
Alice gives the viewer a shock therapy: "The show is like a
harlot who has been through hell. Hard and heavy rather than feminine."
He aims to depict alternative personalities, to unsettle the audience and provoke
self-analysis and reaction. What his press team propagate as psycho-rock
is nothing but a precisely calculated product.
Show-business taken to a new level. The dazzling snake charmer
manipulates. People love to be scared.
Horror show. Dracula Cooper reminds us of the comeback of horror and vampire movies.
At the beginning of the show he drinks red water - blood
"Does Alice Cooper's personality change while making up for
the show?" - "Yes, but very slowly. The sudden complete change occurs
shortly after I step right on the stage. That's when it clicks into the complete other personality."
"Would you say it's the true, flesh-and-blood person sitting in front of me,
or is it Alice Cooper who performs his show like a devil on the stage?"
"Both. Of course it is much more interesting to act out
on stage. The person sitting in front of you is the one who constantly stares at the TV
and spends his time getting drunk, and over-indulging!"
"Why do you always get drunk?" - "I don't know, I'm just constantly hyper-nervous.
Everyone has their preferences. Some prefer cocaine, others have hash.
I just like beer."
"Is the show a kind of psychotherapy for you? Is it a kind
of soul orgasm?"
"Yes, but I'm not a violent person, except on stage.
That's why I'm not violent in real life. It's a shame that not more people
have this possibility of this catharsis. I'm lucky enough to be
able to do it on stage."
"Why do you love the ugly?" - "I always believed in antiheroes. The ugly
is more fun for me because it radiates more of the reality of evil
than the white-dressed hero who rides in at the last minute to save the day"
"And why this sado-masochistic appearance?"
"Well, why not? That's the most exciting part of our sex life!"
"Maybe... Let's agree to disagree!"
"I Want To Be Elected"
A provocative title, timed perfectly to coincide with the elections in America
and Germany.
This band has talent. It's never boring. Jubilant critics even
speak of the most bizarre and entertaining rock show in the world.
Anxious fans are tirelessly searching for new idols.
The more bizarre and surreal, the better. The deafening beat paralyzes the brain.
A moderate mix of the classic rock'n'roll sound of the 50s and the
and the hard-edged sound of the Rolling Stones.
Press party for the Alice Cooper band.
The business managers are planning a military-style advertising campaign
in which all media are involved. Not least the television.
Even the unsuccessful opening of the beer barrel is planned for the cameras.
The youthful euphoria of the 60's is consumed together with chicken and champagne.
The dream of the pop revolution is over.
Cold business has long since replaced the once music subculture into a billion-dollar business.
Rock music is like green fingernails or grandma-look,
part of a very ordinary business within the consumer world.
The stripper collects her fee. The media promote Alice from
Wonderland. His record company stretch a pair of women's knickers over the super hit:
"School's Out"
"How do you feel about the huge rock music business? A few years ago,
you couldn't afford a loaf of bread from your music, you say. And now
everybody wants to have you in the show."
"Wonderful, I love money." "Aren't you totally dependent
on business?" - "No, I wouldn't do it if I didn't like it. I really don't
mind being used. Living in America means being
exploited all the time." "But you still consider yourself
politically valid?" - "No, I think that rock music is political in itself. It depends
on how we are interpreted. We do not intend to be political.
We just want to have fun, that's our whole philosophy!"
"My show is a cross between West Side Story and Kubrick's movie Clockwork Orange
Cheap, vulgar and mean as hell!"
The result: The perfect black mass.
Alice Cooper also revealed to Wolfgang Ebert: he says he has a lot of fun
figuring out how much the audience can endure.
I am not an expert in this area, but that seems to sum it all up nicely.
Good evening.
Read-Along Tongue Twisters w/ PAW Patrol, Shimmer and Shine & Top Wing ✏️ | Nick Jr. - Duration: 1:48.
We're about to get super silly with letter sounds.
It's Nick Jr. Tongue Twisters.
This first one has a lot of "sh" sounds.
Shimmer and Shine shimmy
with their shiny shoes.
Shimmer and Shine shimmy with their shiny shoes.
Zahara Zlam!
Now say it again, but faster.
Shimmer and Shine shimmy with their shiny shoes.
Shimmer and Shine shimmer--
Shimmer and Shine shimmy with their shiny shoes.
Shimmer and Shine shimmy with their shiny shoes.
This next tongue twister has lots of words that start with the 'er' sound.
Rubble's tummy really rumbles for red raspberries.
Rubble's tummy really
rumbles for red raspberries.
Can you say it faster?
Rubble's tummy really--
Rubble's tummy really--
Rubble's tummy rumbles for--
For red raspberries.
Time for the last tongue twister.
Listen for the 'p' sound in this one.
I'm Penny, by the way.
Penny plays ping pong at a party with her pals.
Penny plays ping pong at a party with her pals.
Let's try it a little faster.
Penny plays ping pong at a party with her pals.
Penny plays ping pong--
Come on!
Penny plays ping pong
with a party with her pa--
What was that?
Penny plays ping pong at a party with her pals.
Penny plays ping pong at a party with her pals. Yes!
- I got it! - Terrific tongue twisting!
Have more fun with your friends
everywhere you find Nick Jr.
[music playing]
You can find full episodes of your favorite shows
in the free Nick Jr. app!
Ford Ka TITANIUM X TECHNOLOGIE STYLE PACK 51kw S/S - Duration: 1:12.
Audi A4 Avant 2.0 TDI QUATTRO SPORT PRO LINE S-LINE Panoramadak S-Line binnen/buiten Navigatie Leer - Duration: 1:10.
Is Everything A Joke To You? | Marvel's The Avengers (2012) - Duration: 4:28.
The gamma readings are definitely consistent
with Selvig's reports of the Tesseract.
But it's going to take weeks to process.
If we bypass their mainframe
and direct route to the Homer cluster,
we can clock this at around 600 teraflops.
All I packed was a toothbrush.
You know, you should come by Stark Tower sometime.
Top ten floors, all R&D.
You'd love it. It's Candy Land.
Thanks, but the last time I was in New York,
I kind of broke Harlem.
Well, I promise a stress-free environment.
No tension, no surprises.
- Hey! - Nothing?
Are you nuts?
Jury's out.
You really have got a lid on it, haven't you?
What's your secret?
Mellow jazz, bongo drums, huge bag of weed?
Is everything a joke to you?
Funny things are.
Threatening the safety of everyone on this ship
isn't funny.
No offence, Doc.
It's all right, I wouldn't have come aboard
if I couldn't handle pointy things.
You're tip-toeing, big man. You need to strut.
And you need to focus on the problem, Mr Stark.
Do you think I'm not?
Why did Fury call us in? Why now? Why not before?
What isn't he telling us?
I can't do the equation unless I have all the variables.
You think Fury's hiding something?
He's a spy. Captain, he's "the" spy.
His secrets have secrets.
It's bugging him, too. Isn't it?
I just want to finish my work here, and...
"A warm light for all mankind."
Loki's jab at Fury about the Cube.
I heard it.
I think that was meant for you.
Even if Barton didn't tell Loki about the tower,
it was still all over the news.
The Stark Tower? That big, ugly
building in New York?
It's powered by an arc reactor, a self-sustaining energy source.
That building will run itself for, what, a year?
It's just the prototype.
I'm kind of the only name in clean energy right now.
That's what he's getting at.
So, why didn't S.H.I.E.L.D. Bring him in on the Tesseract project?
What are they doing in the energy business
in the first place?
I should probably look into that once my decryption programme
finishes breaking into all of S.H.I.E.L.D.'s secure files.
I'm sorry. Did you say...
Jarvis has been running it since I hit the bridge.
In a few hours, I'll know every dirty secret
S.H.I.E.L.D. Has ever tried to hide.
Yet you're confused about why they didn't want you around.
An intelligence organisation that fears intelligence?
Historically, not awesome.
I think Loki's trying to wind us up.
This is a man who means to start a war
and if we don't stay focused, he'll succeed.
We have orders. We should follow them.
Following's not really my style.
And you're all about style, aren't you?
Of the people in this room,
which one is, A, wearing a spangly outfit,
and, B, not of use?
Steve, tell me none of this smells a little funky to you.
Just find the Cube.
That's the guy my dad never shut up about?
I'm wondering if they shouldn't have kept him on ice.
The guy's not wrong about Loki.
He does have the jump on us.
What he's got is an Acme dynamite kit.
It's going to blow up in his face.
And I'm going to be there when it does.
Yeah. I'll read all about it.
Or you'll be suiting up with the rest of us.
You see, I don't get a suit of armour.
I'm exposed. Like a nerve.
It's a nightmare.
I've got a cluster of shrapnel trying every second
to crawl its way into my heart.
This stops it.
This little circle of light, it's part of me now,
not just armour.
It's a terrible privilege.
- But you can control it. - Because I learned how.
It's different.
Hey, I read all about your accident.
That much gamma exposure should have killed you.
So you're saying that the Hulk...
The other guy saved my life?
That's nice.
It's a nice sentiment. Saved it for what?
I guess we'll find out.
You may not enjoy that.
And you just might.
Jaguar E-Pace 2.0 D180 AWD S / €5.000 VOORDEEL - Duration: 1:07.
Nintendo Labo Creators Contest - Vaše šance zazářit - Duration: 0:31.
大S和汪小菲的尴尬关系,和住的地方脱不了干系 - Duration: 13:58.
SEAT Media Control - SEAT Ateca 2019 - Duration: 3:03.
The SEAT Media Control App
enables exchanges of information between the infotainment system and the device.
It allows remote control of some functions in Radio mode, Media mode and Navigation mode.
To use it, the following requirements must be met:
• Having a tablet or a mobile phone
• The "SEAT Media Control" App installed on the device
• WLAN connection between the system and the device
This app enables remote control of the radio and multimedia playback.
Additional options may be available depending on the system and the country,
such as the exchanging of navigation destinations,
social network content or vehicle data, among others.
The infotainment system can be used as a WLAN hotspot for connecting up to 8 devices.
To configure it, select the SETTINGS option in the main menu.
The WLAN option in the infotainment system must be activated.
It is also necessary to activate the WLAN option on the device;
this process will vary depending on the type and model.
The MOBILE HOTSPOT function must be selected to assign the mobile device.
The network key provided by the system must be entered into the mobile device
and confirmed in order to establish the connection.
To complete the connection, it may be necessary to enter other data into the mobile device.
The infotainment system can use the Wi-Fi hotspot of an external device to connect to the internet.
Once the Wi-Fi hotspot is activated on the device (this process will vary depending on the type and model),
select the INTERNET ACCESS SETTINGS option to make the necessary adjustments.
Activate the WLAN option and press the FIND button.
A list of devices available for connection is displayed.
Select the one you want to use, enter the password and, if necessary, confirm the connection from the device.
Go to the main menu and select the "SEAT Media Control" function.
Open the app in your device.
You can remotely control the multimedia playback of up to 2 devices.
Full Link: Connect your Smartphone with your car - SEAT Ateca 2019 - Duration: 2:40.
SEAT is including Full Link technology in its new models,
providing a direct connection between your car and your smartphone.
Full Link allows you to access content and applications from your phone from the radio or navigator screen.
To connect your smartphone to your car, your SEAT must meet the following requirements:
Full Link must be enabled in the radio or navigator carousel.
Your smartphone must be compatible with one of the three types of Full Link connection:
MirrorLink, Android Auto or Apple Car Play.
Your phone must be connected to the radio/navigator via USB.
For MirrorLink, at least one of the apps certified with this technology will have to be installed on your device
When you connect your smartphone for the first time, Full Link will display the available connection types.
Select the one you wish to use when you connect, out of Mirror Link, Android Auto or Apple Car Play.
The connection type shown may depend on the device used.
In the SETTINGS menu, tick the box for "Activate data transfer for SEAT apps".
A list will appear of the apps compatible with your connection type.
When you open an app, you will be able to use the car touchscreen to navigate through it,
just like when using your phone.
Once you have selected the connection type for Full Link,
your radio or navigator will remember it each time you connect your smartphone.
When you connect, simply select the certified app.
You can use the buttons or the option appearing at the bottom of the screen
to see the other main menu items without closing the selected app.
Full Link can be disconnected by removing the USB lead from the socket or by pressing "disconnect".
For further information on connectivity and compatibility, visit the websites for:
MirrorLink / Apple CarPlay / Android Auto
Voyage de pêche - Vlog 17 - Norvège en Land Rover Defender - Duration: 8:37.
Welcome to Norway! This week is fishing week!
Come on, we released this one
Vlog 17 - Fishing trip
When he is ready to go...
Bye, cod!
We're not going to eat you!
Where are we, Alice?
The name of the place is unpronounceable, I'm sorry
Yes, it is here where there are the most powerful tidal currents in the world!
And what happened today?
Well, today Thomas came here to fish
And he took the biggest fish of the day, everyone was jealous
Well, we did not spend our money for nothing! I bought fishing equipment and then
third day in Norway
A beautiful saithe
also called Colin
so basically I fished a fish breaded
80 cm
and a few pounds
we must have food for four
go, three, four days
What is today's menu?
Mackerel with mustard sauce
with its Mousline mash
and then the bag salad
Enjoy your meal!
I'm shaking a lot
But there are pilot whales
next to the boat
Have you seen them?
This is Norway that I like!
we met a French family we had met in Greece
So we came to camp at the edge of a fjord
because Thomas and Sebastian wanted to fish
and the result of the day ...! No,
this was one of the best days of our trip, you'll see why
We will not die of hunger
Come on, we must put the cane back in the water if we want to eat
Yes, I'm filming!
It's the machine gun! Oh no, wait, I'm here to help you
Oh there, luckily we do not have more, huh!
I thought, well, it's a day
we're not just fishing for two, what! Really, we'll have to fish for six!
So, Thomas, why
the result of the fishing day was amazing?
Already because we fished eight mackerel
an hour to eat them, so here it is already cool
we went fishing again at 11:00 p.m., and we saw porpoises passing
There, look! There are two! There are two!
They come to us
So everyone has settled down; and then I put my fishing rod in the water
like that, I was not moving, and then I caught two fish!
I was watching the video, I was taking the tip of the rod like that
And then I just put the biggest lure I have
That is too much big to fish
with this fishing rod
I almost went to the water
There is a very big fish that touched it
I will try to fish it
We are in the Music Museum, in Trondheim
in Norway
And it's a bit of a mess now
Because we are in a part of the Museum where people can
play the instruments
So we finish this fishing trip in Norway
With a fish in our dishes, one more fish
Now we are close to Bergen city, we are approaching the southern part of the country
And soon we'll be in Danemark to go to Iceland
And don't forget to follow us on Instagram, Facebook
on YouTube and, of course, on our website
auroredaventures.com. Bye!
Be a classic fisherman, I'm filming you
Kora bała się ś.m.i.e.r.c.i - Duration: 13:07.
Samsung's Second Dual Wireless Charger For Galaxy Note 9 Surfaces ● Tech News ● #TECH - Duration: 1:41.
A few days ago leaked renders revealed that Samsung will launch a dual wireless charger
with the Galaxy Note 9.
The accessory will enable users to wireless charge their Galaxy Note 9 and the Galaxy
Watch, Samsung's upcoming smartwatch, simultaneously.
New renders have now surfaced which reveals that the company will also launch a second
dual wireless charger for the Galaxy Note 9.
Renders of a new dual Samsung wireless charger model number EP-P3100 have now surfaced.
Regulatory listings for the accessory reveal that it's going to be available in black
and white colors.
It's going to be capable of fast charging two devices wirelessly at the same time.
This wireless charger duo appears to be more compact than the one that was leaked previously
but exactly how it's going to charge two devices at once remains to be seen.
It's also possible that the listings for this accessory have placeholder descriptions
that don't accurately describe the charger's capabilities.
This particular charger is said to cost between £35 and £50 which is going to be slightly
cheaper than the other dual wireless charger.
Samsung will officially unveil this accessory and others on August 9 when it takes to the
stage to unveil the Galaxy Note 9 at an event in New York City.
Jaguar E-Pace 2.0 P250 AWD S / €5.000 VOORDEEL - Duration: 1:14.
Audi A4 Avant 2.0 TDI S EDITION S line Leer Navigatie Xenon Zondag a.s. open! - Duration: 0:54.
7 conseils pour sécuriser un pc - Duration: 2:56.
Hello everyone. It's Lou's screenshot tuto. Today I'm going to
give some small advice including for beginners to secure your
pc. These are pretty tips simple to apply. You will find
all the references in the description in the article of the site
devoted to this subject. The first tip it is to update your
anti-virus. It seems obvious but many people do not think to do it.
If you do not have an antivirus you can be found on secuser.com.
Personally I use windows defender as anti
virus. You can enable the firewall. It is
an important thing to avoid to trojan to come infest your pc and so
to activate by fire, just click in your antivirus. Detect and
eliminate spyware. We are sometimes a little bit overgrown with
different programs that scrutinize our activity. I recommend the utility
spybot which is free and which you will detect and then
to eliminate most spies on your pc.
Regularly perform a background cleaning.
I use ccleaner. There are slightly more modern versions that
to clean the browser, cookies, the registry in any case a lot of
Block them
advertising pages on the internet. Ca I should not tell you as
webmaster because what one earns a few cents with ads
but adblock is really a utility essential to put on your browsers.
I highly recommend it. Regularly change your passwords.
Regularly it can be once a year in any case ensure that these words
passwords are not easy to detect, type azerty for example, it's really
Too simple You can use a password generator for you
help to create complex ones and then the last tip: save
regularly your data on an external support.
I put you here some examples of cloud but you can also use a
external hard drive to back them up if it ever happened to you that your
hard drive plants and well you do not not regret this little procedure.
This is the end of this video. I like always pleasure.
Subscribe to the channel if you like the content and then if you are subscribed
activate the bell to receive all the notifications. See you soon for a
new tutorial.
Mercedes-Benz S-Klasse 350 Lang Lang Prestige Plus Night Vision stoelventilatie schuifkantel dak Zon - Duration: 0:48.
L'œuf de 100 ans - Salade Tomates Rognons - Duration: 3:33.
Rozchod Strýcové s Krausem: Nevěra nebo nezodpovědnost? Někdo z nich zásadně nemluví pravdu! - Duration: 3:23.
Mercedes-Benz E-Klasse Limousine AMG E 63 S 4MATIC+ | Edition1 | Rijassist | Pano.Dak - Duration: 1:06.
The Crazy Rich Asians Trailer
Live in the D: What's the Buzz - How do you make changes for the environment - Duration: 7:18.
Senator Expresses Doubt On Brett Kavanaugh Confirmation | Morning Joe | MSNBC - Duration: 13:23.
Live in the D: Weight Watchers tell us how to avoid summer weight gain - Duration: 3:14.
Live in the D: Talkin' with Tati - Stranded on a desert island with... - Duration: 1:13.
BMW X1 1.8D SDRIVE BUSINESS M Pakket Panoramadak Navi Xenon Automaat Zondag a.s. open! - Duration: 1:08.
Porsche Cayenne 3.0 D LM 22 Inch 240PK Navi Dak Leer 22''LM Zondag a.s. open! - Duration: 1:05.
Geraint Thomas Wins The Tour de France | The Cycling Race News Show - Duration: 9:39.
BMW X1 2.3D XDRIVE BUSINESS Panoramadak HarmanKardon Leer Navi Stoelverw. FULL! 204PK! Zondag a.s. o - Duration: 1:10.
Mercedes-Benz A-Klasse A 180 d Automaat Business Solution - Duration: 0:53.
BMW 5 Serie 530 D 530d Executive Navi Panodak Xenon Leer 245PK! Zondag a.s. open! - Duration: 1:11.
Jaguar XJ 3.0D V6 300PK R-SPORT SWB - Duration: 1:10.
Jaguar F-Pace 2.0D R-SPORT AWD / LED / BLACK PACK - Duration: 1:07.
BMW X5 3.0D HIGH EXECUTIVE Panoramadak comf.st. Clima Navigatie Leer Xenon Zondag a.s. open! - Duration: 1:03.
BMW X5 3.0d xDrive M Pakket! Panoramadak Camera Navi Stoelverw. - Duration: 1:13.
Jaguar F-Pace 2.0D R-SPORT AUT AWD / €5.000 VOORDEEL - Duration: 0:55.
Jaguar F-Pace 2.0D PORTFOLIO AWD / PREM. BUSINESS / WINTER / OPEN DAK - Duration: 0:55.
36C Séquelles d'un accident Thérapie d'ajustement de l'axe d'équilibre gravitationnel - Duration: 1:08.
BMW X3 2.0D BUSINESS LINE Navi 18"LM Trekhaak 177PK! Zondag a.s. open! - Duration: 0:42.
Jeep Wrangler JK Tuffy Tailgate Security Enclosure (2007-2018) Review & Install - Duration: 4:32.
The Tuffy Tailgate Security Enclosure is for those of you that have a 2011 to 2018 2-door
JK that are looking for a way to add some security to that rear area of your Jeep.
That space between the rear seat and the tailgate itself is just left wide open if you don't
have something like this in place, but if you do add something like this, you're going
to be able to put some stuff in there, use the factory lock on the tailgate in order
to secure that area.
This is a very easy piece to install.
Very simplistic but it gets the job done.
As I said, very easy install here.
I'm gonna give this a one out of three wrenches.
You just have to remove a couple of the existing screws in the floor of your Jeep, add this
piece in, replace those bolts.
Very, very simple, and we'll show you how to get it installed in just a second.
So, Tuffy has been making security products for some time now, and they're known for making
some really high-quality stuff that cannot be broken into, and this is gonna be no different
from that.
Now, this isn't going to be a completely enclosed box with its own lock on it.
However, this is going to do a nice job of integrating into the factory tailgate so that
as you close that, as you lock it with your regular central locking system on your Jeep,
that area is now closed and secured.
So whether you have a hard top, you have a soft top, this is gonna add a secure place
to keep stuff in your Jeep, and it's going to do it all at what I think is a pretty fair
So if you are looking to add some security to your 2-door, this is going to be a pretty
good choice.
As for construction, this is going to be built out of a 16 gauge steel covered in a black
powder coat finish.
Everything is welded and riveted together, giving you a nice strong piece.
This does have weather stripping all the way around, so it is going to keep any sort of
moisture out.
You're also not going to get any kind of weird whistling or anything like that when you do
have the top down on your soft top or your hard top removed.
As I said, this is only one piece.
It bolts into your Jeep very, very easily, and it gives you a nice secure place to keep
your stuff.
I mentioned before that I think this is a pretty fair price for what you're getting.
This comes in at just over $200, and again, I think that's a really good deal if you're
going to be keeping anything of any value in your Jeep.
You want to keep it locked up.
$200 is a pretty low price to pay for the additional peace of mind and the additional
security of having a nice large secure cargo area behind the rear seat of your Jeep.
Now I'll have a member of the install team show you how you get this bolted up.
Alright, first thing we're gonna do is remove the two T30 Torx bolts located on each side
of the trunk.
We're now ready to install our security enclosure.
We need to make sure that these corners right here tuck under.
It's gonna give it a nice snug fit.
All right, we're ready to bolt down that security enclosure now, and you wanna make sure that
you lift up on your plastic trim and you allow the security enclosure to slide underneath.
We're gonna do that on both sides.
Okay, now put our T30 Torx bolts back in place.
So, if you're looking to add some security to the cargo area of your 2-door JK, I would
recommend this option here from Tuffy, and you can find it right here at extremeterrain.com.
Introduction to observation ! - Duration: 5:14.
Soy Luna 3x44-Matteo emlékszik a dalszövegére Lunának köszönhetően(magyar f.) - Duration: 4:58.
Soy Luna 3x45-Michel bevallja Lunának hogy mit érez iránta (magyar f.) - Duration: 1:20.
Jaguar F-Pace 2.0 Portfolio AWD 20d - Duration: 1:10.
Jaguar F-Pace 2.0D PORTFOLIO AWD / PREM. BUSINESS / WINTER / OPEN DAK - Duration: 0:55.
Jaguar F-Pace 2.0D R-SPORT AUT AWD / €5.000 VOORDEEL - Duration: 0:55.
Jaguar F-Pace 2.0D R-SPORT AWD / LED / BLACK PACK - Duration: 1:07.
Jaguar F-Type 2.0T R-DYNAMIC / 19" / MEMORY - Duration: 1:12.
Jaguar F-Type 3.0 V6 340 COUPE / €7.500 VOORDEEL - Duration: 1:07.
Ford Focus 2.0-16V Futura AIRCO/LMV - Duration: 1:11.
Peugeot 207 SW Outdoor 1.6 VTi XS Climate/PDC/Panoramadak - Duration: 0:52.
Renault Laguna Grand Tour 2.0-16V Business NAVI - Duration: 1:08.
Seat Leon 1.6-16V Last Edition AIRCO - Duration: 1:07.
Peugeot 206 1.4 One-line AIRCO 126.887km - Duration: 0:52.
Fiat Grande Punto 1.4 Dynamic, AIRCO, 128.133km! - Duration: 0:52.
Toyota Yaris 1.3 VVTi Sol MMT 5drs / AIRCO / AUTOMAAT - Duration: 1:04.
Citroën C2 1.1i Séduction Stuurbekrachtiging - Duration: 1:03.
Opel Meriva 1.3 Essentia, Airco, AKTIE! - Duration: 0:49.
Snugs - Radio Silence (KVMO Remix) 🔥 - Duration: 2:56.
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