Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Youtube daily report Oct 2 2018

The Best Natural Remedies for Inflammation

There are three kinds of stimuli that can cause inflammation:.

Mechanical, like pressure and heat Chemical, like allergens and toxins Biological, like fungus and bacteria.

Regardless of the cause, inflammation always appears with four typical symptoms:.

Redness Swelling Sensitivity to pain Heat.

The body has very complex mechanisms to ensure that inflammation doesn't spread, therefore this reaction becomes so common it remains.

The issue is compared to a normal and healthy inflammatory response, which doesn't have a purpose.

Natural remedies for inflammation.

Anti-inflammatory turmeric tea.

Turmeric is known for its great anti-inflammatory properties.

Therefore, it's a great spice for people who have arthritis because it relieves pain and eliminates toxins from the body. It can also be useful for athletes since it helps keep joints in perfect condition and prevents them from swelling and causing pain.

Ingredients. ¼ teaspoon of turmeric (1.

2 g) 1 cup of water (250 ml).


Heat the water and add the turmeric; bring to a boil.

Once it boils, turn off the heat and let it sit for seven minutes.

Finally, pour the mixture into a cup and enjoy.

Anti-inflammatory aloe vera tea.

It's no secret that aloe vera is a plant with many beneficial properties for your health.

One of its most known uses is fighting against anti-inflammatory issues. In addition to being a natural analgesic, it's very beneficial for people who have arthrosis, arthritis, sprains, and muscle pain.


1 tablespoon of aloe vera gel (15 g) 2 cups of water (500 ml).


First, heat water over low heat and add the aloe vera gel.

Bring to a simmer and turn off the heat.

Let it sit for seven minutes.

Finally, pour the contents into a cup and drink twice a day, preferably in the morning and at night.

Anti-inflammatory ginger tea.

Ginger's anti-inflammatory properties are great for treating conditions like arthritis, carpal tunnel syndrome, and even toothaches.

Ginger soothes pain and inflammation.


1 tablespoon of ginger root (15 g) 2 cups of water (500 ml).


First, put two cups of water in a pot over medium heat.

Grate the ginger and add it to the water.

Bring to a boil, turn off the heat, and let it sit for seven minutes.

Finally, pour the tea into a cup and drink it three times a day.

Chamomile tea to decrease inflammation.

Since chamomile tea also acts as an anti-inflammatory, its healthy for blood vessels (arteries and veins) due to its dilating properties.

It does so by allowing blood to circulate easily and preventing it from building up in the affected area, it improve healing in the inflamed area.

This is especially useful for people who have hypertension because it regulates blood pressure.


1 tablespoon of chamomile flowers (15 g) 2 cups of water (500 ml).


Heat up water with chamomile flowers and bring to a boil.

Once boiling, turn off the heat and let it sit for seven minutes.

Finally, strain and enjoy.

It's recommended to drink this tea twice a day.

Exercising, working, playing with children, or simply walking your dog can cause an injury and inflammation.

 Thanks to these natural remedies, you'll be able to treat it at home and get back to taking care of your daily responsibilities.

For more infomation >> The Best Natural Remedies for Inflammation|HFE♪ - Duration: 8:34.


Simple Natural Recipes to Reduce Cellulite|HFE♪ - Duration: 11:26.

Simple Natural Recipes to Reduce Cellulite

 It's mainly an aesthetic problem which causes many problems and can even go so far as to affect self-esteem.

In this article, we'll share some tips to reduce cellulite naturally.

What Causes Cellulite? Your skin covers your body to keep it at a proper temperature and protect it from external attacks.

It's composed of three layers, each one with its own specific functions: the epidermis, the dermis, and the hypodermis.

The last layer mentioned is the one that contains the cells that generate fat, called adipocytes.

These accumulate fat to regulate body temperature.

When the fats aren't disposed of regularly and increase the size of the person, the fat cells push your skin, forming little lumps or bulges that you can see on the exterior of your skin.

Cellulite forms from: Circulation deficiencies, Hormone imbalances, Lack of exercise and a sedentary lifestyle, Hereditary factors.

Types of Cellulite General Cellulite It's more frequent among women that suffer from obesity and have unhealthy dietary habits.

It begins in childhood and gets worse in adulthood.

It causes aesthetic changes, primarily in your hips, abdomen, thighs, and legs.

Localized Cellulite This is characterized by the presence of intense pain in a specific part of the body, which is why it's more complicated.

It's mainly found in the abdomen, back, glutes, and arms.

Soft Cellulite This causes your skin to become loose or saggy and jelly-like. It's visible and can be accompanied by fatigue and a feeling of weakness.

It can bring other problems such as insomnia and varicose veins.

Edematous Cellulite In addition to the aspects and symptoms of the other kinds of cellulite, this also involves high liquid retention.

It can appear in women of all ages.

Hard Cellulite This type of cellulite makes your skin like more consistent and harder. It usually appears in young women and athletes, whose tissues are firm and toned.

The cellulite forms progressively and should be treated as soon as it appears. Over time, it evolves and becomes more and more difficult to eliminate.

You should keep in mind that an unbalanced diet that's high in calories will increase your weight.

 With cellulite, the number of fat cells increases,   which is what worsens the cellulite process.

A balanced diet and drinking enough water   helps you eliminate toxins and reduce cellulite appearance.

To eliminate cellulite, you should always keep in   mind what causes it to appear, not just the symptoms.

Natural Remedies To treat cellulite, there are various homemade remedies which can help you when it's being stubborn and you feel like you can't reduce or eliminate it.

Avocado Avocados are fruits that are rich in nutrients that hydrate your skin.

Ingredients 1/2 avocado 2 tablespoons of oats (30 g) 2 tablespoons of olive oil (32 g) What to Do Wash the avocado well and cut it in half.

With the help of a spoon, separate the fruit from the peel and pit.

Add it to a bowl and mash it until it forms a paste.

Add the oats and olive oil and mix it well until you have a   homogeneous paste.

Apply it to the parts of your body where you have   cellulite, gently massage it with your fingers and let it sit for 20 minutes.

Then, remove it and wash it with cold   water.

You can repeat this treatment three times a week to   achieve good results.

Coffee Caffeine is one of the best elements to combat cellulite.

With coffee, you can create a homemade treatment that's easy to make and very effective.

Ingredients 1/2 cup of ground coffee beans (100 g) 2 tablespoons of sugar (30 g) 2 tablespoons of salt (30 g) 1/4 cup of almond oil (50 g) 1/4 cup of olive oil (50 g) What to Do In a bowl, combine all of the ingredients until you can form a homogenous paste.

Apply the paste in the areas affected by cellulite   every day.

You can apply this while you take a bath or a little   before.

Seaweed Bath Although the power this product has isn't very well-known, seaweed is a great option to combat cellulite because of its regenerative properties for your skin.

Ingredients Dried seaweed (50 g) Water (enough to fill a bathtub halfway) What to Do Add hot water until the bathtub is filled halfway.

Next, add the seaweed and let it sit for 3 minutes.

Then, soak yourself in the bath for 15-20 minutes.

This will let you progressively reduce your cellulite problem.

Bathe yourself in seaweed twice per week.

  Lemon Extract Ingredients The peel of 2 lemons, preferably organic 1/2 cup of extra virgin olive oil (100 g) What to Do Wash and peel the lemons.

Cut the peels into little pieces and put them in a small clean jar.

Add the extra virgin olive oil.

Close the jar and let it sit for 10 days in a cold,   dark place.

After 10 days, strain it and dilute it with a similar   amount of olive oil.

This extract should only be used at night, since the citric   acid could cause sunburn if it's exposed to the sun.

Papaya Cream The granules of sugar exfoliate your skin, and the papaya, thanks to its properties, boost collagen production and eliminate dead cells.

Ingredients 2 tablespoons of brown sugar (30 g) 1 cup of fresh papaya (200 g) What to Do Wash and peel the papaya and mash it in a bow until it forms a paste.

Add the brown sugar and mix it.

Apply it immediately or keep it to use it another time.

  Remember to cover the container well after using it to prevent it from making contact with the air.

Upon applying it, gently massage the area with cellulite in   circles and let it sit for 20 minutes.

You can repeat this process 3 times per   week.

Dry Brush Brush the area where you have cellulite to improve the circulation. These strokes help open your pores and eliminate toxins in your body that could be causing the cellulite.

To perform this procedure, your skin should be dry.

Therefore, it's ideal to do this before showering or bathing.

The brushing should be done in long, upward strokes.

You can also brush in gentle circular motions as to not   irritate your skin.

The brush should be made of natural bristles, a little rigid and with a handle to make the brushing easier.

For more infomation >> Simple Natural Recipes to Reduce Cellulite|HFE♪ - Duration: 11:26.


GF Vip: Enrico Silvestrin in lacrime si difende dalle accuse di omofobia | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:15.

For more infomation >> GF Vip: Enrico Silvestrin in lacrime si difende dalle accuse di omofobia | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:15.


10 Priceless Beauty Tips|HFE♪ - Duration: 6:16.

10 Priceless Beauty Tips

They're priceless, all you have to do is write them down and try them out.

You'll see the difference in a jiffy! Get beautiful hair If you want to have beautiful hair and your problem is that your hair is really greasy, salt can help you.

Choose common salt or sea salt.

You just have to add 2-3 tablespoons of salt to your shampoo and you'll see that your roots will stay clean for a longer time.

For thick eyelashes and eyebrows Don't throw away your old mascara because it can be more useful than you think.

What you have to do is wash it and mix castor oil, vitamin E, and aloe vera inside it.

This is a very comfortable mixture to apply with the mascara brush on both your eyelashes and eyebrows.

Do it before bedtime for a month.

Fight dark circles Use coffee grounds to fight dark circles and bags under the eyes.

You'll have to mix them with equal parts coconut oil.

Apply on the skin under your eyes and leave on for 15 minutes.

You must use this face mask 3-4 times a week.

Tone your body Make yourself an anti-cellulite solution by mixing two tablespoons of ginger with five of cosmetic clay and 10 of warm water.

Apply the mixture on your problem areas, such as abdomen, hips or arms, and wrap with plastic wrap.

Leave on for an hour, remove the plastic, and take a hot shower.

Do this once a week and see the difference! Wax at home You can make a great homemade hair removal wax.

To do so, you need to mix 1/4 cup of lemon juice, 2 cups of sugar, and 1/4 cup of water to make a paste.

Heat to a simmer until it turns golden brown.

When it cools, apply to your legs in the opposite direction of hair growth.

Then remove the paste like if it was a normal wax strip.

Get stronger nails Getting more beautiful and stronger nails is possible with this tip.

You have to make a homemade solution containing equal parts of coconut oil and honey with a few drops of lavender oil.

When ready, it's best to pour it into an old nail polish bottle and apply with the brush.

Remove blackheads Blackheads are really ugly and unsightly! Now you can eliminate them effectively and quickly at home with these simple steps.

The only thing you have to do is make a simple face mask by mixing warm water, 1 tablespoon of flour, and 1 tablespoon of honey.

After that, apply the face mask on a cotton ball and then on the problem area.

Remove after about 10-15 minutes.

Get beautiful underarms You can get whiter underarms with this tip.

You'll only need raw potato juice compresses.

Apply on your underarms for half an hour.

Soothe the skin after a sunburn If you suffered a sunburn and want to soothe your skin, you'll only need a baking soda solution.

Apply with a cotton ball on the affected area for 10-15 minutes.

Get smooth and beautiful heels Having smooth and beautiful heels isn't a simple task.

To achieve this, you'll have to soak your feet in this homemade solution: for every 2 cups of warm water, use half a cup of baking soda and 1 cup of vinegar.

You can soak your feet in this solution for 15-20 minutes, then dry them well and apply a nourishing cream to moisturize your feet.

For more infomation >> 10 Priceless Beauty Tips|HFE♪ - Duration: 6:16.


Gemma Galgani, spunta il selfie con un ragazzo misterioso: il suo toy boy? | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 1:55.

For more infomation >> Gemma Galgani, spunta il selfie con un ragazzo misterioso: il suo toy boy? | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 1:55.


Francesco Monte e Stefano Sala a letto insieme: si nascondono con dei cuscini | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 1:54.

For more infomation >> Francesco Monte e Stefano Sala a letto insieme: si nascondono con dei cuscini | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 1:54.


'Volgare, ma chi è questa?! E'…: Aida Nizar insulta sui social Lisa Fusco | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 2:11.

For more infomation >> 'Volgare, ma chi è questa?! E'…: Aida Nizar insulta sui social Lisa Fusco | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 2:11.


Houston: Tacos al Pastor | Tacos of Texas Ep. 2 - Duration: 8:34.

- Taco Tip number 33.

- You know you're at a legit taco truck

where the music is blaring,

the Mexican Coke is flowing,

and the trompo's rolling.

- And you order tacos with a simple hand gesture.

Tres al pastor, por favor!


(upbeat music)

- I'm Jarod Neece.

- I'm Mando Rayo.

- And we're taco journalists exploring

the most iconic tacos in Texas, through the eyes

of the people who make them.

- [Mando] We're in Houston, Texas.

- [Jarod] H-Town!

- We're here for tacos al pastor, Houston's iconic taco.

- [Jarod] And, I'm excited to back in my hometown

where there's literally a taco truck on every corner.

- [Mando] Where also gonna talk to a group of Dreamers

and see how they keep connected to the culture,

and their families through the tacos.

Our first stop is to catch up with Marco Torres.

He's a photographer, journalist, and taco lover.

So, Marco, we're in a warehouse, but I want tacos.

Where are we?

- We're actually at the Raven Tower,

which is in the near north side of Houston.

You know, people know me as Marco from Houston,

the taco guy and the photographer, so you know,

that's who I am.

And this is the home of laMacro food truck,

so laMacro serves the best trompo tacos in Houston.

- [Jarod] Alright, well, I wanna find out how they taste.

Let's go.


- Tacos al pastor are basically marinated pork.

We marinate it with dried chillies.

We put pineapple, and then we cook it on a vertical spit.

You wanna give it the shape

while you're putting it on there.

- So that basically looks like a top.

- [Marco] Yes.

- [Mando] You know, like the old school tops

that you throw down. - [Marco] Basically, yeah.

- It's a taco dreidel, guys.

- Taco dreidel. (laughs)

- [Mando] So within the loop, you couldn't see trompos,

or tacos al pastor, on a spit, right?

You couldn't do that because of the health department.

- [Marco] What I did is I talked to a couple of inspectors,

and I said, you know what, I really wanna do this.

So I gave him my run down, and he says,

well, if your apparatus could be 100% stainless steel,

we'll let you do it.

- Where'd the recipe of it come from?

- The al pastor recipe that we use comes from Mexico City,

and we've been using it for the last four and a half years,

and there's one ingredient that we put on there

that nobody else put, but obviously I can't say it on--


- It's beep!


- [Marco] People come in from all over California,

Canada, Mexico, and all of that, and they're like,

how is it that that your pastor is a lot better

than where I'm from?

And, I think, like I said, I do thank Mr. Pasqual

because his recipe is the one that put us on the map.

- Also, congratulations because the city of Houston

recognize you as one of Harvey's Heroes.

- You go on these refugee places

and they'll take sandwiches, bread, peanut butter,

and all of that,

but, not a warm meal.

So, us, that was our response.

- [Mando] Your way to comfort them.

- [Marco] Yes, yes.

- You're a first taco responder.


- Yeah.

(upbeat music)

♪ I get it while I can

♪ We'll build a master plan

♪ There's nothing that can stop the flow ♪

♪ With energy in hand

♪ You pull me in I get pulled out ♪

♪ Your love is what I'm all about ♪

♪ It's so intense without a doubt ♪

♪ It always makes me want to shout ♪

♪ Livin' I'm livin' I'm livin'

- [Mando] A taco tour in Houston is incomplete

without going to Boombox Taco,

which is also another taco truck.

The history that Alex has from his family,

you can taste it in the food.

In the tortillas, and the carne,

and the vegetables that he uses.

And, the other reason that I love supporting Boombox,

is because he supports the music and the art,

and the other kinds of cultures that are here in Houston.

-I'm Alex. I'm from Queretaro, Queretaro."

All my passions are together in Boombox Taco,

and I love it, I love it.

- [Jessica] First of all,

he does not like to stay in one place.

Let's keep that clear.

- [Jarrod] That's helpful.

(laughing) - Exactly, exactly.

So, he wants to be with all the people everywhere.

Like he says, in the market, in the shows,

and the this and the that.

- This is a lifestyle.

- It's a lifestyle.

- It's a lifestyle, 100%.

- [Jarod] So these tacos and the salsa,

are these the family recipes?

- Absolutely, some ideas I grab from my family,

and with Jessica,

- Yeah, I grab from my family, too.

- [Alex] Actually, we combine.

- [Jessica] Yeah.

- [Jarod] Al pastor is traditionally made on a spit,

and you don't make that.

- [Jessica] No, we don't.

It's marinated just like al pastor,

but it is cooked on the grill at the moment.

- [Jarod] They don't always taste the same,

but how to you keep it,

the quality up and--

- [Jessica] It has to be definitely the quality of the meat.

- [Alex] I come butcher family, so every time I see a piece,

every time I go to the market, I'm making sure the--

- He's always going like this.

- This is a part.

This is a part.

(all talking at once)

- It's really cold, it's a freakin' fridge,

and he's like touching. - Sometimes,

I start opening boxes.

Hey, don't open that box!

♪ Taco, taco, taco

♪ Taco, taco taco

(upbeat music)

- [Jarod] Where here in Houston's north side

at Tia Pancha, one of the largest flea markets

in the city.

- [Mando] We're going to talk to a group of DREAMers

and find their connections to the tacos.

- I came to Houston when I was five-years-old

from Colombia and lived here ever since,

so growing up, right?

You leave your country and you come here to the States,

and you're already an outsider.

And, you're going through your day,

you're trying to work, feed your kids, help your family,

whatever it is that you're doing,

but you're constantly bombarded with,

you're a criminal.

Why are you here?


But then you come home,

and what's the first thing that you do?

You eat with your family, with your friends.

You have this experience.

Even through all of the storm,

I can always count on the people that I love

to be next to me.

- They talk about, they wanna send you home,

but you're already home.

- Yeah, I mean that's as close of a concept to what is home.

That's the question, what is home?

Home is where our lives are, where we've been to school,

or where we've raised families, or we've bought homes,

cars, et cetera.

- They think that we're outsiders,

but I don't consider myself anything else

other than a Houstonian.

They imagine who is a DACA person,

or who may not speak English.

Do they pledge allegiance to the flag?

And it's like, we're normal people, you know?

We probably might be putting gas next to you,

or we just treated you to some amazing tacos, bro!


- And at the same time they're eating

at Taco Tuesday.

For me, that doesn't make any sense.

If you're going to eat the food, you have to respect it,

you have to honor it.

Tacos and the food are an extension of our culture.

- We accept milk and orange juice,

but we don't accept the dairy workers, right?

They're undocumented people working?

This attitude, that's reminiscent of our history,

we accept the things and we like the change, right?

But, the people we're not so sure about.

And, it's a generational thing

that's going to have to change and occur.

- [Jarod] What changes can be made?

- Talk to your neighbors.

Sit around the table, eat tacos together.

And, hopefully that will change the mentality people have

of immigrants in the United States.

(upbeat music)

- I smell and feel like marinated pork!

After eating all those tacos al pastor.

And I truly believe, that taco is represented

of the people of Houston.

- [Jarod] And, I loved coming back to Houston

and eating tacos I'd never eaten,

going to places I'd never been,

meeting people like Alex at Boombox Tacos,

people like Saul, who's a Harvey Hero.

- And, I love the bravery of the DREAMers.

A lot of adversity, but they're creating change

and making this their home,

and they're doing it one taco at a time.

- [Mando] Thank you, Houston.

- [Jarod] AKA City of Syrup.

- [Mando] H-Town, Clutch City, Screwston.

- [Jarod] Keep it true.

- [Mando] Scrumbia

Houston strong.

- We do. - What up Fifth Ward?

- Grill. - Slabs.

- Inside. - Chingo Bling.

- [Jarod] Outside the loop. (laughs)

Chopped and screwed.

- [Mando] Over the bay.

(heavy bass music)

- [Mando] In the next proximo show,

we'll go to the Rio Grande valley

where barbacoa Sunday is a way of life.

- [Jarod] And visit Armando Vera,

the last barbacoa pit master standing.

- [Mando] And find out if we can cook our own

our own cabezas in a pozo.

(upbeat Latin music)

For more infomation >> Houston: Tacos al Pastor | Tacos of Texas Ep. 2 - Duration: 8:34.


8" Pro-Beam Equipment (H4) Quick Walkaround - Duration: 1:32.

Hey guys, today we are going to take a look at a super rugged 20 foot H4 Pro-Beam Equipment trailer.

Whether you are in heavy construction or in the oil field, the H4 comes standard with many heavy duty components

to stand up to the rigors of today's rugged conditions.

Built on a rigid 8" channel frame with 3 inch channel crossmembers on 16 inch centers,

the H4 features an 82" wide deck that can be ordered in deck lengths from 20' to 28'.

Removable steel fenders cover two 8K Dexter oil bath axles with electric brakes

giving us a 16,000 lb. GVWR.

We're starting this trailer off with a 21,000 pound 2 and 5/16 coupler in an adjustable channel mount,

however the H4 can be ordered in a gooseneck or pintle configuration.

We've also added an optional front mounted tool box for storage and a spare tire up front for even more peace of mind.

The H4 comes standard with a rubrail and stake pockets, giving you plenty of tie down locations

for securing cargo and equipment.

For our decking, we have #2 treated southern yellow pine that is known for it's durability

while having a great load bearing capacity.

At the rear we have a 2 foot dovetail with 31 by 66 heavy duty fold up ramps.

This dovetail compliments our low 28" deck height when loading low clearance equipment and vehicles.

As always, you can check out more information by going to pjtrailers.com

where you can find your closest dealer to help customize and order your next PJ Trailer.

Thanks, guys!

For more infomation >> 8" Pro-Beam Equipment (H4) Quick Walkaround - Duration: 1:32.


Rejoignez notre équipe des Réparateurs de smartphones, tablettes et PC portables - Duration: 3:08.

For more infomation >> Rejoignez notre équipe des Réparateurs de smartphones, tablettes et PC portables - Duration: 3:08.


Аккорд A/B на гитаре - Duration: 0:17.

For more infomation >> Аккорд A/B на гитаре - Duration: 0:17.


Amador Wine Tasting Room Pt. 2 - Duration: 3:13.

For more infomation >> Amador Wine Tasting Room Pt. 2 - Duration: 3:13.


Disney BTS IDOL (방탄소년단): English Cover by Michelle Osorio/Madi2TheMax/Linker - Duration: 6:59.

(kpop dance music)

- Uh.

BTS meets Disney.

♪ You can call me artist ♪

♪ You can call me idol ♪

♪ It's idle chatter ♪

♪ For a fairy I don't care ♪

♪ I'm proud of it ♪

♪ Strange clouds I see ♪

♪ No more irony ♪

♪ Just the colors of the wind ♪

♪ So I can't have ♪

♪ Any apples ♪

♪ Sugar I couldn't care less ♪

♪ Had the poison in me ♪

♪ Could be you woke me from my nap ♪

♪ I know what I am ♪

♪ I know what I want ♪

♪ I'm never gonna change ♪

♪ I'm never gonna trade ♪

♪ Trade off ♪

♪ Whoa won't you go build a snowman ♪

♪ Your door stays shut ♪

♪ I'm talking ♪

♪ I'm talking ♪

♪ I'm talking ♪

♪ I do what I do ♪

♪ Why do you have to shut me out ♪

♪ You can't stop me loving myself ♪

♪ Ursu Ursula ♪

♪ You can't stop me loving myself ♪

♪ Ooh, hoo ♪

♪ Ursu Ursula ♪

♪ You can't stop me loving myself ♪

♪ Oh oh oh whoa ♪

♪ Oh oh oh whoa whoa ♪

♪ Oh oh oh whoa ♪

♪ Bum bada bum oh heffalump ♪

♪ Oh oh oh whoa ♪

♪ Oh oh oh whoa whoa ♪

♪ Oh oh oh whoa ♪

♪ Bum bada bum oh heffalump ♪

♪ Face off I'm still awesome hey ♪

♪ Top star with that spotlight ♪

♪ I'm my own superhero right hook ♪

♪ Powhatan delegate, England shook ♪

♪ Doc, Sneezy, Happy, Grumpy, Bashful ♪

♪ Dopey, Sleepy, posse ♪

♪ Woo ♪

♪ I do my thing ♪

♪ I love myself ♪

♪ I love myself ♪

♪ I love my fellas, my Floatsam and Jetsam ♪

♪ Remember my name ♪

♪ Next time you see me I'm running the sea ♪

♪ Imagine the magic, imagine it ♪

♪ All of the dreams, are you chasing it ♪

♪ Make it come true if you're daring it ♪

♪ Running man, running man, running man ♪

♪ Whoa, won't you go to the ball ♪

♪ Because you stole my heart ♪

♪ I'm talking, I'm talking ♪

♪ I do, what I do, if you sign, you may have a shot ♪

♪ You can't stop me loving myself ♪

♪ Whoo hoo ♪

♪ Ursu, Ursula ♪

♪ You can't stop me loving myself ♪

♪ Whoo hoo ♪

♪ Ursu, Ursula ♪

♪ You can't stop me loving myself ♪

♪ Oh, oh, whoa ♪

♪ Oh, oh, whoa, whoa ♪

♪ Oh, oh, woah ♪

♪ Bum badum bum, oh Heffalump ♪

♪ Oh, oh, whoa ♪

♪ Oh, oh, whoa, whoa ♪

♪ Oh, oh whoa ♪

♪ Bum badum bum, oh Heffalump ♪

♪ I'm awkward wherever I go ♪

♪ My sister just can't let it go ♪

♪ It's okay, I'm in love with my, myself ♪

♪ It's okay, even if you got no jams ♪

♪ What's good, Godmother? ♪

♪ You know I'm working hard, selfless, helping others. ♪

♪ I'm about to jet in the carriage, ♪

♪ And tell the world be kind and have courage. ♪

♪ Kindness and courage, have kindness and have courage ♪

♪ If you're feeling lost, don't let them disparage ♪

♪ Never let your step fam cancel your marriage ♪

♪ Because if you stay, they'll discover you're savage ♪

♪ I sing, word to Charming ♪

♪ Searching through the land, no one's as darling ♪

♪ Step sister, try the slipper ♪

♪ Be like, it's my shoe, but it don't fit her ♪

♪ One chime, out of time ♪

♪ Gotta jet, but I leave a glass clue of mine ♪

♪ So much hope in my mind ♪

♪ Yes, divine ♪

♪ Have a dance, because this princess is the next in line ♪

(techno music)

♪ Jiminie, you got no jams ♪

♪ Whoo hoo ♪

♪ Ursu, Ursula ♪

♪ You can't stop me loving myself ♪

♪ Whoo hoo ♪

♪ Ursu, Ursula ♪

♪ You can't stop me loving myself ♪

♪ Oh, oh, whoa ♪

♪ Oh, oh, whoa, whoa ♪

♪ Oh, oh, whoa ♪

♪ Bum badum bum bum, Heffalump ♪

♪ Oh, oh, whoa ♪

♪ Oh, oh, whoa, whoa ♪

♪ Oh, oh, whoa ♪

♪ Bum badum bum bum, Heffalump ♪

(saxophone solo)

(techno music)

♪ I'm proud of it ♪

- Subscribe to the video.

- Oh, the channel. (laughing)

(woman laughing)

- Yeah, I'm sure we're going to use that (laughs).

Support us and get a cool shirt like that,

and even pick a shirt of the month.

I forgot to mention that, shirt of the month.

It's too much information.

- Shirt of the month?

(techno music)

- Oh, yeah, do the kick.


- Or, if you're lazy and you don't want to do that,

you can just use my last name Osorio as a code

you get 10 percent off any shirt.

♪ any apples Suga' I couldn't care less ♪

♪ Had that poison in me ♪


♪ Body language ♪


She does this.

- [Boy] Oh, you look good, everything.


- [Woman] Bunny moon, where the prince

is big and we're little?

- With the bunny move?

- [Woman] (laughs) The Bunny Moon, it was the show.

♪ Runnin' man, Runnin' man, Runnin' man ♪


- [Woman] I think she's trying to catch a bus.

♪ I do what I do, why do you have to shut me out ♪

- Ouch.

♪ You can't stop me lovin' myself ♪

♪ I'm 'bout to jet in the carriage ♪

♪ And tell the world be kind and have courage ♪

♪ Kindness and courage, have kindness and courage ♪

♪ If you're feeling lost, don't let them disparage ♪

(techno music)

- Oh, I messed up.

♪ Stay good, they'll discover you're savage ♪

- Hey.

♪ Jiminie, you got no jams ♪

♪ Whoo hoo ♪

♪ Ursu Ursula ♪

♪ You can't stop me loving myself ♪

- Shoot, I forgot where...

♪ Oh, oh, oh whoa ♪

♪ Oh, oh, oh whoa ♪

- Shoot.

♪ Bum badum bum bum Heffalump ♪

(text message swooshes)

- (laughs) I have a message.

- One, two, three, choo choo.




♪ Yeah, yeah, yeah ♪

♪ I need a girl like you ♪

For more infomation >> Disney BTS IDOL (방탄소년단): English Cover by Michelle Osorio/Madi2TheMax/Linker - Duration: 6:59.


Côte Pacifique de Colombie - Mangrove, Jungle, Tortues, Baleines - Julien Explore Reportage / Vlog - Duration: 6:33.

For more infomation >> Côte Pacifique de Colombie - Mangrove, Jungle, Tortues, Baleines - Julien Explore Reportage / Vlog - Duration: 6:33.


THE DEALERSHIPS WAR | TF2 - Duration: 7:39.

Zinax : There you are. Come with me. Edelnarry : We go outside?

Zinax : Not too long because I have bad memories from here, so we go back inside right now.

Z : I feel like the monster is waiting for us, at the corner of a door..

Z : You're following me ? E : Yes, don't worry!


E : Holy crap! It's right here!!

E : Get out! Get out! Get out!!

Z : Where is it?

E : Right behind us! I wanted to get in a room but it was inside..

E : I smelling it...

Z : I can smell its breath...

Z : Today's objective is ti smell the monster's breath

Z : But not too close or it will eat us... E : Yeah, not too close either...

Z : Look behind you sometimes just to make sure you're not followed

E : But I'm too afraid to. That's why I keep moving forward :)

Z : Okay, but how do you know when you have to run then ?

E : ...Ah... good question...

Z : Ok if we die that's my fault! U-turn!

E : We screwed up!..

Z : It's a cul-de-sac, my friends!


Z : AAAAHHH!!! He's right there!!!

Z : I'm burning :(

Z : So we're seperated now and I'm alone :( E : For sure, since I'm dead...

Z : No... :( E : Yes... :'(

Z : But I survived you know? E : You're not dead? How?!

Z : As soon as I saw that green thing I didn't even try to understand what that was. I just ran away! :D

E : Just by the color, you knew you had to get away :D

Z : That was weak, but at least I had a excellent taste of its smell! :)

Z : Objective complete!

Z : Please do not look up on your right

E : Why? Oh okay you killed yourself...

Z : No :o

Z : Look at me! Turn around and look at me go!

E : Do it!

Z : Look! Bye! :D

E : How?! Z : Oh no someone shot at me! E : Haha! At the same time!

E : It was beautiful :)

Z : There's a guy with a nuclear bomb

Z : Watch out! It's coming for you!

[OH NO] (Mokey edition)

E : Did you see how slow that thing is?

Z : And another one's going up! E : What the...

(Mokey panic)

(oh that's actually not that bad)

E : Yeah... Well...

Z : I'm coming!

E : Oh he got me!

Z : I'm still coming!!

Z : A customer!! E : Oh S***!

E : It was a dissatisfied customer

Z : Satisfied or your money back!!!

E : Oh! Nice repayment! :o

E : He got me again!

Z : We have a very dissatisfied customer today!

E : A lot! He didn't even let me explain the situation!

Z : Help me, I have too many customers

E : I knew it was a bad idea to send you to the after-sales service!

Z : See? The after-sales service lead me to suicide

Z : They're taking the point! E : Noooo!! Don't let this happen or I'll make a strike!

E : That's ours!

Z : We won't let the dealership down because of some dissatisfied customers! E : Exactly! (laughs)

Z : A very dissatisfied customer is coming. It's Sedam!! E : (groans)

E : Sedam is by far the worst customer we ever had! We do our best for him but he's still dissatisfied!

Z : Haha! You didn't know I had this in my store!

E : I can totally imagine a guy at the after-selling services being like...

E : "...You know where you can put your repayment ?!!"

[death generator]

Z : Did I forget to tell you that we're not doing guarantee?

[dealer violence]

Z : Look! I'm gonna punch a guy off the tower!


E : (laughs) I saw this!

Z : New customers! E : Oh not again :(

Z : The guys from the cartel don't really like us... E : Not at all!

Z : Sedam is back! The most dissatisfied customer!

E : Yeah he always come back and he's like : "Yeah there was a problem with the guarantee"

[guarantee strikes back]

Z : Oh GG! :o E : I did it twice :) Z : You rekted him!

E : He was so happy with his dealership point and then

E : BAM!

E : There's your guarantee!

Z : It's the Dealership War like we never saw it before

Z : "I've never seen customers being dissatisfied that much!!"

E : "I haven't see this for 20 years!!"

Z : "It's been 20 years since I saw something like this!"

E : "But I can tell you that I've seen more dissatisfied customers than you ever will!"

Z : "I fully gave myself to sell those cars!"

Z : "I got everything! But never such a strong revolution!"

E : "Sometimes it was because of the suspensions, or the chairs... but it never was that bad!"

Z : "How do you think WWII started?"

E : "Well it was the dealerships, the gurarantee and verything else!"

Z : "Yes it was our dealership that was not making any guarantee"

E : "Yeah, it started from nothing!"

Z : "But now it's worse! We're doing it with nuclear missile and other stuff! That's not for my generation! I'm out of this!"

E : "It used to be old-fashioned settling of scores! But look at this now! It looks like nothing!"

Z : "I also knew the dealership... in a different time..."

Z : "...where we had to do 50 steps, and when we yelled:"

Z : "CAR!"

Z : "We turned around and we shot at each other!"

[painful defeat]

Z : "And the survivor won the dealership of the dead guy"

Z : "Why do you think I have 4 different dealerships?"

E : "Well I killed them all!"

Z : "I shot them all"

Z : "One by one"

Z : That's the CIA we paid to protect our dealerships E : Of course! We have to defend our rights after all!

Z : And we pay them with your credits :D E : Exactly (laughs)

E : Oh so that might be why they're so dissatisfied!

Z : It's all your credits without guarantee, because they cost a lot when you break your car E : Exactly, who have to pay then? That's us!

Z : So we need a lot of credit!

Z : That's why taxes keep getting higher! We used to be with a VAT at 5%, 10%, and now it's 20%

Z : So the government could almost pay the CIA for us!

Z : Dealerships like us have to pay taxes too!

Z : 54% of our earnings taking by the government! (Meanwhile Edelnarry's blasting off again)

E : I hope you didn't see what just happened because it was kind of humiliating for me :(

Z : I want a sniper now!

Z : "It was during WWII since I had this sniper!"

Z :"I know I'm not that good!"

E : "You know long I've been waiting for this? Everything I had to do? All the investment it represents?"

Z: "But you know at the army of the dealership..."

Z : "You know... you know!"

Z : "I was only using my sniper, that's why I suck now and why I only have a score of 114"

E : "But of course, as soon as you start to handle something, they say you're in your comfort zone and they take it away from you!"

Z : "I'm just asking for a little sniper gun! Anyone!"

Z : Except for the Syndey Sleeper, please

Z : You see, I'm satisfied at 95%. Because I do have a sniper now. But that's the only one I didn't want!

E : Oh that's great! I'm recording but I'll have to censor this... What kind of moron put this here?!

Z : What's wrong? E : Well,come next to dispenser and you'll understand by yourself...

Z : (disgusted) E : Don't admire too much either! Z : (even more disgusted)

E : That's awful



Z : "I just wanna fight! It was my war after all!"

E : "My war! The Dealership War! They're not talking about it in your history book, huh?

Z : "I was born in 1999 from the last century!"

Z : "So I can tell you that I lived many things during this century!"

E : "There's a long story behind all these years"

Z : "I found love many times!"

Z : "Just look... Even when I was a baby, I had this little toy a car. Well, with it, I went really far away!!"

Z : "We tried to keep this point for 15 years now! 15 years!"

E : "It was with my help too, I protect your little butt after all! ;)"

Z : "So much blood has been poured here. Just look! There's a lot remaining!"

Z : You and I, the bosses of the dealerships, we have shitty employees. We have to face it! E : That's why we're doing all the job"

Z : We're gonna fire them E : They cost a lot after all

E : NOOOO!!!

[Edelnarry sacrifices himself to safe his employees]

[They costed a lot indeed]

Z : We win the Dealership War! We did it!

Z : That deserves some nice 360°

Z : I drink a beer to celebrate! Hmmmmm :3

Z : I'm addicted now. Addicted to beer

Z : I think you can stop the video here :o

For more infomation >> THE DEALERSHIPS WAR | TF2 - Duration: 7:39.



For more infomation >> Toyota Auris 1.8 HYBRID ASPIRATION AUTOMAAT | NAVI | CRUISE | ACHTERUITRIJCAMERA | BTW AUTO - Duration: 1:08.


【カラオケ中級】幸せになりたい / 内田有紀 (VER:CL 歌詞:字幕SUB・翻訳対応 / カラオケ ガイドメロディーなし ) - Duration: 4:21.

For more infomation >> 【カラオケ中級】幸せになりたい / 内田有紀 (VER:CL 歌詞:字幕SUB・翻訳対応 / カラオケ ガイドメロディーなし ) - Duration: 4:21.


Peugeot 108 1.0 E-VTI ACTIVE | 5-DRS | AIRCO | BLUETOOTH - Duration: 0:52.

For more infomation >> Peugeot 108 1.0 E-VTI ACTIVE | 5-DRS | AIRCO | BLUETOOTH - Duration: 0:52.


Parodie Lou Pérac - Duration: 0:45.

For more infomation >> Parodie Lou Pérac - Duration: 0:45.


TOXIC dance at Changwon K-pop World Festival 2018 - Duration: 8:53.

We are TOXIC, and we will introduce Bulgaria to the biggest k-pop competition in the world.

We had 2 weeks talks about our name. Everyone gave more and more funny/stupid ideas.

At the end we stopped at Noodles.

A week later before we applied for our first contest, a girl changed the name to TOXIC without asking us

and now we are really thankful for that!

I did!

I gathered them at the National Palace of Culture (NDK), we were new to k-pop.

There was no male group here in Bulgaria and that was really strange, so I decided why not make one!

We just wanted a hobby, because all we did was to play video games as all boys.

Ooo... It was a disaster, but the feeling was great.

The few mounts that we worked - It was wort it!. The adrenaline and the feeling being on stage

absolutely unique!

I never felt so thirsty!

I couldn't breathe at the end!

It was inspirational and so we decided that we need to continue! We liked the people and the people liked us!

So we continue!

We've become close friends and adding a new member to the group is a bit strange.

We are used to dancing together.


I'm the biggest and Kircho is the Maknae!

K-pop is the only place that teaches people to sing and dance at the same time.

People want to look a like with the k-idols.

The Korean culture started to come more and more to Europe with K-pop, K-drama, Korean food.

K-pop became really popular.

I saw how they do some moves and I wanted to do it.

You got inspired by that!?

At the beginning you couldn't bring up your arms right, how did that inspired you?

When we started we wore ambitious. We told our self "People, we will be the best in Bulgaria."

and in the beginning - "People, we won't be the best with this!".

At some point it looked like everything will fall apart but we told our self

"Whatever happen..." we will do it and so 2 years later we did it!

We took 3th place, special award and that really motivated us.

We wore like "Oh, next year we are on 1st place!"

So everyone we meat we told them - "Next year, we are going to be at 1st place!"

When they said 1st place - I didn't hear which group they said.

It was "We are going to Korea, we are going to Korea."

But for 6 years no one went!

The jury!

Maybe the hardest thing is the cleaning of the moves, because each of us is unique

and has his own stage manner, so we want to be in sync with our stage manner!

We always pick the hardest.

Something that is above our capabilities, otherwise we won't become the best.

And also we always pick a dance and a song that we like, not what is popular at the moment!

Actually yes!


Oh, this boys can dance

I usually talk a lot, but you will have to censure the hole video!

Dо it! Do it!

We are TOXIC and ...

For more infomation >> TOXIC dance at Changwon K-pop World Festival 2018 - Duration: 8:53.


Ажурная загибка из трубочек с леской внутри! - Duration: 9:30.

hi friends my name is Lada today we will try something interesting exactly

weave a fold of the tube with a fishing line stay with me don't forget

like if you like video and subscribe to the channel

click on the bell then just don't miss anything and before starting

weaving a bend I will tell you a few words about the preparation of the tubes in them, I advance as

just screwed in and put a fishing line of the same diameter as the needles to which

the thread is twisted in my fishing line for trimmers with a diameter of 1 and 3 millimeters and

I bought it at a hardware store but you can use a fishing line

if the diameter suits you and she is cheaper so put the fishing line in the tubes and

then I painted these tubes and then processed the link to the video where

I process the impregnation of the tubes; I will definitely leave it in the description not

forget to look there because there is a lot of useful information needed

also various links to interesting master classes

during the painting process the tubes swell a little and the line is firmly

fixed inside the duct ready

now, on the basket itself, they do this for one row before the end of weaving I trim

current racks and insert new ones with fishing line about the stove I am the last row

securing them inside, I hide workers tubes and now you can bend

here there is a small nuance if you saw a rack in my basket here

the same colors as the basket itself , but I have a pipe with a fishing line at all

of a different color and they stand out very much when they are inserted into these wicker rows

therefore, it is desirable that the rack at the basket and the tubes themselves with the fishing line were

one color then these bids will be more invisible

The bend this time will not be quite the usual plan to make it a bit

non-standard but at least I have such an idea, and there we'll see in

during the process but the essence will not be in this the essence of this video will introduce you to such

way to show what gives the fishing line in tubules

and how you see the tubes really become like a vine and very

dense work to deal with them is one pleasure they are even to the touch such

very nice bend as you can see is not tight and not very difficult for me

it is interesting to try and show you the density of the tubules themselves without

The lines wouldn't behave like this, they would already be Next, I start each rack for the 2 of the next one without carefully pressing

See each other for what dense tubes

Well, just one pleasure I think I will admire the whole video

because there is something to admire and to enjoy working with them neatly

treat well when these tubes are also

treated with varnish or impregnation then they seem really leather

Then every pipe they all now look at us outside looking for some 2

following and bring up not tightly I press them here the main thing is not to get confused and

watch carefully for the pattern and the order of laying them a little I straighten the bend

I do more openwork

and now the end I hide inside and here no matter what place I do it

for the second round and I try very hard to show it on the video I hope everything is clear

the main thing is to handle the tube very very carefully when you bend it

in my case, I painted their tinting with a solution and can form

small cracks but you can easily mask them later I will show you how


you can protrude the ends of the tubes cut not completely but you can completely them

hide the folds I wanted to leave them initially but then I decided

still remove them

and now, after all the manipulations, I mask the cracks

there are not many of them, but they still eat; they take that the solution that painted these tubes and

smear these places with a thin brush by the way I never pour the solution

after painting because there are such moments when you need it so

that I always have it at hand, and here such a bend we have turned tubes

in work behaved well ideally just did not hesitate went to bed exactly

I advise you to try without creases surely this way and you can still

add the following that bends from such tubes are more voluminous

and ideally do them on large products not small but this is my personal opinion I

just delighted with these tubes from their density on how they behave in

work unfortunately here the camera does not convey all beauty and saturation

the colors of these tubes and can the most bend

I'll put in my instagram the final basket and the most

bends so look in there by the way a lot of interesting things

write you tried this method and share your impressions in

comments also write your questions all happy to answer

I wish you easy weaving inspiration and see you very, very soon in the following

video broadcast for now

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