Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Youtube daily report Oct 2 2018

Use a drive socket No.18. Undo the front fastener of the radius rod.

Use a combination spanner No.16. Undo the rear fastener of the radius rod.

Remove the radius rod.

Install the new radius rod.

Use a drive socket No.18. Tighten the front fastener of the radius rod.

Use a combination spanner No.16. Tighten the rear fastener of the radius rod.

For more infomation >> Jak wymienić poduszka silnika w RENAULT CLIO 2 BB, CB Hatchback [TUTORIAL AUTODOC] - Duration: 2:26.


Opel Corsa 1.4 90pk 5d Favourite - Duration: 0:49.

For more infomation >> Opel Corsa 1.4 90pk 5d Favourite - Duration: 0:49.


ASTRO BOT: Rescue Mission - The Origins of ASTRO BOT [PS VR, deutsche Untertitel] - Duration: 3:14.

For more infomation >> ASTRO BOT: Rescue Mission - The Origins of ASTRO BOT [PS VR, deutsche Untertitel] - Duration: 3:14.


RENAULT CLIO 2 BB, CB Hatchback motor csapágyzás csere [ÚTMUTATÓ AUTODOC] - Duration: 2:26.

Use a drive socket No.18. Undo the front fastener of the radius rod.

Use a combination spanner No.16. Undo the rear fastener of the radius rod.

Remove the radius rod.

Install the new radius rod.

Use a drive socket No.18. Tighten the front fastener of the radius rod.

Use a combination spanner No.16. Tighten the rear fastener of the radius rod.

For more infomation >> RENAULT CLIO 2 BB, CB Hatchback motor csapágyzás csere [ÚTMUTATÓ AUTODOC] - Duration: 2:26.


Come sostituire supporto motore su RENAULT CLIO 2 BB, CB Hatchback [TUTORIAL AUTODOC] - Duration: 2:26.

Use a drive socket No.18. Undo the front fastener of the radius rod.

Use a combination spanner No.16. Undo the rear fastener of the radius rod.

Remove the radius rod.

Install the new radius rod.

Use a drive socket No.18. Tighten the front fastener of the radius rod.

Use a combination spanner No.16. Tighten the rear fastener of the radius rod.

For more infomation >> Come sostituire supporto motore su RENAULT CLIO 2 BB, CB Hatchback [TUTORIAL AUTODOC] - Duration: 2:26.


Nilufar e Giordano faccia a faccia: falò finale con urla e passione a T.I. VIP | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:38.

For more infomation >> Nilufar e Giordano faccia a faccia: falò finale con urla e passione a T.I. VIP | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:38.


Máy đánh bài bịp C.V.K 600 Nhanh Như Chớp - Đồ cờ bạc B.I.P 2019 LH 0974073333 - Duration: 11:15.

For more infomation >> Máy đánh bài bịp C.V.K 600 Nhanh Như Chớp - Đồ cờ bạc B.I.P 2019 LH 0974073333 - Duration: 11:15.


My visit in Rome, Part 1 - Aug. 2018 [4k, ENG+HUN SUB] - Duration: 6:36.

- Vittorio, where are we? Where are we now?

- We are in a local church, you know?

Here, in Rome.

It is a very small church that we have, as you can see:

- Ok, let's have a look!

- Do you go for a swim? - Yeah.

Someone got drown here,

in Da Vinci code. I'll show you how deep it is.

- Well, Hollywood...

- Insider stories with...

- Second cut. Cut.

- Insider stories with Vittorio.

- Why do we have...

- Thank you.

- Third cut.

- Don't split up.

- Insider stories with Vittorio.

- Why do we have two times the same church here?

- Well, Greg, if you have a lot of money, what would you do?

- What would you want? - I would build a villa.

- A villa, okay, but let's say, but if you are a priest. What do you want?

- If I'm a priest, I want to go to heaven.

- I want to serve God. - God, so you want a church.

- God has only one heaven. There are no two heavens. You cannot build another.

- You want a church, but if you are rich and you built one, okay?

- Then you are so rich, what do you want?

- And you have no fantasy, of course, you build another church.

- So that is what they did.

- So that is what you have here...

... but, it is still nice,

somehow, I think.

- I find it nice. - And if you want to have a wedding in one

of that, there is no problem someone else

also wants to have a wedding, because

- Maybe, you want to also have two wives?

- So maybe you have one wedding there... - One wedding,

and then you run to the other side and have the other wedding. Okay.

- Got you.

For more infomation >> My visit in Rome, Part 1 - Aug. 2018 [4k, ENG+HUN SUB] - Duration: 6:36.


One Minute Singing Secrets: How to Relax Throat Muscles (Quickly and Easily) - Duration: 1:36.

This one-minute video is for all singers who feel tension around their voice box.

Start the clock and let me tell you how to relax your throat muscles.

Do you feel tightness in your throat and neck?

Does your voice get tired quickly because of this tension?

Here is a quick tip to loosen that tension with laryngeal massage.

Take your thumb and your opposing fingers just like this and put them on either side

of your throat, right underneath your jaw.

Now, move your fingers down along the sides of the larynx gently.

Apply just the right amount of pressure – whatever feels good for you.

This encourages the throat muscles to release, which allows the larynx to move down.

Do this for a minute or so.

Then, with the same hand configuration, wiggle your larynx from side to side gently.

Again, this helps to release tension from the throat muscles.

You can even hum while massaging your throat.

If you do this for a few minutes every day, you will feel and hear the difference in your


So, enjoy!

For more infomation >> One Minute Singing Secrets: How to Relax Throat Muscles (Quickly and Easily) - Duration: 1:36.


インフィニティ「プロジェクト・ブラックS」が遂にデビュー。世界初のデュアルハイブリッド搭載で571馬力発生、0-100km/h加速時間は4秒未満 - Duration: 5:10.

For more infomation >> インフィニティ「プロジェクト・ブラックS」が遂にデビュー。世界初のデュアルハイブリッド搭載で571馬力発生、0-100km/h加速時間は4秒未満 - Duration: 5:10.


Why the World is Running Out of Pilots - Duration: 11:36.

This video was made possible by Brilliant.

Learn with Brilliant for 20% off by being one of the first 200 to sign up at Brilliant.org/Wendover.

For the longest while airlines treated pilots as a renewable resource.

It was long considered one of the best jobs one could have—to make good money flying

around the world in comfort—but as aviation has become more commonplace the job of pilot

has too become more and more just like any other job.

While in the 50s the job garnered the same respect and pay as a doctor, entering the

industry today earns you not much more than you'd make at a fast food restaurant.

Before a pilot can even perform their first take-off with passengers in the back they

have to get licensed.

Most top airline jobs require or strongly favor those with a college diploma so for

those that want to go all the way in the field they have to start by getting a degree.

The cost of that averages $133,000 in the US and then every aspiring commercial pilot

first needs to get a private pilots license which requires 35 hours of flight-time.

These first bits of flight time, which are with an instructor, typically cost about $140

an hour or $4,900 total.

You also have to take classes which have their own fees so getting a private pilots license

usually costs about $8,000 all in.

To start actually making money as a pilot, though, you need 15 additional hours of instruction

for an instrument rating costing $900 and an additional 215 hours of flight time costing


There are also tons of other smaller costs for books and housing and transportation and

other things which bring the total cost of pilots training to at least $80,000.

Having done all that, having spent $213,000 on education so far, one finally receives

a commercial pilots license but still, at that point, one can't work for most airlines.

To get an Airline Transport Pilot License, the one needed to work for large commercial

airlines by the likes of Delta or KLM or Cathay Pacific, one needs, with some exceptions,

1,500 flight hours.

That would cost an additional $136,000 in rental fees alone if one were to pay for the

flight time themselves so pilots normally let someone else pay for it by working at

a job that doesn't require a full ATP license.

The most common job used to get from 250 to 1500 hours is as a flight instructor but some

also work flying skydiving planes, towing banners, or for airlines flying small single-engine


Once that's all done, after having been in education continuously for a quarter of

ones life until the age of 23 and having spent hundreds of thousands of dollars one can finally

start flying commercial passenger planes and earning $30,000 a year.

That's a typical and even fair starting salary for a first year first officer and,

considering these individuals often have tens or hundreds of thousands of dollars of debt,

young pilots are often in a tough financial situation.

Most Americans pilots start their commercial careers at regional airlines.

The largest of these is SkyWest airlines which is an airline that flies for other airlines.

You could be flying any of the three major American airlines—Delta, United, or American—and

actually be on a Skywest operated flight.

Skywest, along with other regional airlines, operate all planes for these US airlines with

under 76 seats.

They fly the smallest planes which are actually more expensive on a per passenger basis to

operate than the larger planes.

The regional airlines' primary purpose is to lower cost.

The aviation industry is heavily unionized so the major airlines would never be allowed

to bring in pilots at a yearly salary of twenty or thirty thousand dollars.

Therefore, they contract these regional carriers to operate the small expensive planes so the

crew can be employed at a different pay-scale even if the flights are branded as United

or Delta or American.

While a first year first officer for American Airlines makes $88 per flight hour, a first

year first officer for SkyWest only makes $37.

Pilots are only allowed to fly 900 hours per calendar year in the US which works out to

75 hours per month or about 17 hours per week.

Now, the idea of a 17 hour workweek probably sounds great but these are only the hours

in command of an airborne aircraft.

They don't account for the time it takes to get to the airport, clear security, brief

for the flight, inspect and prep the aircraft, board passengers, deplane passengers, pack

up, file paperwork, and get home or to a hotel.

Pilots are primarily paid based on hours in the air which is why you tend to see the more

senior pilots flying the longer routes.

A typical four-day trip for a regional pilot in the US might see them flying on Monday

from Minneapolis to Fargo, Fargo to Minneapolis, Minneapolis to Pittsburgh, then Pittsburgh

to Boston where they would stay overnight.

The next day, Tuesday, they would fly from Boston to Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh to Boston,

and Boston to Nashville.

After an overnight they would fly Nashville to Boston, Boston to Jacksonville, and Jacksonville

to Boston.

Finally, on Thursday, they would fly from Boston to Norfolk and then Norfolk to Minneapolis.

Over that four day, twelve leg trip they would be in the air for just over 19 hours.

That regional pilot would have been almost constantly either working, sleeping, or eating.

Compare that to a long-haul pilot flying an a330.

They would leave Atlanta on a Monday night, fly to Amsterdam arriving Tuesday morning,

and fly back Thursday after having had a full 48 hours free in Amsterdam.

On that trip the pilot would have accumulated 16 flight hours—not all that different from

the hours that the regional pilot gained after working constantly for four days.

It's no wonder why the most senior pilots, who have the seniority to decide which type

of plane and routes they fly, almost always go for the long-haul routes.

Meanwhile, while the young pilots don't get paid much and work tougher schedules,

the advantage for them of working for these regional airlines is that they can gain the

experience and hours needed to get a job at a more desirable airline.

The problem that the airline industry if facing is that not enough people are willing to put

themselves through all the years of expensive training, low pay, and long hours to get to

the stage where they make good money and fly the most interesting routes.

There is a shortage of pilots but it's hard to know how bad this shortage is—some say

it's a myth, others will say it's already chronic—but by one estimate the US alone

will have 1,600 pilot jobs unfilled by 2020.

While the problem is only predicted to get worse, the shortage of pilots is already having


Emirates Airlines denies having any pilot shortage but the reality is that in April

2018 they flew 36 777's and 10 a380's over to Dubai World Central Airport, a less

busy airport than the main Dubai airport, and left those airplanes there on the ground

for months because there just weren't enough pilots to fly them.

The concerning thing is, Emirates pilots are some of the best paid in the industry.

Even young Emirates pilots make more than $200,000 a year and, thanks to local laws,

that's tax-free income.

Emirates has come under criticism for long work hours, insufficient rest periods, and

minimal pilot staffing for their longest haul flights which is likely a contributing factor

to their difficulty in attracting pilots but, if they're having trouble recruiting pilots

while paying so much that's not a great sign for the industry.

These high salaries from some airlines are also a contributing factor to the shortage

in the US and Europe, though.

The UAE is a small country with two massive airlines so they rely on recruiting foreign


China, while not a small country, also doesn't have enough local pilots to staff their tremendously

fast growing airline industry.

The country's airlines therefore pay a starting salary of $312,000 per year to foreign pilots

and some make up to $500,000.

While working conditions are tough, it's still no wonder why 10% of all pilots in China

are now foreigners.

With more and more pilots heading overseas to the best paying pilot jobs the US, Europe,

and other western countries are left with fewer and fewer people to fly their planes.

The short-term solution for airlines in the US has been to fast track pilots through the

early phase of their careers flying small jets for low pay and get more pilots flying

the larger planes earlier.

That leaves the brunt of the impact of this shortage on small towns served by these small


US airlines especially, thanks to the country's vastness, operate with route networks emphasizing

service to small airports.

Rather amazingly, there are 553 airports in the US with commercial service.

United is perhaps the most focused among the big three US airlines on small town service

with 235 domestic destinations but, due to the lack of pilots, it's having to cancel


In September 2018 alone the airline stopped service from Chicago to Willard, Illinois,

Mobile, Alabama, and Manchester, New Hampshire even though these routes were likely profitable.

United isn't alone in this.

Horizon Air, the subsidiary operating Alaska Airlines' regional flights, had to cancel

thousands of flights in 2017 due to a severe lack of pilots.

There are a couple of possible solutions to this crisis.

The most obvious one is to increase pay and to improve working conditions but, from the

airlines' perspectives, that's the last-ditch solution as they focus on their bottom lines.

While it's tough to sympathize with these billion dollar businesses losing some money

as a result of paying a more livable wage, the reality is that if they're having to

pay more for the pilots to serve small towns it's going to cost more to fly to small

towns and those living in small towns are often the ones least able to pay.

Another commonly proposed solution is to attract more women pilots.

Only 6.7% of the world's pilots are female and so, by putting more effort into recruiting

that half of the population airlines could potentially increase pilot numbers without

increasing pay.

More and more airlines, such as Lufthansa and Emirates, are also operating up their

own flights schools where cadets can train for reduced rates or for free as long as they

end up working at the airline.

Airlines are also working to reduce the number of pilots needed.

Emirates, for example, reduced the number of pilots it uses on some of its longest flights.

On the 13 hour flight from Dubai to Sydney, for example, they now only staff three pilots

instead of four which means that each only gets four hours of inflight rest instead of


Finally, one of the more controversial proposals to fix this issue has been to increase automation

in the cockpit to the point where only one or possibly zero pilots are needed to fly.

This proposal has met criticism from pilots, cabin crew, and the public alike as many opponents

point out that the cockpit is already highly automated and the pilot's main role is to

troubleshoot if things go wrong.

Nonetheless, with captains of wide-body planes earning more than $300 per flight hour the

cost of crewing the cockpit can be as much as $19,000 each way on the longest flights

like San Francisco to Singapore so there's certainly financial pressure on airlines to

cut down the need for pilots if they can.

There are thousands of people who become pilots each year but there are millions more who

want to become pilots.

To bring more people into the industry all airlines need to do is to lower the extraordinarily

high barrier to entry since as the industry grows worldwide, the allure of the skies won't

be enough to get enough pilots into the cockpit.

If you want to become a pilot two of the major things you absolutely need to have a solid

grasp of are math and physics.

Brilliant is a great place to learn those two subjects since their courses break down

concepts into their intuitive principles and build them back up so you don't just memorize

how do something, you understand it.

They also have plenty of other courses on super interesting subjects like logic, probability,

astronomy, machine learning, and more.

They really put a lot of work into perfecting each and every course they have and best of

all, you can sign up for Brilliant at brilliant.org/Wendover and access some courses for free then, by

being one of the first 200 to use that same link, you will also get 20% off when you upgrade

to premium and you'll be helping to support Wendover Productions.

For more infomation >> Why the World is Running Out of Pilots - Duration: 11:36.


Young Alumni Award 2018: Dr. David J. English '04 '06 - Duration: 4:50.

I grew up in Mitchell County, North Carolina.

It's a small mountain town, halfway between Boone and Asheville.

Bakersville, the town that's closest to where I grew up, is about 300 hundred people, one

stop light.

Beautiful area.

Great people, but incredibly, incredibly rural...very small.

I became aware of Appalachian in my senior year.

Like a lot of students, I think, at that age, you try to figure out what it is you want

to be, where you want to go.

I decided to up for an open house.

I'd heard about it from my school counselor and thought it'd be a good idea to learn a

bit more about the school.

Like a lot of seventeen year olds, I was pretty confident in myself and my abilities, and

I thought, "It's only an hour to Boone.

I can easily make it there from my house.

It's just a couple of counties up."

So my dad tried to give me directions,.

I kind of waved him off and said, "I've got it dad. I'll be fine. Don't worry."

I think three times between Bakersville and Boone I had to stop at a gas station to ask

for directions in the hour trip.

Which is funny because there's only about three gas stations between Bakersville and Boone.

But I did finally make it into town.

I just remember stepping out of the car, there was a buzz in the air...something that just

caught you.

There was a football game on campus that day.

There were tours happening.

There was just a buzz of energy with the people.

I managed to get a campus tour, which was unreal.

I got tickets to the football game, and sitting in the stadium with fifteen or twenty other thousand

people at the time was just unbelievable for a kid from a county of thirteen thousand people.

To have more people at a football stadium than the entire county where I lived at.

I went home that afternoon and submitted an application within the next couple of weeks

and enrolled the next fall.

I had a difficult time selecting a major in college.

Not like many students in that I couldn't pick what to do, but I couldn't pick what

not to do.

It was a running joke of my friends that there wasn't a major that I found that I didn't like.

So I ended up triple majoring in undergrad.

So I started out as a computer information systems major.

Then I added business management on top of that, and then I added the furniture design

major, and added a fifth year on to complete that.

So I did three majors in undergrad, and then stayed and did my master's degree as well.

UNC School of the Arts is an amazing place.

I tell folks I came here on a one year interim contract in 2010, and I came here sight unseen.

I had never stepped foot on the campus when I accepted the position.

We serve an exclusively artistic population.

So we have a bout 1,300 students enrolled in the schools of dance, drama, design and

production, filmmaking, and music.

And they do so at the high school, undergraduate and graduate level.

So we have students from age fourteen to forty all interconnected and interspersed on the same campus.

One of the things I love is that of our 150 full-time faculty, the majority of them actually

came here from industry.

I see individuals who were working on major motion pictures two months ago, and they're

moving to Winston-Salem and they're going to be teaching courses this fall.

The students are then able to leverage that expertise to do amazing things.

You can look up the set of alums and the number of Tony Awards and Emmy Awards and Oscar Awards

and that sort of thing is pretty amazing.

There's a similar passion that I feel here that I felt at Appalachian.

So it's been an incredible experience.

I was just saying, I came here for a one year interim contract.

I'm in my ninth year here now.

I wouldn't change a thing.

I've attempted to stay involved with Appalachian to give back as an institution that really

did change my life.

Being a student from the mountains of North Carolina, from the service area that the institution

was originally created to serve, I feel a very personal and visceral connection to the


Receiving the Young Alumni Award is incredibly humbling.

When I first got the call it was not what I was expecting.

I thought Patrick Setzer was confused and had dialed the wrong number when I first spoke

to him.

For somebody to think that I've been able to live up in some way to what was given to

me as a student is incredibly gratifying.

I try every day to continue to honor what all of the people who gave so much to me in

my time at Appalachian to try to pay that forward.

To try to make an impact in the lives of other students who might be in a similar position.

So all I can say is thank you.

Thank you to whoever nominated me, and I'll continue to try to live up to the honor and

to represent Appalachian well.

For more infomation >> Young Alumni Award 2018: Dr. David J. English '04 '06 - Duration: 4:50.


Everything you need to know to read "The Canterbury Tales" - Iseult Gillespie - Duration: 4:36.

A portly Miller, barely sober enough to sit on his horse,

rambles on about the flighty wife of a crotchety old carpenter

and the scholar she takes as her lover.

To get some time alone together,

the scholar and the wife play various tricks

that involve feigning madness,

staging a biblical flood,

and exposing themselves in public.

But the parish clerk is also lusting after the wife,

and comes by every night to sing outside her house.

This becomes so tiresome that she tries to scare him away

by hanging her rear end out the window for him to kiss.

When this appears not to work,

her scholar decides to try farting in the same position,

but this time, the clerk is waiting with a red-hot poker.

This might all sound like a bawdy joke,

but it's part of one of the most esteemed works of English literature ever created:

The Canterbury Tales,

which seamlessly blends the lofty and the lowly.

The work consists of 24 stories,

each told by one of Chaucer's spirited characters.

Narrators include familiar Medieval figures

such as a Knight,

a Clerk,

and a Nun,

and the less recognizable Reeve,

and Mancible,

and others.

The Tales are written in Middle English,

which often looks entirely different from the language spoken today.

It was used between the 12th and 15th centuries,

and evolved from Old English

due to increased contact with European romantic languages

after the Norman Conquest of 1066.

Most of the Middle English alphabet is still familiar today,

with the inclusion of a few archaic symbols,

such as yogh, which denotes the y,


or gh sound.

The loquacious cast of the Tales first meet at the Tabard Inn in Southwark.

They have a journey in common:

a pilgrimage to Canterbury to visit the shrine of St. Thomas Beckett,

a martyred archbishop who was murdered in his own Cathedral.

Eager and nosy for some personal details,

the host of the Inn proposes a competition:

whoever tells the best tale will be treated to dinner.

If not for their pilgrimage,

many of these figures would never have had the chance to interact.

This is because Medieval society followed a feudal system

that divided the clergy and nobility from the working classes,

made up of peasants and serfs.

By Chaucer's time,

a professional class of merchants and intellectuals had also emerged.

Chaucer spent most of his life as a government official

during the Hundred Years' War,

traveling throughout Italy and France, as well as his native England.

This may have influenced the panoramic vision of his work,

and in the Tales, no level of society is above mockery.

Chaucer uses the quirks of the characters' language –

the ribald humor of the Cook,

the solemn prose of the Parson,

and the lofty notions of the Squire –

to satirize their worldviews.

The varied dialects, genres, and literary tropes

also make the work a vivid record

of the different ways Medieval audiences entertained themselves.

For instance, the Knight's tale of courtly love,


and destiny

riffs on romance,

while the tales of working-class narrators are generally comedies

filled with scatological language,

sexual deviance,

and slapstick.

This variation includes something for everyone,

and that's one reason why readers continue to delight in the work

in both Middle English and translation.

While the narrative runs to over 17,000 lines,

it's apparently unfinished,

as the prologue ambitiously introduces 29 pilgrims

and promises four stories apiece,

and the innkeeper never crowns a victor.

It's possible that Chaucer was so caught up in his sumptuous creations

that he delayed picking a winner -

or perhaps he was so fond of each character

that he just couldn't choose.

Whatever the reason,

this means that every reader is free to judge;

the question of who wins is up to you.

For more infomation >> Everything you need to know to read "The Canterbury Tales" - Iseult Gillespie - Duration: 4:36.


How to Draw a Starry/Cloudy Night With Soft Pastels (Chalk) - Narrated - Duration: 3:30.

Hello my friends and welcome to another Tuesday of tutorial!

I am Leonardo Pereznieto and today we will draw a starry and cloudy night

with pastels.

With a very light blue we sketch the silhouette of the hills and then, we begin drawing the clouds.

I apply it with a rubbing motion, lightly. And as you see we are using black paper.

Let's make some more over here and then with a soft brush we go over them

to make them look soft and cloudy.

The pastels don't hold too much to the paper so you can do nice effects like this.

And now let's add some dark blue.

I do this especially on the lower part of some clouds,

and we go over it with the brush.

Now let's bring some highlights by adding more of the light blue.

I imagine the border of some of these clouds.

And this time let's smudge the color with the stump.

Because this tool gives you more precision than the brush.

Very good!

And with a kneaded eraser I can take off some of the color with precision,

to give a little bit of depth.

let´s do some more over here.

And if it looks too hard, you can always soften it

with your trusty brush.

And let's do some highlights to the ones on this other side,

softly, and again following the edge of the clouds.

By the way, we have a drawing contest, to check it out visit www.fineart-tips.com

Now, with a rag or in this case with a chamois, we can take off and lift some of the color,

in case you want some more of the black of the paper to show.

It is like erasing and again we can soften the edges with the brush.

Very good!

Now, we make a flat edge with the eraser, to draw the trees

we draw by erasing.

They are going to be pine trees standing over there, very far on the horizon.

Up on this hill will be the bigger ones and then the rest will be even smaller.

Very good!


And finally, with the white pastel,

we draw the stars.

They will be plenty of them, especially in the areas of black,

of course.

We should make them of different sizes.

We give it the last touches…

and it´s ready!

If you enjoyed it please give it a LIKE! share it to your friends

and subscribe to Fine Art-Tips.

And I will see you on Tuesday ;)

Subtitled by Grethel Trejo

For more infomation >> How to Draw a Starry/Cloudy Night With Soft Pastels (Chalk) - Narrated - Duration: 3:30.


Les placements passifs en deux chiffres | Vos finances - Duration: 4:20.

For more infomation >> Les placements passifs en deux chiffres | Vos finances - Duration: 4:20.


Simple But Fun 3 Experiment! (Scientific Easy Experiments) - Duration: 11:59.

For more infomation >> Simple But Fun 3 Experiment! (Scientific Easy Experiments) - Duration: 11:59.


The Best Alternative to Google Ads (My #1 Growth Hack) - Duration: 4:17.

For more infomation >> The Best Alternative to Google Ads (My #1 Growth Hack) - Duration: 4:17.


ASTRO BOT: Rescue Mission - The Origins of ASTRO BOT [PS VR, deutsche Untertitel] - Duration: 3:14.

For more infomation >> ASTRO BOT: Rescue Mission - The Origins of ASTRO BOT [PS VR, deutsche Untertitel] - Duration: 3:14.


'A Hen' - a Soviet red pill cartoon with English captions - Duration: 9:22.

A Hen

It's hot. It's hot...

I don't like heat at all.

And I don't like barred chicks at all.

I like...


Such as yourself.

Don't... Don't...

It's hot.

Very hot.

Want something?

The rain.


It's overheated.



I'm thirsty.

Geez... A puddle's by the trees.

Let me go!

Let me go!

Smart aleck! Impertinent!

There you are! There you are! Smart aleck!

There you are!


Water's all around.

Want something?

The rain.

The rain!


What is it... the rain?

No idea.



You're funny!

I'm all...



Cock-a-doodle-doo! Ha-ha...

Hear that?



Now let me show you the way it's done.





That's it!

Nice chick.

So it was you who cock-a-doodled?


You've got skewed legs!

But they're strong!


How strong you are!

I'm the strongest of all.

Strong but...



I need the rain.



Without it I'm going to wither...


Pete, find out who the rain is.


It's beauteous.

Everybody needs it.

Everybody needs it.

Without it we're going to wither...

Everybody needs.

So who is...

So who is he - that rain?

The rain...

...is a rooster...

...with no tail.

Pete, you're fooling around.



Everybody needs him...

And I don't know him.

But I do, I do want to know who he is.


I need the rain.

What are you clucking?

I need the rain.


What do you need it for?

Oh geez, you don't understand anything.

I need the rain.

Without it I'm going to wither...



Get to sleep already!




I'm not going out today.

I need the rain.

What for?

Why do you need it?

You've never even seen him.

And I am right here!

Let's get married!


You're nice...

...but need the rain.

Without him I'm going to wither...




What's he like?

Seems you guy's coming.



Not that...

And this?..

No... no... no...



It's beauteous!

Everybody needs it!

He's wet!

A brute!


What did that stupid rose find in him?

I don't want!

I don't want!

I don't want the rain... don't want...

Pe... Pe... Pete!


going to

get married!

To whom?

To you!

He's nice.

My rock to cling to.

He's got skewed legs...

so what?

I'm still happy.

Let them all look like...

The End

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For more infomation >> 『DTC』、HONEST BOYZ&登坂広臣の挿入歌版SPトレーラー公開 - Duration: 2:47.


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Use a drive socket No.18. Undo the front fastener of the radius rod

Use a combination spanner No.16. Undo the rear fastener of the radius rod

Remove the radius rod

Install the new radius rod

Use a drive socket No.18. Tighten the front fastener of the radius rod

Use a combination spanner No.16. Tighten the rear fastener of the radius rod

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