Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Youtube daily report Oct 23 2018

( music)

Hello and welcome to this segment of Under the Microscope.

Thanks so much for being with us today.

I have a extra special guest today.

That's Doctor Robert Wigton, Bob Wigton to most of us.

Bob is the Professor of Internal Medicine

and Associate Dean in our College of Medicine.

Bob thanks so much for being with us on this segment.

So as many of our audience may know

is that the space between Wittson and University Towers

are about to be converted and it's going

to be named the Wigton Heritage atrium.

Can you tell us a little bit about that project

and what interested you early on in becoming involved?

Well I've had a long history with the university

mostly because my family.

My father and grandfather taught here.

But what that meant was that we had

a lot of friends of the family that were professors here

and physicians in town.

I always wondered what role they played in

and basically what they were doing

in the college and so when I was here

as a medical student I started finding out about

some of the history and it turned out

to be a lot of fun.

And an amazing history.

It has a very interesting history.

It's not tremendously different

from other land grant colleges in that it started out

as a proprietary or for profit school.


And that was in what year?

Just to give our audience a flavor.

1881 is when this college

in its previous incarnation

which was the Omaha Medical College.

It started out.

And like a lot of the other

Midwestern and other state colleges,

the proprietary school ran out of

regular funding as the science of medicine increased.

And they had to hire lots of laboratory

and basic science teachers.

The clinical teachers were volunteer clear right

into the sixties.

But they really couldn't afford all those.

So they had to,

they had to affiliate with some college

that had a little better source of funding.

And that's how we ended up as a public medical school.

That's right.

And we had a rough time through the Depression,

'cause their only source of funding was the state.

But as soon as Medicare and a lot of other things

like the research funding happened,

the university grew tremendously.

The College of Medicine grew very fast.

So let's talk a little bit about the heritage center.

The Wigton Center as it's going to be called.

As I understand it, this is going to be

a meeting place, a welcome center.

But at the same time it's going to be a place

where we display some of our archives,

medical instruments, old books,

records of this medical center.

I think as you had,

I had perceived a kind of a missing link

when people came back to visit alumni

or when school children came through

or there just wasn't a place to get

a feeling for the history

and to link with the

library which had become more

and more sort of off the beaten path.

Higher and higher floors right.

That's right.

There wasn't the traffic through there

so I thought there was a problem

and then this opportunity came up

because you had sponsored the idea

of having a heritage visitor center.

And this really corresponded a lot with what I was missing.

But I didn't have the

thought that it might be right in the middle of things,

which sounded really good.

Have it come between the new Wittson Hall

and the old, old hospital.

So the hospital is a 1917

and here is Wittson Hall in 68.


So it's joining these.

And the architectural designs are so innovative

that we actually turn the outside facades

into the interior of the atrium.

We could spend a lot more time talking

and I'm sure we will.

But I just want to take this opportunity

to thank you and your family for your generous gift.

But even more so to thank you for all that you do

to record and maintain the history

of this great institution.

I'm really looking forward to this project.

Thank you.

Thanks so much for being with us today.

Oh thank you.

And thank you for being with us today

on this segment of Under the Microscope.

( music)

For more infomation >> Under the Microscope: The Wigton Herritage Center - Duration: 5:37.


Porsche Cayenne 3.0 S E-HYBRID Sport Design Pakket Pano 21'' LM 14%bijtelling Zondag a.s. open! - Duration: 1:08.

For more infomation >> Porsche Cayenne 3.0 S E-HYBRID Sport Design Pakket Pano 21'' LM 14%bijtelling Zondag a.s. open! - Duration: 1:08.


Koopappartement: 's-Gravendijkwal 143 C1, Rotterdam - Duration: 1:13.

For more infomation >> Koopappartement: 's-Gravendijkwal 143 C1, Rotterdam - Duration: 1:13.


(Bài 185)[Toán-Vật lý) Tăng trưởng theo số lũy thừa (Hình chữ S)-Exponential growth (S shaped curve) - Duration: 11:55.

For more infomation >> (Bài 185)[Toán-Vật lý) Tăng trưởng theo số lũy thừa (Hình chữ S)-Exponential growth (S shaped curve) - Duration: 11:55.


Expres Menu - a food not only for travelling | Kecall.cz - Duration: 3:57.

Hello from a diving event from a quarry

we have finished a dive, so let's get something to eat

So I am out of the water and hungry

Some episodes ago we reviewed an MRE / army meal packages

dried army meal in plastic covers

Today we have a real 'ready' meal.

I got a test set of Czech product 'Expres Menu'

so let's look

what's on a menu today

We can start with breakfast

rice poridge with raisins

then continue with

boiled potatoies in salt liquid

that is something for vegetarians

a soup, Russian Borscht Yes / [Russian: 'DA']

.... 'drink it down with a beer'

then I have a turkey in a sauce / thank you for a beer

Lucas, I'm inviting you for a turkey

and you, I am inviting for a Peter Vok's goulash


Do you know what is cool?

It is gluten-free and you don't have to cook it, I am a 'chef of the day' :)

that double cool :))

As you 've probably realised, I am on the diver's event and I am not alone here.

To be more serious, I am going to share the food and you can get the opinion from more people

not only from my point of view

if it is tasty, then opinion

and when to take it on a trip

So, let's get cook ...


it smells delish

think again it is gluten-free

no chemicals inside

don't know a way to do that but it is really cool

Borsch for 2 ppl is ready

let's start tasting

it taste good!

now the divers turn?

not bad but I am looking forward a grilled pork / whole pig

a pig is a grilled pig, this is a soup

no taste in my opinion ...

ok .. let's continue

Oh, borsch, I love it, let me taste ...

Would you take it on a diving trip?


So borsch is tested,

and cooking session continues

Peter Vok's goulash for one person

hope, it remains more for Vladimir

also hope so

Peter Vok's goulash - for the first time

a little saltier, but

I can say I like it

what do you think?

and taste more than two spoons

really not bad

can I send it over? or you 're going to eat it all??

I don't know

next meal, Peter Vok's goulash a meat is over, Vladimir eat it all

it is sauce only

also good

I think so...

after diving, absolutely amazing ...

Turkey food, turkey bird of course joking

I am really curious, wow real meat ...

This is the best in my opinion, 'good protein for you'


Yes this I like the most

It tastes like ...

let me remember

turkey with eggs

we got it during military service

Is it ok? ... Sure it is a meat :)

only meat, I like it

better than pork from the tin

Final summarization

Ok, let's summarize it

cooking and digesting is over

advantages and disadvantages?

Advantages: real ready meal

in excelent price


the weight of a package

When to bring it?

River sailing, canoeing,

car or moto trip

if I have motorbike :-) ...

When to think twice if bring it?

in high mountains,

where you need to have high nutrition food because of energy

and less weight in a bag

Detail summary you can find in the article below this video

I'll be happy for your comments and hints

what you have tried and how was the taste

or if you have experience with Expres Menu, let me know

And ....

see you in a next episode

and of course, follow us on social networks

everywhere where Kecall is online

look forward to the next episode, bye ...

For more infomation >> Expres Menu - a food not only for travelling | Kecall.cz - Duration: 3:57.


Jdid Rai 2019 Live - ya lahmém elli rabitou | يا الحمام اللي ربيتوا - Duration: 5:36.

For more infomation >> Jdid Rai 2019 Live - ya lahmém elli rabitou | يا الحمام اللي ربيتوا - Duration: 5:36.


OTUBNS: Jacalyn Gallegos: October 2018 Market Update - Duration: 2:33.

Hey guys! Jacalyn here your architect of custom home loan solutions with your

October market update. Apologies for this one being a little bit late, I got

married last month and that takes up way more brain capacity than I thought it

would. The good news is I'm back in the office and ready to go! So a couple

things for you as you head into the end of 2018 and kind of try to power through

our fourth quarter is we're seeing a lot of

price reductions on properties that have been sitting for a little bit

longer than what we're used to. We've come up with a strategy for you called

the seller buy down strategy. Before you reduce that price let's talk

strategy for your seller maybe we offer a $10,000 closing cost of credit so that

your buyer can buy their interest rate down. That's really part of

what's driving the market right now is these interest rates just continue to

rise and we're seeing a little bit of culture shock for everybody so what

would make sense for us to do is what can we do to help get that buyer's

monthly payment down. If they're stuck and don't want that monthly house

payment to exceed a certain amount and four months ago they were able to afford

the house that your seller has listed at the current price but now they can't

because of interest rate rises instead of lowering that price maybe we can

offer this concession, get that rate back down to where we were pre September

August and we can help the client get back into that property at the monthly

payment that they want. It protects the property value of the home, helps protect

property values in the neighborhood, your seller doesn't have to reduce his

purchase price by twenty five thirty or forty thousand dollars and your

commission's protected. Just another really good way that we can be

strategic with these listings so if you're interested in that information

let me know and I've got another presentation I can shoot over to you.

Another item that we've got right now going on is our social setup. If you are

one of those agents who is kind of struggling with their brand identity or

information that you're putting out to your network or just being consistent

with your social media presence reach out to us. We've launched a program to

help you kind of create that brand presence, create that recognition with

your clients, with your sphere, help you with content posting and just kind of

help generate some more business for you that way. It's a free service that

we're offering to all of our agents the catch is you've got to use me as your lender

but I promise I'm really good at this and I'll make you look real good as well. So good

in fact I closed a loan in 8 days last week because the prior lender failed to

reform. Ask me about that too when you reach out about our seller buy down

strategy and our social setup. Hope this is helpful information, please

feel free to share this with other agents in your office or any other

agents you know that might find this information beneficial to their practice.

Hope you guys are having a great day, word of the day is coffee so reach out

to me if you know what that's about and I will get you that Starbucks gift card.

Hope you guys have a great weekend! I look forward to helping you and your

clients soon. Thanks!

For more infomation >> OTUBNS: Jacalyn Gallegos: October 2018 Market Update - Duration: 2:33.



For more infomation >> BOLSONARO NAS REDES SOCIAIS - O DIABO? | A MÍDIA ALEMÃ REFLETE - Duration: 6:30.





Mercedes-Benz A-Klasse 210 E. AMG" Avantgarde - Duration: 1:12.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz A-Klasse 210 E. AMG" Avantgarde - Duration: 1:12.


Mic'd Up: WR Calvin Ridley - Duration: 2:38.

And I'm micd up. I'm letting you know.

I'm letting you know right now, Jet Jones, that I'm micd up.

I wanted to play Monday Night Football.

I wanted to play.

My mom is right there with the pink jersey on.

Okay. Appreciate it though, bro.

Is this thing gone?

Walk it. Walk it. Walk it like I talk it.

I know. I know I can shake him, though.

Ryan, another play fake.

Matt going to gun it deep. Marvin Hall running a blur.

Caught it! Touchdown Atlanta!

Janoris Jenkins couldn't get his RPMs up enough

to catch Marvin Hall.

I stuck my foot in it and went step-step.

That was nice, bro.

That's why y'all my boys.

Last time I scored, my dad was here.

He's my good luck charm.

Come on, D.

Come on, D. There you go!

Atlanta trying to get there. Pressure coming. Sacked!

Takk McKinley!

There you go, Takk!

I'm proud of that defense, boy.

Best defense of the night right here.

Guess what dude, we better keep fighting.

It ain't over!

Oh yeah, I know what you're talking about. All my life I had to fight.

Shotgun snap, New York brings 5

quick throw, Ridley the catch. Calvin turns it up. First down.

Ryan going to shoot it far side. Here's Ridley the catch

Calvin trying to lean out of traffic.

Back towards the formation. Ryan looks.

Guns it. Ridley the catch!

And Calvin stretches for the first down.

Bro, we really going to kick this?

56 yards.

Can he kick that far? I ain't going to lie. That's deep though!

On the far has. Snap, spot

try is away

and it is going to be


And let me tell you that was good from another 5 or 6 yards out.

We win! I don't care! We win!

For more infomation >> Mic'd Up: WR Calvin Ridley - Duration: 2:38.


Renault Clio 1.2-16V EXPRESSION NW D-RIEM - Duration: 1:11.

For more infomation >> Renault Clio 1.2-16V EXPRESSION NW D-RIEM - Duration: 1:11.


Mercedes-Benz E-Klasse 220 D PRESTIGE AMG Panoramadak Burmester 21" LM Wide-Screen Navigatie Surrou - Duration: 0:56.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz E-Klasse 220 D PRESTIGE AMG Panoramadak Burmester 21" LM Wide-Screen Navigatie Surrou - Duration: 0:56.





Why Do Batteries Taste Sour? - Duration: 3:24.


You've probably been told at some point in your life not to test a 9-volt battery

by sticking it to your tongue.

But if you're a rebel and you ignored that sage advice,

in addition to the slightly painful shock you received,

you might have noticed the battery tasted almost sour, kind of like lemonade.

Thankfully, that flavor wasn't battery acid,

it was actually the taste of the electrical current from the charged battery.

When you touch the little knobs or leads of a 9-volt battery on your skin,

you don't feel a shock because your skin doesn't conduct electricity

well enough for a current to really flow.

When you touch them to your tongue, on the other hand,

your saliva has no trouble completing the circuit.

Once this circuit closes, electrons start moving out of one lead and into the other,

creating an electrical current.

And on the way, they can interact with the water molecules and basically

rip them apart in a process called electrolysis.

Current entering your saliva from one lead creates hydrogen gas, leaving hydroxide ions behind.

And current leaving your saliva through the other lead creates oxygen gas,

leaving hydrogen ions behind.

These hydrogen ions are what sour taste receptors in your taste buds pick up on;

they're also found in acidic foods.

And that sourness dominates the flavor because while hydroxide ions can taste bitter or soapy,

your tongue isn't as sensitive to them.

But... not all electrical currents taste the same, or even sour.

A charged nine-volt battery happens to provide the right jolt to cause a sour taste,

but smaller shocks can be sweet, spicy, bitter, or even savory at times.

That's because your other taste receptors can be activated with the right combination

of current and temperature, a phenomenon appropriately called electric taste.

By tinkering with the strength of the current, the temperature of the leads delivering it,

and accentuating small shocks with artificial smells or colorful lights,

scientists can trick you into tasting all sorts of flavors.

In one 2016 study, for example, they were able to make plain oatmeal or water

taste sour, bitter, or savory using a specially-designed spoon and bottle.

But electrodes aren't able to recreate all of your favorite dishes just yet because

faking complex flavors is tricky business.

Stimulating the same types of taste receptors results in a stronger perception of the taste,

but different taste receptors like sweet and sour can cancel each other out.

Bitter and sweet flavors also seem to be harder to get right for reasons that aren't entirely clear.

And ultimately, the flavor you taste when eating is determined in your brain.

And that means it can be influenced by everything from the weight of your cutlery

to the music playing while you eat.

So it might be awhile before you can get your taste buds on some electro-sweet-and-sour chicken.

But hey, at least now you know that sour battery flavor was just the taste of a short, sharp shock.

Though, for the record, please don't lick batteries.

I mean, come on. That's just common sense.

Thanks for asking, Jase smith,

and thanks to all of our patrons who voted for this question in our poll.

If you want to ask questions like this, help us decide which ones to answer,

or just get awesome rewards you can't get anywhere else,

learn more about becoming one of our patrons at Patreon.com/SciShow.

And if you're still hungry for knowledge after this episode,

be sure to click that subscribe button, because we serve up hot fresh science videos every day.


For more infomation >> Why Do Batteries Taste Sour? - Duration: 3:24.


Trump Admin Finally Admits There's NO EVIDENCE Obama Had Trump's Wires Tapped - Duration: 4:08.

In March of 2017, Donald Trump dropped a bombshell from his Twitter feed, when he said that Obama

had his wires tapped at Trump Tower, during the 2016 presidential campaign.

Now, anyone who wasn't a diehard Donald Trump supporter immediately knew that this was not


There was no evidence to back this up.

Nobody in the intelligence community could find any record of this ever happening.

The only thing that did happen, obviously, was Carter Page, who was under surveillance,

made a phone call from Trump Tower, perhaps to Trump Tower.

He was intercepted because that was the order on him, but there was nothing on the President

of the United States, who at the time was just a candidate for President of the United


Well actually, late last week, the U.S. Department of Justice, trying to I guess bury the story,

actually came out at the end of the day and said, "By the way, there's absolutely no evidence

whatsoever to back up Donald Trump's claims that Obama had his wires tapped.

We looked at it.

We've examined that.

We've investigated it.

We spoke to James Comey.

We spoke to everybody else involved at the time.

None of them have any recollection or record or evidence or proof to back up anything that

Donald Trump said about having his wires tapped."

That, again, is coming from Donald Trump's Department of Justice.

Nowhere in the records, nowhere in the court filings, which have to happen if you tap somebody's

wires, there is nothing.

There is no evidence.

Now I'm sure, immediately, we're going to see conservatives, once they understand that

this story actually happened, they're going to come out and they're going to tell us that

it was because Obama did it illegally.

Of course, there wouldn't be a paper trail.

Of course, there'd be no witnesses or they would all deny that it happened, but if in

fact it did happen, where are the recordings?

Because why would you tap somebody's wires and not record them or not transcribe them

or not keep any records?

There's no point to do it, if you're not going to do anything with that information.

There's no evidence to back up what the President said.

I mean, on any given day, there is no evidence to back up anything the President is saying,

but that hasn't stopped him from repeating these lies.

All this story is going to do is get him even more pissed off at his own Department of Justice.

We've seen him attack, Jeff Sessions on Twitter, in interviews, all kinds of things.

This is going to be no different.

He's going to get mad at them for coming out and admitting that the President lied about

this, because this was a big lie for Donald Trump.

You know, one of the biggest ones to start his administration, March of 2017.

He'd been in office a month and a half.

Put this out there, got Republicans all into a frenzy.

They wanted investigations.

They hated Obama more than ever, and it all turns out it was based on a lie, a crazy lie

from Donald Trump.

That's kind of the underlying issue here, is Trump had no reason to lie about this.

He had no reason to even say that.

It wasn't like it was a topic of conversation of, maybe this thing happened.

"Oh, Trump, say something.

What's your opinion?"

The guy just said it.

He just woke up in the morning that day, made it up in his crazy little mind and tweeted

it out.

That's what happened, ladies and gentlemen, and that's not my opinion.

That's pretty much what the DOJ told us last week.

Trump made up this claim for no reason.

If you still support this man I cannot recommend enough, please go seek out your nearest mental

health professional, because much like the President, there's gotta be something wrong

if you can stand by this guy who lies to your face all day long and still think he's best

for this country.

For more infomation >> Trump Admin Finally Admits There's NO EVIDENCE Obama Had Trump's Wires Tapped - Duration: 4:08.


Volvo V50 2.0D SUMMUM Leer,Cruise,Trekhaak,17inch,Cv Nu 2950,- - Duration: 1:13.

For more infomation >> Volvo V50 2.0D SUMMUM Leer,Cruise,Trekhaak,17inch,Cv Nu 2950,- - Duration: 1:13.


The Two People We're All Related To - Duration: 9:32.

You have the materials inside you, right now, to unlock the story of your deep, distant


And also mine.

That's partly because you have mitochondria in your cells.

And you got them only from your mother, not your father.

And if, on your 23rd pair of chromosomes, you have an X and Y, like I do, rather than

an X and an X, then you got that Y chromosome only from your father.

Together, these two facts mean that there's an unbroken line of mothers and mothers'

mothers who passed down the DNA in their mitochondria for hundreds of millennia, creating a biological

thread that connects you to a single female ancestor, whether you're male or female.

And it also means that there's a lineage of fathers and father's fathers who passed

on their Y chromosome, uninterrupted, leading back to a single male ancestor.

Now, I know what this might sound like.

I'm not talking about the first two people.

I'm talking about two humans who lived at different times in the distant past -- about

200,000 to 300,000 years ago.

I'm talking about two people who never met, but who, because of this odd quirk of genetics,

combined with some unique evolutionary circumstances, managed to pass on a very small fraction of

their genomes to you.

And to me.

To all of us.

And this is an incredibly powerful tool for studying where we all came from.

We're only beginning to understand the legacy of these two people to whom we're all related

-- a legacy that goes back some ten thousand generations.

Let's talk about where this legacy begins, in your own cells.

Your mitochondria are the small structures that produce energy for your cells.

And they're relics from the time, more than two billion years ago, when our ancestor was


And at some point, it engulfed another single-celled organism and started using it as an energy


As a result, mitochondria today still have their own, if very short, genomes.

This is your mitochondrial DNA, or mtDNA.

And it's only passed down from the mother, because egg cells have lots of mitochondria,

but sperm cells only have a little, and they're destroyed after fertilization.

Meanwhile, the Y chromosome is the smaller of the two sex chromosomes, X and Y.

People with an X and a Y, instead of two X's, are physiologically male.

And there's a reason we study mitochondrial genomes and Y chromosomes to understand our


Actually, two reasons.

Because they have two important things in common:

Their genomes are both pretty short, and they also don't recombine.

Here's what that means: In the process of creating sperm and egg cells, our chromosomes

line up and exchange information.

Matched pairs of chromosomes swap arms or legs with each other.

This molecular do-si-do is known as recombination, and it means that offspring will have a slightly

different combination of genes on each of its chromosomes than its parents had.

This is basically how sex creates new genetic variations.

But Y chromosomes are much smaller than X's.

And unlike the rest of our chromosomes, it doesn't match its partner.

So it doesn't recombine with the X.

And the mitochondrial genome doesn't recombine with anything either.

Because it doesn't have a partner to combine with.

All of this means that these two snippets of genetic information get passed on, almost

unchanged, from parent to offspring.

Which makes them traceable through time.

So for decades, scientists have been studying these two bits of information.

And they tell two stories about our history that are slightly different but still complement

each other.

For example, one of the most important things we've learned about ourselves from mitochondrial

DNA is the story of human migration.

Even though it's passed on from mother to child without recombining, mtDNA does slowly

accumulate mutations.

And as those mutations get passed on within a population, they start to form a genetic

pattern within that group.

This allows scientists to organize us into genetically similar groups, called haplogroups.

Anyone who's used a DNA test kit has heard of these.

So if you and another person share most of these mitochondrial mutations, then you belong

to the same haplogroup.

And, decades of research into mtDNA has shown that the vast majority of haplogroup diversity

exists inside Africa.

For example, there are several haplogroups that are only found in Africa, or among people

of African descent.

These are groups like L0, L1, L2, and L4, 5, and 6.


The whole rest of the world is represented by parts of only one haplogroup!

That's L3.

So if you're of non-African descent, you belong to L3, which contains lots of subgroups,

like K, M, N, and R, which are found among populations outside Africa.

But there are even more subgroups of L3 found within Africa.

So what does all of this tell us?

Well, for one thing, it's taken as genetic evidence for what's known as the "out

of Africa" hypothesis -- the hypothesis that modern humans originated in Africa, and

spread throughout the world.

This model was first developed by anthropologists around the 1980s, based on skeletal evidence

-- specifically, the earliest anatomically modern humans that were found in southern

and eastern Africa.

And today this mitochondrial data is seen as molecular support for that idea, starting

with a famous paper published in Nature in 1987.

That paper detected the first signs of these genetic patterns, based on mtDNA sampled from

just 147 people from five different geographic populations.

But among other things, that study showed us that there's such a great diversity of

haplogroups in Africa, because that's where our genetic populations are oldest.

So when a small group of people migrated out of Africa, they only represented some of the

genes in the total human gene pool.

Those migrants became the founders of their own genetic lineages, found within the haplogroup


But there was still an older, source population in Africa that they used to be a part of.

Now, we can also use changes to our mitochondrial DNA to estimate when certain lineages split

off from each other.

This method is known as the molecular clock, which we've mentioned before.

It's based on the idea that mutations occur in mtDNA at a pretty regular rate.

But since that rate of change isn't the same across all of humanity, the clock needs

to be calibrated, like with the help of well-dated fossils and even the DNA of ancient fossil


Using this method, scientists have traced the mutations in all of the major lineages

of people from haplogroup L3 that appear outside of Africa.

Where those non-African groups converge in time, we find the earliest humans that left


And the data suggest that this happened around 70,000 years ago.

And going back even further, it appears that all known haplogroups converge at a single

female ancestor who lived roughly 200,000 years ago.

So our mitochondrial ancestor can tell us a great deal about where we came from, and


But we also have to talk about what she can't tell us.

She isn't the first woman of our species, or the first anatomically modern human, or

anyone really special, for that matter.

For one thing, there's evidence of modern humans as far back as 300,000 years ago in

northern Africa.

So we know our species was around long before this woman lived, for thousands of generations.

But their mtDNA just didn't make it to the present day.

The fact that the one woman passed on her mitochondrial genome to all of us is really

just a matter of chance.

Think of it this way: In any given generation, a woman might have sons but not daughters.

And if she only has sons, that means none of her mitochondrial DNA will get passed on.

So our mitochondrial ancestor is the only person who managed to have one or more female

offspring, who in turn also had female offspring, in an unbroken line, for the past 200,000

years, by sheer chance.

Now, naturally, there are lots of limitations to what mtdna can tell us.

The dates they provide us aren't very precise.

And the genomes themselves are small, representing a tiny fraction of the information that's

in our whole genome.

And, of course, they only tell us about half the population: females!

So while mtDNA was crucial as an early source of genetic data, as sequencing methods started

to improve, scientists began studying the other non-recombining stretch of DNA: the

Y chromosome.

Much of this work was done in the early 2000s.

And, just as mtDNA can shed light on the growth and spread of certain maternal bloodlines,

the Y chromosome can tell us about the migration patterns of some groups of men.

For example, a pair of studies in 2010 and 2013 sequenced both Y chromosomes and mtDNA

from 2,740 people across Indonesia.

And the results showed that a surprising amount of Y chromosome DNA came from far away -- like

China, India, Arabia, and even Europe -- especially in Indonesia's western islands.

On the island of Borneo, for instance, the presence of the Y haplogroup known as O-M7

seems to be the fingerprint of immigration of men from Han Dynasty China, about 2,000

years ago.


In those same men, their mitochondrial DNA more closely resembled local haplogroups.

So that suggests that, at least over the past few thousand years, men had been arriving

from elsewhere and pairing up with local women.

And, when it comes to how far back this Y chromosome goes, the latest molecular clock

calibrations now suggest that our Y chromosomal ancestor lived from about 200,000 to 300,000

years ago.

Much like with our mitochondrial ancestor, this guy must have had at least one male offspring,

who in turn had more males, in an unbroken line for hundreds of millennia.

Now, we don't really understand why these two individuals left the indelible mark that

they have on our genomes.

One idea is that there might've been a boom in the human population around 200,000 years

ago in Africa, when our species happened to be doing very well for itself.

If that were the case, then the offspring of both of those people may just have been

more likely to survive, and pass on their DNA.

Or, in the case of our Y ancestor, it could be that he had a sorta Genghis Khan-like situation

going on, having many many many kids, some of whom were sons who also went on to have

many many many kids.

But the story that these two people can tell us ends when they were born, because we can't

trace their genetic trail any further back in time.

So, to probe the origins of anatomically modern humans, we need earlier sources of data.

Remember: The Y chromosome and the mitochondrial genome represent just a small fragment of

the human genome.

To understand the whole range of human diversity, we need to study...the whole range of human


Luckily, this is the 21st century, and we no longer have to sequence tiny stretches

of individual genomes by hand.

We can sequence whole genomes, and quickly.

So as our technology and methods improve, we may soon be able to reach beyond the lives

of these two ancestors, into the even deeper past.

But even when we do, each of us will continue to carry the molecular legacy of one man and

one woman, who managed to make their mark on all of humanity.

Thanks for joining me for this truly amazing story today.

And BIG thanks to our Eontologists: Jake Hart, Jon Ivy and mah boi STEVE!

Now, Lemme give you my two cents.

Actually, "Two Cents" is a new series from PBS Digital Studios about money and YOU.

Financial experts (and husband and wife team) Philip Olson and Julia-Lorenz Olson guide

you through the complex world of personal finance, from the kitchen table to the Stock


You'll get practical knowledge about how to spend, save and earn, and even insights

into how your brain is hardwired to react to economic problems.

Money might make the world go round, but it doesn't have to make your head spin.

So check the link in the description below to subscribe to "Two Cents"!

Now, what do you want to learn about?

Leave me a comment, and don't forget to go to youtube.com/eons and subscribe.

For more infomation >> The Two People We're All Related To - Duration: 9:32.


After Trump's Record-Breaking Rally Last Night, Obama Shows Up And Humiliates Himself - Duration: 4:07.

For more infomation >> After Trump's Record-Breaking Rally Last Night, Obama Shows Up And Humiliates Himself - Duration: 4:07.


Dragon Ball FighterZ - Every Dramatic Finish , SEASON 01 (SUB - ENG/PORT-BR) [1080p] (JAP DUB) - Duration: 5:27.

For more infomation >> Dragon Ball FighterZ - Every Dramatic Finish , SEASON 01 (SUB - ENG/PORT-BR) [1080p] (JAP DUB) - Duration: 5:27.





3 Tips on How to use Instagram Story to Increase Followers Engagement - Duration: 7:22.

- Man!

My Instagram sucks!

My followers are not watching my Instagram stories.

They don't care about me.

My engagement is like super low.

It's because of that stupid algorithm.

That's probably you right?

Well keep watching this video because in here,

we're gonna give you three simple tips that you

can implement right now on your current Instagram account

so you are not that guy.

- What is up family?

My name is Josue Pena and welcome to online CEO'S

the channel that is all about helping you grow

and monitize your brand business and influence

with social media and marketing.

So if you're new here,

consider hitting that red

subscribe button.

If you have ever struggled getting followers on Instagram,

getting engagement up,

maybe you have a big account but your engagement is very low

your followers don't really care about you,

well the simple solution for that is Instagram Stories.

But the question then becomes is,

how do you utilize Instagram stories to make sure your

audience is engaged with you and actually cares about you?

So tip number one in order for you to utilize

Instagram Stories in the best way possible

to optimize your account.

Do more video.

Stop it with the freaking pictures.

Think about it for a moment.

Pictures on Instagram stories last freaking this much.

But videos on Instagram stories are

able to capture people's attention for 15 seconds.

In other words video 100 per cent,

stop it with the stupid pictures.

Videos are more engaging,

more captivating and you can transmit and

communicate a better message to your audience.

Tip numero dos

Please for the love of my life,

put a face behind the brand.

And here this is something a lot of people do not do,

especially those with huge theme pages or viral pages.

And what do I mean by putting a face behind the brand?

It means this.

Going on Instagram Stories and talking to your audience.

As simple as that through video.

For example let's say you have a fitness account

like my account Elation Fitness.

You simply need to go there and just say,

Hey what's up guys my name's Josue Pena from Elation Fitness

and today we're gonna be doing three simple workouts

that are gonna guarantee you

help you lose weight and build more muscle.

Something as simple as putting a face behind the brand

is gonna dramatically increase your engagement and

the over all activity in your account.

Why because people buy people.

There's a reason why right now you're

watching me talk to a camera and ramble about this.

It's because I've taken the time to put a face

behind this brand right here.

You don't care I don't care nobody cares

about a random brand that just

posts pictures and posts cool videos.

If that account tries to sell me something,

more than likely I will not buy it

because I don't know who the person selling the thing is

like they might be a freaking pedophile!

Okay maybe not that much but they might be weird,

and more than likely you're not going to want to buy

from a person that's weird and creepy right?

So put a face behind the brand,

even if you feel awkward,

even if you cannot talk on camera,

heck I cannot even speak English half of the time.

English is not my first language.

And I know what you might be thinking right now.

Oh Josue but I'm not good on camera,

what should I do?

Well tough luck.

Get on camera

practice and you will become better.

Trust me when I say that this will

dramatically change your Instagram account,

and your entire business.

Just putting a face behind the brand,

and doing videos talking to your audience

is gonna dramatically increase not only your engagement,

and overall activity on your account,

but will also increase sales leads and all that good stuff

whenever you try to push traffic to any offer that you have.

There is a reason why I am able to

push so much traffic from Instagram,

make so much sales and it's because

I put a face behind the brand.

Now tip number three,

and that is provide value to your audience.

Nobody cares about your face.

What I mean that nobody cares about your face,

it means that don't go on Instagram Stories

and start blogging about your day,

and start showing your cat or your food,

unless you have a cat or food page,

'cause more than likely nobody cares.

Go on Instagram Stories with a purpose.

Create with purpose.

Provide value to your audience,

they will absolutely love you for it,

and they will follow engage and even give you money for it.

So how does this look like?

Well it's pretty simple.

Again remember what I said about

Elation Fitness and the fitness account?

What did I say?

Hey guys today we're gonna be doing three simple exercises

that are gonna help you lose weight and build muscle.

Did you see what I did there?

I actually said

three simple steps that are gonna give you,

and provide you the idea of

losing weight and building muscle.

I'm giving them something okay?

I'm not freaking blogging about anything okay?

In a fitness account you provide

tips and tricks about fitness.

So in this scenario I simply go to my gym,

start doing my workouts,

and just keep talking to my audience,

doing Instagram Stories,

give tips and tricks on how to do bench presses,

pushups all that good stuff,

and at the end of the entire workout of me providing value,

I ask a question.

I put a poll.

And this is the secret and magic sauce of Instagram Stories.

And that question and poll is gonna serve as a pre-frame

for your next Instagram Stories

that's gonna have a call to action.

So again going back to our example our fitness example

you simply ask people their

Hey, would you like to find out more about

how you can lose weight and build muscle

in 10 simple steps yes or no.

If you did a great job of providing value to your audience

and making relevant to your account,

more than likely 70 80 and even 90 95 percent

of the audience will say yes

they are interested in what you have to offer.

And you know what the next Instagram Story is?

A simple call to action.

It can be Hey! Swipe up to download our free

guide to losing weight and building muscle.

A lead magnet that enters them in your funnel.

Or Hey! EM me fitness in order to

get your free strategy session,

which by the way is just a sales call

for you to sell that person on your product and service.

Why because they already raised their hand and said

yes I am interested in what you have to offer.

And this is getting into sales and marketing

and selling through Instagram Stories,

which is gonna be another video that I'm gonna link below,

but the basic idea and understanding here is that

you need to provide value to your audience

for them to actually care about you.

If you just go on Instagram Stories and

start rambling about your day,

just start blogging and showing random videos

and random pictures of whatever,

people are not gonna care

people are not gonna watch your stories,

and they will just see you as a spammy blogger

that no one cares about unless you're a

famous celebrity a famous super big influencer

more than likely people don't care about

what you do throughout your day.

They care about what's in it for them

so make sure you provide value to your audience

in order to serve them and help them for free,

because that's gonna help you build the KLTB,

what's called the KLTB

The know like and trust of people for them to buy KLTB

So if you're new here just hit

that red subscribe button down below,

and hit that notification bell so you do not miss a thing.

Keep crushing it online CEO's,

and we'll see you on the next video.

(peppy music)

For more infomation >> 3 Tips on How to use Instagram Story to Increase Followers Engagement - Duration: 7:22.


Roblox Ich spiele Roblox hunt guckt das video - Duration: 8:11.

For more infomation >> Roblox Ich spiele Roblox hunt guckt das video - Duration: 8:11.


Replica Grande Fratello Vip, quinta puntata in streaming su MediasetPlay e La5 - Duration: 7:26.

For more infomation >> Replica Grande Fratello Vip, quinta puntata in streaming su MediasetPlay e La5 - Duration: 7:26.


Lexus CT 200h F Sport Line / Schuif-/kanteldak - Duration: 0:56.

For more infomation >> Lexus CT 200h F Sport Line / Schuif-/kanteldak - Duration: 0:56.


Lexus IS 300h F Sport Line / Mark Levinson - Duration: 1:06.

For more infomation >> Lexus IS 300h F Sport Line / Mark Levinson - Duration: 1:06.


PINK RIDE 2018: Polish girls unite for a GOOD CAUSE! - Duration: 23:41.

A pink shirt I put on today.

Because there's a special event taking place on the vlog.

The whole episode is dedicated today

to the Polish girls in Philadelphia and Philadelphia area, I think

who are doing something very special.

Co o tym myślisz, Blonnie?

Brzmi dobrze.

Tak jest.

The crew is gathering and as the situation develops we'll tell you more.

So far it looks like quite well organized event.

Jestem nagrywana? To uwaga, jadę!

Jesteś w tym całkiem dobra.

Jestem dobra?

Jedź szybko.


Hello, hello. Jadzia.

Your wife is biking with us?

No, wife...

...or your lover or whatever?

Wife, wife. Lover, too -

Hi Jadzia!

Hi Beatka!

Please, put on some jacket!

Wow, fajne wdzianko!

Wiem, poszłam w tym do klubu wczoraj!

Znasz moją córkę?

Nie, widziałam zdjęcia!

Cześć córka, ja jestem Ewelina.

Jesteś wszędzie na facebooku, mamusia jest z Ciebie dumna!

Jedziesz z nami na rowerach?

NIe, ale zrobię wam zdjęcia!

How did your life change after the documentary film we've made?

I don't know if it changed

wiesz, as always - we keep moving forward.

There isn't more fans, people knocking on your doors?

Yeah, you know - I autograph things.

No, life goes on. I'm doing my own thing.

Many people did pay attention, the girls from "we see you" charity were very thankful

because thanks to this more people heard about them.

So that's most important and the rest... you know.

New admirers showing up?

I have enough of the current ones.

Oh, you have enough existing ones, long line all the time... yes.

Yeah, you have to sign up. Wait with your number - like in wawa.

You have to fend them off all the time. You have to fend them off.

I understand. Congratulations. Very nice.

Thank you.

Thanks for coming to the Pink Ride today.

Of course.

Hello Lady!

Kasia tell me, are you the main organizer of this event?

Yes, I am.

When did you come up with all this, how many years ago?

You know what? The first time was in 2013.

Quite a long time, I'd say.

We're riding for the 6th time.

So that's pretty cool.

And for the 5 years you girls weren't cold?

The weather was very different each time.

There was rain, there were very warm and sunny days.

One time it even rained out on us

so we did not ride, we just met for lunch.

So hitting a nice weather or even suitable weather in October is like lottery.

So then when are we moving it to June?

This isn't a bad idea.

But we talked a little bit with the girls and we think the first Sunday of October will be our day.

Polish girls are tough.

They would ride in snow if they had to.

Winter tires for the bike and let's go!

I have rum!

There's rum, we'll make it!

Camomile tea with rum.

I'be happy to look over that rum when you are riding.

No, no. It stays in the backpack.

Someone should, you know.

It's all strapped on.

We're cutting the backpack off. The rum stays with DavidM.

Did you knock over your own bike or someone else's?

I didn't knock it over.

It fell on its own.

I think that you did it.

No, it wasn't me.

I got it all on camera.

Oh, you caught it?

Yes. Ok, no - I'm kidding.

No, it was all the wind.

There is a little bit of wind.

I was just helping. Żadny dobry uczynek nie uchodzi bez kary!

You were helping in what?

Oh, with catching the bicycle! I thought in organizing of this event.

No, no , no.

And when did you join this?

This is my fourth year?

Fourth year?

Fourth year.

So this is just all women's solidarity, huh?

Yeah, it's pretty cool to get all together like this.

Polish girls standing strong.

Strong as one!

Polish-American girls.

Are there any American girls here?

All of them are Polish, no?


Yes, you are an American.

Ja jestem Amerykanką.

Really? Wow, I did not know that.

You were born here, yes?

But in your soul you feel Polish?

Or not?

Well, yes - of course.

That's why she's here.

And how is it that you speak Polish so fluently? Parents...?

They took care of it? Because today happens to be the weekend of Bilingualism.





I'm all about that, yes. Yes, yes.

It was all my parents. They would send me to Polish school every Saturday.


I was not allowed...

Thank you!

I was not allowed to speak Polish.

I mean English, at home.

That's the way it was. Now I am married to a husband from Poland

and we speak Polish.

So it went as far as not being allowed to speak English at home?

No English, no.


Nope, not allowed.

That's a good system.

We speak Polish at home, too. I speak to my kids. The kids among themselves

it's easier for them to speak English but when I see there's too much English

then I say "We speak Polish in this house."

So they speak beautiful, fluent Polish and they go to Polish school.

Yes, to Polish school and they have...

We're watching it.

My daughter now speaks Polish, my son speaks Polish.

It's beautiful that you ladies watch them so closely with the Polish language.

Second generation.

This is very important.

Second generation?

Second generation.

I'm proud of you. Keep going!

I even have the backpack from the Polish school.


I borrowed it from my son.

Blonnie, fajnie Ci ciepło?

Are we starting?


Powiedziała "nie, teraz mi już dobrze".

Gdzie to znalazłaś?

Jest w porządku, będę robiła zdjęcia to sobie to zdejmę.

Potem wracasz do samochodu?


Jesteś pewna, że nie wchodzisz na rower?

Ja nie lubię zimnej pogody.

Wychowałaś się na południu, tak?


Tak, ona jest z Teksasu.

Mniej więcej tak jak ja się czuję teraz, tak on cierpi w lecie.

Jest mu tak samo źle jak mi teraz.

Trochę się spóźniłyśmy.

To znaczy, że jest trochę cieplej niż było wcześniej.

Chcesz kurtkę?

Chyba mam dosyć na sobie.

Dam ci jeszcze jedną!

Dam radę.

Cześć Słoneczko, oglądam Twoje zdjęcia na facebooku. Piękna dziewczyna.

Jeszcze raz, teraz tak na serio!


Złapałam. Idealnie.

Beata, don't run away!

Wht do you think about this whole party?

It's really great. Seriously. These girls are so cool.

The initiative is really worth it.

And I am really happy to be a part of it.

How long have you been participating?

Since the very beginning. Only one year I couldn't make it because I was very sick and had to stay in bed.

Other than that I'm here every year!

You are one

And I can never wait for it!

amazing person, really.

I was even here with Kasia during the week to check the route and make sure we have a plan.

Make sure everything's fully ready.



Did you tie pink ribbons along the route?

Yes, yes, yes. Here's one, too!


Congratulations, then! I am really impressed. Seriously.

Thank you!

You girls are out of this world amazing, seriously!

It's great to have you guys with us.

No, thank you!

Tak nawiasem mówiąc to jestem tu jedynym facetem.

Trochę się czuję dziwnie.

Dlaczego? Jesteś jedynym vloggerem.

Nie myślałem, że tak szybko trafię do raju!

There's Violetta! And they said you weren't coming.

I'm here, I'm here. Hi!

How are you guys? Are you alone?

A bit cold.

I have a bit of a cold and I said I wasn't coming to

the bike ride.

And there's a surprise. Ah... not to biking but you are coming to lunch!

Yes, of course!

Listen, we even have a book from Miss Szapołowska.

No way!

Grażyna. Can you imagine? Signed!


They sent it from Poland.

Who got that one?

Oh well... the girls have talent!

We have a book from Agnieszka Cegielska, from TVN.

We have cosmetics, we have coupons.

And the pierogis? Are they frozen or...?

Pierogis are fresh, just made.

Today everything is frozen.

You can have these right away or you can freeze them.

I might bid on those.

So this is not a joke. Polish girls are well connected.

Have a look.

No kidding.

And here's Agnieszka Cegielska.

You'll recognize her. If you watch TVN you'll definitely recognize her.


She also sent a wonderful message.

Pink Ride is not just a bike ride, it's also a lunch.

An auction and an event to support.

An event to support those in need.

It happens so that this year Polish girls

decided to help Blonnie.

A wonderful gesture on their part.

The cost of fighting breast cancer is astronomical, unmeasurable and never-ending

so every bit of help is very welcome.

Sylvia is with us here today at Pink Ride.

And you work for the Kościuszko Foundation, correct?

Yes, Kościuszko.

Kościuszko Foundation, ok.

What is the goal, tell me.

Our goal is to propagate Polish culture in America.

Raising money for students' scolarships

to be able to send them to Jagiellonian University in Poland for a few weeks

so they can experience the actual environment of the Polish students in Poland.

So the goal is for the students to get more familiar with Polish culture AND language?


Is that what this is about?

Yes, they take three weeks of lectures. Live with in Poland, go to organized trips.

They get a real life experience of studying in Poland.

Very profound goal.

You are all invited to visit our page and submit your applications

for a scolarship.

This all comes at a great time because we happen to be celebrating the bilingualism weekend right now.

If you haven't seen our film about bilinguality and the interview with Justyna Bereza please click on the link.

I recommend it. Please watch!

Thank you for being here today and this short interview.

Did you make it?

We made it.

But in a car or on a bike?

On a bike...

I was waiting for you outside.

Thank you. Thank you all for coming.

Thank you, girls for real.

Thank you all for showing up here. All of you who rode their bikes in the cold and the wind.

Seriously, from the very small first meeting when we had 9

it all grew into something like this.

I am really very touched that

you are all moved enough to participate in this event each year.

Thank you to all who donated.

Without all the gifts that were donated this auction would be a lot smaller.

The amount of money we can collect would be a lot smaller.

I have a few words from Aneta, who we were collecting for last year.

So I just wanted to give you an update about her.

Hey girls, you are wonderful with this event.

I have been well in general.

Family life is wonderful because my family now has Paweł, my partner

and my love.

also Fera, an eight month old German Sheppard.

As far as my health... oh well, there's always something new that's a side effect of chemo.

Dzięki Blonnie, że jesteś tutaj z nami.

Bardzo jesteśmy wdzięczne.

Bardzo nam miło Cię widzieć po dwóch latach.

Czy możesz nam trochę powiedzieć o tym co się z Tobą dzieje i o leczeniu jakie otrzymujesz?

Cokolwiek innego, co chciałabyś dodać od siebie.

Dzięki wielkie.

Jestem bardzo przejęta więc pewnie się rozpłaczę.

Przede wszystkim chcę wam bardzo podziękować.

Za to, że to dla mnie robicie.

Dziękuję za to, że nadal o mnie myślicie dwa lata później.

Bo w przypadkach takich jak mój ludzie często zapominają.

Zwracają uwagę w momencie diagnozy, ale potem myślą że dwa lata później wszystko jest w porządku.

Ale nie jest w porządku.

Wszystko toczy się dalej. Ja nadal chodzę na sesję przyjmowania leków co trzy tygodnie.

Ciąglę muszę się martwić o to jak pokryty zostanie koszt tych leków co każde trzy tygodnie.

Jedna dawka moich leków kosztuje $26tys.

Być może się to zmieni i z upływem czasu koszt wzrośnie.

Być może będę wkrótce musiała przyjmować inny rodzaj leków.

Kocham was wszystkie za to, że dla mnie to robicie i macie mnie w waszych sercach.

Jedno, o co mnie ludzie często pytają to "co mogę zrobić dla takich osób jak Ty?"

Nie chcę być kontrowersyjna.

Wszystkie was kocham.

Nie obchodzi mnie czy zazwyczaj głosujecie na Republikanów czy na Demokratów.

Ale jedna, najważniejsza rzecz jaką możecie zrobić dla kogoś takiego jak ja

to głosowanie na ludzi, którzy

są za utrzymaniem ubezpieczenia dla ludzi z istniejącym problemem zdrowotnym.

To, że donald trump mówi że chce ochronić ludzi takich jak ja

tak na prawdę jego czyny są dokładnie przeciwne.

Są przeciw ludziom jak ja. Jego partia głosowała ponad 70 razy

aby usunąć prawo, które pomaga ochraniać ludzi jak ja - ze stwierdzonym wcześniej problemem medycznym.

Prawo, które chroni ludzi jak ja przed utratą ubezpieczenia.

Czyli w listopadzie, już za kilka dni

jeżeli macie możliwość głosować, proszę głosujcie

aby ochronić ludzi jak ja.

David i ja jesteśmy właścicielami małego biznesu. Jesteśmy fotgrafikami. Nie mamy

dużej firmy, dla której pracujemy. Starałam się zdobyć pracę...

Nikt nie chce zatrudniać ludzi jak ja.

Nie kryję się na internecie z tym przez co przechodzę

więc łatwo się dowiedzieć, że jestem chora na raka piersi.

Właśnie pracuję nad specjalnym filmem. Proszę prześlijcie go dalej jak będzie gotowy.

Będzie zawierał wypowiedzi innych kobiet, które są w takiej samej sytuacji jak ja.

One również potrzebują zachować swój dostęp do ubezpieczenia.

Poproszę Karolinę, żeby przeczytała ten cytat.

Otrzymałam ten email dosłownie 5 minut temu.

Znajdzie się też w moim filmie.

Pamiętajcie o tym, że ja jestem tylko fotografem

i filmowcem.

Miałam firmę fotografii weselnej. Jestem nikim.

Ta kobieta jest prawnikiem.

Mam na imię Abigail, od dwóch lat żyję z agresywnym rakiem piersi.

Kiedy postawiono mi diagnozę musiałam poddać się tylu operacjom i inwazyjnym procedurom

i przyjmować tyle leków, że byłam zmuszona zamknąć swoją firmę prawną której dobrze się wiodło.

Żyjesz z rakiem, jesteś matką i żoną.

Jesteś fotgrafem. Byłaś obecna

podczas najbardziej niesamowitych momentów w ludzkim życiu.

Jesteś świadkiem tych wydarzeń. Przestań mówić, że jesteś niczym.

Przestań mówić, że jesteś niczym. Nie jesteś niczym.

Dzięki, że robicie to dla ludzi takich jak ja.

Hello Ewa and Agnieszka!

What changed in your lives since the last time we saw you?

What's new?

We are still the best of friends.

Agnieszka has moved.

We've had the house warming party.

Incredible, how did it all go?

Everything went really well.

Wonderful in every regard.

She sold my house literally within one day.

She found a perfect house for us.

We are all moved. Since the end of June we've been living in the new location.

Now just massges, therapy, relaxation.

Live and never die!

Live and never die, now we have the time to socialize.

Spend good time together.

Yes, exactly.

Thank you so much for coming here today, you ladies are lovely.

It's great to see you again, good to hear things are well. You both look beautiful.

The massages and everything else you must be doing is working very well!

What you do is working very well, thank you!

The party is almost over, I'm trying to have a few words

with almost all of the participants.

I don't think it's possible to talk to them all because there are just too many.

The participation is amazing.

But Asia, Asia - you prefer to be called Asia or Joanna?

Asia, of course Asia the Polish way.

I won this book!

I understand you are one of the main organizers here, correct?

Yes, I mean I'm helping. I'm helping Kasia.

Was it all difficult to set up? Did it involve a lot of work?

No, the girls are very willing, very generous.

We were even send donations in form of gifts from Poland so there was no problems.

It all went like... as you would say

Easy as pie.

Easy as pie.

Thank you so much, this was incredible. I am really impressed

by how Polish women organize themselves here and what they can do.

Really, I don't even know what to say!

You don't know anything. You don't know the Polish women yet.

So this is just the beginning?

This is just the beginning.

I'm curious to see what comes next!

Chcę się tylko upewnić, że wiecie jak wiele to wszystko dla mnie znaczyło.

Przede wszystkim zrobiłyście to dla mnie zanim nawet mnie poznałyście

i teraz, dwa lata później nadal o mnie myślicie.

Naprawdę ma to ogromne znaczenie i porusza mnie do głębi.

Dziękuję Kasi bo wiem, że jest główną organizatorką.

Wiele z was było również bardzo zaangażowanych.

Chcę, żebyście wiedziały że bardzo was wszystkie również doceniam.

Również bardzo dziękuję wszystkim firmom, które przekazały rzeczy na aukcję.

Pieniądze, które otrzymałam

przede wszytkim byłu większe niż mogłabym się spodziewać

a po drugie nadchodzą w tak

trudnym czasie dla Dawida i dla mnie.

Były naprawdę potrzebne i bardzo to doceniamy.

Bardzo dizękuję.

Patrz, przeżyłem pierwszą część bez tutu.

Czyli o to chodzi, żeby udało im się

założyć tutu na Dawida?

Nie róbmy z tego wyzwania, nie powinniśmy.

Wolałbym się na tym nie skupiać.

Myślę, że właśnie powinniśmy skoro mówisz że przetrwałeś.

Jest dużo innych rzeczy, na których powinniśmy się dzisiaj koncentrować.

No dobra, zobaczymy.

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