Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Youtube daily report Oct 23 2018

This is My new MZ YY2003


Mirrors are made from rubber so they will not brake

No plastic on doors

Plastic window with wipers on front

Good details like in real M35 trucks

Plastic exhaust pipe

Doors don't open

Spare wheel hold by transparent rubber

Back is tilting but why ??

Car have 6 wheel's drive

There is servo already mounted inside

Leaf spring's are very hard but solid

Tires are hard

ON/OFF switch

There is a servo saver on arm

It protecting servo when wheels hit something

Here is battery

There is a screw but also small clip on back

Perfect fit :D

It's a 400mAh 7.2v NI-CD battery

USB charger for battery

2.4Ghz transmitter

Another screw :D

4x AA batteries (not included :D )

ON/OFF switch

Digital steering trim

D/R trim (I show that later)

Proportional throttle

Proportional steering

You can see that lights turn on first and motor start to buzz

For a toy this think run smooth !!

No brake, just power off

Servo work fine and for this money it's first toy that have servo

Now D/R pot

It's limiting speed on both directions



But You still have control on speed

If You want someone to not drive fast You can trim it down

Steering trim to center wheels

Trim that when driving straight on flat surface

I could not take off caps from wheels

So I show spare

6mm HEX

Compared to WPL B-1 wheel

It's bigger and harder

For more infomation >> MZ YY2003 - One of best RC truck for this money !! - Duration: 8:50.


Autumn Berries Earrings-Jewelry Tutorial - Duration: 15:46.

graceful clusters of jewel-tone berries draping from branches surrounded with

beautiful bright green leaves have a timeless appeal whatever the season I

just love the look today I'm going to show you my interpretation of berries

and leaves in a pair of earrings hi there sandy here welcome to another

jewelry making video at keepsakecrafts.net this is the earring I

designed with the theme in mind autumn berries I just love the look which is

weird because for the longest time I hated the color orange and yet lately

I've been kind of enjoying it what I love about this is the drapey

look that you get and yet it is so simple to do we're using waxed linen

twine and split rings but there's a trick that will make working with the

split rings super easy so you'll need to choose two types of beads for those

leaves and berries leaves that I'm using in my earrings are these they're

transparent glass leaves and they're from artbeads.com I'll have a link to

these at my blog post I just liked the transparent look but any leaves of a

similar size will work or whatever works for the scale that you enjoy wearing

jewelry in these ones are from dollar bead box they're nine by fourteen

millimeter and they're opaque instead of transparent they are a little bit wider

and a little bit shorter than the ones that I decided to use they were also

opaque and also the bead stringing hole goes right through the leaf through the

face of it instead of from side to side but you can adapt this pattern to use

whatever you have for the berries I've chosen these orange beads they came in a

recent dollar bead box they're three by six millimeter Czech glass royndelles.

because not all berries are perfectly round although hey I even have some

bicones in here Swarovski crystal bicones just to mix it

up a little bit because when you look at berries on a vine if you look closely

most of the time they aren't all exactly the same color

I'll have a link to these as well the other things that you will need are some

waxed linen twine this comes in colors it comes in black and white I love this

brown I use this the most I am also using some six millimeters split rings

which actually I think I also got at Dollar bead box split rings are one of

those things that I've mentioned before I have a love-hate relationship with I

love the security that you get because the wire goes around twice so unlike a

jump ring you don't have a hole in the middle a split really that your wire or

thread can pop through but on the other hand they are sort of a pain they

usually hardened spring metal and they can be a pain to get apart and to get

things through there's pliers like these that have this little tooth here and you

pop it in near the edge and do it like that and then that holds it open but

it's still a bit of work and kind of a pain to have to open these I took some

time earlier and designed this earring so you do not have to open a single

split ring to get the benefits pretty cool the only other thing you'll need is

an ear wire and we're ready to make a pair of earrings you can vary the number

of beads that you use on your earring I'm going to make five clusters for a

total of ten berries you'll need to start by cutting 5 8-inch pieces of your

twine and you will also need five leaves of whatever sort you decide to use and

five split rings so we'll start by making our first unit this will be the

center one for our earrings I'm just kind of rolling this this waxed linen

twine is coated in wax you're probably not surprised to hear that and what you

do to get it through a bead hole if you have a smallish bead hole is just

kind of roll it down in your fingers the warmth of your finger will help shape

the wax into it tighter form that you can slide right

through the bead hole if it needs a little bit more help you can use a pair

of scissors and just cut that on a diagonal but this worked out just fine

on this first one you're going to put three of your five split rings put two

on one side and one on the other one there bring the ends of your twine

together kind of center your leaf on the twine and then make a knot right above

the top of the bead use an awl and just stick it in that loop of your knot and

use that to help you position that so it's right at the top and if one of your

jump rings ends up in the wrong place you can actually kind of fish it through

it's easier to get it in the right spot to begin with okay so that's our first

unit the way this is going to work is this center ring is going to be attached

to our ear wire wherever it went this is the center anyways this is the center of

the earring and then these side ones we're going to use to attach more of

these clusters so grab another piece of twine one of the split rings from the

leaf unit we just made not the center one one of the side ones and then one

split ring along the other side and again bring your ends together center

your leaf and tie a knot so what you'll have if you see right here on either

side of the knot you'll have a split ring and the bead

in the middle if you need to use your awl or a needle tool just to get that

knot right close to the leaf bead do the exact same thing with another leaf and

another split ring on the other side isn't this awesome I love using split

rings I hate having to open them and this just gives you that security

without having to open a single one I just think it's such a cool idea

sometimes cool engineering ideas come from just having to solve a problem or

maybe being lazy and just wanting to avoid something and

you come up with an interesting kind of solution okay what you should have now

is four split rings in a row with three beads in between them and then one split

ring in the middle so for the final ones you've probably guessed it you're just

going to add a leaf

and then slide one end of you twine through that last split ring on the

outside you can tie that in a knot as well and repeat on the other side the

lovely thing about waxed linen is that the knots stay where you put them

because of the wax it can also be an annoying thing about waxed linen but there

that's why the awl is really helpful for just grabbing it, forcibly putting it in

place that goes through that remaining split ring what you'll have now is five

leaf beads separated by four split rings with one split ring in the middle and I

found my ear wire so I'm just going to go ahead and open that loop and pop on

that center split ring

now you kind of just grab all these and pull them down what you want is for it

to be folded each one to be folded at that knot so that the leaves are

pointing mostly down they might some of them might point out diagonally or off

to the side but you want kind of that that twine to fold down now what you

have here you'll see is two sides two distinct sides that kind of want to

separate out so to keep that from happening and to kind of have more of a

cluster just take this longest one it tends to want to stick up the one that

is attached to the bead in the center

I'll go ahead and slide one down through one of the bottom jump rings and the

other one down through the other bottom jump ring

pull them until they are hanging the way you want and then go ahead and tie those

two together just grab this pull and make sure it's all gonna hang down the

way you want and there you have a cluster and position your leaves the way

you want then slide on your beads the same way that I showed you to slide on

the leaves you can use more beads here by the way I just put one on each of

those pieces of twine you could definitely have more than one

on each piece of twine just at different lengths in which case you probably would

want to cut more than eight inches to begin with you can see even on these

center ones it's starting to get short so you definitely need to cut more than

you might think knots take up a lot more length than you might imagine tying a

knot on this I mentioned it one time years ago and was surprised to find out

that a knot takes up about a half an inch one of these yeah this knot that

tied the two of them together measure it maybe yours is different I don't know

but I remember noting that it took up a half an inch for each knot

what I'm going to do is put all of my beads for berries on first then kind of

arrange them before I start tying them off in knots so I have a story for you

while I'm doing this I've mentioned a few times that I've lost a lot of weight

recently and that's been just an awesome journey for me but of course it leaves

me with the problem of needing clothes so I've been shopping at Salvation Army

and thrift stores and have managed to do pretty well there are two Salvation

Army's near me there's one about 15 minutes east and then there's one about

15 minutes west so I shopped it one one day found out

that Wednesdays are half-price days where like most of what's in the store is

half-price which is pretty awesome and I shopped there and I got a bunch of things I

got some jeans and I was really happy about that so then I decided one day I

was out doing errands on the other side and towards the west and decided I was

going to go to the other Salvation Army and so I was feeling pretty sassy in my

low-rise jeans which I have never worn in my life I felt like I was rocking

them I was just looking for a few more things so I go in there and I found a

few things that I was happy with and I get to the checkout and I asked the

young man was tending the checkout when their sale days were because I figured

the other store had every Wednesday was half priced Wednesday you know what did

this store have I'd make sure go on those days and he looks at me and he says well

Tuesday is a senior discount day and I just chuckled and and said oh well I'm

not quite ready for senior discount yet and he gives me this dubious look and says

55 and over? and I'm 52 like I said and I'm feeling

all sassy in my low-rise jeans and thinner that you know that I've been in

decades and this whippersnapper looks at me like he doesn't believe I'm under 55

took me down a peg I tell you what I just laughed, Whippersnapper. I don't take myself that

seriously it doesn't bother me but, it was that dubious look that got me like

okay yeah I'm lying about my age never have don't care all right so I have all

of my beads on here and you can see what I'm doing I just tied a knot

between them and it holds it at the level I want it to be and that that's

all there is to it then you can trim these little pieces to whatever length

you want I trim them that's a little long to... at a little jaunty angle to

about half an inch or so below each bead and there you have it

aren't they cool they would be gorgeous in spring colors they're beautiful in

fall colors they're just dangly and interesting and have so much going on so

I hope you enjoyed if you are interested in the supplies that I use then click on

the little "i" or the tag in the upper right of the video or the link in the

description box to go to my blog post where I always have a complete supply

list and links to products if you like my videos and you want to get more you

might consider checking out my patreon page because my patrons get up to two

bonus tutorials every month thanks so much for watching happy creating bye bye

For more infomation >> Autumn Berries Earrings-Jewelry Tutorial - Duration: 15:46.


Program LeBlanc Nami / Praetorian Graves Fiddlesticks - New Skins Teaser - Duration: 1:01.

Program LeBlanc Nami / Praetorian Graves Fiddlesticks - New Skins Teaser

For more infomation >> Program LeBlanc Nami / Praetorian Graves Fiddlesticks - New Skins Teaser - Duration: 1:01.


🎦 #23 - O que é rinoplastia? - Duration: 2:25.

For more infomation >> 🎦 #23 - O que é rinoplastia? - Duration: 2:25.


Little Caesars® | Thin Crust Pepperoni Pizza | Food Review! 🔱🍕😋 - Duration: 4:48.

welcome to peep this out reviews with Ian K stay frosty pizza pizza

we're headed into Little Caesars for

today's review along with hittin up their Pizza portal which happens to be a

very convenient way to pick up your order to check out a brand new item

that's debuting on their menu for the first time and as you just saw it's

their all-new thin crust pepperoni pizza which is actually pretty much the same

as one of the most popular pizzas on their menu the extra most bestest

pepperoni just with a thinner crust 50-plus slices of pepperoni goodness

awaits you here along with the combination of mozzarella and Munster

cheese and we've also got that sauce made of California crushed Tomatoes here

but the real star of the show is definitely gonna be what's in the name

and as you can see here guys the thin crust itself is very cracker like so I'm

thinking this is definitely gonna be crunchy it definitely feels like it's

gonna and actually on top of that this one is cut differently more square than

anything else so I guess psychologically it's making you think you're getting

more pizza for the money but naturally I think we all know the deal with this one

so let's see if the flavor delivers and overall just the presentation I got to

say looks really really great this is the thin crust pepperoni aka the extra

most bestest pepperoni part 2 let's peep out this flavor yeah this really does

feel like a cracker almost like it's too thin let's dive in it's the thin crust

pepperoni for the first time ever here at Little Caesars too thin yeah I think

I see what they're going for with this one aside from the fact that this is the

very first time Little Caesars is offering a thin crust option on their

menu here's my thought the fact that the extra most bestest is being billed as

having the most cheese the most pepperoni for the price never is that

more apparent when you bite into this one because the fact that the crust is

so thin means you're getting a lot more of the cheese and a lot more of the

pepperoni right away and that's exactly what happened after that first bite the

crust itself is really really almost paper-thin guys you can't even really

taste it I mean you can kind of taste like you're chewing some of the crust

but it's not super crunchy really except for the ends which I haven't gotten to

just yet but there's all that cheese and all the pepperonis so for six bucks

you're getting less carb but still the same amount of cheese as the extra most

bestest on top of the pepperoni and if you're down with less carbs I mean guys

you're gonna like the speed so anyway because it's thinner and you're getting

more of the cheesy meaty goodness right I mean it really is pretty tasty still

let me try and keep this focus as best as I can for you so you can check out

the amount of pepperoni and cheese compared to the thinness of the crust

right there as you can see it's pretty sizable and actually when you bite into

it you're gonna get a lot of that meaty cheesy goodness right away and I think

that's what they're trying to highlight here on top of the fact that the crust

itself is just paper-thin and I only say paper-thin because look at this this is

noticeably thinner than I think it should be now I've had plenty of thin

crust pizza in my day and I'll continue to get thin crust but this really does

feel like it's a lot thinner than it needs to be to be honest and I know you

can argue it's only six bucks and I get that and I really like the fact that

there's plenty of cheese and while pepperoni is not my all-time favorite it

definitely is tasty but personally for me I still think this can be a thin

crust even if it has just a little bit more dough I really think it needs it

that cheese is pretty awesome though let me take one more quick bite of this one

before the last close-up to try the crunch in the back cuz I already feel

like this is gonna be a very crunchy situation here we go mm-hmm big time

crunch so this is not too bad for what it is and while the price point is

definitely decent on this one for me personally I think I would rather go

with the regular extra most bestest but it's nice to have the choice it's nice

to have the option and just so you guys know one slice of this is only about a

136 calories so that's actually not bad either

so I guess that's the excuse to eat more of the pizza and once it and given the

fact that there is a lot less bread in this one here so you can really go to

town on this one and not feel too bad about it right what I digress so overall

I'm gonna have to give the thin crust pizza here at Little Caesars aka the

extra most bestest pepperoni part 2 just an OK 8 out of 10 what really

saves this one for me is the fact that you can really get into the cheese and

pepperoni very nicely with this one and being that that's the signature of the

extra most bestest to begin with you at least have a choice now between a

regular crust which I would personally recommend or this new thinner crust

which I think could be just a little bit thicker pizza pizza but hey that's just my opinion

what do you guys think drop some comments down below let me

know what you thought of this first-time-ever crust over here at

Little Caesars is this something worthy enough for you to check out and are you

curious enough to check it out definitely drop those comments down

below and let me know and with that this is Ian K closing out another episode

of peep this out bringing you brand new content every single week here on my

channel so while you stay tuned for that next review coming real soon in the

meantime stay frosty thin crust or no thin crust that is the

question hey this is the same price as the regular extra most bestest go with

your gut you can definitely fill it more with

this version alright guys until next time I'll talk to you soon

For more infomation >> Little Caesars® | Thin Crust Pepperoni Pizza | Food Review! 🔱🍕😋 - Duration: 4:48.


Mercedes-Benz S-Klasse Maybach S 650 Cabriolet Limited Edition - Duration: 1:06.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz S-Klasse Maybach S 650 Cabriolet Limited Edition - Duration: 1:06.


Wildschwein auf der Motorhaube | Zur Sache Baden-Württemberg! - Duration: 5:51.

For more infomation >> Wildschwein auf der Motorhaube | Zur Sache Baden-Württemberg! - Duration: 5:51.


Fiat Seicento 1.1 S - Duration: 0:51.

For more infomation >> Fiat Seicento 1.1 S - Duration: 0:51.


La bontà dell'essere umano - Video 1 di 3 - Duration: 6:23.

For more infomation >> La bontà dell'essere umano - Video 1 di 3 - Duration: 6:23.


Audi A5 Sportback 2.0 TFSI QUATTRO S EDITION Automaat,18inch,Navi,Cruise,Xenon 1e eigenaar - Duration: 1:09.

For more infomation >> Audi A5 Sportback 2.0 TFSI QUATTRO S EDITION Automaat,18inch,Navi,Cruise,Xenon 1e eigenaar - Duration: 1:09.


Mercedes-Benz GLE-Klasse AMG GLE 63 S 4MATIC Coupe | Pano.Dak | Comand | Rij.Assist - Duration: 0:56.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz GLE-Klasse AMG GLE 63 S 4MATIC Coupe | Pano.Dak | Comand | Rij.Assist - Duration: 0:56.


Jaguar E-Pace 2.0 D150 AWD R-Dynamic S NP € 72.415,- - Duration: 1:14.

For more infomation >> Jaguar E-Pace 2.0 D150 AWD R-Dynamic S NP € 72.415,- - Duration: 1:14.


Jaguar E-Pace 2.0 D180 AWD S | 19"LM | Panoramadak | DAB+ NP € 75.914,- - Duration: 1:14.

For more infomation >> Jaguar E-Pace 2.0 D180 AWD S | 19"LM | Panoramadak | DAB+ NP € 75.914,- - Duration: 1:14.


Jaguar E-Pace 2.0 P250 AWD R-Dynamic S Black Pack NP € 78.967,- - Duration: 1:08.

For more infomation >> Jaguar E-Pace 2.0 P250 AWD R-Dynamic S Black Pack NP € 78.967,- - Duration: 1:08.


Dodge Caliber 1.8 S / AIRCO / PARROT RADIO-CD / AUX / *APK 04-2019* - Duration: 0:43.

For more infomation >> Dodge Caliber 1.8 S / AIRCO / PARROT RADIO-CD / AUX / *APK 04-2019* - Duration: 0:43.


Macron tueur d'associations ? - Désintox - ARTE - Duration: 1:45.

For more infomation >> Macron tueur d'associations ? - Désintox - ARTE - Duration: 1:45.


Fiat Seicento 1.1 S - Duration: 0:48.

For more infomation >> Fiat Seicento 1.1 S - Duration: 0:48.


Opel Astra 1.7 CDTI 130PK S/S BUSINESS + Navi/ECC/PDC/Sportstoelen/Bluetooth/Boordcomputer/Cruise/LM - Duration: 0:53.

For more infomation >> Opel Astra 1.7 CDTI 130PK S/S BUSINESS + Navi/ECC/PDC/Sportstoelen/Bluetooth/Boordcomputer/Cruise/LM - Duration: 0:53.


MINI Cooper 1.6 Cooper S Chili,Airco,NAP,Leder,Xenon,Cruisectrl - Duration: 1:04.

For more infomation >> MINI Cooper 1.6 Cooper S Chili,Airco,NAP,Leder,Xenon,Cruisectrl - Duration: 1:04.


Tu Cheez Badi Hai || #Machine || Artists: Neha Kakkar, Udit Narayan On #xyzStation - Duration: 2:14.

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Uploading by 'Archer Prasanta'

For more infomation >> Tu Cheez Badi Hai || #Machine || Artists: Neha Kakkar, Udit Narayan On #xyzStation - Duration: 2:14.


Macron tueur d'associations ? - Désintox - ARTE - Duration: 1:45.

For more infomation >> Macron tueur d'associations ? - Désintox - ARTE - Duration: 1:45.


Morsure d'insecte: sa femme se méfie maintenant des erreurs du médecin - Duration: 5:45.

For more infomation >> Morsure d'insecte: sa femme se méfie maintenant des erreurs du médecin - Duration: 5:45.


BMW X5 3.0D XDRIVE M SPORT EDITION | BMW Innovation Pack | Trekhaak | Direct leverbaar! - Duration: 1:09.

For more infomation >> BMW X5 3.0D XDRIVE M SPORT EDITION | BMW Innovation Pack | Trekhaak | Direct leverbaar! - Duration: 1:09.


Kia cee'd 1.6 X-ECUTIVE - Duration: 1:11.

For more infomation >> Kia cee'd 1.6 X-ECUTIVE - Duration: 1:11.


Mercedes-Benz GLC-Klasse GLC 220 d 4MATIC Automaat Sport Edition - Duration: 0:45.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz GLC-Klasse GLC 220 d 4MATIC Automaat Sport Edition - Duration: 0:45.


Kia cee'd Sporty Wagon 1.4 CVVT 108PK X-TRA Trekhaak! Airco/Elek-Ramen/Centraal-Afst/Boordcomputer/R - Duration: 1:04.

For more infomation >> Kia cee'd Sporty Wagon 1.4 CVVT 108PK X-TRA Trekhaak! Airco/Elek-Ramen/Centraal-Afst/Boordcomputer/R - Duration: 1:04.


Madi - Rosé - Duration: 3:41.

I'm tired oh, where'd you go I couldn't know

I couldn't know Days would pass me by

and I wouldn't know I wouldn't know

This glass that swells of rose I've been drinking it

since I learned of your name

Love me like you haven't been drinking for hours

'Cause I wanna know

I wanna know

You can be my favorite juice when you love me

You can be my favorite juice You can be my favorite juice when you love me

You can be my favorite juice

Can you hear me crying 'Cause this fickle heart is not my own

Do you hear me howling 'Cause I wanna know

I wanna know

You can be my favorite juice when you love me

You can be my favorite juice You can be my favorite juice when you love me

You can be my favorite juice

You can be my favorite juice when you love me

You can be my favorite juice You can be my favorite juice

when you love me You can be my favorite juice

For more infomation >> Madi - Rosé - Duration: 3:41.


MTLàTABLE : Moleskine - Duration: 2:09.

I opened in the Ghetto because I partnered up with the owners of the Pullman, among others,

and this space freed up. It was a Greek restaurant for 40 years.

We thought, "Okay, after the wine bar, a restaurant would be fun!"

So we opened Moleskine.

We're at the intersection of Sherbrooke and Du Parc,

so everyone has a reason to pass by here, whether it's to go downtown, to the east or to the west.

One thing I love to do in the afternoon, between two shifts,

is walk around the McGill Campus with my colleague Véro.

The trees, the silence – you really don't feel like you're in the heart of downtown.

And we come back through the music department,

to be able to sneak into rehearsal spaces and hear high-caliber music.

It really takes us out of the chaotic space a restaurant can sometimes be.

What Moleskine adds to the neighbourhood is a place to enjoy a complete meal.

You can eat on the fly, before a show in the Entertainment District,

or you can take your time, sit and enjoy the whole experience:

appetizer, main, dessert, while soaking up Moleskine's atmosphere.

What makes people come back again and again, I think,

is the wood-fire oven pizza and the soft-serve ice cream.

Where there's pizza, there's cheese! One that's a favourite these days on the Moleskine menu

is the Beurrasse made by Fromagerie Ruban Bleu. It's delicious.

We decided to pair it with a different vegetable every month, so the vegetable changes, but the Beurrasse stays.

Another one we use a lot is the Chemin Hatley, by Fromagerie La Station. What a beautiful cheese.

You can just slice it nice and thick,

and melt it on top of roasted cauliflower with Mornay sauce and little pickled mushrooms.

You melt it in the wood-fire oven, and it's fantastic.

Next time you're in the Ghetto, downtown or at Quartier des Spectacles,

swing by Moleskine for the great food, great cocktails and music on vinyl records.

For more infomation >> MTLàTABLE : Moleskine - Duration: 2:09.


HOW TO WIN A RANKED GAME ON HYPIXEL - SKYWARS - Asterion4 - Duration: 3:21.

Hello guys in this video I'm going to show you how to win a game of ranked skywars

I recommend the scoot kit that gives you a diamond axe, a diamond pickaxe and three speed potions.

Oh What a beautiful chest. Let's break it. On the boomerang map

There is grass break that grass and collect the seeds. This is the holy seed. We will call it Billy

Billy just offered you a gift a diamond helmet put it to get ancestral knowledge of Billy the holy seed

Now thanks to this knowledge you are able to open a chest and take the stuff

There were eight bottles of Enchantment in the chest use them to increase your mental power to become as strong as the teacher

Charles Xavier, but you can keep your hair

Now it's time. Throw Billy the holy seed on the floor if Billy comes back to you

It's that so far everything is fine that if he does not come back that means he shit in his pants.

I Shut my pants

Throw the poor chest he's now useless and the use of the holy seed requires a sacrifice

Thanks to this sacrifice a noob is running in front of you. You can kill him when he's bridging

LOL he fell Congrats you got an enderpearl

As I am a little bit stupid I had difficulty in tidying up my inventory

Look at this kid whose tryharding like my little sister on a pony fight competition

This kid is dancing in the middle. So now it's time to plant Billy the holy seed and protect him

Be careful. This kid shoots fire arrows with his buttocks. I think it hurts him

Use the word in your inventory to craft a hoe

Now you have to protect Billy to be more powerful surround the wood so that he is not sick

Look closely

Billy is protected by an L. You now have all the power to win shit. He's coming

For more infomation >> HOW TO WIN A RANKED GAME ON HYPIXEL - SKYWARS - Asterion4 - Duration: 3:21.


Waste Alert: Air Force Spends Over $300,000 On Coffee Cups That Keep Breaking - Duration: 4:15.

So there's been this trope going around for well over a century at this point that the

US government is completely wasteful with their money.

You know, usually we see this in political cartoons, in newspapers and magazines.

But again, this has been well over a century that people have been saying the US government's

bad with money.

And they are, at least to a certain extent.

I mean the government loves to waste money on things that don't matter, while underfunding

things that are actually important here in the United States.

A great example is the story that came out recently about the Air Force spending more

than $300,000 over the last two years on coffee cups.

$300,000 in two years on coffee cups.

And the reason that they're spending this much money on coffee cups is because they

have to have those little metal coffee cups because those can withstand the pressure and

the temperatures of tankers and jets and whatever it is else out there.

But the problem is that there's a serious design flaw with these little chintzy metal


And then if you drop them and it lands on the handle, it breaks.

You can't order a replacement part, you cannot fix it for some reason.

So you got to order new and each order is over $1,200.

So the government is wasting hundreds of thousands of dollars because people on the Air Force

keep dropping their coffee cups and breaking them.

Now, Republican Senator Chuck Grassley actually recently addressed this issue, and he talked

about the fact because he got a letter from Heather Wilson, the Secretary of the Air Force,

where she said, yeah, we're spending a lot of money on coffee cups.

And Grassley basically said, yeah, I can see that.

What the hell's going on?

You just demonstrated recently, the Air Force did, that you could 3D print replacement parts

for these coffee cups.

So why are you having to order $1,200 of cups every time one of them breaks?

Heather Wilson didn't really have an answer for that.

She was like, yeah, it's a lot of money and a lot of cups, but keep dropping them.

Fifty cents per cup is what it would cost to 3D print replacements.

But that just shows you how wasteful the government can be, right?

Because that's what this story is really about.

This isn't a knock at the Air Force or a dig at the military.

It is a dig at the fact that first and foremost, they could be using recyclable disposable


I mean, how about that?

We've got all kinds of different kinds of thermoses and cups that can withstand high

temperatures or below freezing temperatures.

You can get them on Amazon.

I mean, it's really not that hard.

You could just say that, hey, cadets, if you want a coffee cup, you're going to have to

supply it yourself.

Sorry, that's the rule because we're not going to spend hundreds of thousands of dollars

on cups that you guys can't stop breaking.

We have schools that are underfunded.

Roads in this country that have potholes that are older than some college kids because we

can't afford to fix them and we're spending hundreds of thousands of dollars on coffee

cups just for the Air Force.

I'm willing to bet if we went through the government's actual budget, we could find

even more wasteful spending like this.

But at a time when our government is starved for money because they're starving themselves

by cutting taxes for the wealthy, I think the last thing we need to be wasting hundreds

of thousands of dollars on is coffee cups.

I would much rather see that money go to schools across this country, maybe get each school

one new textbook because believe it or not, that would actually make a huge difference

in schools across the country.

Or maybe we could fix some potholes.

Maybe we could give some bonuses to firefighters in the United States.

I don't know exactly what we should do with that money, but I do know that literally anything

else would be better than wasting it on extremely breakable coffee cups.

For more infomation >> Waste Alert: Air Force Spends Over $300,000 On Coffee Cups That Keep Breaking - Duration: 4:15.


Parents Transform Home into an Epic Pirate Ship for Halloween | Most Extra Parents by Babble - Duration: 3:11.

(SHOUTING) We love Halloween!

And these are my extra parents!


I'm Eddie Barcello.

I'm Heather. This is Eddie.

And this is Logan.

We are extra Halloween parents because we

build a 40-foot tall pirate ship for our neighborhood kids.

I think everybody-- when it comes

to being extra and their kids, I think

anybody would want to do anything

they could for their kids.

So why not, if you have the ability to do so,

be as extra as you can?

Every Halloween, we build an extra pirate experience

for our neighborhood.

I'd say it takes about six people to build the ship.

And it takes probably about two weeks, a lot of rope.

Lots of rope.

You need rope.

There's always something going on.

There's something new happening all the time.

So the ship alone is pretty cool.

But we've gone the extra mile and added

a lot of lighting and effects.

We have water effect lighting.

We also have a couple fog machines,

lighting up on the roof to light up the sails to where

it looks like a sunset sail.

To watch both Logan and Eddie play on the ship,

it's like it really brings out their imagination.

Because once you're on the pirate ship,

you become a pirate.

I think for Eddie, the most exciting part

about building the pirate ship for the first time

was he actually got a chance to help,

and get in there with the power tools,

and actually help Daddy drill.

In addition to doing the ship, we

like to decorate with our pumpkins,

wear our fun costumes.

And this is Eddie's cool pirate costume and my new jacket

to add extra pirate touch.

So one of Eddie's favorite parts about Halloween

is decorating the island and the treasure chest

and putting everything in it. - OK.

So the treasure chest is pretty good.

We've got all of our jewels set up here.

We've got a bunch of pirate coins

and of course lots and lots of candy.

This is the part that always gets rummaged through.

We average about 800 to 1,000 trick-or-treaters

every single year.

So we get a ton.

Up over-- over-- over 300 kids.


This year, in addition to the pirate ship,

we have the treasure island.

And we have the jail cell.

And we also have the bayou.

The pirate ship is a perfect excuse

to bring everybody together.

It wouldn't be able to go together

if it wasn't for all these friends and families made

at the dance studio.

Being a dance teacher for over 20 years now,

we've pretty much adopted almost every single student I've had.

These students of mine have been the first ones

that I call to come help build the pirate ship.

Because we need them to help build the mast.

We need them to watch the kids while we're doing all of this.

We pretty much have a built-in babysitter

with 20-something years' worth of dance students.

Community is family because it's a bunch of people

coming together to help each other,

to just be there for one another.

I'm kind of hoping that with building this pirate ship

for our community, it's gonna show Eddie that this is what

you do is you give to others.

And hopefully, he'll carry on the tradition someday himself.

So whether or not we're building the ship,

I think it's just about us being together

and just sharing this fun together.


For more infomation >> Parents Transform Home into an Epic Pirate Ship for Halloween | Most Extra Parents by Babble - Duration: 3:11.


OXO Good Grips Electronics Cleaning Brush Review - Duration: 3:31.

Hey it's Bey, and today I'm going to be reviewing the OXO Good Grips Electronics Cleaning Brush.

I thought this would be a great thing to share with you guys because it's one of those products

that's really inexpensive, but will make your life a whole lot better and easier.

This cleaning brush only goes for $5 on Amazon and it's definitely worth picking up.

I'll put a link in the description if you're interested.

This cleaning brush comes with a tool on each end to clean your stuff: a soft bristle brush

and a slim silicone wiper.

The soft bristle brush gently sweeps away dust and other small debris without scratching

your electronics.

The brush is retractable for easy storage and it keeps the brush clean as well.

It's shaved to a point I guess you could say and it's super useful and you can get it into

pretty hard to reach places.

The other tool is just as useful in my opinion.

The slim silicone wiper wipes away and grabs dirt from even more hard to reach places.

The tip can get really hard to reach places like your AirPods grill holes.

It has a little cap that's super secure, and you can place it on the other end while you're

using the silicone tip so you don't lose it.

The body of the tool is a rubbery material which makes it comfortable to hold and it

makes it's super grippy so that you have a good grip.

What I mostly use this brush for is to clean my Apple AirPods.

I use them daily and they get very dirty very quickly because of that.

I can use the soft bristle brush to brush away dust and loose dirt on my AirPods and

inside the AirPods case.

Then, I use the silicone wiper to clean the grills of the AirPods because earwax gets

stuck in there frequently which is kind of gross.

I actually have a video on how I clean my Apple Airpods and its charging case, so make

sure to go check it out after watching this video of course.

You can click the card that appeared now, or click the link in the description.

The possibilities are endless though and you can clean a lot more things.

You can clean your phone in places like the space in between your screen protector and

case, your charging port, and headphone jack if you still even have one.

Another thing that would greatly benefit from this cleaning brush are keyboards.

Laptop keyboards especially are difficult to clean and they can gather dust, crumbs,

and other things over time.

This cleaning brush offers a safe way to clean your electronics , or any small items that

are difficult to clean.

You can also clean your watches, viewfinders on your cameras, remotes, peanut butter, sunglasses,

and much, much, more.

Cleaning this brush is a very simple thing to do and you're gonna have to clean it at

some point if you use this brush a lot.

So far, I just flick the bristle brush end until there is no more loose dust and debris

that I can flick.

I know, it's kind of funny when you think about it, but it works.

If there's something more stubborn embedded inside, I would just run it under the sink

with some water and let it dry.

For the silicone wiper part, I just like to wipe it with the fingers.

It's kind of gross, but I wash my hands after, I assure you.

If you don't want to do that, you can also moisten up a paper towel or napkin and use

that to wipe the silicone wiper end instead.

Overall, the OXO Good Grips Electronics Cleaning Brush is a great tool.

For just five dollars, I don't see why you wouldn't pick this up.

Even if you don't have that much electronics, you can use this tool to clean a bunch of other stuff.

I highly, highly recommend this product whether you're a tech noob or a tech nerd.

As always, I'll leave a link in the description to Amazon if you're interested.

That was my review of the OXO Good Grips Electronics Cleaning Brush.

I know this was a quick video, but if you found this useful, please leave a like, comment,

and subscribe.

Don't forget to hit the bell so you get a notification every time I upload.

Also, make sure to visit my social media links in the description and don't forget to follow me there.

Thanks for watching, and I'll see you in the next video.

Peace! Love you <3

For more infomation >> OXO Good Grips Electronics Cleaning Brush Review - Duration: 3:31.


oaps.com Weekly RoundUp - Week October 15th-19th, 2018 - Duration: 2:33.

Hey guys, Cathy Rankin here with your weekly Soaps RoundUp and I hope you're having a bright

and cheery start to your week.

But you know who's not having a bright and cheery start to his week?

Ridge on The Bold and the Beautiful.

So let's get right to it.

Brooke insisted to Ridge that she stopped Dollar Bill's kiss and was committed to

her husband.

Someone should tell Bill, because later he cornered Brooke and admitted he never should

have let her go.

You should have seen this coming, you guys.

Katie informed an upset Thorne that she was allowing Bill to see Will due to Ridge's

meddling in the custody hearing.

And Charlie proposed to Pam, who accepted, but declared she wanted to be married under

Stephanie's portrait at the mansion, not Quinn's!

Coming up: Bill goes over a balcony after a fight with Ridge!

Well it doesn't get any better than that.

Now, over on "Days of our Lives," Xander and Kristen held Brady hostage at the warehouse,

where Sami made her way to the room with the mystery patient and a door marked ED, possibly

for EJ DiMera.

Gabi drugged Abigail and smashed herself in the head with a silver platter to convince

everyone that Abigail's alters were back and dangerous as ever.

Maybe it's Gabi who needs psychiatric help.

And Mimi reached out to Belle and admitted that Bonnie's baby is actually hers just

as her ex Rex returned to town.

Coming up: Eric receives devastating news about Nicole.

Now, over on "General Hospital," you guys, Nelle received the maximum sentence and was

hauled off to prison, but not before warning Michael they'd always be connected.

Spencer returned home surprising Laura, while Ryan used the boy's presence to keep Laura's

advances on him at bay.

Drew refused to help Margaux put Sonny away in exchange for the flash drive with all his

missing memories on it.

And Sonny realized Margaux's mother was having an affair with the mobster that her

husband worked for.

Do you have all of that?

Coming up: Drew confides in Elizabeth about his situation.

Finally, oh my gosh, you guys, on "The Young and the Restless," Victoria and the others

were warned the police would find out what was buried in Chancellor Park if they did

not pay the blackmailer.

Now, who's blackmailing these ladies?

Jack reeled over Ashley's deception about his father and at an emergency board meeting

Ashley was ousted from the CEO job she just got.

Dina revealed there was one more important piece of information John left behind.

And Billy returned from the quickest stint in rehab we've ever seen and gloated to Summer

and Phyllis that he only had sex with Summer to hurt Phyllis.

Coming up: Jack shreds papers that John left for Ashley.

You guys, it is getting so good on our soaps.

Alright, that's it for this week, we'll see you next time on the show.

For more infomation >> oaps.com Weekly RoundUp - Week October 15th-19th, 2018 - Duration: 2:33.


MZ YY2003 - One of best RC truck for this money !! - Duration: 8:50.

This is My new MZ YY2003


Mirrors are made from rubber so they will not brake

No plastic on doors

Plastic window with wipers on front

Good details like in real M35 trucks

Plastic exhaust pipe

Doors don't open

Spare wheel hold by transparent rubber

Back is tilting but why ??

Car have 6 wheel's drive

There is servo already mounted inside

Leaf spring's are very hard but solid

Tires are hard

ON/OFF switch

There is a servo saver on arm

It protecting servo when wheels hit something

Here is battery

There is a screw but also small clip on back

Perfect fit :D

It's a 400mAh 7.2v NI-CD battery

USB charger for battery

2.4Ghz transmitter

Another screw :D

4x AA batteries (not included :D )

ON/OFF switch

Digital steering trim

D/R trim (I show that later)

Proportional throttle

Proportional steering

You can see that lights turn on first and motor start to buzz

For a toy this think run smooth !!

No brake, just power off

Servo work fine and for this money it's first toy that have servo

Now D/R pot

It's limiting speed on both directions



But You still have control on speed

If You want someone to not drive fast You can trim it down

Steering trim to center wheels

Trim that when driving straight on flat surface

I could not take off caps from wheels

So I show spare

6mm HEX

Compared to WPL B-1 wheel

It's bigger and harder

For more infomation >> MZ YY2003 - One of best RC truck for this money !! - Duration: 8:50.


La bontà dell'essere umano - Video 1 di 3 - Duration: 6:23.

For more infomation >> La bontà dell'essere umano - Video 1 di 3 - Duration: 6:23.


Get Started In Real Estate Investing |Best Friend/Best Team Member in Real Estate | Property Manager - Duration: 17:48.

Get started in real estate investing and who is the most important person you need on your real estate investing team.

For more infomation >> Get Started In Real Estate Investing |Best Friend/Best Team Member in Real Estate | Property Manager - Duration: 17:48.


Leafy Greens For Weight Loss (Leafy Vegetables for Fat Loss) Green Veggies Benefits - Duration: 4:28.

Hello, I'm Dr Joe of TheDrJoe.com Yes, leafy greens. Yes, I'm always banging on about leafy greens. What's so good about them?

Well, a lot actually. But more specifically in this video, We're gonna be talking about

How leafy greens help with weight loss? Okay, how leafy greens actually help you control your weight

What's the mechanism behind that? That's what's coming up next. So, stick around...

If you want 20/20 ideas to better help you come to the right channel hosted by the warm and lovely, Dr Joe

Now, for today's topic, please welcome on stage

Dr. Joe

Yes, leafy greens are your best friend. And you should fall in love with them, okay

This is one of the tricks I use to maintain my weight. Okay, I practice what I preach. Okay, so

Evidence. You want evidence, right? This is our Curly Kale. This is for tonight. Curly Kale.

Tomorrow night, we'll have Collard Greens. These are sliced Collard Greens. Okay, that's for tomorrow night

The day after


Spinach, okay. These are 3 of my favourites. Kale, Spinach & Collard Greens.

I eat them almost every day. Alright, and you should too - it's one of the things that I use to maintain my weight

And not just that, they've got loads more benefits and I've written about the other benefits of leafy greens

The link is in the video description. Go to my blog and read all about it

And you'll know why you should eat this stuff every day, okay

The link is there. It's in the description. Just follow it to my blog

That's about it in this video. If you liked this video, please give it a thumbs up

Give it a thumbs up. Hit the 'Like' button right there

and if you haven't subscribed to this channel, well

You will be missing the next video that I I'm gonna be making.

So, Please subscribe. If you subscribe, you get alerted to future videos that I make. Alright?

And also, please leave me some comments in the comment section as well. Alright

Oh, also, please share this video.

Share the video. Sharing is caring. Share the love, like I always say, okay

I think that's about it as far as this video is concerned. Until next time, well this is Dr Joe signing out

For more infomation >> Leafy Greens For Weight Loss (Leafy Vegetables for Fat Loss) Green Veggies Benefits - Duration: 4:28.


Comment trouver ou choisir un bon sujet de recherche ? (Introduction) - Duration: 4:25.

For more infomation >> Comment trouver ou choisir un bon sujet de recherche ? (Introduction) - Duration: 4:25.


Zelda: Wind Waker HD | Wii U | Gameplay #38 | Templo do Vento - Duration: 25:31.

For more infomation >> Zelda: Wind Waker HD | Wii U | Gameplay #38 | Templo do Vento - Duration: 25:31.


MES 20 ANS : 75 PERSONNES, VEGAN, ZÉRO DÉCHET, MINIMALISTE [partie 1] ! ♡ - Duration: 14:18.

For more infomation >> MES 20 ANS : 75 PERSONNES, VEGAN, ZÉRO DÉCHET, MINIMALISTE [partie 1] ! ♡ - Duration: 14:18.


Ford Trucks – The Modern Workhorse | Built Ford Proud | Ford - Duration: 0:36.


The cowboys had their horses, the mountaineers their mules.

Even Santa has his reindeer, and this guy, he's got this truck.


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