graceful clusters of jewel-tone berries draping from branches surrounded with
beautiful bright green leaves have a timeless appeal whatever the season I
just love the look today I'm going to show you my interpretation of berries
and leaves in a pair of earrings hi there sandy here welcome to another
jewelry making video at this is the earring I
designed with the theme in mind autumn berries I just love the look which is
weird because for the longest time I hated the color orange and yet lately
I've been kind of enjoying it what I love about this is the drapey
look that you get and yet it is so simple to do we're using waxed linen
twine and split rings but there's a trick that will make working with the
split rings super easy so you'll need to choose two types of beads for those
leaves and berries leaves that I'm using in my earrings are these they're
transparent glass leaves and they're from I'll have a link to
these at my blog post I just liked the transparent look but any leaves of a
similar size will work or whatever works for the scale that you enjoy wearing
jewelry in these ones are from dollar bead box they're nine by fourteen
millimeter and they're opaque instead of transparent they are a little bit wider
and a little bit shorter than the ones that I decided to use they were also
opaque and also the bead stringing hole goes right through the leaf through the
face of it instead of from side to side but you can adapt this pattern to use
whatever you have for the berries I've chosen these orange beads they came in a
recent dollar bead box they're three by six millimeter Czech glass royndelles.
because not all berries are perfectly round although hey I even have some
bicones in here Swarovski crystal bicones just to mix it
up a little bit because when you look at berries on a vine if you look closely
most of the time they aren't all exactly the same color
I'll have a link to these as well the other things that you will need are some
waxed linen twine this comes in colors it comes in black and white I love this
brown I use this the most I am also using some six millimeters split rings
which actually I think I also got at Dollar bead box split rings are one of
those things that I've mentioned before I have a love-hate relationship with I
love the security that you get because the wire goes around twice so unlike a
jump ring you don't have a hole in the middle a split really that your wire or
thread can pop through but on the other hand they are sort of a pain they
usually hardened spring metal and they can be a pain to get apart and to get
things through there's pliers like these that have this little tooth here and you
pop it in near the edge and do it like that and then that holds it open but
it's still a bit of work and kind of a pain to have to open these I took some
time earlier and designed this earring so you do not have to open a single
split ring to get the benefits pretty cool the only other thing you'll need is
an ear wire and we're ready to make a pair of earrings you can vary the number
of beads that you use on your earring I'm going to make five clusters for a
total of ten berries you'll need to start by cutting 5 8-inch pieces of your
twine and you will also need five leaves of whatever sort you decide to use and
five split rings so we'll start by making our first unit this will be the
center one for our earrings I'm just kind of rolling this this waxed linen
twine is coated in wax you're probably not surprised to hear that and what you
do to get it through a bead hole if you have a smallish bead hole is just
kind of roll it down in your fingers the warmth of your finger will help shape
the wax into it tighter form that you can slide right
through the bead hole if it needs a little bit more help you can use a pair
of scissors and just cut that on a diagonal but this worked out just fine
on this first one you're going to put three of your five split rings put two
on one side and one on the other one there bring the ends of your twine
together kind of center your leaf on the twine and then make a knot right above
the top of the bead use an awl and just stick it in that loop of your knot and
use that to help you position that so it's right at the top and if one of your
jump rings ends up in the wrong place you can actually kind of fish it through
it's easier to get it in the right spot to begin with okay so that's our first
unit the way this is going to work is this center ring is going to be attached
to our ear wire wherever it went this is the center anyways this is the center of
the earring and then these side ones we're going to use to attach more of
these clusters so grab another piece of twine one of the split rings from the
leaf unit we just made not the center one one of the side ones and then one
split ring along the other side and again bring your ends together center
your leaf and tie a knot so what you'll have if you see right here on either
side of the knot you'll have a split ring and the bead
in the middle if you need to use your awl or a needle tool just to get that
knot right close to the leaf bead do the exact same thing with another leaf and
another split ring on the other side isn't this awesome I love using split
rings I hate having to open them and this just gives you that security
without having to open a single one I just think it's such a cool idea
sometimes cool engineering ideas come from just having to solve a problem or
maybe being lazy and just wanting to avoid something and
you come up with an interesting kind of solution okay what you should have now
is four split rings in a row with three beads in between them and then one split
ring in the middle so for the final ones you've probably guessed it you're just
going to add a leaf
and then slide one end of you twine through that last split ring on the
outside you can tie that in a knot as well and repeat on the other side the
lovely thing about waxed linen is that the knots stay where you put them
because of the wax it can also be an annoying thing about waxed linen but there
that's why the awl is really helpful for just grabbing it, forcibly putting it in
place that goes through that remaining split ring what you'll have now is five
leaf beads separated by four split rings with one split ring in the middle and I
found my ear wire so I'm just going to go ahead and open that loop and pop on
that center split ring
now you kind of just grab all these and pull them down what you want is for it
to be folded each one to be folded at that knot so that the leaves are
pointing mostly down they might some of them might point out diagonally or off
to the side but you want kind of that that twine to fold down now what you
have here you'll see is two sides two distinct sides that kind of want to
separate out so to keep that from happening and to kind of have more of a
cluster just take this longest one it tends to want to stick up the one that
is attached to the bead in the center
I'll go ahead and slide one down through one of the bottom jump rings and the
other one down through the other bottom jump ring
pull them until they are hanging the way you want and then go ahead and tie those
two together just grab this pull and make sure it's all gonna hang down the
way you want and there you have a cluster and position your leaves the way
you want then slide on your beads the same way that I showed you to slide on
the leaves you can use more beads here by the way I just put one on each of
those pieces of twine you could definitely have more than one
on each piece of twine just at different lengths in which case you probably would
want to cut more than eight inches to begin with you can see even on these
center ones it's starting to get short so you definitely need to cut more than
you might think knots take up a lot more length than you might imagine tying a
knot on this I mentioned it one time years ago and was surprised to find out
that a knot takes up about a half an inch one of these yeah this knot that
tied the two of them together measure it maybe yours is different I don't know
but I remember noting that it took up a half an inch for each knot
what I'm going to do is put all of my beads for berries on first then kind of
arrange them before I start tying them off in knots so I have a story for you
while I'm doing this I've mentioned a few times that I've lost a lot of weight
recently and that's been just an awesome journey for me but of course it leaves
me with the problem of needing clothes so I've been shopping at Salvation Army
and thrift stores and have managed to do pretty well there are two Salvation
Army's near me there's one about 15 minutes east and then there's one about
15 minutes west so I shopped it one one day found out
that Wednesdays are half-price days where like most of what's in the store is
half-price which is pretty awesome and I shopped there and I got a bunch of things I
got some jeans and I was really happy about that so then I decided one day I
was out doing errands on the other side and towards the west and decided I was
going to go to the other Salvation Army and so I was feeling pretty sassy in my
low-rise jeans which I have never worn in my life I felt like I was rocking
them I was just looking for a few more things so I go in there and I found a
few things that I was happy with and I get to the checkout and I asked the
young man was tending the checkout when their sale days were because I figured
the other store had every Wednesday was half priced Wednesday you know what did
this store have I'd make sure go on those days and he looks at me and he says well
Tuesday is a senior discount day and I just chuckled and and said oh well I'm
not quite ready for senior discount yet and he gives me this dubious look and says
55 and over? and I'm 52 like I said and I'm feeling
all sassy in my low-rise jeans and thinner that you know that I've been in
decades and this whippersnapper looks at me like he doesn't believe I'm under 55
took me down a peg I tell you what I just laughed, Whippersnapper. I don't take myself that
seriously it doesn't bother me but, it was that dubious look that got me like
okay yeah I'm lying about my age never have don't care all right so I have all
of my beads on here and you can see what I'm doing I just tied a knot
between them and it holds it at the level I want it to be and that that's
all there is to it then you can trim these little pieces to whatever length
you want I trim them that's a little long to... at a little jaunty angle to
about half an inch or so below each bead and there you have it
aren't they cool they would be gorgeous in spring colors they're beautiful in
fall colors they're just dangly and interesting and have so much going on so
I hope you enjoyed if you are interested in the supplies that I use then click on
the little "i" or the tag in the upper right of the video or the link in the
description box to go to my blog post where I always have a complete supply
list and links to products if you like my videos and you want to get more you
might consider checking out my patreon page because my patrons get up to two
bonus tutorials every month thanks so much for watching happy creating bye bye
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