This is My ready WPL B24
Dual N20 motors with My 3D printed mount and 3D printed leaf springs (link in description)
Upgraded metal axles with metal gears and metal drive shaft
I hate how it is secured
RC switch for lights
Front lights
Roof lights and search lights
All lights
I use blinking LED's that's why I don't need to electronics for it
But they are not synchronized
Here is receiver
And 3D printed servo holder
ZOP Power 2S 850mAh battery that fit ideal inside
LED's with black hot glue
And RC switch
Blinking LED's with resistors
5050 SMD LED
3mm orange blinking LED's
For more infomation >> WPL B24 With working lights - Duration: 4:48.-------------------------------------------
72,79m² The One-Storey House Cheap, Modern, Construction With Carefully Selected Natural Materials - Duration: 10:02.
72,79m² The One-Storey House Cheap, Modern, Construction With Carefully Selected Natural Materials
Surf Sweets Gummy Worms Taste Test! - Duration: 0:37.
Next up is Surf Sweets Gummy Worms. It smells delicious
I love gummies though I like these better than conventional ones mm-hmm
they're not as like chewy they're easier to chew yeah they're not like getting
stuck on my teeth and the flavors are less intense. These
are also free a bunch of allergens peanut free, tree nut free, dairy-free egg-free
wheat free...
10 chips EMUI 8! Hidden features EMUI 8 - Duration: 6:31.
新型トヨタ・スープラが豊田社長のドライブでポルシェ、AMGらとニュルでテスト。エンジンも丸見えに - Duration: 4:26.
【真っ赤な損益の中、壮大なカニ漁が始まる...】2018/10/23(火)FX実況ライブ生配信カニトレーダーが行く! 生放送196回目🎤 ★☆★現在収支+2,336,127円★☆★ - Duration: 8:13:42.
BMWが全世界で約160万台にも及ぶリコールを発令。このままではディーゼルエンジンが燃えてしまう… - Duration: 2:47.
売りに出されるのは二度目!世界に三台、ランボルギーニ・ヴェネーノが10億円オーバーで販売中 - Duration: 4:53.
トヨタが「ハイラックス」誕生50周年記念モデル"50th Anniversary Limited Edition"が発売。限定僅か50台のみ&約388万円から - Duration: 4:17.
キャデラックの最新モデル「XT4 V」のティーザースケッチが公開。テールゲートにデカデカと"V"、マフラデカ過ぎじゃね?! - Duration: 2:50.
English Tutor Nick P Noun Phrase (37) Backseat Driver - Duration: 1:35.
Hi this is Tutor Nick P and this is Noun Phrase 37. The noun phrase today is
backseat driver. Okay. Let's take a look at the note here. A backseat driver
is a passenger, usually in the backseat. That's why we call him a backseat driver,
of a car that gives instructions or makes comments about a driver's skills. You
know, how he should drive, or maybe you should be doing this, this way you should
be doing this, that way, etc. in a way that is considered annoying. So the driver,
especially usually ends up getting annoyed by a backseat driver because
he's the one who's driving and he doesn't like all these comments that are
just coming from the backseat. Okay. So let's take a look at the examples here.
Example number one, I don't like to give Devon a lift.
Anytime I give him a ride, he behaves like a backseat driver, I know how to
drive and how to follow the correct route. He is so annoying. So that's the
way we would usually say it. We might call somebody a backseat driver. Okay.
number two. Anytime I go out with my brother, I always let him drive. If he is
a passenger, he becomes a backseat driver. Okay.
Sometimes in some families you might have somebody like that. So we might say
that somebody's a backseat driver. Okay. Anyway I hope you got it. I hope it's clear.
Thank you for your time. Bye-bye.
Friluftsliv - Duration: 2:57.
Volkswagen Golf 1.9 TDI COMFORTLINE 81kW | 5-drs | APK 10-10-2019 - Duration: 1:05.
Soy Luna 3 | Alfredo finds out about lutteo and simbar (ep.58) (Eng. subs) - Duration: 3:05.
I finally talked to the police and they told me to be very cautious about every strange move in the house.
Rey told them all the information he had about Sharon as well.
I'm glad that Rey is doing things right.
It was hard to believe him but I think that now he really regrets it.
I don't know, I have my doubts.
He lied to us so many times that I'm not sure he will stop lying.
He deceived us.
I completely agree with this.
I'm sorry but until I've seen proof, I can't trust Rey.
What a delicious smell, what is that?
They're puff pastry snacks for señor Alfredo.
How bad, all for him and not for me because I want them too.
Yes, she's spoiled.
The head of a girlfriend.
It's a sentence that you say to the people who have their head in the clouds because of love.
Don't tell me you're not in love.
We don't know anything.
Can we call this guy Matteo, your boyfriend?
The truth is yes, we're together and I'm very happy.
How nice that you found someone.
Yes, very nice but I hope that Matteo takes care of you.
Yes, Matteo takes very good care of me.
Love is in the air.
Do you see it?
Yes, I see it.
What's up? How are you?
What happened?
They fired me at Roller.
They fired you?
What happened is that Emilia and Benicio set a trap to hurt her.
Can we do something?
Find the papers but we've looked for them everywhere and they didn't appear.
I already know, I'll talk to Ana.
No, please no.
I don't want to feel bad anymore, I want to be happy with all of you and I think we have enough to celebrate and like grandfather said, love is in the air.
I already said it, you're always very together. Smiling.
It makes me really glad that my granddaughters are in love.
We really have to celebrate it.
You're not thinking about another party, right?
But you can't say no to a dinner.
Ukážka kanálov #2 | Hodnotenie vašich kanálov - Duration: 2:40.
Eerie Artist Illustrations About Our Everyday Lives - Duration: 9:51.
What Most People Don't See
Loneliness And Social Media
Sexual Abuse In The Armed Forces
Fixing It
Father-Daughter Relationship
Moods Wings
Accepting The Things You Can'T Change
I Don't Care About Facts. I Have An Opinion!"
Finding Extraterrestrial Life
I Married The Wrong Woman"
Veterans Working In Regular Jobs
Different Beliefs
Psychological Abuse In Relationships
Impossible Love
Will International Corporations Take Over Parts Of The Public Service
What Lies Beneath The Surface
University Issues
Record Summer
Are You Scared Yet
Afraid Of The Dark
Dangerous Chemicals In Foodpackaging
EMDR Therapy Case Presentation: Julia S. - Duration: 16:30.
- I think my dad did the best that he could
with what he had,
because of what he was experiencing
as coming out as a gay man in his 40s.
I can put that into perspective,
and I can even put into perspective
how broken my mother was.
Like, the man who she intended to be with
the rest of her life,
turned out to be gay.
Like, I can't imagine what that would be like for her.
I think it was um,
for lack of a better term, more traumatic
whenever she um,
the day that she didn't come home from work.
And we were already moved into a new house,
it was me and my sister,
I think I was 15 at the time,
may have been in my sophomore year.
And uh, she had met somebody at work.
The day that they met and decided to start dating,
she didn't come home from work that day.
And that experience was,
where is my mom, why isn't she here?
And that's when I feel like my addiction really took off.
I mean, I don't blame her for my addiction,
but I know I felt abandoned.
So I started with weed and alcohol about 13, 14.
It was like right around the time that my dad came out.
And my family split at that point and um,
I was like, I was really afraid of everything else
at that point.
And it was just what everybody was doing.
And then eventually I ended up trying Adderall, and um,
but I continued to smoke weed and drink and then,
I don't think I ever tried coke before
I found out I that I was pregnant,
but I know after I had him, like whenever I had him,
was when I was introduced to opiates.
I'll never forget it,
that feeling of Demerol for the first time
in labor pains, and coming out of that hospital
on pain pills for the first time,
not knowing what they could or would do to me.
So eventually it progressed to Oxys,
from like Tylenol-3s, or Percs,
and I had tried heroin, but I only snorted it for a while.
And then I wanna say, I didn't start using the needle
until like March-ish of '08.
And like I had done some other things too,
I tried ecstasy in there somewhere like,
but nothing was like opiates by that point.
I knew I need to detox,
I'd been in treatment several times,
I really didn't wanna go but I knew,
everybody else was done with me.
So that's what took me to treatment.
So I sat there in Neil Kennedy,
like in that center area, like the pavilion place,
by myself for like the very first time,
realizing like everybody had given up on me,
because I had given up on me.
And that was the day that I,
I was just done, I was tired.
I couldn't fight anymore.
And I ended up staying there for two months.
And I was referred by Doctor Rose to you actually, ya.
And that's kinda like really where my recovery took off
in therapy, like honest therapy,
for the first time in my life.
- [Therapist] Let's start by just bringing up that idea
of the fourth step.
What seems to be bothering you the most
about doing the fourth step?
- Having to focus on me, just me.
- [Therapist] Okay.
Is there an image that goes along with that at all?
- Just being all alone, by myself.
- [Therapist] When you think about having to focus on me,
being alone by yourself,
is there a negative belief about self that's popping up?
- Yes, in a kind, some kind of way like,
as if I'm not good enough to be around other people.
Like, I'm damaged, it's almost like
I'm not alone because I'm choosing to be alone,
but more or less because nobody wants,
nobody else wants we around.
- [Therapist] What would you like to believe
instead of that?
- That I'm needed and wanted in other people's lives.
- [Therapist] When you think about that image
of you being alone,
how true does that statement feel right now?
That I'm needed and wanted in other people's lives.
One is false, seven's true.
- Right in the middle, about four or five.
- [Therapist] Cool, any emotions coming up?
Can you think about having to focus on me being alone?
- Very uncomfortable, very uneasy, just.
- [Therapist] What is the intensity of that right now,
zero to 10?
- Like everywhere but mostly like, in my chest.
- [Therapist] So it's in your body, in your chest?
Um, at what intensity?
Zero is no intensity, 10's the worst you can imagine.
- Five. - Okay.
Right, we're gonna get rollin'.
Again, this is regarding your fourth step block,
and having to focus on me.
Notice your chest,
notice the image of yourself alone,
and the negative belief that I'm not good enough
to be around others.
Just notice what happens.
Nice deep breath.
What's coming up Julie?
- I don't know why, but just that,
I'm sponsoring someone right now, and
sometimes I feel like there's absolutely nothing I can do.
- [Therapist] Just go with that.
Nice deep breath.
- (yawns) Sorry.
- [Therapist] What's coming up?
- Just that this is something I've,
that I've never done before,
building into this stuff and it's like,
I don't know it just seems so foreign
compared to the first three steps.
And it's like,
not that I knew what to expect in the first three,
but seriously like this is like totally brand new like,
it's just scaring me.
- [Therapist] Notice that.
Nice deep breath.
What's coming up?
- Just that (sighs) sometimes I think with,
whenever I feel like I wanna write,
but one of the biggest reasons that I don't wanna write,
is because I feel like my life is too complicated
to put on paper.
Like everything from my past,
everything all the way up until today,
is like there's just,
there's so much, like I'm just too complicated.
- [Therapist] Go with that.
Nice deep breath.
What's coming up?
- That what I just need to do is just do it, just write,
no matter what comes out.
The only solution is to just write,
and people have been telling me this for the past month,
and I've been hearing them but never listening,
never just doing it and and fighting it,
or not fighting but just doing it.
- [Therapist] That's not a bad idea,
just doing it, no matter what comes out.
- (yawns) Sorry.
- [Therapist] What's coming up?
- Just the word fear because like,
I'm starting to see that the only thing that's gonna,
ease the discomfort and give me,
peace of mind, is to do this and,
I'm not necessarily gonna be facing my fears but,
because they're always gonna be there,
I'm still gonna have my fears about doing this,
because it's change, it's different, it's new but
(sighs) for me just being fearless is to just
walk through it anyway,
just do it anyway.
- [Therapist] Deep breath.
- Sorry.
- It's okay, reach again.
- (laughing) I'm laughing, oh my god, you're right.
- Yes! - (laughing) I'm serious.
- [Therapist] Woo hoo!
- I like it but that's just what's going on.
(laughing) That's how I feel.
- [Therapist] Notice that feeling, just embrace that Julie.
- Even though my eyes were shut, I see your excitement.
(both laughing)
- [Therapist] Deep breath.
What's coming up?
- I don't know.
I got nothing.
- [Therapist] Other than you wanna go home and write.
- That's where I'm at.
I looked forward to coming in and doing it,
because I knew that healing was gonna be involved somehow.
Whether we were going to tackle a core belief,
or whether we were going to tackle
whatever happened over the last month,
or whatever happened over the last week.
I knew that there was gonna be some healing
on the other side of that,
somehow, that day.
And I didn't know what kind of result I would get to,
I didn't know what it would be,
but I knew it was gonna be better than whenever I came in.
At first though like I didn't know what to think of it,
because like these things are just in my head,
you know what I mean,
but it turned into like a meditation, I still use it.
Like even, even though I don't have those things,
like the tapping back and forth,
it helped me get through meetings that I was anxious in.
Whenever I had um,
whenever I felt like,
whenever I felt like I had social anxiety,
it helped me bring back the focus to me, and grounding,
like just going through that.
So I could kinda take myself back to that safe place
at any moment.
Even if I couldn't like mentally picture my safe place,
I could physically like, feel better.
- [Therapist] And what is your memory of how it helped you
through the fourth step?
- Oh my goodness, like, because of the things that
come up in a fourth step,
I mean resentment, strong resentments,
towards my mom, towards my dad, towards my family,
towards Evan's father.
From not even knowing I had anger issues, it came up.
You know from, to my fears, to my sex life,
to my insecurities,
all the things that come up in a fourth step,
I was able to manage those emotions.
I could start to deal with them and heal from them,
through EMDR sessions.
And by the time I had to sit down and go over it
with my sponsor and do a fifth step,
it's not that I had already worked through all of it,
because there was still a lot of stuff,
a lot of awareness that I needed to have,
from working on that with a sponsor.
But just the regular feelings that come up,
that surface from exposure,
from um erf, yeah, exposure um,
writing about it.
I didn't know it was gonna come up,
it was like the first time I ever really looked at me,
and that was scary and traumatic.
So of course it was gonna come up in,
like in our EMDR sessions um.
And it helped me survive emotion.
- [Therapist] So tell me what you mean by
EMDR helped you survive emotion.
- Oh, because emotions would come up during a session.
Like, as things came up,
I never knew what was gonna come up,
I don't know if you knew that.
I never knew what was gonna come up.
I don't know if you knew what was gonna come up,
but when it did, so did the emotions,
so did the feelings and I didn't know what to do with those,
because I had been emotionally numb for so long,
I had no idea what was gonna come up.
And I knew I was in a place where,
regardless of what came up,
it was gonna be worked through.
And I wasn't gonna feel it,
and that impending doom of just a feeling,
just a feeling.
I didn't have that impending doom over a feeling anymore.
- [Therapist] How has that served you
as a woman in long-term recovery?
That ability to not be scared of emotion?
- Oh gosh.
Because I'm more familiar and with the feelings,
with the emotions,
not only am I able to express them,
I have a lot of other women to express them to me,
in the recovery process.
Um, it's,
it's allowed me to be a better friend,
it's allowed me to be a better mother,
because I can express and not,
gosh I don't even know how to explain it,
I just know that I,
it's not control, that's for sure,
I still don't have control over my emotions,
but um, I just have a different kind of balance now.
PIZZA ako čiapka? - JAPAN VLOG #3 │ANGLICKY - Duration: 17:46.
大小S陈年老照片曝出,如同双生姐妹花,原来小S才是高颜值的 - Duration: 2:11.
Red Dead Redemption 2 - Launch Trailer s SK titulky | PS4 - Duration: 1:08.
Suzuki S-Cross 1.6 HIGH EXECUTIVE LEDER PAN. DAK | Rijklaarprijs - Duration: 1:14.
Toyota Yaris 1.3 VVT-I S-LINE 5-DEURS.AIRCO.100% TOYOTA OH. - Duration: 0:53.
BMW Z4 Roadster 2.3I EXECUTIVE S-Drive Compleet M-Pakket Af fabriek Navigatie NL Auto - Duration: 1:09.
Ahoj. (Hello.) - Duration: 1:05.
It can be used when you meet someone or when you say goodbye.
It can last a few seconds or whole ages.
Hello can bring a smile on someone's face.
It can please and comfort, or start a conversation.
Hello can be big, small, long or short.
It can start a panic or a lot of questions.
Hello can make people emotional and sad.
It can make a lot of people cheer and bore them to death.
Hello can cause a car accident.
It can offend, entertain and disgust people...
... to death.
Hello can break the thin ice.
Hello can go through glass, monitors and walls.
It can be expressed by hugs or different gestures.
Hello can summon people and make them go away.
It can be said in a friendly tone or in a cold one.
It can bring you luck, money and infinite health.
It can also lie to you.
Hello can summon rain, snow and internal bleeding.
It can cure people and let a piano to fall on them.
Hello can start the Third World War and fire a nuclear missile.
It can scare people to death and revive them.
But the most common response to hello is also hello
How does your neighborhood react to hello?
Write it in the comments or send them this video.
What could possibly go wrong?
Kamionnal a tanyán! Van ilyen meló is - Duration: 21:17.
come with me to a wilder place!
I got a loading and..
I hade to come down to do the weighing
I admit this is not what I expected, so that's why I didn't record it first
but it's more exciting now
seems like I am getting to load at these places
but we like these kind of places
honestly, there is only one bad thing
I don't understand a word what they are speaking, I am here in Germany but..
I am the type of guy, who learns a word
and if you say that word differently in some way, I won't understand it
if it was only one word, I could understand it somehow
but if you speak like that all the time..
for example, the people of Szeged in Hungary
they often use Ö instead of E
same goes with the Germans, I won't understand a thing
you pronounce the words a but different and..
and we find ourselves in..
that I was told in the office
(just to tell you how simple it is)
they told me to go to sleep and I will be loaded at night, and they started knockink on my door
little girl was knocking
and: "you have to go to this city..
"..and you have to do a weighing
that was all I had to do
this was the sentence, there was no difficulty in this one
but she had to tell this to me 7x
too bad I didn't record that one
that's the case
this is kind of like the swiss accent like..
you won't understand a thing
I tried to tell her to talk somewhat simpler, but, she couldn't..
I don't understand the rural German
but what can I do?
you just keep looking at the view, the company is 5km far from here
and of course I don't have the drone now, I could make beautiful drone footages
we will be driving through some plains
but what can I do? the drone just gave up
the gimbal of the drone is broken, because a cable broke
and I sent it back to a drone service in Hungary
they told me they will fix it for 35.000HUF(~115euros)
I was like "alright"
I asked a service in Austria, but they told me it's going to be 200euros(60.000HUF)
next week I am going home and I hope they will fix it until then
but we'll see
if I go back I can restart my resting, because I was resting for 2 hours
they told me to go here, but whatever, it's Friday
I am 1hr far from the site, so it doesn't matter when I'll get back
there are many flies there, because I have to do this loading at some farm
lot of cows there
plus me
and there are many flies there
there is a no entry sign there
it says no entry, only if you have business here
so if you might see flies flying inside my cabin it is because of that, not because..
I am smelly, there are many flies there
so now..
shortly, I think
mountains are maybe not, but up there if you could see the Alps.. beautiful
it is wonderful
but unfortunately we can not
we are located in Kempten right now
or maybe above it a bit
this city is called segg(hungarian word for ass)
with two Gs
this is the name of the city
you pronounce it "segg" in German
when I was heading up to the company I had to ask..
if the route was right, because it showed me a dead end
and we are going on a road like that
and you know, I'd rather ask it 10 times
than calling an emergency truck, because I got stuck somewhere
I will try to record footages like this, maybe the day itself would be boring
video-wise I mean
but I will try to show you these places, so you can see this
I don't understand the gps, because
it leads me straight, then to the right
I don't even know why is that road there
because we have to take this right turn
and we could be using the drone here, but we can not..
we can't do much
2kilometers and we are there
the guy at the site was mad at me and started to argue with me
he said I should come here by an appointment
the case was like, get loaded and move on, but no
instead I am here..
I was here around 11:00 am and I have been here for 5 hours
do they pay me for that? well, if my entire day is wasted because of this I might get paid for the forced stop
but unfortunately this was all I had to do today
so I won't get paid for this plus time I am just messing around
and this is the interesting part, this road is basically a dead end
before I would go over the freeway, I asked a tractor guy if I am on the right road
I didn't understand a word, so.. okay
I stopped here once to think about my life and if I am in the right direction
and arount that church was a tractor
I was talking to him
man, look at those houses they are huge
all of them are insanely large
I don't know if more generations are living in one house, but there's like 15 rooms in one house
I never understood why, but maybe they had their point why
I think because more generations are living together, but I don't think that's healthy, but we are not same
so this is where I asked the tractor guy, because the dead end is in front of me
straight, alright
I am unloading at that house behind the tree, there
down there are the cows, by the way
you don't have to go far, there must be insane cow smell inside that house
I think, atleast
that lower door is where the cows are eating
and this is where the stunt begins
I asked this like 6 times that "back there?" because I couldn't understand him
"back there? for sure?"
"alright alright"
that drip there
it is so easy to hit that
if you do a right turn, then reverse, you can turn around
it's insane
I am not sure if I should do it now
because I parked here before
if you exit here, it's dead end
I'll show you what's there
if you'd like to see it
like so? or turn around now while he is here?
so there is this bike road kind of thing and that's it
I think I'll turn around, because if I get loaded at 10pm
I could mess with the turns at night
not like this
the thing is that hey put that drip there and they didn't think about the trucks
I could live in this one by the way
behind this house, there is a huge field like that
and you could see the Alps from there
how do I see the right corner of the truck? I will lean out that window
I could turn around here last time
the mirror doesn't provide the same view as you look out the window
I don't know where will we unload
do these cribs look nice?
these are tricky, because they are old, but when you enter..
and it might be different
I turned around that's a thing
well.. whatever
so folks, damn, so many flies in here, like forty
what did I expect? I am hauling straws
and there is cow shit smell here
my entire skin smells like cow turd
so the situation is
this will be the thumbnail
thanks to life
how do I get back there?
oh man, how will I get back there?
I will have to do a reverse in an S turn, but how?
I didn't think about it either
I am doing this blind mode
if I could see something..
damn man, I hope I won't rip off the front bumper or I'll beat everyone here
there is an S turn at the end of the drip, but how?
if I hit the corner of the house I will beat everyone
ooh man
I inhaled this beatufiul air here..
even my eyes smell like cow shit
oh boy, wait
alright, they are helping me
I know this is simple to you
but this is not a tractor
little cows are looking at me
do you see this man reversing?
I think we are alright here
everything is alright
I'm glad I didn't do this at night, but will I get loaded tonight?
the point is to get loaded
we're going there
as much as possible
there's the loading machine
they are gonna load me with a fork
dumpers should transport this, if I am right
not me, right? or am I wrong?
or should this be transported by the freezers?
just leave me out of this game
if I keep steering I will be out of the position
I don't leave it steered, because I don't trust anyone and they might hit the bumper, so I'd rather keep it straight
now I am going to smoke some cow shit
and I'll be back
I am finished with the loading, so we can go back
straight back to the scale
one pro tip: always have fly and mosqutio spray in your truck
this is humanity, we don't like something we simply kill it
I was the same
no more flies in here
I don't want them to disturb me while driving
I sprayed them so hard I might get dazed
I didn't get loaded, there were many things here.. crucifix..
crucifix is..
there is the guy driving in front of us
so I think it is an Austrian curse word
what can I say? we Hungarians curse a lot
Germans has Scheisse and Crucifix
but Crucifix is used when they are really angry
it is the last drop in the glass, when you send someone's mother inside his father
through their cousins and brothers and sisters
or you do someone's mother on someone's back
so yeah, they don't talk like that
maybe asshole
they are kind of soft
I don't know why we Hungarians have all these curse words, but whatever
I don't curse that much anymore
only if we are talking
so some F words are used
but no other words
but I don't consider myself that dirty mouthed
I think
in a group people get used to it
I couldn't really speak german but I got used to it between Germans
the more time you spend between germans the more used you get
I am loaded halfway, so I think this job is like ton/kilometer
there are empy pallettes in the front of the trailer
I told the guy that, so you couldn't load more
well, he told me that I will be loaded around 10pm, but look.. what if I went hiking out there?
it would've been nice
so tell me if you want shorter videos like this in the future
this is like a quick video, where I think a situation is worth filming
then I will try to do my best to record it
so this one is like this
do you know how weird it is when you don't wash your hands?
I am kind of choosey and people call me clean maniac but
when you find yourself between farmers
then you realize how choosey you are
or me atleast
well, this is what I saw at home
to keep everything clean
keep everything at its place
to do the dishes
I don't like mess
but you know, I don't touch a wooden plank without gloves
gloves.. I don't think they know what gloves are
which isn't bad you know
but my soft hands that are touching only a steering wheel
it would hurt my hands so bad..
I know this is a bad thing, or maybe it isn't, but..
I wasn't born as a farmer
none is worse than the other
I could play with those cows, even though I used to fear them
when I was on a Swiss mountaintop I didn't dare to walk behind the cows back
I thought it'd kick me in the balls
but now they are looking at me like Alex does
I am talking to him and he doesn't know a thing
I won't continue this video
even thought you'd like it
stick with me until next time! and tell me what do you think!
and that's it
bye! have a nice weekend! if you're watching on weekend
Marenge Ya Maarengey | New South Indian Dubbed Full Action Movie - Duration: 1:32:00.
The Weirdest Things Ever Found On Google Maps - Duration: 1:59.
EXO PICTURES - The Weirdest Things Ever Found On Google Maps
Videoprodukce Michal Anděl - Duration: 1:07.
Intro (+My new Outro) ▪ " PaKZ Beast " ▪ ZYCHRON. - Duration: 0:26.
Chu' say no damn trendsetter
Look nigga laced up my Beretta
I just shot 'bout 10 rounds don't claim you better
My gang say pass that Ye
Bitch I know, You know you late
My nigga Dylan Brady bout to take yo fuckin' cake
They just some enemies
Škoda Fabia 1.2 TSI Drive (Navigatie / Cruise Control) - Duration: 1:12.
Audi A1 1.4 TFSI PRO LINE S-tronic autom, Navi, ECC, LMV, PDC - Duration: 1:09.
Citroën C1 5 DEURS VTI 68 S&S FEEL Airco-Bluetooth - Duration: 1:07.
Mathilde von Belgien - Ein Kleid wie aus flüssigem Silber! Die Königin funkelt beim Staatsbankett - Duration: 1:28.
Mercedes-Benz CLA-Klasse CLA 180 d Automaat Shooting Brake Business Solution AMG - Duration: 1:08.
Mercedes-Benz A-Klasse A 180 d Automaat Launch Edition AMG Line - Duration: 0:53.
Volkswagen Transporter TDI 150pk L2H1 Dubbel Cabine 2 Schuif.d - Duration: 1:09.
America From Scratch will be back soon! - Duration: 1:01.
002 2018 10 23 ROF Pro Trump Evangelicals Are Doing Satans Work Christian Author Claims - Duration: 4:34.
Right-wing Evangelicals have really been twisting logic, they've been twisting morals and they've
even been twisting what's in the Bible in order to convince themselves that Donald Trump
is a good guy that they need to throw their support behind.
Well, Christian author Rob Dalrymple has had enough of this.
Dalrymple recently posted an op-ed on Patheos where he described what is happening to American
Evangelicals today and he actually believes that these people who think they're doing
God's work might actually be doing the work of Satan.
Here's a few, just a few of the quotes from this op-ed, let me read these.
"I'm writing this because I believe that the Evangelical rights unapologetic support for
Donald Trump as president is downright shameful and often extremely hypocritical, not because
he's a bad president, but because he's exemplifying a seriously flawed character that in no way
should be affirmed by the Christian community."
Hard to argue with that other than he says, "Not because he's a bad president."
He's a horrible president.
Let's be honest, unless you're in the top 1% this guy has done absolutely nothing to
help you in your life.
But yes, Evangelicals out there, people who say they live their lives by the Bible supporting
a guy like Donald Trump, a guy that obviously lies all the time, and let's not forget Christians,
lying is breaking a commandment.
Adulterer, also breaking a commandant.
The list is endless.
The insults that he hurls, the bullying that we see, the acceptance and praise that he
gives to dictators and even Congress people here in the United States who beat up reporters.
None of these are Christian values.
Dalrymple continues here, he says, "Nor has he shown any sign of repentance for groping
women, demeaning foreigners and the less fortunate, mocking handicapped persons, belittling others
et cetera."
Tragically the Evangelical church's endorsement of this man's many moral failings and character
flaws has had a significant impact on the church's witness in the world.
This alone suggest that this is not the hand of God, but the hand of the enemy.
Enemy of God obviously at that point being Satan.
But he's absolutely right.
The longer that these so called Christians continue to support Donald Trump by twisting
their own morals into pretzels, the worse the church's reputation becomes.
Probably not gonna hit the lows that the Catholic church has with all of these sexual assaults
that's taken place there, but people around the world look at right-wing Evangelicals
here in the United States almost as a cult and it's getting worse.
It's hard for them to excuse that cult like image that they're projecting when they're
willing to throw all of their own morals aside in order to support a guy like Donald Trump.
Where to Start Reading Batman Comics [CC] - Duration: 6:05.
(gravelly voice) I am the night.
Hey guys welcome BAT to my channel.
And today we are gonna talk about comics again. If you are new to my channel this
is part of a series I do here where I go over one specific character and
recommend some books that you should start with if you want to start reading
more about said character. And obviously today we're gonna be talking about Batman.
Tthis video is a little different because I'm gonna start with what I'm
calling a zero recommendation which is Batman: Year One. Batman: Year One is
exactly what it sounds like - it is year one of Batman and so it goes over his
origin, what happened to his parents, how, he decided to become Batman, his whole no
killing thing, him meeting Gordon etc etc. The reason why I'm calling this a zero
recommendation is that this is backstory. This is the comic that has been a
reference point for all modern bat media. Basically every piece of bat media that
has come out since the Tim Burton Batman movies and including those movies is
based on this comic. I'm gonna say that you can skip it if you're sick of
reading about Batman's origins. All right now that you have some backstory or
should I say BAT story on the Batman, it's time to get in to the rest of the recommendations.
The first series that I'm going to recommend that you read is
Batman: The Long Halloween. Longtime viewers may know that this is my personal
favorite Batman story ever but it's also great for new readers because you don't
need to know anything about Batman's history other than the fact that he's a
rich guy that dresses like a bat and punches disenfranchised people
in the streets of Gotham. This is a self-contained just
one-off story about Batman hunting out one villain with several appearances by
key Batman mythology figures like Harvey Dent and Catwoman. Tonally this has an
extremely similar feeling to Batman the Animated Series as well as the Arkham
Asylum games. so if you like either one of those highly recommend you check this
one out for sure and even if you're not familiar with those I think this is the
probably best introduction into Batman that there is. Like I said this story is
just one volume however there are two spin-off volumes that are set in this
continuity that just kind of take place exactly where this one ends so if you
really like The Long Halloween and you want to read more I will leave
information for those in the description box below. My second recommendation is one
specifically for you BookTube and that is Batman: Whatever Happened to the Caped Crusader?
by Neil Gaiman. I am recommending this because it is a
fantastic comic in general it deals with Batman near the end of his life and he's
reflecting back on who he is and all that he's done but I also recommend it
because it is written by Neil Gaiman and Neil Gaiman if you live under a rock is
really popular here on BookTube. Which I think makes it a safer entry point for
a lot of people. If you already like Neil Gaiman books,
you might be more willing to check out this Neil Gaiman written Batman
comic because you're already familiar with Neil Gaiman writing style.
The 3rd one I'm gonna recommend to you is Batman: A Court of Owls. Like with The Long
Halloween, Court of Owls is just one self-contained Batman story.
It doesn't really reference anything that's happened to him so you can go in
reading this having only say ever watched one Batman movie and feel pretty
comfortable with understanding it and following along. In Batman Court of Owls,
Batman takes on a secret society (you'll never guess what they're called)
This is a great one because it focuses a lot on Batman's detective work and problem
solving which for me is always fun to read
and see how he figures things out and gets out of situations that seem
impossible to get out of. So this is a great read for anyone no matter how many
Batman comics you've read before. Number four is Batman Black and White.
Batman Black and White is a collection of short stories by authors all across
the board with the one unifying theme of that they are all drawn in black and white.
The reason why I recommend this for new readers is that this is great to
read if you want to get exposure to Batman authors. It's also great because
they're all short stories so it doesn't really follow any kind of set continuity
you can just jump right in. And there are four total volumes of this series.
BAT long last we have our fifth recommendation, which is Hush.
I am gonna say with Hush, that I don't know if I'd recommend that you start with this one
if you're completely new to Batman. If you've seen the animated series or
you've played the video games or you've read a couple of other Batman comics I
think that is a great place to start. With Hush, I guess you could technically
start with this one but just know that you might be a little confused because
it references some things that happened in Batman's past. Anyway, Batman: Hush is
one of my personal favorite Batman stories and it's wildly regarded as one of
the best Batman stories. Like a lot of the other ones on this list it is just
one volume which I think makes it very friendly to new readers because you can
just jump in just read that and then go. There are several other comic book
spin-offs that aren't by the same team that did this that do relate to this so
it's a great entry point for that reason as well.
In Batman Hush, Batman has to deal with something from his past that comes back
to haunt him and it also deals a lot with his relationship with Catwoman and
his friendship with Superman. And that brings us to the end of the video I hope
this was helpful for you in getting started with (gravelly voice) the dark knight.
Let me know in the comments below what your favorite Batman movie is, mine is Batman Returns.
And as always, what characters you would like to see on this series and stay tuned
same bat-time, same bat-channel to find out who comes up next.
Thanks for watching and take care now, bye.
An amazing transformation with the help of Charles D?Angelo - Duration: 2:59.
Corpus Christi: Breakfast Tacos | Tacos of Texas Ep. 5 - Duration: 9:47.
- Taco tip number 88.
- Know thy taco knowledge.
- [Jarod] You wrap a burrito.
- You roll an enchilada.
- But you fold a taco.
(Latin music)
- I'm Jarod Neece.
- I'm Mando Rayo.
- And we're taco journalists exploring the iconic tacos
of Texas, through the eyes of the people who make them.
- We're in Corpus Christi, Texas,
where people do "Anything for Selenas!"
- And breakfast tacos.
- We'll visit with Chacho's Tacos,
home of the biggest, baddest breakfast taco.
- [Jarod] And we'll go to Hi-Ho,
Selena's favorite restaurant.
- We'll also visit with local creatives, where they express
their love for tacos and culture through art.
- My name is Gerald Flores.
I'm a local creative here in Corpus Christi,
and we are at the Hi-Ho Restaurant on the west side.
- [Jarod] So Gerald, we are we at?
- We're at Hi-Ho, 'cause in Corpus Christi, when you wake up
the first thing you do is come get a breakfast taco.
♪ Hi-Ho, Hi-Ho, it's off to work we go ♪
♪ Hi-Ho, Hi-Ho
- It's off to tacos we go.
- Right here.
- Breakfast tacos, here.
- My name is Rick Garcia.
I'm owner of the Hi-Ho Restaurant in Corpus Christi, Texas.
We start at 3:30 in the morning, making chorizo and egg,
potato and egg, bacon, beans, tortillas,
so we can start serving our tacos.
- You know, the great thing about just breakfast tacos
in general is that it can be anything.
You have bacon and egg, chorizo and egg, bean and cheese,
carne salad tacos, you can have migas tacos,
you can have pretty much anything under the sun.
The list is long.
One iconic taco is just the bean and cheese.
You can call it a poor man's taco too,
because there's just the simple ingredients.
- A good bean and cheese can say a lot about a restaurant.
- We have the tortillas.
You gotta have fresh tortillas.
- It's time to name that breakfast taco.
Ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding!
- Breakfast taco number one.
(funky music)
- That's a bean and cheese.
- Bean and cheese.
Take it away.
- Taco number two.
- Carne Guisada.
- Winning.
- That's one of the things I love about this taqueria,
and just places like this is it's almost like
everyone's individual home breakfast tables.
- [Rick] Yeah.
- Like, when you look at the people and the way that
they're just interacting, it's literally like
they're in their own kitchen, or their own living room
with their friends, and I love that you can
see all different kinds of people just interacting.
It's great.
(rock music)
♪ Well, I know
♪ Yeah, I know
♪ Yeah, I know
♪ What's a girl like you compared to a man like to me ♪
♪ And I know
♪ Yeah, I know
♪ Yeah, I know
♪ Girls like you
- [Jarod] We're here at Chacho's Tacos.
- To see the biggest, baddest breakfast taco in Texas.
- The almighty Chacho Taco.
It's grande.
- Muy grande.
- The almighty Chacho's Taco is a 14 inch tortilla.
It comes with beans, potato and egg,
carne salad, cheese, and bacon.
And it is a three and a half pounder.
My two boys were the ones that put that together.
He says, "Mom, we gotta have a big taco."
So I said, "Okay."
"Y'all put it together."
- Daddy, this is like the biggest taco I've ever seen.
- My name is Mary Gutierrez.
I am the owner of Chacho's Tacos here in Corpus Christi.
- [Mando] What are your most popular breakfast tacos?
- Our weenie and egg.
Which people ask for because they say,
"Oh my god, that's what mom used to give us."
- I grew up with that, too.
It was the poor man's taco.
- [Mary] Exactly.
'Cause I grew up with weenie and egg.
- [Mando] It's a hot dog.
Hot dog and eggs.
- My recipes are my mom's recipes, my grandmother's.
My mom was a single parent, so I had to cook for
my brothers and sisters, 'cause my mama had to go to work.
So this is how I learned to cook.
- And now you're passing that tradition to your boys.
- My two sons, yes.
They've been with me.
They've supported me, and I think without 'em,
I probably wouldn't have actually kept going.
They're my backbone.
(rock music)
- Mmm, mmm, mmm.
♪ Well, if it's all right with you ♪
♪ You know, it's all right with me ♪
♪ I said, if it's all right with you ♪
♪ Well baby, then it's all right with me ♪
♪ Yeah, it's all right
♪ All right
♪ All right
♪ It's all right
- [Mando] We're in the south side of Corpitos.
- At the Flores Creative Compound.
- We're gonna eat some more breakfast tacos,
and take in some taco culture.
(glasses clinking)
- Yes, it is taco time.
Thank you guys for cooking.
What are we gonna eat?
- Oh my gosh, we're gonna eat.
We have chicharrones in salsa verde.
We have papas fritas, refried beans, scrambled eggs.
Oh, oh my gosh, and we have weenie and egg.
(laughs) Like, weenie and egg.
- And these tortillas are amazing.
- When you asked me, "Oh, I want you to do brunch",
I thought you know what, "Voy a hacer todo,"
everything I grew up eating.
- And why is that important for you?
- Oh my gosh.
I think it's important just because I'm a recipe developer,
and I wanna share my culture and my heritage.
I feel like the more I share, the more people
connect with the food, and want to recreate
what their abuelitas made, and their tias
'cause there's a lot of people that e-mail me,
and they're like, "Oh, my mom always made beans
"but I never took the time to learn how to make the beans."
So I feel like the more I share, the more they connect.
- You know, growing up in a border town,
I was always surrounded by this kind of food, also.
But what I do, and when it comes to making things,
I love including the culture as far as
colors are concerned, and different patterns.
Things I grew up with, things that remind me
of my grandmother's tablecloth,
or her bedspread, or my mother's lipstick.
I love making things that replicate those,
and brings back memories, and they're relatable.
You know, we grew up here in South Texas,
and so the proximity to Mexico,
the proximity to another country was always there.
And I never took it for granted.
- And so what does culture mean for you guys?
- It means living a very vibrant life,
where you have food that you grew up with.
You recognize where you come from,
where your family's from, where their roots are planted,
and you acknowledge it, and you don't ever, ever forget it.
- It's something so special that
you wanna make sure that you pass it on.
Like, it's food, it's memories, it's flavors.
To me, it's smells.
I want my culture to go from generation to generation.
- I mean, for me it's interesting 'cause
the creative group of friends that I have, I mean,
they all have their outlets and they focus on
on so many areas of tradition,
and I chose to just focus on one, which is just tacos.
And the interesting thing about that is,
it happened by accident.
I was actually looking for a shirt for me,
but the one I found was made by people who had
no idea what tacos really are, and the shirt's like, $60.
You know, the most interesting thing about it is that tacos,
it was something that, if you took that to school,
like our parents took that to school
for lunch, they looked like poor kids.
And now, every white person under the sun in Austin,
and in L.A., they're going to taco places.
- I feel like they cut out the entire
cultural significance of the taco.
And then they put it on Instagram, and it's like this
awesome, creative thing that it is blowing people's mind.
And I'm like, we've been eating that forever.
(laughs) You know?
Like, my grandmother made that.
- Your grandmother could have been an Instagrammer.
- Exactly.
- They came from tradition, and our families made them,
and you guys can enjoy them now, and that's good,
but just know where they came from.
- Here's the thing.
You kind of, you embrace the culture,
but you hate the people.
I mean, our country is kind of, oh well we love tacos,
and we love embroidery dresses, but we don't want you here.
No, you can't do that.
It's either all or nothing.
You know what I mean?
You can't pick and choose things of a culture,
and then appropriate it, and then say,
"No, I don't want people that are
"brown skinned here, or taking our jobs."
You can't do that.
It's either all or nothing.
- If there was one thing you could say to somebody
that was doing that, what would you say to them?
- I would say, take your time to really get to know
who's cooking your food, who's making your clothes.
Hear their story, you know?
Just don't take take their idea and run with it,
'cause you're cutting out why that thing is awesome.
You're cutting out where he got that taste,
or where he got that smell, or who he learned it from,
and you're just taking it, and you're making it your own.
You're cutting out all the good.
♪ She'll make me feel all right ♪
♪ She made me tacos ♪
♪ I owe my money to a Sunday night ♪
- This was the first taco tattoo I got, right here.
So that's, I mean, pretty crazy about tacos.
I have one right here.
That's the traditional mom heart one, but I put tacos in it.
This eagle right here, it's not the Hi-Ho logo. (laughs)
But he is grabbing a taco.
- [Jarod] Man, I love breakfast tacos.
- [Mando] Me too.
- [Jarod] What's your favorite?
- [Mando] Bean and cheese.
- [Jarod] Potato and egg.
- [Mando] Bacon and egg.
- [Jarod] Chorizo and egg.
- [Mando] A la Mexicana.
- [Jarod] Papa rancheros.
- [Mando] Papa con huevos.
- [Jarod] I like bean, cheese, and bacon.
- [Mando] (sighs) Chorizo con huevo.
Weenie con huevos.
- [Mando] In the next Proximio Show,
we'll go to Dallas, and ask the question,
is Mexican modern, or is modern Mexican?
- [Jarod] Have you ever had an octopus in your taco?
You're about to.
- [Mando] And we'll explore the city's Latino chefs,
and see how they're making their mark on the national stage.
A Story You May Have Forgotten - Duration: 4:45.
The best leaders are storytellers.
Those who can engage and inspire their teams – paint the picture of purpose with a well-told
PERSONAL story are lauded as having that "special something."
So, whether you're already at the top of the totem pole or working your way up – stories
need to be a part of your repertoire.
What do you do… if you think you don't have any?
That, is a problem I can fix.
I was at a networking reception recently and had found my way to a small table of wonderful
women whose easy conversation made networking not-so-awful (-- for whatever reason, as I've
gotten older, I like networking less and less).
We were visiting and sharing stories and I ended up telling about an epic business failure
of mine a few years earlier.
It's funny now, but it wasn't so funny then…
I remember looking at my husband who was trying to help me see the Brightside the day it happened,
and I said, "This is the worst day of my professional career thus far… tomorrow,
I promise I will look on the Brightside….
Right now, … I reserve the right to be devastated, depressed, and feel like a total failure."
We all laughed (because we'd all been there in some form or another) and then one of the
women looked at me, knowing I was a speaker, and asked me if I tell that story on stage…
I looked at her a little bewildered.
I don't.
In fact, I'd kind of forgotten that story until it came up in that particular conversation.
"THAT would be a great story to tell…" she said…
One of the big challenges when it comes to telling your own stories, is you forget you
have them!
I can picture that moment, that conversation with my husband on the worst day of my professional
career so clearly now.
I remember we were downstairs in the kitchen when we realized that no one was going to
buy the product I was trying to sell.
I remember just needing to walk away, get a few minutes to myself.
I remember being halfway up the staircase when my husband called to me, trying to assure
me it wasn't the end of the world, and me turning around, standing on the stair, holding
the railing, stating my case, and then walking up the rest of the staircase to the bathroom
where I stood in front of the mirror and stared at my reflection… wondering who I even was….?
There it was.
Clear as day! … and totally relatable to anyone who has faced failure…
And I had forgotten it completely.
If ever you feel like you are a story wasteland – that you don't have stories – let
this be your reminder!
They could be big, or small… the PROBLEM isn't your lack of story, it's your inability
to recall them.
And I say this because – if *I*, the storyteller, can forget my stories….
It can happen to anyone.
Here are a few tips to help.
First… uncover forgotten stories by doing some networking and talking to new people….
Love it or hate it, talking to new people often leads to you telling new stories (which
is what happened to me).
Networking is likely something you have to do anyway, the next time you're with a new
group of people, see if their questions and conversation bring up stories you might have
Second, hang out with OLD friends and family – the people who know you from way back
These CHERISHED people are the keepers of stories about YOU, you may have forgotten
or didn't even know were happening at the time.
I recently enjoyed an impromptu 4-hour dinner with my younger sister… the stories she
had of me (and with the added intrigue of her perspective) … it opened a whole FLOOD
of stories I can tell to serve a variety of different purposes.
Finally, record them.
I know, I'm sorry... one more thing on your already full plate… but you can keep it
super simple.
I use the notepad on my phone.
When a story-scrap comes to me – a moment I'd forgotten, I quick jot it down in the
app and that's it!
You don't have to write a whole story right there – just a note so that the next time
you want to use a story to be more compelling, or relatable, or engaging… and you're
worried you don't have one… you can open the app and have all the stories right in
front of you.
Not only are stories valuable as you grow as a leader, it's a beautiful thing… to
uncover a story about yourself you may have forgotten.
Marenge Ya Maarengey | New South Indian Dubbed Full Action Movie - Duration: 1:32:00.
Minceur, dépression, ulcère, 10 choses étonnantes sur la banane | Santé 24.7 - Duration: 9:35.
jess ♥ life: My personal manifesto - Duration: 7:16.
Hi Youtube!
So what do you do when several of your bosses ask you what you want.
Not them, not the company, you.
Well, me, at least, since that recently happened to me, I am trying to figure that out.
And well, I have done a video on life goals before and I feel like it is actually really,
really difficult to just figure myself out and figure my stuff out and figure out
what I want, where I want to go.
I mean, hell, most of us people don't really know what we want, we just go along with it, right?
And I have received different advice from various people on what to do with this question
and how to tackle it.
Some people have told me that I lack focus.
And, well, yes that is definitely true, but I don't think I am a focus person.
Look at the topics that I am tackling on this Youtube channel and I guess if I had more
focus in this channel, then maybe I would have more subscribers, but that's just not
the person I am.
I think the person I am, I just like not having one thing to focus on.
But just switching between many little things that I like to do, and just changing my focus
every two weeks and I guess, that's a way to deal with life too.
And well, I think that's when I realised that I can't really use other people's advice to
figure this out.
I just have to deal with this for myself and just find my way.
What's one of the things that I guess many people do when
they are in trouble and don't
really know what to do is, they ask Google.
That's what I do sometimes, yes.
And yes, Google probably knows a lot of incriminating details about me regarding illnesses and psychological
issues and whatever, but who the f*ck cares, Google already knows everything anyway right?
But, yeah so, what I found on Google regarding this topic, regarding your own life goals
and finding out what you want, Google advised me to create a personal manifesto.
I don't know if you can really imagine something concrete under that title – I know I couldn't.
So I had to read some examples for other people's personal manifestos and I still don't
really know whether my personal manifesto is a „good" personal manifesto, but I
have written one now, and yeah.
I guess this is it.
Put other people's needs before your own.
Keep an eye out for the little things.
Keep your worries in perspective.
Find outlets for all of your skills and talents.
Never stop laughing.
Never stop aiming higher.
Use language for a good cause.
Appreciate the good that life brings you.
Believe in yourself.
Be bold.
Maybe you are getting inspired by this personal manifesto thing, maybe you think it's complete
and utter bullshit.
And well, either way is fine, I don't really know whether this is helping.
But what it is is giving me a yardstick to measure a lot of other things on, and I guess
it makes it easier to figure out things in your life that are there but don't really
contribute or don't fit your personal manifesto.
And then you can always be like, „Well whoops, no this is not really what I want, so let's
just erase it and get rid of it and have more good stuff instead" and yeah.
I guess that's what I'm gonna do with this.
I think this is only the beginning of figuring shit out in the long term and, like, the big
picture stuff.
And I guess it will probably take my whole life to figure the long-term stuff out because
that's how it happens, right?
You don't usually go "Bling" and then Snap, the rest of your life is completely clear
in front of you and you know exactly what to do.
Since you change and everything around you changes, and then I guess if I figure it out
now, then in five years it will be completely different and I will have to adjust my plans
and everything else, but this manifesto thing might be a way to roll.
And the rest maybe follows by itself, or not.
I will keep you updated!
Until then.
Nightcore - Control (Lyrics) - Duration: 2:39.
Unknown Brain x Rival - Control // Lyrics on the screen
JUKS ZRK KESTRA- FUNKILL - Duration: 4:06.
HEROFEST 2018 / SWITZERLAN 2018 | by Tania Sofia de Andrade - Duration: 12:04.
So, I'm here! Arrived at SwitzerLAN!
Now I have to carry allll this stuff...
.. into the hall.
That you can see this perspective..!
Woah.. I look crappy..
Oh, look! That's me!
Yeah, without chaos this time..
She's a power woman, of course.
And I identify myself a lot with her.
I like how she sees things and what she fights for.
What SHE stands for.
And that's why it's always a pleasure to cosplay WonderWoman!
Dom: "That's really cool and this cosplay really suits you."
Diet and Nutrition Myths - Duration: 1:53.
> Apple cider vinegar, wrong. Come on. --This is a myth -- I mean okay another another
good myth to start us on -- It is a myth the only thing that I'll say do that is
that part of the myth is that you start your date drinking a glass of water with
apple cider vinegar and there's no magical approach to this they won't burn
fat it won't prevent really carbohydrate absorption to the level that we'd want
to see for prevention of weight gain but what it will do is if you think it's a
healthy habit it can get you on the right track for continuing your healthy
habits throughout the day, it may it may not but the actual apple cider vinegar
itself no magical powers to it. > So they say what about very quickly a couple of
other methods that come to mind right away from you. > Some other myths could be
not eating fruit or fruit is high in sugar. So it's not that that's a complete
myth fruit is high in natural sugar but fruit in one portion of fruit you have
to talk about that is have so much health property so it has the fiber it
has so many antioxidants vitamins minerals so if you're having one to two
servings of fruit as part of a healthy balanced diet there's nothing wrong with
eating fruit sometimes people question how late at night can I eat fruit. So
fruit itself can't make you gain weight it's the excess calories in general
that's going to make you gain weight, so eating at night you know it could be an
apple or chips or a cookie all of those can lead to waken if you've already had
enough calories during the day. So again late night eating we have to ask
yourself have I eaten enough already all day whether it's an apple or chips you
know you've had enough all day it's not a time to be eating. > Yeah. Nobody ever
gain weight from eating an apple or eating a banana it's really the 5, 10,
chips that we eat at night that get us into some trouble.
Glute Bridge Med Vekt - Duration: 0:37.
Le petit diorama à voie étroite du village français «Mouville» de Henk Wust et Jan van Mourik - Duration: 3:16.
Lucas Gaudin's confession - Duration: 0:07.
This is Lucas Gaudin
Harlyn Granger is history.
The Force Of Couarge - Galneryus (English Sub) Live 2016 - Duration: 15:48.
Translated by Galneryus De Habla Hispana
Why do we have to live to fight
Why should we hurt others?
Many lost hope to see thousands die and wonder why we have to shed blood
I'm searching for a destiny beyond my dreams and while your were in my mind I know that light will reach to me
Under (the) force of courage, yes, we will fight surely for the future
Under the promised land we will go certainly because it's our ambition
That's why the sorrow appears
And it slowly appears over there
I promise to hold on until my feet can not stand anymore and even give beyond my last tear
I do not know if I can see tomorrow but I keep going
And while your were in my mind I know that light will reach to me
Under (the) force of courage, yes, we will fight surely for the unknown future
Under the promised land we will go certainly caring our ambition
Many mirages pass through my mind
While I'm sleeping
And that scene repeats itself several times and expands in my mind
I'm searching for a destiny beyond my dreams and while your were in my mind I know that light will reach to me
All the things that are seen in this absurd world are the same
knowing what is behind each tear spilled by the pain
I must hurry thinking about what I have promised you
With an unwavering feeling while I get wet in the rain of memories
I'm searching for a destiny beyond my dreams and while your were in my mind I know that light will reach to me
Under (the) force of courage, yes, we will fight surely for the future
Under the promised land we will go certainly because it's our ambition
We'll keep in mind with desire to be better all those that we must protect
We are ready to face the fear and we'll go to the future
Marenge Ya Maarengey | New South Indian Dubbed Full Action Movie - Duration: 1:32:00.
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