Sausage, sausage, sausage | so that the child accurately remembers the correct spelling of words.
Hello, my name is Shamil Akhmadullin
and you're on the channel "School of fast reading and development of memory in children."
In this program we learn to learn, I I answer the video questions of parents,
excited about their children's future. And I have the first question from Alena from Kazan.
Hello, Shamil Tagirovich, my name is Alena, I am from the city of Kazan,
My daughter Nastya is studying in the 3rd grade and is constantly mistaken in vocabulary words.
Tell me, is there any way quickly fill in many vocabulary words. Thank you!
Let me remind our viewers what is
vocabulary words. Vocabulary words are words
the spelling of which is not regulated, is not regulated by any rules.
That is, children are told that their spelling must be remembered. For example, the word "sausage".
It needs to be written through "o". Usually, these vocabulary words in the initial
school quite a few dozens and usually in dictations and statements,
in the writings, the children are wrong precisely in these words. Unfortunately when working on
bugs standard in school this problem
do not eliminate. Why? Let's imagine how the work on the mistakes in school goes.
For example, the child also wrote the word "sausage" incorrectly, wrote through "a".
There was a dictation, the teacher gives out a notebook and says to the child: "Write the word
"work on the bugs" and rewrite this word several times. "And the child begins
rewrite 5, sometimes 10 times. What do you think what
the likelihood that the next time he is in dictation or setting, in
in the composition, it will be necessary to write this word, then what is the probability that the child will write correctly?
In fact, 50%, that is, either write correctly,
either will not write. Why? Because the correct spelling in the child's memory
not fixed. That is, every time a child wants
this word write he doesn't know how correctly and actually guesses.
In this video, I will tell you three ways how to make the child remember exactly
correct spelling of vocabulary words and accordingly every time a child
this word is dictated by essay will come across
he will remember 100% how to write it correctly.
I will tell you about the three methods of the lung. memorizing vocabulary words and we will
today practice on 3 vocabulary words that I chose. The first is the words "sausage",
the second word is "director" and the third word is "pea". The first method is
This is our picture method. Today we will practice on 3 vocabulary words:
This word "sausage", which I already spoke earlier, the words "peas" and the word "director".
So what is the picture method? Write these vocabulary words
and accordingly let's see how you can visually beat that letter,
which the child most often writes incorrectly. With sausage, everything is simple, the letter "o" is similar in our
a piece of sausage, so you can just finish it like a piece of sausage.
In peas, a pod of peas, and the word "director" can be added to a ridiculous face.
Director, I do not know a man at school Your child director or woman but
So I will draw something like this and that. The child simply draws letters and draws
them up to some obvious pictures and accordingly easily remembers
spelling of these words. The second method is called
mini story and fits this way better for guys who
well perceive information by ear. For example, with the word "sausage" think up
such a mini story. Olya eats sausage. Very good if the child has
friends Olya, some kind of your relative or classmate in the classroom and a child
you need to imagine how olya greedily devours a huge loaf of sausage.
With the director you can think of, for example, that the director plays football
and there is some funny picture, especially if the principal at the school is elderly
female volumetric size. Very funny and funny picture is obtained and very
easy to remember. Well, respectively, the letter "and"
checked by the word plays. Stayed with us in the mountains. We represent that your
baby's dad gets up bare feet on the pea and shouts: "Oh, it hurts!",
it will be the test word for the word "pea". Here is such a simple method very well
suitable for guys who are good remembers by ear. And this story that
the child must speak out loud the child will remember next time
when you need to write this dictionary word. And the third method is called "Crossword Method",
which is a little more laborious, it takes a little more time, but at the same time
it helps the child very well in writing vocabulary words. So what is the
Crossword method?
We write the word "sausage" and present it as such
crossword and we need some word at the intersection. Let us have it
the word "sun".
Accordingly, in the word "sun" we we can never write instead of "O" the letter "A",
that is, we have such a test word. And then two pictures: the sun and sausage.
We need to tie them up. That is, imagine that we have such a sun,
peering and seeing what is a sausage circle.
Here's a simple way, you can do the same, for example,
with the word "pea".
Well, for example, the test word will be "autumn", I do not particularly bother. I.e,
coming up with the first words come to my mind, and when memorizing
child need to do the same. You do not need to invent something special,
need to use those words that are first
come to the child's head. "City" and "Autumn" and imagine that September 1,
for example, this fall the child goes to school with pea place of flowers.
Let's get the last word "director"
and accordingly we need to check the words the letter "and".
Let's use the word "caviar" and imagine how
our beloved school principal eat red or black caviar
big wooden spoon. The next time a child needs to write this word,
he will have a picture in his head. For example, a director with caviar and he will remember this one
This is a mini crossword picture and accordingly writes the word correctly.
You can say that everything is very easy and simple when we have few vocabulary words:
2, 3, 5 and so on, and the child even second and third grade you need to remember
a lot of vocabulary words, a few dozen,
and even hundreds. I even, in my own time, prepared the manual and it is very good
for sale: "How to teach a child to write competently?", just in this guide I have these
I give methods. There, with the help of notebooks, simulators, children train the skill
learning correct spelling vocabulary words. So what do
when we have a lot of vocabulary words? Everything is done very simply. You need
will prepare here such small cards from thick paper, in order
so they are opaque. That is, the child looks at what is written
front and can not see what is written on the other hand. What is a card?
Cards, as I said, should be made of thick paper to
when a child looks at this card, he could not see what is written
on the other hand. On one face side we write a dictionary word
skipping the letter you need check.
Well, on the other side is written correct answer. By method
"picture" I drew peas, either "crossword", then we should crosswords
here to draw, or some small story, for example,
dad bare feet got on the pea and shouted "Oh." We get a huge stack
such cards, for example 50 cards. Further, how to learn them as quickly as possible
and repeat? Literally 3-4 passes enough for the child to remember these
vocabulary words once and for all. So, the child holds a stack of faces
of these cards and reads the first the word "pea". It says spelled "o"
and further checks. Yes, right, throws this card out of the pile,
the next word is "sausage", the child says for example "a"
need to write and flips. Understands that he was wrong, once again represents this
the image, this picture, before that the place of the letter "o" we have sausage and remembers a second or two
and inserts this card back into the pile. So the child is working out
repeats only those words in the spelling of which he
made a mistake, that is, such words will be out of 50 or 100 only 3-4 words. These 3-4 words he
repeats again and accordingly 100% remembers how to write them correctly.
This method is called "Method funnels ", that is, we do not repeat here,
do not waste time spelling those words, the correct spelling of which the child knows.
So we summarize. I told about three ways to help your
the child can easily memorize vocabulary words. Pick exactly the way that
it will be easiest to work with your a child. Alain, I hope my answer to your
video question will help your daughter Nastya easier to learn at school and easy to remember
spelling vocabulary words. And you, dear viewers, send your
video questions to our mail vopros @
and I, Shamil Akhmadullin, in my authoring program "Learning to learn"
I will answer them. Thank you for attention! Successes in studies! Bye Bye!
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