Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Youtube daily report Oct 3 2018

Come here! Okey!

oh you touch my tralala

indeed the cannon and jagdpanzer 105 is a German tier 8 premium tank destroyer

now you might ask isn't this tank already in the game the answer is yes

the old Cannon and jagdpanzer is almost the exact same machine but with a 90

millimeter gun and before you start crying in the comments wargaming are

being kind and let the owners of the old Cannon and jagdpanzer swap it for the

new one if they wish the cannon and jagdpanzer 105 will be on pre-sales from

the 3rd of October to the 9th of October meaning that only people with a premium

account will be able to purchase the machine at first the cannon and

jagdpanzer will be on open sales from the 10th of October to the 23rd of

October every player with the old version of the cannon and jagdpanzer has

the following options swap the old version for a new one for free ticket is

needed keep the old version and buy the standard version with a 50% discount

every player who has the old version will get the unique style for

kanonenjagdpanzer 105 for free during the swap players who don't have the old

version but want the new style need to purchase all timid or supreme bundle

obviously comparisons will be made with the old version of the cannon and

jagdpanzer the main difference between them is obviously the guns the

kanonenjagdpanzer 105 has the same gun as a leopard gets at tier 10 but with

low rate of fire while the standard kanonenjagdpanzer has a less powerful 90

millimeter gun the only advantage this gun has over the 105 is the damage per

minute with our setups the kanonenjagdpanzer 105 has about 2300

damage per minute while the standard version with the 90 millimeter gun has

2,700 that is quite a big difference also note that these machines with

different guns has the exact same ammo capacity of 51 rounds another small

difference between these tanks are their hit points the kanonenjagdpanzer 105 has

1,050 hit points while the old version 1,200 so at least this time you can't

say that the new premium tank is straight-up better than the old one we

also did a speed test along with some other German tank destroyers and the

kanonenjagdpanzer 105 along with the old version are the fastest even faster than

the legendary e 25 but we have to mention that the power-to-weight ratio

is not very good it might have the top speed but the overall mobility is

nothing special the cannon and jagdpanzer 105 has on paper slightly

lower power-to-weight ratio as it carries a heavier gun but this was

nothing we noticed during our testing they perform just the same the armor of

the cannon and jagdpanzer 105 is also extremely weak it has 30 millimeters in

the front and sides while the rear has 8 millimeters that is even lower than on

the e 25 the armor is also not as well angled as on the e 25 it's also a much

bigger target now the question is if you already have the old version of the

cannon and jagdpanzer should you swap it for the new one we would probably say

yes but that is obviously up to you as a player to decide now let's watch had

Vinny 20 ins watch play the cannon and jagdpanzer 105 let's go

let's do this I'm so happy watch because finally after

all these years I can actually train my german tank destroyer crews are so

privileged to be driving a tier 8 premium german tank destroyer look for

take no prisoners hey let's watch come on turn I'm your I'm your shield this

time Oh buddy what the foot head of Pershing I bounce this side what a great

introduction to this gun you know to two hundred and sixty eight millimeters of

penetration is obviously not enough let's see if we can snipe some tanks

litter strict slang in our hmm oh hello pro-gay w-what was it pre aim yes I must

have been spotted all time man I supported that ml on the bridge okay

wait I wasn't spotted what strong camo and ice oh there's a waffle no damn it

this is a Saigon

right coming nope what nope and I bounced an Apsara how

you doing man you're not very good at seeing things

yeah I didn't panic because balance

I'm extremely surprised their artillery hasn't fired once he helped me to fit us

like babies balanced oh nice a little spoiler waffle nope

dammit there we go nice hello scumbag get him arrest yes I'm gonna give the

base the cannon Jack Panzers carries the game by capping the Ross beer it's a

tier 10 games watch finally pretty accurate pieces in each team my

favorites here they come hello t44 hello Philip laughs and he stops oh so watch

you need to kill him he's gonna open you finally missed go

I'll get breaking of artillery make nice gonna is gonna go for it man quick night

everything and he gets me yeah us watch please don't learn

if rhe didn't you maybe going on you knows watch what it get what's this

game really needs more premium or th premium tanks if they repaired it as

soon as it died oh god I got 1,700 our system that t10 yes I put hello is just

let's just go yep hello we said goodbye I missed I mean

hello hello fifth bar oh it's you rip yeah yeah this thing

doesn't have a lot of health you can't really you know charge anything of

course you shall be scorpion oh god this thing dies like I don't even know it's

huge was a huge but it's big Easter hit and it doesn't have any health like at

all it's like a hamburger hamburger oh my god swatch this is unheard of wood

canola and jagdpanther 105 versus scorpion g JV Nani I bounced his gun

mantlet like where else would I hit him here we go ah there we go

yeah hello VK if I don't hit this I want a refund I don't I don't even think

ahead of that she'll went to the frickin moon how is he not supporting me thank

you straight through the gun mantlet I'm

probably gonna die but wait well Natick hold an assist mmm

yes hello the comics how are you doing man I'm gonna run you today god I almost

kill myself doing that but totally worth it though here we go man

Lotte chief it's too late too late it is too close the officiant but BMO shakes

when I was a kid I thought I said it's too late to call the guys Oh rips watch

you will forever be embarrassed scorpion don't shoot me I only have like

a few amounts of Hitler bugs you know of course you shoot me but why did you

shoot me shouldn't you tink come here penny of

your mother hey I'm pretty confident that one hit yep there he goes oh damn

am i blind shot obviously went in oh no sir oh yes he was like I'm just gonna

peak this Ridgeline Oh shrimp Oh t49 are you next fall come on reloading oh

there's the best World of Tanks gamer pool I mean I wonder if he's actually

like the bests full of Tanks gamer nope down why did I fire now he shows

himself oh god that is so painful reload noise come on oh yes it's like

almost came to a stop in the water and the sport Sport sport Sport sport cool

okay oh you sporty sport ml hello but there why did I fight peace we load that

gun there we go yeah let's watch I think we might need to go back in the fender

base mister what is tank does best camp Bush

go back go back independent bushes Lord Lord Illidan hoped these people are very

original in chat what I'm gonna do next to play Tetris yes oh now spot it I

think yeah Oh seriously oh I got spoiled ones there goes two-thirds of my uplift

that's even more huh yeah this tank just can't take getting spotted it's too big

I got him very nice I get in your ass

this time first object there is so there's two objects oh okay

oh yes that sort of scared me huh nope as in no I couldn't shoot him

swatch I know I know - I know you know I know that you know that I know that you

know I know nice nope

how did I want miss this gum is not very very reliable Oh nope I can't how does

that Miss nope bounced it because it doesn't you know

268 millimeters of penetration isn't enough

OOP help help Edwin no little second coming or I advanced oh-ho again yeah

I'm dead he's gonna get me no but I can't pen Don oh ho was an object which

is like ridiculous armor is like no problem

nice I'm surprised I won't hit considering did the oranjee of this gun

don't do no twice there's no I bounced him no Amex oh I actually did damage

come on a little more how about a larger quantity of damage being we actually hit

him no and I bounced this gun is amazing hello Conway an engaging game

redline sniping bad fat I just have to say that you're fine when you're not

really fine I actually bounced him this gun can go and get self the cannon and

Jenkins a 105 actually seems to be balanced we first thought that the gun

would be a bit too good for a tier 8 vehicle but as you might have noticed

during the video the gun seems to act a bit weird sometimes it might be down to

our bad luck and poor aiming but it could also be a balancing factor if you

have the old Cannon and jagdpanzer we think that it's probably worth the trade

due to the more powerful gun thank you for watching please tell us your

opinions of the machine will you get yourself one in the future let us know

in the comments we would also like to thank our patreon supporters

For more infomation >> A BIGGER GUN! - Duration: 14:41.


Japonské bitevní lodě (1897-1922) - Duration: 0:44.

For more infomation >> Japonské bitevní lodě (1897-1922) - Duration: 0:44.


Create Great Onboarding Experiences - Duration: 4:53.

Hello and welcome to this little video from eloomi on preboarding your new hires.

We're going to show you today a short and simple solution we've created

to get your team up and running as quickly as possible.

We all know that, the longer it takes to get someone started means they're not as productive as

soon as they can be. So let's take a quick look at how eloomi can get your

team up and running.

So now let's take a look at a program which eloomi created for our new hires.

We included six simple modules which included details about

who we are, our culture, how we work and what we do.

We wanted our new hires to hit the

ground running knowing who we are and how we do our work.

If you want to create a structured program, you simply need to add rules to your modules.

Once you've added a rule, you can decide how each of the modules should

be taken and how they interact.

For us, we wanted to create a free-flowing experience where

people could learn about us as they first found interesting.

So let's take a moment to deep dive into one of the modules.

Let's look at the module called "Meet the Teams."

To create a module with eloomi, it's just five quick, easy steps.

As you can see here we have a module name, we've added an image and then

we just need to add some steps.

In this module, we chose to use video to introduce our new hires

to our teams.

To add a video we simply added a title and uploaded the video.

But if you want to add other content under video, under add step you can see here

the different choices you have.

Remember, this is only limited to your creativity

and what information you want to convey before your new hires arrive.

Now we've created our program for a new hires so let's assign it to them so they can

complete the work before day one.

I'm gonna scroll down to the hat, click on it.

Then I'm going to choose "assign user" and from the list presented I'm either

going to choose their name or I can search in the search box.

Once you've found the users who need to take the pre-boarding course, simply click the

box next to their name and then choose "assign user".

Once you've done that, the users will receive an email telling them they

have a new program to take called "Preboarding with eloomi."

So our new hires have been assigned the program but let's check out how they've gone and

taken the modules.

We want to see what they've learned, what they've

understood and has the information we have provided

them set them up to succeed for their first day.

So under "manage" we're gonna check out our reports.

And from reports we're gonna look at the modules.

We're gonna take a look at our "Meet the team."

From this report we can see the

users, their progress, how much time they've spent taking the module and when

they completed it.

This sets us up to understand who is ready for day one,

but it also tells us where we might need to work with some of our new hires to make

sure they're ready to go.

Another reporting option we have is to see how

they've rated each module.

From the learning page and a list of our modules

we can see that they've been given a rating.

If you click on the rating it'll

actually show you the name of the user, the rating they gave and any comments.

With this information and the reports we saw before

we can assure that the information we're providing is up-to-date, relevant and useful to a new hire.

It means that we're always staying on the cutting edge to ensure our new hires

start well on day one and are super prepared to join the eloomi team.

As a part of our preboard and onboarding program at eloomi, we recently had our

new hires also complete a number of surveys.

We wanted to be confident they

understood our culture, our attitude, the way we work and who we are, but also it

means that we would get an insight if there's anything missing from our

program, we could tackle straight away on day one.

To see the results of a survey,

click on "survey results" and then choose the survey you want to know the

responses you've gotten.

Once you have those, you're armed with the information

you need to take things forward.

Once a user has been assigned a program,

they will receive a short email notification.

The notification tells them when the

program is going to end and what modules are included.

For them to get started,

they simply need to click start program.

From the dashboard of the

platform they can see what program they've been assigned. They can see the

modules which form the parts of the program and then they can simply start

as soon as they're ready.

What's next for our new hires? They're now going to take a three-week blended

program to make sure they've gotten all the knowledge they need to hit the

ground not only running but racing.

For more infomation >> Create Great Onboarding Experiences - Duration: 4:53.


Onboarding Faster & Smarter - Duration: 2:10.

The onboarding process is a blended learning process where we have all our

new employees gathered in small workshops.

Have them discuss and work with topics that the digital part already gave them some knowledge around

but we actually build up competences through the first two to three weeks.

It has been amazing week, I've been really charged with a great energy from the team.

It's not been too much it's not been too little it's been a good mixture of

content versus conversation.

There's been a lot of good sessions with people who like know their stuff and it's been really cool to

just kind of deep dive into the product and learn all the procedures. So it's been really good very informative.

We found out that the best way to learn actually new stuff is

to have the new knowledge in small portions.

I don't feel overwhelmed.

It's been a really good pace because I feel prepared when I got here and I already could compare it

to something because I've used and experienced the tool.

I mean it's intense but in a good way I mean it's really

good they've kind of fast track you and it's really nice. You kind of get to, you

get the knowledge but you also get hands-on experience.

The fun thing about this topic is that we actually on everyday basis, counseling and advising

our customer how they would build onboarding. And have that reaction I have

that proof of evidence it's just so cool.

I think I'm on the track of getting ready, there is definitely a lot more upcoming to learn.

It's day 4 for me here and I feel like I've been here a couple of weeks and feel far more prepared for

this role then I would say probably for any other role I've had before.

It's really important for us to help everybody get a great start for them to

actually become a success and and stay in their job.

A great start, is a great finish.

For more infomation >> Onboarding Faster & Smarter - Duration: 2:10.


The Impact of Great Preboarding - Duration: 1:40.

My name is Petia

Adam Murfet

I'm Shea

My name is Einar Gudnason and I'm a Sales Development Rep.

Yeah, I loved the preboarding that we had

it just really helped me understand the culture of the company, what's expected of me and it was really cool

to be able to come in here and it wasn't kinda blind

like I knew what I was walking into.

So Monday morning when people get in here the first day

it's important for us that they feel welcome, of course.

And they feel that we helped to help them succeed in their job as quick as possible.

They are actually already synchronised theres no really big surprises.

They know whats going to hit them, positively.

My point of view, I've never had a program so thorough.

I've never going through an experience of training like that so it was really good to start the right way.

Using our own platform enables us to take a full employee journey perspective

and that just makes the entire onboarding have much more impact.

Yeah, I think for us, we're going out there and talking

to people about the experience of eloomi and how more credible can you be than saying

that actually, "you know, I used this."

Learn about our strengths and weaknesses and working together towards common goals.

Good preboarding would probably be understanding the culture of the company.

They just went through that faster than we expected.

So that's a very positive thing to say about it as well, I think.

For more infomation >> The Impact of Great Preboarding - Duration: 1:40.


L'éléphant volant : Apprendre le Français avec sous-titres - Histoire pour enfants "" - Duration: 6:39.

The Flying Elephant

A Bhili folktale

A sugarcane farmer

once lived in a small village.

He worked very hard in his fields

and hoped to have a big harvest.

One morning,he saw

that a big chunk of his crop

was missing.

The next day,

another huge chunk of his crop was gone.

"I'll stay awake tonight

and see who's eating my sugarcane,"

the farmer thought to himself.

That night, he waited by the window,

watching his fields.

As the moon rose,

he saw a tiny speck

grow larger in the sky.

It was an elephant

flying right into his field!

The farmer watched in amazement

as it flew down

and started eating his sugarcane.

He tiptoed outside

and waited for the elephant to finish eating.

When the elephant began flying away,

the farmer grabbed its tail

in order to catch the elephant.

Soon he was flying

above his fields

into Indra's kingdom of Paradise.

Paradise was filled

with beautiful birds and flowers.

The ground was covered with silver grass

and precious stones.

The farmer soon found the royal palace

and met Indra.

"Your elephant has been flying down

and eating all my sugarcane.

My harvest is ruined," said the farmer.

"I am very sorry.

Please take

whatever you want

from my kingdom.

I'll make sure

he doesn't go down again

and damage your crops," said Indra

and blessed the man

with a safe journey back home.

The farmer took two handfuls of gems

and returned home.

He built himself a new house

and became a very rich man.

Soon the whole village was curious

about his sudden wealth.

One day, some villagers

went to visit the farmer's wife.

"Where did you get all this money?

Did you find

buried treasure in your fields?" they asked.

The farmer's wife told them

what had happened.

That evening the villagers

decided to lure the elephant down themselves.

"When we get to Paradise,

we'll take more than

just two handfuls of gems!"

they said.

They planted a field of sugarcane

and sure enough,

the elephant flew down one night.

One villager grabbed its tail

and soon there was a chain of villagers

flying behind the elephant.

As they flew up,

they began talking about

what they would bring back.

Finally, it was the turn of the villager

holding the elephant's tail.

"I'm going to carry back this many gems!"

he declared in excitement.

He stretched his arms wide

and let go of the elephant's tail.

The villagers

all fell in a heap

on the ground.

They watched sadly

as the elephant disappeared into the sky.

"Don't worry.

The elephant will come back tomorrow,"

said the villagers.

But Indra, hearing of the villagers' trick,

arranged for a sugarcane field

to be planted in Paradise.

The elephant

never felt the need

to fly down again.

The villagers waited

for many nights,

watching the sky.

But the elephant

never came back down again.

For more infomation >> L'éléphant volant : Apprendre le Français avec sous-titres - Histoire pour enfants "" - Duration: 6:39.


時隔八年林心如佘詩曼再次同台,佘詩曼顏值在線,而林心如變老了! - Duration: 12:15.

For more infomation >> 時隔八年林心如佘詩曼再次同台,佘詩曼顏值在線,而林心如變老了! - Duration: 12:15.


Lyzín a všetko, čo o ňom musíte vedieť | GymBeam | Ján Král - Duration: 7:05.

For more infomation >> Lyzín a všetko, čo o ňom musíte vedieť | GymBeam | Ján Král - Duration: 7:05.


Gopal Bhar | গোপাল ভাঁড় | Bheem Akadoshi | Bangla Cartoon Video - Duration: 6:11.

Today's story is 'Bheem Ekadashi' (The day of fasting).

Gopal, do you observe the ritual of ekadashi?

Yes. I started observing it after my father's demise.

I still observe the ritual.

The only difference is that earlier I used to follow a custom...

...but now I observe the rituals to feast on delicacies of fast.

Batasi, go and wash the lentils quickly.

Okay, madam.

Wife, where are you? Have you finished cooking?

I'm very hungry.

I'm almost done.

Go and take bath, I'll finish cooking in the mean time.

That's a good idea.

Well Batasi...

...I noticed that your master feasted on...

...deep fried bread, variety of sweets and other delicacies.

What's the matter, Batasi?

Don't you know? Today is ekadashi.

Master observes a fast today.


That's great.

I'll also observe the ritual of ekdashi from now...

...and enjoy the delicacies with him.

(15 days later on next Ekadashi)

Nakul! Nakul! Come and have your meal.

Madam, here I am, give my plate.

Come on, eat this. - What's the matter, Nakul?

Why are you eating all this?

He's observing ekadashi just like you.

Good. That's good. This is great.

Everybody must observe ekadashi.

It benefits your body as well as your mind.

Ekadashi purifies your soul.

You're observing ekdashi so that you can feast on delicacies.

Wait... I'll teach you a lesson.

Eat... eat to your heart's content.

Wife, give him more bread. - Yes, I'll give him.

(15 days later on next Ekadashi)

Batasi, when will you knead the dough?

I'm very hungry.

I won't knead dough today.

You won't get to feast on delicacies. - Why?

I heard that there's some problem in today's date so...

What? What problem?

I must go and ask sir.

Sir, I want to ask something. - Yes, ask me.

You feast on delicacies on every ekadashi.

But, you didn't eat anything today.

Today is not an ordinary ekdashi. Today is Bheem Ekadashi.

A strict fast is observed on this day.

You're not supposed to drink even drop of water.

What? No! No!

Why did I decide to observe the ritual of ekadashi.

I swear that I won't repeat this mistake...

...and ever observe ekadashi.

The fellow has learnt a good lesson today.

He'll never observe ekadashi to enjoy the delicacies.

"Who fools whom?"

"Who cheats whom?"

"Who's honest and who's dishonest?"

"Who is real and who is fake?"

"Gopal Bhar will tell us."

"Gopal Bhar will tell us."

"Gopal Bhar will come."

"Gopal Bhar will tell us."

"A little bitter and a little sweet."

"Truth is a mixture of both."

"With varied emotions he brings us the gift of laughter."

"Gopal Bhar is here."

"Gopal Bhar is here."

"The Gopal Bhar."

"Gopal Bhar will tell us."

"The characters here are very strange."

"Witness their activities."

"The characters..."

"You listen with your ears closed."

"You think with your mouth shut."

"You see with your eyes closed."

"Gopal Bhar will come here."

"Gopal Bhar will tell us."

"Gopal Bhar will see everything."

"Yes, Gopal Bhar."

"Gopal Bhar will tell us."

"Gopal Bhar is here."

"Gopal Bhar will tell us."

"Gopal Bhar is here."

Subscribe to

For more infomation >> Gopal Bhar | গোপাল ভাঁড় | Bheem Akadoshi | Bangla Cartoon Video - Duration: 6:11.


Terassilämmitin sähkö vai kaasu - Duration: 2:49.

For more infomation >> Terassilämmitin sähkö vai kaasu - Duration: 2:49.


Bitevní lodě císařského Japonska (1897-1922) - Duration: 7:50.

For more infomation >> Bitevní lodě císařského Japonska (1897-1922) - Duration: 7:50.


Renault Master 2.5 D 2-PAARDS PAARDENAUTO - Duration: 0:56.

For more infomation >> Renault Master 2.5 D 2-PAARDS PAARDENAUTO - Duration: 0:56.


Renault Master 2.5 D 2-Paards Paardenauto - Duration: 1:11.

For more infomation >> Renault Master 2.5 D 2-Paards Paardenauto - Duration: 1:11.


Iveco Daily 35C15 150 pk Bakwagen met D'Hollandia Laadklep en zijdeur Airco, Radio/CD - Duration: 1:04.

For more infomation >> Iveco Daily 35C15 150 pk Bakwagen met D'Hollandia Laadklep en zijdeur Airco, Radio/CD - Duration: 1:04.


Renault Master 3.0D 2-Paards Paardenauto Dubb.Cab. Incl. b.t.w. - Duration: 1:11.

For more infomation >> Renault Master 3.0D 2-Paards Paardenauto Dubb.Cab. Incl. b.t.w. - Duration: 1:11.


A BIGGER GUN! - Duration: 14:41.

Come here! Okey!

oh you touch my tralala

indeed the cannon and jagdpanzer 105 is a German tier 8 premium tank destroyer

now you might ask isn't this tank already in the game the answer is yes

the old Cannon and jagdpanzer is almost the exact same machine but with a 90

millimeter gun and before you start crying in the comments wargaming are

being kind and let the owners of the old Cannon and jagdpanzer swap it for the

new one if they wish the cannon and jagdpanzer 105 will be on pre-sales from

the 3rd of October to the 9th of October meaning that only people with a premium

account will be able to purchase the machine at first the cannon and

jagdpanzer will be on open sales from the 10th of October to the 23rd of

October every player with the old version of the cannon and jagdpanzer has

the following options swap the old version for a new one for free ticket is

needed keep the old version and buy the standard version with a 50% discount

every player who has the old version will get the unique style for

kanonenjagdpanzer 105 for free during the swap players who don't have the old

version but want the new style need to purchase all timid or supreme bundle

obviously comparisons will be made with the old version of the cannon and

jagdpanzer the main difference between them is obviously the guns the

kanonenjagdpanzer 105 has the same gun as a leopard gets at tier 10 but with

low rate of fire while the standard kanonenjagdpanzer has a less powerful 90

millimeter gun the only advantage this gun has over the 105 is the damage per

minute with our setups the kanonenjagdpanzer 105 has about 2300

damage per minute while the standard version with the 90 millimeter gun has

2,700 that is quite a big difference also note that these machines with

different guns has the exact same ammo capacity of 51 rounds another small

difference between these tanks are their hit points the kanonenjagdpanzer 105 has

1,050 hit points while the old version 1,200 so at least this time you can't

say that the new premium tank is straight-up better than the old one we

also did a speed test along with some other German tank destroyers and the

kanonenjagdpanzer 105 along with the old version are the fastest even faster than

the legendary e 25 but we have to mention that the power-to-weight ratio

is not very good it might have the top speed but the overall mobility is

nothing special the cannon and jagdpanzer 105 has on paper slightly

lower power-to-weight ratio as it carries a heavier gun but this was

nothing we noticed during our testing they perform just the same the armor of

the cannon and jagdpanzer 105 is also extremely weak it has 30 millimeters in

the front and sides while the rear has 8 millimeters that is even lower than on

the e 25 the armor is also not as well angled as on the e 25 it's also a much

bigger target now the question is if you already have the old version of the

cannon and jagdpanzer should you swap it for the new one we would probably say

yes but that is obviously up to you as a player to decide now let's watch had

Vinny 20 ins watch play the cannon and jagdpanzer 105 let's go

let's do this I'm so happy watch because finally after

all these years I can actually train my german tank destroyer crews are so

privileged to be driving a tier 8 premium german tank destroyer look for

take no prisoners hey let's watch come on turn I'm your I'm your shield this

time Oh buddy what the foot head of Pershing I bounce this side what a great

introduction to this gun you know to two hundred and sixty eight millimeters of

penetration is obviously not enough let's see if we can snipe some tanks

litter strict slang in our hmm oh hello pro-gay w-what was it pre aim yes I must

have been spotted all time man I supported that ml on the bridge okay

wait I wasn't spotted what strong camo and ice oh there's a waffle no damn it

this is a Saigon

right coming nope what nope and I bounced an Apsara how

you doing man you're not very good at seeing things

yeah I didn't panic because balance

I'm extremely surprised their artillery hasn't fired once he helped me to fit us

like babies balanced oh nice a little spoiler waffle nope

dammit there we go nice hello scumbag get him arrest yes I'm gonna give the

base the cannon Jack Panzers carries the game by capping the Ross beer it's a

tier 10 games watch finally pretty accurate pieces in each team my

favorites here they come hello t44 hello Philip laughs and he stops oh so watch

you need to kill him he's gonna open you finally missed go

I'll get breaking of artillery make nice gonna is gonna go for it man quick night

everything and he gets me yeah us watch please don't learn

if rhe didn't you maybe going on you knows watch what it get what's this

game really needs more premium or th premium tanks if they repaired it as

soon as it died oh god I got 1,700 our system that t10 yes I put hello is just

let's just go yep hello we said goodbye I missed I mean

hello hello fifth bar oh it's you rip yeah yeah this thing

doesn't have a lot of health you can't really you know charge anything of

course you shall be scorpion oh god this thing dies like I don't even know it's

huge was a huge but it's big Easter hit and it doesn't have any health like at

all it's like a hamburger hamburger oh my god swatch this is unheard of wood

canola and jagdpanther 105 versus scorpion g JV Nani I bounced his gun

mantlet like where else would I hit him here we go ah there we go

yeah hello VK if I don't hit this I want a refund I don't I don't even think

ahead of that she'll went to the frickin moon how is he not supporting me thank

you straight through the gun mantlet I'm

probably gonna die but wait well Natick hold an assist mmm

yes hello the comics how are you doing man I'm gonna run you today god I almost

kill myself doing that but totally worth it though here we go man

Lotte chief it's too late too late it is too close the officiant but BMO shakes

when I was a kid I thought I said it's too late to call the guys Oh rips watch

you will forever be embarrassed scorpion don't shoot me I only have like

a few amounts of Hitler bugs you know of course you shoot me but why did you

shoot me shouldn't you tink come here penny of

your mother hey I'm pretty confident that one hit yep there he goes oh damn

am i blind shot obviously went in oh no sir oh yes he was like I'm just gonna

peak this Ridgeline Oh shrimp Oh t49 are you next fall come on reloading oh

there's the best World of Tanks gamer pool I mean I wonder if he's actually

like the bests full of Tanks gamer nope down why did I fire now he shows

himself oh god that is so painful reload noise come on oh yes it's like

almost came to a stop in the water and the sport Sport sport Sport sport cool

okay oh you sporty sport ml hello but there why did I fight peace we load that

gun there we go yeah let's watch I think we might need to go back in the fender

base mister what is tank does best camp Bush

go back go back independent bushes Lord Lord Illidan hoped these people are very

original in chat what I'm gonna do next to play Tetris yes oh now spot it I

think yeah Oh seriously oh I got spoiled ones there goes two-thirds of my uplift

that's even more huh yeah this tank just can't take getting spotted it's too big

I got him very nice I get in your ass

this time first object there is so there's two objects oh okay

oh yes that sort of scared me huh nope as in no I couldn't shoot him

swatch I know I know - I know you know I know that you know that I know that you

know I know nice nope

how did I want miss this gum is not very very reliable Oh nope I can't how does

that Miss nope bounced it because it doesn't you know

268 millimeters of penetration isn't enough

OOP help help Edwin no little second coming or I advanced oh-ho again yeah

I'm dead he's gonna get me no but I can't pen Don oh ho was an object which

is like ridiculous armor is like no problem

nice I'm surprised I won't hit considering did the oranjee of this gun

don't do no twice there's no I bounced him no Amex oh I actually did damage

come on a little more how about a larger quantity of damage being we actually hit

him no and I bounced this gun is amazing hello Conway an engaging game

redline sniping bad fat I just have to say that you're fine when you're not

really fine I actually bounced him this gun can go and get self the cannon and

Jenkins a 105 actually seems to be balanced we first thought that the gun

would be a bit too good for a tier 8 vehicle but as you might have noticed

during the video the gun seems to act a bit weird sometimes it might be down to

our bad luck and poor aiming but it could also be a balancing factor if you

have the old Cannon and jagdpanzer we think that it's probably worth the trade

due to the more powerful gun thank you for watching please tell us your

opinions of the machine will you get yourself one in the future let us know

in the comments we would also like to thank our patreon supporters

For more infomation >> A BIGGER GUN! - Duration: 14:41.


1st Shift 3 October Railway Group D Exam,RRB Group D Exam 3 October,Railway Paper,Railway Exam - Duration: 6:03.

For more infomation >> 1st Shift 3 October Railway Group D Exam,RRB Group D Exam 3 October,Railway Paper,Railway Exam - Duration: 6:03.


L'éléphant volant : Apprendre le Français avec sous-titres - Histoire pour enfants "" - Duration: 6:39.

The Flying Elephant

A Bhili folktale

A sugarcane farmer

once lived in a small village.

He worked very hard in his fields

and hoped to have a big harvest.

One morning,he saw

that a big chunk of his crop

was missing.

The next day,

another huge chunk of his crop was gone.

"I'll stay awake tonight

and see who's eating my sugarcane,"

the farmer thought to himself.

That night, he waited by the window,

watching his fields.

As the moon rose,

he saw a tiny speck

grow larger in the sky.

It was an elephant

flying right into his field!

The farmer watched in amazement

as it flew down

and started eating his sugarcane.

He tiptoed outside

and waited for the elephant to finish eating.

When the elephant began flying away,

the farmer grabbed its tail

in order to catch the elephant.

Soon he was flying

above his fields

into Indra's kingdom of Paradise.

Paradise was filled

with beautiful birds and flowers.

The ground was covered with silver grass

and precious stones.

The farmer soon found the royal palace

and met Indra.

"Your elephant has been flying down

and eating all my sugarcane.

My harvest is ruined," said the farmer.

"I am very sorry.

Please take

whatever you want

from my kingdom.

I'll make sure

he doesn't go down again

and damage your crops," said Indra

and blessed the man

with a safe journey back home.

The farmer took two handfuls of gems

and returned home.

He built himself a new house

and became a very rich man.

Soon the whole village was curious

about his sudden wealth.

One day, some villagers

went to visit the farmer's wife.

"Where did you get all this money?

Did you find

buried treasure in your fields?" they asked.

The farmer's wife told them

what had happened.

That evening the villagers

decided to lure the elephant down themselves.

"When we get to Paradise,

we'll take more than

just two handfuls of gems!"

they said.

They planted a field of sugarcane

and sure enough,

the elephant flew down one night.

One villager grabbed its tail

and soon there was a chain of villagers

flying behind the elephant.

As they flew up,

they began talking about

what they would bring back.

Finally, it was the turn of the villager

holding the elephant's tail.

"I'm going to carry back this many gems!"

he declared in excitement.

He stretched his arms wide

and let go of the elephant's tail.

The villagers

all fell in a heap

on the ground.

They watched sadly

as the elephant disappeared into the sky.

"Don't worry.

The elephant will come back tomorrow,"

said the villagers.

But Indra, hearing of the villagers' trick,

arranged for a sugarcane field

to be planted in Paradise.

The elephant

never felt the need

to fly down again.

The villagers waited

for many nights,

watching the sky.

But the elephant

never came back down again.

For more infomation >> L'éléphant volant : Apprendre le Français avec sous-titres - Histoire pour enfants "" - Duration: 6:39.


Princess Diana's heartbreaking moment she discovered Prince Charles' affair with Camilla - Duration: 3:12.

 Prince William and Prince Harry's late mother told how she made the painful discovery her husband was being unfaithful just weeks before her Royal Wedding

 Princess Diana told royal biographer, Andrew Morton, how she discovered a parcel in the office of one of Charles' employees, which she opened

 In it she discovered a bracelet engraved with with the letters G and F, which stood for Gladys and Fred - Prince Charles and Camilla's nicknames for each other

 Speaking in 1997 - 16 years after the discovery - Princess Diana described her "rage"

  She said: "I was still too immature to understand all the messages coming my way

 "And then someone in his office told me that my husband has had a bracelet made for her

 "I walked into this man's office one day and I said, 'Ooh, what's in that parcel?' And he said 'Oh, you shouldn't look at that'

 "So I opened it and there was the bracelet. I was devastated, and I said 'Well, he's going to give it to her tonight'

   "So rage, rage, rage. You know, 'Why can't you be honest with me?' But no, absolutely cut me dead

 "It was as if he'd made his decision and if it wasn't going to work, it wasn't going to work

" Princess Diana, who died in a car crash in Paris in 1997, would go on to marry Prince Charles in a spectacular Royal Wedding at St Paul's Cathedral in July 1981, and the pair had two sons, Princes William and Harry

 The pair divorced in 1996.  While Charles and Camilla met when they were young, they both married other people - Camilla married Andrew Parker-Bowles, a retired military officer, but the pair divorced in 2005

 After Diana's death, the couple brought their relationship out in the open, with Camilla attending a hunt with Charles and his two sons

 The pair were first photographed together as a couple in January 1999 as they left the Ritz Hotel after celebrating a party for Camilla's sister, Annabel

 Charles, 69, finally married Camilla, 70, in 2005, in a low key ceremony at Windsor Guildhall and Camilla was given an engagement ring that once belonged to his grandmother, Queen Elizabeth The Queen Mother

 The Queen and Prince Philip, as well as Camilla's parents, did not attend the wedding, supposedly because the couple had both previously been married

For more infomation >> Princess Diana's heartbreaking moment she discovered Prince Charles' affair with Camilla - Duration: 3:12.


Всё об ИМПЕРСКОМ СПЕЦНАЗЕ "ШТОРМ". - Duration: 11:52.

For more infomation >> Всё об ИМПЕРСКОМ СПЕЦНАЗЕ "ШТОРМ". - Duration: 11:52.


Etre en phase avec soi même : Alex Maffre nous raconte son parcours. - Duration: 15:00.

For more infomation >> Etre en phase avec soi même : Alex Maffre nous raconte son parcours. - Duration: 15:00.


HOW TO DRAW THE CREATURE FROM THE BLACK LAGOON | Halloween Cartoon Drawing | BLABLA ART - Duration: 10:47.

How to draw The Creature From The Black Lagoon

Don't miss any Blabla Art episode

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For more infomation >> HOW TO DRAW THE CREATURE FROM THE BLACK LAGOON | Halloween Cartoon Drawing | BLABLA ART - Duration: 10:47.


Princess Diana's heartbreaking moment she discovered Prince Charles' affair with Camilla - Duration: 3:12.

 Prince William and Prince Harry's late mother told how she made the painful discovery her husband was being unfaithful just weeks before her Royal Wedding

 Princess Diana told royal biographer, Andrew Morton, how she discovered a parcel in the office of one of Charles' employees, which she opened

 In it she discovered a bracelet engraved with with the letters G and F, which stood for Gladys and Fred - Prince Charles and Camilla's nicknames for each other

 Speaking in 1997 - 16 years after the discovery - Princess Diana described her "rage"

  She said: "I was still too immature to understand all the messages coming my way

 "And then someone in his office told me that my husband has had a bracelet made for her

 "I walked into this man's office one day and I said, 'Ooh, what's in that parcel?' And he said 'Oh, you shouldn't look at that'

 "So I opened it and there was the bracelet. I was devastated, and I said 'Well, he's going to give it to her tonight'

   "So rage, rage, rage. You know, 'Why can't you be honest with me?' But no, absolutely cut me dead

 "It was as if he'd made his decision and if it wasn't going to work, it wasn't going to work

" Princess Diana, who died in a car crash in Paris in 1997, would go on to marry Prince Charles in a spectacular Royal Wedding at St Paul's Cathedral in July 1981, and the pair had two sons, Princes William and Harry

 The pair divorced in 1996.  While Charles and Camilla met when they were young, they both married other people - Camilla married Andrew Parker-Bowles, a retired military officer, but the pair divorced in 2005

 After Diana's death, the couple brought their relationship out in the open, with Camilla attending a hunt with Charles and his two sons

 The pair were first photographed together as a couple in January 1999 as they left the Ritz Hotel after celebrating a party for Camilla's sister, Annabel

 Charles, 69, finally married Camilla, 70, in 2005, in a low key ceremony at Windsor Guildhall and Camilla was given an engagement ring that once belonged to his grandmother, Queen Elizabeth The Queen Mother

 The Queen and Prince Philip, as well as Camilla's parents, did not attend the wedding, supposedly because the couple had both previously been married

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