Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Youtube daily report Oct 3 2018

- One of the most common reasons for engine failure in modified cars is due

to oil starvation.

When we have oil starvation this results in a lack of lubricating oil reaching the

engine bearings and when this happens the engine bearings can contact

the crankshaft journal.

This can quickly result in failure of the components.

The most common lubrication system in a factory engine is what's referred

to as a wet sump system.

This involves an actual sump which contains the oil which is bolted

to the underside of the engine block.

A pickup located inside the sump draws oil into the oil pump and here the oil

is then distributed around the engine.

The wet sump lubrication system may work fine for a factory car which

is unlikely to produce much in the way of cornering force, accelerating force

or braking force, but once we start modifying that car, fitting stickier tyres

and improved suspension, things can change.

With a modified car it's not uncommon to be able to pull in excess of one

to 1.2 G in cornering.

And when this happens under sustained cornering, the oil in the sump will tend

to flow away from the pickup.

If this happens, the pickup will pull in air rather than oil and this is where that

oil starvation issue occurs.

While there are a variety of ways of addressing these problems,

one of the most reliable and robust is to do away with the factory

oiling system and go to what is referred to as a dry sump lubrication system.

The dry sump system stores the engine oil in a remote reservoir.

That reservoir can hold more oil than the factory sump normally holds

and the design or shape of the reservoir also means that regardless of the

cornering, accelerating, or braking forces being experienced, there's always

a constant supply of oil at the base of the reservoir where it's picked

up by the oil pump.

In terms of the oil pump, this is another area that the dry sump system differs.

Instead of a built in oil pump contained inside the engine,

a dry sump system uses an external oil pump which is driven by a pulley

on the front of the crankshaft.

The pump is actually a multi stage unit which consists of a pressure stage

which draws the oil from the remote reservoir and then pumps it

through the engine, as well as several scavenge stages.

These scavenge stages are used to draw the oil as well as blow by gases out of

the crank case and then return them into the remote reservoir.

The advantages of a dry sump system when correctly set up include reliability,

which we've already discussed, but on top of that, there can also be

a small but measurable power improvement.

This is because the scavenge stages will extract the blow by gases from the

crank case and this can help reduce windage losses which occur when the

crankshaft journals contact the oil vapour as it tries to spin inside the crankshaft.

While fitting a dry sump system is a costly exercise, if you want ultimate

piece of mind and reliability in a circuit or hill climb application,

it is the ultimate.

It's also only going to take a couple of damaged engines to quickly make that

dry sump system seem really cost effective.

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And if you like free stuff, we've got a great deal for you.

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You'll learn about performance engine building and EFI tuning,

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For more infomation >> The MOST Common Reason For Engine Failure? | [TECH NUGGET] - Duration: 3:42.


Audi A3 Limousine 1.0 TFSI 116pk Lease Edition - Duration: 1:14.

For more infomation >> Audi A3 Limousine 1.0 TFSI 116pk Lease Edition - Duration: 1:14.


Audi Q2 1.6 TDI 116pk Design - Duration: 1:12.

For more infomation >> Audi Q2 1.6 TDI 116pk Design - Duration: 1:12.


How to Make Better Decisions|HFE♪ - Duration: 8:12.

How to Make Better Decisions

To make better decisions, it's necessary to review your thoughts and organize your priorities realistically.

Every day, you have to make thousands of decisions, from trivial things to important matters.

In life, everything involves choices.

However, not all people have the clarity that is necessary to make better decisions.

Tips for Making Better Decisions.

It doesn't matter if you're an entrepreneur or work as an employee, if you're single or have two children, if you live with your parents or with your partner, you have to make decisions continuously.

Many people have a hard time doing this.

Perhaps it's because they're used to others making decisions for them or because they aren't in the mood.

In any case, pay attention to these tips that could help you make better choices:.

Don't Be Afraid of the Consequences.

Whether you have to choose a new car, where to live or who to marry, everything has its pros and cons.

Every decision implicates a prediction; in other words, what you will gain and what you will lose.

We almost always choose the option that we think will make us the happiest.

However, this isn't how it goes in all cases.

Identify the Purpose.

When you're facing a situation that requires an important decision, you should always keep in mind what your objective is and how your choice will lead you in that direction.

Your goal should also be present in the process.

Make Yourself Responsible.

Another motive as to why you may not make good decisions is because you feel cornered with the decision you've made (or about to make).

Being responsible for your actions includes knowing how to act if something goes wrong, as well as being happy if it goes right.

The commitment you have with your actions is fundamental.

If you've realized that you haven't made a decision, you should no that it isn't worth it to blame yourself. The next step is to solve the problem and then learn from your mistakes.

Follow Your Intuition.

You may think that in order to make better decisions, you need to analyze everything for days or weeks.

However, you don't always have this much time available to you and need to act as fast as possible.

 This doesn't mean that you're making a mistake, but rather you'll learn to leave the choice up to your intuition.

Examine the Options.

This isn't the opposite of following your intuition, but rather a nice addition.

When you're faced with a problem or situation, it's normal to analyze it from your point of view or perspective.

Why not take a look at it as if you were another person or in a different position?.

Perhaps this could help you consider other options and make the process simpler.

Critical thinking can sometimes block the mechanics of our choices.

Consider Your Feelings.

To make better decisions, it's not all about being rational.

You should also leave space for your feelings.

In many cases, emotions can play a distracting role, but they can also be helpful when you don't know which path to take.

In addition, when you're angry, anxious, or stressed, you're more likely to make the wrong decisions.

This is because these emotions cloud your judgment. Anger can make you impulsive and risky.

Ask for Help when Necessary.

There's a very big difference between depending on others to make decisions for you and asking for help when you don't know what the best decision is.

In the former, you aren't responsible for yourself and don't think of a solution for your own problem.

 In the latter, you work as a team and use your brain to think of new options.

Process of Elimination.

If you have 20 shades of a color available to you to paint your child's room, you might spend a week thinking about which one is best.

When you have less choices, it's much easier to decide.

More options means your brain has to work more, and you lose more time.

It's more likely that you won't make the best decision.

Therefore, reduce the amount of options before deciding.

For more infomation >> How to Make Better Decisions|HFE♪ - Duration: 8:12.


How to Make Better Decisions|HFE♪ - Duration: 8:12.

How to Make Better Decisions

To make better decisions, it's necessary to review your thoughts and organize your priorities realistically.

Every day, you have to make thousands of decisions, from trivial things to important matters.

In life, everything involves choices.

However, not all people have the clarity that is necessary to make better decisions.

Tips for Making Better Decisions.

It doesn't matter if you're an entrepreneur or work as an employee, if you're single or have two children, if you live with your parents or with your partner, you have to make decisions continuously.

Many people have a hard time doing this.

Perhaps it's because they're used to others making decisions for them or because they aren't in the mood.

In any case, pay attention to these tips that could help you make better choices:.

Don't Be Afraid of the Consequences.

Whether you have to choose a new car, where to live or who to marry, everything has its pros and cons.

Every decision implicates a prediction; in other words, what you will gain and what you will lose.

We almost always choose the option that we think will make us the happiest.

However, this isn't how it goes in all cases.

Identify the Purpose.

When you're facing a situation that requires an important decision, you should always keep in mind what your objective is and how your choice will lead you in that direction.

Your goal should also be present in the process.

Make Yourself Responsible.

Another motive as to why you may not make good decisions is because you feel cornered with the decision you've made (or about to make).

Being responsible for your actions includes knowing how to act if something goes wrong, as well as being happy if it goes right.

The commitment you have with your actions is fundamental.

If you've realized that you haven't made a decision, you should no that it isn't worth it to blame yourself. The next step is to solve the problem and then learn from your mistakes.

Follow Your Intuition.

You may think that in order to make better decisions, you need to analyze everything for days or weeks.

However, you don't always have this much time available to you and need to act as fast as possible.

 This doesn't mean that you're making a mistake, but rather you'll learn to leave the choice up to your intuition.

Examine the Options.

This isn't the opposite of following your intuition, but rather a nice addition.

When you're faced with a problem or situation, it's normal to analyze it from your point of view or perspective.

Why not take a look at it as if you were another person or in a different position?.

Perhaps this could help you consider other options and make the process simpler.

Critical thinking can sometimes block the mechanics of our choices.

Consider Your Feelings.

To make better decisions, it's not all about being rational.

You should also leave space for your feelings.

In many cases, emotions can play a distracting role, but they can also be helpful when you don't know which path to take.

In addition, when you're angry, anxious, or stressed, you're more likely to make the wrong decisions.

This is because these emotions cloud your judgment. Anger can make you impulsive and risky.

Ask for Help when Necessary.

There's a very big difference between depending on others to make decisions for you and asking for help when you don't know what the best decision is.

In the former, you aren't responsible for yourself and don't think of a solution for your own problem.

 In the latter, you work as a team and use your brain to think of new options.

Process of Elimination.

If you have 20 shades of a color available to you to paint your child's room, you might spend a week thinking about which one is best.

When you have less choices, it's much easier to decide.

More options means your brain has to work more, and you lose more time.

It's more likely that you won't make the best decision.

Therefore, reduce the amount of options before deciding.

For more infomation >> How to Make Better Decisions|HFE♪ - Duration: 8:12.


5 Wonderful Benefits of Lemon Juice for Our Body|HFE♪ - Duration: 7:39.

5 Wonderful Benefits of Lemon Juice for Our Body

In today's post, we'll also show you how to choose the right lemons to get the most out of their properties.

When it comes to health, lemons are one of the most recommended fruits because they boast benefits and help you feel great.

 Many restaurants serve water with a lemon and some doctors advise their patients to have a glass in the mornings.

In today's post, we'll explain the benefits of lemon juice and how it can work for your health.

What are lemons and why should you be consuming them? As everyone knows, lemons are part of the citrus family.

The lemon tree originates from Asia and spread to Europe and the Americas after the explorers took off around the 17th century.

Fortunately, lemon trees bear fruit all year round, which means that you can access them easily at any market.

Lemons contain high amounts of vitamin C, B complex vitamins, calcium, copper, iron, magnesium, potassium and fiber. These all help your body stay healthy and process other foods more efficiently.

Though you might not believe it, every lemon contains more potassium than apples or grapes.

Potassium helps regulate the body and prevents cardiac diseases.

Benefits of lemon juice for your body Lemons contain an immense amount of vitamins and minerals that'll make your body stronger and healthier.

Below, we'll show you some of the benefits that this fruit can offer.

They're a wonderful source of vitamin C Citrus fruits are full of vitamin C, which is an important antioxidant. Vitamin C helps protect your body's cells from premature aging.

In addition, the vitamin reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases and common colds, such as the flu.

They improve your skin Vitamin C, and other vitamins, help reduce wrinkles and spots that result from sun exposure. Citric juice helps the body absorb more water, which is why you'll notice that your skin is more hydrated.

They help with weight loss You can add certain foods to your meals that'll help shed inches. The antioxidants found in lemons help your body metabolize fats faster. That'll help bring your weight down.

They improve digestion Many people drink lemon juice as a laxative or as a preventative measure for constipation. Lemons help regulate your digestion, thus making your body function better as a whole.

They give you fresh breath If you eat lemons after each meal, they'll help keep your breath fresh and subtle. Lemons remove any kind of odor lingering in your mouth after meals. This is especially true in the cases of heavily spiced dishes.

Choosing lemons You might already know how hard it can be sometimes to find a juicy lemon that can offer you all the benefits that you want.

Below, we'll leave you some tips on how to choose the right lemons: Pick heavy lemons.

The heavier lemons contain more minerals and sugar, which means that lemons with a rougher skin are lighter (because they contain less juice) and have less minerals and flavor.

Looks for small ripples.

Examine the skin before buying lemons. Lemons with smooth skin studded with small ripples are juicier.

Check the color.

Yellow lemons tend to be sweeter while other citric fruits, such as green limes, usually are more sour.

How to consume lemons: Fast recipes! There are many different ways to enjoy the benefits that lemon juice boasts for your body.

The properties of lemons barely change in every recipe, which means that the vitamins and minerals in each recipe stay the same regardless of the cooking method.

In order to maximize the amount of lemon juice that you extract from each lemon, firmly roll lemons out on a surface before cutting them. By doing so, you'll get much more out of each lemon.

Lemon with warm water: Warm up one or two cups of water on the stove.

When the water is hot, pour in the lemon juice and leave to infuse. You can drink it at any time of the day or night.

For a special touch, add a little grated ginger, which will give the drink even more antioxidants.

If you want a refreshing drink, this one's the right recipe for you.

Whatever your preference, squeeze the juice of a half lemon and mix it into a glass of lukewarm or cold water. This is the best way to have lemon juice if you're planning on drinking it on an empty stomach.

It'll cleanse your body of last night's toxins that built up when you were sleeping.

Lemon with ginger. Add ginger and lemon to your dishes for an exotic touch.

You can ginger and the juice of a fat lemon to your fish or white meats, making them delicious and nutritious.

Start having lemon juice today! Now you know the benefits that lemons offer your body, don't think twice about having it.

Your body will feel great!.

For more infomation >> 5 Wonderful Benefits of Lemon Juice for Our Body|HFE♪ - Duration: 7:39.



For more infomation >> || CUPCAKE DIMEZELL CHOKOLAD || CUPCAKE AMANDE CHOCOLAT || - Duration: 4:07.


Feinstein Panics In Public, FBI's New Findings On Kavanaugh Give Her Nasty Surprise - Duration: 4:28.

Senator Dianne Feinstein was caught off guard as reporters swarmed her after the FBI's

new findings on Brett Kavanaugh were leaked to the press.

Immediately, the eighty-five-year-old senator made a statement that sent shock waves across

Capitol Hill.

Feinstein panicked as the new FBI probe into Kavanaugh gave her a big nasty surprise, and

she knows this means "game over."

You'll love this.

The FBI had interviewed four people in its probe into Judge Brett Kavanaugh as of Monday

afternoon, but the three witnesses whom Christine Blasey Ford alleges were at the party in her

testimony do not recall the gathering, according to The Washington Post's sources.

The FBI has talked to alleged party guests Patrick J. Smyth, Mark Judge, and Leland Keyser

and Kavanaugh's Yale classmate Deborah Ramirez, who said that Kavanaugh had exposed himself

to her during their college years, according to The Washington Post.

"[Smyth] truthfully answered every question the FBI asked him and, consistent with the

information he previously provided to the Senate Judiciary Committee, he indicated that

he has no knowledge of the small party or gathering described by Dr. Christine Blasey

Ford, nor does he have any knowledge of the allegations of improper conduct she has leveled

against Brett Kavanaugh," Smyth's lawyer, Eric B. Bruce, said in a statement.

"Mr. Judge has been interviewed by the FBI but his interview has not been completed,"

Judge's lawyer, Barbara Van Gelder, said in a statement Monday, according to CNN.

"We request your patience as the FBI completes its investigation."

Keyser does not remember the gathering in question but has said she believes Ford.

"Ms. Keyser does not refute Dr. Ford's account, and she has already told the press

that she believes Dr. Ford's account," Keyser's attorney, Howard Walsh, wrote in

a Friday statement, according to CNN.

"However, the simple and unchangeable truth is that she is unable to corroborate it because

she has no recollection of the incident in question."

So, no one is changing their testimony, and it's apparent that nothing new is going

to come out.

This is a huge blow to the Democrats and especially to Senator Dianne Feinstein, who panicked

as she reacted to the FBI findings.

CNN reporter Elizabeth Landers caught up with the Senior Senator, and tweeted, "@SenFeinstein

indicates that the FBI report on Kavanaugh should NOT be made public: 'It would seem

to me that if people are going to be identified this ought to be held very close and not.

I think the investigation ought to be closely held,' she reiterated."

But there's more.

indicates that the FBI report on Kavanaugh should NOT be made public: "It would seem

to me that if people are going to be identified this ought to be held very close and not."

"I think the investigation ought to be closely held," she reiterated.

Could Feinstein be any more obvious?

Why wouldn't she want the FBI to release its findings?

Well, of course, she is freaking out because she knows the FBI's new probe is almost

over and they found nothing.

r is reporting that the FBI only has one witness left, and it's Christine Blasely Ford.

We all already know what she is going to say.

The reports, "Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said Monday that the upper chamber would vote

on Kavanaugh's confirmation on Friday, at the conclusion of the one-week FBI investigation

into the allegations of sexual assault that have been levied against the nominee by three


"The time for endless delay and destruction has come to a close," McConnell said.

"Judge Kavanaugh's nomination is out of committee, we're considering it here on

the floor, and Mr. President, we'll be voting this week."

Well, that was another nasty surprise for the Ranking Judiciary Committee Member, who

reacted to McConnell's promise the vote will be taken by Friday.

"Feinstein, who led her Democratic colleagues in calling for the confirmation vote to be

delayed pending an FBI probe, said Tuesday that the report detailing the findings of

the investigation should not be made public," The National Review adds.

The only reason Feinstein, the Ranking Member, would not want to make the FBI's new findings

public is because she knows they aren't going to go her way.

This means the Democrats' jig is up and time is running out.

Feinstein will shift back to the delay and stall tactic, but Americans won't have it.

Feinstein has admitted defeat.

Call for the vote.

The three GOP senators who were on the fence — Jeff Flake, Susan Collins, and Lisa Murkowski

— all know there will be hell to pay if they don't vote "Yes."

For more infomation >> Feinstein Panics In Public, FBI's New Findings On Kavanaugh Give Her Nasty Surprise - Duration: 4:28.


Evolution of Dream League Soccer Trailers - Duration: 2:32.

Evolution of all trailers of Dream League Soccer!

Dream League Soccer 2015

Dream League Soccer 2016

Dream League Soccer 2017

Dream League Soccer 2018

For more infomation >> Evolution of Dream League Soccer Trailers - Duration: 2:32.


Pénélope: infidélité, diplôme de droit raté... la face cachée de l'épouse de François Fillon révélée - Duration: 6:36.

For more infomation >> Pénélope: infidélité, diplôme de droit raté... la face cachée de l'épouse de François Fillon révélée - Duration: 6:36.


RECAP: All 3 'Witnesses' Named By Ford And Questioned By FBI Deny Knowledge Of Party - Duration: 5:39.

According to a report from The Washington Post on Monday, at least four people have

been questioned by the FBI thus far as part of a probe into sexual misconduct accusations

made by California professor Dr. Christine Blasey Ford against Supreme Court nominee

Brett Kavanaugh.

Three of those four individuals interviewed are the "witnesses" Dr. Ford herself has named

as being present at the "gathering" wherein the assault in question supposedly happened:

Patrick J. Smyth (AKA P.J.), Leland Keyser, and Mark Judge.

Every one of them, however, has denied being at this supposed "gathering" Ford has described.

As reported by the Post, an attorney for Smyth, Eric B. Bruce, said his client has cooperated

with the FBI and, as he's previously stated, does not recall any such "gathering" which

Ford has described nor any assault by Kavanaugh.

"[Smyth] truthfully answered every question the FBI asked him and, consistent with the

information he previously provided to the Senate Judiciary Committee, he indicated that

he has no knowledge of the small party or gathering described by Dr. Christine Blasey

Ford, nor does he have any knowledge of the allegations of improper conduct she has leveled

against Brett Kavanaugh," reads a statement from Bruce issued Monday.

Keyser, a close friend of Ford's who was reportedly questioned by the FBI, previously denied being

at the "gathering," too.

"Simply put, Ms. Keyser does not know Mr. Kavanaugh and she has no recollection of ever

being at a party or gathering where he was present, with, or without, Dr. Ford," Howard

Walsh, a man "who said he has been 'engaged in the limited capacity' of corresponding

with the committee on behalf of Keyser," told Politico.

Keyser reaffirmed her position on Saturday night:

Ms. Keyser asked that I communicate to the Committee her willingness to cooperate fully

with the FBI's supplemental investigation of Dr. Christine Ford's allegations against

Judge Brett Kavanaugh.

However, as my client has already made clear, she does not know Judge Kavanaugh and has

no recollection of ever being at a party or gathering where he was present, with, or without,

Dr. Ford.

Notably, Ms. Keyser does not refute Dr. Ford's account, and she has already told the press

that she believes Dr. Ford's account.

However, the simple and unchangeable truth is that she is unable to corroborate it because

she has no recollection of the incident in question.

Nonetheless, she looks forward to being of any assistance she can.

BREAKING: letter to ⁦@senjudiciary⁩ Committee from atty for the female Dr. Ford says was

at the 1982 party (Leland Keyser) Mark Judge, a high school friend of Kavanaugh's,

likewise has denied knowledge of the party — and the assault — ever happening.

Under penalty of felony, Judge rebutted accusations made by Ford in a signed letter released on


"I do not recall the events described by Dr. Ford in her testimony before the US Senate

Judiciary Committee today.

I never saw Brett act in the manner Dr. Ford describes," he said.

"As I stated in my attorney, Barbara Van Gelder's September 18, 2018, letter, I did not ask

to be involved in this matter nor did anyone ask me to be involved," added Judge.

"We have told the Committee that I do not want to comment about these events publicly.

As a recovering alcoholic and a cancer survivor, I have struggled with depression and anxiety.

As a result, I avoid public speaking."

COZEN CO'CONNOR September 27, 2018

VIA E-MAIL The Honorable Charles E. Grassley Chairman

Committee on the Judiciary United States Senate 224 Dirksen Senate Office Building Washington,

DC 20510 The Honorable Dianne Feinstein Ranking Member

Committee on the Judiciary United States Senate 224 Dirksen Senate Office Building Washington,

DC 20510 Dear Chairman Grassley and Ranking Member

Feinstein: As I stated in my attorney, Barbara Van Gelder's

September 18, 2018, letter, I did not ask to be involved in this matter nor did anyone

ask me to be involved.

We have told the Committee that do not want to comment about these events publicly.

As a recovering

For more infomation >> RECAP: All 3 'Witnesses' Named By Ford And Questioned By FBI Deny Knowledge Of Party - Duration: 5:39.


Penelope Fillon : la justice ouvre une enquête sur l'argent qu'elle a touché - Duration: 2:41.

For more infomation >> Penelope Fillon : la justice ouvre une enquête sur l'argent qu'elle a touché - Duration: 2:41.


François et Penelope Fillon : cinq choses que vous ne savez (peut-être) pas sur eux - Duration: 7:15.

For more infomation >> François et Penelope Fillon : cinq choses que vous ne savez (peut-être) pas sur eux - Duration: 7:15.


Un an après le scandale, que devient Marie Fillon, la fille de François Fillon ? - Duration: 2:42.

For more infomation >> Un an après le scandale, que devient Marie Fillon, la fille de François Fillon ? - Duration: 2:42.


Penelope Fillon: elle ne veut plus sortir de chez elle - Duration: 3:00.

For more infomation >> Penelope Fillon: elle ne veut plus sortir de chez elle - Duration: 3:00.


More than $19k raised for homeless man - Duration: 0:48.

For more infomation >> More than $19k raised for homeless man - Duration: 0:48.


After Ford's GoFundMe Raises $700K, Juanita Humiliates Kavanaugh's Accuser - Duration: 4:20.

The various GoFundMe accounts established for

Christine Blasey Ford have now surpassed $700,000 in contributions.

But just as Brett Kavanaugh's accuser was jumping for joy over her newfound fortune,

Juanita Broaddrick came out of nowhere and completely humiliated her.

You're going to love this.

Ever since Palo Alto University professor Christine Blasey Ford revealed herself as

the woman accusing Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh of attempted rape at a drunken high

school party more than three and a half decades ago, she has received an outpouring of support

from members of the public who don't seem to care that she cannot provide even a shred

of evidence to substantiate her claims.

Perhaps the best, most tangible, example of this support is the amount of money Ford has

been able to drum up via various GoFundMe campaigns started in her name:

More than $700,000 has been donated to Dr. Christine Blasey Ford through a number of

GoFundMe campaigns set up on her behalf.

At least two GoFundMe sites associated with Ford's name were set up earlier this month

to help support Ford as she traveled to Washington, D.C. to testify before the Senate Judiciary

Committee about her accusations of sexual assault by Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh.

Kavanaugh has denied all of the allegations.

[Source: ABC News] But another woman who came forward to accuse

a prominent Democrat of rape hasn't received the same level of support.

In 1999, as Bill Clinton was being impeached for committing perjury about his sexual affair

with a White House intern, Juanita Broaddrick came forward with accusations that Clinton

had raped her in Arkansas in 1978 when he was the state's attorney general.

She claimed that Clinton repeatedly bit her lip in the rape and, as he left, told her,

"You better put some ice on that."

Broaddrick's case has been used to illustrate the alarming double-standard at play when

it comes to Ford's accusations.

Indeed, many have been skeptical of Ford's account of her alleged rape.

She has absolutely no evidence whatsoever to corroborate her claims.

Moreover, all the people whom she has identified as witnesses to the alleged attack have strongly

denied that the rape attempt ever happened.

We need to look no further than Juanita Broaddrick to confirm that this has been a political

charade from the very beginning.

The Democrats never cared what happened to Broaddrick, even though she had irrefutable

proof of her attack.

In fact, she was ostracized and threatened, most notably by her attacker's wife, Hillary


So were Bill Clinton's other accusers.

However, with Christine Blasey Ford, it's a completely different story.

She hasn't even a shred of proof that Judge Brett Kavanaugh attempted to rape her during

a drunken high school party 36-years-ago.

She is drawing on no more than a "repressed memory," and a shoddy one at that, as she

cannot recall fundamental details like where and when the party took place.

Still, she's getting rich off of her allegations.

The double-standard surrounding Ford and Broaddrick was enough to inspire a GoFundMe account set

up in the Clinton accuser's name by a third party supporter of hers.

However, she has responded to the gesture in a way that shows where her true motivations


"As much as I appreciate the gesture, please do not donate to any GoFundMe or related fundraisers

in my name," Broaddrick stated on Tuesday.

"These are unofficial and unauthorized.

I will not be taking donations now or ever.

If you'd like to support me, you may buy a copy of my book or donate to your local

sexual abuse non-profit charity.

Thank you for your continued support."

As Mad World News noted earlier, Christine Blasey Ford stands to gain quite a bit financially

from making her claims against Brett Kavanaugh.

In fact, she will almost certainly walk away from this ordeal a millionaire, thanks to

the various GoFundMe accounts started in her name and the inevitable book deal coming her


Juanita Broaddrick, on the other hand, gained nothing when she revealed that Bill Clinton

had raped her.

She came forward on principle.

Years later, it is that same principle which drives Broaddrick forward.

It was never about money or notoriety — it was always about doing the right thing.

That much was proven by her refusal to accept monetary donations via GoFundMe.

Will Christine Blasey Ford do the same?

Don't hold your breath.

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