Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Youtube daily report Oct 3 2018

many blessings and health to all

our followers and welcome to a

new video from our channel today

we will talk about avoiding hair loss

and gray hair with coconut oil when the

over the years makes a dent in the

organism begin to occur diverse

things the hair loss is one of

them as well as the appearance of gray hair

all these are accompanied by the

wrinkles and other types of changes no less

important you could even say that

there is a set of pre things

intended to appear as the

body gets old because it falls

hair loss hair in

moderate amount is normal and is due to

the epithelial tissue renewal does not

although the concern jumps up

at the moment where there is no such

replacement is then when the

Scalp spaces become more

visible the hair falls by various

factors these are the main

inadequate nutrition

ma the protection of the same flu

pregnancy stress hypothyroidism

Ingredients 3 tablespoons oil

Coconut 45 grams 2 tablespoons of oil

sage essential 30 grams preparation

and application mix both oils and

Put them in a suitable container to

heat them put the same simmer

until a homogeneous mixture is obtained

Once ready it should be left to cool down

room temperature apply mostly

hair and cover it with a hat to

shower let it act during all the

night if you found this useful

information share it with your family and

your friends

do not forget to subscribe to my channel to

many natural remedies


For more infomation >> Coconut Oil to Prevent Hair Loss and Gray Hair - Duration: 2:04.


Przyjaciółka Diany o zachowaniu mamy księżnej Kate: "To naprawdę dno"! Będzie SKANDAL w rodzinie kró - Duration: 2:58.

 Księżna Diana zmarła tragicznie 31 sierpnia 1997 roku w Paryżu. Lady Di jechała wraz ze swoim ukochanym Dodim Al-Fayedem samochodem, gdy nagle zaczęli ścigać ją paparazzi żądni sensacji

Kierowca auta próbował ich zgubić, jednak rozbił się w tunelu. Choć księżna Diana niemal natychmiast została przetransportowana do szpitala, nie udało się jej uratować

Ukochany Lady Di zginął na miejscu. Książę Harry i książę William wciąż rozpamiętują ten tragiczny dzień, kiedy stracili swoją mamę

Teraz jednak zanosi się na skandal. Przyjaciółka Diany uznała bowiem, że matka Kate Middleton

obraziła pamięć o tragicznie zmarłej księżnej!   Zobacz także: Czy księżna Diana była w ciąży w momencie wypadku?  Rodzice Kate Middleton prowadzą dobrze prosperujący biznes, a mianowicie sprzedają kostiumy dla dzieci

W tej branży zbliża się właśnie gorący okres, którym jest Halloween. Każde dziecko chce wyglądać ładnie, a jednocześnie strasznie

Stąd też zrodził się chyba pomysł na przebranie pt. "Zombie Sleeping Princess", czyli księżniczkę-zombie

Na stronie sklepu można było przeczytać, że dziewczynka, która wybierze ten kostium będzie - najstraszliwszą księżniczką na każdym przyjęciu

Simone Simmons, przyjaciółka Lady Di uważa, że jest ono karygodne i jednoznacznie kojarzy się ze zmarłą w 1997 roku księżną! Kobieta w rozmowie z "Daily Star" stwierdziła, że to przebranie jest chore

   Co ciekawe, po tej wypowiedzi wspomniany kostium zakrwawionej księżniczki zniknął ze strony internetowej sklepu

Uważacie, że Simone Simmons miała słuszne skojarzenie ze zmarłą księżną Dianą?  POLECAMY: Ostatni list Diany ujrzał światło dzienne! Do kogo go skierowała?  Matka Kate Middleton przesadziła?  Obraziła księżną Dianę?

For more infomation >> Przyjaciółka Diany o zachowaniu mamy księżnej Kate: "To naprawdę dno"! Będzie SKANDAL w rodzinie kró - Duration: 2:58.


Absolutely Cute Craftsman Custom Tiny House by Tiny Heirloom - Duration: 2:21.

Absolutely Cute Craftsman Custom Tiny House by Tiny Heirloom

For more infomation >> Absolutely Cute Craftsman Custom Tiny House by Tiny Heirloom - Duration: 2:21.


Haunted House Scary Nursery Rhymes | Kids Songs For Children By kids Tv - Duration: 41:22.

"How do you do?

I am a haunted house.

And I can talk to you!"

Welcome to me little children

Are you ready for a scary sur-prise

When you take a look at my old halls

That's the moment you will realize

I am a haunted house

A really really haunted house

"I like to scare little children, and make them cry!"

Look at my creepy little rooftop

It's full of bats and rats

When little kids come climbing up

That's when I scare the naughty brats

I am a haunted house

A really really haunted house

"Sometimes I even scare the ghosts and ghouls,


When the ghosts come in through the windows

I light up all my lights

Those ghosts are very scared of the brightness

It gives them such a terrible fright

I am a haunted house

A really really haunted house

"Come, visit me sometime soon!


For more infomation >> Haunted House Scary Nursery Rhymes | Kids Songs For Children By kids Tv - Duration: 41:22.


Some witnesses say they called FBI in vain as end of Brett Kavanaugh probe looms - Duration: 4:31.

For more infomation >> Some witnesses say they called FBI in vain as end of Brett Kavanaugh probe looms - Duration: 4:31.


Flipkart Big Billion Days Sale: 5 Best Phones To Buy Under ₹ 15,000/- | 10-14 October 2018 - Duration: 3:01.

E-commerce giant Flipkart is all set to host the 5th edition of its Big Billion Days Sale.

The sale will begin on the 10th of October and will go on till the 14th of October.

The smartphone sale though, will begin on the 11th of October.

The sale will feature great discounts and offers as usual.

So in this video we will have a look at some of the best phones under 15,000, you should

consider buying during the Big Billion Days Sale.

So lets start.

So friends, these were the 5 best phones under 15,000/- you should consider buying during

the upcoming Big Billion Days Sale.

So which is one phone from the list that your looking forward to buying?

Do comment and share your thoughts.

Also don't forget to like and share the video and please do subscribe my channel to

watch my latest videos.

Thank you and good bye.

For more infomation >> Flipkart Big Billion Days Sale: 5 Best Phones To Buy Under ₹ 15,000/- | 10-14 October 2018 - Duration: 3:01.


Gorgeous Stunning Tiny Cabin with Land in Hoodsport, WA For Sale - Duration: 2:14.

Gorgeous Stunning Tiny Cabin with Land in Hoodsport, WA For Sale

For more infomation >> Gorgeous Stunning Tiny Cabin with Land in Hoodsport, WA For Sale - Duration: 2:14.


"제가 죄를 지었나봐요" 아들이 키 안크는 병에 걸리자 엄마는 죄책감에 눈물을 쏟았다 - Duration: 5:10.

For more infomation >> "제가 죄를 지었나봐요" 아들이 키 안크는 병에 걸리자 엄마는 죄책감에 눈물을 쏟았다 - Duration: 5:10.


ALL CITY STEPPERS、2ndアルバム「PARTYAGE」を10月3日に発売し、全楽曲サブスクリプション型(定額制)配信サービスにて過去曲含めて配信もスタート! - Duration: 1:58.

For more infomation >> ALL CITY STEPPERS、2ndアルバム「PARTYAGE」を10月3日に発売し、全楽曲サブスクリプション型(定額制)配信サービスにて過去曲含めて配信もスタート! - Duration: 1:58.


🔥Zähler von Tabletten und Kapseln ITA-01 - Duration: 3:18.

For more infomation >> 🔥Zähler von Tabletten und Kapseln ITA-01 - Duration: 3:18.


Spray Sealant - How to Apply Correctly to Your Car

For more infomation >> Spray Sealant - How to Apply Correctly to Your Car


Brain Zaps and Antidepressants - Why Do they Happen? - Duration: 8:41.

For more infomation >> Brain Zaps and Antidepressants - Why Do they Happen? - Duration: 8:41.


Audi SQ2, 300 cv e 0-100 Kmh 4.8 secondi. Al Salone di Parigi 2018 [ENGLISH SUB] - Duration: 2:37.

0-100 i n 4.8 s, top speed of 250 kph, this is the Audi SQ2, which has a 2.0l tfsi 300HP petrol engine

it hasa Quattro wheel drive, which can move the piwer up to 100% to the rear wheels, S-Tronic 7 gears shift, 4 way muffler and new 18 inch rims with a new braking system

There are adaptive LED lights and new bumper. Unfortunately I can't get in to show you the sporty seats all the new features, while at the rear there's a new wing

we still don't know the price of this SQ2, but I don't thik that and RSQ2 version will be available. See you soon!

For more infomation >> Audi SQ2, 300 cv e 0-100 Kmh 4.8 secondi. Al Salone di Parigi 2018 [ENGLISH SUB] - Duration: 2:37.


Grampemaster Bullet+ Kannada Customer Testimonial - Duration: 2:03.

Sir Namaste , Namaste . Sir you are from.

I am from Babanagar,

Babanagar ok, Sir which district and Taluka

Bijapur Taluka and Bijapur District, ok sir

since how many years you are using our Mitra machine sir ?

I am using Mitra machine since 6 months.

ok sir, you have been using since 6 months.

yes 4 to 5 months.

sir have you used any local blowers before than OUR MACHINE ?

YES, Earlier I was using local blower but it was too expensive.

oh, ok sir right.

this local blower was consuming the medicine approximately 1200 liters for two acres grapes.

1200 no , yes

1200 liters per acre isn't it sir. No per two 2 acres or per hectares. Ok sir

per acre 600 liter means for two acres 1200 liters isn't it sir .YES correct. Ok

sir after purchasing Mitra blower, what are the benefits that you found in MITRA sir.

After using MITRA we are giving medicine nearly about 150 and maximum 200 litres per acre and it saves

from this we can save pesticides, fungicides, insecticides and we could save money from this machine. Cost is saving isn't it sir, Yes.

Sir ,let me know one thing , You already used local and MITRA machines ,in these two machine which machine controls the diseases in very faster rate.

No, No, No, Diseases have been controlling only by MIRA blower and not by local blower.ok it's controlled only by Mitra.OK

Yes, it's a air assisted mist blower no.

ok sir.

Sir Has you already know that this machine Fan with gearbox arrangement thereby we can control air speed as per your requirements.


Sir let me know , you already used Local and MITRA blower ,So Which blower supplies more air output and which is among the best in air supply .MITRA supplies more air output and MITRA IS best . yes ok sir.

sir In this machine we can set the gear for low speeds. Yes, if required we can keep it for high speeds, yes sir we can also keep it for high speeds

we can also set it for neutral. If there is flowering stage .Yes we can set it for neutral.

as of now, you have not taken pruning; yes we have not taken pruning.

in this stage how much medicine water is been consuming per acres.

now it is consuming minimum 30-40 liters, maximum 200 liters per acre.

sir you mean it consumes on an average of 120-150 liters per acres isn't it .

Yes, right...On an average of 120 to 150 liters in this stage.OK SIR.

Sir let us know, is our Mitra blower properly set to your tractor and is it working properly on your tractor. Yes, no issues with it and its working properly with our tractor.

sir which tractor you are using now.

now we are using Massey Ferguson 30 hp . 30 hp isn't it sir. Yes, ok sir thank you

For more infomation >> Grampemaster Bullet+ Kannada Customer Testimonial - Duration: 2:03.


Isometric Room (Low Poly) | Blender Tutorial | Part 3/3 | German (with Subtitles) - Duration: 11:26.

hey everyone and welcome to part three of my low poly isometric room series

today we are going to add more details to our nice room here

and finishing our low poly room. So let's get started..

We are now in blender and we start with a simple cube again.

We will create now some books for our shelf.

Scale your book a little bit and make it also a little bit thinner

on the x axis, so you will become a nice book.

I will scale my book here also a little bit. But

looking fine. You can now switch to edit mode and press CTRL+R

to create two loop cuts here and move it to the side here.

Then we need another loop cut on this side.

Only move to this side. Now we can select this face,

press E to extrude and cancel this action. Now move this face down a little bit, like so.

So you have this result.

You can select this face here at the back and press X to delete the edges here.

So you fixed this problem. Now switch to vertex mode and select

these corners here with shift select.

Now press F to fill this face. We can now give our book a nice

material. I will choose this red color here for now,

oh wait. Let us create a different material for our book.

So create a new material for it.

Let's choose a nice blue color,

like so. Maybe a little bit darker,

darker.. like this. This looks fine.

Now create a second material for the book. A white one.

We have currently a white one, so choose this.

and assign the material to the top part here.

You can also assign it to the side faces here, much better result now.

So when you find a nice color for your book we can scale it

a little bit in again. So it's a little bit thinner.

Also maybe on the y axis and also on the z axis a little

bit thinner. Now let's move this to the right position.

So move it to your shelf.

I need to scale here again for a correct size.

Move it up. Wonderful.

Now press Shift+D to duplicate our book to create a second one.

We make a different color for this one.

So let's delete the old one and create a new material.

And choose another nice color, I will pick up a nice red color for it.

So let's choose a nice color.

We need to assign our material of course.

Now you can switch to face mode again

to assin our white material to the top part of your second book.

I really like our books. Let's create a third book.

So press Shift+D to duplicate and rotate this maybe a little bit

so the third book is hanging around here.

Maybe we play to hard video games?

We can of course rotate our first book a little bit.

So it is not looking too perfect.

Only rotate it on the z axis here.

Great. The next thing that we will do

are some gallery pictures for our room. So let's add

another cube and scale it very small.

Scale it to a good size, maybe also here on the x axis.

Then zoom in to your picture and

select the front face here. Press E to extrude and scale it instantly in.

You can also use the insert function for this. Then extrude it again and cancel the

extrude and move this part in. Now let's choose some materials.

I will choose the black one that we currently have from our screens.

Maybe a second material for the image. You can use a

texture when you like for a real picture. But I will use

maybe a blue or this white color here.

This is our image. Now let's move this to the wall.

I will choose this position. Maybe a little bit above our bed.

So we can see our pictures. Let's make another picture.

Shift+D to duplicate and scale a bigger one. Oh and maybe

a third one which ist smaller.

This can be looking very nice.

So scale it down, and move it to the center of the two pictures.

Perfect. Now we can make a window here.

I will use our big picture for this.

So duplicate this picture here and

scale this much more bigger. So we have a nice window here.

Now let's choose maybe a white material color for our window.

And for the glass we can pick also a nice material.

Hm, not so good. Let us create a new one.

What you also can do is

to assign a glass shader or something else for this.

But we have not much time, so I will assign a nice blue color here.

Or no, a darker blue is better. Because we

have our lamp on. We doesn't have our lamp on the day on.

Looking very nice.

I will scale this maybe a little bit bigger.

So I will scale here also a little. bit.

What we also can do is to create a nice carpet for our room.

So let's add another cube and scale this very small

also on the z axis here.

When you want a bigger carpet you need to scale a bigger one.

Now lets bring this to a good position.

Rotate the carpet on the z axis a little bit for a better result.

We can now also assign a nice material for this thing.

Nice. One thing that we missed in our room is some vegetation.

So let's add another cube for this and scale this down.

We want to position this cube to the other shelf.

So we can make something like a cactus or anything else.

Lets find the right position.

Oh, I'm far away from this.

In this view we have a better look to this.

Now move this to this position.

Maybe you need to scale it to the correct size for your shelf.

When we are find a good position we can assign a material

for our pot here. I like this one, looking realistic, like clay.

Extrude this face at the top and scale it in. Extrude it again and cancel the extrude.

Now move this face down. For this part of our pot, we can use

a dirty material for the flower earth. This looks nice.

Now we need a face in the center here. So let's

extrude this again and scale it in. We have now a small color issue here

but that's not a problem. Select now the face in the center

and extrude this again and move a little bit high.

So.. that we have our stump here. And extrude this again, scale and move.

So we have a nice cubic plant. Of course we need to assign a green color here.

So create a new material.

Pick your random greenish color, I think

I will use this one. This is looking very well.

Don't forgot the face at the top here.

And for our stump we need also a brown material but

we can use our wall material for this.

Look at that! What a beautiful cactus.

This is fine. We don't need to water a cactus any day.

I will increase the speed here to change some colors and then we are going

to create a nice water bottle for our room.

For this bottle, we need a new cube.

So scale this cube to a nice size.

Maybe a bit on the z axis.

I will move our small cube here first

to our desc and scale some axis here again.

Press S, Shift+Z to scale everything but not the z axis.

I will bring a loop cut in here.

Like so, we can now scale this part. But looking terrible.

So make a new loop cut above the other one.

So we can scale this part in for a better result.

Now select this complete edges here

and scale it also in, to make something like this. Now we can assign a material.

I will choose this blue one, and for the cover we can use

a black one. So select the faces here and assign the material.

Very simple water bottle. I will move this to our desk.

Maybe with a small rotation on the z axis.

Now we have something to drink. Awesome.

And then you only need to click on the render button in the camera component

to have this amazing and beautiful render picture.

We are done with our low poly isometric room series with this part.

I hope you liked it like me. And when you want

to see more, write a comment below and check out my channel.

You've create a different room? You can find my mail adress in the channel info.

You can show me your room when you like, I'm very excited for this.

In this sense, leave a like and subscribe

and I will see you soon.


For more infomation >> Isometric Room (Low Poly) | Blender Tutorial | Part 3/3 | German (with Subtitles) - Duration: 11:26.


Inktober | Todays Goals & Updates [Day 3] 2018 (VLOG) - Duration: 3:17.

So I just woke up it's about 7:00 in the morning and

I've got to inktober drawings to work on and I've got a work earlier today

So I've got to do those drawings as with the videos

and then upload them and I've still got to work today and I

Need to make breakfast soon because I'm really hungry

And they don't have a whole lot of time to

do my drawings or

Edit my videos

I've probably got about

Maybe six hours to do all that

And it's a lot of work doing all these inktober drawings

Especially doing two a day. I

usually only do one drawing a day, but

it's a big challenge and

it's gonna help me a lot get a lot better at drawing so that

is the positive to it I guess and

right now, I'm just

Getting ready for the day

Because I have a lot of work ahead of me with all these drawings and I got to make breakfast. I

Think I'm gonna make some potatoes

Cut those up and make some eggs. You just got to love the

fall time sunrises

Well the trees and the birds chirp it away

Even though they can drive you crazy sometimes with all the chirping and you're still in bed. And you're just trying to steep

but I

Don't mind him you guess that's gonna be part of my breakfast don't know what else to add to it

My tea is ready I

Was also gonna mention that I have some drawings that some subscribers

Have suggested to me and I haven't forgot about you. I will be working on those

it's just that I have a bunch of drawings to do for inktober and

This is a challenge I've wanted to do for a couple of years

but I never got around to doing it because

If things happened life and I was gonna do it last year

But I'd ran into a bunch of problems with car problems mind

My truck used to have broke down and I was low on money at the time and I had to work a lot of hours

so I

Wasn't really able to do that inktober

but I will be working on those drawings that have been suggested to me for my subscribers and

If I don't get to them this month

I will definitely have them off after inktober is over building my first drawings. It'll be done

So if you have any drawing suggestions go let me know in the comments below this video and I'll get to them

it might not be until next month, but I'll eventually get to them and

for now

I'm gonna go work on these drawings. I've got a lot of work to do today and

You know, there's two drawings edit the vigil and all that then I've still got to work today. So

I'm gonna go work on those and you all have a good day

For more infomation >> Inktober | Todays Goals & Updates [Day 3] 2018 (VLOG) - Duration: 3:17.


Are Straight Pull Spokes Strong Enough For Trail Riding? | Ask GMBN Tech - Duration: 12:44.

- Welcome to another weekly Ask GMBN Tech Q&A Clinic.

Get your questions in to us

at the email address on the screen

or you can add them in the comments below.

Alright, so first up this week is from Freddy Dembrey.

Freddie asked GMBM Tech, "Can you run SRAM brakes

"(levers and calipers) on Shimano rotors? Thanks."

Yeah, is the answer to that.

Bearing in mind that some disc sizes are slightly different.

For example, you get the 200 versus the 203

with the SRAM Shimano thing there.

And disc rotors, actually some of them

are a little thinner than others

although, your brakes will compensate for that.

In case you wanted to know, Shimano rotors are

1.8 mil thick as standard and obviously

they get thinner as they wear.

If they start getting beyond, I think it's 1.5

then you want to sack them off because

they start losing their strength and their integrity.

With SRAM ones I think it's 1.85

so they're very, very, fractionally bigger

and I think Formulas are fractionally smaller.

But that doesn't really make too much difference,

as I say, your pistons will compensate for that.

As long as you have the hardware correct

where your brake is mounted, so if it's mounted

on a direct mount, you might need some of those cone washers

to compensate for the 200 or the 203 rotor

depending on which way round your brakes are

and, of course, if you've got the correct adapter.

Always make sure that your brake pads

sit completely onto the actual disc rotor braking surface

and make sure the disc rotor can't foul

the inside of the caliper as it passes through.

And if that's all good, then you're good to go.

Okay, nice punchy one from Daylight Sensor IMA.

Asked GMBN Tech, "Is it normal to blow through

"160 millimeters of rear travel on a two foot drop?

"I have a 2013 Canyon Strive AL 8.0."

No, it's not normal, but that does

depend on a lot of things.

It depends on how you like your suspension,

how you ride, the way you even approach that drop.

Let's just talk about the actual drop

from physical riding point of view.

If you're going off a drop really fast

you can actually meet with the ground a bit

and you can actually lessen the impact.

Whereas if you're just popping off something

you get all that down force in one hit.

Now, of course, if it's a wheelie drop

you can lower that back wheel if you just pop it off

you have more impact.

So, it does affect you slightly differently.

And, of course, your ability as a rider

to use your body to absorb that impact.

But just the physicality on the bike,

it sounds like to me either your rear suspension

is slightly too linear for the way that you want to ride

if you want to be doing drops like this

or perhaps it's set up slightly under sprung.

So, the first thing you want to do

is check the spring on your bike

whether it's a coil spring or an air spring

is basically giving you enough or not too much sag.

So, you're looking between 20 and 30 percent

of the available travel to sag when you sit on a bike.

If you've got an air shock, you can measure this

with the O ring on the actual shock shaft.

If it's not, if you've got a coil shock

the best way to do that is to measure

with you not sat on the bike

the distance between the saddle and the tire

and then by subtracting the amount

of suspension travel you have on the bike

you can work out your 20 or 30 percent sag

when you sit on it and that gap will obviously close.

So, get that set up and if it's not correct

then, if it's an air shock then you can adjust

the air volume in that shock.

Sometimes you can do that with air volume spacers.

Sometimes, it has to be done in different ways internally.

But that's basically your solution to that.

So, hopefully you can get that done.

Alright, next up is from Herby.

"Is there any disadvantage of overspending grease

"in a headset?

"I normally put grease between the spacers,

"and between stem and steerer tube.

"I just got a new Canyon Spectral AL 6.0"

nice bike, dude, "and I took the forks off

"just to have a look how it works

"in there and I noticed that there is

"much less grease inside than I would put in, thanks."

Bearing in mind that when bikes are put together

in big production lines, they put in

what's an efficient amount of grease.

So, cartridge bearings themselves

they all have grease inside them

the whole point of them is they're a contained unit

you pop into the bicycle, you pop into the headset

and it works.

The advantage of having more grease in there, really

is an extra barrier against corrosion and water

and getting water into that bearing in the first place.

Of course, any water getting into

the actual cartridge bearing, that is where

the problems start arising so

the more you can ward that off, the better, in my eyes.

I would always prefer to have a bit more grease

especially coming from the UK, we have a lot of wet weather.

So, I tend to put a bit more grease in there

when I put stuff together and afterwards

you can just wipe it down on the outside.

And then, periodically after, I don't know

two or three months or however bad your weather

may or may not be, have a little inspect

make sure that it's basically still in there.

If it's gone this sort of a brown-y sludgy color,

it's a good idea to wipe it all clean

and check the bearings are good and then replace that.

But bearing in mind the bearings themselves

are only good if they're running nice and smooth

and have grease in them in the first place.

The minute that they are actually all gritty in there

no amount of grease being applied to them

is going to repair them.

So, just take that into account.

So yeah, just treat it as a waterproof barrier.

- Okay, Frank Town wants to know, "What is the purpose

"of the star fangled nut?"

"You said that with the top cap it helps

"align and tighten everything

"but I don't get how that works exactly."

Okay so, parts of the headset right,

so if you look at the fork itself

you have the steerer tube on there.

Then on the steerer tube you have the lower crown races

on the crown of the fork you have

bottom part of the races sits into the bearing

the bearing sits into the cup in the frame

steerer tube passes through that

the upper cup sits on the frame,

steerer tube passes through that

bearing sits into that, then you have

the selection of washers that sit into that

like a compression ring, then you have

the stem, you have the top cap.

On the inside of that steerer tube

you have the star fangled mount which is

wedged in, it's like a bob so it can't move.

When you adjust or tighten the bolt on the top

it basically pulls the steerer tube up through the stem.

That's why you have to leave that gap at the top there.

When I say, pull this, I'm making quite a big movement

you're actually talking like less than half a millimeter

or so when it moves.

And the idea is, you're pulling everything taut

or you're pre-loading the bearing.

So, it's not actually doing anything

to the bearing itself, it's just making sure

that all the components of the headset

are all taut and they're in place

against each other so there's no movement.

As in, any sort of movement that's not

just a physical turning of the headset bearing itself.

Because any movement you get, any sort of rattling in there

that, with the amount of leverage that you have

at the wheel end and the handlebar end

is going to start slowly destroying those bearings

which, of course, can lead to other problems.

So, it's essentially just a way of pre-loading the system

making sure everything is nice and tight

and doing its job correctly.

If you ride a bike with a loose headset

or if you try and basically put the system together

without having that top cap on there

you will never get it tight and the headset

will always be slightly loose.

That's all it is.

Alright, so Sumner Bob is next.

"Doddy, I've got a specialized FSR downhill

from the nineties" oh dude, trick bike

got a friend who's got one of them, at Shrewsbury actually

and he's got a Palmer replica.

"And the suspension linkage bolts keep loosening

"after every ride, even though

"it's been torqued up properly.

"It uses bushings instead of bearings,

"will Loctite fix this?"

In theory, yes, so Threadlock does a great job

of stopping bolts coming undone,

however, if the reason they're coming undone

is because of movement coming elsewhere,

and the bolts are starting to unwind

rather than rattle loose then

they won't help, they will always unwind basically

however much you put on.

And if that's happening, that would suggest

that the bushes are worn.

So, my advice would be to, with all the bolts tight,

check to see if there's any play or any movement

in the back end of that bike,

you should still be able to track down

the relevant bushing kits for it.

Get a fresh bushing kit in there if that is the problem

then, when you put it back together,

use the relevant greases, assembly compounds

and Threadlock of course and use your torque wrench on there

then hopefully, you'll have no problems.

Basically, it sounds like movement is happening

from somewhere, but Threadlock on the bolts

is your first point of call if everything works

because it's designed there to lock those threads

and stop it rattling loose.

Okay, next up from Kenny Minigun.

"Are straight pull spokes stroke hubs suitable

"for abusive riding like downhill and enduro?

"Are they any better than traditional

"J-bend spokes and hubs?"

Yeah, they're absolutely fine, to be honest.

It's more down to how they're built

and laced up and tensioned as is the case

with any sort of wheel.

If you look on screen now, we're just going to look at

the J-bend pros and cons and we'll do the same

for the straight pull afterwards.

So first up, J-bend pros, they're easily available

to suit any hub, basically any sort of standard hub that is

with a flange and drill holes, they've always

been made this way and been made so long

that companies make excellent spokes like this.

They can be laced in any cross-pattern like this as well.

You're not sort of confined to have to build

hubs in a two cross or whatever pattern

you can build them two cross, you can build them

radial with three cross, four cross even

or if you're daft you can build them

in a snowflake patter if you really wanted to.

There's no limits to what you can do

with a regular J-bend spoke.

Arguably though, they are slower to lace up.

So, whether that's a good thing or not

that is just one of the facts because

they take a little bit more time to intricately

put them into the hub itself.

One other cons is they can break at the elbow

and although DT do say that their spokes pretty much

versus each other are about as strong as each other

it's basically down to how they're built

and the quality of the hub that they're put into

that affects this with the J-bend spoke.

So, for example, if the holes in the hub

where you put the spoke into are slightly bigger than

the actual size of the spoke going through that

that can create a sort of amount of movement

and of course, that could stress the elbow itself

and it could crack at the elbow and break.

Now also, if the wheels are under-tensioned

it enables too much flex and the flex has to go somewhere

in the spoke and it's going to basically

fatigue that elbow which eventually will break.

And, of course, there's slightly more material.

We're talking a marginal amount here, so you could argue

that you've got a slightly heavier wheel

with J-bend spokes as well.

But if you look at straight pulls, right,

so the straight pull chart is on the screen now.

The pros are, they're slightly shorter spokes

so you can build a slightly lighter wheel.

We're talking like a minute amount here

but in some cases, that's a really, really important thing.

Arguably, they're easier to lace as well

because you just drop them straight into the hub

so that's a great thing too.

And they can arguably be stronger as well

because they don't have a bend.

So, this isn't really a physical problem of the spoke

it's more the fact that you can drop the spoke

into a hub and it's going to be as strong as it can be

because it can only do a certain job in a certain way

it's not subject to the quality control of a hub

or the way it's built to sacrifice the strength of that.

The cons are, you have different straight pull spokes

for different hubs, they're not all the same.

There are some standardized version,

but Mavic have their own slightly thinner ones at the head

they also have some slightly thicker ones

and different brands do that as well.

So, it's just not a standardized item like a J-bend spoke

which you can get literally in any bike shop.

The advantage again of a J-bends is you could buy one

for a 29 inch wheel and you can have it cut down

and re-threaded and it will fit

a 27 1/2 or 26 or anything.

Really convenient if you're doing any sort of traveling

or globe-trotting, to have J-bends for that

sort of reason.

Another con is that they can only be laced

in the orientation that the hub allows.

So, if you've got a straight pull hub

and it's set up for two cross you can only ever

lace your hub wheels up two cross.

You're not going to be able to take advantage

of having a three cross design for example.

It simply will not allow that.

And also, if not tensioned correctly,

this is very rare and this used to happen on older designs,

the head of the spokes can actually become unhooked

which is I think is probably one of your concerns.

But let's not forget that a wheel works

on even tension, it's not pushing, it's a pulling thing

that basically enables a wheel to be strong

and tensioned, so really, they'll be absolutely fine for you

and hopefully you've just seen a little bit of detail,

pros and cons for both styles.

For the record, I think think straight pulls

look way cooler on a bike,

they look so futuristic and purposeful.

But, I think I prefer traditional J-bends

for all of the obvious reason.

So, there we go, there's another weekly

GMBN Tech Clinic in the bag.

If you've got any questions, let us know

in those comments or you can just

email them direct to us.

For a couple more cool videos if you want to learn

how to fix a chain when you're out on the trail in the rain

check this video out that's just down here.

That's fixing a chain three ways there, that's really cool.

And if you want to win some insane Syncros wheels,

super, super ridiculously light ones,

click down here.

All good stuff there.

As always, give us a like, give us a share.

Subscribe to the channel.

For more infomation >> Are Straight Pull Spokes Strong Enough For Trail Riding? | Ask GMBN Tech - Duration: 12:44.


#51 CONGRATS GIVEAWAY WINNERS | 선물대잔치 결과 발표 | Friends from all over the world! - Duration: 12:13.



Hello, my friends!

Today, we're going to show you the videos we received.

Do you want some "Nasi_Goreng"?


There are 14 videos.

They came from all different countries such as the United States, Brazil, Indonesia, Japan, Australia, Philippines, and Russia.

Thank you so much for entering our giveaway event!

Now I feel like we're friends living next door.

I'm proud to share this wonderful collection of videos with you.

"Juwon", Let's get the party started!

(Ashlyn and Addyson from the United States of America)

(Jairo and Patrycja from Brazil)

(Felice and Vano from Indonesia)

(HappyChildrenTV from Australia)

(BBangmi from the United States of America)

My name is "BBangmi" I used to upload Vlogs in eastern parts of the United States.

Hello, my friends! My name is "Jiwoo".

I'm a model.

(Jiwoo from Korea)

I love singing and dancing.

Congratulations on hitting 1000 subscribers "Juwon_Tube"!

Please subscribe to "Juwon Tube"!

(Aurora from the United States of America)

(Tim and Essy from Russia)

(Evo and Tama from Indonesia)

(Minion Soo from Korea)

I think there's a special bond between Yong D and Juwon.

I really enjoy watching "Juwon_Tube"!

(Ryutaro and Yujiro from Japan)

(FabPlaytime from the United States of America)

Please subscribe to "Juwon_Tube"!

(Jiye from Korea)

Congratulations "Juwon_Tube" for reaching 1000 subscribers.

(Bowen and Megan from Philippines)

Thank you so much!

There are 14 candles.

Because there are 14 friends who sent us videos.

Shall we blow the candles out?

Let's think about our friends.

It's the time to announce the winners.

Why are there so many "Pororo" friends?

We need 14 characters.

How many of them do we have?

This is a gift box.

There are three boxes.

How many friends do we have?

There are many.

There are 14 friends.

And we have 3 boxes.

We will send a box to a friend saying "This is your present".

The friend would say, "Thank you"!

I want to give it to "Hobby".

Now you send another box to "Hobby".

Now, there's no box left.

How many friends haven't received a box now?

There are many friends without a box.

That's right.

So we don't have enough boxes to give.

It means there's going to be so many friends who don't receive our gift.

What can we do about this?

I'll make some money and then I can buy more gifts.

How many gift boxes are you talking about?

All of them.

All of them?

Are you saying that you want all of your friends to receive our gift boxes?


All 14 of them?


Are you sure?


14 boxes?


Can I kiss you?

I guess this is what he wants.

Shall we shout "Juwon_Tube" together?


Congratulations to the winners.

Juwon and Yong D love you.

We will start shipping out the gift boxes as soon as we receive your addresses.

It's going to be a tough job.

Can I have your cake?


Please subscribe to our channel.

For more infomation >> #51 CONGRATS GIVEAWAY WINNERS | 선물대잔치 결과 발표 | Friends from all over the world! - Duration: 12:13.


RÉGIMES : Ne me parlez plus de perte de POIDS ! - Duration: 12:10.

For more infomation >> RÉGIMES : Ne me parlez plus de perte de POIDS ! - Duration: 12:10.


Poszukujemy 20 osób do pracy!!! (język migowy) - Duration: 0:47.

For more infomation >> Poszukujemy 20 osób do pracy!!! (język migowy) - Duration: 0:47.


속보▶2018년 10월 3일▶ 최순실 K스포츠재단, '버티기'로 41억 낭비 - Duration: 4:02.

For more infomation >> 속보▶2018년 10월 3일▶ 최순실 K스포츠재단, '버티기'로 41억 낭비 - Duration: 4:02.


Videos for kids | Build parking garage | Kids toy | Bi Bi Kids - Duration: 10:06.

Videos for kids | Build parking garage | Kids toy | Bi Bi Kids

For more infomation >> Videos for kids | Build parking garage | Kids toy | Bi Bi Kids - Duration: 10:06.


[Oh! My 갓돌아이 | EP05] 청량(한)돌(아이) '온앤오프'가 갓돌에 떴씀돠~♥ - Duration: 10:00.

(A show to revive idols)

(Oh! My Crazy Idol)

The show is made to give love and support to idols

Idol CPR show

We are

Oh! My Crazy Idol

(It was good teamwork, huh?)

Good, I like that

The first guest today is

a very refreshing idol group


Let's say hello to the viewers

1, 2, light on, hi, we are ONF

(They made a comeback 10 months after the debut)

(They promoted the 2nd album 'You Complete Me' successfully)

(An invigorating group, ONF)

Light, light off?

It's 'light on'

Their closing comment is 'off'


- It's the least you can do - What?

They greet in 2 different ways

Do they?

Then they say 'light off' and leave?

Yes, they do

The light should be off, the electricity bill is high

(The progressive tax is high)

- You're right - They are frugal

ONF, do you know what kind of show you are on?

I watched the show often thinking it would be for me

But this is our first pre-recording

I meant, not this one

I watched your videos

Wow, he's not bad

You're popular these days

- DinDin, yes, he is - I'm top star

I meant, Sleepy




He is literally crazy idol

I'm not as popular as I was

(You are crazy, too)

Then let's move on

The first segment is

(Making a fuss)

'TMI Profile'

On the right side is empty

(Oh! My Crazy Idol)

(First, introduce yourself as emcee read the basic information)

ONF made their debut August 3rd, 2017

The agency is WM entertainment

Their fan club name is 'FUSE'

Why 'FUSE'?

They are our safety device making our light on

They are your safety device

Wow, that's a good name

Then please introduce yourself

ONF, Hyojin

Hi, I'm Hyojin

I play 'sentimental' role in ONF

(Sweet voice)

(His singing voice sounds luxurious)

(So called 'Gucci' voice)


He's from JJ, Jeonju

I'm Lee Chang-yoon, which is abbreviated to E-Tion

I play 'sensation' role in ONF

Do you know how to spell 'sensation'?


He knows how to spell the word

I'm a city boy from Jeonju

J-Us, please

Hi, I'm J-Us, who plays 'spark' role

(Electric shock)

You meant, a small flash light?

I produce sparks when the members feel tired

(Take my energy!)

So they can be stimulated again

Electrifying, like tit?

(Watch your language)


Wyatt, who has a voice of gold

WYA and double T

I'm the brave rapper Wyatt


The brave rapper



I'm the R&B voice, MK

(Soulful voice)

You remind me of G.Soul

You look like G.Soul

I hear that a lot



I'm the unique boy, U

I'm the dancer in ONF

(Seeing is believing)

(He doesn't need music)

(The king of dance)

Wow, his dance moves are different

(Perfect finish)

(Good job)

You're awesome

You're the best

(The highest praise)

(You are awesome)

Laun, who has a deep voice

I'm the youngest, so called 'milk boy' Laun

Can I have a cup of milk?


- Go ahead - I'm looking forward to it

Drink some milk

What kind of milk?

I like banana flavored milk




It's nice

(OK, Laun, you liked it...)

(He looks so pure)

The thing is

we have to differentiate ourselves from other shows

We should criticize them so they can realize the mistakes

(It was a bad choice, man)

(Oh! My Crazy Idol)

(2nd, 'TMI Profile')

(Each member says trivia for a limited time)

(When the bomb explodes, the person will be blurred for 1 minute)

Ready, go

I have relatively broad shoulders

I bought a pair of Adidas pants online

I got a refund today

for the item that I bought a year ago

I have gray hair

How sad!

It's prematurely gray hair

I don't drink fizzy drinks

In the case I drink, I should stir the drink with a spoon

That sounds cute

No wonder you're 'milk boy'

I had roast beef rice for lunch today

MK gave me an egg at the restaurant

That's silly

I had potato chips on the way here

It got stuck between my front teeth and I bled

(He told the real TMI)

To Wyatt

How much time do we have?

The bomb is yours

You'll be blurred right away

A refund for the item a year ago?

I asked a refund in October last year

I found out that the money was sent to my account

It meant I got a refund


Laun was so cute

- You don't drink fizzy drinks? - Is it too gassy?

Yes, it's too gassy

(What's wrong with Sleepy?)

But I like the smell of Coke and Sprite

When I feel like drinking it, I stir it with a spoon

- To remove the gas? - Yes

Can you show us how you drink it?

I'll try

- MK, open the bottle - OK

- His personal talent - They're well prepared

Then I'll drink it only for today


(No Soju)

He's really a crazy idol

He just pretended to drink something

He had nothing in his hands

Good job

It was fun

(Oh! My Crazy Idol)

Let's reveal other member's TMI

Ready, go

U is actually Japanese,

but his Japanese got worse


E-Tion made a mistake at a 7 o'clock music show rehearsal


(Killing the team member)

He thought about it for a long time


Hyojin made a mistake, too

Let's die together

(The 2nd team member war)

Laun run to the toilette while eating a meal

J-Us looks like Kang Kyun Sung

Oh, I can see that

(They look similar)

MK woke me up this morning

with his farting sound

(Where has my public image gone...)

(Oh, dear)


- It's alright - MK, please

Wyatt has more Aegyo than me

(Wyatt, you're chosen)

(The farting machine is blurred)

The blurred part just gave me a buzzer

(The blurred part, a.k.a farting machine)

It's good that we could hear something about Wyatt

He has a lot of Aegyo, huh?

I'm not sure about it

What kind of Aegyo? Show us

I haven't done it

- But he does - Does he?


'Sir, I'm here'

(Where is the 'Brapper'...)

(The brave rapper's another face)

Was it Aegyo? Or were you just pissed?

'Sir, I'm here, buy me something to eat'

My voice is too husky to imply Aegyo

How about saying 'I'm a crazy idol' in a cute way?



(Wyatt, cheer up)

You can do it

(I can do it)

'I'm a crazy idol'

I'll accept it

Good job

(The brave rapper showed totally different Aegyo)

E-Tion made a mistake while singing at 7 o'clock

- Yes - You can, early in the morning

Hyojin, you too?

- No, I didn't - You did

- When? - You did

He said 'Hyojin made a mistake, too'

Then come out and fight

(Two young people's fight)

(Let's hear what kind of mistake they made)

('You complete')


Then sing a song as the mistake version

You know the song

From Y2K

(Out of tune)

(It's similar)

Like this

(ONF follow two emcees)

(You complete')

It's already out of tune

(Oh! My Crazy Idol)

So far so good?

Yes, we're having fun

(Are you?)

Then let's go out and smoke

Let's smoke while hosting

(DinDin found somebody)

Is he your team leader or manager?

He's our manager

His face

His face turned red

(He looks flustered)

What I say makes him flustered

(The manger is regretting coming here)

'I should've stopped ONF to come here'

His face is telling me


and 'Like'

is love

For more infomation >> [Oh! My 갓돌아이 | EP05] 청량(한)돌(아이) '온앤오프'가 갓돌에 떴씀돠~♥ - Duration: 10:00.


5:1 - Duration: 4:08.

For more infomation >> 5:1 - Duration: 4:08.


INSENSIBILIDAD SOCIAL PROGRAMADA con Yolanda Soria, Luis Palacios y Alex García - Duration: 44:31.

For more infomation >> INSENSIBILIDAD SOCIAL PROGRAMADA con Yolanda Soria, Luis Palacios y Alex García - Duration: 44:31.


Das Ist RAP! - Folge 1 - Kopfficks I mit Xatar, Celo&Abdi und Kontra K - Duration: 17:45.

For more infomation >> Das Ist RAP! - Folge 1 - Kopfficks I mit Xatar, Celo&Abdi und Kontra K - Duration: 17:45.


King K. Rool Returns?! - Minecraft Donkey Kong Shortfilm - Duration: 5:16.

For more infomation >> King K. Rool Returns?! - Minecraft Donkey Kong Shortfilm - Duration: 5:16.



For more infomation >> 😈EN LIVE AVEC MES ABONNES SUR FORTNITE : BATTLE ROYALE | NINTENDO SWITCH 😈 - Duration: 1:19:14.


DROP TO THE FLOOR: Inside Vogue Culture in Kyiv - Duration: 7:49.

For more infomation >> DROP TO THE FLOOR: Inside Vogue Culture in Kyiv - Duration: 7:49.


URI Official Teaser - Vicky Kaushal, Yami Gautam, Aditya Dhar | 11th Jan 2019 | Movies Trailers 2018 - Duration: 1:32.

Please Don't forget to: LIKE | COMMENT | SHARE | SUBSCRIBE for the Upcoming Movies Trailers 2018

For more infomation >> URI Official Teaser - Vicky Kaushal, Yami Gautam, Aditya Dhar | 11th Jan 2019 | Movies Trailers 2018 - Duration: 1:32.


Ki Chile Amar Song- কি ছিলে আমার - Shabnur - Omor Sani - Moni Kishore - K Oporadhi - MusicBoX 18 - Duration: 4:48.

Ki Chile Amar Song- কি ছিলে আমার - Shabnur - Omor Sani - Moni Kishore - K Oporadhi - MusicBoX 18

Ki Chile Amar Song- কি ছিলে আমার - Shabnur - Omor Sani - Moni Kishore - K Oporadhi - MusicBoX 18

Ki Chile Amar Song- কি ছিলে আমার - Shabnur - Omor Sani - Moni Kishore - K Oporadhi - MusicBoX 18

Ki Chile Amar Song- কি ছিলে আমার - Shabnur - Omor Sani - Moni Kishore - K Oporadhi - MusicBoX 18

Ki Chile Amar Song- কি ছিলে আমার - Shabnur - Omor Sani - Moni Kishore - K Oporadhi - MusicBoX 18

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