my name is lufetarg
and my job is to spillll the tea
(Fake ID - Riton & Kah-Lo )
there are 3 things you will be expecting from my channel
dat vlog life
and my sole purpose in life
the vlogs are just me doing stuff
not really what vloggers do
my music is
l wanted to say dark and meaningful, but chose not to because that sounds stoopid
i will be spilling the tea
and not just any tea (oh no no no)
not tea that you can simply look up
it is tea from my persunal lif
its tea from schoooooool
its not just any tea
it is T H E T E A
from FeedMansaTartar
For more infomation >> what to expect from this channel - Duration: 1:13.-------------------------------------------
2nd Free Toy Giveaway Winner Announcement
加拿大s不悔改,中國只做不說,放終極信號! - Duration: 9:53.
從背後捅刀還能算朋友嗎?當然不算! 既然不是朋友
也不用顧忌加拿大的任何情面! 熟悉中國外交詞彙的讀者都知道
留給加拿大的時間不多了!頑抗到底 估計盧大使也沒有想到
結果人家卻並領情! 僅僅一天之後
這不是公然要把「孟晚舟事件」事件政治化嗎? 更關鍵的是
充分說明了一個事實:加拿大已經走入了「白人至上論」的死胡同! 所謂優越 表面上來看
黃皮膚的中華民族第一個不同意: 論歷史
中國有上下五千年的深厚積澱; 論文明
中國有仁義禮智信的偉大傳承; 論影響
中國有四夷皆來朝的輝煌成就; 和中國比優劣
白種人還真是不知道自己有幾斤幾兩! 白種人趁著中國打了一個100多年的小盹
特魯多——你可長點心吧! 餘波未平 由於特魯多當局的一系列「神操作」
中國的態度已經越發強硬: 據法新社報道
40歲的白人女律師Anna Lushchinskaya在去年末的12月11日上午8時34分
也不感到抱歉的言論引髮網友罵戰; 近日來自加州的華裔民眾王考文(Calvin Wong)近日在Change.
家住布碌侖(布魯克林)的亞裔民眾Cindy Duong也是簽署人之一
Hamburguesas descomunales para chuparse los dedos | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 2:31.
Benalla : enregistrements révélés - Duration: 9:21.
Jean Dujardin a-t-il la grosse tête ? - Duration: 3:16.
Bill Would Change Law Over City Government Reorganization - Duration: 2:22.
Emmanuel Macron: "Je vais faire beaucoup plus attention" - Duration: 3:02.
Texas Collector Returns 'Priceless' WWII Artifact to Arkansas Family - Duration: 2:20.
夫夫でゆる〜と過ごす休日・ゲイカップル All We Do is EAT! (Gay Couple) (#115) - Duration: 10:03.
It's Seigo & Bren!
We are vlogging again today!
Today is Sunday, and we are going to do a vlog about what we are going to do today.
It's just one of many Sundays
What we do on an average sunday
I think it's about 1 pm right now.
So we are going to go for a little
But before that,
please take this opportunity to subscribe to our channel!
And please give us a thumbs up!
We are on social media, so please follow us!
You can find all of the links in the video description!
Ok, well,
Let's go!
Seigo: Start the car!
Seigo: Bren has his sunglasses on!
That's right!
Seigo: It's too bright to drive without them!
That's correct
Seigo: There is is!
We are here!
Let's eat some lunch!
I'm hungry!
Bren: My body hurts!
Seigo: Really?
My shoulders hurt from jumping yesterday
Seigo: They have bowls too
Seigo: Do these have rice in them?
Bren: No
Seigo: Are they salads?
We can order here.
Seigo: We can show you what we ordered after it comes out!
Seigo: Do you remember what these drinks are?
Seigo: It's like veggies, and...
Bren: What was in it again?
Passion papaya green tea
Seigo: What's yours?
Plum ginger
Seigo: Plum?
Bren: Yeah, but it's not ume
It's the American plum
We call these "Plums"
Bren: The purple ones
They are very sweet.
Seigo: They call (umeboshi) sour plum in English!
that's weird, isn't it?
I'm Mr. editor!
Soup, and
This is pretty big!
What's this called? Thai...?
Bren: That's called "salad"
Seigo: What kind?
Thai salad?
Seigo:I like this a lot! It has peanuts and is a little spicy.
Bren: I got a greek salad with avocado
French onion soup!
Where is the cheese?!?!
Bren: They have me another one!
Bren: Because they messed up the first one
Bren got another soup!
Yeah, this was supposed to have croutons and cheese in it, but it didn't,
so I went to ask for some,
they just made another one for me...
How nice!
French onion soup is delicious!
The tomato was frozen!
It was frozen?
It was ice!
Are you ok?
My teeth hurt!
Bren: We are getting some to go
I'm getting them ready to go!
Bren: Getting ready!
There are lots of different healthy drinks!
Let's go!
Now we are at the mall!
We are looking for some clothes !
Here we go!
We came home, took a nap,
woke up,
took a nap,
and now we are going to go out and
grab some food,
come back home,
and eat our dinner while we watch a movie!
You have our whole night planned out!!
It's settled!
Let's go get food!
Let's go!
We arrived at the shop!
Can you see it?
Piada! It's back there
You're blocking the view!
They have really good pasta!
So we are going there!
Let's go!
Bren: Careful not to slip!
Seigo: Ok!
Seigo: Piada! It kinda sounds like "Prada!"
I found it!
Well, you may think we are super quick, because we already grabbed the food!
I'm hungry!
Let's eat!
At home,
Bren: This has been a fun midnight trip!
And now it's over!
That's a wrap!
It's soooo cold!
I just wanna get back home!
My face is cold!
Let me show you what we got!
Wow! This is pretty big!
Is that mine?
It's yours!
WOW! (*゚∀゚*)
"WOW"!! ( ✌︎'ω')✌︎
There is calamari on Bren's🦑
What's that in Japanese again?
Ika ringu?
Ika ringu toppings!
On carbonara!
Carbonara pasta!
as for yours truly,
here we go
Salmon is the main topping!
And what else...
Salmon with....
What was it again?
It was a tomato based sauce
Tomato sauce!
Let's dig in!
Let's eat!
This pasta is the best!
What else is there?!
A fork!
Let's put something on the telly (🇬🇧)
and eat our dinner!
Itadakimasu kiss!
Ready to eat!
Our pasta is thin angel hair pasta this time!
With plenty of topping like broccoli and zucchini!
You can choose your toppings!
So I got all of them!
What about Bren?
Seigo: Is it good?
So good!
Seigo: Mine is good too!
I can't get it!
I don't know!
It slips off!
It's a little bit stuck together
I think I took to much
I'll take some of yours too
Good, isn't it?
Make sure you get a calamari too
It exploded
I can't seem to grab any!
I told you!
I took too much!
Bren's is good too!
We ate delicious food,
then we watched some shows together!
It was FUN!
I had fun too.
I am slowly disappearing out of frame...
Don't disappear!
Today was
what did we even do today?
Edit videos,
We ate a lot of food today!
We sure did!
We went out to eat too!
Edited videos,
And now we can upload it!
We went to the mall but didn't buy anything!
I don't think we were there for more than 10 minutes!
We went in, looked around, didn't find anything, and left!
If you liked this video,
please leave us a thumbs up and subscribe to our channel!
And you can find all of our social media links in the video description!
So please be sure to check all of that out too!!
Please do!
See you in our next video!
Bye bye!!!
Good night!
Révélations sur le rôle de Brigitte Macron - Duration: 2:52.
Michèle Garcia (Nos chers voisins) dévoile son gros salaire - Duration: 2:16.
Greatest Classic Rock Songs Of All Time - Best Classic Rock 70's 80's 90's - Duration: 1:21:45.
Thanks for watching my video! Participate in my channel on social sites (Facebook, Google+, Twitter etc ...) so more people can hear and have fun! Thank you for reading and having a great day!
Conor McGregor next fight: Surprise opponent named as Dana White admits 'it's possible' - Duration: 3:42.
McGregor has been out of the cage since October, after his comeback fight against Nurmagomedov for the UFC lightweight title ended with him being tapped out
After that bout, a series of potential options opened up for 'The Notorious', with many believing he could even retire
The superstar has always maintained that he wants a rematch with the Russian, but that seems unlikely
Instead, matches against Tony Ferguson, Al Iaquinta and Max Holloway have seemed possible, and now a new challenger has emerged
Donald 'Cowboy' Cerrone defeated Alexander Hernandez with a spectacular second-round knockout on Saturday night at UFC Fight Night 139, and called out the Irishman
Cerrone was awarded the 'fight of the night' bonus for the win, which was his third in his last four fights
The American extended his record for most finishes within the UFC with 16, and seems a likely opponent for McGregor
UFC president Dana White admitted that, whilst all of the options were available, it was still a possible fight
"I mean, anything's possible," he said. "If those guys want want and the fans want to see it, that's what I do
"Obviously, don't run out there and say that's the fight I'm making. "I don't know what I'm going to do
"But I like the fact that two of these guys that are complete dogs and fight anybody are willing to fight each other
That's fun." 'Cowboy' remained sceptic that the fight would be made, but insisted that was the fight he wanted
"That'd be cool," he told reporters. "I hope the fight goes through. I can't get my hopes up
"He dictates everything, man. "I can say yes. Well, I can't say I'll fight anybody anymore, because now I told my team I'll take it easy
I want a top-five guy. "Conor's number two, that equals top-five to me. He's the master of talking s***
I'm sure he'll try and get under my skin, it'll be fun."
Macron n'exclut pas l'idée d'un référendum - Duration: 4:17.
Brigitte: fâchée avec N. Hulot ? - Duration: 3:28.
LRT PALEMBANG (Light Rail Transit) | DAILY VLOG - Duration: 16:08.
변화가 일으킨 축복 ► 홍성건 목사의 강연 - Duration: 56:51.
Les révélations de l'agent d'Emiliano Sala sur sa disparition. - Duration: 3:16.
Hollande se lance dans les conférences rémunérées - Duration: 2:20.
Perte due au quasi-gel des retraites: combien "perdez-vous" sur vos pensions ? - Duration: 2:20.
Gélatines de couleur : toutes mes recettes d'éclairage! - Duration: 9:18.
Les révélations de l'agent d'Emiliano Sala sur sa disparition. - Duration: 3:16.
Disparition De Sala: L'imbroglio Des Pilotes Enfin ÉClairci - Duration: 3:20.
Gélatines de couleur : toutes mes recettes d'éclairage! - Duration: 9:18.
Science 1 Preliminary Paper 2 Class 10th - Duration: 3:47.
Science 1 Preliminary Exam Class 10 Paper 2
Critiquée et insultée, Brigitte Macron, ce soutien inattendu qui lui met du baume au coeur - Duration: 1:53.
hey everyone~
today, I received some items from Boohoo
so, I thought I would try them on and share my thoughts with you
I'm kind of excited to get into it and see everything because
I've actually never bought anything from them before
and now that I think about it...
I haven't really done any winter shopping either
It just gets so cold here and I'm ready for the season to be over..
like spring, I'm waiting for you
but fortunately, today we have some pretty clothes to try on
so, why don't we just get right into it and I hope you enjoy the video!
the package is right here
it's so big
so why don't we just open it and right up?
I'm just gonna take everything out
so I don't make like a rustling noise every five minutes
just toss this to the side over there..
you don't see that right?
the first item I have here is this snake print turtleneck top
and this is in a petite fit
So what I've noticed the main difference between petite and regular fit is
usually in the sleeve as far as tops goes
because a lot of my tops that are regular fit
if they're long sleeve, they usually like extend past my hand
and they're just like dragging and wiping on everything
so I am expecting this to fit perfectly on my arm
it actually looks really short but you know, I'm short so like hello..
this is in a white snake print
and I don't have any animal print items in white
so I thought I would just pick this up
the material of this is a little thin
but it's okay because I wasn't really expecting it to be a thick sweater like material
and I want to use this mainly for layering
there's actually an Instagram model whose fashion I'm in love with, Feng Fan
I don't know if you guys know her account,
but I feel like she's pretty popular as far as like Instagram fashion goes
I just love all her outfits
and I see her wear animal print sometimes in her photos
and she's definitely influenced me to take a liking to animal print
and of course animal print trending right now
so, I think the more I see it the more I like this print and style
so I actually really like animal print right now
and yeah, I like that it's also cropped
because since I mainly want to use it for layering
I feel like cropped is one of the better cuts of clothing
just because if it's too long
it's so annoying for me to have to like tuck everything in
and then body suits are cool
until you have to use a bathroom..
and it's kind of ribbed so it actually almost feels like the snake print
I took a course in college that was textiles and they just passed around
dead animal skin for everyone to feel
like.. what, you know..
materials and all this stuff is made out of
so that was an interesting experience
can't say I really enjoyed that
but yeah, now I know
well, it doesn't like literally feel like it
but because the top isn't super smooth
it kind of feels like a snakeskin
oh, I'll also leave all the links to the items that I mention in this video in the description
so if anyone is interested in checking the pieces out for themselves
you can just click the link instead of having to try to type it in and search for on the site
next up, I got a pair of distressed mom jeans in black
these jeans have a huge rip right at the left knee
like this whole fabric is cut out
and then on the right, there is some distressing
but it's not too much so I think it balances really well
and I really wanted a pair of distressed jeans so, I love these
I don't have any like super ripped jeans
and I really wanted some
and I don't know why I chose winter to buy them
because I know these are not your ideal winter jeans
since once it gets really cold
all the air is just gonna blow right in your knee
and it's just like am I wearing pants right now? I don't know
but, you can always just layer with a lot of leggings or tights or socks
I do see some lint stuck on here
so hopefully once I roll it off, it'll be good
And it doesn't really have anything else to stick to it
because since it's black, I think it will be really obvious
if you know, a lot of lint gets stuck on these jeans
the material is pretty good
there are pockets in the back and then just in the front
they're pretty deep too
I picked up a co-ord set that I have right here
so, these are in a ribbed knit material
and this is what the top looks like
omg, looking at it right now, it looks so short
like I feel like this is a tube top or something,
but like with...you know, a turtleneck and longer sleeves
it comes with these culottes that are super wide
they look like this and it goes all the way like that
you can see.. kind of flares out a little bit
just by looking at it, I feel like from the crotch area to the top of the pants,
it's pretty long so it actually might come up high waisted
which will balance the top out
I think that it'll be fine that the top is short
I really like these pants
and I feel like because they're black you can to match it with anything in your closet
I think these would look really cute under an aviator or leather jacket
or if you want to make it more bolder
and put more accessories with it
I just really think that having like a really minimal simple black co-ord set is kind of essential
I don't know how I've never had it because you don't even have to think about what to wear
because it just comes together for you
and something so simple matches with a lot of items
and you can wear them separately
and just change up the style if you want to
I got this contrast stitch utility shirt because
I wanted to wear this with a skirt that I will show you in a second
and I thought that they would go well together because they have a similar style
they're not exactly the same now that you know, I'm looking at the item
but..you know, from a far you can't tell so, like that's the important part, right?
and I just noticed everything that what I have here is black
I didn't even notice when I was making the order
but I guess it just so happened that everything I like is in black
but I'm trying to expand my closet and adding more like neutrals and brown and a little of color
but yeah so I got this and then
here is the skirt that I picked up to wear with it and thought it would go well together
so as you can see it also is in a contrast stitch
and it's a wrap skirt so, it ties (at the side)
I really like the shape of it
the model made it look really good
so I was like, okay, I'm gonna get it
so this is what it looks like
as you can see they both have the contrast stitch
so guys, I just made my DIY co-ord, okay?
but they're not like exactly the same
like they're different shades of black
and this one is more of like a knit material, it's stretchy
so, that'll be comfortable
and this one it's kind of in like a washed black ribbed material
but, you know what? they look similar enough that I think I can probably wear together and it'll be fine
plus the skirt is really cute
the next item I got is this oversized faux leather trucker jacket
and this is what it looks like
it's pretty big but it's kind of like..cropped so, it's wide but short, you know?
I don't have any leather jackets in this kind of fit and style
so I really wanted to get this
and it has two pockets in the front
so one on each side
and it has these gold button accents
so I feel like you can hold like a wallet or a phone in here, which will be really useful
yeah, so I just got this jacket
can I just put this on right now?
the fit feels a little strange to me like it doesn't fit as nicely as I want it to be
there's some parts that are like cinched in
so it feels tight but then the other parts are just regular hanging out
so, it's like some parts are like squeezed in and other parts are not like I don't know
from a far I feel like it looks pretty okay
the jacket is definitely cropped so I think I'll be fun to style
and leather jackets go with everything
and like that it adds like an instant edge to your look
I also got this faux fur lined aviator jacket
which I think is one of my favorite items
the inside is insanely soft so I'm super excited to wear this
and I have one aviator jacket, but the lining is red
so I feel like it's really obvious if I wear it a lot
but since this is more of like a beige/neutral color
you can't really tell if I wear every single day
because I feel like once I like something, like I'm gonna wear a million times
ooh, girl! this is cute right?
yeah, I'm into this look right now
I wish the faux leather was a little more smooth
there's some like creases on it
I mean, I guess that is part of the detailing
but if it was like a more smoother look, I think I would like it even better
but yeah, the inside is extremely soft
and yeah, I'm obsessed with that because
it's gonna be so comfortable
and I really like the length of it
there is a buckle detailing at the bottom
and then at the neck part, you can use these to close up
which, I am gonna be so excited about because so soft
so that's really cute
and aviator jackets go well with a lot of different styles and outfits
so you'll definitely get a good wear out of it
I definitely think that it is one of the winter jackets that I really like
because it kind of looks like a leather jacket but with the added fur
it gives you like a winter look
so I know sock boots have been trending for a while now
but, I just never thought to get a pair because I have so many black boots
but then I thought about it
and I'm like all of my black boots are really chunky
and I like that sock boots have a more slimmer, thinner look
I don't have any boots where I can wear like under jeans
because usually for chunkier boots you probably know that like the leg
opening of the boot is really wide
so if I try to like put them under pants, I think I'll be really obviously like sticking out
so it's just like not cute
so I picked up a pair of sock boots
which is another one of my favorite items here today
and this is what they look like
I think they're really cute
they have a pointed toe
and pointed toes are my favorite toe for boots right now
as opposed to like round, square, and almond
I just really like pointed toe
the next few items I got are some accessories
so, I have this grey tassel scarf
really simple, minimal
I feel like for winter you can never have too many scarves
so, I just picked this up
it's really long
the material is pretty good
It's a little thin but I think because there's so much to the fabric
once you wrap it around, it'll be really warm
then, I got a couple hats
so I have this baker boy hat in a white and black gingham print
so I can just try this on because you know, is right here
so this is what it looks like
it might not go with like this hoodie that I'm wearing right now
but yeah, this is what it looks like
not bad, right?
fits my head well..I like the shape of baker boy hat
I just feel like I don't know they're kind of cute
so I got this one
one thing I don't like about wearing hats is that I always have hat hair
like even if I wear it for two seconds, it just like flattens my hair
I don't know how people can like wear a hat and take it off
and it's like their hair looks of voluminous
how do you do that? because it just does not work for my hair
but anyway, this is in a grey felt one
so, also just the baker boy (style)
it's a little tighter than the one I just wore but still fits..still cute, right?
I got this 2-pack beanie set so comes with a grey and black one
these are just staple year round
good material..you know, I feel like these are really good quality
and they were like incredibly affordable
I'll just try this on I'm sure you guys all know what beanies look like
but because this is a try on video
this is the grey one
so that is all for my video today
I hope you guys enjoyed
let me know what you think in the comments
I hope that you have a great day, and I will see you in my next video
Macron n'exclut pas l'idée d'un référendum - Duration: 4:17.
AVE BASSBOY Powered Subwoofer Range - Duration: 0:57.
Conor McGregor next fight: Surprise opponent named as Dana White admits 'it's possible' - Duration: 3:42.
McGregor has been out of the cage since October, after his comeback fight against Nurmagomedov for the UFC lightweight title ended with him being tapped out
After that bout, a series of potential options opened up for 'The Notorious', with many believing he could even retire
The superstar has always maintained that he wants a rematch with the Russian, but that seems unlikely
Instead, matches against Tony Ferguson, Al Iaquinta and Max Holloway have seemed possible, and now a new challenger has emerged
Donald 'Cowboy' Cerrone defeated Alexander Hernandez with a spectacular second-round knockout on Saturday night at UFC Fight Night 139, and called out the Irishman
Cerrone was awarded the 'fight of the night' bonus for the win, which was his third in his last four fights
The American extended his record for most finishes within the UFC with 16, and seems a likely opponent for McGregor
UFC president Dana White admitted that, whilst all of the options were available, it was still a possible fight
"I mean, anything's possible," he said. "If those guys want want and the fans want to see it, that's what I do
"Obviously, don't run out there and say that's the fight I'm making. "I don't know what I'm going to do
"But I like the fact that two of these guys that are complete dogs and fight anybody are willing to fight each other
That's fun." 'Cowboy' remained sceptic that the fight would be made, but insisted that was the fight he wanted
"That'd be cool," he told reporters. "I hope the fight goes through. I can't get my hopes up
"He dictates everything, man. "I can say yes. Well, I can't say I'll fight anybody anymore, because now I told my team I'll take it easy
I want a top-five guy. "Conor's number two, that equals top-five to me. He's the master of talking s***
I'm sure he'll try and get under my skin, it'll be fun."
Emiliano Sala porté disparu : le rôle trouble des agents McKay au cœur de l'enquête - Duration: 10:20.
Vous ne vous entendez jamais ronfler, c'est normal et en voici... - Duration: 3:45.
Tarot Reading: what is LOVE? - Duration: 8:07.
Hello everybody this is Kāmila Holyt and I'm making an experiment. This
experiment is about synchronicity: I prepared videos and then I work on
them and they are being published by YouTube channel every Friday so they are
scheduled to sort out every Friday. And that means that maybe this video will be
out should be out in January (February 1st!) and today it's still November. So, what I'm doing is
asking questions because what I did with my previous series of video is just to
find out... just trying to explain through the Tarot system that I have... I say
"received", that I have worked on and that helped me a lot to get to the center of
myself... using everyday life as my spiritual path and so I am
I'm not what I'm doing is... yes, I'm still reminding about that scheme,
but since I feel I've almost cleaned up everything myself... up to now: of course
tomorrow there will be more problems! I'm not thinking to be
illuminated or... but I'm quite conscious at the moment, or I feel I am, and so a
new scheme appeared to me and I am tasting it so I'm giving myself advice
now and I want to see if just trying to let this advice work in my subconscious
and remember about it, with this new scheme of Tarot is going to help me
to read my everyday life... I want to see if in January when I hear about
what I'm going to say today I feel I... I'll understand it, I mean, in the heart
because now it will come through my mind mostly, and my higher mind, and so I'm
testing that and I hope you see these videos because if in a way you feel
aligned to what I say it means that synchronicity really works not only for
myself but for everybody. So I hope what I say can help you. Okay, so, today I've
got one of those big questions that is: WHAT IS LOVE?
Such a simple question...
Mmh, so... What is love? This card is the key-card I'm going to keep in
mind when I read the other three. This card is saying that love is CREATING, to
create in... following the flow! Just trusting the Universe and trusting your
real self... is... IS LOVE! And love is what keeps the world together, isn't it? So at
the center there is this card which is a birth of something new which is linked
to the divine and has a feminine and masculine side, but these two energies
are serving this being whose awareness is just independent but not lonely not
alone... So love is:
following your creative instinct, "creative"... that can be your will to build
up things, stuff and relations but also anything creative you can think about: a
child, you can give birth to a child or just to cook the most incredible dish ever.
And love is something which is nourished by feminine energy, understood by
masculine energy that - in accepting it, while accepting it -
makes it an instrument of giving structure to the...
creation! And the creation is an act of profound will and it is the will of
expressing your nature. THE WILL OF EXPRESSING YOUR NATURE IS LOVE, yes! And
when you love and you share love it's expressing your nature not only with the
terrestrial push, which is instinctive, but also because you're also connected
to the biggest part of you that goes beyond this duality and makes you feel and
accept that you... that BY receiving this perfect
place, where you are loved and you are secure and safe while RECEIVING all that,
you are GIVING IT BACK! That's love...
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