Hello~ I am G-NI (KANI-JJANG)
Today I have prepared
Korean BBQ (Samgyeopsal)
I will eat it as lettuce wrap
and make stir-fried rice too.
Let's eat now~
Everyone you should turn the meat upside down just once.
Then it becomes delicious keeping meat juice well.
I will turn it now.
Let's eat~
Samgyeopsal is the best when I eat it as lettuce wrap.
If you keep eating only meat, you would feel oily.
I think I can keep eating if with vegetables.
Everyone~ I want to drink just a glass of soju.
I need to grill more meat.
I will make stir-fried rice from now.
Everything was very nice today.
Tomorrow's menu is Korean bbq!
For more infomation >> ASMR|삼겹살에 김치구워서 소주한잔 어떠신가요?? 볶음밥도 있어요~♡ 삼겹살 먹방, 삼겹살 asmr - Duration: 10:07.-------------------------------------------
Ce a mărturisit Alex Bodi despre Bianca Drăgușanu, după ce au fost nași de botez! "Nu pot să o compa - Duration: 3:17.
Incredibly Stunning Century Old School House Now 500 Sq Ft Tiny Cottage Park Model from Tiny - Duration: 2:12.
Incredibly Stunning Century Old School House Now 500 Sq. Ft. Tiny Cottage Park Model from Tiny
Pop Goes The Weasel | Nursery Rhymes For Children | Cartoons by Kids Baby Club - Duration: 15:59.
Pop Goes The Weasel
bầu cua 2019 - hướng dẫn cách chơi bầu cua bịp trên điện thoại - Duration: 9:47.
Dr. Gê, vilão do BBB5, afirma que é amigo de Gustavo e detona comportamento do colega no jogo - Duration: 2:48.
The Key To Achieving Happiness! - The Millennial Moment #59 - Duration: 3:41.
News24 - Ole Gunnar Solskjaer already making next season's plans for Man United - Duration: 5:26.
Ole Gunnar Solskjaer admits he is planning for next season at Manchester United – regardless of whether he lands the manager's job on a permanent basis
The United caretaker boss has engineered eight straight wins since replacing Jose Mourinho last month, including away victories over Tottenham and Arsenal in the league and cup
Solskjaer is due to return to Molde at the end of the season as United continue to be linked with Mauricio Pochettino, but he revealed that he is already looking beyond then
Man United fixtures Premier League unless stated January 29 Burnley (H)February 3 Leicester City (A)February 9 Fulham (A)February 12 Paris Saint-Germain (H)Champions League last-16, first leg 'We have quite a few talents in that youth team that you'd like to see and will see at some point before next season to put the club and team in a good position at the end of the season,' he said ahead of Tuesday's clash with Burnley at Old Trafford
'How will we look like next season. What Manchester United are going to look like next season with or without me, it doesn't matter, I'm here to prepare for next season
'Solskjaer believes he has proved that there is more to his game plan than simply 'attacking, attacking, attacking' during his short time back at the club
The former United striker has brought a palpable feelgood factor to Old Trafford but feels that the improvement made in little more than a month demonstrates that he isn't just about rediscovering United's identity and scoring goals
'I love it,' he added. 'It's what you want. We've had some fantastic results, great performances, and the improvement I can see in many aspects
'Just from Tottenham to Arsenal the way we improved the structure, the way the ideas, we get to know each other more and they get to know me and what I want from the team
'The first few games people said it was just about attacking, attacking, attacking
'I see myself as a Man United product because I started my career as a coach here
I've done my badges over here so the biggest part of my football life has been here in Manchester
' Solskjaer is sufficiently ensconced back at United to have an input in the club's transfer dealings this month and also in the summer
He did not rule out any departures before Thursday's deadline amid renewed speculation that Matteo Darmian could return to Italy with Inter Milan, but insisted that Andreas Pereira would not leave on loan to gain more first-team football
'At the moment I can see everyone staying at the club,' he said. 'No deals have been done with anyone, but there are still a few more days
'I'm not too involved in the negotiations so whatever happens happens. But it'll be good to get the window closed and improve the players in the squad still here
'I can't see Andreas going out on loan because he has done fantastic in training ever since I come back
He's a player I can see playing quite a few games for us towards the end of the season
'Solskjaer hopes to make it nine wins out of nine against a Burnley side thrashed 5-0 in the FA Cup by Manchester City at the weekend, but knows he will be facing a stronger team and one that had picked up 10 points from four league games prior to that
'The results they've had and performances they've had says that and we know we're up against a team that's going to come here and fight for three points, as every single team in the Premier League will,' he said
'They will cause you different problems – the physicality, the front two, you've got to be ready for them – but we've turned the corner ourselves
We looked really good against Arsenal defensively. We defended the box really well and that's going to be important against Burnley
'Solskjaer confirmed that Chris Smalling is nearing a return after recovering from a foot injury
'Chris has trained for a week now, so he's looking good,' he added. 'It's about when do we get him into the team
《幕后之王》彩蛋合集:来了老弟! - Duration: 11:39.
《幕后之王》 彩蛋合集: 来了老弟!
《幕后之王》 第40集堪 称彩蛋合集, 好几部剧 在这一集里 产生了关联 。
周冬雨饰演的 布小谷, 在 许天泽的朋 友圈里看到, "某人又 双叒挂水了 "。
某人, 就是罗 晋饰演的淳 于乔。
这本来是一段 很普通的剧 情, 但当镜 头给出淳于 乔所住的医 院时, 满仓 大兄弟震惊 了。
这是《幕后之 王》第40 集, 淳于乔 挂水时, 所 住医院的外 景。
同时这也是《 外科风云》 第10集的 第一个镜头 。
同机位、同景 别、同样的 夜景, 几乎 是完全重合 的两个画面 。
也就是说, 淳 于乔住进的 医院, 正是 靳东饰演的 庄恕所在的 "仁合医院 "。
尽管《外科风 云》的仁合 医院位于嘉 林市, 但这 是一个虚构 的地名。
淳于乔得的是 胃病, 应该 住进胃肠科 。
而庄恕是心胸 外科的医生, 因此他没 机会诊治淳 于乔。
那么, 淳于乔 入院期间, 庄恕在不在 这里呢?
按照《幕后之 王》和《外 科风云》的 时间轴推算, 淳于乔住 院期间, 庄 恕就在仁合 。
周冬雨饰演的 布小谷, 参 加了201 7届硕士论 文答辩。
布小谷论文答 辩结束后, 第一季《魅 力远航》开 始录制, 而 淳于乔住院 之前, 第二 季《魅力远 航》已经完 成了方案替 换并启动拍 摄了。
也就是说, 淳 于乔住院时, 应该已经 是2018 年了。
再来看《外科 风云》的时 间轴。
《外科风云》 第1集, 靳 东饰演的庄 恕在201 6年的美国 家中醒来, 然后飞赴中 国嘉林, 开 始了在仁合 医院为期一 年的工作。
庄恕在仁合工 作不到一年, 就被迫离 开了中国。
但不久后, 他 又因为耐药 菌株的传染 疫情而重返 仁合医院。
此时是201 7年。
庄恕重返仁合 以后, 跟白 百何饰演的 陆晨曦确定 了婚事。
婚都结了, 庄 恕还能离开 中国吗?
与此同时, 仁 合医院代理 院长扬帆, 因涉嫌经济 问题被免职 。
仁合号称国内 心胸外科第 一, 此时却 面临着王牌 科室群龙无 首的局面, 而庄恕又是 国际心胸外 科的顶级专 家, 他是接 任仁合院长 的最佳人选 。
因此于公于私, 庄恕都很 有可能继续 留在仁合工 作。
庄恕留在仁合 医院继续工 作的另一个 证据, 是他 带了一个著 名的研究生 ——胡歌。
胡歌在《外科 风云》里实 名客串出演 。
他本来要考陆 晨曦的研究 生, 但因为 迟到, 遭到 了陆晨曦的 鄙视。
于是胡歌问庄 恕, 我考您 的研究生行 吗?
庄恕答应了胡 歌的请求, 但条件是, "别叫老师, 叫大哥" 。
这是《外科风 云》和《伪 装者》之间 的穿越。
也就是说, 在 2018年 时, 胡歌正 处在研一下 学期或者研 二上学期。
由此可证:淳 于乔住院时, 庄恕就在 这家医院。
这是《幕后之 王》的第一 个彩蛋, 名 字就叫"来 了老弟"。
同期播出的《 知否知否应 是绿肥红瘦 》, 也跟庄 恕有着密切 关联。
《知否知否》 高露饰演的 大反派林噙 霜, 就是《 外科风云》 里的林欢, 而林欢就是 庄恕的亲妹 妹南南。
《知否知否》 刘琳饰演的 盛家主母, 就是《外科 风云》里的 张淑梅, 而 张淑梅就是 庄恕的妈妈 。
南南小时候, 妈妈就因为 被栽赃而寻 了短见。 此 后庄恕兄妹 也失散了。
没想到, 这对 亲母女穿越 之后竟然成 了冤家, 而 且妈妈还打 过女儿。
《知否知否》 的盛家老爷, 就是《幕 后之王》里 的闻思默。
闻思默至今单 身, 原来是 前世娶媳妇 太多, 用尽 了桃花缘的 缘故。
淳于乔出院后, 成了"全 球极限运动 会"转播权 的招标顾问。 当他看到 布小谷在台 上慷慨陈词 时, 陷入了 一段回忆。
这段回忆, 也 大有文章。
淳于乔的回忆 里, 出现了 暴雨直播前, 布小谷在 办公室里架 着他胳膊的 镜头。
这个镜头证明, 淳于乔当 时是在装睡 。
在此前我们争 议"捂眼杀 到底是真是 假"时, 淳 于乔的回忆 里就出现过 "捂眼杀" 。
后来编剧苏梨 叶亲自解释 说, "捂眼 杀"真实存 在, 只不过 镜头语言没 有清晰表达 。
那么由此推断, 既然淳于 乔能回忆起 布小谷架着 他的胳膊, 就说明当时 他并未睡着 。
满仓大兄弟此 前在回答网 友提问时也 分析过这个 问题。
当时淳于乔的 胳膊被布小 谷推上去几 次又滑落下 来, 而淳于 乔并未全身 麻醉, 因此 以布小谷的 动作幅度, 淳于乔不可 能感知不到 。
后来, 许天泽 闯进了淳于 乔的办公室, 还跟布小 谷说了一句 话。 此时淳 于乔才翻了 个身, 胳膊 再也没滑下 来。 这进一 步说明, 淳 于乔当时是 醒着的。
至于淳于乔当 时为何装睡, 我的回答 依然是:因 为他喜欢布 小谷, 但布 小谷已经是 许天泽的女 友了, 所以 淳于乔只能 假装熟睡, 来享受被布 小谷照顾的 片刻时光。
《幕后之王》 的导演李骏, 此前执导 过《和平饭 店》, 而我 们也在《幕 后之王》里 看到了多位 《和平饭店 》的故人。
最显眼的一位 自然是陈数 :《和平饭 店》的女一 号陈佳影, 《幕后之王 》的友情出 演郁海伦。
在上面这张图 中, 左起第 一个人是爱 飞网的首席 内容官沈澄, 他在《和 平饭店》里 扮演了日本 间谍野间平 二, 是陈佳 影的上司。
右起第一个人 是彼岸云的 内容总监蓝 鸿, 他在《 和平饭店》 里扮演了美 国间谍乔治 白。
这两个人在《 幕后之王》 里平时是不 碰面的, 但 "全球极限 运动会"的 转播权招标, 让他们成 了直接竞争 对手, 同时 也促成了《 幕后之王》 的另一个彩 蛋。
这个彩蛋依然 可以被称为 "来了老弟 "。
其实, 《幕后 之王》里的 《和平饭店 》故人还不 止这几个。 除了前一篇 文章里提到 的白心心之 外, 许长野 恒天集团内 的一名股东, 也是"间 谍出身"。
这位股东大叔, 长相酷似 《和平饭店 》里的兄弟 间谍之一陈 敏章。 可是, 满仓大兄 弟却没有在 《幕后之王 》的演员表 中找到郭秋 成的名字。 不知道是我 认错了, 还 是其他原因 。
周六的《幕后 之王》只更 新了一集, 几乎没有需 要解读的内 容。 满仓大 兄弟跟大家 玩玩穿越梗。 这可能是 大战之前, 最后的宁静 了。
Gilets jaunes: J. Rodrigues a porté plainte - Duration: 4:37.
★Carmelahabibi★ Gorgeous Fashion Model instagram | Wonderful fashion Style & Looks - Duration: 2:32.
★Carmelahabibi★ Gorgeous Fashion Model instagram | Wonderful fashion Style & Looks
Model plus Fashion tips Plus size model Plus size fashion plus size Curvy model value fashion Street fashion Fashion model Fashion Bbw instatop fashion Blog Celeb Celebs Celebs fashion Celebs style Curve Curves Fashion blogger Fashion designer fashion nova Fashion plus
Benoît Hamon sermonné par sa mère suite aux débats de la primaire - Duration: 2:35.
Darren Criss celebrates milestone win: 'Roles are few and far between for someone of my ethnicity' - Duration: 4:14.
Darren Criss has won an Emmy, a Golden Globe, a Critics' Choice Award, and now a SAG Award for playing the serial killer who murdered famed fashion designer Gianni Versace in the second installment of FX's American Crime Story
But the 31-year-old admitted after accepting his trophy Sunday that it hasn't been easy to find leading roles like the one he snagged in Ryan Murphy's anthology series
Asked about being the first Filipino-American to pull off such an awards sweep, Criss told reporters backstage, "It's a shame that I'm the first
It should have been a while ago, but that's not the conscious fault of anybody." He added, "The roles are few and far between for someone of my ethnicity
" Criss, who is half-Filipino, went on to say that "while that's a tragedy, the winds are shifting and I'm very excited
It's an honor, and it's been the coolest year for representation across film and television and culture in general, and I think what's really exciting about it is that it's not just some kind of Hollywood agenda
I think consumers have shifted what they want to see; they want to see themselves, they want to see their stories told by new faces and serve that appetite
So to have been a small part of that is a extraordinary privilege that's much bigger than myself
" Kevin Winter/Getty Images Before American Crime Story and American Horror Story, Criss was best known for his musical run on Fox's Glee from 2010 to 2015
Before that, he appeared on TV series like Little White Lie, Eastwick, and Cold Case
In 2012, he made his Broadway debut by replacing Daniel Radliffe as J. Pierrepont Finch in the revival of How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying
His three-week run was deemed a huge success. This year, he's set to appear in the Roland Emmerich-directed film Midway, about World War II
He'll star opposite Woody Harrelson, Patrick Wilson, Ed Skrein, Aaron Eckhart, Luke Evans, Mandy Moore, Dennis Quaid, and Nick Jonas
Criss' win Sunday represented his first solo SAG Award nomination. He was previously nominated in 2012 and 2013 for Outstanding Performance by an Ensemble in a Comedy Series alongside his fellow Glee cast members
With reporting by Piya Sinha-Roy. [Editor's note: This story and its headline have been updated to correct a transcription error
] Related content: See all the stars at EW's SAG Awards party How Darren Criss transformed himself in the eyes of viewers — and Emmy voters The Assassination of Gianni Versace: Ryan Murphy says he knew Darren Criss was 'capable of great darkness' The Assassination of Gianni Versace type TV Show Genre Crime, Drama run date 01/17/18 Cast Edgar Ramirez, Darren Criss, Penelope Cruz, Ricky Martin Network FX Complete Coverage The Assassination of Gianni Versace
婚約指輪・結婚指輪専門店輪-RIN-(群馬県高崎市)Tendence☆FRASH点灯パターン - Duration: 1:18.
Le Théorème du Chameau - Duration: 0:48.
Hello everyone!
Today, I'm gonna tell you about a mathematic theorem
that I invented myself alone with my head,
even if most of the time there's nothing in it.
But sometimes there's things inside, I think.
The theorem, I called it "The Camel Theorem".
*far off* Hey it's "The Renversmentage Theorem"!
Shut up Michel!
So, the theorem says that:
if you take a number
and you substract its reversed to it,
it necessarily gives a multiple of 9.
21, its reversed is 12.
And 21 - 12...
*is counting with his fingers*
I'm gonna use the calculator
sponsored by Calculator Corporation®!
So: 21 - 12,
9 is a multiple of 9.
The theorem is validated by Calculator Corporation®.
Even if in itself,
the theorem is useless.
Like absolutely EVERYTHING in mathematics except additions.
And subtractions maybe.
「Mステ」SP、オープニングアクト発表 - Duration: 4:45.
【ミュージックステ ション/モデルプレ =1月28日】2月 日に放送される「テ ビ朝日開局60周年 念 ミュージックス ーション3時間スペ ャル」(よる7時~ のオープニングアク が発表された。
【さらに写真を見る 嵐・乃木坂46・G NERATIONS ジャニーズWEST 「Mステ」SP出演 第一弾発表
◆「Mステ」SP、 HE YELLOW MONKEYがオー ニングアクト出演決
今回の3時間スペシ ルのオープニングを るのはTHE YE LOW MONKE 。1995年に発売 れた代表曲『太陽が えている』を披露す 。
同楽曲は、1995 にリリースされたT E YELLOW ONKEY、8枚目 シングル。テレビ朝 系のサッカー情報番 『Jリーグ A G GO!!』のオープ ングテーマ曲として 親しまれ、ファンの でも人気の高い曲。 ミュージックステー ョン』で披露するの 、23年ぶりとなる
◆ミュージックステ ション3時間スペシ ル
2019年、開局6 周年を迎えるテレビ 日。その記念すべき 局記念日である2月 日に放送される「ミ ージックステーショ 3時間スペシャル」
開局記念日の放送に さわしい、「2度と られない!テレ朝6 年の発掘映像ランキ グ」では、今では考 られない貴重な共演 初出演、ハプニング ど、同局に眠る貴重 像の数々を公開。豪 アーティストたちの ペシャルな演出も予 している。(mod lpress編集部
■【出演予定アーテ スト】※50音順
ZARD・坂井泉水 倉木麻衣
and more…
【Not Spon ored 記事】
IZ*ONE 에너지 캠(ENOZI Cam) EP.13 - Duration: 6:27.
Today is the day of the Seoul Music Awards
The red carpet event will be held soon
and we'll turn into brides for today
Won Young~
A heart? Girl,
I know you like me~
I'm outta here~
What movie did you watch recently?
Movie I watched recently?
Bohemian Rhapsody
What do you want for the girls to say to you?
You look nice today
That makes my day
so much better
Who would you like to be if you were born again?
Nako of course~
No~ You should say Eun Bi~
You should say Yu Ri~
Wow~ You guys are scary~
Nako I know you're smart
Ye Na~
Shopping vs Traveling
You're out
Traveling! X3
99's Forever
99's Forever!
99's Forever!
Amusement parks vs Movie theaters
Amusement parks!
Movie theater..
Hey you're out~
You're out of 99's
You're out x2
99's Forever!
Name 3 girls that you would like to be with on a deserted island
I won't go
These three looks good
These three~
99's Forever!
Who would you like to have as your younger sister?
Well~ Min Ju!
Because Min Ju
Ye Na!~
No~ lol
is always pretty
I want to be like Minju~
you're so pretty (like this)
Pork vs Beef
Because we can even eat the skin of it
What do you want for the girls to say to you?
You look nice today
You said the same thing (as me)!
Oh really?!
No wonder we became
one as IZ*ONE
The moment we become one, everyone pay attention
In the morning: Sleeping vs Eating
Eating! lol
I like breakfast lol
Your favorite time of the day is?
When I eat lol
Hitomi likes eating the most lol
Contacts vs Glasses
Because, have you ever heard of Yu Ri's Glasses?
Because my fans like me
wearing glasses
I personally like to wear contacts
but if my fans like me wearing glasses
I should wear that
Name 3 girls that you would like to be with on a deserted island
Lee Chae Yeon
Kang Hye Won
Choi Ye Na
First of all, I think it's going to be fun
and Chae Yeon is good at cooking
so I'll ask her to cook for me
Ye Na is fun to hang around
and Hye Won,
She likes animation
so I think she'll be good at making ships
I'm saying whatever lol
Girl-crush vs Girl-ish
Girl crush
Doesn't my concept for today
my outfit for today
look like girl crush?
Sorry but not at all
Sweatshirts vs Hoodies
Why did you wear sweatshirts today then?
I have nothing to say about that but I honestly like hoodies more
IZ*ONE going to the red carpet
Oh! This is the Jo-Yu-Ri's!?
Yeah but all of us look different now
Yeah we all have different hair styles
We decided to have different hair colors
so the reporters don't get confused
That's why I changed my hair color
Hello! We're the Jo-Yu-Ri's
What is your specialty as a member of the Jo-Yu-Ri's?
I'm the leader of the Jo-Yu-Ri's
Why are you the leader
Why are you the leader?
Because we're called the Jo-Yu-Ri's
I'm older than you so I should be the leader!
Age doesn't matter, the one who has the leadership should be the leader
I'm the leader of the Jo-Yu-Ri's
I'm the leader, I'm the leader
Hey hey hey~!
Okay then it's mine~!
I'm the leader of the Jo-Yu-Ri's
Like the drama SKY Castle
Then you should be like this
Would you like to keep me in charge?
Did you buy the ticket?~
It was so cold~
Woah it was so cold~
IZ*ONE getting ready for the performance
We'll be back~~~~~~
The stage is huge
Look at her..
She likes me too much
99's X2
Hey don't think about becoming a member of the 99's
If she's the 99's, does Yu Jin's age
change to yours?
Then if I become the 99's, does my age change too?
I want to become the 99's too
99's Forever!
Where did the youngest of the 99's go
Where are you!
Here I am~
There's a youngest? lol
She's here
I'm the oldest of the 99's
Member of the 99's is increasing lol
Hey you're out~
Let me be the last member of the 99's
99's Forever
Hey! Why aren't you repeating it~
Oops, sorry~
She's the cutest~
She's so cute
Sorry I just became a member so I didn't know what was going on
IZ*ONE won the Rookie of the Year Award in the Seoul Music Awards!
Thanks to WIZ*ONE,
we were able to experience so many things
Thinking of this moment,
we will keep trying our best to become better IZ*ONE
IZ*ONE busy getting ready for their performance
To shock the audience, go go!
Even though this was our first time
to participate in the Seoul Music Awards,
we won the Rookie of the Year Award
Thank you WIZ*ONE for always supporting us and
please give us a lot of love and support from now on
Thank you!~
Congratulations IZ*ONE for winning the Rookie of the Year Award~!!
[free] Moneybagg Yo x Key glock Type Beat "ambition" - Duration: 3:14.
[free] Moneybagg Yo x Key glock Type Beat "ambition"
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