I can't read this stuff anymore it just makes me too anxious.
Regardless of who you are where you live your politics we're all struggling to deal with
the news.
And for many of us it produces a lot of stress and anxiety.
The American Psychological Association does this yearly report on stress in America and
what they found in their most recent report is Gen Z Young people growing up right now
they are having an even more difficult time dealing with the news and the big conflicts
and problems that are happening in the world it's impacting them much more than it's impacted
previous then it is impacting other generations.
So why is this happening?
Well one of the things you have to remember is anxiety is fueled by uncertainty when we
don't know what's happened or what is going to happen.
It's often going to lead to anxiety and the news is full of uncertainty.
We've so rarely know the full story and we never know how a story is going to play out
in the future.
And so many of us when we have uncertainty a drive might be to try to get more certainty
so we might try to read more.
Even though all the stories are full of uncertainty there's we we we don't know how things are
going to play out with with the gun debate in the United States or with the Robert Mueller
probe or with our changing climate.
These are big complicated issues you can't get more certainty by reading more articles.
It's not going to happen.
We kind of need to wait for time to play itself out to see how these stories are going to
play out.
One of the changes that's happened is we're surrounded by these stories everywhere.
You go back a few decades and it used to be that you'd only get news from the evening
news on TV or in more recent times from CNN Fox News stuff like that cable news and now
or newspaper or news magazines.
Now it's not just TV and more traditional media but it's your phone you can get news
stories all the time and you can get alerts sent and news organizations have really optimized
for clicks.
So they're really good at writing headlines that get you to feel an emotion and make you
want to click.
So I wanted to talk to you about four things you can do right now to reduce your news anxiety
and I can start with the most important one which is to turn off your notifications turn
off your notifications for the news apps that you follow unsubscribe to those news alerts
on your e-mail.
Get rid of all the ways that news gets pushed to you outside of your control.
Breaking news happens at all hours of the day and usually when it's breaking news.
That's when we have the least idea of what's happening.
So most uncertainty when you have notifications turned on you are turning over control of
your emotions to these apps and to the journalistic institutions behind them.
And again remember they're optimize to get you to click so maybe it's 12 30 there's 12:30
in the morning you're trying to fall asleep it's past midnight and you get a news alert.
And then you see it and you're like wait what is happening.
Oh my gosh.
And then you click on it and then now it's like 20 minutes later and you're all worried
about this crisis that's playing out when you're trying to fall asleep.
Turn off those alerts.
You're not missing anything.
You're not.
You're going to find out if there is a real urgent thing that you need to know of.
You'll find out you don't need the alerts to turn to inform you of that stuff.
So turn off all those alerts.
Turn off all those notifications number two only check news at certain points in the day.
So you want to set up some kind of routine where you are giving yourself time and space
and emotional energy to read the news.
I myself read news I don't really read news I listen to the news more.
I listen to certain podcasts as well as I listen to NPR one and I listen to their newscasts
and I listen at two points in a day.
One is in the morning when I'm kind of getting ready to get to know what are the big things
that are happening both in the world as well as my local community here in New York.
And then number two I listen to it after I'm done at work and when I start my commute home
that's about it every now and then I'll do a deeper dive into a story if it's something
I feel like I should really know much more about.
But those are the only times I really keep up with the news.
I don't check much during my workday because to be able to focus on work and I don't check
much when I'm with my family and kids because I don't want all that anxiety sidetracking
me of being able to spend time with my family.
Number three go to trusted news sources and don't rely on social media.
So is social media the feed pushes forward stuff that's really shareable that's getting
a lot of likes and getting a lot of shares.
And what we know in research is the stuff that gets a lot of likes and shares is really
emotional content.
So if you're relying on your social media feed for your news which many of us do you're
going to see the most emotionally activating stories they're going to be the ones that
are most difficult for you to see and read and hear and they're going to be the ones
that get your blood boiling.
So related to my previous comment about only checking your check in the news at certain
hours of the day.
Try not to get your news from social media.
And if you are exploring your social media feed only do it at certain times in the day
when you're ready to deal with whatever you see in the feed.
The other thing about trusted news sources is there a little bit less likely to create
really emotionally compelling stories that get you mad or get you angry.
So as much as you can go to only trusted news sources and I know that brings up a whole
debate about liberal versus conservative media.
But even then there are things that are more in the middle that are a bit less biased towards
one end or the other and that write a bit less emotional content.
Last tip number four is to have a news free sleep routine.
So in that last hour before you're going to sleep don't look at the news.
The news should not be a part of your sleep routine.
Because that's when you really need to start winding down.
That's when people need to start doing soothing activities things that calm their bodies down.
And while it's very different for people what the soothing activities might be if you struggle
with news anxiety looking at the news listening to news watching it on YouTube reading it
on your app that's not going to help is probably going to make it a lot harder for you to fall
asleep and be full of more worries about what's going on.
Have you ever dealt with news anxiety and what's helped you to cope with it.
Let me know in the comments below if you like this video give it a thumbs up if you want
more videos about psychology and mental health subscribe to the psych show and if you want
to help me make more videos.
Check out my Patreon where you can get behind the scenes footage of how I make the stuff
and also support me in making more content.
For more infomation >> 4 tips to overcome news anxiety - Duration: 7:47.-------------------------------------------
Runcam Split Mini 2 Iflight IH3 Déballage Banggood - RC GENERAL - RCTutos #282 - Duration: 5:54.
Hello everyone Welcome on RCTutos.fr
Today we receive a package from our partner Banggood
Let's open this together
So we receive some things for our small 3 inch quadcopter we showed you last time
This one, so
we built it, we tried it so it runs really well
it's a good quad
the problem on this frame is there is only 1 place for electronics
we need 2 places
So we ordered a small Iflight IH3 frame
on this chassi, the advantage is the propellers are not in the view of camera
but on this one, with the camera here, the propellers are in middle of the view
so when you record a video you have the propellers on the screen
So we choose this one, let's see this together
So it's made by Iflight, you see the package is really clean
you have here the screws, with spacers and some foe electronics
you have a lot of spare screws
the lipo strap
you have here the chassis, and you can see the distance between propellers
very oopen to let the view free for the camera
so we will build it soon
you have here a 3D printed flexible TPu antenna mount
it's a very very good quality
for information, my friend Laurent, TESTER BOB
is flying with Iflight, the quads runs really nice
I suggest you to go and see his Youtube channel, just launched
it's a channel about FPV, quadcopters, planes following, Demolition Derby...
RC Bangers like the video we released last
he also published one
I highly suggest you to go and see his channel
to come back to Iflight frame
It's 30$, so accessable in cost
knowing that for a 3 inch frame, it's already an amount of money
it's middle high range
here we receive 3045 3 inch propellers from Dialprop
it's 1.30$ so very interesting if you break some
here also for the quad, we receive a reciever Flysky FSA8S
it's a 8 channel receiver, with Sbus, Ibus and PPM
it's interesting as it works again with our Flysky FSi6 transmitter
it's 9$, and the size is very interesting for a small quadcopter
here we receive a Buzzer LED
a small buzzer led we will come and install on the rear like that
the advantage is the buzzer include LEDS
It's not expensive, 3.18$
It's important because it's the buzzer that alert you for low battery
we receive here, first the camera
a small Runcam
Runcam Split mini 2
it costs 70$, it's very small
we present you before the Caddx turtle, it's her competitor
It records in 1080p 60fps
you have on the card a DVR that allows you to record your flights
on a SD card in HD
so this camrea Runcam is a very good quality
Caddx and this one are at a high level
I really suggest you to have an interest for those small cameras
even to print a small box to build a small sport camera, for global view only
it will not record the details but in global view it's very interesting
here we receive a VTX
the VTX transfer video from quadcopter to FPV mask
it's a 40 channels
transmision is 25 200 600mw
switchable on VTX
you have a screen and a button, and the screen says you which setup is in the VTX
knowing that in 600mw transmission goes far
in France it's 25mw max
VTX is 15$, it doenst use a lot of space so in our quad it will be good
and here to go with VTX we have a small antenna
a foxeer antenna in 3dbi
it's not big, you can choose between short and long, this one is small and compact it will be good for our quad
it's 5.99$
it allows you to transfer video from quad to mask
we ordered al lat Banggood, links will be in video description
we will rebuild the small 3 inch quad quickly
to try to fly in FPV and already make some videos
So all the links are in video description and on our website
Thanks for watching See you later
Thanx for watching
LOL Surprise Under Wraps we Open 2
Metin2 Titania | MYSTISCHE Alchi / Tali +15 | ENG SUB | Let´s Play Metin2.de DE mit Vossi - Duration: 5:26.
Hello and welcome to Let's play Metin2 DE Titania
We are curently using the Ninja because some things developed
we started with the mystic alchemy
and I will just show you now!
we already have a mat ring
it is really a crazy difference to how it was before
we didn't have an excellent stone on the ninja
but we did have a mat ruby that was quite perfect
now we have here average damage and damage value
and additionally force of fire
that is quite nice
it is definitely a significant difference
and there's more... hotkey ..
now you see additional 90 damage value
5 average damage 3 force of fire
that is quite something
I will also quickly show you
the other stones, because I know you guys will ask about them
You can just pause the video then
Man... that is really crazy
what I also wanted to say is
generally it is somewhat easier
to increase the mystic alchemy
than the prior alchemy because if you up an excellent stone
then it could have been crap
but with the mystic alchemy
you can just switch them
you do need a lot more to
to get to up an excellent stone
but when you have one you can switch it
you know what I'm trying to say. It doesn't change though that
the stones that you had before
will be devalued that sucks a bit
but nevertheless, I adapted to it
we will up now a bit here
I might show you some now
you will see it all
in other news, I'd say
we should up the Talisman a bit more, right?
I already said, third part will come
Let's go
So! at it again
we start right away, plus 15!
hopefully plus 16
the first doesn't work... of course
but we continue immediately ... didn't work as well
come on boy, one step up is in it here...
my god.. come on boy
thank god! plus 16. At least one step
The next char, see you soon!
So! the next 3 Talis
Will go west, because we got some 3 magic stones here
Sounds reasonable.. and we will start right away
come on boy
failed! come one man
Nice! plus 17!
At least, one more step
and now we will do the last char! See you soon!
Ok guys, the last magic stones
before we will have a small break... and my phone rings... great!
we will continue right away!
Let's try plus 18! and it... didn't work
of course not
plus 20 would be so nice
now it will get quite close
it gets closer and closer
come on
come on.. at least plus 19
shame... ok plus 17. At least!
appears to become much more harder now
maybe it is again from plus 20
it gets quite easy
as the normal rhythm that we know
from 1 to 9
9 is always quite hard, I think that
the cycle favours the lower steps
1,2,3,4,5 is then relatively easy
and above it becomes harder
anyways. I think it was a pretty cool project
we will take a small break from it though. Gotta collect magic stones
and yeah! plus 17
at the moment. Hopefully it will go up a bit soon
But first, short cut.
That was of course not the end of the project ;)
I will gladly show you what we have planned here
At the moment we are buying a bit
but we do have some fire Talis in storage
That means, guys you can definitely look forward to something
But magic stones are
somewhat of a necessity
*Classic vossi mumbling*
we do have to collect magic stones first
and there are not that many events to collect them
so. It might take a while now
But we do have a lot planned
I'd say that was it for this video.
All social media links are in the description, as well as my ref link to metin2
and my gaming equipment. I'm out!
See ya! Vossi.
OK guys, we are on the first char and
we will look. 5 magic stones!
5 Talis, of course the elementary blossoms
no wait. it is element blossoms. I always say elementary but
its element blossoms. Well done boy
jewellery as well, there's a lot of it on the market
and I'd say we just continue trying
Last time it worked quite well
I again have no Yang! Jesus christ!
"MeToo" movement in S. Korea discussed on one year anniversary of start of movement - Duration: 2:32.
Now we turn to Michelle Park for the latest weather updates.
Michelle, the air was decent in Seoul today,... but I hear it's expected to turn bad again
Daniel, there's always a chance it'll get dusty when the weather is mild.
The capital and surrounding areas will be under high levels of fine dust the whole day
tomorrow, but for the southern regions only in the morning.
Wednesday afternoon will be as warm as today, but it's going to get very cloudy,... even
for other nearby countries.
Meanwhile, there's also a chance of rain in Jeju in the late afternoon.
This rain is expected to expand across the nation on Thursday though,... except in the
capital area.
The east coast will get up to 8 centimeters of snow while most of the southern regions
will get between 1 and 5 centimeters.
The morning temperature will be 2 to 3 degrees
higher than the seasonal average,...
Seoul starting the day at minus 3 degrees Celsius.
As the mercury rises into the day,...
Seoul will rise up to 7 degrees, while many parts of the southeast will even make it into
the teens.
Looking at the rest of this week,... there's another cold spell on Friday and nationwide
rain on Sunday.
I'll leave you with the weather conditions around the world.
Toyota Yaris 1.3 VVT-i S-Line - Duration: 1:10.
amazarashi -【Hikari, saikou】Luz, reconsidere 光、再考「Letras em português brasileiro - Richard S」 - Duration: 5:39.
amazarashi - Light, Reconsidered 光、再考 (English Lyrics)
I don't want to say ''If only I could start life over'', but I can't help it:
my life and everything in that long relationship has become so dear to me.
But it crashed and tumbled, and I held on desperately with sweaty hands,
but I guess the only thing I got out of it is this lingering affection. It's fine:
that's a sort of light.
A light.
At times I think everything is pointless and should just disappear,
and that God hung himself long ago in a run-down apartment in Asagaya.
Underneath the beautiful constellations, sharing a kiss with her,
and the disappearance: my memories and my longing for suicide.
That's a sort of light.
A light.
Though each morning brings along feelings of gloom, I still like blue sky.
In the park, kids frolick and people without homes sleep under newspapers.
The future is bright. It's so bright.
And when I sneezed just once, a crowd of pigeons took off into the sky.
''Where should I go?''
''Go wherever you want to!''
''What should I do?'' - who am I even asking this to?
I tremble, like I'm going to start something; the shadow of a jungle gym stretches out.
From now on, I'm heading out to somewhere that isn't here.
That's a sort of light.
A light.
When my girlfriend started her job at the red-light district, I was alone most nights.
It wasn't particularly lonesome, but I soon grew fond of watching TV.
In the morning, she would come home. And I would come out of my room.
And I used to think her untainted smile was really so beautiful.
That's a sort of light.
A light.
It reminds me of playing shadow tag as a kid. Though I run after them,
they're something I can never catch. Just like a mirage. But now I realize,
that I honestly don't want to catch them. I just want to keep chasing them.
I want to yearn for them even more, and keep running after them until I die.
Tomorrow always drifts off to the east; it relives its meetings and partings.
It travels through light and shadow; it goes between laughter and tears.
That's right. And that's alright. It's alright. Everyone is the same way.
Everyone has times when things aren't going well.
That's a sort of light.
A light.
The sun sets, like it will rise again.
Flowers scatter, as though they'll bloom again.
Everything always comes back around. Look! Everything is as it was before.
''If only I could start life over'' - don't say that ever again!
You're just standing in the shade right now. That's all.
That's all.
Run BTS! 2019 - EP.61 [ENG SUB] - Duration: 22:31.
Run BTS!
[Where are they?] It's too hot in here.
We're at a traditional sauna, everyone.
[Memories] - I used to pay 5,000 won for this kind of sauna. - Me, 3,000 won.
[5,000 or 3,000 or 4,500] 4,500 at my town.
- We're here to have a bath. - Yes.
- V LIVE allowed us to come here to scrub off dirt from our body. - Okay.
[Controversy over dirt] - Some say that scrubbing is not good for our body. It's been a while.
It's not the norm now.
[What are we talking about] I'm not so curious of your dirt.
Why are we here?
Today's topic is "BTS Sauna".
[Today's Run BTS!] [BTS Sauna!] [BTS at a sauna]
[3 games, 2 teams! The loser will get doused with water]
[Who will get that penalty?]
[Let's divide into teams by yut game] Okay, let's do it.
Our fate has been decided.
I'm not seeing this now.
We cannot change this.
[JIMIN goes first] Okay, JIMIN goes first.
[Pit a pat] Please open it.
- Team B. - B!
- B. - B.
[Oh?] - What's happening? - 3 vs. 4?
- A. - A.
[Really?] - A. - What's this? - What's happening?
[What a coincidence] Is it planned?
[Satisfied] We don't have to move.
We're team A, and they're team B.
What should we do?
[First] Choose the name of your team.
Team Kim Seokjin.
[Always] It's always team Kim Seokjin when we have him.
[Perplexed] [Embarrassed] Oh my god.
[Snack] Snacks are necessary at a sauna, right?
[Of course] - Boiled eggs? - Eggs! - Sweet Rice Punch?
[Personal preference] We should drink Bonbon.
- No, I want banana milk. - Of course, banana flavored milk.
[No] Ice flake with red beans!
[Calm down] - That's for Korean dry sauna. Banana milk for sauna. - We're at sauna.
How can we get snacks?
[First game - flavor vs. flavor] [BTS Sauna] [Among snacks given to them,]
[One is delicious, and the other is the one for penalty! They get scores when they pick delicious ones]
[The game consisted of 4 rounds]
[Team with three members should choose one member who would play the game twice]
- Okay. - Let's go. - It seems we're ready.
- One by one? - This? - One from here, one from there.
J-HOPE, you wanna play a game with me?
[Accept] - Okay. - You want it? - Okay.
Who goes first?
[You] JIMIN, you go first.
[JIMIN] Okay!
- JIMIN has a strong finger power. - Yes.
[JIMIN's finger power?] - No, this finger is not that strong. - Small pepper is the most spicy.
[Look forward]
- 792. - Oh, good score.
[Surprised] [What a score] Oh, isn't it really strong?
[He lost confidence] - Oh, I lost confidence. - J-HOPE, you can do it!
[Warming up] [Moving] You should relax your finger in advance.
Okay, I'm doing it.
[Go! Finger power!]
[Oh...!] What, what?
[JIMIN has right to choose snack] Good job.
JIMIN, you have right to choose first.
I think they mixed something.
When they mix, there comes bubble.
[JIMIN is sure] - I'm sure. - Because they stir it.
Especially when we put things like salt.
[It's convincing] But it does not have bubbles?
The color is dark.
[JIMIN's choice : drink A] - My choice is A. - Oh, I wanted A too.
- But maybe it's producing team's trick. - This is how this game goes?
Okay, A for our team, and B for them.
Drink it, 1, 2, 3!
[Tasting] How is it?
[Cowards~ I should go to bed~]
- He tells us to go to bed. - Go to bed.
[Oh, it's good]
[Drink B is so salty] Salt...
Oh, JIMIN is smart.
[Satisfied] [Smart...?]
You cannot fool me with salt.
[Second round] Let's move on.
- V, SUGA! - Isn't that sand lance extract?
[Sweet drink] J-HOPE, rinse your mouth with this.
[The youngest taking care of him] - This one is real sweet rice punch. - Really?
[Drinking] He's upset.
[Sweet] Don't do that.
[Present from producing team] [Sweet jellies]
[Suspicious] Maybe one of them is red jinseng flavored.
[No, it's not] - Really? - What?
[Perplexed] - No, they're normal jellies. - Can we eat them? - Yes.
[Second round : Raw egg and boiled egg] One of them is a raw egg.
Raw egg and boiled egg.
No, it's too much.
[V is taking on the challenge] Raw one and boiled one.
Oh, he's strong.
[Oh!] V!
[Fair game committee] [Agenda: wrist snap] He used snap.
- A bit. - Yes.
[What?] I did?
[Once again] - You can only use your finger. - Still I will be strong.
[Really?] Oh, he has strong finger power.
[Suspicious] [872 again] - Snap? - A bit?
SUGA's finger flick is really strong.
[Not confident] But I'm not good at it.
He's a basketball player.
[How much score a basketball player(?) would get?]
- 719. - You should make a good choice.
[It's difficult to tell] I think the possibility is 50:50.
Should we break it with our head?
[Of course]
[No problem]
[They're worried] Let's do it.
[Worried] Put the towel on.
[Okay] [Security hat]
[Secretly] Can I just break A?
[Winner] [V has right to choose first]
- You picked B. - No.
[Really?] - You grabbed it. - Yes, you grabbed B.
- The end. - Okay, it's over.
[Here comes the egg~]
Wait, we've been kept losing.
[Team A has seen victories] - That's right. - For two consecutive rounds.
[Sorry] Why do you scold at me?
[Depressed] It's okay.
[Third round] Come out, RM.
[RM vs. JIN] Oh no, is it sand lance extract?
[Bluff] - I think that's sophora root tea. - I can drink that.
[He's already expecting defeat] RM I think you'll be winning.
I'm not good at this because my finders are unnecessarily long.
[Damage 0%] - Wanna try? My finger power is really weak. - JIN is really weak.
[Snack] [Boiled egg provided] Here comes boiled eggs.
[Excited] It's just for penalty.
- What's this? - Don't do that.
- Why are there just two As? - No, it's A and B.
Take it out. What's that?
[I saw the answer...] What, what?
- Go! - Let's get it.
[RM goes first]
[750] - 750 - Not bad, not bad.
Oh, JIN is not good at it.
[You haven't seen it yet]
[Please tell me that the machine is out of order] No, it can't be.
- 362. - Is it really possible?
[4 stars] [Reviews] Are you kidding me?
It's a really low score.
[Embarrassed] [Face color=hair color]
[He already saw the answer] - J-HOPE, look to the front, RM pick one. - Yes.
Look to the front. Don't look at it.
[Eat it] One might be barley tea.
[A barley tea? B sophora root tea?] I think this one is barley tea and this one is sophora root tea.
With JIMIN's logic, this one has a lot of bubbles,
[Is B sophora root tea?] This one is darker.
No, that's definitely sophora root tea.
No, this is the color of barley tea that I've seen.
[He picked B] - This one. - No, RM.
I think B is sophora root tea.
One, two, three!
[SUGA(rapper), he calls himself sophora root tea expert] - Look at his face. - I've tasted it so many times.
It's not trusting,
it's just enduring.
- Too bitter. - What?
[SUGA(rapper), he calls himself sophora root tea expert] How can you not tell the color?
- How can you? - Is it really sophora root tea? - No, A was that tea!
[Thrilled] When did they change it?
[Let's try sophora root tea] It's good for health.
- It's really bitter. - Oh... - It's okay.
[I'll try] - Ins't it okay? - It's the taste oh sophora root tea.
[Not a slow motion]
[Fourth round, JUNG KOOK vs. JIMIN] It's the fourth round.
Your ace.
Oh, I can't tell.
[Good] - Too much bubbles. - I'm sure this is sand lance extract.
- Or soy sauce. - Oh, fourth round is too tricky.
[Difficult to tell] - No sand lance extract. - Really? - Oh, that's good.
Who wants to go first?
[Conceding] - You go first, because I've already tried once. - Okay.
- JUNG KOOK, you go first. - Okay.
- JUNG KOOK does boxing these days. - That does not requires finger movement.
[JUNG KOOK, 738] 738.
[JIMIN's turn] - 738. - JIMIN, good.
JIMIN, your score last time was above 800.
- Over 800? - V 800.
[Inhale] [Exhale]
[ASMR?] - Cute. - I'm nervous.
[Again] Oh, it was strong.
[738, the same score] - 738. - Same score?
[Can't believe] - The same score! - Oh, it's the same.
- Destiny? - I told you, you are I, I'm you.
[Who will be the winner?] I told you.
[JUNG KOOK, 839] You used snap.
No, no.
[Fair game committee] [Agenda : wrist snap] Okay, I'll try again.
[Again] Let's do it again.
Oh it's really controversial.
[Flick] Right?
[Even higher score] - Even higher. - 853.
- We should admit it. - Go, JIMIN.
[Unfair] - Why did you ask him to do again? - No, it was not me.
[Expertise] You shouldn't so it from a close distance.
Will his strategy work?
[What's that?] Oh, weak.
- 700! - 777. - Right.
- Jackpot! - Yes!
[JUNG KOOK has right to choose first] - JUNG KOOK, go. - Plum extract.
[Choice between] - I have no idea. - Cabbage extract and plum extract. - Oh.
[Until now] Every wrong answer has had bubbles.
- I'm choosing B. - Really?
- Really? Bubbles. - Cabbage extract doesn't have bubbles.
- Really? - I drank sophora root tea with the same logic.
No, bubbles.
[JIMIN won] Perfect victory?
[Team Kim Seokjin won!] - Sweeping victory. - We won.
[Lesson] It's not true that one who get a chance earlier will be more likely to succeed in life.
- I won after getting 352. - Right.
[Challenge] You can be hurt anyway when you're unlucky.
[Oh my] - You... - Unlucky.
Your face expresses everything.
[His face]
One more round?
[Okay] Okay, how about ace vs. ace?
[Additional game, V vs. JIMIN] - Ace, V! - V.
- But V... - JUNG KOOK is also really good.
- No, V. - V got 870.
V uses snap.
- How about using your little finger? - Okay.
Why did I suggest that...
Seriously? What's this?
- Colors are totally different. - Oh, yes.
[Totally different]
- One thing tastes okay? - No, both are...
They are drinks that sell in the market.
Sophora root tea also sells.
[made in producing team] Sweet rice punch with salt?
[V with his little finger] Okay, V goes first.
[Flick] V's fingers are powerful.
Snap, snap. No, you're not allowed to.
No practice.
[Another player, JUNG KOOK] JUNG KOOK, you do it.
[Strong] - JUNG KOOK! - Okay, that's it! - Small pepper is spicier.
[JUNG KOOK, 452] - It's 452. - 452.
[Really] I didn't use any snap.
[Oh no] I got 350 something.
[There's a saying] - Small pepper is? - Spicier.
- Strong. - It's over.
[Is small finger spicier?] - Strong. - It's over.
[Mild? Spicy?]
[599, spicy!]
[Right to choose first] - You can choose first. - It's not always good to choose first.
[A JUNG KOOK, B JIMIN] Let's drink one in front of us.
[He's trying] You win, so I should follow your decision.
[Hmmm...] - Okay, in front of us. - Let's go.
[Difficult that expected]
JUNG KOOK's is iced americano.
[Oh] It's good.
[Talking with his face]
[Oh yes] - Good. - Good.
- It's good... - Americano? - What's that?
[Oh my god]
What's this?
[JUNG KOOK, ice tea, JIMIN, onion extract] - Ice tea. - Ice tea.
[Toss~] [Why do you fool each other] It's not that terrible.
[Inconsistency of speech and action] - It's good for our health. - Good.
How's the result?
[Result of first game] [Taste vs. taste] [4:0]
[Team Kim Seokjin's sweeping victory] Team Kim Seokjin always wins.
[Gave up] Okay, penalty.
[Two more games] Don't we have two more games left?
Let's move on to the next game.
Next game!
[BTS in a sauna]
It's too hot here.
What should we do in here?
- We should sweat. - Sweat?
What are these foods?
Second game, why are you here in sauna?
- Why are you here? - In sauna?
[Second game - why are you here in sauna?] [BTS sauna!]
[They should guess what newly coined words mean]
[and members who find the answer first will get snacks]
[It's tournament, and team composed with three members will have one member participate twice]
[If all the members get the answer, that team will get scores]
Where do we play the game? Here?
[Inside the dry sauna] We play the game inside there.
Stop talking. Let's just start.
[Too hot] - Okay, let's do it. - It's too hot here.
- You're enthusiastic. - Yes.
- Did you understand the rules? - Yes!
[In hurry] - To guess newly coined word. - Yes.
[Let's set an order] Okay, the order?
[Team A] [RM-J-HOPE-JUNG KOOK-V] - Let's start from here. - From here.
- We cannot escape until we find the answer. - I'll go first.
[Team Kim Seokjin's order] [JIN-JIMIN-SUGA-JIN] Okay, then me.
- First players? - Okay.
[Round1] [JIN vs. RM] - I'll go first. - Let's go.
- You're good at it. - Let's go.
- Good luck, JIN! - Oh my god.
- Why? - Wait.
[Too hot] Wait.
[Thank you] Also tough for directors, go.
[They're going in] - Good luck! - 1, 2, 3! - Good luck!
RM will run out in 30 seconds.
- I'll try. - Sit down.
[Hot] What's the temperature here? Maybe 80?
Let's turn the hourglass over. We should do this at sauna.
[What are they doing?] Are they doing something inside?
[World cup mood?]
J-HOPE, please tell us what's happening inside?
[J-HOPE / reporter] They're solving a quiz.
Really hard.
I don't know what's the quiz.
[They raise their hands as soon as they see the quiz] - 1, 2, 3! - Kim Seokjin! - A!
[I saw you yesterday, you went to honcono, right?]- I saw you, you went to coin singing room alone.
[Umgeunjin] I couldn't call you because you seemed too serious.
[Round 1 is over] What happened? Over?
[Over] You won?
Come in!
[Round2] [JIMIN vs. RM]
- You can't beat RM. - Really?
- You should shout the name of your team. - Okay.
1, 2, 3!
[Gungmul, halmalhaahn]
Ask him if you're curious. No, I will not even though I have a lot to say.
[Twisted fate] What...
[Painful] - My shin... - Sorry.
- What? Over? - It's over.
- You cannot get the answer. - Really?
[Newly coined words] Those who don't enjoy time no the Internet cannot get the answer.
Shout the name of your team if you know the answer.
What's the name of our team?
[Strict] Ask them to tell you.
- A. Team A. - Okay.
[Focused] 1, 2, 3!
- What's aephaeshi? - What's that?
[Curious] That's too TMI.
- What's aephaeshi? - What's that?
- I... - Aephaeshi.
[They cannot find the answer] - Aephaeshi... - What's that?
[They're enjoying their time] Oh, it's cool.
[Only those who got the right answer are allowed to eat snacks] - RM, let's eat. - You're allowed. - Really?
For example,
I got gungmul and halmalhaahn.
- Pardon? - Pardon?
[What?] Halmalhaahn.
What does that mean?
[Just smiling] What's that?
Mine was this.
[Umgeunjin] - I saw you yesterday, you went to honcono, right? - Hongcorner?
[What's that?]
- I know that. - Really serious. - Really serious?
- Oh my god. - No?
- They will be living here. - No?
We went there so early.
[Chaos] - They will never escape. - So early.
[Chaos here]
Hurry up.
I have no idea.
Wait, what is that ae?
- Baby. - Baby?
[No] I don't think so.
- Caterpillar? - No.
[Thinking] I really have no idea.
We don't know such thing.
A! I'm nothing without love.
That's TMI.
Nothing without love?
I think that person is kind of boasting.
That's why they say it's TMI.
[Guessing hard] I know umgeunjin.
What's hongcorner?
That's the easiest one.
Not this one?
Coin singing room alone.
[Shocked] - Why do they make that into abbreviation? - Really?
Umgeunjin means serious.
That was close.
[Bonus] Guess this one. Byuldajul.
- Multiple personality? - Should we sold that kind of quiz?
[Newly coined words] You should just extend the expression.
[Gave up] Without ground...
[Oh my god] - They will be living in there. - Their house.
Any clue?
JUNG KOOK, you were really close.
Perhaps, nothing without something.
- What did you say? Without what? - Love.
Anything else?
[Lover?] I'm nothing without my lover?
Is it a different ae?
- No, the same one. - The same Chinese character.
Ae that means love.
Just like this.
[What?] What are you talking about?
[SUGA has no idea] What's that...
They make abbreviation out of anything.
[That's true] - Oh... - Oh, out of anything.
- You're so young. - I didn't know it but I just guessed.
[Godap?] Do you know what it means to say godap?
- Godap? - You're so godap.
[Passionate] Make me upset in a unique way?
- No. - Not at all.
[Example] You're so godap.
Advanced upset...
[Really godap] No...
Look at them, they're living in there.
Godap means you feel upset as if you ate 100 sweet potatoes.
How can we know that?
[I have no idea]
What JIMIN is good at.
[Belated Kim Seokjin] Kim Seokjin.
I'm nothing without acting cute. That's really too much information!
- Right. - Oh...
[Oh yes!!!]
[Round3 JIMIN vs. J-HOPE] Okay, next!
[Sweat] Can you see me sweat?
Shout the name of your team if you know the answer.
- What's the name of our team? - Do you know what aephaeshi means?
[I don't know, it's too hot here] Aephaeshi.
[Help me] - You should shout the name of your team. - A!
[Younggo and boksepyunsal] What's younggo?
- Why... - What's that, boksepyunsal?
[I have a headache] Younggo?
[To cameraman] Do you know what aephaeshi means?
Love, lover...
[That's really TMI] I'm aephaeshi.
- Aephaeshi? - Yes. - What's that?
I'm nothing without acting cute.
[raged] Who use that!
What's that!
[He give an explanation] That's too much information.
[Gloomy] Younggo?
[Upset] Too difficult!
[They can't hear] [KOOK's lecture] How did you know that?
- I couldn't have get the answer. - I thought "I'm nothing without something".
[Doubt] That's not a buzz word.
They really use them, things like honcono.
[Packaging] [Admit] - They're different generation from us. - 10 years younger than us...
That's right.
Why do you... for good...
No for good.
It's weird to say "why are you something for good"?
For... too difficult.
I have no idea at all.
- They don't give any clue. - Really?
[Hehe] We gave you a clue.
I'm out of mind because it's too hot here.
[J-HOPE has no idea] I really have no idea.
[He's learning from them] Please teach me.
- I only come up with things like bucachung. - Me too.
- I know that. - We're old now.
[What's that] I'll solve that quiz.
- Bucachung. - Bupcachung?
No, bu.
- Bu? - Charging a bus card! - Yes.
- Oh, he's young. - Another one.
Then we say taekcachung for charging a taxi card?
- What did you say at first? Young... - For good.
- That's right. - Youngse.
[For good] Oh, sorry.
Why do you stick to that so hard?
Why are you going through difficulties continuously?
[Not this one?] Do boksepyunsal.
- That's also abbreviation? - I think so.
What's ㅇㅅㅇ?
That's just an emoji.
[Why are you staying in there] They can't escape.
I should have let JIMIN win.
JIMIN is really bad at that.
Good luck!
[When can they come out?] - Are you okay? - Good luck!
[Preview] [Everyone is worrying] They are not familiar with these things.
This game will never end.
[I have no idea]
[Becoming tougher] Chocchoc? Subuji?
[BTS is talking shower] Minus one!
[They are trying really hard to avoid penalty] Come on!
[Who will be the loser?] Good luck.
[Run BTS] [EP.61 BTS Sauna 1]
Takhle vypadala česká moderátorka před 10 lety! Poznáte, o koho jde? - Duration: 2:21.
BenQ EX3203R 32" 1440p 144 Hz FreeSync 2 Curved Gaming Monitor - Works with NVIDIA - Duration: 12:05.
Hey guys, today we're checking out a huge 32" 1440p 144 Hz FreeSync 2 curved HDR Monitor
that BenQ sent for review.
It is the EX3203R, so let's take a quick look at the specifications.
We have a 31.5" 8-Bit VA panel with 2560x1440 resolution.
This is a High refresh monitor with 144 Hz and it has FreeSync 2 and DisplayHDR 400 certifications.
We have a 3000:1 contrast ratio and 400 Nits brightness.
It covers 90% off the DCI-P3 color space and the screen has a 1800R curvature.
The box is absolutely massive and the monitor is well packed.
The stand is already mounted and in the box we find the monitor, the power supply, the
power cord, we get a range of display cables to connect to HDMI, Mini Display Port and
USB-C. The monitor can be height adjusted and tilts forward and backwards.
This monitor does not have the VESA mounting holes, but there is an optional adapter available.
I really like the look and the design of the monitor, no RGB or other fancy gimmicks, it
looks very professional.
Also everything is matt, the only thing that's glossy are the feet on the stand.
At the back we have ports for the power supply, there is an audio output to connect your speakers,
we got two HDMI 2.0, there is one Display Port 1.4, we also have two USB 3.0 and there
is also a USB-C port.
Once you have all your cables connected, you can make things a little bit neater with the
supplied cover.
We will checkout all the features, but let's go straight to the main purpose of this monitor:
What is gaming like at 144 Hz with FreeSync 2?
So I spent the weekend testing the EX3203R with both, PC and consoles, and I couldn't
be happier!
We will go over all the features very soon, but, yea, what an experience!
So this is my first time experiencing a high refresh monitor and together with FreeSync
2, well, I'm blown away!
This is the sort of upgrade I remember seeing when I first used a SSD.
Everything is just so smooth and more responsive without any tearing.
Now I did test another FreeSync monitor a while ago, but that one had a very narrow
FreeSync range of only 48 to 60 Hz.
This monitor however goes from 48 to 144 Hz, but it also supports what's called Low Framerate
This kicks in at a framerate below 48 Hz and this works great!
I tested this in a range of games and even at very low framerates, there is no tearing
going on.
To double check that FreeSync is working, use a FPS counter, so in this case we're
getting 104 or so FPS and then we're going to access to built-in menu, so we go into
System and then we navigate to Information and we will see here 113 Hz.
So this confirms that FreeSync is working, the display runs at the same FPS or Hz than
the game.
Let's check out how Low Framerate Compensation works, so here we are in Rise of the Tomb
I maxed out all the details, so we're getting 33 FPS and usually that means we would get
tearing, but let's have a look in the menu, so we go into the menu, then on the left side
here, we go to System and over here we go into Information and we can now see that it's
running at 66 Hz.
So basically what Low Framerate Compensation does is it doubles the FPS and by doing so
is now within the FreeSync range and everything is tear free.
A FreeSync 2 Monitor has to meet certain criteria such as a wider FreeSync range, Low Framerate
Compensation, but also have low input latency, wide colours and be at least HDR 400 certified.
I'm using a Radeon RX 570 for my testing and FreeSync was enabled by default.
You can also toggle it in the driver options or through the AMD overlay.
In games select the 1440p resolution, set the refresh rate to 144 Hz.
My XBox One S also picked up the monitor with Variable Refresh Rate compatibility.
So basically if Gaming is your thing I think you will love this monitor.
This smooth gaming experience, well it can't really be shown in a YouTube video, but it
is something you just have to experience with your own eyes.
Now the panel is VA, so this means we're getting deep blacks because of the higher
contrast ratio compared to TN and IPS panels.
But also with VA panels, the colours shift a little bit at an angle, so here the curved
screen actually helps to keep things more uniform across the screen.
Now I don't have any fancy colour calibration equipment, but I believe I have a good eye
for this sort of thing and I found no reason to change the default settings in terms of
Now Computerbase recently reviewed this monitor and they found the colours and blacks to be
very good.
The panel is specified with a response time of 4 ms, however Computerbase measured only
2 ms and if you enable AMA in the settings, this improves to just 1 ms.
They also looked at input lag and here the BenQ monitor did really well, outpacing the
other screens.
Let's quickly talk about HDR.
So the VESA DisplayHDR 400 certification, it is the lowest one available, but it's
better than having no certification, and HDR, well for me it's a little bit hard to judge
because I've never experienced for example a DisplayHDR 1000 screen.
So, from my own testing I found that it works well with my XBox One S for example I bought
this Blu-Ray, Earth II with 4k and HDR support and it looks great.
I would say it's a small improvement over watching it without HDR and I also tested
some games, for example the Forza Horizon 4 demo has HDR support and this one also looks
very nice.
On the PC it's a bit of a mixed bag, in Strange Brigade for example there is an option
inside the game to enable HDR, but to my eyes it just looks a little bit off and here I
prefer without HDR.
Dirt 3 on the other hand also supports HDR, the monitor will display a little message
showing you that HDR is active and here HDR looks really nice.
So on the PC it seems to a bit of a mixed bag and you might have to tweak the settings
a little bit, but at least on the console or when watching a Blu-Ray, it worked pretty
Now I quick note regarding power consumption and screen brightness.
I measured the power consumption at 100% brightness, we're getting 57 Watts and you can lower
the power consumption by lowering the brightness.
If you dial it down all the way to zero, the monitor only consumes 17 Watts.
The monitor has a couple of features to look after your eyes, we have Brightness Intelligence
Plus, there is a sensor at the front of the monitor which can detect the brightness in
the room, but also the white balance and adjust accordingly.
So this could be handy if you are in a room where the lighting conditions changes quite
a bit.
The monitor also supports Low Blue Light Technology and is flicker free.
Especially for content creators, having a flicker free monitor is awesome because no
matter what shutter speed you're using, the monitor won't flicker.
A feature I really like is PIP (Picture in Picture), with the main image covering the
entire screen and then you got a little preview for another input.
You can also switch to PBP (Picture by Picture) where you have two inputs side by side and
you can customise the entire thing, changing the size for example, the position and also
swapping the inputs.
I also like that each input can be individually set to auto detect or manual, so this is great
if you got a couple of devices connected to your monitor and you want to have some fine
control over which one is being used and avoid it switching over to another device on its
Something for our Retro Gamers, the monitor has Display Scaling built in, so you can scale
the image to cover the full panel, to preserve the aspect ratio or to do a 1:1 pixel mapped
When connecting to HDMI you can also set the colour space between limited and full RGB.
So guys as you might have picked up I'm really impressed with this monitor, the 144
Hz High Refresh Rate together with FreeSync 2 support is a real Game Changer.
Now, all my other monitors are 60 Hz, so the difference in smoothness and responsiveness
is huge.
I played a bit of Far Cry 4 and it's impressive seeing no tearing, while the frame rate be
all over the place and even dipping below 48 Hz, keeping it tear free thanks to the
Low Framerate Compensation.
A love the size of the screen and I think the 1440p resolution is a really good balance
between getting extra detail but still decent performance on mainstream video cards.
I also like the look of the monitor, no RGB or other silly gimmicks, it looks very professional
and the VA panel displays deep blacks which I find is way more important than extreme
I didn't have any issues and everything worked as expected, but of course there are
always some little things that can be improved.
I think if BenQ included a regular Display Port cable that would be nice.
And I also found that the USB ports are more for a permanent setu, like having a card reader
Because trying to a USB Flash Drive from sitting in front of the monitor is quite tricky.
So these ports would be useful if they were on the side of the monitor.
But these are really small things and this monitor nails it where it really matters,
which is gaming at 144 Hz with FreeSync 2.
As always guys, if I missed anything or you want me to test something with this monitor,
leave a comment down below, I'll do my best to answer all your questions.
I will see you our weekly Friday video, thank you so much for watching, please subscribe
to the channel if you haven't done so already, give it a like and click on that notification
And I shall you see you soon with another one.
4 tips to overcome news anxiety - Duration: 7:47.
I can't read this stuff anymore it just makes me too anxious.
Regardless of who you are where you live your politics we're all struggling to deal with
the news.
And for many of us it produces a lot of stress and anxiety.
The American Psychological Association does this yearly report on stress in America and
what they found in their most recent report is Gen Z Young people growing up right now
they are having an even more difficult time dealing with the news and the big conflicts
and problems that are happening in the world it's impacting them much more than it's impacted
previous then it is impacting other generations.
So why is this happening?
Well one of the things you have to remember is anxiety is fueled by uncertainty when we
don't know what's happened or what is going to happen.
It's often going to lead to anxiety and the news is full of uncertainty.
We've so rarely know the full story and we never know how a story is going to play out
in the future.
And so many of us when we have uncertainty a drive might be to try to get more certainty
so we might try to read more.
Even though all the stories are full of uncertainty there's we we we don't know how things are
going to play out with with the gun debate in the United States or with the Robert Mueller
probe or with our changing climate.
These are big complicated issues you can't get more certainty by reading more articles.
It's not going to happen.
We kind of need to wait for time to play itself out to see how these stories are going to
play out.
One of the changes that's happened is we're surrounded by these stories everywhere.
You go back a few decades and it used to be that you'd only get news from the evening
news on TV or in more recent times from CNN Fox News stuff like that cable news and now
or newspaper or news magazines.
Now it's not just TV and more traditional media but it's your phone you can get news
stories all the time and you can get alerts sent and news organizations have really optimized
for clicks.
So they're really good at writing headlines that get you to feel an emotion and make you
want to click.
So I wanted to talk to you about four things you can do right now to reduce your news anxiety
and I can start with the most important one which is to turn off your notifications turn
off your notifications for the news apps that you follow unsubscribe to those news alerts
on your e-mail.
Get rid of all the ways that news gets pushed to you outside of your control.
Breaking news happens at all hours of the day and usually when it's breaking news.
That's when we have the least idea of what's happening.
So most uncertainty when you have notifications turned on you are turning over control of
your emotions to these apps and to the journalistic institutions behind them.
And again remember they're optimize to get you to click so maybe it's 12 30 there's 12:30
in the morning you're trying to fall asleep it's past midnight and you get a news alert.
And then you see it and you're like wait what is happening.
Oh my gosh.
And then you click on it and then now it's like 20 minutes later and you're all worried
about this crisis that's playing out when you're trying to fall asleep.
Turn off those alerts.
You're not missing anything.
You're not.
You're going to find out if there is a real urgent thing that you need to know of.
You'll find out you don't need the alerts to turn to inform you of that stuff.
So turn off all those alerts.
Turn off all those notifications number two only check news at certain points in the day.
So you want to set up some kind of routine where you are giving yourself time and space
and emotional energy to read the news.
I myself read news I don't really read news I listen to the news more.
I listen to certain podcasts as well as I listen to NPR one and I listen to their newscasts
and I listen at two points in a day.
One is in the morning when I'm kind of getting ready to get to know what are the big things
that are happening both in the world as well as my local community here in New York.
And then number two I listen to it after I'm done at work and when I start my commute home
that's about it every now and then I'll do a deeper dive into a story if it's something
I feel like I should really know much more about.
But those are the only times I really keep up with the news.
I don't check much during my workday because to be able to focus on work and I don't check
much when I'm with my family and kids because I don't want all that anxiety sidetracking
me of being able to spend time with my family.
Number three go to trusted news sources and don't rely on social media.
So is social media the feed pushes forward stuff that's really shareable that's getting
a lot of likes and getting a lot of shares.
And what we know in research is the stuff that gets a lot of likes and shares is really
emotional content.
So if you're relying on your social media feed for your news which many of us do you're
going to see the most emotionally activating stories they're going to be the ones that
are most difficult for you to see and read and hear and they're going to be the ones
that get your blood boiling.
So related to my previous comment about only checking your check in the news at certain
hours of the day.
Try not to get your news from social media.
And if you are exploring your social media feed only do it at certain times in the day
when you're ready to deal with whatever you see in the feed.
The other thing about trusted news sources is there a little bit less likely to create
really emotionally compelling stories that get you mad or get you angry.
So as much as you can go to only trusted news sources and I know that brings up a whole
debate about liberal versus conservative media.
But even then there are things that are more in the middle that are a bit less biased towards
one end or the other and that write a bit less emotional content.
Last tip number four is to have a news free sleep routine.
So in that last hour before you're going to sleep don't look at the news.
The news should not be a part of your sleep routine.
Because that's when you really need to start winding down.
That's when people need to start doing soothing activities things that calm their bodies down.
And while it's very different for people what the soothing activities might be if you struggle
with news anxiety looking at the news listening to news watching it on YouTube reading it
on your app that's not going to help is probably going to make it a lot harder for you to fall
asleep and be full of more worries about what's going on.
Have you ever dealt with news anxiety and what's helped you to cope with it.
Let me know in the comments below if you like this video give it a thumbs up if you want
more videos about psychology and mental health subscribe to the psych show and if you want
to help me make more videos.
Check out my Patreon where you can get behind the scenes footage of how I make the stuff
and also support me in making more content.
Les astuces de rangement de Marie Kondo - Duration: 4:31.
Spartacus Dizisi Sözleri | Ne Demişler! - Duration: 3:05.
兄貴分DA PUMPに続く!Lead フェロモン全開モザイクダンスに1000人大歓声 ! 最新ニュース - Duration: 1:41.
男性3人組「L ad」が新曲「 e the N KED」の発売 念イベントを2 日、都内で行っ 。
モザイクダンス 交えて歌うLe d。左から谷内 也、古屋敬多、 本輝
谷内伸也(31 が「ストロング タイル」と表現 る激しいダンス ンバー。股間の で両手を交差さ る「モザイクダ ス」をサビで披 すると、観衆1 00人から黄色 歓声を浴びた。 ザイクダンスの ツについて鍵本 (30)は「優 く愛でる感じ」 説明。メンバー 員が30代に突 し「今の年齢だ らできる(振り け)。フェロモ だだ漏れでいき い」と、エロス 開で世に広めて く意気込みだ。
昨年、所属事務 の兄貴分グルー 「DA PUM 」が「U.S. .」で再ブレー しただけに、古 敬多(30)は かっこいい背中 見せてもらって るので僕らも続 たい」と意気込 だ。「Be t e NAKED は30日発売。
Manually flown departure from runway 04R Nice Côte d'Azur Airport (NCE LFMN) - Duration: 14:32.
CPT: Captain FO: First Officer.
CPT: Thats standard... so we take that.
FO: The right is clear...
CPT: Nice... yes here to the right. FO: "T" is here to the right.
CPT: Now I know the way.
FO: Otherwise we don't know... ;-)
FO: Now I am thinking... if it doesn't matter... Why not the standard taxiway.
FO: The telephone..
FO: Looks as if a child would like to put the square into a circle.
CPT: Something like that.
FO: First left is indeed "D" so we have to take the next.
CPT: Let's have a look. "C" is next to the left
and then straight ahead to "C1" - NOT cleared to cross yet.
FO: Correct.
FO: There is a huge cross on the runway.
CPT: So the runway is really closed.
FO: Then it is C2 and then to the right.
And then...
till the end of the taxiway. CPT: Nice.
CPT: I have traffic on final in sight.
CPT: We will not depart prior this aircraft. FO: No.
FO: Keep it right... (Looking at the landing traffic).
CPT: Keep it straight.
CPT: Did he switch off his taxi-light?
Probably not.
CPT: Yes. Crosswind from the left. We are cleared for takeoff... are you ready.
FO: Yessss. CPT: Takeoff.
CPT: Ah... the sun during the departure.
CPT: Continue to climb till 3000ft. (Then starting to accelerate).
CPT: Like a rocket!
FO: Thats the way we like it.
CPT: Thats the way we do it.
CPT: Thats Nice.
FO: Very nice.
CPT: Very nice indeed!
FO: 10.000ft
CPT: The handler told me that is was not normal to have this weather at this time of the year.
FO: It is all looking very beautiful indeed!
CPT: You can even see the Mont Blanc.
4 tips to overcome news anxiety - Duration: 7:47.
I can't read this stuff anymore it just makes me too anxious.
Regardless of who you are where you live your politics we're all struggling to deal with
the news.
And for many of us it produces a lot of stress and anxiety.
The American Psychological Association does this yearly report on stress in America and
what they found in their most recent report is Gen Z Young people growing up right now
they are having an even more difficult time dealing with the news and the big conflicts
and problems that are happening in the world it's impacting them much more than it's impacted
previous then it is impacting other generations.
So why is this happening?
Well one of the things you have to remember is anxiety is fueled by uncertainty when we
don't know what's happened or what is going to happen.
It's often going to lead to anxiety and the news is full of uncertainty.
We've so rarely know the full story and we never know how a story is going to play out
in the future.
And so many of us when we have uncertainty a drive might be to try to get more certainty
so we might try to read more.
Even though all the stories are full of uncertainty there's we we we don't know how things are
going to play out with with the gun debate in the United States or with the Robert Mueller
probe or with our changing climate.
These are big complicated issues you can't get more certainty by reading more articles.
It's not going to happen.
We kind of need to wait for time to play itself out to see how these stories are going to
play out.
One of the changes that's happened is we're surrounded by these stories everywhere.
You go back a few decades and it used to be that you'd only get news from the evening
news on TV or in more recent times from CNN Fox News stuff like that cable news and now
or newspaper or news magazines.
Now it's not just TV and more traditional media but it's your phone you can get news
stories all the time and you can get alerts sent and news organizations have really optimized
for clicks.
So they're really good at writing headlines that get you to feel an emotion and make you
want to click.
So I wanted to talk to you about four things you can do right now to reduce your news anxiety
and I can start with the most important one which is to turn off your notifications turn
off your notifications for the news apps that you follow unsubscribe to those news alerts
on your e-mail.
Get rid of all the ways that news gets pushed to you outside of your control.
Breaking news happens at all hours of the day and usually when it's breaking news.
That's when we have the least idea of what's happening.
So most uncertainty when you have notifications turned on you are turning over control of
your emotions to these apps and to the journalistic institutions behind them.
And again remember they're optimize to get you to click so maybe it's 12 30 there's 12:30
in the morning you're trying to fall asleep it's past midnight and you get a news alert.
And then you see it and you're like wait what is happening.
Oh my gosh.
And then you click on it and then now it's like 20 minutes later and you're all worried
about this crisis that's playing out when you're trying to fall asleep.
Turn off those alerts.
You're not missing anything.
You're not.
You're going to find out if there is a real urgent thing that you need to know of.
You'll find out you don't need the alerts to turn to inform you of that stuff.
So turn off all those alerts.
Turn off all those notifications number two only check news at certain points in the day.
So you want to set up some kind of routine where you are giving yourself time and space
and emotional energy to read the news.
I myself read news I don't really read news I listen to the news more.
I listen to certain podcasts as well as I listen to NPR one and I listen to their newscasts
and I listen at two points in a day.
One is in the morning when I'm kind of getting ready to get to know what are the big things
that are happening both in the world as well as my local community here in New York.
And then number two I listen to it after I'm done at work and when I start my commute home
that's about it every now and then I'll do a deeper dive into a story if it's something
I feel like I should really know much more about.
But those are the only times I really keep up with the news.
I don't check much during my workday because to be able to focus on work and I don't check
much when I'm with my family and kids because I don't want all that anxiety sidetracking
me of being able to spend time with my family.
Number three go to trusted news sources and don't rely on social media.
So is social media the feed pushes forward stuff that's really shareable that's getting
a lot of likes and getting a lot of shares.
And what we know in research is the stuff that gets a lot of likes and shares is really
emotional content.
So if you're relying on your social media feed for your news which many of us do you're
going to see the most emotionally activating stories they're going to be the ones that
are most difficult for you to see and read and hear and they're going to be the ones
that get your blood boiling.
So related to my previous comment about only checking your check in the news at certain
hours of the day.
Try not to get your news from social media.
And if you are exploring your social media feed only do it at certain times in the day
when you're ready to deal with whatever you see in the feed.
The other thing about trusted news sources is there a little bit less likely to create
really emotionally compelling stories that get you mad or get you angry.
So as much as you can go to only trusted news sources and I know that brings up a whole
debate about liberal versus conservative media.
But even then there are things that are more in the middle that are a bit less biased towards
one end or the other and that write a bit less emotional content.
Last tip number four is to have a news free sleep routine.
So in that last hour before you're going to sleep don't look at the news.
The news should not be a part of your sleep routine.
Because that's when you really need to start winding down.
That's when people need to start doing soothing activities things that calm their bodies down.
And while it's very different for people what the soothing activities might be if you struggle
with news anxiety looking at the news listening to news watching it on YouTube reading it
on your app that's not going to help is probably going to make it a lot harder for you to fall
asleep and be full of more worries about what's going on.
Have you ever dealt with news anxiety and what's helped you to cope with it.
Let me know in the comments below if you like this video give it a thumbs up if you want
more videos about psychology and mental health subscribe to the psych show and if you want
to help me make more videos.
Check out my Patreon where you can get behind the scenes footage of how I make the stuff
and also support me in making more content.
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Hello friends and friends You will see ...
If we review the vast majority of strange encounters, much of it happens unexpectedly.
It is enough to be in the right place and at the exact moment, to witness the unusual.
In this opportunity we will know the story of a boy who had an encounter with a being
that he challenged any kind of rational classification.
In 1948, EJA Reynolds was only 10 years old when he was visiting Horsham, England, during a summer school vacation.
One night with a full moon, I take the opportunity
To sneak away, he went out to walk into the foliage and realized
that it was a great opportunity to place traps for rabbits ... once done, he waited
close patiently to see if he could catch something.
The night passed quietly, but something broke with the warm moment. Since after
of a brief wait, surprisingly, came out from between a bush of blackberries
a man about 45 centimeters tall (18 inches) covered in hair.
The boy was frozen with amazement, he could not believe what he saw and to top it off, this
strange visitor did not seem to know that he was there, so Reynolds could see the strange visitor well.
His face, unlike the body, lacked beauty,
He was leathery with a sharp nose and his arms seemed to be longer compared to his body.
After a short time, the strange man
He returned to the bush, the same way he had come.
Needless to say that Reynolds completely ruled out the idea of continuing with the rabbit issue.
So he ran back to where he was staying, told his partner
and host what happened. But he laughed at him when he told them that they had happened.
But the most surprising thing about this story,
is that a few days later, Reynolds probably due to teasing, kept his mouth shut
when I was traveling in a double-decker bus through Horsham. And he saw again the little hairy man,
but this time walking through a garden in the city and in broad daylight.
I hope you like the video today.
share, comment and subscribe to be aware of new adventures.
I'm Jonathan Janshon and see you in the next Adventure
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Scottish politician, 24 in Winston Churchill GMB row with Piers Morgan - Duration: 30:22.
Piers Morgan has savaged a Scottish politician in a furious TV debate after he described Sir Winston Churchill as a 'white supremacist mass murderer'
The Good Morning Britain host, 53, told Scottish Greens MSP Ross Greer, 24: 'If it wasn't for Winston Churchill you would be speaking German and goose-stepping your way to Holyrood
'Piers branded Mr Greer a 'nasty, sneering young man' and accused him of offering 'no balance, perspective or any sense that what Winston Churchill did for this country was good
'In response the young MSP said Piers's version of events were 'wildly ahistorical'
When the presenter blasted him on a point about the Bengali famine, Mr Greer said: 'You're getting into a tantrum Piers, that's very snowflake of you
' RELATED ARTICLES Previous 1 Next 'You're a thick ginger turd': Piers Morgan blasts Scotland's
PIERS MORGAN: Pelosi's played you for a chump, President. Share this article Share Mr Greer, Europe spokesman for the Scottish Greens, sparked outrage with his Twitter rant about Britain's great wartime Prime Minister on January 25
His controversial tweet generated thousands of responses, including several from Piers Morgan who branded him a 'thick ginger turd'
After a heated exchange Piers challenged Mr Greer to a TV debate. Speaking on the show this morning, he demanded to know why Mr Greer had written the inflammatory tweet
Mr Greer said Churchill was a 'racist because he hated Indians with a passion and branded them a beastly people with a beastly religion'
He also claimed the former PM 'advocated using poison gas against uncivilised tribes in Africa' as well as using hateful rhetoric against people in Afghanistan and Kurdistan
But when he accused the late, great Churchill of being 'responsible for the Bengali famine of 1943', Piers was unable to control his emotions
He said: 'That is a complete and utter lie. 'In the middle of the Second World War Churchill is seen in the papers to be very concerned about the famine in Bengal, going to Canada, Australia and Franklin D
Roosevelt in America, beseeching world leaders to help the Bengalis.'What you're saying isn't just offensive, it's a downright lie
'I get enraged by this, because if it wasn't for Winston Churchill you would be speaking German and goose-stepping your way to Holyrood
'Mr Greer was responding to a Conservative party tweet from January 24 marking the anniversary of Churchill's death calling him 'the greatest Briton to have ever lived'
Greer, who at 24 is Scotland's youngest MSP, was accused of 'attention seeking' after saying: 'Once again for the old people at the back: Churchill was a white supremacist mass murderer'
He caused further controversy by describing anyone who admires the Second World War leader – credited with helping save Britain from Nazi Germany – as 'crass and simple minded'
Mr Greer also spoke to Bob Seely MP, whose great, great uncle served alongside Churchill
Mr Seely said Mr Greer's argument was just 'trite infantile smearing' and 'eloquent stupidity'
The Isle of Wight MP highlighted that by branding Churchill a racist, Mr Greer is saying he was no better than Adolf Hitler
Piers added: 'I know he was a flawed character, but Winston Churchill single-handedly took this country out of the abyss
'You are saying the man who saved us from the Nazis is actually no better than a Nazi himself
' Throughout the debate Piers told Mr Greer to 'stop laughing, smirking and sneering' because 'the people who lived through the war are not laughing'
Exasperated, he ended the interview by saying: 'You denigrate this great national icon
Well, do you know who I find revolting? You.' Yesterday afternoon he confirmed a Tuesday-morning breakfast-television clash for which some of Piers's followers promised to set their televisions to 'record'
Mr Morgan tweeted: 'UPDATE: The thick ginger turd MSP @Ross_Greer who said Churchill is a 'white supremacist mass murderer' will be appearing live on @GMB tomorrow'
Mr Greer, elected in 2016 aged 21, was defiant over the row.He said: 'This is the real, verified history of Churchill and the one known throughout much of the world'
He added: 'If that's uncomfortable to some here, it's just a sign of how uneducated Britain is of our own shameful history
'His Twitter attack came the day after the rest of the UK, including Prime Minister Theresa May, marked the anniversary of Sir Winston's death on January 24, 1965, aged 90
Lee Pollock, of the International Churchill Society, said: 'It seems to me this young man's not as important as he would like, so he has found the biggest target he can in order to get the most attention with a radical point of view
It's a cheap trick.'Mr Greer's comments highlighted Sir Winston's pre-war activity and his involvement in colonial rule of India
However, he faced a backlash, with critics telling him to 'do his research'.Afghanistan veteran Colonel Richard Kemp tweeted: 'If Churchill hadn't saved our country from the Germans, you wouldn't be a so-called 'Green MSP', whatever that is
Y'You'd probably just about have made it to Oberrottenführer in the West Schottland Hitler Youth
'Other Scottish politicians jumped to Sir Winston's defence on Monday.Scottish Tory whip Maurice Golden said: 'Sir Winston Churchill is one of the defining figures of western democracy… seeking to diminish him is a disservice to the millions of men and women who fought to preserve our freedom
' Piers Morgan's interview with Ross Greer MSP in full Piers Morgan: Mr Greer, thank you for joining us, can you just explain to our viewers why your categorisation of Sir Winston Churchill's life and career came down to 'he's a white supremacist mass murder' interposed in your tweet with seven or eight 'clapping emojis', applauding your own genius
Ross Greer: Absolutely, so lets make a comparison. Piers you're a sensitive soul, yesterday you accused me of being a racist for pointing out that you look like honey glazed gammon
If you want an example of real racism, you just have to look to Churchill. He talked about his belief in the triumph of the Aryan race
He hated Indians with a passion. He said they were a beastly people with a beasty religion
When a famine broke out three million people starved to death he was significantly to blame
He said they brought it on themselves for breeding like rabbits.He advocated using poison gas on people he described as uncivilised tribes
He said that native Americans, Australians and black Africans deserved genocide and the domination that they suffered at our hands because whites were a superior race
That's why I said white supremacist.I said mass murdered because he always advocated the most violent the most destructive option
He used poison gas against Kurds against Afghans. He was a strong advocate of Britain's concentration camps in the Boer War when 28,000 people died
He's always advocated the use of aerial bombardments in what he described as terror bombing campaigns
In fact his own cabinet in the 1920s had to stop him from bombing protesters in Ireland
That was how he wanted to deal with problems in Ireland.Susanna Reid: Piers, are you persuaded?PM: Well let's just take one of those points, which I heard you espousing on the BBC yesterday, that Winston Churchill was to blame for the Bengali famine
That is a complete and utter lie. He was not to blame for the famine starting or gathering momentum
In the middle of the Second World War he actually went to great lengths, if you bothered to check your history, and Sir Martin Gilbert, actually went back and read the cabinet papers to see the culpability or otherwise of Churchill in Bengal
He found some interesting things, in which repeatedly, Churchill is seen in the papers to be very concerned about the famine in Bengal, he is going to Canada, Australia, to Roosevelt in America trying to get them help
Does get them help, does get them food.RG: That's not true.PM: It is true. It's in the cabinet war papers
So you can sit there laughing and besmirching the great Winston Churchill.Here's my point on a wider issue
You can take any number of things you find distasteful about Churchill and I'm not here to defend everything that Churchill did
But what you fail to do is offer any perspective. Your sneering little tweet diminished Churchill to… again you're laughing now because people who lived through the war don't laugh
Winston Churchill was voted the greatest Briton of the last century for a reason
It's because people see that single-handedly, through the power of his rhetoric, saved this country in World War Two from the Nazis
Again you laugh, that sneering little laugh.RG: It wasn't him who won the war, it was the soldiers and the sailors and the airmen who voted him out when they came home
PM: Churchill was the Prime Minister. He was the one making decisions and allowed this country to save itself from Adolf Hitler
At no point do you offer any balance, any perspective, any sense that anything Winston Churchill ever did was actually good for this country
A lot of people who look at that tweet think what a nasty, sneering young men who got elected to represent a country that frankly you, we, would all be speaking German and would be goose-stepping your way to Holyrood
So let me go from you to an MP and ex-Army sergeant Bob Seely, whose uncle served alongside Churchill
This enrages me, Bob Seely, because there is a creeping attempt now to besmirch everything Churchill stands for
I have a brother who is a colonel in the British Army who I talked to about this last night and he was spitting with rage from where he is currently serving for this country
This just gets everybody's goat up. I don't defend everything Churchill did, I think he's a difficult, complex character
SR: As any historical hero will be.PM: We heard a rant then that didn't offer any balance, any attempt to say anything positive
Bob Seeley MP: If you want an example of racism, read some of Gandhi's work. Does it make Gandhi a racist? NoPM: Or Nelson Mandela's…BS: Mandela said and did things in his early years that he would have regretted in his later years
So if you want to portray someone as a racist in the way that Ross does with his eloquent stupidity it's very easy to do so
But if you want portray Churchill as a racist, my great, great uncle and he when they served as Conservative MPs they crossed the floor to the Liberals because they were outraged by the treatment of Chinese in South Africa
Now Ross if he checked his history, would know that.You can say Churchill was an old guard Conservative and yet he supported the people's budget in 1911, he campaigned for better treatment for coal miners, shop workers
He did many things that we now regard as being central to the foundation of the welfare state
With the Bengal famine, they had a choice between feeding Bengal and feeding the Balkans and at the time he Churchill, one of his great attributes, was he focused this nation
Ross in his very crude misunderstanding of history says 'oh it was the servicemen who won the war', well of course it was, but our political leadership was not willing to fight that war in the first place
On Bengal, in these papers we have a direct message to Lord Wavell his new Viceroy of India, from Churchill, every effort must be made to deal with local shortages in India
Then there are copies of letters he sent to the Prime Minister of Canada, Australia to Franklin D Roosevelt over the next two years in which he is beseeching them to help the people of Bengal
For you to take that and blame him for the deaths of 3,000 people in Bengali is not just offensive, it is a downright now
RG: No Piers, you just don't understand history.PM: I'm reading history.RG: You mentioned who was then the Viceroy of India, when Wavell was in Churchill's war cabinet, he was planning how to get food to the people of Bengal
Churchill came into that room and stopped them.In fact Churchill spent so long stopping people from getting aid to Bengal
And to go back to Bob's point, it wasn't to feed people in the Balkans it was to stop pile food in the Balkans while three million Indians were starving to death
PM: Here he is begging F D Roosevelt to help, but he was unable to give it to him
RG: But that was after he destroyed 46,000 boats. He let that famine happen.PM: Let me explain to you do you know what Winston Churchill was actually doing during World War Two? Do you realise…Why do you keep smirking and laughing? What is funny about any of this? About your attempts to smear the reputation of a great leader like Winston Churchill?Why do you get a kick out of this?Why do you not have any sense of honour about you that allows you to offer any balance
RG: It's brave about you to talk about honour Piers when the one thing the British public knows about you is that you were sacked from a British newspaper for lying about British troops on the front page and refusing to apologise for it
PM: I knew you would do this. So let me explain what happened there.I was sacked from the Daily Mirror for publishing those photographs of troops, rogue elements of a regiment, who had been abusing Iraqis
They were held to account and some of them were imprisoned for the abuse that they enacted
I never apologised because the abuse happened. I then sat down with General Nick Carter, the head of the British Army, several years ago, in northern France and he told me I was right to publish what I published
So I'm sure you know more than the head of the British Army, but I suspect you don't, like you don't know what happened in Bengal
But let me come to a wider point where you're going to talk about things in my life
RG: Oh, I've lost interest in your life.PM: Do you believe that Winston Churchill did anything positive in World War Two?RG: Yes, he showed strong leadership but let's not pretend that wipes out anything else he did
Because of Churchill, I nearly didn't exist, because of Churchill's hatred of the workers on the Clyde, my gran was almost killed in the Clydebank Blitz
Clydebank was the only place in the UK completely destroyed by the Blitz, because Churchill hated the workers and he hated the unions
Bob mentioned what he did for miners. Miners in Wales hate Churchill because he set police officers against them when all they were doing was campaigning for their own rights
PM: I asked him to say something positive but…BS: If Churchill was a white supremacist and clearly Hitler was a white supremacist, is there some kind of moral equivalence between them?SR: I just wonder whether that was the deliberate intention of the two phrases you used, because as has been pointed out what does that make us think?Hitler was the white supremacist mass murder responsible for the deaths of millions of people, and if it wasn't for Winston Churchill who knows what would have happened to Great Britain
RG: It wasn't just Churchill, if it wasn't for Roosevelt and Stalin in the Soviet Union, but we don't pretend he was a decent man? He was a scumbag
You're not a Stalinist are you Piers?BS: Thank you, that's the first word of sense you've come up with this morning mate
RG: This is about us taking a rounded view of history.PM: You have no rounded view of history, you're just a Churchill hater
RG: You're throwing a tantrum Piers? That's very snowflake of you.PM: I'm not a snowflake about Winston Churchill, I know he was a flawed character, but I also know he almost single handedly pulled this country from the abyss in World War Two
RG: That's wildly ahistorical.SR: I think the thing is Ross, you seem to be articulating a very unique, isolated version of history
RG: No, not at all.SR: Well you are, aren't you. Everyone celebrates Sir Winston Churchill
RG: No they don't if you go to India, Ireland or Kenya, they absolutely don't. If you come to communities like Clydebank that I represent if you got South Wales Valleys
These points of view that have been long held haven't been voiced. Because the prevailing narrative is to not speak ill of this 'war hero'
SR: You can be critical of him but the way you're talking about him… White supremacist mass murder…it's an equivalcence with Hitler
People find that very offensive.PM: It's disgusting.SR: Nobody is denying that every historical hero should be scrutinised but the use of language is so offensive
BS: I was going to completely agree what you were saying. But there is a difference between a great historian summarising and revaluating a great man's life and the rather infantile tripe sloganeering
Putting a racist tag on that person or a sexist tag on that person.This is not history, this is just silly slogan politics
PM: It's become worse than that. There's a younger generation that you epitomise, that decide to twist history to suit a narrative that people like Churchill are evil people that should be condemned
You have not presented a single positive argument.I know 95 per cent of our viewers will be hearing what you're saying and seeing it with utter revulsion
Why does this kid, who's 24, and has been elected to represent Scotland, why does he not appreciate what Winston Churchill did, even if he didn't like him
And when you call Churchill a white supremacist, in your tweet with all these clapping emojis, you are doing an equivalence with Adolf Hitler
You are saying the man who saved us from the Nazis was no better than a Nazi himself
Do you believe that Winston Churchill was better than a Nazi?RG: Of course he was
PM: But you called him a mass murderer, that's what Nazis are.So when you say of course he was better actually you want the world to believe he was no better than a nazi
RG: He was less worse. But his own cabinet minister for India said I cannot tell the difference between Winston Churchill's views on race and Adolf Hitler's
I wouldn't make that comparison because I think it's crass.He was so revolted he felt he had to make that comparison
PM: Do you know what I find revolting? You. I find what you said about Winston Churchill, your sneering performance today, revolting
Detlef D! Soost: Erste Worte nach dem "Dancing On Ice"-Aus - Heute Nachrichten - Duration: 2:59.
Seine Schwanensee-Kür begeisterte das Publikum Der Choreograph und Tänzer war zum 28
Januar in der Eis-Tanzshow zu sehen, doch nun ist sein Traum vom Sieg ausgeträumt
Gemeinsam mit seiner Partnerin, Profi-Eiskunstläuferin Kat Rybkowski, performte er in der Sendung am Sonntag eine Kür zu Tschaikowskis Schwanensee und bewegte damit die Herzen des Publikums
Die Jury war etwas kritischer. Detlef D! Soost meldet sich nach seinem "Dancing On Ice"-Aus zu Wort
Am Ende musste der Fitness-Coach gegen Moderatorin Aleksandra Bechtel im Skate Off antreten und noch einmal eine andere Kür vorzeigen
Dabei geschah dann das Unglück: Bei einem versuchten Wurf stürzte Kat. Die Jury entschied sich schließlich für Aleks und gegen Detlef
Nun meldet sich der Star bei seinen Fans zu Wort. Detlef D! Soost: "Traurig, aber zufrieden zugleich
Wir haben unsere beste Kür gezeigt, und das hat für die Jury nicht gereicht. Das gilt es zu akzeptieren
Ich bin happy, mit dieser Schwanensee-Kür auszuscheiden, denn für mich war es wundervoll
Danke von Herzen für eure Wahnsinns-Unterstützung in den letzten Wochen", schreibt er bei Instagram
Dazu postet er ein Bild von sich und seiner Eislauf-Partnerin in ihren Schwanensee-Kostümen der letzten Kür
Die Fans und die Familie des Tänzers sind aber trotzdem begeistert. Auch seine Ehefrau Kate Hall spricht dem ehemaligen "Popstars"-Coach unter dem Post gut zu: "Wir sind stolz auf euch
Es war wunderschön. Wir hätten euch natürlich gerne weiter tanzen sehen, aber so ist das Spiel
Komm gesund nach Hause, sei stolz und glücklich. Wir lieben dich." BANG Showbiz Anzeige
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UPSSSC Recruitment 2019 – Apply Online for 672 Marketing, Supply Inspector & Other Posts - Duration: 5:30.
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1997-2019 F150 Goodyear Wrangler DuraTrac Tire (31-35") Review - Duration: 4:20.
The Goodyear DuraTrac tire will be a very capable hybrid between your standard all-terrain
and mud-terrain tires and will balance both on-road comfort and noise, but with very impressive
off-road performance.
The DuraTrac will be offered in sizes to fit a 17, 18, and 20-inch wheel and with heights
ranging from 31 to 35 inches.
Pricing, as always here gang, will depend on your sizing, but still going to be relatively
affordable for most sizes starting in the mid to high $100 range.
However, larger sizes will bring a larger price tag as the 35-inch version will land
you upwards of $400 plus dollars.
So for those who don't know, Goodyear is one of a handful of tire companies that can say
they've been around for over 100 years now which is definitely saying something in the
automotive industry, right?
Staying power means a lot.
Now the Wrangler tire that we're talking about here or the Wrangler lineup, I should say,
is just about as legendary as the brand itself and is going to offer a wide variety of options
for just about every on and off-road application out there.
Now the DuraTrac, in particular, is a very popular option in the aftermarket and one
of the more aggressive options in the Wrangler lineup with only their dedicated mud tire
being a little bit more gnarly.
I think a big part of the success of the DuraTrac is again the fact that it's going to balance
a lot of the pros of the traditional all-terrain tire, relatively long lifespan, quiet, comfortable,
things like that, but with a really good performance off-road and a tread design typically found
with a mud-terrain tire.
And with that said, let's take a closer look at the tread here with the DuraTrac because
again, in my opinion, it does offer some unique features with this particular tire.
First and foremost, this thing does have that unique tread pattern.
Again, more aggressive, I would say, than your typical run of the mill AT tire, but
at the same time, the voids at least on the center here or the space between the lugs
aren't nearly as large as it would be with a dedicated mud tire.
And that's where that whole hybrid thing comes into play that we mentioned a little bit earlier.
Now because you are seeing some larger voids here on the shoulder lugs, you can expect
some good self-cleaning from this tire once you start building up some wheel speed.
However, since the center lugs here are positioned a little bit closer together, road noise won't
be nearly as offensive as with some other MT tires in the category.
But taking an even closer look within the tread void itself, and it's really hard for
you guys to see, I'm sure, but we'll try to get you some shots, and that's going to be
the Tractive Groove Technology according to the gang over at Goodyear, these little tiny
teeth here within the grooves themselves or the voids.
And what that's going to do is really help get you some traction when you're in some
loose snow or mud, dig deep, get you some bite and by all accounts, it works very, very
well in the snow.
And that really isn't any big surprise as this thing has been given the three peak mountain
snowflake logo designating the DuraTrac worthy of severe snow duty.
And some options of this tire already come pinned for you, so if you want to stud these
things up, you have that option if you really want to party in some snow.
But moving away from the tread, let's talk about the shoulder and the sidewall area here
first and you will notice some detail or some lugs nearest the shoulder on the sidewall
here and of course that will help with some traction, especially when you air these puppies
down a little bit, but it's also going to help protect the two-ply sidewall here with
the DuraTrac.
Finally, guys, nearest the wheel area, Goodyear has implemented their rim protector or rim
guard just to help you not rash up your favorite set of wheels if you get a little too close
to a curb.
But in closing, the DuraTrac is going to do a great job of blurring the lines between
a traditional all-terrain and mud-terrain tire, going to give you solid performance
off-road while still maintaining a relatively quiet ride while on the highway.
So if you want to check out a set of DuraTracs for your rig, you can do so right here at
4 tips to overcome news anxiety - Duration: 7:47.
I can't read this stuff anymore it just makes me too anxious.
Regardless of who you are where you live your politics we're all struggling to deal with
the news.
And for many of us it produces a lot of stress and anxiety.
The American Psychological Association does this yearly report on stress in America and
what they found in their most recent report is Gen Z Young people growing up right now
they are having an even more difficult time dealing with the news and the big conflicts
and problems that are happening in the world it's impacting them much more than it's impacted
previous then it is impacting other generations.
So why is this happening?
Well one of the things you have to remember is anxiety is fueled by uncertainty when we
don't know what's happened or what is going to happen.
It's often going to lead to anxiety and the news is full of uncertainty.
We've so rarely know the full story and we never know how a story is going to play out
in the future.
And so many of us when we have uncertainty a drive might be to try to get more certainty
so we might try to read more.
Even though all the stories are full of uncertainty there's we we we don't know how things are
going to play out with with the gun debate in the United States or with the Robert Mueller
probe or with our changing climate.
These are big complicated issues you can't get more certainty by reading more articles.
It's not going to happen.
We kind of need to wait for time to play itself out to see how these stories are going to
play out.
One of the changes that's happened is we're surrounded by these stories everywhere.
You go back a few decades and it used to be that you'd only get news from the evening
news on TV or in more recent times from CNN Fox News stuff like that cable news and now
or newspaper or news magazines.
Now it's not just TV and more traditional media but it's your phone you can get news
stories all the time and you can get alerts sent and news organizations have really optimized
for clicks.
So they're really good at writing headlines that get you to feel an emotion and make you
want to click.
So I wanted to talk to you about four things you can do right now to reduce your news anxiety
and I can start with the most important one which is to turn off your notifications turn
off your notifications for the news apps that you follow unsubscribe to those news alerts
on your e-mail.
Get rid of all the ways that news gets pushed to you outside of your control.
Breaking news happens at all hours of the day and usually when it's breaking news.
That's when we have the least idea of what's happening.
So most uncertainty when you have notifications turned on you are turning over control of
your emotions to these apps and to the journalistic institutions behind them.
And again remember they're optimize to get you to click so maybe it's 12 30 there's 12:30
in the morning you're trying to fall asleep it's past midnight and you get a news alert.
And then you see it and you're like wait what is happening.
Oh my gosh.
And then you click on it and then now it's like 20 minutes later and you're all worried
about this crisis that's playing out when you're trying to fall asleep.
Turn off those alerts.
You're not missing anything.
You're not.
You're going to find out if there is a real urgent thing that you need to know of.
You'll find out you don't need the alerts to turn to inform you of that stuff.
So turn off all those alerts.
Turn off all those notifications number two only check news at certain points in the day.
So you want to set up some kind of routine where you are giving yourself time and space
and emotional energy to read the news.
I myself read news I don't really read news I listen to the news more.
I listen to certain podcasts as well as I listen to NPR one and I listen to their newscasts
and I listen at two points in a day.
One is in the morning when I'm kind of getting ready to get to know what are the big things
that are happening both in the world as well as my local community here in New York.
And then number two I listen to it after I'm done at work and when I start my commute home
that's about it every now and then I'll do a deeper dive into a story if it's something
I feel like I should really know much more about.
But those are the only times I really keep up with the news.
I don't check much during my workday because to be able to focus on work and I don't check
much when I'm with my family and kids because I don't want all that anxiety sidetracking
me of being able to spend time with my family.
Number three go to trusted news sources and don't rely on social media.
So is social media the feed pushes forward stuff that's really shareable that's getting
a lot of likes and getting a lot of shares.
And what we know in research is the stuff that gets a lot of likes and shares is really
emotional content.
So if you're relying on your social media feed for your news which many of us do you're
going to see the most emotionally activating stories they're going to be the ones that
are most difficult for you to see and read and hear and they're going to be the ones
that get your blood boiling.
So related to my previous comment about only checking your check in the news at certain
hours of the day.
Try not to get your news from social media.
And if you are exploring your social media feed only do it at certain times in the day
when you're ready to deal with whatever you see in the feed.
The other thing about trusted news sources is there a little bit less likely to create
really emotionally compelling stories that get you mad or get you angry.
So as much as you can go to only trusted news sources and I know that brings up a whole
debate about liberal versus conservative media.
But even then there are things that are more in the middle that are a bit less biased towards
one end or the other and that write a bit less emotional content.
Last tip number four is to have a news free sleep routine.
So in that last hour before you're going to sleep don't look at the news.
The news should not be a part of your sleep routine.
Because that's when you really need to start winding down.
That's when people need to start doing soothing activities things that calm their bodies down.
And while it's very different for people what the soothing activities might be if you struggle
with news anxiety looking at the news listening to news watching it on YouTube reading it
on your app that's not going to help is probably going to make it a lot harder for you to fall
asleep and be full of more worries about what's going on.
Have you ever dealt with news anxiety and what's helped you to cope with it.
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