There were ten in the bed...And the little one said,
"Roll over! Roll over!"
So all rolled over and one fell out..
There were nine in the bed..And the bigger one said,
"Move over! Move over!"
So all moved over and one fell out..
There were eight in the bed..And the cheeky one said..
"Scooch over! Scooch over!"
So all schooched over and one fell out..
Oh yeah
There were seven in the bed..And the oldest one said..
" Turn over! Turn over!"
So all Turned over and one fell out..
There were six in the bed..And the younger one said..
Crawl Over! Crawl Over!
So all Crawled over and one fell out..
Oh yeah
Ohh you know this bed ain't big enough for the 10 of us.
There were five in the bed..And the loudest one said..
Shove Over, Shove Over
So all shoved over and one fell out..
Oh yeah
There were four in the bed..And the funny little one said..
Budge Over, Budge Over,
So all budged over and one fell out..
There were three in the bed..And the naughty one said..
Flip Over, Flip Over
So all flipped over and one fell out..
There were three in the bed..And the quiet one said..
"Roll over! Roll over!"
So they all rolled over and one fell out..
Now there was one in the bed And the little one said..
Good night!
For more infomation >> Ten In The Bed | Boom Buddies Cartoons | Kindergarten Videos | Preschool Nursery Rhymes - Kids TV - Duration: 2:32.-------------------------------------------
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Doors will open on the right
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[K-POP TOUR] [Tourist NATURE visit Korea Comics Museum in Bucheon]
We are going to cheer you up! We are NATURE~
Can you guess where we are today?
We are at Korea Comics Museum in Bucheon.
Here is one of places worth visiting while at Bucheon.
And I looked forward to being here since I've been enjoying comics and Webcomic.
- So excited~ What will it be like?
Shall we go in?
Here we are.
[Let's go inside the museum! Go!]
- You know, 'Along with the Gods' - Ah, 'Along with the Gods'
The web comics recreated as a movie, you know.
There are lots of comics remade as a movie such as 'Secretly, Greatly.'
I think we can see some comics we are familiar with.
- There is white bear! - Wow, white bear.
[Eyes with interest] Heol~ Daebak.
- Isn't it cute? - That is so cute.
[Fully absorbed] It seems not to get long with, but it does.
This is a thing that has been old...
- Right, it has been very old. Uhh.. - Colorless(Monochrome)..
[What she's talking about] I was actually born in this age, but I am a vampire..
- Ah~ Unnie. - Let's go, go, go, go. - I don't get aged..
[Disappointed] [They don't hang around me] - Go with me~ This is too bad.. - Okay.
Comics are another language
- achieved after going through a lot - achieved after going through a lot
Do you know why?
So, we have to cherish it, and use it discreetly.
It's said on back.
Uh? This picture seems like me.
- Woh, here is comic books, comic books! - Is there something?
- Comic books from old age.
[My love comic books]
- Wow~ - Wow~
- Look at this, it is Korean war and comics section.
- Heol daebak!
Do you know Battle of Incheon?
There was also a movie about Battle of Incheon.
Uh, General MacArthur helped Korea as a commander of army.
There are a lot of comics I have never seen before.
Old comics..
[Join us! Exploring manga cafe] - I feel like reading 'Yakdong and Yeongpal.'
Shall we read it?
Do you know 'Black Rubber Shoes' released a long time ago, unnie?
[CuteX100 Uchae very impressed by scenes from comics] I watched Ki-young and his friends come to Manga cafe and read comics. This moment is the real scene.
[Chief, please give Saebom a chance to act..] - Ah~ hello?
[Hah..] I told you to wait.
- Ah hyoo~ again, again, again... - Ah hyoo~ again, again, again...
What type of comics, animation or movie you are into?
For me, something fun?
- Comedy. - Comedy?
- For me, fan...fantasy?
What about you, Uchae?
I love many genre
I love horror,
Ah, me too.
Romance too
- I love Romance too. - Comedy and action. I love them all.
Oh! 'Run, Hani'
Do you know Dooly the Little Dinosaur, unnie?
- Hani~ Hani! Run, Hani! - This is a very famous Korean comic. - Comics.
I used to draw eyes like this as a kid.
- When drawing. - Really?
- Yeah, your eyes look like this.
- Oh, they resemble.
- Uchae looks like a manga character very much. - She does.
What is this place for?
The comic 'Mingo' seems like 'Anabel.' Don't you think so?
Looks scary.
[A character like Gaga is here?] - Uh? Is that Gaga?
[Heok!] Gaga! That is you!
It looks like Gaga, Gaga.
This resembles Gaga so much.
You should make your eyes bigger, Gaga.
Make it round like this.
[Eyes widely opened] You know, the eyes?
[Her effort to resemble the character]
We have learned more about comics coming here,
and the history of comics I have seen
makes me think that picture is a way to express what we even don't know.
This, this used to be very famous.
Uh, this! It was!
Ghost showed up in this.
Hands pop up out of nowhere like pak! pak! pak!
Shall we keep scrolling down?
[Concentrated strongly..] The train is arriving.
[Lots of laughter]
Are you okay, unnie?
Unnie, unnie~
You okay?
[Lots of laughter]
[Out of mind] - Unni, what do we do?
Wow~ this is amazing.
What have happened?
I was startled so much!
Ah~ What was it! It was too sudden!
I told you, hands pop up here.
It is too scary.
I was frightened by these hands. This is hurting pride.
These walls are all mirrors.
All of them are mirrors.
You know that, guys?
Ghost is in the 4th mirror.
- Don't tell things like it. - Ah~ Unnie! Even the previous one was too scary!
[For the record, Uchae was the most scared person.] - Was it that scary? - The ghost at Oksoo station.. Unnie, you were too frightened.
But it is a comic.
Mirror! Mirror~
Who is the most beautiful?
I am going to answer.
The most beautiful is 'NATURE.'
[Lots of laughter] [Lots of laughter]
This place is in fluorescence!
This is well decorated.
I think this is a photo zone?
- Shall we take a picture here in photo zone? - Shall we?
This is Full house background.
- It was very famous. - It was a TV drama.
[(Made as a TV drama) Comic Full house background]
One, two, three!
Handso.. Oh?! I really love "Goong"!
Wow~ but since this is all made like a real set,
it's pretty.
I feel like the main character.
Main character~
Wow~ our Uchae is so tall.
-She is so tall. -Really.
We can play games!
Should we throw one by one?
-Alright. -Alright!
Let me throw it.
[How is Saebom's throwing skills?] Throw it!
Strike! You won the Korean Series!
[Try to catch it!!] [Let's just say Saebom is only good at throwing..^^] -Come on~ -Left!
Unnie~ try to catch it well.
What are you doing?
Ah~ that was tiring!
"That was tiring!"
"Wait for it, Dong Tak Ma!"
Go go, Uchae!
You won the Korean Series!
Why is this so funny?
-Ah~ Uchae! Go, go, go, go! -Uchae~ try harder!
-Uh? That's good. -Woah, you're good~
Good job! Good job!
It's very similar to how Saebom talks.
I can do anything~!
Can do anything!
[Photo Zone Comics Photo Zone] Oh, good!
Show off in the picture, bluff!
Uh?! Unnie!
I told you.
How does this happen?
Wow~ wow, doing this makes it work.
Unnie! I did this because I was surprised!
No, I'm surprised, my clothes..
It came out!
The clothes, the clothes is the same color.
Wow~ this is really
-a legendary picture. -We got a legendary picture.
So now we've finished looking around the museum.
Is there any member you want to bring here?
Oh! Yes, I have, I have.
I want to recommend it to Aurora.
Because Aurora is continuously studying arts in China.
Oh~ that's right, that's right.
She also goes to an art college.
Aurora majored in arts so I think she will really like it if she visits here.
That's right, that's right.
We thought we didn't really know a lot of comics,
but turns out we are familiar with many comics from our daily life.
So today was very fun and interesting.
So this is Gaga's legendary photo.
[Korea Comics Museum] Someday, I want to visit Korea Comics Museum in Bucheon again with other members
to look around together.
I really want to visit again.
So this has been NATURE!
Thank you!
[YonHap News X MOMO] [Executive Producers Changwook Park Jaeguk Lee Producers Seyeong Lee Seunghui Kim Eunsol Cho Writer Goun Lee Director Gwan Yoon] Good bye~
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