Lets kill Racuni
We hit this..
Hello guys, welcome back with me isengdudegame
Okay lets do our routine, siege battle lets go..
Okay this is tower condition 15 : 5 : 9
There are new target
Okay Y4,
Let see... okay we try...
We need immunity because there is
That Rica..
And Seara..
Lets go, this looks okay..
Now lot of Molong slow build, so thats okay to use speed lead..
But i dont know this Molong, fast or not..
Okay lets do immunity now..
Still... this still fast..
Kill Molong now
Nice, we kill Rica now..
I think this will not kill..
Its okay..
Lets stun this..
Thats nice..
Hmm... cleanse Arnold..
HP disturb Rica...
Damn, my Seara..
Got this... nice..
We heal
Okay good..
Crazy Ritesh, but Rica is very dangerous..
Ouch not stun..
Damn he heal..
Damn it..
Hit again bro...
We should win this.. If there is no problem
Mental problem
Auto HP disturb nice..
Again, hit again bro..
He will heal after this..
Lucky its not..
Lets go we continue
We continue lets go..
Hmmm R6
Wow this is hard..
Our Immunity already used, they have striper. We try this
This and Fengyan..
We try Vela...
Switch with Skogul.
Resist lead? no need, my Skogul is 100% resistant
We use def lead..
This is good..
Ouch damn it..
Very nice resistant..2k
My Skogul...
Crazy, this is dangerous..
This is nice, lets go...
No problem, just provoke us all
Thats good
Any new target?
R4 maybe..
This is Yeonhong or...
This one?
Okay we Lushen this one..
As long Jeanne def break..
Still can die..
This is danger..
Please... like always..
Gambling is in the house.. thats what cards are for
This is good..
So perfect if stun..
Ouch its not..
Can stun by Frigate
Still procs you bro..
Theo bro's
Which one?
We bomb this..
This depends on RNG, my feeling is normal right now..
But dont know the result..
Are the result will againts us???
Perfecto we need to kill the monkey first
Actually Camilla too, whatever..
As long Seara still alive... its safe
Just use it for decrease promised time cooldown
My Seara is awesome, put bomb and not detonate...
Okay we continue with FFA now...
Lets hit Y11
This one, lets fight Perna
Where is my Perna
All fire would be good..
Need lead now..
This one?
Hmmm looks like Buldozer would be good
Lets use Buldo then..
Long time not using Buldozer..
This looks delicious...
If Fengyan and Perna not crazy...
So long not steal live with Buldozer..
Okay lets check Elad HP
Elad HP not dec.. so tanky..
Still want to kill this Elad..
Hit again bro..
Let see can we kill??
If not dead this is too much..
Enough man..
To Racuni..
Heal Olivia, danger..
This Fengyan weird, no buff
Hit Fengyan
Hit again...
Very good..
Mantap i mean.. over acting..
Because too much talk in english, my bahasa now broken
Its okay, thats challenge for me. 1 English video / week
Train myself
Its okay, I still put Indo subtitle.. although its broken LOL
Please be advised..
Nice glancing...
Ouch, not def buff yet..
So sad..
ATB Olivia, lets go..
Let see this Fengyan, HP type or Def type..
Lets nuke..
Feelsgood, lets go..
Okay, we continue..
Wah this is crazy...
This one maybe?
With Kumar, nice strip..
Okay 1 more
This to tank Fengyan.. We try Camilla
Too bad Camilla got no lead effect, lets go..
We try stun Fengyan...
Hit Rakan, ouch failed to strip..
We hit Rakan..
Nice strip..
But will immunity again..
This Kumar so good..
Just hit Rakan.. We need to kill Rakan..
Fengyan not destroy, i think we safe..
Strip again?
Okay bye bye...
Shit crazy...
Garo in danger..
Dont failed this time..
This Amelia dangerous, i want it..
Garo should not die, cause Amelia no multi..
Very good, lets try silence
Got it, very good...
NO effect..
Its okay, no problemo...
Ouch so close...
1 more...
Strip please....
Procs??? nice strip..
So smart...
This Kumar..
He school abroad..
Because of that he so OP after buff..
Let see, can we silence??
We heal, cause danger..
So savage..
Crazy Kumar, if you get 1 more procs... you get prize..
I will transmo you if G1 RTA
It not, too bad...
So confident I got G1 LOL....
Where we hit now?
Skogul become trend now..
We should Lushen this
Should we gambling like before?
How if we using Chloe?
My Chloe still rune? I hope..
Rarely use Chloe now..
Ouch, only +140
Crazy if Fei faster than this..
But I think thats impossible..
I think we can do this, they dont have immunity..
Only 1 turn if they use will
This is good..
Please dont procs strip...
Damn it...
Lets just hit it.. again and again..
Hit em
We continue...
This one hard..
This also hard if no Fengyan
We try this?
But we use Ethna...
I think we can..
Sure can..
If not got provoke all..
If got provoke we screw..
Def break first.
Shit resist lead...
Still not..
Can we kill? i think can not..
OMG still not stun... crazy...
Damn you...
Damn it
Ouch damn it...
Hit again..
That damn it...
Die you!!!!
Hitting Chandra... I want Chandra, If have Perna... Chandra so good..
We are safe from provoke..
Procs please...
Hit it bro...
Lets stun, deef break...
Nice, die you Chandra...
Can not be protect by Jeanne. Should be dead..
Its nice now..
Double striper this Archangel...
Def break.. can we??
Ouch she stun, so smart...
Give her stun again
Give another protection... lets go..
Stun again? ouch missclick..
Why so often missclick, maybe my finger...
Ouch stun... what a bad luck...
Okay next...
We hit this
We try this..
This, Orion and this..
Can we? hope def break okay.. lets go
Please be good, def break...
Lets kill Racuni
We hit this..
OMG damn it...
So savage..
We dead...
Holy shit... can attack..
Damn we lose...
Argggg damn it...
Damn it..
Lets test this..
We use last siege combo... is it decent??
Just chance my Malaka runes..
Okay lets see our luck....
+137, Emma will move first.. Malaka will be last..
Just for fun...
Crazy.... damn it...
How is this??
That crazy...
If not stun (by bomb) we dead.. Garo first..
Looks like we win..
Ouch crazy..
Okay, used all chance..
For more infomation >> [ENG SUB] Top 100 Siege Battle Still Climbing - Summoners War Indonesia - Duration: 23:41.-------------------------------------------
Okay, Okay, Even Newer Plan....KEEP RUNNING!!!!! | Resident Evil 2 Remake | PS4 - Duration: 3:15:51.
Polyuria, polydipsia, and polyphagia.
What the heck do all those mean and what do you need to know about them for nursing school.
I've got those answers coming up!
Hey there, friend!
Christina here with nursingschoolofsuccess.com helping you get better grades in nursing
school while also having more free time to spend with your family.
So make sure to subscribe to this channel and click the little bell so you never miss
out on any other nursing school tips and tricks that I've got for you.
So you've probably heard these before: polyuria, polydipsia and polyphagia, they are also sometimes
called the 3 P's, but what do they actually mean?
So "poly" (the first part of the word) means a lot or many.
"Uria" refers to urine, "dipsia" refers to being thirsty, and "phagia" refers to eating.
So putting those all together, polyuria means excessive urination, like the patient is really
urinating frequently and a lot.
Polydipsia means excessive thirst, like the patient is really thirsty just all the time,
and polyphagia means excessive hunger, so the patient is hungry all the time.
Now what do you need to know about these for nursing school?
The key thing you need to be thinking about when you see these 3 symptoms (polyuria, polydipsia
and polyphagia) is - diabetes.
In patients with diabetes, there is an increase in the amount of sugar in the blood, so the
blood is just filled with sugar.
So these three symptoms really make sense when you think about it.
I mean what are the kidneys going to do when the blood is filled with sugar?
They're going to try to get rid of it.
So they're going to urinate, A LOT.
And that's what leads to polyuria.
The patient will also be extremely thirsty because their blood is telling their brain,
"I'm drowning in sugar!
So their brain will then tell them to drink more fluids to help dilute the sugar.
And that's what causes polydipsia.
They will also be really, really hungry because their body cells are deprived of their best
energy source, which is glucose!
Even though there is glucose in the blood, with diabetes, the cells can't use it for
energy, so their brain thinks they need more energy so it tells them to eat...and eat...and
And that's what causes polyphagia.
If you found this breakdown helpful, write LOVE in the comments below, hit that like
button and make sure to subscribe and hit the bell so you don't miss out on any other
nursing school tips and tricks.
Thanks for watching friend, now go become the nurse that God created only YOU to be.
And I'll catch you in the next video.
Michael Myers and Laurie Strode Story in Halloween Movies - Duration: 5:24.
Michael Myers is a fictional character from the Halloween series of slasher
films he first appears in John Carpenter Halloween
1978 as a young boy who murdered his sister Judith Mayer and then 15 years
later returned home to Haddonfield to murder more teenagers the character is
the primary antagonist and the Halloween film series except Halloween three
season of the witch which is not connected in continuity of the rest of
the films this is Castle Morin and Wallace put on
the mask in the original film six people have stepped into the same rule Michael
Myers is characterized as pure evil though directly in the films by the
filmmakers who created and developed the character over nine films as well as by
the random participant in a survey
Michael does not speak in the films the first time audience ever hear his voice
is in the Halloween Rob Zombie 2007 and 2009 it was published in the Journal of
media psychology in the survey Michael was considered to be the
embodiment of the pure evil when compared to other characters Michael
Myers was rated the highest he also plays first as the character who shows
audience the dark side of the human nature he was rated second in the
category monster enjoys killing by the participant and believed to have
superhuman strength Michael was rated highest among the
character in the monster is an outcast category Laurie Strode is the other
character portrayed by the actress Jamie Lee Curtis and his coach Tyler Campton
one of the two main protagonists of the overall series she appears in seven of
the eleven Halloween films first appears in John Carpenter original 1978 films
Jamie Lee Curtis portrayed the rule in the original run of the series with
Scott Tyler Campton taking the rule in Robbie zombies remake and it's equally
Laurie Strode first appears in the original Halloween the 17 years old
Laurie has plans to babysit Tommy Doyle on Halloween night in 1978 however
throughout the day she keeps seeing a mysterious masked man watching her
wherever she goes as Laurie babysits Tony Myers kills Laurie's friends
Annie and Linda in the house across the street growing concerned when they
failed to call her Laurie goes to investigate and see their courses laid
out overhead to find before being attacked by Myers barely escaping Laurie
races back to Doyle house Michael follows but Laurie managed to fend him
off long enough for Tommy and Lindsay to escape Laurie is saved by dr. Sam Louis
who shoots Myers of the balcony when lungs goes to check Michaels body he
find it missing Loomis stared off into the night while
Laurie's being dissolved in terror Halloween two picks up directly after
the fair's filled with Laurie Strode being taken to a hospital
upon learning who attacked her Michael run after Laurie in the hospital but she
shoots Michael in the eyes blinding him and Loomis causes an explosion in the
operating theatre allowing Laurie to escape Michael engulfed in flames
stumbled out of the room before finally falling dead
in Halloween 2018 to journalists investigated the old case
of Michael they went to dr. Sartain is psychiatric then Laurie after Michaels
caping he kills them
dr. Sartain has a hand in escaping we went to see the pleasure that Michael
get by killing and Michael kills him also and that what we could expect from
Michael what's that feeling is he on a random path or is he
emotionally driven how does a crime like Michaels affect him I want to know what
he's feeling I want to know what pleasure he gets out of killing say
something as the previous serious Michael goes after Laurie but in this
part she was ready to fight him back and turned her house into a trap for Michael
she burned him thinking he might goes for good but we think he'll return like
always so overall the film returns the previous
equally out of existence and serve as a direct sequel to the original film
Mortimer was with you from Short show channel thanks for watching
わき腹のむくみを減らしつつ四十肩を改善する骨こすり自動運動 大宮 整体 - Duration: 3:45.
Hi my name is youhei ozaki. Thanks for watch this video. This time talk about self care that decrease thickness of side belly and improve shoulder periarthritis.
That place is above the ribs of side belly. At first,check current body condition. Check thickness by pinch the side belly.
Please check behind of upper arm also. That part thickness also be decrease. Please do with range that can to pinch. Then raise arm.
Movement of above from 90° is palm heading for above. Sometimes,there is person that feel pain by raise movement. There is influence that side belly muscle do pull shoulder. Maybe it also is improve.
Self care point is the side part of chest. It raising and lowering upper arm in angle of more than 90°. Maybe you feel strong pain into pushed place.
That pain is stiff muscle. If you could to soften this stiff muscle,you don't feel pain. Your shoulder raise easily by decreased pulled stiff muscle.
Check again muscle condition into after about 60 seconds from 30 seconds. Maybe you feel some effect. It is thickness be decrease or muscle become soft or pain be decrease at do pinch.
There is change like that. Case of me,upper arm part became soft.
Then check shoulder movement. Please check shoulder condition be improve more than last time. At especially,case of extra moisture be effective after some days.
Please check body condition into about after 2 days. Maybe you feel many effect.
Please try it. Thanks for watch this video. See you!
Descubra o Segredo do Número da Sua Casa #NUMEROLOGIA - Duration: 4:57.
奔驰S级将推纯电动版本:续航或超500km - Duration: 2:00.
"La Vie Boheme" Concert Rendition | RENT - Duration: 1:31.
"Take Me Or Leave Me" Concert Rendition | RENT - Duration: 1:31.
"Tango: Maureen" Concert Rendition | RENT - Duration: 1:31.
Claude Sarraute traite Laurent Ruquier de « sal*pe » sur RTL - Duration: 2:01.
Sgala Pujian Dan Syukur Lirik - Duration: 4:53.
Harmonii | Le Tiers-Lieu et l'art de vivre collectivement - Duration: 5:32.
Premier League best XI of the season so far - Duration: 1:30.
English top tier leaders Liverpool see two players make the statistically best Premier League XI of the season so far
The line up is according to whoscored.com 's statistics metric - and it makes for interesting viewing
Unsurprisingly, Virgil van Dijk makes the cut after a series of sensational performances for the Reds this term
He is joined by team-mate and in-form forward Mohamed Salah. Despite Arsenal 's 22-game unbeaten run, zero players from their squad have performed well enough to qualify
Elsewhere, Fernandinho and Raheem Sterling represent Manchester City , Eden Hazard and David Luiz show face for Chelsea , while Harry Kane and Hugo Lloris make the grade for Spurs
Only one Manchester United player has made the best XI - Paul Pogba. The Frenchman's recent displays clearly doing enough to get him over the line
The remaining two slots are filled by players who ply their trade for clubs outside the top six
Lucas Digne from Everton fills in at left-back while Ricardo Pereira takes the right-back role
APH Multilanguage: AusHun, GerIta, KorPan - Think Of Me [w/S&T] - Duration: 3:57.
Think of Me / Remember Me
Think of Me / Think of Me
Please Think / Do not forget
Think of me,
Keep me after the passion.
Please promise me,
Promise me that you will remember.
If you see, the emptiness between us
Freedom will breathe
Please do not forget it,
Think about me sometimes.
I understand it all. I know
The fate we cannot share
Still, keep a picture
Inside your heart.
Yes, I see you in those memories, you are
Still dulling my pain
Please think of that wordless me
You think of me
I would like to forget you but I will never be able to
Think of me, then think of me,
If a thousand years have passed.
I will never ever
Forget you
Am I mistaken?
Could that be Christine? Bravo!
We met at a young age
I remember
Maybe she forgot me,
But I never forgot her.
Summer wilts like a flower
This is in the book of fate.
But promise me that one day you will think
Of me! Then me! Me
Thank You!
Teresa Giudice Gets Glammed Up For Girls' Night Out As Husband Joe Faces Deportation - News Today - Duration: 3:43.
'RHONJ' star Teresa Giudice looked extremely happy on a girls' night out in West Hollywood on Jan. 28 — just days after it was reported she'll split with Joe if he's deported.
Teresa Giudice , 46, traveled to Los Angeles for Andy Cohen's wild baby shower this past weekend, and it looks like she's still on the west coast because she enjoyed a girls' night out at The Nice Guy in West Hollywood on Jan. 28. As the Real Housewives of New Jersey star was pictured leaving the restaurant, she looked in high spirits, which is pretty surprising considering a recent report claimed she plans on splitting with her husband, Joe, if he ends up getting deported to Italy when he's released from prison later this year. But regardless of how she felt or appeared to feel, Teresa looked stunning! The reality star was pictured wearing tight black pants and a tiered sequined top. And the outfit gave Teresa the perfect opportunity to show off the impressive results from her intense bodybuilding training. Doesn't she look great? SEE MORE PHOTOS HERE.
And maybe this girls' night out will be a regular thing for Teresa, as another report by Radar Online claims she's hoping to get her own "single mom" spin-off. "Teresa wants to have her very own Bravo spinoff show," an insider told the site. Teresa is reportedly hoping the spin-off will help her earn a better living if she ends up becoming a single mom. "Her role on RHONJ just doesn't pay enough, and Teresa needs the extra cash to be able to buy Joe out of his portion of the ownership of their mansion," the source added. A network source also told Radar, "Teresa has held back a lot of intimate details about her personal life from viewers and is pitching Bravo that this project would allow her to be essentially reintroduced to the audience."
If this new show happens, Teresa would sign the deal before her divorce with Joe is finalized. But we should also note, Teresa and Joe have not formally filed for divorce yet — nor have they confirmed they're splitting. Joe is currently serving 41-months in prison for mail, wire and bankruptcy fraud and is due to be released in March. However, in late 2018, a judge ruled that he should be deported to Italy at the end of his sentence since he's not an American citizen. However, Joe has since appealed the ruling.
On Jan. 24, it was reported by PEOPLE that during the taping of RHONJ's Season 9 reunion, Teresa told her cast mates that she might split with Joe. "Teresa told Andy that if Joe gets deported, she's not going [with him]," a source told the magazine. "She said that she and Joe had talked about it over the phone, and that he understood." A second source reiterated that information, and added, "[Teresa] didn't really express any sadness about that. She just focused instead on the girls. It was very matter of fact. They are obviously optimistic that he is coming home. Teresa's hope is that they can remain together as a family."
Considering what she's currently going through, we're shocked to see a huge smile on Teresa's face, but maybe that speaks to how strong she is and how well she's handling her current situation.
Descubra o Segredo do Número da Sua Casa #NUMEROLOGIA - Duration: 4:57.
Francesca Antoniotti amoureuse d'un célèbre acteur : Cyril Hanouna le prévient en direct - Duration: 1:49.
10 Easy Vitamix Recipes to Help You Lose Weight - Duration: 4:57.
Hey it's Lenny Gale with Life is NOYOKE.
Today, I have 10 Vitamix recipes that can help you lose weight.
We're going to go quick.
But I want to say the best part about these recipes: They are going to help you lose weight. But these are also things that will help you sustain your sexy body.
Number one green smoothie specifically we make Carolyne's green smoothie.
Frozen mango, banana, orange, kale, and a little bit of almond milk.
Carolyne's green smoothie: the creaminess the best you cannot taste the greens.
Number two: green juice.
Another way to drink your greens. The difference between a juice and a smoothie is that a juice is more liquid, smoothies are creamier.
Green juice. We make a spicy green juice.
It's fruit, greens, and seeds and has ginger and lemon to give it sort of a brightness and a kick.
We have it always.
And always stocked in our fridge.
Our baby drinks it. Baby-sized green juice. Isn't that cute?
He's not trying to lose weight.
Green juice! You don't need a Vitamix to make it.
Number three: Detox salad: cauliflower, cabbage, carrots, kale, with some seeds little raisins.
And it has an avocado dressing. It's amazing and you can make it in batches.
You can make it for the entire week.
It's going to fill you up but not make you feel like you're full.
Number four is nut butters specifically almond butter.
You can grab and snack on it, it's going to fill you up and almonds are amazing for losing weight. You can eat a couple spoonfuls as a snack you can eat dozen spoonfuls like I do and I'm hungry.
It's an advanced Vitamix recipe for sure it takes some practice and a little bit of elbow grease but homemade almond butter is so much better than store-bought almond butter, stuff that you would get at Costco.
It's like impossibly creamy. They must remove some of the good stuff.
Number five: cheese alternatives.
Everyone is trying to reduce their dairy consumption. Cheese is one of those things you make it go way, you're going to lose weight immediately. What do we do for cheese alternatives?
We make queso.
It's a nuts and red pepper cheese dip.
It's cheeseless cheese dip with a kick. It's the best.
We always have it.
I don't know if I was out of focus. Was I out of focus?
Another cheese alternative, broccoli cheese soup.
Third cheese alternative: dairy-free cream cheese.
So easy to make, slap it on a bagel. You're winning.
Number five: Nice cream!
Frozen bananas and a little fruit it in the Vitamix, use the tamper you have creamy delicious ice cream.
Other types: you can make sorbet. We've made a Wendy's style Frosty.
Frozen dessert you can make a huge batch have a little right away and then pre-portion it.
Such a good alternative to store-bought ice cream. And you don't have to give up dessert but you're going to have a healthy dessert to feel good and satisfy that sweet tooth.
Still on desserts number six: We love to make our black bean brownies.
No one will know black beans in them.
Number seven: Snack bites like no-bake snack bite balls.
Easy to make, easy to grab-and-go. They're great. They're their nuts and seeds. Snack bites!
Have you ever made cauliflower rice in your Vitamix? You ever riced cauliflower? Now that is so good. Such a good alternative to a white rice. You still get that. sensation of eating rice.
Rice the cauliflower in your Vitamix. Boom. I think that cauliflower rice was number nine.
Number 10: Sauces.
You can make your own sauce and here is one that we love to make that makes vegetables amazing.
Thai peanut sauce.
We use this Thai peanut sauce for spring rolls. Zoodles. So like zucchini noodles.
This sauce is like a magic sauce. Also one of those things you can make every week.
Thai peanut sauce is so easy. It's like four ingredients.
Those recipes you can make them in your Vitamix they're going to help you lose weight.
If you're not already definitely subscribe to our channel.
If you appreciate this video hit that thumbs up button.
We'll see you in the next.
5 règles d'or pour choisir des talons hauts qui soient confortables - Duration: 5:42.
9 Tasty Vitamix Recipes You Should Bring to a Potluck - Duration: 3:30.
OK. If you have a Vitamix and you've been invited to a potluck.
We have some really good ideas for you to bring.
So the first thing always is our famous queso. Cashew queso.
So it's all plant-based. It's so delicious.
The one thing we learned is that it's always the first thing to go
unless you put it in an unappetizing vessel. Then no one eats it.
That just happened to us.
So make sure it's in a kind of a small container that looks edible and delicious because it is.
The next thing is muhammara. It's a Middle Eastern dish that is walnuts pomegranates, roasted red pepper.
It's so so good it's kind of like next-level of hummus.
Same flavor profile but more delicious.
That's muhammara.
Another really good thing to bring to a potluck is French onion dip!
Everyone loves French onion dip. We've got a great recipe that doesn't use any dairy on our site.
Perfect for summer potluck or picnic.
If you're going to a daytime potluck, maybe a brunch potluck, I wish my friends would plan those,
that sounds really fun: Bloody Mary mix.
You can make Bloody Mary mix in your Vitamix and it is very very good.
Much better than anything you could buy in a bottle at a store and it makes you look really fancy.
You can make our delicious artichoke dip.
We are not allowed to go to family functions without bringing this anymore.
It's so cheesy without having any cheese in it. It's hot.
It's one of those appetizers that the plate is scraped clean and you're like, "I didn't even get a bite of that!"
So we started making two and leaving the other at home. That's the best way to go about the artichoke dip.
Salsa. My brother has an awesome recipe on our site for like a smoky tomatillo salsa that is way next-level.
Make it, you'll see. It's very popular.
And the last but not least, I used to always bring baked goods to potlucks because everyone loves baked goods.
By far the one, well, two of them have gone fast. So my banana bread goes really fast. That's a really good one.
But. Lately we've been making these triple ginger cookies.
It's candied-ginger, fresh-grated ginger, and then dried ginger and then they have chocolate in them, too.
We brought them to my little niece's first birthday party and gone.
So those are the things you should use your Vitamix for to make for a potluck if you have to bring something
and you want to be a potluck hero.
They should have that be a song: Potluck hero.
If you like this videos definitely subscribe to our channel. Hit that thumbs up, let us know
what you bring to potlucks and if you say a bag of chips, you're that guy.
Anyway thank you for watching. See you in the next one.
"I didn't even get a bite of that!"
Claude Sarraute traite Laurent Ruquier de « sal*pe » sur RTL - Duration: 2:01.
[BTS ASMR] Jimin - Para dormir🎧 USEM FONES🎧 l voz l respiração l som de chuva - Duration: 11:03.
CBC Here & Now January 29 2019 - Duration: 1:02:57.
Liverpool fans knew who to thank after getting huge Premier League title boost - Duration: 1:28.
Liverpool fans knew exactly who to thank for the result which gave their title race hopes a huge boost on Tuesday afternoon
With the Reds not in action until Wednesday night's clash at home to Leicester City at Anfield, fans would have been watching title rivals Manchester City's trip to Newcastle with much intrigue
And then they'd have felt like turning off after 24 seconds. Sergio Aguero struck after that time to give the visitors the lead at St James' Park, but instead of their ritual beating of the Magpies, Pep Guardiola's side collapsed in the second period in the face of the Geordie onslaught
First Salomon Rondon struck to equalise midway through the second half, and then Matt Ritchie scored from the spot after Fernandinho gave away a spot kick
Newcastle managed to hold on for a huge 2-1 win that is of course hugely important for their own relegation struggle, but there was no doubt who Liverpool fans had in mind after the huge title favour they did them
Yep, Rafael Benitez. Liverpool's 2005 Champions League manager has done the Reds a huge title favour
But can they move seven points clear on Wednesday evening?
Rhubarb Festival - Duration: 3:59.
The Rhubarb Festival
Canada's longest-running new works festival returns for a 40th year.
Rhubarb transforms Buddies into a hotbed of experimentation, with artists exploring new possibilities in theatre, dance, music, and performance art.
Rhubarb is the place to see the most adventurous ideas in performance and to catch your favourite artists venturing into uncharted territory.
Rhubarb is a space for artists and audiences to experiment together by trying new things and testing their boundaries.
SURTITLING/ASL On Thursday, February 14, three of the evening's Rhubarb shows will be presented with surtitles in English: - 8:00 PM - How was your day, honey?
| The Rhubarb Festival - 8:30 PM - The BiG SiSSY Show: The Message | The Rhubarb Festival
- 9:00 PM - Temple of the Divine Queer |
The Rhubarb Festival The evening's special presentation (Deafies' Unique Time) is performed entirely in ASL.
D/deaf and hard of hearing can book $5 tickets ahead of time using the code "ASL5" at checkout, or purchase pay-what-you-can tickets at the door.
Three BIPOC Deaf artists weave together their diverse backgrounds into a theatrical experience you won't want to miss. Performed in ASL with English subtitling.
THE ARTISTS Thurga Kanagasekarampillai, Ralitsa Rodriguez + Ali Saeedi / creators + performers Elizabeth Morris / Deaf consultant
TICKETS: $20. You can call at Box Office 416-975-8555 or go to this link here: http://buddiesinbadtimes.com/rhubarb
You can buy your tickets online on the Buddies in Bad Times website and use the promotions code ASL5 to get a 5$ ticket for the evening!
You can also email the Buddies Box Office to book your tickets at tickets@buddiesinbadtimes.com and use the code ASL5 to get a 5$ Ticket for the evening
On February 14th, ASL Interpretation will be provided at the Box Office and Bar.
GER | ❌ TEST ❌ | PC Test (Beschreibung Lesen) - Duration: 6:38:26.
Okay, Okay, Even Newer Plan....KEEP RUNNING!!!!! | Resident Evil 2 Remake | PS4 - Duration: 3:15:51.
Winter birds nails - Duration: 6:06.
gooood morning beauties.
today micropainting dedicated to...
to winter birds...
With the brown color and the striping brush start to draw some thin branches
the color must be very diluted
remove the excess color from the brush
and do the same thing on all the other nails.
Index. Cat's tongue brush and beige,put the brush on nail and go down to draw a rectangle:the tree's trunk
black very diluted and stripign brush and
create some little lines on the trunk
as u see on photo.
white color and liner brush. push the brush to draw the birds' head.
Draw a little longer circle for the body.
liner brush and white and
start to draw a house to the side.
in the sane way, draw the other
two birds next to the trunk.
as u can see on photo.
Do the same thing on pinkies
and on ring finger. Draw also the
tails and the tufts.
and on the thumbs:P
Color with the striping brush and the yellow
the belly and with the black
the back, the neb and
around the head.
always with the striping brush, color with the red
the woodpecker head and
with the black the back.
brown or the other bird.
little lines for the nebs and
little points for the eyes.
stain with a light grey the belly of the woodpecker.
red and orange
for the birds on the ring finger.
black the head and a little white point for the eye.
orange for the neb.
dilute always very very well the colo.
then, color the thumb.
striping brush and green
, dark green, for the leaves.
(push the brush and draw some commas).
Add a little bit of yellow to create some light points.
color, always using the striping brush, the house.
striping brush and white and tap on the branches for creating the snow.
and do the same on the street.
create the same effect on all the other nails.
some little white points for
simulating the snow flakes.
a coat of brilliant top coat
et voilà
see u on the next tutorial beauties. kissesss
GER | ❌ Fortnite ❌ | PC Test (Beschreibung Lesen) - Duration: 59:45.
Download free Hacked Games For Ios/Android 2019 - Duration: 2:51.
Descubra o Segredo do Número da Sua Casa #NUMEROLOGIA - Duration: 4:57.
Jameela Jamil Claps Back At Body Shamers After Slamming Diet Teas: They 'Make You Hate Yourself' - B - Duration: 3:09.
Jameela Jamil is one of the loudest celeb voices in the body positivity movement. Here's why she has zero time for people who try to shame others into losing weight.
Anyone who knows anything about Jameela Jamil knows this essential fact – she hates diet teas, with a passion. The 32-year-old The Good Place actress has been very vocal about the celebrity-endorsed so-called slimming products that she has dubbed "laxative teas" that make you poop. But there's something else that the British actress can't stand – body shamers. The model, who suffered from anorexia when she was a teen, says she even had to face them in her own family.
"I definitely have family members who were massively instrumental in my eating disorders and gave me very weird relationships with food," Jameela said on Jan. 25 at the BlogHer Health conference in Los Angeles. "I had one family member who could only show me love via food, and then I had another family member who would make me think that if I ate food, I was failure. So food became my rebellion against them."
She added, "Family have internalized fat phobia so much of the time, and also a lot of the family members are from a generation that didn't understand eating disorders, and didn't understand body dysmorphia, and didn't understand how shame works. No one has ever been shamed into making healthier or better decisions in their life. You either are going to eat too much or too little, or exercise too much or too little. You're never going to do what's best for you because you hate yourself. So making someone love themselves and building them up from the inside out is the only way they will ever actually want to preserve the life they're living and make better decisions."
As for detoxes, there's only one elimination diet that she fully endorses and it has a very NSFW name. "I'm developing a thing called the F*cksh*t Detox…it's like a juice fast, but instead, you just eliminate all of the bad, toxic people and things that are in your life, rather than food," she said. For Jameela that includes "family members."
And when it comes to how to talk to impressionable young people about their bodies, the actress is working on a way to educate adults about what they can and should say. Jameela, who started the Instagram blog I Weigh (a movement encouraging women to measure their value beyond the figures on the scale), said, "I'm building my way into a company where we want to be able to go and get into schools and talk to parents and help them understand the ramifications of shame, because shame is the silent disease that's killing us all."
Clippers cruise past Kings 122-108 for 3rd straight win - Duration: 4:57.
CONNECTTWEETLINKEDINCOMMENTEMAILMORELOS ANGELES (AP) — Without Danilo Gallinari lately, the Los Angeles Clippers have gone small
Their sparkplug has been Patrick Beverley.The veteran guard had 16 points, 10 rebounds and eight assists on Sunday, helping the Clippers beat the Sacramento Kings 122-108 for their third straight victory
"Pat has been MVP or key to us in this run," coach Doc Rivers said. "He's a tough-guy competitor and holds every guy accountable on the floor
"Missing Gallinari for five games due to lower back spasms, the Clippers went 3-1 on their recent road trip
They opened with a win at San Antonio in which Beverley became the only player 6-foot-1 or shorter to log 18-plus points, 12-plus rebounds, five-plus assists, four-plus steals and one block or more in over 25 seasons
"We're sharing the ball and everybody is playing well," Beverley said. "We're just hanging our hat on defense
We're locked in from shootaround to the end of the game."Montrezl Harrell led the Clippers with 25 points in Sunday's victory
Tobias Harris added 18 points, and Lou Williams had 12 points and 10 assists. Rookie Shai Gilgeous-Alexander scored 17 points
Sacramento never led, but made a run to start the fourth. Down 87-76, the Kings twice closed within five
They got a basket and rim-rattling dunk by Willie Cauley-Stein and six straight points by Bogdan Bogdanovic
Then the Clippers took off.Harris' 3-pointer beat the shot-clock buzzer, Avery Bradley tossed in a 3 and Harrell reeled off seven in a row as part of a run that kept the Clippers ahead 110-97
The Clippers had 35 assists on 42 field goals."That's who we have to be," Rivers said
De'Aaron Fox led Sacramento with 21 points. Bogdanovic added 19 points off the bench and Cauley-Stein had 12 rebounds
The Kings are 0-3 against the Clippers this season despite rallying in each game."It's one of the best scoring teams in the league," Fox said of the Clippers
"It's hard to stop them when they get rolling offensively."The Kings cut their deficit from 16 points to seven in the third
Fox and Iman Shumpert combined to score 15 of Sacramento's 17 points to start the period
Fox hit a 3-pointer and Shumpert added two from long range.The Clippers got a 3-pointer from Harris and a dunk by Harrell to lead 87-76 going into the fourth
Los Angeles got off to a fast start. The Clippers shot 52 percent from the floor in the first half and led by as many as 25 points
TIP-INSKings: They fell to 11-15 on the road and 5-10 vs the West.Clippers: F Gallinari likely will return in the next game or two
He has missed five in a row. . Harrell turned 25 on Saturday. . Williams' first triple-double at Chicago on Friday occurred in his 904th career game
Only Zach Randolph at 974 games logged his first later in his career.ALL-STAR BIDHarris came in averaging a team-leading 21
1 points for the Clippers, who at 28-22 are holding down the eighth spot in the rugged Western Conference
The eighth-year pro is seeking his first All-Star berth."I feel like I've been playing at that level," he said
Rivers said Harris' numbers plus the fact that he's playing on a winning team in the West solidly state his case
"I just hope he gets voted on," the coach said.UP NEXTKings: Host Atlanta on Wednesday in the opener of a six-game homestand
Clippers: Host Atlanta on Monday in the second game of a back-to-back.___More AP NBA: www
apnews.com/NBA and www.twitter.com/AP_SportsCONNECTTWEETLINKEDINCOMMENTEMAILMORE Copyright 2019 The Associated Press
All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed
Descubra o Segredo do Número da Sua Casa #NUMEROLOGIA - Duration: 4:57.
JP Sears Shocking Reveal In The New ClickFunnels Commercial | FHTV Ep. 113 - Duration: 11:19.
- The secret to selling anything online
isn't being spiritual.
It's looking spiritual.
That's why the number one thing people want from me is this.
My hair.
- [Dan Usher] Crushed it.
- [Sam] Crushed it, yeah.
- [Man Three] Killed it!
- [Dan Usher] All right, all right.
- [Sam] Let's do one more.
(playful music)
- I'm going into a beauty supply store
to hopefully to find the perfect matching wig
to match JP Sears hair.
We are shooting a commercial with him.
And I'm super excited 'cause this commercial
is going to be hilarious.
- Oh.
But you look amazing.
(drum beat with Cowbell]
- [Sam] It looks good?
- [Dan] Actually, you should wear this for Halloween.
Go as JP for Halloween.
(whirring of airplane Engine]
(elevator beeping)
- All right, it is way to early.
Like it's, looking pretty ominous right now.
We are heading to the Dry Bar Comedy club
and there's a couple logistics happening
that we're not entirely used to.
Such as, makeup artists trying to put a bald cap
on a dude who has super long hair.
And thick.
- We are here in Salt Lake City heading down to Provo, Utah
to the Dry Bar Comedy club.
We actually have someone here.
What do you call a person who actually handles your luggage?
- Luggage handler?
- [Dave Woodward] Luggage handler.
- We are at VidAngel slash Dry Bar Comedy club
slash Harmon Brothers headquarters.
They produce some of the coolest infomercials
you've ever seen.
Squatty Potty, Poo Pourri.
Fiber Fix.
Saturday save us.
(Man murmuring)
- Oh, the hell's going on?
And he didn't see us.
I want comedy!
Why can't we get in?
- This is downtown Provo, Utah.
- Yeah, man.
This is where it's happening.
Fall colors, mountainous earth.
- So the whole reason we're is because
JP is setting the stage for tonight.
It'll drive our comic up.
We are so honored, thrilled, and excited to have him here.
And then you've got the opportunity
of basically kicking things off before
Andrew Moore gets on stage with Russell.
And talks about all of Click Funnel's
crazy start up stories.
- Yeah, I'm excited for it.
You make it sound like the event revolves around me.
- It does!
- Which it doesn't.
- It totally does.
- I get to come in and have some fun
but it's gonna be a great event.
- Hey, you see him?
- [Man] There he is!
Y'all know that was a missed opportunity then.
- [Dan] I have booked it.
- I need backup, don't be weird.
(upbeat techno music)
So this is office goals right here.
Make Lily turn this space into a full out
like, production studio.
Dry Bar, comedy club.
Like all these cool things.
And it's all separated.
- This is going to be fun.
This is gonna be so cool.
- [Man] How's it going guys?
- I use at least one shelf of this stuff everyday.
- [Cameraman] How's it going?
- [Man In Mask] How are you?
- [Cameraman] How's Natalie Portman doin'?
- [Man In Mask] Really good.
(Cameraman laughing)
- He's on the, keto anorexia diet.
- So this is going to be a weird request
and I have to ask her if they have his hair.
JP's hair.
- [Cameraman] So I need that hair.
- Exactly that, yep.
There's an actual wig room.
I'd love to have a wig room.
- [Woman] Yeah, check this out!
- Well I'm just trying to get dressed up as JP.
To have JP lookalikes running throughout
all of Provo for Halloween.
That's the idea
- [Blonde Woman] I have a sister with hair that color.
- Oh, you do?
She sounds beautiful.
- What are you thinkin'?
Not close enough.
- No, not JP enough.
- I'm thinkin' I wish I wasn't so attracted
to you right now, David.
- [Blonde Woman] Well let me keep lookin'
and see if I can find a darker, a little bit deeper.
But actually it's light.
- [Cameraman] I think it's a good look for you, man.
- You look really good on me.
- And then it's just like, "Whoa!"
"Which one's the real JP?"
- The answer is I'm Dave.
(upbeat music)
It feels like my wife would stop loving me
if she saw me right now.
It's weird.
- [Dave] So weird.
- [Cameraman] It looks pretty natural though.
- It's so weird, oh.
I just wish I had this kind of hair
and then I had the option of being bald.
I'm just gonna be bald regardless.
- And that was three hours, and solid.
With Click Funnels I no longer
have to do all the selling by myself.
Hello army.
(upbeat music)
You just made me bald so that we can make me have hair,
that is not my own.
Instead of having my own.
- [Cameraman] Rolling on sound.
- Moment of truth right here, funnel hackers.
Get ready for it.
That's why the number one thing people want from me is this.
My hair.
- Sounding good.
But more sound auto.
You can see that shadow.
- [Dave] We got shadow?
- Yep. - [Dave] Look up.
- See that, funnel hackers?
You gotta fail before you have a success.
(Dave laughing)
That's why the number one thing people want from me.
We'll take that from the top.
That's why the number one thing that people.
Such a tough line.
- Hi, a little technical difficulty right now.
The flower broke.
So we're having to fix the flower.
Unfortunately we don't have a hot dry glue gun.
Whatever those things are called.
Hot dry, that's not.
- Right now, everybody working on me.
- [Woman] There you go, perfect.
- JP hair.
If you're not in my funnel, you're dead to me.
That light?
You've gotta be kidding me!
- If you're not in my funnel.
- This is crazy.
Little bit of problem.
We have a power surge going on in the building,
and every time the generator things come on
the light flashes.
So, hopefully we're gonna get this thing fixed here.
Turn off all the lights in that house,
and focus just on this.
- We're getting a shot one more time?
- And some people say the more money you make
the more impact you can have.
But I like to say the more money you make,
the more income you have.
Then to triple my profits, I add in a quick order form bump.
I add in a quick order form bump to buy my headband.
I just love how easy it is to try.
Sounded cheesy JP, ya jerk.
Now take a, take a Jeff.
(Dave laughing)
And what was the?
- [Sam] All right, that's a rap.
That's a rap.
- Nice job everybody!
- We're definitely gonna be done.
Just move into the light, yeah!
- We're gonna sell or be sold.
You gotta shave or be sold on this one.
All right, sales team listen up.
We've gotta increase our monthly hair sales.
Lance, have you sold a million dollars worth
of hair this month?
- No.
- No.
- [Tom] My name's Tom.
- So you're selling like a Lance.
You should be ashamed of yourself.
We gotta sell more hair.
Success, money, income, revenue, profits.
All synonyms for making me rich.
'Cause it's not about making me rich.
It's about making the consumers out there more spiritual.
The secret to selling anything online isn't being spiritual.
It's looking spiritual.
With my hair.
Want you guys to go out there and sell more.
What's your name, Son?
- Steve.
- Steve.
Steve, you should be ashamed of yourself.
- Why?
- You've been working with me for 10 years
and I haven't even learned your name yet, Steve.
That's how little you're selling.
We gotta be a team on this.
Some people say, "Well JP, I can't have long hair because
I'm a swimmer."
Well you know what?
Swimming is a stupid sport, and you're not a dolphin.
You can't spell hair without ir.
Yeah, I want you to put more ir into you're sales.
Does that make sense?
I don't even want you to think about money
'cause it's not about the money, its about the profits.
If we sell more, we're gonna bypass the money
and just take in more profits.
In the form of a lot of money.
Oh man.
And I just want you to listen up here.
I want you to feel this, wow.
When you look at Make JP Rich, you
can't spell rich without ich.
And I've got an ich for some more profits.
In Team, I want you to go out and scratch my ich.
- Scratch itch.
- Scratch itch, got it.
- It itch the scratch?
- Sex sells, but you know what sells better than sex?
I want us to wear man thongs when we sell.
Sell hair.
Upsell to armpit hair.
Grew our nude webinars to do 3.5 million in 89 minutes.
You can't spell success without suc.
And suc is exactly what you do, Lance.
Look what are you writing down, Lance?
"Make JP money."
"Scratch the itch."
You didn't even spell ich correctly.
You spelled it with a T.
Can you fire Lance for me?
I feel like he's holding us all back.
And you can't spell make without aah.
And holding us back is exactly what Lance is doin'.
I just look at this hair, and do you know what I want?
Every man, woman, child, dolphin, dog, cat
and parakeet in the world to have?
I want them to have my hair.
'Cause I don't even have my hair anymore.
Do you know what this is really about?
It's not about the profits.
It comes from within.
Income comes from the Greek word
that means a lot of freakin' money.
Some people say the more money you have
the more impact you can make.
But I like to say the more money you have
the more income you have.
More money is less unmore than less money.
Do y'all understand quadruple negatives?
I wanna see you guys excel.
We gotta sell more to make JP more rich.
Does that make sense?
JP Looks.
You can't be spiritual unless you look spiritual.
Go to ClickFunnels.com to start making sales today.
That wasn't a good slap.
My hand got caught.
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