BRYAN: Good moment, everybody.
People, PIVians around the world, or in outer space.
I'm not excluding you either.
You might be listening from a space station or Mars for that matter.
It's currently January 2019.
Thanks for tuning in this month's recap of PIVXPress.
Well, it's been an incredible start to 2019.
If you've been watching any of the social feeds for PIVX,
crypto in large, but specifically PIVX,
the amount of energy resurgence within the community.
Some of the developments, which we'll talk about here.
I'm of course very biased.
I'm purple.
But I'm also extremely excited by this, I'll call it a new feeling, right?
I know we don't often talk about feelings in cryptocurrencies,
but there's a new sensation that seems to be swelling within the PIVX community
and I'm going to be talking about that.
So first things first,
let's jump into the what we would call the core development, right,
the core node.
More Github announcements and pushes are coming out.
It seem like, and I know we've been talking about it,
version 3.2 is right around the corner.
We'll be super excited about that one.
Again, if you don't know what's coming in version 3.2
I would highly recommend you go to last month's recap, take a look at the features.
Specifically, there's going to be a lot of stuff
that really, really mesh and correlate to the light node protocol, right,
so that will allow the minting and staking on low resource devices
as well as expands some of the other features of PIVX.
So kudos, kudos to the core PIVX developers, right?
Specifically thanks to Fuzzbawls, to warrows, to random.zebra,
Furszy, anybody else that I might have missed there.
Thank you guys or gals as well.
I'm not going to be discriminatory there.
Thank you for your efforts and work.
Specifically in that one arena, right,
of really maintaining the core ethos and what is the backbone technology of PIVX.
So thanks very much for your efforts there, guys.
All right, making a little bit of a pivot,
let's go talk about some governance stuff.
If you also are new to PIVX,
if this is your first time watching, welcome, first of all.
If you don't know, PIVX is a DAO.
We do have a governance mechanism
that allows people to submit proposals to receive funding,
and that's how we make decisions within PIVX.
In the ecosystem.
So the budget proposal superblock,
that's when payouts occur and the votes are finalized,
which occurs every 30 days.
That just occurred.
You can go take a look.
One of the best places to see it is PIVX Central.
You can go look at PIVX Central and see all the proposals
that have got submitted.
Which ones were funded, which ones passed, etc.
Again, this is an incredible way and example
of how decentralization can also have a community aspect to it, right?
This isn't just decentralization to isolation and it's just fragmented, etc.
No, there's actually people making decisions,
and those people are the PIVX community, right,
so those people that have masternodes.
Well, harkening back a while ago if you guys don't remember,
the PIVX masternodes actually voted to give up their exclusive right to voting,
which means that the door is open for developments
in furthering the governance mechanisms within PIVX.
And so a perfect time to highlight some of this new energy coming in.
There's a couple figures that have jumped into the PIVX Discord,
saw what we wanted to do, and the vision with the PIVX governance
and just took it upon themselves
and are actually building out the next iteration,
or potential next iteration
of what a voting protocol mechanism would look like for PIVX.
And they're going to test it, they're going to gamify it at first
so we can gather data and feedback,
but this is all community driven, right?
So this person actually didn't even put a proposal in.
They just started building this and they are open sourcing this,
releasing it to the community just to get feedback.
Because they found a place to be.
They found people they liked working with
and talking with and they had free time
so call them a hobbiest whatever you want.
They saw a vision,
they aligned with it,
and they're building this.
And of course along the way, I've been paying attention,
this person's receiving tips, right, from the PIVX ecosystem.
Another example just of the fluidity of what's possible within PIVX.
So speaking of developments, community aspect developments there,
another incredible individual who came in--
so that first person, furniture, you can go take a look and say thanks to them.
This other person, JSKitty, who's now in the PIVX Discord
and really, really turning purple as well has built some awesome bots.
So specifically now PIVX Bots, or Botworks if you want call it that,
the tipping mechanism, tipping bot, in PIVX is up and running again
and expanded features including private tips.
Really cool there.
So you can send people tips anonymously.
That's fits with PIVX, right?
The other is radio.
The PIVX live streaming radio.
So you can actually now go into the PIVX Discord and become a DJ.
Take over for an hour.
30 minutes.
Play some songs that you like.
Talk about them or not talk about them.
And all of this is getting also tweeted out into Twitter as well.
So it's incredible to see the community
starting to really catalyze around the more human aspects as well
while we're still using this incredible technology of the PIVX blockchain.
There are some more bots being developed as well.
Some governance bots that will show you what proposals are coming in,
the last one to get updated in terms of voting.
All of this just making it easier really for people to use, consume, and share
what PIVX is about, right?
So one of the things that we've been talking about
is that PIVX is beyond private.
It's a tagline you might start hearing us use testing it out.
It's got incredible core technology.
It's got incredible privacy technology.
Those of use in PIVX know that.
And PIVX is beyond private.
So yes, that means that our privacy protocols are kick ass quite frankly.
And pioneering.
And pushing the forefronts of what's possible in privacy and cryptocurrency.
We're also beyond private.
And when you apply that into a community-centric arena
of what PIVX is, it means there's so many other facets
like the governance, like the community,
like the crazy purpleness that is PIVX, right?
Because we're people.
We're individuals bringing our own flair, emotions, and styles to this.
So that's why PIVX for me personally
and the line I'll start saying is it's beyond private.
So now we get to talk about the incredible privacy technology
as well as these other facets as well.
So dovetailing that into the governance proposals,
so coming full circle,
love to announce two, three, four, five, I've lost count now,
new people coming in to PIVX
specifically that are incredible marketers.
I'm about to drop their names now.
Angelo and Kelsey, AKA, the new PIVX Pixie,
you might have seen her pop in on Discord,
are two brand new global ambassadors for PIVX.
Not just that, they're incredible, incredible marketers.
You might have seen some of their work with adbank.
They now have come into the PIVX ecosystem.
They've been huge PIVX supporters from day one.
Another individual that's coming with them as well, Stephanie.
You might see her popping up.
Go say hi to her.
She's going to be helping assisting with a lot of the internal communications,
project managements, between what Angelo and Kelsey are doing out in the world.
And you're going to start seeing that very soon.
And then just helping coordinate communications
internally with the team, etc.
So stay tuned.
Kelsey's going to be putting out her own video series,
which I am super excited about, called What's Poppin with PIVX.
So you're going to see her being able to explain what PIVX is.
Much more of a fireside.
Just a fun, incredible video series there.
Angelo's going to be doing a bi-weekly Q&A, fireside AMAs.
Stay tuned for that.
They're going to be working hand in hand with the current marketing ecosystem
that we have outlining some-- it's just, guys it's incredible.
New energy coming in.
New marketing focus and expansion upon what's been built.
And really I would say the next level of infrastructure, communications,
bandwidth, so that we can begin to support all of the incredible news
that's in PIVX which we know about, right?
So this becomes the amplification process back out.
So stay tuned.
Stephanie as well is super, super passionate about the environment.
And one of the big things in talking to her recently
that she's passionate about
is explaining how PIVX is really the go to eco-friendly coin, right?
So some of you might disagree with me there.
That's fine.
But if we talk about in the leading cryptocurrencies that are out there,
PIVX is one of the most economically and environmentally friendly
coins out there on the market, right?
We talk about the economics a lot.
This past year we've talked about that.
Now, a whole new facet and whole new global ambassador
championing and pioneering the environmental aspects,
the posititive ones, that PIVX has.
So go say hi to them.
Again, that's Angelo, Kelsey, Steph.
You're going to start to see more people come
in around the marketing team as well, so go say hi.
It's an incredible--
this is, we're not even one month in and all of this new energy is coming in.
All of these new frameworks are being built,
which is only going to help amplify the message back out.
So I'm excited if you can't tell.
All right, another PIVX initiative that you might be aware of.
We've had everything from youth robotics,
to professional world championship surfers, to soccer teams as well.
We've got more coming on for 2019.
Specifically, if you guys know about Luke Fullbrook,
you might if you're in the UK.
He is probably by far the world's strongest, or UK's strongest master, right?
So remember the world's strongman competitions?
That's still going on and it's actually getting a resurgence.
And this dude is a beast.
Come on!
Yes. Yeah.
ANNOUNCER: Easily for Luke.
BRYAN: And he's super passionate about PIVX.
He's going to be repping PIVX at all his events, when he's training, etc.
He's really, really exciting to be coming in.
On the heels of the incredible efforts,
thanks John M, for partnering us with Cris Cyborg and that UFC work,
there's avenues opening up into MMA.
Hopefully we'll be able to talk about that very soon.
Big, big conduits there.
I'm working, still hoping to get in a potential Olympic triathlete
out of Australia to come in.
And it's just epic, right?
The UPF, Universal Purple Flow, of PIVX is just expanding outwards.
So stay tuned to PIVXSports as well.
Keep updated there.
I look forward to showing you more about all of the ambassadors
in the sports world that are repping PIV.
All right, some last minute news and updates.
I think PIVX got on two new exchanges in the first, what, 24 days of January.
Any of the announcements that I missed we'll put them below in the comments.
I think that's enough for January, right?
If you're not on Discord, come say hi.
Come meet the community there.
Maybe if you want to DJ for an hour or two
come on in we'll throw you the DJ booth.
You can chat about what you like and play your favorite songs
from in the Discord.
And just stay tuned for all the updates, announcements, and releases
coming out of PIVX.
Thanks for tuning in, folks.
It's been a great 24 days of January thus far.
Wait, actually it's 25, 26?
I'm losing track of time.
There's too much going on in PIVX, right?
Be good to one another.
Be good to yourself.
And as always...
Keep it Purple, People.
For more infomation >> PIVX PRESENTS: PIVXpress, Jan 29th 2019 - Duration: 12:03.-------------------------------------------
ZING SPEED MOBILE ★ Lấy Top 1 Map Đèn Rồng - Tryhard Cực Mạnh Cùng Khuyến ZSM - Duration: 25:40.
加拿大自食其果:外企大撤資,國內經濟一團糟 - Duration: 10:48.
加拿大總理 特魯多 視頻截圖 以前說過
不偷不搶; 而西方信神
並非以殖民它國為目的…… 但西方人
占領了別人多少土地; 中國歷史一次次不斷走向大統一
裡面一個個小包子林立; 美國像一個時令小炒
也算是一盤菜; 中國則像是山東攤餅
繁華中國 圖自央視視頻 如今這個世界
都是世界第一; 智能技術、
都位居世界前列; 還比如航空航天
現如今的境況可以說是真正的進退兩難了! 加拿大陷入這樣進退兩難的境地
你如何看? 我們都知道
Jeep Wrangler - Duration: 1:21.
Skoda Fabia - Duration: 1:04.
Fiat 500 - Duration: 1:21.
Fiat Doblo Cargo - Duration: 1:21.
Andra și-a machiat fetița și a apărut așa alături de ea. Reacția fanilor ei - Duration: 2:21.
U&D, Beatrice Valli smentisce il matrimonio con Marco Fantini | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:52.
Alfa Romeo Stelvio - Duration: 1:22.
Fiat Ducato - Duration: 1:20.
Uomini e Donne: sul trono starebbe per arrivare l'influencer Angela Nasti | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 5:01.
Распаковка подарков 🎁 Джинсы за 75 РУБЛЕЙ?! 😱 Демонтаж куста 🌲 - Duration: 10:17.
Denis Korza presents. Yellowed my bush.
In the beginning I poured it, poured water. Then I forgot, then I scored ..
But it turned yellow half the trouble, it also began to eat something.
Oh, but by the way the hero of the occasion.
These bastards are constantly eating my fir branches!
Such shit is formed around .. Therefore, it is probably time to remove my pine
As everyone specified, the composition. And this is the way my gifts.
Now, later unpacking will be done.
Glass toys, the most real!
Give me the money!
You can still shake a little, and do not have to endure anything.
Well, my garlands will lie for a long time, because I like it! Like!
Well! Unpacking New Year's gifts! Well, as unpacking .. Rather, a review. I already know what's here.
This is our wonderful tea Conversation. This is just something! Last year, I drank exactly the same.
It was a sad experience.
Such packaging is cool, beautiful, yes.
Such a ball, such as the New Year's version of tea.
Inside there is a little bit of spilled tea, and in this bag we have the contents itself.
Just awesome!
It's like one man told a story to me once in a shop ..
Me says, the wife constantly sends to the store for a certain type of tea.
Allegedly he has a unique taste!
And I, he said, once brewed, tasted .. The taste is really unique! Reminds ...
Taste wet, squeezed rags! I do not know why he identified it this way, he associated it ..
But this, I classify a little differently. This, this, this is clearly not tea.
Well, as the old, rotten, rotten stump .. Here it is to kick, here is the dust to collect and brew.
That taste seems to me to be very similar.
Conversation, if you hear me, do something besides a beautiful package and a ball ..
With your tea.
Next naturally teapot. This is especially true for me. I already had such ones ..
Hit, broke ..
In general, there were no more.
Pupyrka. Pupyrka small, such ..
It used to be better!
Well, thanks for that! And the kettle itself. The type is very convenient, the type is very practical.
Well, you all saw such kettles. Who has not seen .. Who has not seen - look!
Here such garbage is rolled up, supposedly you pour tea here, bam, and it is brewed here.
But I'm a little bit ... Maybe someone is comfortable, who will pour a teaspoon of tea here.
For me, this is not so relevant. I always take this from here.
And I put some tea right here, it's brewed here. Yes, it is convenient. Pour there in a mug.
Thanks to the conical shape, if you gently, calmly pour in the already brewed tea
Leaf, the leaves are being straightened out, and no matter what you pour into a mug.
Well, of course if the conversation does not brew .. And then the whole conversation, you have all this trash will be in the circle!
And so .. In general, all the tea stays here ..
Here, and so you make, tea leaves are being straightened, and all of them ...
An even layer remains here at the bottom. And pour, or anything in the mug is not splashed.
Also through this little hole here ..
Leaf tea, so to speak, and not slip! Here it is. Opened, cleaned, squeezed, threw away. Everything!
Squeezed! Like wet rags! And threw it away!
I hope this will not break.
Next we have ..
And trip .. Trimmer! Trimmer, especially important for me
In general, a good thing. I have already tried it, it works. But I also upgraded myself a little.
Here is the nozzle in my 5 positions on the nozzle. But I do not need it.
Everything's OK! There is one rechargeable battery here. Conveniently!
Understood everything, yes.
And probably the most unusual thing in my gift rating. More precisely the most unusual
This is its value.
These are jeans!
For 75 rubles! They gave me a stupid gift because they cost 75 rubles.
They look like .. on on on .. On the kids! But they are not children!
Well, or I can just probably, in the children's world to dress. Perhaps this is the problem.
And of course sewing is so weird, but I don't know what it is called now, boyfriends or whatever.
This girls are better known. But the very essence of that .. 75 rubles! This is straight, straight jeans!
Not stretch fabric is so elastic, and jeans! I do not know how else to explain ..
The only question about them is sewing such a .. Well, such a .. Well, and such a color!
And the rest, quite not bad!
Oh, and small pockets. Pockets such .. Under the cam! Phone probably will not fit ..
Well, not anything, not what .. Not what this is! There you have to work with a trimmer, not hands.
75 rubles! The fabrics here are even more than those of my own, and these are not worth 75 rubles.
I'm in shock!
That's all. Iphone is not presented to me, but I don't need it.
I have all the most important and necessary things in my life ... Well, I guess I have.
But of course I would like a lot more .. But it's easier to turn my lip! And without this, normal!
Rain! Yesterday it was snowing, today it is already raining.
Just started to clean, a little bit razbёb, and threw.
Uomini e Donne, Lorenzo confessa: 'Ho paura di prendere la decisione sbagliata' | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 4:28.
Anticipazioni U&D, oggi: Cerioli sceglie la Cirrincione | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:33.
Why Is My Voice Hoarse? Causes of Hoarseness of Voice - Duration: 7:54.
Are you asking yourself: why is my voice hoarse?
And are you wondering how to get rid of hoarseness?
Then, keep on watching because in this video, I am going to share some of the most common
causes of hoarseness of voice so that you can recognize them and eliminate them to keep
your voice healthy.
So, don't go anywhere and we'll start right after this.
Hi and welcome!
If we haven't met before, I am Katarina from How 2 Improve Singing and here on this
channel, I share tips on how to use your voice in a healthy and efficient way.
So, if you are new here, consider subscribing to my channel and hitting that bell notification
below this video.
Now, if you are watching this video because you experience hoarseness of voice, I am curious
to know how long you've had this problem.
A few days, weeks or always?
Leave me a comment down below.
Let's start with the definition of hoarseness.
What does hoarseness mean?
Hoarseness is a word that describes abnormal voice changes.
A hoarse voice can sound breathy, strained or raspy.
A singer or a person who experiences hoarseness of voice, may suddenly have a deeper voice,
or is unable to sing high and soft notes, or his voice may become weak and breathy.
Now, let me make clear that hoarseness is a symptom, not a disease.
What does it mean?
Hoarseness is a sign indicating that there is some kind of voice issue present.
And there can be a number of conditions that manifest themselves as hoarseness of voice.
Let's look at some of them together: Vocal Fold Swelling
Vocal fold swelling is a build up of fluid just beneath the superficial layer of the
vocal folds.
As a result, the vocal folds become thick and therefore, they cannot function in a normal
Usually, when you experience vocal fold swelling, your voice suddenly becomes deeper and you
may sound hoarse and husky.
Also, when vocal folds are swollen, you lose the ability to speak or sing at higher frequencies
The greater the amount of swelling, the greater the loss of vocal range.
What are the causes of vocal fold swelling?
The most common cause of vocal fold swelling is an upper respiratory infection, such as
common cold or flu.
But swelling of the vocal folds can also occur when vocal folds work overtime, for example
in voice professionals with high vocal commitments.
But also excessive coughing, throat clearing or inadequate vocal technique can cause vocal
fold swelling.
Hoarseness when singing is also very common.
I talk more about the reasons of vocal fold swelling in another video.
You can click here to watch it.
Organic Causes of Hoarseness When the structure of the vocal folds is changed,
we talk about organic causes.
This can be something innocent like a vocal nodule or it can be a more serious problem,
such as cancer.
In any case, the vocal folds cannot vibrate properly because this extra bump or growth
is preventing the vocal folds from coming together completely or vibrate properly.
When the vocal folds cannot come closely together, you sound breathy and weak.
You can either have a hoarse voice quality only in some parts of your vocal register
or throughout the whole vocal range.
If you sound raspy in your whole range, then there is something affecting a big portion
of the vocal folds.
If you sound hoarse only in a specific area of your vocal range, then the grows or change
is probably smaller in size.
The most common hoarse voice causes in this case are behaviours that abuse, misuse or
overuse your voice, for example behaviours like yelling, chronic throat clearing or inadequate
vocal technique when singing or talking.
If you use these behaviours for prolonged periods of time or on a regular basis, they
may cause structural changes on the vocal folds, such as vocal nodules.
Less common causes are fungal infections and cancer.
Non-Organic Causes of Hoarseness In this case of hoarseness, there is nothing
wrong with the structure of the vocal folds.
However, the function of the larynx or the muscles around it is impaired causing hoarseness
of voice.
For example, in some instances, the vocal folds can come together and vibrate absolutely
normally but the voice quality is affected by increased tension of muscles surrounding
the larynx.
This happens for example, when you chronically strain your voice or use muscles that are
not necessary for producing sounds.
Having a hoarse voice, meaning having raspy, rough or breathy voice quality, is very common
among singers who don't use proper vocal technique.
To help you uncover some possible reasons of your hoarseness, get a free checklist of
abusive vocal behaviours.
You may be engaging in these behaviours every day and not know that they are harming your
So, click this link or a link in the description below and download it now.
The bottom line is that a hoarse voice is a warning sign.
If you experience hoarseness of voice, without the presence of a common cold or flu, it is
time to start looking for a solution.
If your hoarseness lasts for more than 2 weeks, if you suffer from recurring hoarseness, or
if your voice is chronically hoarse, it is time to talk to a voice specialist who can
actually look at your vocal folds and assess their structure and function.
So, if you are saying: my voice is hoarse after singing, or my voice is always hoarse,
it's time to call your doctor and ask for a referral to an ENT doctor (ear-nose and
throat doctor) who specializes in voice problems.
Once you know if your hoarseness is caused by vocal fold swelling, organic or non-organic
causes, then you can start treating your hoarseness appropriately.
But that is a topic for another video.
In my next video, I am going to tell you how to get rid of hoarseness due to vocal fold
swelling fast.
So, consider hitting that subscribe button and the bell icon so that you get notified
when the new video goes live.
If you liked this video, click the like button and share it with your friends.
Stay in touch and don't forget to check out my other videos on this topic.
I will link them down below.
So, see you soon.
2020 BMW M340i vs 2019 M2 Competition: Fastest 3-Series Goes After Baby M - Duration: 1:57.
Although BMW won't give it the full M credentials, the new 2020 M340i is without a doubt a pretty fast 3-Series
In fact, it will be the quickest-accelerating 3-Series of all time this side of an M3
Power comes from a single-turbo 3.0-liter straight-six that in this case produces 382hp and 369lb-ft (500Nm) of torque, which are combined with a rear-biased all-wheel drive system in case you tick the xDrive AWD box
Sadly, there's no manual gearbox on the horizon, with an eight-speed automatic transmission being the only option
BMW claims that the M340i xDrive is capable of a 0-60mph in just 4.2seconds (0-100km/h in 4.4), which puts it in (outgoing) M3 territory
On paper, then, the M340i is about as fast as the last M3, but since BMW stopped making those last summer, Carwow pitted an M2 Competition against a late prototype of the fastest G20 on sale today
After all, the M2 Competition has the same twin-turbo 3.0-liter straight-six engine with the last M3, complete with 404hp and 405lb-ft (550Nm) of torque to help it compensate for the grip shortage, while it's lighter as well
So, which one of the two is the quickest? We won't spoil it for you, but we will say that drag races don't come much closer than this
Распаковка подарков 🎁 Джинсы за 75 РУБЛЕЙ?! 😱 Демонтаж куста 🌲 - Duration: 10:17.
Denis Korza presents. Yellowed my bush.
In the beginning I poured it, poured water. Then I forgot, then I scored ..
But it turned yellow half the trouble, it also began to eat something.
Oh, but by the way the hero of the occasion.
These bastards are constantly eating my fir branches!
Such shit is formed around .. Therefore, it is probably time to remove my pine
As everyone specified, the composition. And this is the way my gifts.
Now, later unpacking will be done.
Glass toys, the most real!
Give me the money!
You can still shake a little, and do not have to endure anything.
Well, my garlands will lie for a long time, because I like it! Like!
Well! Unpacking New Year's gifts! Well, as unpacking .. Rather, a review. I already know what's here.
This is our wonderful tea Conversation. This is just something! Last year, I drank exactly the same.
It was a sad experience.
Such packaging is cool, beautiful, yes.
Such a ball, such as the New Year's version of tea.
Inside there is a little bit of spilled tea, and in this bag we have the contents itself.
Just awesome!
It's like one man told a story to me once in a shop ..
Me says, the wife constantly sends to the store for a certain type of tea.
Allegedly he has a unique taste!
And I, he said, once brewed, tasted .. The taste is really unique! Reminds ...
Taste wet, squeezed rags! I do not know why he identified it this way, he associated it ..
But this, I classify a little differently. This, this, this is clearly not tea.
Well, as the old, rotten, rotten stump .. Here it is to kick, here is the dust to collect and brew.
That taste seems to me to be very similar.
Conversation, if you hear me, do something besides a beautiful package and a ball ..
With your tea.
Next naturally teapot. This is especially true for me. I already had such ones ..
Hit, broke ..
In general, there were no more.
Pupyrka. Pupyrka small, such ..
It used to be better!
Well, thanks for that! And the kettle itself. The type is very convenient, the type is very practical.
Well, you all saw such kettles. Who has not seen .. Who has not seen - look!
Here such garbage is rolled up, supposedly you pour tea here, bam, and it is brewed here.
But I'm a little bit ... Maybe someone is comfortable, who will pour a teaspoon of tea here.
For me, this is not so relevant. I always take this from here.
And I put some tea right here, it's brewed here. Yes, it is convenient. Pour there in a mug.
Thanks to the conical shape, if you gently, calmly pour in the already brewed tea
Leaf, the leaves are being straightened out, and no matter what you pour into a mug.
Well, of course if the conversation does not brew .. And then the whole conversation, you have all this trash will be in the circle!
And so .. In general, all the tea stays here ..
Here, and so you make, tea leaves are being straightened, and all of them ...
An even layer remains here at the bottom. And pour, or anything in the mug is not splashed.
Also through this little hole here ..
Leaf tea, so to speak, and not slip! Here it is. Opened, cleaned, squeezed, threw away. Everything!
Squeezed! Like wet rags! And threw it away!
I hope this will not break.
Next we have ..
And trip .. Trimmer! Trimmer, especially important for me
In general, a good thing. I have already tried it, it works. But I also upgraded myself a little.
Here is the nozzle in my 5 positions on the nozzle. But I do not need it.
Everything's OK! There is one rechargeable battery here. Conveniently!
Understood everything, yes.
And probably the most unusual thing in my gift rating. More precisely the most unusual
This is its value.
These are jeans!
For 75 rubles! They gave me a stupid gift because they cost 75 rubles.
They look like .. on on on .. On the kids! But they are not children!
Well, or I can just probably, in the children's world to dress. Perhaps this is the problem.
And of course sewing is so weird, but I don't know what it is called now, boyfriends or whatever.
This girls are better known. But the very essence of that .. 75 rubles! This is straight, straight jeans!
Not stretch fabric is so elastic, and jeans! I do not know how else to explain ..
The only question about them is sewing such a .. Well, such a .. Well, and such a color!
And the rest, quite not bad!
Oh, and small pockets. Pockets such .. Under the cam! Phone probably will not fit ..
Well, not anything, not what .. Not what this is! There you have to work with a trimmer, not hands.
75 rubles! The fabrics here are even more than those of my own, and these are not worth 75 rubles.
I'm in shock!
That's all. Iphone is not presented to me, but I don't need it.
I have all the most important and necessary things in my life ... Well, I guess I have.
But of course I would like a lot more .. But it's easier to turn my lip! And without this, normal!
Rain! Yesterday it was snowing, today it is already raining.
Just started to clean, a little bit razbёb, and threw.
Victoire : « J'ai appris à reconnaître mes faiblesses » - Duration: 4:22.
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Alex Carey-Jake Weatherald partnership plunders reigning champions into submission - Duration: 3:03.
Discovery and Interpretation of the Place | K'aka'win | Images on Stone - Duration: 2:37.
Stylistically, this particular site's closest relatives
are that in the Nanaimo region to the west of Sproat Lake.
They're at a Place Called Petroglyphs Park
where the seawolves have the same internal undulating structure.
And there's one other site on Great Central Lake
which has a tail feature much like the trailing figure
at this particular site.
With regard to the site on the cliff at Sproat Lake,
I think it's a really unusual sites even in BC
which has a number of styles and very unusual rock art sites.
It's unusual because, I believe, it's a single vision
in that unlike a lot of other rock art sites, which look like they've had input
from a lot of different people,
with different artistic abilities over time.
This particular site looks like it was carved by someone with a singular vision,
and the same person did it.
I also think that this particular site,
which is located on a cliff called "The House of Raven,"
has definite mythological background to it.
It involves the hunt for the Lightning Snake
and Franz Boas, in 1891,
suggested that one of the figures, the one by the crack in the rock,
is that of a manned canoe with the prow missing.
And it suggests that like some modern art,
where you are the viewer of the site is part of the picture,
he is the interpreter of it.
I believe that this particular site
was also meant to be seen from the water, in a canoe,
at a time of high water, which would place in the late fall, winter, or spring,
and I also suggest that it was probably part of a winter ceremony,
when the days of darkness are slowly giving way to the days of light.
The days of darkness, of course, are the time of the spirits;
the days of the light are the time of humans.
The site suggests to me the winter ceremonie
because it's similar to other sites on the coast,
one of which is a large rock on Skeena river,
and a fellow who studied it for many years believes that
that particular design, which was a mass of faces and strange creatures,
was meant to be viewed by firelight,
because it would seem like the creatures move.
And at Sproat Lake, one time only,
we were there in the winter, the water level was high,
the wind came up, and as the water rippled past the cliff face,
the creatures, which were below the high water mark,
also looked like they were swimming, and I think that's what the artist intended.
Brandy Lauder and the Hupacasath First Nation | K'aka'win | Images on Stone - Duration: 2:47.
I am Brandy Lauder,
I am from the Hupacasath First Nation.
My Hupacasath name is "%u ma qak tak~`+",
which means "rich talent within."
I've worked for the Hupacasath First Nation since I was 15 years old.
K'aka'win is the Hupacasath name for "killer whale."
It's the place name for the petroglyphs here, and it tells a story of…,
after a very large tsunami, a killer whale got trapped in Sproat Lake,
and it lived here for quite a long time.
When it was finally killed, and it was killed here at the spot,
when they opened up the belly, they found the different sea creatures,
but mostly was the underwater plants that grow here in Sproat Lake.
One of the stories of how the killer whale ended up in Sproat Lake
is that the Thunderbird had picked it up to eat,
cause it was one of its main food staples,
and as he flew over he had dropped it here.
Haietlik/hiyʹitlʹiik is the Lightning Snake,
held by Tuta, or Thunderbird.
The main carving in there looks like the lightning snake,
the Tuta, Thunderbird carries.
As myself, as a little girl, we would come here swimming.
We'd… not very often, but when we did,
my uncles would tell me about K'aka'win,
and the killer whales, and all the wonderful sea creatures.
We were here so long ago, and we have strived for,
at least that I experienced, for the last 20 years of trying to protect it.
It…, with the gravel road, and with all the logging,
all the sediments would come down and slowly sand it down.
We worked with the forestry companies to […]
block the road, so nobody can use it.
You can walk down it, but you can't drive down it.
I know that it's been washed twice, in my memory,
just so we can bring it out for people to see.
We took off the lichens and the sediments and the dirt, so it wouldn't wear off so fast.
We work with BC Parks to raise awareness that they're here,
hoping that people would pay more respect to it.
Like I said in the past, we had problems with vandalism,
just people not caring and spray painting, and breaking bottles on it.
So our First Nation comes out, we visit it as much as we can,
our youth come out here, we go swimming, we talk about it.
But, we try to keep as much protection on it as we can.
Découverte et interprétation du lieu | K'aka'win | Des images dans la pierre - Duration: 2:37.
Reclaiming and Preserving the Culture | K'aka'win | Images on Stone - Duration: 2:44.
I'm Aurora Skala, and I'm an archaeologist here in BC,
and for the last 4 years,
I've spent time researching rock art in the province,
and also helped to revitalise the practice of creating rock art.
So I think that the most important preservation work that goes on in British Columbia
is actually education, and this is probably true worldwide,
all over the world, about protecting rock art sites.
It's not only about what a scientist or a First Nations descendant community
might be interested in doing to preserve that particular rock art site,
to make sure it's not looted,
or to make sure we have really high quality photographs of the site.
Probably the most important thing the work is going on is education.
I think it's initiatives like this one that educate a wide audience
about the importance of protecting rock art sites,
and treating them with respect.
And you know, especially at a time
when sea level is rising, for example,
and some of the rock art sites are going further below sea level,
preservation is in part about making sure we have really good records
of those rock art sites before they erode completely.
I think the most important conservation work is in fact
the work that goes on with culturally continuous practices.
So, some of the work I do, the most fun part of the work I do,
is working with First Nations youth
who want to continue to learn about creating rock art.
So, I've made a […], you know historical paint recipes with First Nations youth,
we've explored that and researched what paint was being made in the past,
and we've actually made new pictographs.
And I think that kind of cultural continuity of these practices,
so that the tradition is remembered and respected,
I think that's actually the most important conservation work that's going on.
It's not just about protecting the old sites,
but also seeing that this practice is a living art
that continues into the present day and future,
and making sure that members of the general public,
who may or may not have a First Nations background,
are really aware of just how important this […],
these sites are, not only for the descendent communities,
but also as a global legacy.
Rock art is something that all of our ancestors did, the world over.
I mean, everyone all over the world is using ochre and pecked stone
to make these really important cultural statements,
and I think that a, yeah, the legacy is really in education.
Réappropriation et continuité culturelle | K'aka'win | Des images dans la pierre - Duration: 2:44.
Brandy Lauder, Première Nation Hupacasath | K'aka'win | Des images dans la pierre - Duration: 2:47.
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ANALGESIA & SOMNAMBULISM - Dr.Paret's Hypnosis - Duration: 3:52.
'황품'서 최초로 여황제 노리는 야망캐(?) 아리공주의 '세젤귀' 반전 과거 - Duration: 2:02.
'황품'서 최초로 여황제 노리는 야망캐(?) 아리공주의 '세젤귀' 반전 과거
SBS '황후의 품격'에서 아리공주 역을 야무지게 소화하는 배우 오아린의 과거가 재조명됐다.
지난 29일 유튜브 채널 'SBS Catch'에는 지난 2017년 SBS 드라마 '언니는 살아있다'에 출연한 오아린의 영상이 공개됐다.
당시 오아린은 양달희(김다솜 분)의 엄마가 재혼해서 낳은 배다른 동생 진홍시 역을 맡아 열연을 펼쳤다.
지금과 별반 다를 것 없는 귀여운 외모와 똘똘한 눈망울이 눈길을 사로잡는다.
캐릭터에 따라 카멜레온처럼 변신하는 오아린의 천재성도 확인할 수 있었다.
'황후의 품격'에서는 천상천하 유아독존인 아리공주이지만, '언니는 살아있다' 속 오아린은 세상 천진한 어린아이였다.
오아린은 타고난 눈치와 야무딱진 손으로 모든 일이든 척척해 내 어른들을 깜짝 놀라게 하는 사랑스러운 진홍시를 제대로 표현해냈다.
영상을 본 누리꾼들은 "이 아이는 커서 대한제국 공주가 된다", "역시 아린이는 연기를 너무 잘한다"라며 뜨거운 반응을 보였다.
한편, 올해로 9살이 된 오아린은 지난 2015년 '웰키즈' TV CF로 데뷔, 브라운관과 스크린을 넘나드며 이름을 알렸다.
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