六都首長上任 滿月, 「K EYPO大 數據關鍵引 擎」進行網 路大數據調 查,
新北市長侯友 宜網路好感 度以31. 40%居冠, 台南市長 黃偉哲25 .68%第 二, 台中市 長盧秀燕2 5.08% 第三,
第四名桃園市 長鄭文燦2 2.87%, 第五名高 雄市長韓國 瑜22.5 5%, 台北 市長柯文哲 以16.0 7%掛車尾 。
柯文哲墊底 「可以做錯, 但要反省 」
一向被視為政 壇網紅始祖 的柯文哲, 在這次調查 中正面聲量 僅16.0 7%, 負面 聲量39. 95%,
在六都市長網 路好感度墊 底, 讓人跌 破眼鏡。 對 此, 柯文哲 倒也坦然, 表示這個講 起來很複雜 ,
是質跟量的問 題;至於是 否認為因自 己最近多次 失言而如此 ,
柯說, 政府可 以做錯事, 但要有反省 的能力。
柯文哲網路聲 量跌, 外界 認為柯文哲 批總統蔡英 文「一日行 情」,
及以「強盜搶 銀行」比喻 美中台三方 關係, 是關 鍵失言。
柯說, 以他自 己的經驗, 單一事件不 會影響選舉, 常常是要 累積,
所以不管積小 勝為大勝, 或是積小敗 為大敗, 這 是每個政治 人物要注意 的事。
柯文哲說, 他 最近常在市 政會議說政 府可不可以 犯錯?答案 是可以, 但 不可以一錯 再錯。
如果要求完全 不做錯, 除 非是不做事, 不然不可 能;
但每天要反省, 每天做完 事, 想一想 有什麼可以 改善的。
韓國瑜倒數第 二 「成長 空間大」
最近成為政壇 新網紅的韓 國瑜, 得知 侯友宜拿到 網路好感度 第一說,
恭喜侯市長, 他很認真, 真的是個漢 子, 為他高 興。
對於自己倒數 第二, 韓國 瑜表示, 「 我繼續努力, 代表我成 長空間很大 」。
而對柯文哲吊 車尾, 韓回 :「那他要 更努力!」
侯友宜奪冠 「把做不好 的變更好」
侯友宜以31 .40%奪 冠, 侯說, 他從來都沒 有看好感度, 而是看負 面聲量部分, 好好做事 ,
看有多少負面 要改進, 把 自己做不好 的地方, 逐 漸變得更好 ,
朝正向方向去 做, 才是自 己要努力的 地方。
至於認為誰是 第一名的市 長?侯友宜 說, 每一個 人做自己, 每一個人的 環境完全都 不一樣,
各自努力好好 為市民做事 。
黃偉哲想拿第 一 「還要 更努力」
「沒拿到第一 名, 代表我 還要更加努 力。 」對於 贏過網路寵 兒韓國瑜、
柯文哲, 拿到 第二名的黃 偉哲表示, 上任這一個 月來, 台南 市長的新聞 版面也許比 不過高雄或 台北,
但這段期間, 他與市府團 隊都不逃避 問題, 正面 回應民意, 主動面對爭 議,
未來仍會抱持 「做實事」 的態度, 讓 市政向前推 進。
黃偉哲說, 台 南目前已有 包括綠電產 業等新事業 開始投資, 也有移民陸 續生根,
區域發展也開 始出現新契 機, 處於向 上爬升的階 段, 未來3 年多會把市 政工作一件 一件做好。
台南市議會民 進黨團總召 林宜瑾說, 黃偉哲網路 好評第二,
起手式不錯, 原因在於作 風雖不強勢, 但做決定 很果斷, 上 任後宣布明 年房屋稅會 調降、
將龍崎掩埋場 用地列為暫 定自然地景, 坦然面對 兩個燙手山 芋。
但議會國民黨 團書記長蔡 育輝表示, 黃偉哲應拿 倒數第一名 ,
昨天跑行程時 遇到許多民 眾抱怨房屋 稅, 黃偉哲 選前喊凍漲, 結果上任 就跳票, 如 何得到市民 信任?
盧秀燕拿第三 更注重長 期成績
六都唯一的女 市長台中市 長盧秀燕, 以25.0 8%好感度 拿到第三名, 常一襲襯 衫、
深色外套加牛 仔褲的她, 形象親和; 但選舉時主 打空汙議題 的她,
當選後堅持中 火老舊機組 應先除役, 態度堅定。
中市新聞局表 示, 盧秀燕 上任後一直 戰戰兢兢, 不敢鬆懈;
感謝市民的支 持, 市府團 隊不會在意 短時間的數 據, 在意的 是長期施政 成績,
尤其要為台中 市拚經濟, 讓每位市民 過好日子。
鄭文燦排第四 酸柯韓「 網紅不會墊 底」
為民進黨守住 陣地、漂亮 贏得連任的 鄭文燦, 對 自己排名第 四, 僅贏台 北和高雄, 鄭文燦說,
做得好不好, 應該是由市 民打分數, 尤其選舉前 後民調多, 真假民調滿 天飛, 都是 參考用。
鄭文燦之前曾 說過, 自己 不會成為網 紅, 但是會 善用網路工 具多加傳播 ;
對柯文哲和韓 國瑜善於網 路宣傳, 網 路好感度卻 排名後面, 鄭文燦反酸 :「他們是 網紅不會墊 底」。
鄭文燦說, 四 年任期是漫 長競賽, 不 是用一個月 或半年時間, 就能把所 有事情做完 ,
他「奉勸」新 科首長, 在 任期內勇敢 完成政見, 按部就班, 穩紮穩打。
六都首長上任 滿月, 「K EYPO大 數據關鍵引 擎」進行網 路大數據調 查,
新北市長侯友 宜網路好感 度以31. 40%居冠, 台南市長 黃偉哲25 .68%第 二, 台中市 長盧秀燕2 5.08% 第三,
第四名桃園市 長鄭文燦2 2.87%, 第五名高 雄市長韓國 瑜22.5 5%, 台北 市長柯文哲 以16.0 7%掛車尾 。
柯文哲墊底 「可以做錯, 但要反省 」
一向被視為政 壇網紅始祖 的柯文哲, 在這次調查 中正面聲量 僅16.0 7%, 負面 聲量39. 95%,
在六都市長網 路好感度墊 底, 讓人跌 破眼鏡。 對 此, 柯文哲 倒也坦然, 表示這個講 起來很複雜 ,
是質跟量的問 題;至於是 否認為因自 己最近多次 失言而如此 ,
柯說, 政府可 以做錯事, 但要有反省 的能力。
柯文哲網路聲 量跌, 外界 認為柯文哲 批總統蔡英 文「一日行 情」,
及以「強盜搶 銀行」比喻 美中台三方 關係, 是關 鍵失言。
柯說, 以他自 己的經驗, 單一事件不 會影響選舉, 常常是要 累積,
所以不管積小 勝為大勝, 或是積小敗 為大敗, 這 是每個政治 人物要注意 的事。
柯文哲說, 他 最近常在市 政會議說政 府可不可以 犯錯?答案 是可以, 但 不可以一錯 再錯。
如果要求完全 不做錯, 除 非是不做事, 不然不可 能;
但每天要反省, 每天做完 事, 想一想 有什麼可以 改善的。
韓國瑜倒數第 二 「成長 空間大」
最近成為政壇 新網紅的韓 國瑜, 得知 侯友宜拿到 網路好感度 第一說,
恭喜侯市長, 他很認真, 真的是個漢 子, 為他高 興。
對於自己倒數 第二, 韓國 瑜表示, 「 我繼續努力, 代表我成 長空間很大 」。
而對柯文哲吊 車尾, 韓回 :「那他要 更努力!」
侯友宜奪冠 「把做不好 的變更好」
侯友宜以31 .40%奪 冠, 侯說, 他從來都沒 有看好感度, 而是看負 面聲量部分, 好好做事 ,
看有多少負面 要改進, 把 自己做不好 的地方, 逐 漸變得更好 ,
朝正向方向去 做, 才是自 己要努力的 地方。
至於認為誰是 第一名的市 長?侯友宜 說, 每一個 人做自己, 每一個人的 環境完全都 不一樣,
各自努力好好 為市民做事 。
黃偉哲想拿第 一 「還要 更努力」
「沒拿到第一 名, 代表我 還要更加努 力。 」對於 贏過網路寵 兒韓國瑜、
柯文哲, 拿到 第二名的黃 偉哲表示, 上任這一個 月來, 台南 市長的新聞 版面也許比 不過高雄或 台北,
但這段期間, 他與市府團 隊都不逃避 問題, 正面 回應民意, 主動面對爭 議,
未來仍會抱持 「做實事」 的態度, 讓 市政向前推 進。
黃偉哲說, 台 南目前已有 包括綠電產 業等新事業 開始投資, 也有移民陸 續生根,
區域發展也開 始出現新契 機, 處於向 上爬升的階 段, 未來3 年多會把市 政工作一件 一件做好。
台南市議會民 進黨團總召 林宜瑾說, 黃偉哲網路 好評第二,
起手式不錯, 原因在於作 風雖不強勢, 但做決定 很果斷, 上 任後宣布明 年房屋稅會 調降、
將龍崎掩埋場 用地列為暫 定自然地景, 坦然面對 兩個燙手山 芋。
但議會國民黨 團書記長蔡 育輝表示, 黃偉哲應拿 倒數第一名 ,
昨天跑行程時 遇到許多民 眾抱怨房屋 稅, 黃偉哲 選前喊凍漲, 結果上任 就跳票, 如 何得到市民 信任?
For more infomation >> 热门消息 ! 蝦米?好感度與柯P吊車尾…粉絲哭哭 韓國瑜神回1句話 - Duration: 11:02.-------------------------------------------
Новости недели SKY WAY CAPITAL 151 выпуск - Duration: 6:01.
Lichen Sclerosus - Duration: 6:36.
Heads up! Before the interview starts I want you to know that I made a
downloadable ebook of the transcripts of all 11 videos in this fascinating Dr.
Charles Runels interview series so you could capture every single detail. If you
look below this video on your phone, you'll see a little triangle on the
right that opens when you click it to reveal the link to get the book plus a
PDF copy of Dr. Runels book - 'Activate the Female Orgasm System: The Story of O
Shot' emailed to you, and if you're on your computer look for text on the left
under this video that says 'show more' and the link to download both books will be
there. Now on with the show. Hi I'm Susan Bratton, your trusted hot sex adviser to
millions, and you may be wondering why I'm talking about Lichen Sclerosis. Well
there are so many things that affect people that keep you from having sexual
intimacy and I'm so pleased to introduce you to my friend Dr. Charles Runels
because he has a protocol that is helping people with Lichen Sclerosis
and so I'd love for you to talk a little bit more about it. You were telling me a
story though. Start with that story. Yeah, because of our
research, we've published three papers, now another one in the words.
People have reached out to me because of our group and invited me into their
close Facebook groups, and between my patients and the stories I'm reading
it's really heart-wrenching what can happen. So I was reading a story on
Facebook that someone posted about how she was holding her 12-year-old
girl and was sobbing, rocking her, not really knowing what to tell her because
the twelve-year-old girl has Lichen Sclerosis. Now if you don't know that
means that she's bleeding and cracking and a prepubescent girl can
sometimes have the labia minora literally just eaten away by the disease by the
time they finished puberty. So it's really heart-wrenching and people
talking about telling their husbands to get a girlfriend because
they haven't been able to have sex with her husband for six, seven, eight years.
But the flip side of it is also wonderful.
I think I mentioned I was interviewed by the one of the big
magazines and so I was calling my patients and the reporter was sitting
right here and I called a woman who had Lichen Sclerosis and she answered
the phone she says, 'Oh yeah, we've had sex four times today. We're at the beach' and
and the reporter said 'Well I bet your husband likes that, doesn't he?' and she
said 'Yeah he's very happy' and so I said to the reporter
'How long have you guys been married?' She said '40 years, 42
years' I think it was. I said 'No, How long had it been without sex?' It was six or
seven years in that neighborhood. I said I've noticed when people have married
that long, it kind of gets to be like your body is my body and my body is her
body, and the husband is not sad because he can't have sex. He's sad because his
wife feels broken. I said 'Was that that way with your husband?' and she got
real quiet and the other end and we could hear her starting to cry, and she said it
was exactly like that with my husband. He felt broken because I was broken and now
he's so happy and we're just having sex down here at the beach making up for
lost time. So anyway that's what's possible with our procedure. So explain
your procedure. So we call it the O Shot, which is unfortunate
because I had one woman say I don't want my twelve-year-old to have a shot that's named O Shot for Orgasm.
Well let's call it the Orchid Shot then. But basically but we just
happen to discover even though I thought it up by using platelet-rich plasma like
the athletes used to rejuvenate tissue, to rejuvenate the tissue of the vagina,
help with orgasm, just by accident we discovered it helped with Lichen
Sclerosis too, and so we've done three research papers showing that you can
actually draw blood at the bedside, take the platelets out in a very painless way
then re-inject it into that tissue and then it regulates autoimmune response,
no steroids and they're usually good for at least a year on no medicine. The problem
with the present treatments using steroids which isn't talked about so
much is that does not decrease that 10% risk of getting squamous cell carcinoma.
Not only do you have the inconvenience of using that steroid cream every day you're also
still living with that risk of the 10% chance of squamous cell carcinoma.
And the steroids down regulates the autoimmune response. We're not sure what that
does with the viruses that can live in the genitalia but with our platelet-rich
plasma you don't have to use the steroids when it works, which is most the time you
don't have to use the steroids, and it's up-regulating that all the memories of
the immune response. So you're less likely to have the viral problems.
Are the viral problems herpes and HPV? Actually we've had patients who report
fewer outbreaks after using the plasma which makes sense because an O Shot is
enhancing the immune response which would help keep the viruses back.
Now we haven't done the study but anecdotally that's
what we're seeing. Unfortunately there's no big drug
company. You can't patent your blood. So there's millions of dollars to do
research but the research is trickling out and and we've done it with Lichen
because we can prove it with the biopsy, but watch for many more studies to come
out in the next year or two. I love all the work you're doing. Thank you so much.
I love that it started out as orgasm and now you've helped with the priapus shot,
with erectile dysfunction and now you're also knocking off so many other
issues and continents that women have, the Lichen Sclerosis,
painful intercourse. There's so many things that you're doing and all from
what's inside you right now. The beauty of taking out your own blood and
taking out all those growth factors and injecting them into the site of wounds
or problem areas. So I hope this has given you hope there might be something
you can pursue. You can find Dr. Runels website at OShot.com or priapusshot.com
There you go, and we'll put links to those in the notes below.
I'm Susan and I'll see you on the other side.
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Mãn Nhãn Với BỘ BÀN GHẾ GỖ MUN HOA Tuyệt Phẩm Vai 16cm Kiểu Phương Công - Duration: 8:04.
Good Work(s) "Amity" Earrings and 4Row Bracelet Set - Duration: 8:18.
Maine Unko Sajan Chun Liya - Official Trailer - Pawan Singh , Kajal Raghwani - Bhojpuri Movies 2019 - Duration: 4:48.
Star Music Ritu (Sunny Rahi) 9155977995
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Новости недели SKY WAY CAPITAL 151 выпуск - Duration: 6:01.
Pub G Game में बह गया एक परिवार ! 200 Divorce ! क्या क्या करवा रहा है PUBG GAME 2019 | Latest News - Duration: 10:10.
Dancers and Classical Musicians React: Seungri '1, 2, 3' - Duration: 10:38.
Gabriella: Ooh! There they go, Grease! Paige: He's got the comb! It's there. Gabriella: The comb is there, you just don't see it.
Umu: Now you're reacting to solo artist Seungri, who's actually member of a K-pop boy group called Big Bang.
So, '1, 2, 3''s music video was inspired by John Travolta's 1970s works 'Grease' and '*Saturday Night Fever'.
The song is composed by Seungri, Teddy, Seo won jin, and 24.
The female dancer featured in this music video is a K-pop solo artist called Anda,
and he dance was choreographed by Lee Jae Wook and Kim Hee Jung.
Jason: The lyrics are basically of a guy singing to a girl about how he fell in love with her at first sight, and how she
is the only girl for him.
James: Oh.
We love commitment.
Kevin: What an album name to create, Seungri
Isaac: Wow.
Melissa: Ooh, I like how the sound of heels morphed into the sound of like a metronome thing.
Kevin: We didn't know what the key was until the end of that phrase. Isaac: Mm-hmm.
Kevin: It's B-flat minor, but that you couldn't tell from the beginning.
Henry: I definitely thought that it was like a metronome down beats, and then when it came in
as two and four, I was like wha..?! Elizabeth: Yeah, faked us out.
Jarod: It's definitely got that almost 60s kind of vibe. Collin: Yeah. Jarod: Like a modern kind of twist on it, though.
Henry: Sorry.
Aaugh! ELizabeth: Whoa!
Jarod: Modal mixture, if you will!
Elizabeth: This would be the chorus.
Henry: Hey, blue notes. Good job
Paige: I love that.
I can tell this thing started more theatrical instead of... Gabriella: Oh, yeah, this is definitely school theater. Just like
Paige: Yeah. Gabriella: the fact that they're doing their hands like this.
Collin: The music's not what I expected at all.
Lots of
Isaac: What a nice, raspy voice.
I like.
Remiah: It's nice to see the synchronized movements contrasted with them all doing different stuff. Lydia: Yeah.
No, it looks really good. I also like that you recognize the movements, but they're doing it slightly differently than the typical Broadway style.
Gabriella: Ooh! There they go, Grease! Paige: He's got the comb! It's there. Gabriella: The comb is there, you just don't see it.
Elizabeth: There's very little like, actual
harmony support underneath what he's singing.
It's very rhythmic,
and there's just a lot of space for him and his voice to shine through. Like he's not buried by the texture
Henry: It really accentuates flat nine in that melody, and that's awesome.
Kevin: It's so catchy. It's technically a drop song, but it's got one of those timeless
drop riffs.
Paige: I always think I'd be really interested to like
choreograph for a video, Remiah: Yeah, me, too. Paige: cuz it must be so different in terms of how you
space yourself. Remiah: Um-hmm. Paige: I'm very used to doing like on a stage.
Remiah: You have to consider the set and like everything that's going into it. Paige: Yeah, camera angles--everything.
Collin: Okay, this is...yeah. This is like Footloose, man. Jarod: Yeah.
Jarod: I mean, it's like the visuals are very, like, throwback. Collin: Yeah
But, like, the music, I would say, is still very modern.
Gabriella: I'm just waiting for them to do like this. Page: Yeah. Gabriella: Honestly.
Paige: Yep. Yep. Yep.
Thanks for that pelvic thrusting.
Lydia: It's very confined movement, but in a way that it's very simple and effective, Remain: Um-hmm. Lydia: which I like.
Paige: Well, I can tell it's kind of... Gabriella: Oh, here we go.
Are they gonna do it?
Paige: You can tell it's older, because definitely a lot of older dancers
are kind of more based on kind of just like, hip movement and kind of just like solo arm movement.
You can never really see a lot of feet and arm movement at the same time.
Gabriella: Oh, freeze frame. Paige: I was about to say, that was it?
Gabriella: Oh, was this all a dream? Paige: Oh, I love the jukebox in the background.
Collin: Get out of here, kid!
Oh, yeah, see.
Kevin: Come on.
Melissa: But it's cool how they like blend the super modern
2018 feel in the music, even with the 'Grease', like 19 what...50s kind of vibe?
James: Yeah. Melissa: Cuz I feel like the instrumentation was very today, and honestly, the sound and the melodies were very today,
but the clapping James: Yeah. Melissa: was just consistently...and the way it was so repetitive, like that
melody that kept coming back. James: Yeah. Melissa: Like that was also very 1950s song. James: (singing)
James: Yeah, something like that. Melissa: Yeah.
James: The first comment that came into my head was they're doing a really good job of embodying this kind of like American
style. Melissa: Yeah.
James: The only thing that would have like
suggested to me that this was a K-pop song was the fact that it was sung in Korean.
Like that's really the only, Melissa: Same, actually. James: like that's really thing.
James: Usually there are like little, I don't want to say oddities, but just like specific little, you know,
things inserted into the music that let you know
oh, this is K-pop. Here, like they did a really good job; it was almost like an homage, and it was really catchy.
Melissa: Yeah, it was super catchy. James: it was really like--the clapping, Melissa: Yeah.
it just kind of like, they just like checked off all the boxes of all the
things to do to make something stick in your ear. His voice was really nice, too. Melissa: I love his voice.
James: Yeah, it was great.
Melissa: He sounds so natural and like,
chill. James: It was cool. Kind of remind me of Scott Hoying a little bit, from Pentatonix. Just like a tiny bit. in like, the tone.
But yeah, I thought it was awesome.
Kevin: You know, the song itself is actually quite straightforward.
I can imagine it being like a really infectious banger of a track,
you know. Like if I listen to this more, it's just gonna grow on me
every time,
as I am able to anticipate the one, two, three! Because that drop is so powerful, because it's not like any sort of buildup,
it's a very
sort of jumpy, spiky, type of drop. Isaac: Um-hmm. Kevin: Because it's very sudden. It's all about the abruptness of it, and it's very good.
It's a retro throwback, but not quite the 'Grease' style of retro throwback. Isaac: 'Grease'. Kevin: It's more like a throwback of like the
early 2000s DDR era music. Isaac: DDR. Kevin: I can see this being a totally Dance Dance Revolution track.
Yeah, it's one of those early drop songs,
which immediately separates it from recent drop songs, that focus on the trap style, the synth,
and a lot of this could be synth, but it sounds more acoustic, and it sounds just more energetic.
Elizabeth: Yeah, no, would say this is more comparable to like, the big scene in 'Singin' in the Rain' ,where they sing 'Good Mornin', and
and they go through all the rooms in the house, and they do different
dances, and then they each have little solos, and they're like on the bar, and then they're using
raincoats, and then they all come down on the couch, and like they did it all in one take. So, it's all these different
musical styles, and
different kinds of dance all in one take, so there's a huge history of that happening in tons of different media.
The idea of the continuous take is something that a lot of people have been interested in for a long time.
Henry: Like, there were cool melodic moments, actually. It was a pretty melodic transition between the verse and like the pre-chorus section.
Elizabeth: Yeah, well, cuz it's all melody and no harmony. Henry: Yeah, the harmony was very
scarce, and everything was like electronic, which I don't
normally dig, but like at the same time, this was so cool!!
Like I was just kind of like, yeah!
I dug it because of the context it was in.
Umu: What moves shouted like, musical choreography the most. Gabriella: Oh this, and like
when they were doing this, and like the kicks. That's very musical theater.
Paige: Yeah. Gabriella: I've taken once class, and that was like, all we did.
The counts were like, one and two and, so they would switch moves on the "ands". Paige: Um-hmm.
And I remember from my musical theater class,
the only one I took--the one class I took--the teacher explained that we would start on "and" and not like, "one".
Paige: Yeah. Gabriella: I don't know if that is a musical theater thing, but that is what she told me.
Paige: Yeah, I've definitely never really never taken anything musical theater-based.That's probably like my least well-known area of any kind of dance,
but yeah, I could definitely just tell, and even like the camera angles weren't focused on the whole body,
they were focused on kind of like, upper half and lower half, Gabriella: Um-hmm, on the group as a whole.
Paige: Yeah, you could kind of tell they won't focusing on like, the dance itself,
they were kind of focusing like the vibe
that the dance was giving as a whole group, which is what 'Grease' is, like all of the dancing in the show is based
on like coordination. Not like based on coordination,
but like a lot of the dancers only dance solo, and when they do, it doesn't really differ
from other people in the movie.
It's very like,
oh, we do everything the same all together, and it gives off a really big like, group vibe, basically. And that's what the thing did.
They never really went with just him dancing, unless he was walking to another set. Gabriella: Yeah.
Lydia: I liked that it was kind of
modernized a little bit, like
you know, back then like that was like the cool move to be doing, and they made it look like
you know, very much the hair slicking back that you see, and whatever. I thought it just looked like
cooler, and it fit with the song, even though it was a completely different time, basically.
Remiah: Yeah, I think that Broadway dance, they just love classic jazz. Lydia: Yeah. Remain: That's like their thing,
so like, seeing this, there were still like, classic jazz moves, but it was like they shook it up a little bit.
They made them different. Lydia: Um-hmm.
Lydia: Yeah, cuz sometimes classic jazz can get a little bit Remain: Repetitive? Lydia: Yep. And like, it's nice to see like, when
dancers are like modernizing it a little bit. Because sometimes I watch a musical and I'm like,
I've seen the same box step like 17 times. Remain: The same choregraphy. Lydia: I thought this was a good way of doing it, and
like I was kind of saying during it, I think it's really interesting how they film
music videos, like, because obviously we just watched like a stage dance, too. Like I was
very much thinking about like, how would I do that?
Like, how would you, as a choreographer, Remiah: This is like, completely different than if you were dancing in like a street or something like that.
Lydia: Yeah. Remiah: Telling the story, you'd have to do like a completely different set of moves,
Lydia: Yeah. Remain: cuz you wouldn't have the props, you wouldn't have like the cameras, stuff like that and stuff. Lydia: Yeah, exactly.
Hello everyone, I'm Umu, React to the K channel creator, and I'd like to thank you for watching this video
I really hope you enjoyed or learned something from it.
If you'd like to support us or help React to the K grow, you can do so by visiting our Patreon and help us out by
pledging any amount you can. Big tip of the hat to our Superstar Idol patrons. Thanks for the love. 'Til next time.
Which Romance Books Would Make a Great Movie? - Duration: 1:50.
(upbeat ragtime jazz music)
- Christie Craig's Divorced, Desperate and Delicious.
It's wonderful.
It'll make you laugh.
Make you cry
and make you just happy.
- I love Jill Shalvis' Animal Magnetism series.
They take place in a veterinary hospital
so I'd love to see those.
- Dark Light by Jayne Ann Krentz.
I think that would make a great movie.
I think the visuals in it would be interesting.
- Wolf and the Dove by Katherine Woodiwiss.
- Do You Wanna Start a Scandal by Tessa Dare.
That would be hilarious in a movie.
- Beautiful Disaster by Jamie McGuire.
Also her Providence series is very good.
I could see either one of those making a really,
a good movie.
- Oh my gosh.
So Courtney Milan has this series called the Cyclone series
and it's all about...
It's a contemporary romance, but it's set in like this ahh,
Apple-esque kind of tech world and it's very cool.
Very cinematic I think.
- I think almost anything by Georgette Heyer
would film extremely well.
My personal favorite and the one that I would love to see
is The Unknown Ajax because the final scene
is just such a hoot where all the characters
come together and insanity ensues.
- A great movie would be Bad Boyfriend by K.A. Mitchell.
It's set in Baltimore and Eli Wright
is my all time favorite book boyfriend
and I would just love to see him played by Ezra Miller.
Let's do that.
(upbeat ragtime jazz music)
14 Công dụng tuyệt vời của nước súc miệng không phải ai cũng biết - Duration: 6:09.
Denis Suarez salary: How much are Arsenal paying Denis Suarez on loan from Barcelona? - Duration: 3:31.
Denis Suarez had been linked with Arsenal for much of the January window but his loan move has now been confirmed
He extended his Barcelona contract until June 2021 but the Gunners have an option to make his loan deal permanent this summer
Arsenal boss Unai Emery, who worked with the player during his spell at Sevilla, said on the club website: "We are very happy that Denis Suarez is joining us
"He is a player we know well and I have worked with him at Sevilla. "He brings us quality and options in many different attacking positions, so he'll be able to help the team
" Suarez knows what to expect in linking up with Emery again, highlighting the Spaniard's work ethic and attention to detail
"I have a very good relationship with Unai Emery," Suarez told the Arsenal website
"I think he's a very demanding coach and one of the best coaches in the world right now - I've been saying that for a while
"Sevilla was my first year playing football at the elite level - my first year in the top division
I improved a lot as a player thanks to him. He really helped me. "I think he was a big part of the reason I was able to go back to Barcelona after leaving on loan
"The main thing is that he dedicates a great deal of time to his work. He spends many hours and days watching videos of other teams and his own side
"His training sessions are really demanding and he ensures that the team is completely prepared
"But as I say, the biggest thing is the time he dedicates to his work. As we'd say in Spanish, he's 'un enfermo del fútbol' - football mad
"Denis Suarez salary According to Livesportworld.com, Suarez's Barcelona contract is worth €60,000-a-week (£52,000)
The Spanish giants also confirmed that Arsenal would pay the entirety of the midfielder's wages during his loan spell at the Emirates
"FC Barcelona and Denis Suarez have reached an agreement for the extension of the player's contract with the club, which ended on 30 June 2020, until 30 June 2021," Barcelona said in a short statement on Wednesday
"FC Barcelona have also agreed a loan deal for Suarez with Arsenal for the remainder of the 2018/19 season
"The Premier League club will pay the player's salary during this time and the agreement includes an option to buy
[FREE] KYLE Type Beat x Lil Skies Type Beat - "Satisfied" | Happy Type Beat 2019 - Duration: 2:13.
FREE] KYLE Type Beat x Lil Skies Type Beat - "Satisfied" | Happy Type Beat 2019
Prod. SavageSpeaks
Lichen Sclerosus - Duration: 6:36.
Heads up! Before the interview starts I want you to know that I made a
downloadable ebook of the transcripts of all 11 videos in this fascinating Dr.
Charles Runels interview series so you could capture every single detail. If you
look below this video on your phone, you'll see a little triangle on the
right that opens when you click it to reveal the link to get the book plus a
PDF copy of Dr. Runels book - 'Activate the Female Orgasm System: The Story of O
Shot' emailed to you, and if you're on your computer look for text on the left
under this video that says 'show more' and the link to download both books will be
there. Now on with the show. Hi I'm Susan Bratton, your trusted hot sex adviser to
millions, and you may be wondering why I'm talking about Lichen Sclerosis. Well
there are so many things that affect people that keep you from having sexual
intimacy and I'm so pleased to introduce you to my friend Dr. Charles Runels
because he has a protocol that is helping people with Lichen Sclerosis
and so I'd love for you to talk a little bit more about it. You were telling me a
story though. Start with that story. Yeah, because of our
research, we've published three papers, now another one in the words.
People have reached out to me because of our group and invited me into their
close Facebook groups, and between my patients and the stories I'm reading
it's really heart-wrenching what can happen. So I was reading a story on
Facebook that someone posted about how she was holding her 12-year-old
girl and was sobbing, rocking her, not really knowing what to tell her because
the twelve-year-old girl has Lichen Sclerosis. Now if you don't know that
means that she's bleeding and cracking and a prepubescent girl can
sometimes have the labia minora literally just eaten away by the disease by the
time they finished puberty. So it's really heart-wrenching and people
talking about telling their husbands to get a girlfriend because
they haven't been able to have sex with her husband for six, seven, eight years.
But the flip side of it is also wonderful.
I think I mentioned I was interviewed by the one of the big
magazines and so I was calling my patients and the reporter was sitting
right here and I called a woman who had Lichen Sclerosis and she answered
the phone she says, 'Oh yeah, we've had sex four times today. We're at the beach' and
and the reporter said 'Well I bet your husband likes that, doesn't he?' and she
said 'Yeah he's very happy' and so I said to the reporter
'How long have you guys been married?' She said '40 years, 42
years' I think it was. I said 'No, How long had it been without sex?' It was six or
seven years in that neighborhood. I said I've noticed when people have married
that long, it kind of gets to be like your body is my body and my body is her
body, and the husband is not sad because he can't have sex. He's sad because his
wife feels broken. I said 'Was that that way with your husband?' and she got
real quiet and the other end and we could hear her starting to cry, and she said it
was exactly like that with my husband. He felt broken because I was broken and now
he's so happy and we're just having sex down here at the beach making up for
lost time. So anyway that's what's possible with our procedure. So explain
your procedure. So we call it the O Shot, which is unfortunate
because I had one woman say I don't want my twelve-year-old to have a shot that's named O Shot for Orgasm.
Well let's call it the Orchid Shot then. But basically but we just
happen to discover even though I thought it up by using platelet-rich plasma like
the athletes used to rejuvenate tissue, to rejuvenate the tissue of the vagina,
help with orgasm, just by accident we discovered it helped with Lichen
Sclerosis too, and so we've done three research papers showing that you can
actually draw blood at the bedside, take the platelets out in a very painless way
then re-inject it into that tissue and then it regulates autoimmune response,
no steroids and they're usually good for at least a year on no medicine. The problem
with the present treatments using steroids which isn't talked about so
much is that does not decrease that 10% risk of getting squamous cell carcinoma.
Not only do you have the inconvenience of using that steroid cream every day you're also
still living with that risk of the 10% chance of squamous cell carcinoma.
And the steroids down regulates the autoimmune response. We're not sure what that
does with the viruses that can live in the genitalia but with our platelet-rich
plasma you don't have to use the steroids when it works, which is most the time you
don't have to use the steroids, and it's up-regulating that all the memories of
the immune response. So you're less likely to have the viral problems.
Are the viral problems herpes and HPV? Actually we've had patients who report
fewer outbreaks after using the plasma which makes sense because an O Shot is
enhancing the immune response which would help keep the viruses back.
Now we haven't done the study but anecdotally that's
what we're seeing. Unfortunately there's no big drug
company. You can't patent your blood. So there's millions of dollars to do
research but the research is trickling out and and we've done it with Lichen
because we can prove it with the biopsy, but watch for many more studies to come
out in the next year or two. I love all the work you're doing. Thank you so much.
I love that it started out as orgasm and now you've helped with the priapus shot,
with erectile dysfunction and now you're also knocking off so many other
issues and continents that women have, the Lichen Sclerosis,
painful intercourse. There's so many things that you're doing and all from
what's inside you right now. The beauty of taking out your own blood and
taking out all those growth factors and injecting them into the site of wounds
or problem areas. So I hope this has given you hope there might be something
you can pursue. You can find Dr. Runels website at OShot.com or priapusshot.com
There you go, and we'll put links to those in the notes below.
I'm Susan and I'll see you on the other side.
Pub G Game में बह गया एक परिवार ! 200 Divorce ! क्या क्या करवा रहा है PUBG GAME 2019 | Latest News - Duration: 10:10.
Новости недели SKY WAY CAPITAL 151 выпуск - Duration: 6:01.
Window10 Pro Lifetime Free Version 15000 वाली 1000 में कैसे खरीदे Online Window 7 8 10 Cheap 2019 - Duration: 5:25.
So You Think You Can Choreograph? - Duration: 41:38.
Part 1: How to Make the Business Case for Employee Engagement? - Duration: 9:03.
Thank you for joining me
Because you are here
I imagine you're curious to know more about
how to make the business case
for investing in increasing employee engagement
for your team or organisation.
Perhaps you are wondering what conditions really make the difference
to producing sustainable employee engagement?
Would you like to know
whether the bottom line benefits
of investing in this change initiative
for your organisation are really worth it?
What could the level of return on investment be?
How much worse off you will be if you do nothing?
Now, I really appreciate
your desire to develop your understanding,
and while I can't talk to the details of your unique situation
I will try to give you a simple approach
to help you find the answers that you are looking for.
I have split the video into 2 parts
In this first one I will be sharing with you
the 10 Key Conditions necessary
for sustainable employee engagement to flourish.
Then in Part 2 we will be looking at
how to use a simple framework
built on these 10 Key conditions
to put together the business case
for investing in developing employee engagement
for your team or organisation.
Please leave me a comment
or send me an email
if you would like me to help you think about
your own unique situation
I would be happy to do what I can
to help you get moving in the right direction.
So, let's get started
Firstly, what is Employee Engagement?
Well, Employee Engagement is a state of
heightened emotional commitment and energy
we give to and get from our work.
It comes about through
our emotional relationship with
the value of what we do,
who we do it with and who we do it for.
Actively Engaged employees are
more productive, innovative and fulfilled
And they are much less likely
to want to look for work elsewhere
which has a big benefit on reducing
the costs and risks associated with staff turnover.
Please check out my video "What is Employee Engagement"
if you would like to refresh your understanding
of what this is all about.
Now, it is amazing that the business benefits
of having a fully engaged workforce
have been thoroughly researched
and validated since the 1990s
However, just do a Google search for "employee engagement"
and you'll find thousands of
blogs, articles and research reports
broadcasting the persistently high percentage
of employees that are either disengaged or not actively engaged,
and that the price tag
to businesses and the wider economy of this lack of engagement
runs into hundreds of billions of dollars.
Nonetheless it is true
that more and more forward thinking companies,
fighting for their competitive edge
are successfully pushing the envelope
by creating big shifts in how they operate,
including major re-engineering in the nature
of their relationship with their workforce.
Now, I'm not going to regurgitate right now,
all the stats that you can readily find online
from Gallup, Towers Watson and many research experts,
but if you would like to dig into the data a little deeper,
I've given you some links
In the description below to a few useful sources.
Instead, what I would like to do
is give you some simple steps
to help you think about
how to build a business case for investing in
Employee Engagement for your organisation.
To do this you need to have a clear picture
of what changes you would need to make to:
recruitment, work processes, your workplace environment,
leadership behaviour, management practices, support processes and technology
to be able to deliver the right conditions
in which engagement is most likely to flourish.
To help build that picture,
think about your own personal experience.
Engagement is not a permanent condition.
It is very dependent on
your own mental, emotional and physical state
and what you are doing
and who you are doing it with.
All of which are conditions
that can fluctuate from day to day.
However, what will help you to bounce back
into an actively engaged state,
if for whatever reason you are having an off day,
is how you experience and feel supported by
the relationships and conditions in your workplace
and the degree that your work is a natural extension of
and channel for expressing your best self.
So let's first look at what conditions
need to be in place
to give you the best chance
of bumping up your engagement level.
These are the 10 key components of the engagement mix
that in my experience are
necessary preconditions for developing
sustainably higher levels of employee engagement.
As we go through the list
think about how each item
applies to you personally,
to what degree does this describe your relationship
with your work and workplace environment?
and to what degree
does it exist in your workplace, right now?
So - You are more likely to become actively engaged when:
1. You feel your work adds value to the world
and is recognised by others in a way that fits
with your own sense of your own identity.
Your work gives you a sense of Meaning and Purpose.
2. You are given the control,
the flexibility, autonomy and the resources
to do your job in the best way you know how.
3. You can get in a good flow with your work
without unwanted distractions, ambiguities and unrealistic workloads.
4. Your work stimulates and stretches you,
you feel good about how it gives you opportunities
to grow both personally and professionally.
5. Your supervisor demonstrably cares about your personal well-being
and is supportive, empathetic and appreciative.
6. You feel that you are a member of a team or community
connected to, recognised and valued by
your boss, your co-workers and your customers.
7. The work you do is a good fit
for your natural talents, experience,
personality type, values and goals.
8. The organisation you work for
has core values and a purpose
which you feel good about.
9. You feel trusted, held accountable
and rewarded appropriately
by the organisation you work for
10. You have a healthy work-life balance,
the demands of your job leave you enough time and energy
to devote to your life outside of work.
So there you have it:
The 10 Key Conditions
necessary to help increase Employee Engagement
levels across your organisation.
Please feel free to copy paste this list for your own use
you will find it in the description below.
Now, I think you will agree that there is a lot
that organisational leaders can do
to nurture the conditions that promote engagement.
But to achieve this takes a lot of careful thought
and coordination to make effective changes
to behaviours, processes and feasibly technology,
to give you the best chance of success.
If you want to start building your case
for making those changes
and investing in developing Employee Engagement
to produce a more effective,
fulfilling and profitable operation.
Just click here to continue with In Part 2 of this video
where I am going to share with you
a simple framework approach that can help get you started.
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