Transfer news LIVE: Thursday January 31Arsenal are today preparing to confirm a loan deal for Barcelona midfielder Denis SuarezMan Utd star Marcus Rashford has been identified as a £100m target by Real MadridChelsea are in the market for a midfielder with Nicolo Barella among the options for Maurizio SarriLiverpool defender Virgil van Dijk is the player Manchester United need according to Rio Ferdinand07
01 UPDATE: Chelsea eye late Watford raid Chelsea could make a last-ditch move for Watford's Abdoulaye Doucoure to bolster their midfield ranks, reports claim
Doucoure has forged a reputation as one of the best players outside of the Premier League's big six during his time at Vicarage Road
And the Mirror reckon Chelsea could move for the Frenchman today, in the wake of Wednesday night's chastening 4-0 defeat to Bournemouth
Watford are likely to demand around £50m for Doucoure, who has also been targeted by Paris Saint-Germain during January
06.53 UPDATE: Man Utd exit ON Manchester United are poised to part ways with Marouane Fellaini as midfielder edges closer to a move to China
Injury has restricted Fellaini's playing time under Ole Gunnar Solskjaer, but he is not in the Norwegian's plans
The former Everton star is now set for the Chinese Super League, with Shandong Luneng believed to be his destination
A deal could be delayed until next month, with the Chinese transfer window open until February 28
06.40 UPDATE: Celtic chasing loan deal Celtic boss Brendan Rodgers is eager to seal a deadline-busting loan deal for Borussia Dortmund ace Jeremy Toljan today
It is anticipated Toljan will link up with the Scottish Premiership leaders until the end of the season, with the option of a permanent deal
On Wednesday night, Rodgers revealed he was hopeful of completing one more January signing to bolster his team's title bid
"We would hope we could get at least another one in," Rodgers said. "We know specifically what we want, so hopefully we can do that
"06.30 UPDATE: Liverpool raid revelation Liverpool star Virgil van Dijk is the man Rio Ferdinand would love to see Manchester United lure away from Anfield
Ferdinand conducted a Q&A on Twitter ahead of Liverpool's Premier League draw with Leicester on Wednesday night
And that's when he revealed he would love to see United get former Southampton ace Van Dijk on board
"I'm going @VirgilvDijk. the position we're in most need! #AskRio," Ferdinand said, when asked which player he would take to United
06.20 UPDATE: Chelsea want one deal Chelsea are still eager to snap up a midfielder before the transfer window shuts at 11pm tonight
Chelsea waved goodbye to Cesc Fabregas earlier this month as the two-time Premier League winner joined Monaco
They missed out on target Leandro Paredes earlier this week as the Argentine signed for Paris Saint-Germain
However, Express Sport understands they have Nicolo Barella in their sights, despite Cagliari's insistence he will stay put
06.10 UPDATE: £100m Man Utd plot Manchester United star Marcus Rashford is the target of a £100m plan being devised by Real Madrid, reports claim
Rashford is enjoying a strong run of form which began just prior to Jose Mourinho's sacking back in December
And Real are set to launch an end-of-season raid to prise him away before United have the chance tie him down with a new deal
The Sun claim Real are willing to pay £100m for the forward, as well as offering him £250,000 a week to head to the Bernabeu
06.00 UPDATE: Arsenal announcement TODAY Arsenal are set to announce the loan signing of playmaker Denis Suarez from Barcelona today
The Gunners resurrected a deal for Suarez on Tuesday and he jetted in to London yesterday to finalise the move
Barcelona jumped the gun by confirming the deal, prior to deleting the article from their website
However, the switch is on and Arsenal will announce the arrival of Suarez later today
05.55 UPDATE: Transfer news LIVE Transfer news LIVE is up and running with all of the latest updates on what's sure to be an exciting deadline day
Express Sport will bring you news and gossip with Arsenal, Manchester United, Chelsea and Liverpool all potentially sanctioning deals
The Premier League's January transfer window slams shut at 11pm tonight. So stay tuned as all of the big hitters make late forays into the market and cast off unwanted players
For more infomation >> News24 - Transfer news LIVE: Arsenal announcement TODAY, £100m Man Utd plot, Chelsea want one deal - Duration: 6:44.
Бейблэйд турнир 2019 Волтраек В5 vs Саламандра / БЕЙБЛЭЙД БЕРСТ / BEYBLADE BURST - Duration: 3:20.
Hi cool labellers
Today we continue the tournament among 30 babbled
And in this issue
Group C Babbleys
Voltraek B5
Against the hellish salamander
Ready? Forward.
Three Two One Forward !!!
Three Two One Forward !!!
Three Two One Forward !!!
Salamander defeated Voltraek B5
With a score of 3: 0
And he earns two points
See the next video.
Battles babe d
Settomb vs Zeitron Z3
Write in the comments for whom you support.
Subscribe to the channel Two wise
Subscribe to the channel Two wise
Put likes
And do not forget to click on the bell until all
With you there was Plato and Prokhor
2nd Free Toy Giveaway Winner Announcement
「S路一條!」節前大陸再向蔡英文「開泡」,島內震動 - Duration: 14:28.
Komu připadne rodinná vila po Luďku Munzarovi? A co je s činžovním domem? - Duration: 2:22.
Komu připadne dědictví po uznávaném umělci Luďku Munzarovi, jenž zemřel minulou sobotu? Spousta lidí si totiž myslí, že slavný herec seděl na milionech, ale co mu doopravdy patří? Munzar celý život pracoval až do úmoru
Hrál v divadle, v televizních inscenacích, v dabingu a v rádiu byl uznávaný, i ve filmu byl svého času úspěšný
Prostě šel z role do role, nikdy neměl nouzi o práci, a proto si lidé mohli myslet, že si nastřádal velké bohatství, které teď zdědí jeho rodina
Ale celý život strávil ve vile v hodnotě kolem padesáti milionů korun, kde žil s manželkou Janou Hlaváčovou a vychovávali tam své děti
Jenže dům je už dlouho napsaný jen na jednu z dcer, a to Báru Munzarovou (47). Podle katastru nemovitostí na jméno Luděk Munzar nepřipadá žádný nemovitý majetek ani pozemky
Jako by nevlastnil vůbec nic. V domě bydlí i jeho dcera Bára s manželem Martinem Trnavským (48), aby se mohla o nemocné rodiče starat
Vila je totiž formálně napsaná na ni a její sestra Tereza, která pracuje u policie, nebo nejstarší Munzarova dcera Johana podle všeho konkrétně s vilou ostrouhaly
Také se spekulovalo o tom, že měl Munzar zdědit po své sestřenici obrovský činžovní dům v hodnotě sedmdesáti milionů korun na pražských Vinohradech, ale o tom nikde v katastru zmínka již není
Možná se ho před časem zbavil a raději ho prodal, aby měl o starost méně.
Good Work(s) "Queen" Earrings and 5Row Bracelet Set - Duration: 7:57.
Morbidní obezita ve Výměně manželek: Kvůli nadváze jsme spolu ani nemohli spát! - Duration: 2:21.
#TobaccoFreeMe | Investing in People, Not Tobacco | AXA - Duration: 4:08.
# Your half-dead heart #
# Beats slowly away #
# Like a bomb in the basement #
When asked what the most important thing in his life was,
the famous French philosopher Jean-Paul Sartre said...
"Everything, living, smoking."
The world has changed, right?
You may think that we're winning the battle
against our love-hate relationship with tobacco,
but tobacco is still today
the world's leading cause of preventable deaths.
AXA, the company I work for,
is a pioneer in the world of insurance
by disinvesting from tobacco
and all because one brave woman decided to act.
I'm here with Dr. Bronwyn King, a leading anti-tobacco advocate
and a cancer doctor in her own right.
Tell me, Bronwyn, what brought you here?
Unfortunately, I've watched hundreds of patients die
from tobacco-related illness.
One day, I met with my pension advisor
and found out that I was inadvertently investing
in the very companies that make the products
that were killing my own patients.
Knowing that I held stock
in the world's biggest tobacco companies really rattled me.
It was a light-bulb moment.
I knew I had to at least try to fix the problem.
Doctors like to find cures, right?
Seriously, I think people are genuinely disappointed to think
that financial institutions promising to take care of us
are investing in companies that make products that harm
and can even kill us.
I think I'd feel quite uncomfortable about it.
I wouldn't be too happy about it.
Doesn't seem very ethical to me.
They're meant to be taking care of me and tobacco doesn't do that.
The initiative I lead, Tobacco Free Portfolios,
is a not-for-profit organisation
to encourage the move to tobacco-free finance.
Major financial organisations in more than a dozen countries
have made the shift to tobacco-free.
It's not enough.
Tobacco kills seven million people every year.
Wouldn't it be nice to consign tobacco to history
and only see it in museums like this?
I have a young family.
I can't tell them not to smoke while supporting tobacco investments.
I really believe we can play a big part
when it comes to health protection of our customers.
This includes helping them on their journey to tobacco-free.
It makes no sense for AXA to continue to finance the tobacco industry.
With the encouragement of Dr King,
we sold all our equity holdings and started to wind down
our fixed income investments, totalling 1.8 billion euros.
Is this move away from tobacco purely an ethical decision?
All round, it's the right thing to do.
By prompting healthy habits to policy holders,
we can help them prevent disease
rather than just paying out when bad things happen.
Everyone wins.
Exactly, the business community too.
For example, lost production income through tobacco-related health problems
far outweighs revenue from global tobacco taxes.
The world could be spending that on important things
like tackling disease, improving access to vaccines,
or reducing poverty.
I can feel another campaign coming on there, Bronwyn?
Let's win this one first.
How did you feel when you knew that AXA had decided to go tobacco-free?
I was thrilled because it wasn't just any organisation
going tobacco-free, it was AXA.
They were the pioneers.
I knew it would create momentum globally
and it was the start of something big.
There we go.
- Thank you. - Meet the enemy.
Crazy to think that tobacco is the most-grown plant in the world
that's not used for food.
What a waste!
Do you think that we can win this battle?
Change happens because individuals, groups,
organisations get out there and make it happen.
Together, we can make a huge difference
and bring an end to the greatest health challenge of our time.
Hello my loves, Welcome to my youtube channel, again
me pink moony, today we are going just talk about the orange peel but
before going into the thick of the subject think to subscribe. , like and comment, but
also think about the notification bell , think also of my new pink chain Moony
Cellulite gives the appearance of a skin orange to your skin. In women,
cellulite will settle on the hips, the thighs, the ankles, the nape, the
shoulders and arms. In humans too but no further farther than the size.
Rather harmless problem, cellulite affects the mind more often than the body.
In this sense, it is worth treating it. Sooner or later the body reacts negatively
to the attacks of the image of oneself.
But cellulite can also make you suffer physically if you are very sick.
It becomes essential to consult a specialist. Besides, know that
cellulite often results from bad diet and excess stress. In
all cases, this is another good reason to pay more attention.
Grandmothers Remedies Against Cellulite The following internal and external remedies
are worth as much as a cure preventive.
Food Avoid all that is farinaceous and too rich
in salt and oil, industrial products plan a vitamin cure B6, C, zinc,
manganese, magnesium,
A fast of a few days can greatly help eliminate cellulite in the long term.
In the absence of a fast in the water, a cure fruit juice or vegetable juice (fresh)
will do. When taking a bath, think about massaging
in the banana with soap if possible Castor oil is excellent for
the skin
It will allow to rub the fat pile
A remarkable remedy for fighting cellulite To fight cellulite, many beauticians
use combined Aloe vera jelly with ingredients quite similar to
those of poultices mentioned above. If you can not get such a
preparation with aloi vera, you can replace it by mixing a good amount
jelly of aloi vera (organic shop) with the indicated ingredients
Lemon and caffeine • Squeeze 2 lemons. Filter the juice and add
the same amount of coffee very strong. mix and
pour into a bottle that closes. a little cayenne pepper
Rub each day with this lotion the parts of your body affected by the
cellulite. Caffeine gets through of the skin and activates the destocking process
fat cells. Vitamin C that contains lemon drains junk waste
in the tissues. All will contribute to the elimination cellulite.
Tip: Prepare this lotion in small quantity because it quickly loses its
efficiency. Keep it for 2 to 3 days maximum, away from light and heat.
Spread generous amounts of your mixture on the parts to be treated.
Then cover them with cellophane paper. Stay extended for about 1 hour. Repeat
treatment every day, as many times that will be necessary.
Aloe vera has very powerful effects astringents, hence its ability to drain
excess water and toxins present in the tissues. It also promotes reconstitution
cell and cell proliferation healthy.
Note: The suggested mix will warm you up skin (sometimes a lot), do not worry
no, it's a sign that the mix is well his job. If you find the sensation
too uncomfortable, reduce the amount of cayenne pepper.
In internal use, you can combine these treatments with:
Cellulite, advice and more ... A state of mind and an anti-stress lifestyle
are also necessary to guard you against cellulite. Cellulite is the result
of a generalized intoxication of your system where negativity and stress
can play a major role.
Thank you for watching this video until the end, as you know my
videos are easy simple fast, very accessible, for everyone, that's why
I invite you to share this for this touch a maximum of person it will help a
save many lives and make the world better.
"Marie, elle me change les idées" - Duration: 2:07.
💋Lip Kiss Romantic Whatsapp Status 2019💖Telugu Movie Kissing Scene Status 2019 - Duration: 0:33.
Astuce maison pour enlever le tartre dentaire soi-même - Duration: 5:31.
Бейблэйд турнир 2019 Волтраек В5 vs Саламандра / БЕЙБЛЭЙД БЕРСТ / BEYBLADE BURST - Duration: 3:20.
Hi cool labellers
Today we continue the tournament among 30 babbled
And in this issue
Group C Babbleys
Voltraek B5
Against the hellish salamander
Ready? Forward.
Three Two One Forward !!!
Three Two One Forward !!!
Three Two One Forward !!!
Salamander defeated Voltraek B5
With a score of 3: 0
And he earns two points
See the next video.
Battles babe d
Settomb vs Zeitron Z3
Write in the comments for whom you support.
Subscribe to the channel Two wise
Subscribe to the channel Two wise
Put likes
And do not forget to click on the bell until all
With you there was Plato and Prokhor
Малышка упала с высоты: ведущая Лера Кудрявцева разрыдалась из-за происшествия с крохотной дочуркой - Duration: 5:04.
Парк Абу Даби. 1-й крытый парк в тематике Warner Bros - Duration: 5:39.
SAHABAT - H. RHOMA IRAMA (cover by YEZ Grup) - Duration: 4:46.
[CTDT] Gacha Dreamfest 150 DreamBalls ~ Genzo Wakabayashi - Duration: 7:24.
Okey, Genzo fest is here
And welcome all again to my channel
Of course, i'll do gacha on Genzo fest
Altough i don't really have much on this account currently.
First of all, this genzo have Non-Japanese killer passive.
And for the team skill, it's always all stats 10%
For its type. In this case Skill for Genzo.
15% all stats for the passive.
For the skill, will have 2 rank S skill
New skill Jumping SGGK Catch
With Force 490 and ONLY 340 stamina to use it.
And for the punch skill, SGGK Double Punch. Which i think quite worth.
Force 455 & 210 Stamina to use it.
If you see Genzo saving stats, it will be divided to Punch 8989 & and catch 9535
For me, i think this Genzo can be a hybrid keeper.
But its totally up to you guys. Either you like it full catch or punch or both. Which is Hybrid.
I cant give an advice yet, which 1 is better.
But from the stats only, its better to build on catch. rather than punch.
Both can be good too actually. I mean hybrid keeper.
Then, for the pick up players will be Misaki, Nitta, And Aoi. Fest obiviously.
Okey, for the account on this video only have Nitta.
So 3 new players out of 4. And the dreamballs its self 150.
So this the Japanese team i have, after i put Fest Aoi. Thanks for watching.
The dog that helped to design a car - Duration: 1:57.
This is a Emil our Australian Shepherd.
He definitely loves playing, he loves to be outside ...
... he loves to swim.
Yeah, he's a very agile and active dog.
Emil is a bigger sized dog.
Bigger sized dogs come with bigger transportation problems.
The front seat, it's not ideal
because he cannot really lie down properly.
And the rear he doesn't have enough space either,
so particularly when he wants to move around
and put himself in a different position.
Definitely the best place for him to be transported
is in the trunk.
Ideally in a decently sized dog box.
My name is Rene Berns,
I'm an engineer who worked on the all-new Ford Focus
and one of the challenges was to package one of the biggest dog boxes
for larger dogs like Emil my Australian Shepherd.
Unfortunately not all larger dog boxes
do fit in all station wagons.
For me it was in my personal interest to make the larger dog boxes fit
into the all-new Focus.
in order to have a comfortable space to travel for Emile as well in the trunk.
We want all the best for dog
we want to drive him carefully and comfortably,
so basically he's a family member.
it's not just a thing like a suitcase you put in the trunk.
Emil is really such a nice dog.
Having him around is making a smile,
so we'd rather buy him a dog box he's really comfortable in
because he just deserves it.
This lad was the inspiration
for how we shaped and designed the trunk
of the new Ford Focus Wagon.
Good boy!
#TobaccoFreeMe | Investing in People, Not Tobacco | AXA - Duration: 4:08.
# Your half-dead heart #
# Beats slowly away #
# Like a bomb in the basement #
When asked what the most important thing in his life was,
the famous French philosopher Jean-Paul Sartre said...
"Everything, living, smoking."
The world has changed, right?
You may think that we're winning the battle
against our love-hate relationship with tobacco,
but tobacco is still today
the world's leading cause of preventable deaths.
AXA, the company I work for,
is a pioneer in the world of insurance
by disinvesting from tobacco
and all because one brave woman decided to act.
I'm here with Dr. Bronwyn King, a leading anti-tobacco advocate
and a cancer doctor in her own right.
Tell me, Bronwyn, what brought you here?
Unfortunately, I've watched hundreds of patients die
from tobacco-related illness.
One day, I met with my pension advisor
and found out that I was inadvertently investing
in the very companies that make the products
that were killing my own patients.
Knowing that I held stock
in the world's biggest tobacco companies really rattled me.
It was a light-bulb moment.
I knew I had to at least try to fix the problem.
Doctors like to find cures, right?
Seriously, I think people are genuinely disappointed to think
that financial institutions promising to take care of us
are investing in companies that make products that harm
and can even kill us.
I think I'd feel quite uncomfortable about it.
I wouldn't be too happy about it.
Doesn't seem very ethical to me.
They're meant to be taking care of me and tobacco doesn't do that.
The initiative I lead, Tobacco Free Portfolios,
is a not-for-profit organisation
to encourage the move to tobacco-free finance.
Major financial organisations in more than a dozen countries
have made the shift to tobacco-free.
It's not enough.
Tobacco kills seven million people every year.
Wouldn't it be nice to consign tobacco to history
and only see it in museums like this?
I have a young family.
I can't tell them not to smoke while supporting tobacco investments.
I really believe we can play a big part
when it comes to health protection of our customers.
This includes helping them on their journey to tobacco-free.
It makes no sense for AXA to continue to finance the tobacco industry.
With the encouragement of Dr King,
we sold all our equity holdings and started to wind down
our fixed income investments, totalling 1.8 billion euros.
Is this move away from tobacco purely an ethical decision?
All round, it's the right thing to do.
By prompting healthy habits to policy holders,
we can help them prevent disease
rather than just paying out when bad things happen.
Everyone wins.
Exactly, the business community too.
For example, lost production income through tobacco-related health problems
far outweighs revenue from global tobacco taxes.
The world could be spending that on important things
like tackling disease, improving access to vaccines,
or reducing poverty.
I can feel another campaign coming on there, Bronwyn?
Let's win this one first.
How did you feel when you knew that AXA had decided to go tobacco-free?
I was thrilled because it wasn't just any organisation
going tobacco-free, it was AXA.
They were the pioneers.
I knew it would create momentum globally
and it was the start of something big.
There we go.
- Thank you. - Meet the enemy.
Crazy to think that tobacco is the most-grown plant in the world
that's not used for food.
What a waste!
Do you think that we can win this battle?
Change happens because individuals, groups,
organisations get out there and make it happen.
Together, we can make a huge difference
and bring an end to the greatest health challenge of our time.
Hello my loves, Welcome to my youtube channel, again
me pink moony, today we are going just talk about the orange peel but
before going into the thick of the subject think to subscribe. , like and comment, but
also think about the notification bell , think also of my new pink chain Moony
Cellulite gives the appearance of a skin orange to your skin. In women,
cellulite will settle on the hips, the thighs, the ankles, the nape, the
shoulders and arms. In humans too but no further farther than the size.
Rather harmless problem, cellulite affects the mind more often than the body.
In this sense, it is worth treating it. Sooner or later the body reacts negatively
to the attacks of the image of oneself.
But cellulite can also make you suffer physically if you are very sick.
It becomes essential to consult a specialist. Besides, know that
cellulite often results from bad diet and excess stress. In
all cases, this is another good reason to pay more attention.
Grandmothers Remedies Against Cellulite The following internal and external remedies
are worth as much as a cure preventive.
Food Avoid all that is farinaceous and too rich
in salt and oil, industrial products plan a vitamin cure B6, C, zinc,
manganese, magnesium,
A fast of a few days can greatly help eliminate cellulite in the long term.
In the absence of a fast in the water, a cure fruit juice or vegetable juice (fresh)
will do. When taking a bath, think about massaging
in the banana with soap if possible Castor oil is excellent for
the skin
It will allow to rub the fat pile
A remarkable remedy for fighting cellulite To fight cellulite, many beauticians
use combined Aloe vera jelly with ingredients quite similar to
those of poultices mentioned above. If you can not get such a
preparation with aloi vera, you can replace it by mixing a good amount
jelly of aloi vera (organic shop) with the indicated ingredients
Lemon and caffeine • Squeeze 2 lemons. Filter the juice and add
the same amount of coffee very strong. mix and
pour into a bottle that closes. a little cayenne pepper
Rub each day with this lotion the parts of your body affected by the
cellulite. Caffeine gets through of the skin and activates the destocking process
fat cells. Vitamin C that contains lemon drains junk waste
in the tissues. All will contribute to the elimination cellulite.
Tip: Prepare this lotion in small quantity because it quickly loses its
efficiency. Keep it for 2 to 3 days maximum, away from light and heat.
Spread generous amounts of your mixture on the parts to be treated.
Then cover them with cellophane paper. Stay extended for about 1 hour. Repeat
treatment every day, as many times that will be necessary.
Aloe vera has very powerful effects astringents, hence its ability to drain
excess water and toxins present in the tissues. It also promotes reconstitution
cell and cell proliferation healthy.
Note: The suggested mix will warm you up skin (sometimes a lot), do not worry
no, it's a sign that the mix is well his job. If you find the sensation
too uncomfortable, reduce the amount of cayenne pepper.
In internal use, you can combine these treatments with:
Cellulite, advice and more ... A state of mind and an anti-stress lifestyle
are also necessary to guard you against cellulite. Cellulite is the result
of a generalized intoxication of your system where negativity and stress
can play a major role.
Thank you for watching this video until the end, as you know my
videos are easy simple fast, very accessible, for everyone, that's why
I invite you to share this for this touch a maximum of person it will help a
save many lives and make the world better.
History suggests Liverpool are on track to secure their first ever Premier League title - Duration: 3:43.
Liverpool hold a five-point lead at the top of the Premier League at the end of January
Here, we take a look back at how other teams have fared in the title race from this stage of the season in the competition's history
In the 26 previous Premier League seasons, the side top of the table at the end of January has gone on to win the title on 20 occasions
The exceptions were Manchester United, coming from behind to overhaul Norwich (1993), Newcastle (1996) and Arsenal (2003), and the Gunners pipping United three times (1998, 2002, 2004)
Over those 26 seasons, the average lead held by the side at the top at the end of January is 5
2 points. Liverpool's five-point lead puts them slightly below this figure. The biggest gap enjoyed by any side at this stage is 15 points, achieved by Manchester City last season and United in 2001
Chelsea were 14 points ahead in 2006 and United 13 in 1994. Only one side with a lead of six points or more at the end of January has failed to win the title – Newcastle in 1996
The Magpies were nine points clear, but famously capitulated in the run-in to allow United in
Manager Kevin Keegan succumbed to United boss Sir Alex Ferguson's mind games, exploding with his oft-mimicked "I'd love it" rant
United eventually won it by four points. The other most significant fightbacks saw United come from five points behind to overhaul Arsenal in 2003, while the Gunners recovered a four-point deficit at the end of January 1998 to pip United
Not all statistics from this stage of the season can tell the full story, however, as leads can continue to change hands
City led from United on goal difference only in 2012 before moving two points clear
They then surrendered that position to fall eight points behind, but they staged a remarkable recovery to win on goal difference
Liverpool's current position compares favourably with that of other first-time Premier League winners
Arsenal had to come from four points behind at the end of January for their first title in 1998, and United trailed Norwich by a point in 1993
City led only on goal difference in 2012, while Leicester were three points ahead in 2016 and Blackburn four in 1995
Only Chelsea, 10 points ahead in 2005, have had a huge lead.
Le métier de masseur-kinésithérapeute, c'est fait pour moi ! - Duration: 4:20.
"Marie, elle me change les idées" - Duration: 2:07.
海贼王:草帽团杀气最强的5个眼神,路飞变成勾玉眼,索隆是ZONE - Duration: 5:10.
Man Utd in the market for one player on transfer deadline day - Duration: 2:17.
Manchester United have endured a quiet transfer window so far, with Ole Gunnar Solskjaer so far choosing not to get involved in the fracas
The Red Devils were expected to fork out for a defender and a winger prior to Jose Mourinho's sudden sacking in December
Since then, though, Manchester United have opted to keep their purse strings closed with a summer spending spree instead more likely
The Independent say, however, that United are still in the market for a centre-back
Victor Lindelof has been resurgent at the back. And Phil Jones has also impressed for United in recent times, despite always seeming to have an error in him
Despite that, though, United are 'willing to spend money if the right player is available'
Kalidou Koulibaly, of Napoli, is understood to be their dream defensive signing. Milan Skriniar, who plays in Serie A with Inter Milan, has also caught the eye of the club's scouting department
Despite that, though, it is more likely than United DO NOT land anybody on deadline day
The Independent add, however, that an announcement may be made on Anthony Martial's future
Martial was expected to leave United back in the summer with Chelsea, Bayern Munich and Juventus all linked
A new contract, however, now looks to be in the offing. Martial is highly-regarded at United, with the feeling within the club that he has the potential to be a future Ballon d'Or winner
And the report suggests that Martial's contract may be confirmed in an announcement later today
If not, then it will supposedly happen 'in the coming days.'
Astuce maison pour enlever le tartre dentaire soi-même - Duration: 5:31.
Бейблэйд турнир 2019 Волтраек В5 vs Саламандра / БЕЙБЛЭЙД БЕРСТ / BEYBLADE BURST - Duration: 3:20.
Hi cool labellers
Today we continue the tournament among 30 babbled
And in this issue
Group C Babbleys
Voltraek B5
Against the hellish salamander
Ready? Forward.
Three Two One Forward !!!
Three Two One Forward !!!
Three Two One Forward !!!
Salamander defeated Voltraek B5
With a score of 3: 0
And he earns two points
See the next video.
Battles babe d
Settomb vs Zeitron Z3
Write in the comments for whom you support.
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Subscribe to the channel Two wise
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With you there was Plato and Prokhor
Rencontre autour du Prix Polar avec l'auteur Marin Ledun - Duration: 1:34.
History suggests Liverpool are on track to secure their first ever Premier League title - Duration: 3:59.
Liverpool hold a five-point lead at the top of the Premier League at the end of January
Here, we take a look back at how other teams have fared in the title race from this stage of the season in the competition's history
In the 26 previous Premier League seasons, the side top of the table at the end of January has gone on to win the title on 20 occasions
The exceptions were Manchester United, coming from behind to overhaul Norwich (1993), Newcastle (1996) and Arsenal (2003), and the Gunners pipping United three times (1998, 2002, 2004)
Over those 26 seasons, the average lead held by the side at the top at the end of January is 5
2 points. Liverpool's five-point lead puts them slightly below this figure. The biggest gap enjoyed by any side at this stage is 15 points, achieved by Manchester City last season and United in 2001
Chelsea were 14 points ahead in 2006 and United 13 in 1994. Only one side with a lead of six points or more at the end of January has failed to win the title – Newcastle in 1996
The Magpies were nine points clear, but famously capitulated in the run-in to allow United in
Manager Kevin Keegan succumbed to United boss Sir Alex Ferguson's mind games, exploding with his oft-mimicked "I'd love it" rant
United eventually won it by four points. The other most significant fightbacks saw United come from five points behind to overhaul Arsenal in 2003, while the Gunners recovered a four-point deficit at the end of January 1998 to pip United
Not all statistics from this stage of the season can tell the full story, however, as leads can continue to change hands
City led from United on goal difference only in 2012 before moving two points clear
They then surrendered that position to fall eight points behind, but they staged a remarkable recovery to win on goal difference
Liverpool's current position compares favourably with that of other first-time Premier League winners
Arsenal had to come from four points behind at the end of January for their first title in 1998, and United trailed Norwich by a point in 1993
City led only on goal difference in 2012, while Leicester were three points ahead in 2016 and Blackburn four in 1995
Only Chelsea, 10 points ahead in 2005, have had a huge lead.
20位頂級漫畫家繪製的《火影忍者》,你最喜歡哪一位的風格? - Duration: 8:56.
海贼王:草帽团杀气最强的5个眼神,路飞变成勾玉眼,索隆是ZONE - Duration: 5:20.
Man City News - History suggests Liverpool are on track to secure their first ever Premier League t - Duration: 3:41.
Liverpool hold a five-point lead at the top of the Premier League at the end of January
Here, we take a look back at how other teams have fared in the title race from this stage of the season in the competition's history
In the 26 previous Premier League seasons, the side top of the table at the end of January has gone on to win the title on 20 occasions
The exceptions were Manchester United, coming from behind to overhaul Norwich (1993), Newcastle (1996) and Arsenal (2003), and the Gunners pipping United three times (1998, 2002, 2004)
Over those 26 seasons, the average lead held by the side at the top at the end of January is 5
2 points. Liverpool's five-point lead puts them slightly below this figure. The biggest gap enjoyed by any side at this stage is 15 points, achieved by Manchester City last season and United in 2001
Chelsea were 14 points ahead in 2006 and United 13 in 1994. Only one side with a lead of six points or more at the end of January has failed to win the title – Newcastle in 1996
The Magpies were nine points clear, but famously capitulated in the run-in to allow United in
Manager Kevin Keegan succumbed to United boss Sir Alex Ferguson's mind games, exploding with his oft-mimicked "I'd love it" rant
United eventually won it by four points. The other most significant fightbacks saw United come from five points behind to overhaul Arsenal in 2003, while the Gunners recovered a four-point deficit at the end of January 1998 to pip United
Not all statistics from this stage of the season can tell the full story, however, as leads can continue to change hands
City led from United on goal difference only in 2012 before moving two points clear
They then surrendered that position to fall eight points behind, but they staged a remarkable recovery to win on goal difference
Liverpool's current position compares favourably with that of other first-time Premier League winners
Arsenal had to come from four points behind at the end of January for their first title in 1998, and United trailed Norwich by a point in 1993
City led only on goal difference in 2012, while Leicester were three points ahead in 2016 and Blackburn four in 1995
Only Chelsea, 10 points ahead in 2005, have had a huge lead.
Extrait de "Love shopping" de Julie Legrand lu par Margot Châron - Duration: 2:19.
[HD] 1 Subcriber Special || 1订阅者特别版 // -by JSeanjx - Duration: 10:23.
嗨,您好。 希望你们喜欢这个小视频。 :)
请观看以 "高清" (HD) 与 "字幕" (CC) 开启 以方便观看。 [您已开启了 "Chinese" - 字幕(CC)]
我说, 我们需要建造一堵墙!
♪ I play Pokemon Go ♪
♪ I play Pokemon Go Everyday~ ♪
♪ I play Pokemon Go~ ♪
嘿, Paisanos!
嘿, Paisanos! 这是超级马里奥兄弟超级秀!
好的, Nintendo.
好的, Nintendo. 我们就要这样做。
我们就这样做。 我们就要玩这个视频游戏。
我们就要玩这个视频游戏。 你和我及Mario,
你和我以及Mario, 我们就要去找公主,
我们就要去找公主, 之后她便会感到很感激。
之后她便会感到很感激。 然后她会... 会给你一个吻,
然后她会... 会给你一个吻, 接下来你己知道,
接下来你己知道, 今晚你就会得到公主了,好了。
所以我们必须完成这个! Ok 必须完成!
让我们开始这个shit吧, world 1-1, 我己预备!
> This is very nEaT af <
wth 400+ subscribers?!
Guys, check out my new favourite channel!
It's so good~ (not really)
O-my god
Look at it
Look at it What the f-
Look at this dude
You serious?
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
DO IT!!!
Yes you can.
Yes you can. You said it
So.. JUSTDOIT (don't try this at home ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°))
Hey there.
Don't worry,
Don't worry, The video is not ending yet.
It's not for scaring people either.
I hope you guys enjoy this video right here.
Give it a thumb up will be very appreciate.
Here's my second thought
> It is time, for the second vid- *off* <
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