広島・緒方孝 監督(左)と フトバンク・ 藤公康監督【 真:荒川祐史 ソフトバンク 宮崎入り後、 内中心部で歓 パレードを行 昨季、2 連続日本一に いたソフトバ クは31日、 季キャンプを う宮崎に向け 出発した
工藤公康監督 主力組が集う 組の中心メン ーやベテラン が2便に分か て空路、宮崎 。B組メンバ やコーチ陣は スに分乗して 陸路で宮崎へ 移動した。ソ トバンクは宮 入り後、宮崎 中心部で昨季 日本一を祝し 歓迎パレード 行われる
この日、 藤監督や柳田 岐外野手、松 宣浩内野手ら 堅、ベテラン 手と助っ人勢 出発の遅い2 目に搭乗。こ 便には、広島 インも搭乗し おり、緒方孝 監督や大瀬良 地投手らが続 と機内へと乗 込んだ
同じ宮崎県内 キャンプを貼 ソフトバンク 広島が"呉越 舟"でキャン 地入りするの 珍しいことで ない。とはい 、昨季、日本 リーズで激突 た両チーム。 んともプロ野 ファンにとっ は"豪華"な ぶれだった
(福谷佑介 Yusuk Fukut ni)
For more infomation >> プロ野球ニュース 昨季の日本Sで激突した鷹と広島が…"呉越同舟"、同じ飛行機でキャンプ地入り - Duration: 2:15.-------------------------------------------
Sophie Davant recadre sèchement Pierre Palmade - Duration: 3:39.
Feu vert de l'Assemblée aux interdictions de manifester - Duration: 4:56.
Iva (18) a Marian (46) z Výměny manželek: Zpověď o TŘETÍM MIMINKU a PENĚZÍCH! - Duration: 3:45.
MY DREAM TRIP TO LOFOTEN ISLANDS | VLOG #12 (With English subtitles) - Duration: 31:07.
- How does it look like? - Hey man.
- Yo.
- Have you ever seen the Northern Lights and do you know how and why this phenomena occurs?
I'm about to find it out and will enjoy it in full beauty.
To see this we have to go far North over the Artic Circle.
I'm going there together with nature photographer Hans Markus Antson.
At the moment he is behind the camera, come here in front of the camera.
- Exactly a year ago we headed to the Northern Norway with Kristo Elias to capture the Northern Lights and to come back with three video stories for Estonian TV show called "Ozone".
The main organizer for the trip was my good friend Helari Hellenurm, who put together all the trip company.
- Very good. The journey will be a long one, so let's get started!
- I'm not going. It's cold. I'm not going.
- Our trip to Lofoten islands has already started.
Right now we are on the ferry, which takes us to Helsinki and today we will drive almost 700km to the North, to Kemi where we will stay the night.
It seems that today is the greatest chance to see the Northern Lights, because Lofoten islands is fully covered with clouds, but today it promises a clear sky.
And tomorrow we will drive also almost 700km even more to the North. Then we will arrive to Lofoten islands.
Let's see what's going to happen during the trip.
- That went easy. How much did you pay for that?
- Meelike, did you give thick or thin envelope?
- He looked really suspicious.
- The envelope or this person?
It wouldn't be a proper road trip if there wouldn't be any one sleeping in the back seat.
- Brown to the beige. - Copy.
- Only 65km to our today's final destination. - Super!
- Very good. We have been driving in the complete darkness in last 4 hours, more-more to the North.
Unfortunately we haven't seen any Northern Lights, because the sky is cloudy and it is constantly snowing but lets hope for the best!
Wohoo, finally we can stretch ourselves!
- A true winter wonderland! Look how high are the snowdrifts.
- Finally, 8:30PM we arrived to our first night's stay, where we are going to stay overnight.
The whole day has been cloudy and we haven't seen any Northern Lights, but it is really snowy and beautiful here.
So here are 12 people all in one room, we barely fit in here.
This is how it looks like, 12 people in one room.
Early morning hours. Everyone is eating right now, muesli etc.
Food and cooking is very well thought out, even the coffee machine is packed for the trip, so that in the morning all would have the energy.
- Yes, without any coffee there will be no Northern Lights.
Now we are going to film the drone shots.
Meanwhile we arrived to Sweden and the view what unfolds is so beautiful, all the snow-covered views.
We have now arrived to Sweden and we are located at 66 degrees and 33 minutes.
Which means that we are exactly at the Polar Circle.
From here to the North there is half a year dark, in other words "polar night"
Luckily the polar night has just ended and we are going to have some daylight.
Exactly 3 hours during the day.
Second day's afternoon and finally the sky is clear.
Yesterday it was cloudy, we didn't see any Northern Lights.
But now, exactly during the sunset, it is 13:16. The sun has already set here at the Polar Circle.
And we saw a really beautiful sunset, a really colorful one, and the sky is fully clear now!
Approximately 45 min ago, when we did our last pit stop it was -6°C, right now during the sunset it is already -25°C.
So it is really-really cold right now. Even the toes are a bit cold in this car.
Crossing the road.
We could barely stop the car, to avoid the accident.
We just arrived to Norway and crossed the Norwegian and Swedish boarder.
Here the roads are much tighter and it started to snow again.
And we arrived to the mountains.
We arrived to our accommodation, which is located exactly in the starting point of the Lofoten isalands.
Exactly from this bridge you will get to the Lofoten islands.
Right now the sky is still clear, let's hope there will be Northern lights too.
This is our one house box, and this is another one.
Here are our all food supplies.
This is a lot.
They are putting it all in the fridge. I have no idea how they will fit it all in there.
Now everything is in place here too and all the thing are set.
Here is the charging station.
After we arrived to Lofoten islands we started with the games to find out more about each other. Because most of the people were still strangers for me.
- Everyone smile now! - Make some joke, then it will be easier to smile.
Otherwise it is forced.
- I'm filming at the moment.
- What the heck.
- Everyone put your snow pants close to you and when there will be an alarm then everyone should get ready.
Exactly like the firefighters.
At the moment it is 11 o'clock in the evening and we are in our Northern Lights monitoring headquarters.
We have opened all kind of webpages, which will predict the Northern Lights.
The sky was almost clear, the stars were visible.
The predictions show that during the night (3-5am) there will be some Auroras (Northern Lights)
- Already 1am there sould be something.
- This means we have to be up all night!
- At the same time the clock is ticking, because the clouds are rolling in during the night.
We'll see do we see the Northern Lights before it gets cloudy or not.
- Looh, there are the Northern Lights!
Helari just talked about it, that it is all overhead.
The faint light is visible right now.
Hey guys, it seems that Auroras are dancing!
Alert! Everyone get dressed now, the Northern Lights are in the sky!
The camera already captured the lights.
All the Northern Lights' fanatic are outside and ready to go.
These first night's Northern Lights got us all excited.
- A moose! - A really big one.
- Where exactly? - Look there, exactly besides the hay ball.
- Ooh we runned off-road.
We saw a moose besides the road and slipped off the road a little.
We saw a moose right now!
Now I will put my camera on the slider capture the timelapse.
This electronic slider is a very good one because it allows me to get more movement in the picture.
So when the Aurora Borealis is dancing in the background then the foreground is moving too.
This is already an optical phenomenon.
- Wow, quickly-quickly.
It is getting stronger and stronger.
- Oh it is really beautiful already.
It is getting visibly brighter outside.
The Northern Lights are getting more brighter and brighter.
- I can't wait to already see the outcome!
The moral of the story is that you have to come outside to see the Aurora Borealis,
because my fancy Northern Lights app is showing that the possibility is only 12% and all the indices are really low.
And voilà the Northen Lights are in the sky!
Right now there is a little pause, but in 45 minutes there will be a new wave coming.
But when the cloud comes before, then we will go home.
- It is cold and we have to keep warm.
New magnetic storm is approaching and maybe the Northern Lights' situation is getting better.
The last five brave ones are still here. This is exactly the same gang who is together in one car. They put together the car full of crazy ones!
Look at this! Look what's going on here.
- The wind is picking up and it is even colder, but also the Northern Lights are back.
- So-so epic and cool. Timelapses are coming from this moment. We will get some epic footage from here.
We can see it so good with our own eyes.
First night in Norway offered us a great show, but clouds disturbed to enjoy the Aurora Borealis to the fullest.
That's why I was wishing for better Northern Lights.
This is a good comparison.
This is Kristo's place and it is really clean and tidy.
And when you look at my bed... Actually it is not messy, here are just a lot of things.
Feu vert de l'Assemblée aux interdictions de manifester - Duration: 2:44.
Russia's secret human weapon in World War II - Duration: 6:47.
When it comes to weapons. The first thing that comes to mind. Personal weapons. Heavy
weapons. The biological weapons. Chemical or even nuclear. But never think of you. The
existence of human weapons. Today we will identify. the most dangerous human weapon.
In World War II. Developed by the Soviet Union. But we do not know. If it has been used. In
the killing of human beings or not. Nina Kulagina.
born in (30 July 1926 to April 1990). She was a Russian woman who.
claimed to have psychic powers. particularly in psychokinesis.
Academic research of her phenomenon. was conducted in the U S S R.
for the last 20 years of her life.
Kulagina was suspected of utilizing hidden magnets.
and threads to perform her feats. She was caught cheating on more than one occasion.
according to British authors Joel Levy. and Mike Dash.
and American science writer Martin Gardner. In 1987, Kulagina sued.
and won a partial victory in a defamation case.
brought against a Soviet government magazine. that had accused her of fraud.
Kulagina, who was born in 1926. joined the Red Army at age fourteen.
entering its tank regiment during World War 2.
that her alleged psychic abilities were studied. and she entered international discourse in
the 1960s. During the Cold War.
silent black and white films were produced. in which she appeared to move objects on a
table. in front of her without touching them.
These films were allegedly made. under controlled conditions for Soviet authorities.
and caused excitement for many psychic researchers. around the world.
some of whom believed that. they represented clear evidence.
for the existence of psychic phenomena. According to reports from the Soviet Union.
40 scientists, two of whom were Nobel laureates. studied Kulagina.
In Investigating Psychics. Larry Kettlekamp claims that.
Kulagina was filmed separating broken eggs. that had been submerged in water.
moving apart the whites and yolks. during which event such physical changes.
were recorded as accelerated. and altered.
heartbeat. brain waves.
and electromagnetic field. To ensure that external electromagnetic impulses.
did not interfere. she was placed inside of a metal cage.
while she supposedly demonstrated an ability. to remove a marked matchstick.
from a pile of matchsticks under a glass dome.
Kulagina claimed that. she first recognized her ability.
which she believed she had inherited from her mother.
when she realized that items. spontaneously moved around her.
when she was angry. Kulagina said that in order to manifest the
effect. she required a period of meditation.
to clear her mind of all thoughts. When she had obtained the focus required.
she reported a sharp pain in her spine. and the blurring of her eyesight.
Reportedly, storms interfered with her ability. to perform psychokinetic acts.
One of Kulagina's most celebrated experiments. took place in a Leningrad laboratory.
on 10 March 1970. Having initially studied the ability to.
move inanimate objects. scientists were curious to see.
if Kulagina's abilities extended to cells. tissues.
and organs. Sergeyev was one of many scientists present.
when Kulagina attempted to use her energy. to stop the beating of a frog's heart.
floating in solution. He said that she focused intently on the heart.
and apparently made it beat faster. then slower, and using extreme intent of thought.
stopped it.
Many individuals and organizations. such as the James Randi Educational Foundation.
and the Italian Committee for the Investigation. of Claims on.
the Paranormal (C I C A P). express skepticism regarding.
claims of psychokinesis. Massimo Polidoro has written that.
the long preparation times. and uncontrolled environments.
(such as hotel rooms). in which the experiments with Kulagina.
took place left much potential for trickery. Magicians and skeptics have argued that.
Kulagina's feats could easily be performed by.
one experienced in sleight of hand. through means such as cleverly concealed.
or disguised threads. small pieces of magnetic metal.
or mirrors and the Cold War era. Soviet Union had an obvious motive for falsifying.
or exaggerating results. in the potential propaganda value in appearing.
to win a "P s i Race" analogous to. the concurrent Space Race or arms race.
Vladimir Lvov published an article. in Pravda which accused Kulagina of fraud.
Lvov wrote that she performed. one of her tricks by concealing a magnet.
on her body. The article also reported that Kulagina.
had been arrested for cheating the public. out of five thousand rubles.
Science writer Martin Gardner. described Kulagina as.
a "pretty, plump, dark eyed little charlatan". who had been caught using tricks.
to move objects. According to Gardner.
she was caught cheating more than once. by Soviet Establishment scientists.
Vikram Vedha - Movie - Duration: 2:20:00.
Y. Barthès revient sur l'arrestation de ses journalistes - Duration: 4:56.
Comment se rafraîchir la nuit sans climatiseur - Duration: 3:00.
[HAE:D VLOG] 해디랑소리 브이로그. 간헐적 단식 시작. 마트 장보고 밥해먹는 직장인 일상 - Duration: 6:17.
Minecraft: Matter Overdrive - Hunting heads in a ravine - Duration: 13:50.
[Eng sub] Watercolor by Shibasaki Live Stream in YouTube Space Tokyo - Duration: 4:22.
Hello, everyone. Shibasaki here.
It's very cold here in Japan.
It snows a lot in northern Japan and accumulates up to 2 or 3 meters.
Isn't it amazing?
3.5 meters is about twice my height.
Unlike those areas, it snows very little here where I live.
But it's cold here too.
It's really, unbearably cold.
However, I feel warm in my heart.
I am finally ready to start live streams.
Isn't it great?
I'm very excited.
I announced last December that my live streaming was postponed,
but it's now starting in February.
Here are the details.
The live streaming session will take place on February 12th.
At 13:00 Japan time.
I'm really thrilled.
But it won't work without you viewers participating in front of your monitors.
Lately I have received a lot of favorable comments in my YouTube channel,
and I really hope that participants will gather for my sessions from all over the world.
To express my appreciation, I am thinking of giving away a tiny present.
I will let you know what it is.
During the live streaming sessions, I will complete a painting.
This painting will be presented to one lucky winner,
who is selected randomly from everyone who leaves a comment in my live streaming sessions.
It could be you!!
Well, wait and see!
I have been waiting for my live streaming for a long time.
In Japan, to express longing,
we say "looking forward to something so much that one's neck has grown long."
When we are eagerly waiting for a guest,
we frequently open the door and look outside wondering, "Is he here yet?"
If you do this too much, your neck could stretch.
That's exactly how I feel now.
I will be waiting to see you with my neck stretched.
I hope you are also waiting to see me with your neck stretched.
Remember : February 12th.
I will see you then through my live streams.
We will have a lot of fun.
So that's my announcement.
See you later!
Comment se rafraîchir la nuit sans climatiseur - Duration: 3:00.
Comment vaincre la difficulté facilement - Duration: 1:19.
Alabama most almost severs daughter's hand with a MACHETE for stealing - Duration: 3:24.
Alabama most almost severs daughter's hand with a MACHETE for stealing
An Alabama mother was detained on Monday for allegedly hacking at her 18-year-old daughter with a machete so severly, that she almost severed the young woman's hand.
Corina D'Andrea, 49, is charged with first-degree domestic violence and attempted murder for the Pinson attack. Deputies with the Jefferson County Sheriff's Office were called to the 4400 block of Woodland Hills Road at approximately 2. com.
First responders found the 18-year-old girl with gashes on her arms, hands and skull. According to Sheriff's Capt. David Agee, the woman's hand was almost severed and she told authorities that her mother had attacked her with a machete.
The victim was taken to UAB Hospital's Trauma Center where she was listed as being in critical but stable conditions. Agee said that the dispute appeared to be over stolen money.
'It shouldn't have resulted in this level of violence,' Agee said. 'I know we've got some great doctors at UAB and I hope they'll be able to help this poor girl.'.
Corina is currently being held at the Jefferson County Jail on a $30,000 bond. An Alabama mother was detained on Monday for allegedly hacking at her 18-year-old daughter with a machete so severly, that she almost severed the young woman's hand.
Corina D'Andrea, 49, is charged with first-degree domestic violence and attempted murder for the Pinson attack. Deputies with the Jefferson County Sheriff's Office were called to the 4400 block of Woodland Hills Road at approximately 2. com.
First responders found the 18-year-old girl with gashes on her arms, hands and skull. According to Sheriff's Capt. David Agee, the woman's hand was almost severed and she told authorities that her mother had attacked her with a machete.
The victim was taken to UAB Hospital's Trauma Center where she was listed as being in critical but stable conditions. Agee said that the dispute appeared to be over stolen money.
'It shouldn't have resulted in this level of violence,' Agee said. 'I know we've got some great doctors at UAB and I hope they'll be able to help this poor girl.'.
Corina is currently being held at the Jefferson County Jail on a $30,000 bond.
Russia's secret human weapon in World War II - Duration: 6:47.
When it comes to weapons. The first thing that comes to mind. Personal weapons. Heavy
weapons. The biological weapons. Chemical or even nuclear. But never think of you. The
existence of human weapons. Today we will identify. the most dangerous human weapon.
In World War II. Developed by the Soviet Union. But we do not know. If it has been used. In
the killing of human beings or not. Nina Kulagina.
born in (30 July 1926 to April 1990). She was a Russian woman who.
claimed to have psychic powers. particularly in psychokinesis.
Academic research of her phenomenon. was conducted in the U S S R.
for the last 20 years of her life.
Kulagina was suspected of utilizing hidden magnets.
and threads to perform her feats. She was caught cheating on more than one occasion.
according to British authors Joel Levy. and Mike Dash.
and American science writer Martin Gardner. In 1987, Kulagina sued.
and won a partial victory in a defamation case.
brought against a Soviet government magazine. that had accused her of fraud.
Kulagina, who was born in 1926. joined the Red Army at age fourteen.
entering its tank regiment during World War 2.
that her alleged psychic abilities were studied. and she entered international discourse in
the 1960s. During the Cold War.
silent black and white films were produced. in which she appeared to move objects on a
table. in front of her without touching them.
These films were allegedly made. under controlled conditions for Soviet authorities.
and caused excitement for many psychic researchers. around the world.
some of whom believed that. they represented clear evidence.
for the existence of psychic phenomena. According to reports from the Soviet Union.
40 scientists, two of whom were Nobel laureates. studied Kulagina.
In Investigating Psychics. Larry Kettlekamp claims that.
Kulagina was filmed separating broken eggs. that had been submerged in water.
moving apart the whites and yolks. during which event such physical changes.
were recorded as accelerated. and altered.
heartbeat. brain waves.
and electromagnetic field. To ensure that external electromagnetic impulses.
did not interfere. she was placed inside of a metal cage.
while she supposedly demonstrated an ability. to remove a marked matchstick.
from a pile of matchsticks under a glass dome.
Kulagina claimed that. she first recognized her ability.
which she believed she had inherited from her mother.
when she realized that items. spontaneously moved around her.
when she was angry. Kulagina said that in order to manifest the
effect. she required a period of meditation.
to clear her mind of all thoughts. When she had obtained the focus required.
she reported a sharp pain in her spine. and the blurring of her eyesight.
Reportedly, storms interfered with her ability. to perform psychokinetic acts.
One of Kulagina's most celebrated experiments. took place in a Leningrad laboratory.
on 10 March 1970. Having initially studied the ability to.
move inanimate objects. scientists were curious to see.
if Kulagina's abilities extended to cells. tissues.
and organs. Sergeyev was one of many scientists present.
when Kulagina attempted to use her energy. to stop the beating of a frog's heart.
floating in solution. He said that she focused intently on the heart.
and apparently made it beat faster. then slower, and using extreme intent of thought.
stopped it.
Many individuals and organizations. such as the James Randi Educational Foundation.
and the Italian Committee for the Investigation. of Claims on.
the Paranormal (C I C A P). express skepticism regarding.
claims of psychokinesis. Massimo Polidoro has written that.
the long preparation times. and uncontrolled environments.
(such as hotel rooms). in which the experiments with Kulagina.
took place left much potential for trickery. Magicians and skeptics have argued that.
Kulagina's feats could easily be performed by.
one experienced in sleight of hand. through means such as cleverly concealed.
or disguised threads. small pieces of magnetic metal.
or mirrors and the Cold War era. Soviet Union had an obvious motive for falsifying.
or exaggerating results. in the potential propaganda value in appearing.
to win a "P s i Race" analogous to. the concurrent Space Race or arms race.
Vladimir Lvov published an article. in Pravda which accused Kulagina of fraud.
Lvov wrote that she performed. one of her tricks by concealing a magnet.
on her body. The article also reported that Kulagina.
had been arrested for cheating the public. out of five thousand rubles.
Science writer Martin Gardner. described Kulagina as.
a "pretty, plump, dark eyed little charlatan". who had been caught using tricks.
to move objects. According to Gardner.
she was caught cheating more than once. by Soviet Establishment scientists.
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