Rustic Stunning Custom Off Grid Tiny-Full Time Living or Rental
For more infomation >> Rustic Stunning Custom Off Grid Tiny-Full Time Living or Rental - Duration: 3:05.-------------------------------------------
Kia Picanto 1.2 CVVT Pluspack Carkit - Duration: 1:13.
Kia pro_cee'd 1.0 T-GDI GT-Plusline Navi Clima Cruise Lmv - Duration: 0:54.
Charlotte Casiraghi « fébrile », une menace sournoise guette son fils - Duration: 1:25.
Dolomiti Superski 2019 - 4k GoPro Hero 6 - Need for Speed! ?kmh/mph - Duration: 7:19.
Dolomiti Superski. Need for Speed
Lib Tech, Total Ripper Series
Yeah, got ye!
Where are we going?
Downhill. Very fast!
How fast?
Exploring the slope
Going up for the first attempt
First run
Were you going fast?
So fast! I've hit 78 (kmh)
48,5 mph
That's pretty fast on a board
The adrenalin…!
Is that wise to do?
Not very!
Pretty dangerous
Did you kill someone?
Second run, with camera!
How fast?
80! (kmh)
50 mph
Final run
83,5 (kmh)
You should get a speeding ticket!
I should!
You know how many miles that is?
52...! hour
But how about that GoPro cameraman?
How fast?
90,7 (kmh)
That's about….
55 mph
How fast did you go? Let us know in a comment below!
Huh? Really….?
No. It's the carspeed on our way home.
& our target for next time!
Eleanor needs her forever home - Duration: 1:33.
Our members share their stories - Duration: 2:15.
I would probably be on my way to my death bed if I didn't have insurance
because I wouldn't be able to afford the treatments that I'm getting.
As a Blue Shield of California member, I was able to access the best possible care
as a part of my network.
All of my fears were set to one side as soon as the process started.
My name is Alison.
My name is Sean.
Hi, my name is Dave.
I live in Concord, California.
I live in Los Angeles.
Newport Beach, California.
I've been a member of Blue Shield of California for over two decades.
I put off the neck surgery for several months.
Which in hindsight was not the right thing to do, but I was nervous about
not just the surgery itself, but all of the background, the paperwork and the insurance claims—
and the finances.
They did a whole slew of blood work – he [doctor] calls me up and says,
"I got some really bad news for you.
You've been diagnosed with a very aggressive form of Stage 4 cancer."
Because of Blue Shield, I was able to find a doctor who I was familiar with,
have them a part of my network – went to see that doctor and he did the biopsy.
Blue Shield of California has been amazing.
I was pleasantly surprised not only at the recovery after the surgery,
but the care I was getting and any questions I had were immediately answered.
If I hadn't had that physical, my cancer would not have been caught as quickly as it was
and I don't think I would be here right now sitting as a healthy cancer-free individual.
Everything is very transparent.
There's nothing hidden, there's nothing - no surprises.
Everything was laid out.
I knew exactly how much I was going to be paying out-of-pocket
and how much was going to be covered.
If you can't go to the doctor, there's Teladoc.
If you're curious about what a procedure is going to cost,
check the cost estimator on the app.
I have great advice for anyone who is thinking about not getting insurance
because they want to save money or they feel they don't need it.
Get coverage through Blue Shield of California.
Do not hesitate.
You need to have your preventive care physical.
It costs nothing.
It's included in your plan.
Change that attitude and get health insurance.
Just bite the bullet and do it.
Coming Soon: Jeopardy! All-Star Games - Duration: 0:23.
- [Announcer] Coming this February
your favorite Jeopardy champions return
to compete as teams from $1 million.
- The Jeopardy All-Star Games.
(upbeat music)
Life is Strange EPISODE 1 [FAN-MADE] - Duration: 8:52.
max I would prefer it if you didn't sleep in my class. Sorry Mr.Jefferson
i expect it you have your photos ready for the competition. uh I, I need time
well the due dates coming up soon I don't want you to wait till the last
minute Max. Whatever it's not like she's gonna win or anything.. I don't know that
for sure everyone has a chance Victoria
see you Mr.Jefferson. Have a good day all
Hi Kate. Hi max.
Nathan and Victoria suck right? What's happening?
I am used to it I don't really want to talk about it. That's okay uh, If you want go out
for a cup of tea just text me. Thanks Max you're my only friend here
take care see you at the dorms
''Whatever it's not like she's gonna win or anything..'
Fuck it
no worries man.
it's all good, you're the boss
are we alone? I don't fucking know
let's talk buisness. What do you want?
you know what I want, I need my money. I have nothing for you.
you? You're the richest kid in this school don't even try to give me that bullshit
that's my dad money not mine. Oh poor little rich kid, stop doing drug then.
give me my money or I'll tell everyone what you've been doing. Shut up don't
talk to me like that. I'll tell everyone what you've been doing to those girls..
you don't know who the fuck I am. What are you doing put that down
don't tell me what to do I am so sick of people trying to control me you're gonna
you're gonna have so much more problems than just drugs Nathan
nobody would even miss your punk ass would they
are you okay? ah yes.
she's weird. Well if you say so
see you Mr.Jefferson
Oh max a minute please
are you okay? Yeah sure I'm, I'm just tired
well remember what I said yesterday I mean it you have a gift
I know you can use it. Thank you Jefferson
okay.. I just..
no worries man.
it's all good, you're the boss
are we alone? I don't fucking know
let's talk buisness. What do you want?
you know what I want, I need my money.
I have nothing for you.
you? you're the richest kid in the school don't even try to give me that bullshit
that's my dad's money not mine. Oh poor little rich kids stop doing drugs then
give me my money or I'll tell everyone we've been doing. Shut up don't talk to
me like that. I'll tell everyone what you've been doing to those girls..
you don't know who the fuck I am. What are you put that down
don't tell me what to do I am so sick of people trying to control me
you're gonna have so much more problems than just drugs Nathan
nobody would even miss your punk ass would they
don't ever touch me again freak
did I really change that?
hey Max! Here your flash
Thank you did you get my message?
Oh no, sorry, I was very busy. Okay did you heard the alarm? I did.
Are you okay Max? Yeah.. um Warren I have something to tell you-
-Max Caufield right?
I saw you leave the bathroom what the fuck are you doing?
I saw everything Nathan. Have you told anyone?
not yet you need to help me Nathan. get away from her
Warren! Don't touch him
don't tell me what to do
Get in!
what the fuck
「不細工だろうがかまわない」、登坂広臣が表現者として心にとどめていること - Duration: 2:55.
拡大写真 登 広臣 撮影/廣瀬 士 「『雪の 』は日本人なら誰 が1度は耳にして る名曲ですし、僕 とっても青春の1 」と登坂広臣(3 )
中島美嘉の歌う大 ット曲『雪の華』 らインスパイアさ 生まれた泣けるラ ストーリー映画に 演する彼に聞いた 表現者として心に どめていること、 して、男の幸せと
「必死に演じるこ で届けばいいなと いました」 俳 デビュー作で、数 の新人賞を受賞し 映画『ホットロー 』
この作品から5年 りとなる待望の恋 作品に挑戦した登 広臣。三代目 J SOUL BRO HERSのボーカ であり、'17年 らは本格的なソロ 動もスタートさせ アーティストの顔 はない、俳優とし の新たな姿を見せ くれるのが『雪の 』
「企画の段階か 声をかけていただ ていたんです。3 くらい前かな」 すぐには返事がで なかったと言う
それは、『ホット ード』を経験し、 半可な気持ちでは き受けられない、 当な覚悟が必要だ 感じたから
気持ちが変わった は、
12/31/18 19:02 - Duration: 4:59.
Nasbandi Khatam Karnay ka Mujarab Amal || Mardana Kamzori Ka Rohani Ilaj || kala jadu ka Tor - Duration: 11:35.
plz subscribe my channel
Dr. Kevin Snider - Industry 4.0 Luncheon Closing Remarks at Penn State New Kensington - Duration: 17:37.
I won't take much more than about two hours.
First, I want to get the thank yous out of the way. First off to Kennametal, Sherri McCleary has been active with
us in this project for a long time and we appreciate the support that Kennametal and Sherri has provided to this
effort. It's really really appreciated.
Also, I wanted to mention thank you to our panelists, which we just did again.
But finally, well, not finally, I also want to mention that we have had some project sponsors who have been working
with us every Friday for a long time to try and not pull off this conference necessarily, this luncheon, but to figure
out how do we take a town like New Kensington and an area like New Kensington and a region like the Alle-Kiski
Valley and turn it into a digital belt.
I'd like those folks to stand up. They're on the back of the program, so if youre from ABC CREATE, Arconic,
CMU Create Lab, The Corner, Economic Growth Connection of Westmoreland, Kennametal, Siemens
and Westmorland County Industrial Development Corporation.
Please give these folks a hand.
A little late, but ok.
Alright, and then
Finally, and most importantly thank you to the Penn State New Kensington Staff. I want to point out some
people in particular.
Corinne Coulson, Kary Milan, Pat Hollinger and Candee Christy.
On top of the jobs that they have they, trying to keep this campus afloat, they have put a lot of time into
making sure you are fed, and that there's actually a program and you didn't just show up and
it was me and a guitar trying to figure out how to entertain you for an hour and a half, so if you could give
those those folks a hand, I'd really appreciate it.
As I mentioned, we meet every Friday, and we've been doing that for a while, and the reason is because we
believe. We believe that there is a future for this area, and we believe that there is a future for our students,
there is a future for our companies and there is a future for our institutions.
We believe that future is Industry 4.0,
and we really think that as we've been meeting, that the connection between business and industry and
education has never been more needed, more appropriate or more on the verge of producing a
workforce that is beyond any other workforce in the region or in the country.
I say that because I really think that this lunch was the result of that planning. What we tried to do was make
sure that educators had a chance to hear from business and industry, the struggles that they're facing in the
near future. These things that Illah was talking, these things that the companies are talking about, they're not
here next year, they're not here 10 years from now, some of them will be, they're not here five years from
now, they're here now.
They're dealing with these issues now. They need a workforce that is a different workforce and some of
them don't even know that yet.
So, the fact that we are working together is extremely important and we wanted you to understand that
because we need you to be believers.
The reason why we need you to be believers is that we have to change.
It bothers me every day that I'm going to get up on this stage this Saturday, and I'm going to graduate students
who've not heard about Industry 4.0.
Who don't realize that the second they graduate, the clock is ticking on their retirement. It's up to them
There is no company that's going to come in and employ them for 35, 40 years.
They're going to have to think about that.
They're going to have to negotiate that.
They're going to have to enter a world where there are 4-11 different careers.
Not jobs. Careers.
I bumped into an interesting young lady a couple of weeks ago. My wife and I were having lunch,
and she had a Ph.D. in English. We thought, "Wow that was pretty neat."
She said, "Yeah, you know what I had to pivot." She used that word; we use that word a lot in the entrepreneurial
ecosystem, which I pretend to be a part of now. I said, "You had to pivot?" She said, "Yeah, there were no jobs."
"So what do you do now?"
"I'm a data analyst. I do data data analytics."
"What do you plan to do?"
"Well, I might go into software programming."
I mean, those are three different things, and she's all of, well she looked like she was 14 years old. She was all of
maybe 35.
The world is changing, and I think we need to get together and change that.
There's some great news on that front.
The first is that we have advantages in this area that, as I've been out talking to people about 4.0, and if you
bump into me, you will hear the word 4.0 50 times.
So, I talk about it a lot to a lot of different types of people, and when I do that,
and now we're getting contacted by others who are also thinking about this.
What I found is, that we have advantages in this area that very few other regions have.
There is a group called The Seven, and they're up in Milwaukee.
Basically, it's seven counties trying to figure out how to prepare a digital, a workforce for the digital age.
When he heard that we had a school system, a set of school systems.
When he heard that we had business and companies involved.
When he heard that we had a Corner with entrepreneurial training
When he heard of all the things that we had; the resources in Pittsburgh at our disposal.
He said, "You know what, nobody has that."
I want to talk just a second about what some of those opportunities are.
Because, what's in front of us is the opportunity to become the digital belt of this region.
I really believe we have an opportunity to become the digital belt for the country, in ways that benefit small,
neighborhood, small communities like the ones that we live in.
Just a couple things.
Part of our resources here at Penn State is our own faculty.
Dr. A, who asked a question, is really thinking hard about how do you integrate business courses and business
programs and business students into being able to manage in a digital 4.0 world.
Dr. Xu is here. She also-she's an entrepreneurial expert, so that's her kind of field.
Dr. Tan is a person who is researching the juxtaposition, the inner relationship, the connection of humans with
robotics and what does it mean.
So, when you talk about how do we learn from robots and how do robots learn from us
and what are the impacts of that. That's something that he does research on.
Dr. Cuiffi,
who was on the panel, is developing what we hope will be the state-of-the-art factory 4.0 simulator.
Being developed on this campus, tested on our students, tested in, for our regional companies.
We're hoping to take that simulator and adjust it to the tool and die industry, adjust it for education,
so the students and people in smaller companies have the chance to see how industry 4.0 can affect them.
It's not just our faculty, but it's all of Penn State faculty.
Because we have the Corridor of Innovation up at Penn State - or here in New Kensington, we've been able to
attract researchers down to look at things like roofs, social issues involved in mindset
Something we're working on, we have a stackable computer now, which is a simulated super computer
so we can develop large data sets
so students can get some of the experience dealing with the data analytics that people have mentioned.
But even beyond that, we have Pittsburgh.
I mean the fact that we CREATE Lab
that is right down the road from us, really.
It takes about 40 minutes to get there.
Involved with us to help the school districts figure out how to enhance creativity and innovation
through the use of technology, it's incredible.
And the entrepreneurial ecosystem that is out there in this area,
many of you are in the room, that provide expertise and knowledge and guidance and consulting services
for companies that are trying to get into 4.0.
We have that resource in a way that very few others do.
We also have Pitt. I hate to say that word; I'm waiting for the lightning bolt to strike me, but I guess I got away with it.
Pitt, Carnegie Mellon,
We have Arconic, Siemens and Kennametal, which have taken the initiative to get involved with us
and meet with us every week to figure out how can we start to work on getting better connected
to the educational system and to providing opportunities for everybody.
I want to just leave you with an understanding that this is not something that's just talk.
It's not panelists sitting up here talking.
It's not a luncheon that's going to be over and done.
There are real, tangible things that have happened and are happening
to position this area for a future that I think will benefit all of us.
The first is, if you all don't know, we do have a Corner
building called The Corner.
It's an entrepreneurial center and coworking space.
It's a place where we will, in the spring and then full-fledged out in the fall, next year,
be offering 4.0 programming
for students, for companies, for individuals, for entrepreneurs.
We run entrepreneurial programming out of there.
Rhonda Schuldt is somewhere, she's - raise your hand - there she is.
who handles the entrepreneurial programming for us.
So if you have an idea,
we have an incredible amount of resources to take that idea and turn it into a business.
We're using that entrepreneurial center
to provide experiences for students so they develop the entrepreneurial mindset that is so critical
to some of the things that have been talked about by business and industry here.
We plan on producing intrapreneurs out of that programming.
We're building
a state-of-the-art factory simulator
as I've mentioned. I keep talking about that. I hope it becomes a reality.
And then,
it's coming, guys. It's coming, believe me.
We also just worked with Siemens to talk about how we can get our students familiar with software
to develop digital twins.
The software packages that are coming in to develop, basically, virtual twins of product.
So that you can send those to someone like Arconic and have them look at it virtually before you are able to
produce it for them physically.
We think that's going to be huge.
We also have a plan to adapt - for the - We have a plan to adapt the future workforce.
So now on your sheets, here.
If you have this sheet,
If any of you have seen this.
You'll see on the front side with the boxes,
that our effort to do an entrepreneurial center turned from just providing an entrepreneurial center
that was going to produce entrepreneurs, to really going out and tackling
the Rust Belt to digital belt on four different levels.
The first is the entrepreneurial ecosystem.
and I'm going to talk about something else with that in a minute.
The second is workforce development, which we think the factory simulator can help with.
But do you know that there are people in New Kensington that have trouble filling out an online application?
And it's not only New Kensington.
It's Vandergrift. It's Apollo. It's Pittsburgh. It's all over.
If those people aren't participating in the economy now,
how are we going to take care of them when we go to a digital economy?
and that's what we want to try and change, and we think we can through working with companies
like Siemens, and Arconic and others.
We can find ways to use technology to train that workforce.
The future workforce,
You may not know this, but if you are in business right here,
you are being joined today
by 40-50 educators
who've been working for fours years on a Grable Grant
to use technology to enhance creativity and innovation in the classrooms.
They've already been
working on producing the type of individuals that you want to be in your workforce,
and they're doing it in amazing and creative ways.
What we really want you to do if you are a business today,
is think about how to get involved with them so they can continue
to make new and, I think, dramatic steps in providing the workforce you need.
We also have something on the infrastructure,
where we're trying to work on building,
in New Kensington,
a city that looks better,
a city that is connected,
a city that offers things like a digital lab.
I'm going to go into that right now.
In the future,
what we hope to do as an immediate step and the next thing for us, is to build a digital lab,
which is a maker space.
A maker space is where you go and create,
well you, flush out a project or a concept or a product.
Most maker spaces are physical;
they have machines,
the lathe machines and printers and things like that.
We're thinking it's going to take us two to three years to build one anyway,
why don't we build a digital lab, a maker space for the future
and not for the past.
What we will be able to do if we can build this thing
is be able to provide your students,
small companies,
current workforce,
future workforce
the ability to try things out
in the workspace of tomorrow.
It will provide our students an opportunity to get software skills to develop those digital twins
that are needed for a big company.
It will provide small businesses a place to come where they can't do it on their own.
So if you're a tool and die company of maybe 5 or 6 people,
you don't know what you need for Industry 4.0;
you know the technology is coming.
You also don't have the ability to invest in the tools that are going to be needed.
We want to provide those tools to you,
and we want to make sure that you can succeed.
We have a long way to go between here and when that's built,
but that's the direction for us,
and we've got some big players helping us, and we're really, really appreciative of that.
We also have adjusted programming I've talked about.
We have ABC Create,
which I just mentioned.
What we're hoping to do with that group,
is have them examine what they're doing
so we can see what's missing in Industry 4.0,
and we can work on it starting in kindergarten.
So, K-12, we're starting to work on
how are we providing these students
an introduction into the types of technologies that are out there.
How do we teach them to continually pivot and learn so that they can use technology as a tool
and outpace robotics and artificial intelligence over the course of their lives?
And then when they graduate, how can we make every single one of them come to Penn State New Kensington,
ah ha, there's the ultimate goal, right?
How can we make them come to college
and engage in the same type of learning so that when they graduate,
they have the skills that make them, set them apart from any other workforce?
There are very few places in the country that have this amount of resources,
this ability to do this,
and we want to really take that forward.
So most of all, what's next is to try and get you involved.
There are a couple of things.
The first is,
this is really simple,
nothings free, right?
You have,
and it's green so you can find it,
you have a survey.
This is very, very important to us because what we are doing right now is,
we're getting ready to develop the organization,
the tools and the resources to meet your needs.
What we need you to do is to fill this out so that we know what your needs are.
So, that's the first thing that you need to do; that's an easy way to get involved.
On the back,
on the bottom, you'll see that there are different things we're planning.
We're planning a -
- to do programing and what to know if you are interested in that.
We're hoping to do a resource fair to so you the technologies that are out there
if you're in business or if you're in education.
We hope that you'll receive information about a membership.
This thing is so messy and so big
that we can't possibly provide services to everything
and meet everyone's needs, but what we can do
is develop a place where you can come
and get the answers to your questions.
We want to be a clearing house for you,
and we want to keep up to date on what's happening in technology,
and we want to keep you up to date with what's happening in business,
and we want to keep you up to date with what's happening in education.
In order to do that we need to know what your needs are.
Then, we're going to take those back,
and if you're interested and you connect with us, we would love to have you join us,
and we will know what that looks like after we've been through these surveys.
We are going to continue this.
We are going to continue working with you.
We are going to continue to bring you together,
and we are going to continue to develop the best workforce,
I was going to say in the history of the planet, but that might be a bit much,
but we're going to develop a workforce that will let everyone one of our students succeed
and provide every one of our businesses in the area with an opportunity to succeed as well
in an age that is new and different,
but also exciting.
So, thank you very much for coming today.
Thank you for taking the time.
I appreciate that, and I look forward to working with you in the future.
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АМАЗОНКИ СУЩЕСТВОВАЛИ НА САМОМ ДЕЛЕ? Кто и Зачем Придумал Амазонок? - Duration: 5:23.
Link to article in description
The traditions of Greek antiquity, brought to us by Homer
and Herodotus, narrate about a tribe of amazons — virgins,
once living on the shores Black Sea, "in the wilds
Scythia is distant. "
There was no place in their kingdom men
Brave and ruthless they fought at the walls of Troy
against the Greeks.
Is it a legend having real reasons, or
leisure tale?
Or the Greeks had a chance to meet with the tribe who lived by the laws
matriarchy and meeting so struck them that we
and now, three thousand years later, we repeat the ancient
profit that is in our mouth long ago turned into a fable?
Savage to me is incoherent and haughty
She said that she is Penthesilea, Amazon Queen, and will answer
We are the contents of his quiver.
G. von Kleist.
Three hundred maidens in search of the main the hero
Spring day.
Sea shore.
Behind lies half the world, conquered im a hero.
He is tired.
He has achieved all of what dreamed of.
A servant approaches him: "Some notable arrived
Nod of the head, gesture of the winner: "Let him enter!"
Well, he's used to honoring.
But the stranger arrived not alone.
The retinue dismounted before the house, there are three hundred young and brave
Hero Surprise Surrounds gaze this crowd.
What a look they are unusual!
Even more strange is what will happen. farther.
Presenting the hero, beautiful guest shamelessly merit
his gaze.
"How small and thin he is," - displeased she throws for all the barbarians
feel respect for impressive figure, thinking that only
special to be doing human "equal gods."
Immediately guest announces Why come here.
For the baby!
The hero was Alexander of Macedon.
Conquering half the famous to him then the world, he stood
camp on the south bank Caspian Sea.
The stranger was called Falestris.
She was the queen who "ruled all living between the Caucasus
and the Phasis River, but the whole her appearance did not fit
her rank that surprised anyone: tied skirt
over the knees knot; in hand - light shield in the form of
crescent; "Left half Breast naked. "
She was the queen of the Amazons - tribe living on the banks
Black Sea, and wished to conceive from the hero's daughter, for that was due
be born the best royal bloods.
Alexandra was astonished with an unusual request, but he agreed.
The festival lasted for two weeks, to which all
three hundred amazons and the best Macedonian warriors.
It was in those days all that allows thinking: and
drinking, and dancing, and love, which indulged in the dark
barely finding each other.
Then Falestris set off in his kingdom, and Alexander
- to Parthia.
This amazing episode from the life of the great commander
cited the author of "The History of Alexander Macedonian ", Roman
writer Curtius Ruf, who lived four centuries later.
According to him, meeting with the queen of the Amazons held
in 330 BC
However, another, better known biographer of the Macedonian king
Arrian, so appreciates the legend about meeting Alexander with
Amazons: "About all this no word ... none
a writer whose story about such an exceptional
The event could be believed.
I do not think the tribe Amazons survived until
time preceding Alexandru. "
Obviously, the meeting really turned out to be a figment of fantasy
a jaded resident of Rome, lover of "bread and circuses."
Real Amazons, if they actually lived
then many centuries earlier.
In the era of Alexander the Great the story of them already seemed
a legend.
In their fairy kingdom believed no more than in
any king power Pea because it is long
disappeared from the face of the earth.
Their queens died in battles.
Their descendants hid in remote corners of Asia and North
Of Africa.
Only legends remained and myths, travel notes
and the war chronicles, really more monuments, coins and
even the names of cities.
Do you believe that the Amazons really existed?
Write in the comments.
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