本月初到新西兰怀乌鲁(Waiouru)训练区参加代号"霹雳战士"(Thunder Warrior)的军事演习
冯伟衷当时跟另外两人在155毫米榴弹炮车(Singapore Self-Propelled Howitzer)内进行维修工作
在军训中受重伤的新加坡艺人冯伟衷(Aloysius Pang)在新加坡时间1月23日晚9时于新西兰怀卡托医院不幸离世
被送至到卡托医院(Waikato Hospital)手术。
2012年通过饰演电影《那个夏天》(Timeless Love)中的Morgan一角走红
" "我们将失去一个兄弟
" 冯伟衷女友胡佳琪也在Facebook上悲痛地表示:"我们来生再见…" 随后
冯伟衷好友林俊杰也在社交媒体上表达哀悼…… 哎…愿他一路走好。
实在是太让人心痛了! 冯伟衷的离世可以说没有一点防备
但是现在却尽是悲伤啊!不知道今后要怎么走出来…… 所以真的谁都不知道明天和意外究竟谁会先来
(午言媒体提供) 本地电视新人宗子杰去年当了《Z世代》男主角
" 宗子杰去年9月随经理人许振荣到马尔代夫
佩服巨石强森的毅力 宗子杰在沙滩上展露平日努力锻炼的身材
他的偶像是好莱坞的大只佬巨星Dwayne Johnson(巨石强森)
" 宗子杰在淡马锡理工学院念书时曾是小胖子
" 目前宗子杰在拍摄樟宜机场网络宣传短片
" 记者听了觉得宗子杰可怜
他赶紧补充:"我也有吃到12分饱的时候啦!" 宗子杰明白男艺人只靠肌肉
冯伟衷参加代号为"霹雳战士"(Thunder Warrior)的军事演习
胡佳琪悼念全文: 至我最亲爱的你
懂吗? 还有
You'll always be a part of me,
my man.
till death do us apart baby boy.
For more infomation >> 《最新消息》R. I. P,冯伟衷伤重不治 - Duration: 11:52.-------------------------------------------
マンハートがランボルギーニ「ウルス」を過激チューン。812馬力/980Nm発揮でカーボン多用はマジ無敵 - Duration: 3:29.
国産EVハイパーカー・アスパーク「アウル(owl)」がニュルブルクリンク挑戦へ。レベルは未知数ながらもターゲットは市販車最速記録? - Duration: 4:57.
トヨタ・新型「スープラ」のチューニングモデル第一号は超ワイド!オーバーフェンダー&ローダウンのゴリゴリカスタム - Duration: 3:31.
金沢輸入車ショウ2019に行ってきた。やはりフランス車は女性に大人気、但しルノーに比べるとちょっと元気は無さそうか?#01 - Duration: 9:27.
Emmanuel Macron : ce que révèle son horoscope pour 2019 - Duration: 7:14.
VLOG(ENG)친환경 살림 일상/남은 채소 요리/Low Waste Life/ - Duration: 7:30.
good morning
I often make yogurt.
Homemade yogurt has no sugar or additives.
It may not use plastic for the environment.
After a magical period of time, yogurt is complete.
I use coffee powder by drying it.
You can use a microwave to dry it quickly.
Heat the coffee powder in the microwave for 2 minutes.
Mix this until the moisture is blown away.
Repeat the process twice and dry it in a wind-free place.
I use it by drying slowly.
I spread coffee powder on paper and dry it for two days.
It is necessary to dry the coffee powder to make it look rough so that it does not mold.
Coffee powder can be obtained at a coffee shop.
Coffee powder is useful for cleaning oil pan.
Used coffee powder should be thrown in the trash can.
Natural scrubber is convenient for cutting with scissors.
a weekend afternoon
I'm going to use all the vegetables left in the refrigerator.
Fried rice is simple.
shrimp and fish eggs
pepper, oyster sauce, and white wine
Pepper, oyster sauce,
tomato ketchup
On weekends, families can get together to eat.
This is a wax.
I'm going to wax the fabric.
I can easily buy necessities at the supermarket near my house.
I thought they made me comfortable.
But I wonder if they really made me comfortable.
A lot of environmental issues...I want to keep the natural basis now.
I made thick wax wraps.
After I folded it up like this, I use instead of plastic wrap.
Keep the basics
Instead of chasing novelty, I want to step back and see the world with a wide outlook.
Edouard Philippe, qui était-il avant de devenir Premier ministre -NT - Duration: 2:59.
Grand débat : l'appel de Macron aux Français de l'étranger - Duration: 2:54.
火藥味十足!台海附近,今天中美雙方同時出動! - Duration: 12:36.
美軍行動針對性十足台灣《聯合報》也第時 美艦再穿台海
飛彈驅逐艦「斯托克代爾」號(USS Stockdale)和補給艦「佩科斯」號(USNS Pecos)再次通過台海。
美國海軍作戰部部長約翰·理察森(John Richardson)本月18日甚至聲稱
轟-6資料照(來源:台灣「中時電子報」) 台防務部門還聲稱
(圖源:東森新聞雲) 海外網12月20日電據「中時電子報」20日消息
(海外網 朱簫) 本文系版權作品
圖片來源:台灣「聯合新聞網」 【環球網綜合報導】台防務部門17日再次發布新聞稿稱
【ドバイ】人気観光スポット7選 - Duration: 3:32.
Classical Musicians React: Kim JeHwi 'Dear Moon (My Mister OST)' - Duration: 10:58.
Henry: Big major three modulation, back to one. Get their chromatic mediant. Yeah!
Umu: Next you'll be reacting to a K-drama OST composed, arranged, and sung by Kim JeHwi.
So, this OST is called ''Dear Moon', and it's from the K-drama called 'My Mister',
which is a story about two adults facing the worst moments of their lives and trying to find support in each other.
In the drama, the moon becomes symbol that represents
tranquility, meditation, and hope the adults give each other.
Henry: Oh. I want to watch this. Elizabeth: Protip: Meditation is actually really great and very useful. Do it.
Umu: The solo artist IU, who acted as one of the lead roles in this
K-drama also wrote the lyrics, and said that, quote, "When you're in a dark place and all around you is pitch dark, the light you see is moonlight.
I hope even in the deepest corners, the moonlight, aka an adult, would be fair and shine some light, aka kindness."
It is a song that conveys conflicting feelings of poverty and loneliness, as well as the warmth that an unreachable moon provides.
Henry: Yeah.
Three, two,
Elizabeth: Sol do (she's singing in solfege)
Kevin: Ayyyyy....goes up to three.
Sinks down. This is the sinking, falling feeling.
Jeremy: It sounds like a Christmas song. Hugo: I know, I was thinking either like Christmas or musical theater.
Jeremy: Yeah.
Elizabeth: Gotta hit those bells.
Henry: Big major three modulation, back to one.
Get their chromatic mediant. Yeah!
Kevin: The song definitely sounds more optimistic than the title or the synopsis suggests, but I guess..
I guess it is about hope and hoping in dark times.
Henry: Big left channel.
Brings it center.That's good stereo imaging right there.
Elizabeth: Ohh, yes.
Henry: This is really good.
Feels kind of like television-poppy, Elizabeth: Ooh, good vibraphone in there. Henry: but like, it does not take away from the fact that it's really good.
Wicked piano.
Very acoustic elements, interesting melody going to the flat seven.
James: Oh.
Melissa: Ooh.
James: Ah!
Melissa: Ooh!
Oh, my God!
Elizabeth: oohhhh cello! Henry: nice cello playing.
I played cello for a year. Henry: Did you for real?
Hold on a minute. They bring the drums in after two minutes of it just being other
instrumental stuff. Very, very smart. Really, really, excellent pacing.
Kevin: I love how we landed on that major, but then it just kind of forces it back to B-flat major.
Jeremy: I like that tonicization. Hugo: I know, that was a cool...that was a cool moment.
Harmonic progression, as it were.
Elizabeth: Can he teach me how to phrase? I really like his phrasing.
Henry: That's like how gentle and honest his voice is. It's very unassuming. It's really not reaching for something that it isn't.
Kevin: And we go into....
Kevin: That's a key change if I've ever heard one.
James: His voice is so pure.
Melissa: Yeah.
Hugo: I like his voice a lot. Jeremy: Me, too.
Hugo: Like he's still on his core, but it's got a breathiness that is nice, that softens it, so it's not strident. Jeremy: Yeah.
Hugo: Plus, his mix and his head voice are really good.
Kevin: Drum sounds very cool.
So often in these poppy tracks the drums could easily sound more subdued. I think here it's perfect
Henry: Nice high harmony. Yeah. Really not overpowering in any way. Excellent.
Walking up the minor scale in a major key? That's him!
Sometimes predictable harmony is just like
Elizabeth: Yeah.
Hugo: This is the song that plays during the credits of a sad but sappy and heartwarming rom-com.
Kevin: Umm, does the major three Picardy again.
So the material in the verse comes back after the second chorus to wrap up the song, I'm guessing.
Jeremy: I like this piano part.
There's some 'Bohemian Rhapsody' ending, right there. With the diminished chord, especially.
Melissa: Oh, the cello comes back.
Oh, I love that!
That's so cute!
Henry: Wow! I thought that was stupendous. I thought that was so good.
This is what I'm gonna go home and listen to. I love this.
I actually do. This sounds like a song I've been trying to write for a really long time.
Elizabeth: I got the tranquil vibe.
I mean, there was a lot of focus on vocal melody and vocal harmony. With uses like things like chimes,
xylophone, vibraphone, bells, things like that--
it's just, having a bell-like sound is very calm
and tranquil, because it's sort of like you get the accent at the beginning, but then it just sort of like,
disseminates very beautifully.
So yeah, I really thought that idea of tranquility was coming through. And even just the singing--the tempo was very laid-back,
so, you know,
the singer could really just like ease into all of the melodies, and the phrasing was beautiful,
and very nice. So yeah, I liked it too.
Jeremy: It was a very nice song.
It was very calming, and I could totally see it as a soundtrack.
The singer was sort of like
whisper singing, and you could tell he was standing right in front of the mic when he was recording it,
Hugo: Yep. Jeremy: but I really liked it, and that just like added to the
the feeling of it. Hugo: Yeah, it's just so heartwarming, Jeremy: Like, yeah, it was. Hugo: so like that heartwarming
feel, you know? Jeremy: Yeah.
Kevin: If you think about just pure melodic writing, the melody itself and the way it's constructed
really fits with the theme of the song, I think. So, the verse
focuses on
going downwards--falling. It starts with (singing)--that's a major third.
(singing) Or like, and then it goes into a major fourth or a major fifth.
It's like trying to go a little farther, and it's very step-wise, the verse after that.
So it goes up and down in a very step-wise way.
And then in the chorus you have these very wide melodic leaps,
and that's the upward versus the downward of the verse. And not only does that make it more musically compelling and memorable between the
sections even though the style is the same, it also fits with the idea of finding hope and
feeling down, and I think it just
all works very nicely together. And
given that the song is major, it's nice that there's so much
variety, and it does feel hopeful yet melancholic,
yet happy, yet somewhat sad at the same time. Isaac: It's like something I did notice was the very
tasteful way of going from very simple
texture, Kevin: Uh-hmm. Isaac: so it's just like intervals, and then later flourishing with many instruments coming in, doubling up in voices who are
harmonizing with one another. And then later, the variance is like this trickling ritardando--
you're just taking time. Kevin: Yeah.
Isaac: So you're kind of like winding away. Kevin: Yeah.
Isaac: And it's very interesting because when you talk about like losing hope or losing the sense of hope, it's like when,
it's like time it feels so
prolonged. Kevin: Yeah. Isaac: Yeah.
Melissa: It's so pretty.
James: Wow
Wow. And just as far as like the instrumentation that they used and the chord progressions
they used, it was really expressive and really emotional, Melissa: Yeah. James: and kind of like would tug at you, and then...
Melissa: Especially the cello.
James: Yeah, the cello was lovely. Melissa: That's something you don't usually hear, like you always hear piano.
James: Yeah, the vocal slide, and the sigh that you were talking about. Melissa: The sigh--can I talk about the sigh?
James: Yeah, Melissa: I think, okay,
so he mostly, like his breathy tone was like
noticeably very breathy on the sigh, and I thought that was so cool.
And especially how in the beginning, he had words to that sigh. And there's a specific example--I don't know
what cantata exactly, but there's this Bach cantata, and I think he says the words like "weinen" or something,,
which means crying in German, and he's like, you know, talking about crying, and it just sounds like, you know crying or sighing, like (sighing). James: Yeah, yeah.
There were just like a lot of expressive emotion here, like flat 6 I kept hearing all the time.
It's that little twist that you hear right before the big resolution,
and it's just so gratifying to hear. And
also, just a note on melody, too: Like, we're familiar with a lot more orchestral melodies,
and there are just some composers who just know how to write a good melody.
Like, it sticks, it's harmonically interesting,
it stays in your head and it just like tugs at you,
you know, kinda just tugs at your heart strings, and I got that with this melody.
It was just so...it was just good. It was just well done,
so catchy, just everything. The song was awesome. It was really awesome. And I loved his voice.
Hello, everyone, I'm Umu, React to the K channel creator, and I'd like to thank you for watching this video.
I really hope you enjoyed or learned something from it..
If you'd like to support us or help React to the K grow, you can do so by visiting our Patreon, and help us out by pledging
any amount you can. Big tip of the hat to our Superstar Idol patrons. Thanks for the love. 'Til next time.
OnePlus 6T vs Note 9: In-Depth Camera Test Comparison - Duration: 10:40.
Hi guys, it's KJ the MiTechGuy here and as promised, I have another camera comparison
involving the OnePlus 6T.
Today, I'll be comparing it to the great camera system found on the Samsung Galaxy
Note 9.
In this video, I'll be comparing the cameras in various lighting conditions, both indoors
and outdoors, and I'll also look at the video and audio qualities of both phones.
Make sure to stick around to the end of the video to see how the OnePlus 6T's night
mode compares to the dual aperture found on the Note 9.
Huge shoutout to Xcentz for sponsoring this video.
Let's get right into it.
The Galaxy Note 9 has a dual-12 megapixel camera setup.
Using Samsung's new Scene Optimization and Flaw Detection, the Note 9 will be able to
optimize different image properties for a given scene, and it also can see if an image
was blurry, or someone was blinking.
The main, wide-angle camera can automatically vary between f/1.5 and f/2.4 apertures, whereas
the telephoto camera is a fixed f/2.4.
The second telephoto camera allows for 2x optical zoom, and helps with those portrait
style pictures.
The OnePlus 6T houses a main 16 Megapixel sensor that has an aperture of f/1.7.
Its second camera is 20 Megapixels, but has the same aperture and focal length as its
main sensor.
OnePlus says the 2nd camera helps out with portrait mode shots.
Both phones are capable of shooting 4K video at 30 and 60 frames per second.
In terms of the front cameras of both phones, the OnePlus 6T's 16 megapixel camera actually
has double the megapixel count of the 8 megapixel selfie camera on the Note 9.
These selfie cameras can both record 1080p video, while the Note 9 is capable of shooting
1440p video.
As I get into the side-by-sides, know that I am going to start off with images in great
lighting, and then I will look at images shot in progressively worse lighting conditions
until I get to night time.
And Finally, I will look at the video and audio qualities of both phones.
This first image shows how high quality both cameras are.
Both are very detailed, but both cameras processed the images a bit differently.
The 6T's photo looks to show a little bit more contrast, while the Note 9's image
is brighter, but actually is slightly over-exposed.
When I changed to the Note 9's telephoto lens, we can see that it simply captures more
details than the 6T's 2x software zoom, as expected.
That being said, the 6T's 16 Megapixel sensor was still able to capture a good amount of
Here, the Note 9 exposed the shot much better, and I actually think it took the more true
to life picture of the two.
The 6T's image is brighter, and has more punchy colors, but in my opinion, the colors
are a bit too punchy.
Again, both pictures were great though.
This next image shot in great lighting show almost identical levels of detail in each
Again, the 6T has the more saturated photo.
You have to decide for yourself whether you prefer the punchy colors on the 6T, or the
subdued, but more natural colors of the Note 9.
Both phones are able to take portrait mode pictures.
Because of the help of the telephoto lens, the Note 9 is able to do a better job with
defining edges.
The 6T on the other hand, is able to take the wider-angled photo and is also able to
maintain much more of the colors in the background.
In terms of details, I do think the Note 9 is able to pick up more throughout the subject's
face and clothes.
Both phones also have very high quality selfie cameras.
The 6T's 16 Megapixels clearly pick up more details on my face than the Note 9's selfie
camera does and is able to pick up a lot more of the colors throughout the image.
But the saturation levels are really making my skin look orange.
When I switched to the portrait modes, again I noticed that the 6T's image is more detailed,
but makes my skin look orange.
Both lost the colors of the background and had trouble with my hair, but both took pretty
great pictures in my opinion.
To nobody's surprise, these two high quality 2018 camera systems performed excellent when
the lighting was great.
But let's see how the two camera systems perform when the lighting gets more challenging.
Both cameras have terrific HDR capabilities, and this typical very challenging shot was
captured very nicely by both camera systems.
Both did a really good job of not overexposing the skylight itself, while maintaining all
of the details in the foreground.
Again, the 6T's image is overall brighter, but is also a bit oversaturated, making the
white ceiling look yellowish and other colors in the frame look slightly unnatural.
This is a challenging shot because of the sun shining through the trees in the background,
but both phones handled this situation beautifully.
The HDR on both phones is really impressing me, and I can't really say anything bad
about either image.
Just keep in mind the types of colors you prefer as I continue the side-by-sides.
This shot was taken at the Samsung booth at CES where there is a lot going on with a lot
of different light sources.
Both cameras did pretty well.
I would say that the Note 9 did the better job of not only maintaining all of the details
in the foreground, but also exposing all of the different light sources.
The colors and details in the lighting fixtures are better preserved in the Note 9's image.
In this image, I wanted to see how the cameras handled direct sunlight.
In this case, although both were able to keep the foreground properly exposed, the 6T was
able to handle the light from the sun significantly better, which is noticeable by how much smaller
the sun appears in the 6T's image as opposed to that in the Note 9's image.
Now I will really test the cameras' capabilities in very low lighting.
The Note 9 has its large F/1.5 aperture that it automatically switches to in these conditions
whereas the OnePlus 6T has its night mode that I was able to switch to.
This image was taken in the automatic modes of both phones.
As you can see, the larger aperture that the Note 9 uses here is able to obtain more information
and helps the Note 9 pull out more of the colors throughout the image while doing a
good job of exposing the neon sign.
When I shifted to the night mode of the 6T, it clearly made a huge difference.
During the 3 seconds it takes the 6T to capture the image, it is able to really pull out a
lot of the details and colors that even the F/1.5 aperture of the Note 9 was unable to
pick up.
This shot was taken with the night mode on in the 6T, and it shows that you and the subject
have to be perfectly still for it to execute correctly.
It was able to pick up a ton of information, but the subject's head and feet look blurred
due to some very slight movements by me or the subject.
The Note 9 was just able to capture this image basically instantly.
The Note 9 is able to take very natural-looking night shots, while also doing a good job of
keeping image noise to a minimum.
But the 6T's night mode, when the situation is right and everything is stationary, is
really able to pull in much more of the colors and details than the Note 9 is able to.
The question then becomes if you're going to take the extra couple of seconds to switch
the 6T to night mode and then wait again as it has to keep its shutter open for 3 seconds.
As I now shift into the video qualities of both phones, know that both phones are able
to capture 4K video at 60 frames per second, but I set both to 4K at 60 frames per second
because that is what this video is uploaded at.
If you have watched my other OnePlus 6T camera comparisons, you probably already know what
I'm going to say.
I have no idea why OnePlus elected to make the 4K video of the 6T so saturated.
Samsung used to have this problem, but now the Note 9 shows that it is very possible
to have visually appealing colors without making everything look fake.
I should mention that both phones do have some really impressive image stabilization,
but it is so difficult to look past how saturated the 6T's video is.
I really hope OnePlus fixes it with a software update because it is just way too much color.
In terms of the front video qualities of both phones, I'd say that the colors actually
look pretty good on both.
I'm impressed by the level of detail and clarity both front cameras have in their videos.
The OnePlus 6T is also able to really stabilize the video, making it look like I'm walking
with the phone on a gimbal.
Both phones even do a good job of changing the exposure as I walked through shadows and
harsher lighting.
The big issue with the 6T in this case is the audio.
The audio on the 6T sounds way too over-processed to the point where my voice sounds very tinny.
The Note 9, on the other hand, actually captured some impressive, naturally sounding audio.
Before I give my final thoughts and feelings about these two camera systems, I wanted to
talk to you a little bit about another cool product by Xcentz, who made this video possible.
No matter what devices you own, you probably have that one place where you have to plug
in a lot of different electronics at once.
Whether you're plugging in a monitor, your phone, or tablet, I can confidently recommend
the Xcentz Surge Protector Power Strip.
It has 8 AC Outlets and 2 USB ports.
You can plug your devices into it knowing that it has overload protection, meaning that
it can automatically stop the flow of power to the connected devices in the event that
there is a surge of power coming through that specific wall outlet.
The power strip itself is made with very high quality materials, and in my opinion, even
looks good enough to have it exposed on a desk or mounted on a wall.
You can use the discount code down below to receive 20% off of your order.
The link will be in the description.
I'm actually pretty surprised with how well the OnePlus 6T seemed to hold its ground against
the Note 9, which has one of the best camera systems on any phone right now.
The 6T has very impressive HDR capabilities, and although its night mode isn't the best
out right now, it still has the potential to take great looking pictures without a flash.
I didn't make this video to bash on one phone's camera system or the other, I simply
wanted to show you how the two phones compared head-to-head, so you can see for yourself
whether or not the Note 9's price is justified.
Because you have to keep in mind that the Note 9 costs almost twice as much as the 6T
Well, that is all I had to talk about in this video.
If you haven't already, make sure you're subscribed and have the notification bell clicked because
I have a lot of cool videos in the works.
And also, make sure to follow me on Instagram and Twitter and DM me on those platforms as
I'll try to get back to you as soon as possible.
As always, thanks for watching, and I'll see you in the next video.
Edouard Philippe, qui était-il avant de devenir Premier ministre -NT - Duration: 2:59.
Emmanuel Macron : ce que révèle son horoscope pour 2019 - Duration: 7:14.
Grand débat : l'appel de Macron aux Français de l'étranger - Duration: 2:54.
Is Elder Scroll: Legends Worth Trying in 2019? (A Newbie's Impression) - Duration: 2:37.
TET: "Minuette's Visitor" By StrawberryGamer [ MLP fanfic readings ] (Comedy/ Slice of Life) - Duration: 15:47.
"Minuettes Visitor," written by StrawberryGamer."
Minuette paced around her house impatiently.
She was pacing around outside of her house.
Something was obviously troubling her.
If there wasn't, she wouldn't be pacing.
"Come on…
Where in Celestia's nine tail extensions is she?"
She asked nopony in particular.
Seeing a couple ponies looking at her oddly, she ducked back inside her house to start
pacing around her couch.
Some time later, a knock on the door caught the attention of the blue unicorn.
Minuette rushed to the door and opened it so fast the door nearly came off its hinges.
Standing at the door was a rather surprised-looking mint green unicorn mare.
Thank goodness you're here.
Come on, inside!"
She ordered, pulling Lyra in quickly and magically slamming the door shut behind them.
Lyra suddenly found herself sitting on the couch, watching Minuette pace back and forth.
"So, um…
What's wrong Minuette?
Why did you want me here so quickly?"
She had to ask.
"Did Berryshine crash in your bedroom after a party again?
Is she still there?"
She asked, then paused.
"Did you sleep on the couch last night or in bed with her?"
Minuette looked at Lyra harshly, a blush easily visible on her face.
This is serious!"
Lyra giggled mischievously.
"Alright, fine…
Was it hot?"
Minuette shouted, her face red as a beet.
Geez, what crawled up your plot today?"
Lyra pouted, crossing her forelegs.
What is the problem anyway?"
She finally asked.
Minuette opened her mouth to speak, but the words caught in her throat.
"Well, um…
It's hard to explain…"
The mare looked nervous and jittery, much different than her usual elated self.
It made Lyra a bit nervous herself.
"But I figured if anypony could handle it, it would be you Lyra.
Come see for yourself…"
She started walking upstairs.
Lyra got up from the couch and followed her friend.
As they reached her bedroom door.
Minuette turned back to Lyra and put a hoof over her mouth.
"Alright, just… be quiet…
Berry's still asleep.
I don't want to wake her."
She warned.
Lyra grinned.
"So I was right!
Did ya really sleep with-" Lyra was cut off by a blue hoof being shoved into her mouth.
That smug face of hers didn't away and she mumbled something into Minuette's hoof.
Minuette looked angry, her face once again reddening.
Berry isn't my problem anyway.
It's in the bathroom."
She pulled her hoof away from Lyra and looked at it.
"Did you…
lick my hoof?"
Lyra giggled.
"Sorry, I couldn't help it.
It tasted like mint.
And you know how much I looooove mint."
She said with a wink.
"Ugh, you are the worst.
You know that, right?"
Minuette glared at Lyra.
Lyra just grinned mischievously and opened the door to her friend's bedroom.
Sure enough, there was a purple mare sleeping soundly on Minuette's very blue bed, in
her very blue room.
Lyra let her gaze move around a bit.
"I see you've redecorated.
There are fewer hourglasses in here now.
Where'd they go?"
She asked.
"And what's with all the blue?
I swear you could camouflage yourself in here perfectly."
Lyra made a mental note to never play hide-and-seek with Minuette in her own house.
Minuette rolled her eyes.
"You should know that I hide my hourglasses whenever Berryshine shows up.
She can't be trusted near them.
And as for the color…
I like blue.
Is that wrong?"
She whispered as she slipped past Lyra and opened the door to her bathroom.
"Quickly, it's in here.
Just… don't startle it…"
Lyra tilted her head in confusion and was about to ask what she meant when a very familiar
voice spoke up from the bathroom.
"You're back already?"
It sounded just like Lyra's voice.
But that couldn't be right.
Lyra was Lyra.
That was not Lyra.
Lyra stood there for a minute, trying to piece together why should hear her own voice from
the bathroom.
She pulled Minuette closer to her, giving her an upset look.
"Are you hiding a changeling in your bathroom?"
She whispered sharply.
"You know what those things did to us!"
Minuette shook her head.
"Don't worry.
It's not a changeling.
It's a… um… different kind of creature.
She said.
The voice spoke up again, cutting her off.
I know you're out there."
Lyra, no longer cross about a potential changeling in the house, started giggling at what the
voice called her friend.
"Hehe, seriously?
You haven't let anypony call you that since Magic Kindergarten."
She said, giggling some more, much to Minuette's embarrassment.
Minuette sighed in exasperation.
"Come on already.
You want to see it or not?"
She asked, feeling about ready to chuck the lyrist out the window to see if she'll grow
a pair like Twilight.
Lyra rolled her eyes at the hourglass mare.
Lead the way, Minnie."
She teased, motioning for Minuette to lead.
Minuette led Lyra into the bathroom.
The room itself seemed to be devoid of creatures, though behind the bathtub curtain, the sounds
of splashing could be heard.
A silhouette could also be seen behind the curtain.
So this was what was causing Lyra's usually upbeat friend so much distress.
Whatever it was, it was behind this curtain.
Lyra stepped forward and lit her horn up, the curtain gaining a shimmering golden glow
equal to that of her magic.
When she pulled the curtain back, she finally got a look at the creature.
It was sitting half-submerged in the tub, its mint-green hooves resting on the edge.
A smile was on the creature's muzzle as its golden eyes locked onto Lyra's.
It lifted a hoof to wave at them.
"Hey Minnie, who's your friend?
She looks just like me.
Only with four legs.
And a fluffy tail.
Can I pet her tail?"
It asked, its excitement causing its tail - its long, scaly, fish-like tail - to splash
around, getting more water on the floor.
"Whoops, I'll clean that up."
It lit up its own horn, a shimmering golden glow emanating from it as a towel floated
by and wiped up the water.
Lyra just stared at the fishy doppelganger of herself, slack-jawed.
"H-how is this possible?
How did an honest-to-Celestia seapony version of myself end up in your bathtub?"
She wanted answers, and looked to Minuette for them.
Minuette just shrugged.
"I have no idea.
I woke up this morning and there she was.
In my bathtub.
I called for you immediately afterwards.
I figure somepony who studies weird creatures such as yourself would be able to figure this
She explained.
Lyra sighed and shook her head.
"Okay, first off, it's called cryptozoology.
Second, I told you it was just a thing I went through in school.
I don't even remember much of what I did study.
Though I think Bon Bon still has a book back home that might help us out.
I'll see if she's willing to help us out."
She gave another look at the seapony, who waved again.
She had that big innocent smile on her face that Lyra was known for.
It was like looking into a mirror, except her mirror reflection had a fish tail.
Minuette waved a hoof dismissively.
You think Bon Bon would be any more help?"
She asked, getting kinda creeped out by the smiling fishpon.
It was then there were interrupted by a yawning Berryshine walking into the bathroom.
"What time is it?
Hey Minuette.
Some fun last night, huh?"
She paused upon noticing Lyra.
"Oh, hi Lyra.
What brings you here?
And why are you both in the bathroom?"
She then noticed the fishy doppelganger in the tub, who once again gave a happy smile
and a wave.
Berry's response?
Turn around and walk away.
"...I need a drink…"
Berryshine chilled on the couch, a bottle of sparkling cider held in her hoof, while
Minuette and Lyra paced around her.
"Seriously, calm down.
It's not like this is an invasion.
Seaponies aren't going to rule the world or anything.
Fishra up there can't even leave that tub, so what has got your socks in a bunch?"
Berry asked, taking a drink from the bottle.
Minuette stopped and looked at Berryshine.
"Well, it's because we have no idea how to deal with this.
We don't even know where she came from or how she got here.
For all we know, she could be the first step of an alien invasion!"
She replied, starting to sound rather paranoid.
Berry looked to Lyra, who just shrugged.
"I'm just pacing around because I'm bored."
She said.
Just then, there was a knock at the door.
"I'll get it!"
She ran to the door and yanked it open, showing a rather surprised-looking cream-colored earth
pony mare.
"Bon Bon!
Thank goodness you're here.
Come on, inside!"
She ordered, pulling Bon Bon in quickly and magically slamming the door shut behind them.
Minuette gave Lyra a look, showing that she wasn't amused.
That's how you 'invited' me inside."
Bon Bon looked between the two unicorns and sighed.
"Okay, calm down you two."
She turned to Minuette.
"What's so important that you needed not only Lyra's help, but Berryshine and me
She asked.
"Hey, I've been here since last night.
I'm just a bystander."
Berryshine said defensively.
"Also, where did you get this fancy cider?
It's really good."
She added towards Minuette.
Minuette ignored Berry's question.
"Something found it's… her way into my bathtub this morning and…
Well, just come and see for yourself."
She told Bon Bon, leading her upstairs.
Lyra looked over at Berryshine.
What do you think her reaction will be?"
She asked.
A second later, there was a screaming and a crash from upstairs.
"My guess?
Probably that."
Berry replied.
Lyra raced upstairs to find Bon Bon in an aggressive stance, facing down a scared-looking
Minuette stood between them, trying to calm the earth pony, to no avail.
Lyra stepped in to assist her fellow unicorn.
"Bon Bon, calm down.
She's just a seapony.
She's not a kelpie."
Lyra assured her.
Bon Bon glared at her roommate.
"That's what they want you to think.
One moment you're enjoying a nice breakfast then the next you're seconds away from being
thrown into the pits of Tartarus itself."
Upon seeing the extremely confused faces on both Minuette and Fishra, Lyra explained.
"Let's just say that we had an incident with a kelpie that negatively impacted Bon
Bon's… personal life.
She's really good at problem solving though, and I think she can help us figure out what
to do."
She noticed Bon Bon give another glare to the seapony and sighed.
"Just as long as it isn't killing her."
She added.
"Well, we aren't so different from kelpies," Fishra spoke up, startling Lyra, "though
I personally don't like them.
They're a shady bunch.
They never just sing for fun.
Oh, but the sirens were the worst.
According to the stories I was told, they would bring out the worst in others, just
to give themselves satisfaction.
I have no idea what happened to them though.
The last of them disappeared about a thousand years ago.
No trace."
"Maybe Bon Bon happened to them."
Lyra joked, eliciting a giggle from her fishy doppelganger.
"I think Twilight mentioned something about sirens once, last time we met.
Though it's obvious fishy Lyra isn't one of them."
Minuette said.
"So Bon Bon, Lyra said you had a book that would help us?"
Bon Bon nodded, reaching into her saddlebags.
"I was curious why you wanted to borrow this.
I didn't know you were actually keeping a seapony in your bathtub."
She pulled out a book entitled 101 Strange and Mythological Creatures.
"Though, why didn't you just tell me about the seapony in the first place?"
"I wanted it to be a surprise."
Lyra said, grinning.
Fishra and Minuette let out a giggle, but Bon Bon just deadpanned.
She opened up the book and skimmed through its contents, presumably looking for the section
on seaponies.
"Ah ha, here it is.
"The legend of seaponies dates back to before the unification of the three pony tribes.
More specifically, the earth pony tribe.
It's said that they were discovered when Chancellor Puddinghead found one in her private
bathing quarters."
Bon Bon read aloud.
Lyra burst out laughing.
Is it normal for seaponies to just poof into other ponies' bathtubs?
That's the craziest thing I've ever heard, and I've heard a lot of crazy things."
"I dunno Lyra.
Why don't you let me find out?"
Bon Bon asked, slightly irritated by the interruption.
"Oh, sorry.
Bon Bon turned her attention back to the book and continued reading.
"The seapony claimed to be from another world.
One that was completely covered in water.
Despite the Earth ponies best efforts, they couldn't find a way to return the seapony
back to it's home."
Bon Bon looked up at the seapony in the tub with a frown.
"I dunno if we'll be able to get you home."
Fishra let out a giggle.
"Oh don't worry about you guys getting me home.
I can get myself home just fine.
I used a spell to get here, and I can use the same spell to take me home again."
She said.
"Wait, what?
You could just go home at any time?
Why haven't you said anything before?"
Minuette asked, confused and a bit upset.
"Well, you ponies are kinda cool, and funny, and nice.
I like you."
Fishra replied.
"Besides, Starswirl the Scaled wouldn't like it if I just wasted his old spell like
Bon Bon's eye twitched.
"Starswirl the…"
She turned around and walked away.
"I need a drink…"
Lyra and Minuette watched the earth pony leave the room, the former just barely holding in
When she left, they turned their attention back to the seapony.
"Well it's been fun.
Though next time, pay me and Bonnie a visit.
I'd love to have a seapony over for dinner."
Lyra said.
Her seapony self nodded.
"Sure, I'll even bring my own Bonnie.
See ya later!"
She lit up her torn, and with a bright flash of magic that tore through time and space,
she vanished.
Lyra and Minuette looked at each other for a few seconds.
"So… what now?"
Minuette asked.
"Well, since I'm here, why don't we gather the others and go out?
Maybe head to Donut Joe's?"
Lyra suggested.
Minuette smiled.
"That sounds nice.
"I'll fetch Moondancer.
You get Lemon Hearts and Twinkleshine.
We'll meet at Joe's."
"What about Berryshine and Bon Bon?
And what about Twilight?"
Lyra asked.
"Berry and Bonnie can come if they want.
As for Twilight…"
She glanced at the now empty tub.
"The less she knows, the better."
Lyra nodded.
"Well come on then!
Let's go, Minnie."
Minuette shouted and chased Lyra downstairs.
As confusing and frustrating as this day was, she had to admit, it was still fun.
She wouldn't trade this day for the world.
"Hello everypony, Snogwritts here!
Hope you enjoyed the reading, if so, be sure to leave a like!
Oh yeah, if you haven't already, subscribe for more readings like this one every Saturday.
Alright well, that's it for me, have a nice day, this is Snogwritts.. signing out."
Thanks for watching! ^w^
Cuộc sống khó khăn lúc nào cũng vui vẻ của bà cụ 100 tuổi người dân tộc Dao Tây Bắc - Duration: 19:09.
Vlogging everyday in February..... Rob Lipsett made me do it!! - Duration: 1:13.
hello this is a quick message this is going out in my Instagram my Facebook
and my YouTube channel from the start of February I am doing a different video
and it's gonna be every single day in February so every single day in February
I'm gonna be releasing a video or that month on my youtube channel I've got
this from Rob Lipsett if you don't know who he is gonna follow him is it up see
into his fitness like me but I'll see he's in the big big time anyway
the first video will be out on February so that will be my next video out on
YouTube so enjoy and if you don't know what I'm gonna be doing I'm gonna be
doing workouts meal plans recipes product reviews life vlogs obviously
probably stuff with my son is going to be something different every single day
so stay tuned and if you're not subscribed subscribe out see you later
Máy cày FIAT DT 45-66 đắp bờ ngon lành thì bị rớt bánh lái mà không hay / Tractor Vietnam - Duration: 12:48.
海賊王870集:卡塔庫栗跌落神壇,路飛燃燒經費,大蛇擊敗先知 - Duration: 4:58.
北美館│2018台北雙年展 台灣千里步道協會│TB2018 Taiwan Thousand Miles Trail Association - Duration: 3:19.
The Taiwan Thousand Miles Trail Association
was founded in 2006,
and was originally founded to assist
with the linking of routes for cycling
and hiking around the island.
After the round island routes had been completed, we gradually advanced into
the maintenance and revitalization these routes.
When it came to maintaining these routes,
especially ones located
in close proximity to urban areas,
we discovered a rather serious issue.
People were using these routes,
as a means to get close and familiarize themselves with nature,
but the routes and hiking trails, were starting to damage the environment.
So starting from 2012,
we've been advocating for zero growth
in terms of cement hiking trails, while also attempting to maintain all natural hiking trails.
We have also trained citizen scientists
in the field of trail construction and maintenance.
We are very proud
to participate in
the TMFA Biennial.
when people thought of environmental activism related to hiking trails, the assumption was,
it was conducted outdoors,
in the wilderness.
By bringing presenting our activism
in an art museum,
this also gives people,
who lack the means to venture outdoors
to experience
the outdoors,
through an artistic perspective.
This obviously presented a challenge to us in the curating process.
We had to find
a way,
to present everything we have achieved since 2006; the things we've done in the past twelve years.
For example, advocating for hand crafted hiking trails,
and the things we experienced while implementing our projects.
Also the interactions we had between nature,
and the trails.
So if
members of the audience are able view our exhibit,
we in total have four videos being presented here,
one of which is a 24 hour recording of a trail.
The video shows what species aside from humans,
make use of the trail.
And it also shows
the vegetation,
and animals of the forest.
So as we said earlier,
we are really happy to be invited,
to participate in this year's Biennial.
Not only were we given a chance to exhibit our achievements indoors,
but we also have the opportunity
to lead the audience into the outdoors.
We'll be taking them on guided tours,
which include
trails that were hand crafted by us.
I feel that these trails are truly works of nature,
which were later
augmented by our volunteers,
which ultimately became art co-produced by humans and nature.
And everyone participating,
are again witnessing this co-produced art.
We also hope that,
whether you have come to join the walking tour, participate in crafting trails,
or simply enjoy spending time hiking.
Don't forget the beauty of these eco-craft trail,
and treat the mountains and nature
with respect.
海贼王:五个堪比七武海的强者,一个是路飞哥哥,一个是路飞右手 - Duration: 4:21.
OnePlus 6T vs Note 9: In-Depth Camera Test Comparison - Duration: 10:40.
Hi guys, it's KJ the MiTechGuy here and as promised, I have another camera comparison
involving the OnePlus 6T.
Today, I'll be comparing it to the great camera system found on the Samsung Galaxy
Note 9.
In this video, I'll be comparing the cameras in various lighting conditions, both indoors
and outdoors, and I'll also look at the video and audio qualities of both phones.
Make sure to stick around to the end of the video to see how the OnePlus 6T's night
mode compares to the dual aperture found on the Note 9.
Huge shoutout to Xcentz for sponsoring this video.
Let's get right into it.
The Galaxy Note 9 has a dual-12 megapixel camera setup.
Using Samsung's new Scene Optimization and Flaw Detection, the Note 9 will be able to
optimize different image properties for a given scene, and it also can see if an image
was blurry, or someone was blinking.
The main, wide-angle camera can automatically vary between f/1.5 and f/2.4 apertures, whereas
the telephoto camera is a fixed f/2.4.
The second telephoto camera allows for 2x optical zoom, and helps with those portrait
style pictures.
The OnePlus 6T houses a main 16 Megapixel sensor that has an aperture of f/1.7.
Its second camera is 20 Megapixels, but has the same aperture and focal length as its
main sensor.
OnePlus says the 2nd camera helps out with portrait mode shots.
Both phones are capable of shooting 4K video at 30 and 60 frames per second.
In terms of the front cameras of both phones, the OnePlus 6T's 16 megapixel camera actually
has double the megapixel count of the 8 megapixel selfie camera on the Note 9.
These selfie cameras can both record 1080p video, while the Note 9 is capable of shooting
1440p video.
As I get into the side-by-sides, know that I am going to start off with images in great
lighting, and then I will look at images shot in progressively worse lighting conditions
until I get to night time.
And Finally, I will look at the video and audio qualities of both phones.
This first image shows how high quality both cameras are.
Both are very detailed, but both cameras processed the images a bit differently.
The 6T's photo looks to show a little bit more contrast, while the Note 9's image
is brighter, but actually is slightly over-exposed.
When I changed to the Note 9's telephoto lens, we can see that it simply captures more
details than the 6T's 2x software zoom, as expected.
That being said, the 6T's 16 Megapixel sensor was still able to capture a good amount of
Here, the Note 9 exposed the shot much better, and I actually think it took the more true
to life picture of the two.
The 6T's image is brighter, and has more punchy colors, but in my opinion, the colors
are a bit too punchy.
Again, both pictures were great though.
This next image shot in great lighting show almost identical levels of detail in each
Again, the 6T has the more saturated photo.
You have to decide for yourself whether you prefer the punchy colors on the 6T, or the
subdued, but more natural colors of the Note 9.
Both phones are able to take portrait mode pictures.
Because of the help of the telephoto lens, the Note 9 is able to do a better job with
defining edges.
The 6T on the other hand, is able to take the wider-angled photo and is also able to
maintain much more of the colors in the background.
In terms of details, I do think the Note 9 is able to pick up more throughout the subject's
face and clothes.
Both phones also have very high quality selfie cameras.
The 6T's 16 Megapixels clearly pick up more details on my face than the Note 9's selfie
camera does and is able to pick up a lot more of the colors throughout the image.
But the saturation levels are really making my skin look orange.
When I switched to the portrait modes, again I noticed that the 6T's image is more detailed,
but makes my skin look orange.
Both lost the colors of the background and had trouble with my hair, but both took pretty
great pictures in my opinion.
To nobody's surprise, these two high quality 2018 camera systems performed excellent when
the lighting was great.
But let's see how the two camera systems perform when the lighting gets more challenging.
Both cameras have terrific HDR capabilities, and this typical very challenging shot was
captured very nicely by both camera systems.
Both did a really good job of not overexposing the skylight itself, while maintaining all
of the details in the foreground.
Again, the 6T's image is overall brighter, but is also a bit oversaturated, making the
white ceiling look yellowish and other colors in the frame look slightly unnatural.
This is a challenging shot because of the sun shining through the trees in the background,
but both phones handled this situation beautifully.
The HDR on both phones is really impressing me, and I can't really say anything bad
about either image.
Just keep in mind the types of colors you prefer as I continue the side-by-sides.
This shot was taken at the Samsung booth at CES where there is a lot going on with a lot
of different light sources.
Both cameras did pretty well.
I would say that the Note 9 did the better job of not only maintaining all of the details
in the foreground, but also exposing all of the different light sources.
The colors and details in the lighting fixtures are better preserved in the Note 9's image.
In this image, I wanted to see how the cameras handled direct sunlight.
In this case, although both were able to keep the foreground properly exposed, the 6T was
able to handle the light from the sun significantly better, which is noticeable by how much smaller
the sun appears in the 6T's image as opposed to that in the Note 9's image.
Now I will really test the cameras' capabilities in very low lighting.
The Note 9 has its large F/1.5 aperture that it automatically switches to in these conditions
whereas the OnePlus 6T has its night mode that I was able to switch to.
This image was taken in the automatic modes of both phones.
As you can see, the larger aperture that the Note 9 uses here is able to obtain more information
and helps the Note 9 pull out more of the colors throughout the image while doing a
good job of exposing the neon sign.
When I shifted to the night mode of the 6T, it clearly made a huge difference.
During the 3 seconds it takes the 6T to capture the image, it is able to really pull out a
lot of the details and colors that even the F/1.5 aperture of the Note 9 was unable to
pick up.
This shot was taken with the night mode on in the 6T, and it shows that you and the subject
have to be perfectly still for it to execute correctly.
It was able to pick up a ton of information, but the subject's head and feet look blurred
due to some very slight movements by me or the subject.
The Note 9 was just able to capture this image basically instantly.
The Note 9 is able to take very natural-looking night shots, while also doing a good job of
keeping image noise to a minimum.
But the 6T's night mode, when the situation is right and everything is stationary, is
really able to pull in much more of the colors and details than the Note 9 is able to.
The question then becomes if you're going to take the extra couple of seconds to switch
the 6T to night mode and then wait again as it has to keep its shutter open for 3 seconds.
As I now shift into the video qualities of both phones, know that both phones are able
to capture 4K video at 60 frames per second, but I set both to 4K at 60 frames per second
because that is what this video is uploaded at.
If you have watched my other OnePlus 6T camera comparisons, you probably already know what
I'm going to say.
I have no idea why OnePlus elected to make the 4K video of the 6T so saturated.
Samsung used to have this problem, but now the Note 9 shows that it is very possible
to have visually appealing colors without making everything look fake.
I should mention that both phones do have some really impressive image stabilization,
but it is so difficult to look past how saturated the 6T's video is.
I really hope OnePlus fixes it with a software update because it is just way too much color.
In terms of the front video qualities of both phones, I'd say that the colors actually
look pretty good on both.
I'm impressed by the level of detail and clarity both front cameras have in their videos.
The OnePlus 6T is also able to really stabilize the video, making it look like I'm walking
with the phone on a gimbal.
Both phones even do a good job of changing the exposure as I walked through shadows and
harsher lighting.
The big issue with the 6T in this case is the audio.
The audio on the 6T sounds way too over-processed to the point where my voice sounds very tinny.
The Note 9, on the other hand, actually captured some impressive, naturally sounding audio.
Before I give my final thoughts and feelings about these two camera systems, I wanted to
talk to you a little bit about another cool product by Xcentz, who made this video possible.
No matter what devices you own, you probably have that one place where you have to plug
in a lot of different electronics at once.
Whether you're plugging in a monitor, your phone, or tablet, I can confidently recommend
the Xcentz Surge Protector Power Strip.
It has 8 AC Outlets and 2 USB ports.
You can plug your devices into it knowing that it has overload protection, meaning that
it can automatically stop the flow of power to the connected devices in the event that
there is a surge of power coming through that specific wall outlet.
The power strip itself is made with very high quality materials, and in my opinion, even
looks good enough to have it exposed on a desk or mounted on a wall.
You can use the discount code down below to receive 20% off of your order.
The link will be in the description.
I'm actually pretty surprised with how well the OnePlus 6T seemed to hold its ground against
the Note 9, which has one of the best camera systems on any phone right now.
The 6T has very impressive HDR capabilities, and although its night mode isn't the best
out right now, it still has the potential to take great looking pictures without a flash.
I didn't make this video to bash on one phone's camera system or the other, I simply
wanted to show you how the two phones compared head-to-head, so you can see for yourself
whether or not the Note 9's price is justified.
Because you have to keep in mind that the Note 9 costs almost twice as much as the 6T
Well, that is all I had to talk about in this video.
If you haven't already, make sure you're subscribed and have the notification bell clicked because
I have a lot of cool videos in the works.
And also, make sure to follow me on Instagram and Twitter and DM me on those platforms as
I'll try to get back to you as soon as possible.
As always, thanks for watching, and I'll see you in the next video.
北美館│2018台北雙年展 台灣千里步道協會│TB2018 Taiwan Thousand Miles Trail Association - Duration: 3:19.
The Taiwan Thousand Miles Trail Association
was founded in 2006,
and was originally founded to assist
with the linking of routes for cycling
and hiking around the island.
After the round island routes had been completed, we gradually advanced into
the maintenance and revitalization these routes.
When it came to maintaining these routes,
especially ones located
in close proximity to urban areas,
we discovered a rather serious issue.
People were using these routes,
as a means to get close and familiarize themselves with nature,
but the routes and hiking trails, were starting to damage the environment.
So starting from 2012,
we've been advocating for zero growth
in terms of cement hiking trails, while also attempting to maintain all natural hiking trails.
We have also trained citizen scientists
in the field of trail construction and maintenance.
We are very proud
to participate in
the TMFA Biennial.
when people thought of environmental activism related to hiking trails, the assumption was,
it was conducted outdoors,
in the wilderness.
By bringing presenting our activism
in an art museum,
this also gives people,
who lack the means to venture outdoors
to experience
the outdoors,
through an artistic perspective.
This obviously presented a challenge to us in the curating process.
We had to find
a way,
to present everything we have achieved since 2006; the things we've done in the past twelve years.
For example, advocating for hand crafted hiking trails,
and the things we experienced while implementing our projects.
Also the interactions we had between nature,
and the trails.
So if
members of the audience are able view our exhibit,
we in total have four videos being presented here,
one of which is a 24 hour recording of a trail.
The video shows what species aside from humans,
make use of the trail.
And it also shows
the vegetation,
and animals of the forest.
So as we said earlier,
we are really happy to be invited,
to participate in this year's Biennial.
Not only were we given a chance to exhibit our achievements indoors,
but we also have the opportunity
to lead the audience into the outdoors.
We'll be taking them on guided tours,
which include
trails that were hand crafted by us.
I feel that these trails are truly works of nature,
which were later
augmented by our volunteers,
which ultimately became art co-produced by humans and nature.
And everyone participating,
are again witnessing this co-produced art.
We also hope that,
whether you have come to join the walking tour, participate in crafting trails,
or simply enjoy spending time hiking.
Don't forget the beauty of these eco-craft trail,
and treat the mountains and nature
with respect.
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